THE CANADIAN STATEUPLMj, BOWIMNVxLU, THUR8DAY, OCT013ER 22nd, 1931 fflNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sieman and John, and Mrs. J. Sanders spent Sunday with friends at Lemonville. ...Sorry ta, report Mrs. Dave Brunt seriously 111.... The ladies held a very successful quilting on Wednes- day. Oct. 16th, when four lovely quits were finished ta be sent with the bale of clothing out West 1 Glad ta report Mr. Wm. Griflin is some better Miss Greta Oke. Bowmanvilie. visited her cousin. Mrs. W. E. Sanderson Rev. H. W. Foley, Selby, preached a gooci ser- mon on Sunday evening and the choir rendereci good music Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Seagrave. Mrs. J. Curtis. Hampton, Mr. H. Pye. Baw- manville, visited Mrs. J. Pye Mrs. R. Ashton, Toronto, Mrs. Ida Ash- Make Your Home and Garden1 BEAUTIFUL PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW FOR BEST RESULTS Large stock of newly imported bulbs direct tram Holland. Buy yaurs at these 10w prices: Hyacinths, top size, 4 colors, 15e - 2 for 25c Hyacinths, firsts, 4 colors, 10c - 3 for 25e Daffodils, single - 45e doz. Daffodils. Von Sian, double nase, 75c doz. Tulips, early single - 35e doz. Tulips. Darwins, mixed-35c doz. Select yours whlle the assortment is complete. Jury &Loveil When we test eyes it ln done Properly I lallow E'en Masks - Faces - Seals Crepe Paper Dacorations Invitations Place Cards - - Games FROM le UPWARDS. New Stamped Goods Attractive Pictures and Mottoes 29C ta $1.50 je.W. JEWELL' Bi *2 ooketore Bowmanvllle ton, Columbus, visiteti Mr. L. Ash- ton.. Mr. and Mns. Alymer Beech and f azily visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. J. J. Ormistan, Oshawa .. Rev. H. Foley, Seiby, and Mr. M. Gardiner, Garden Hill, wene Suntiay guests of Mr. and Mns. J. A. Werry. Miss Grace Wen- ry also spent Suntiay wîth lier pan- ents. League met on Wed. Oct. l4th. The meeting was in charge af Miss Grace Werry. Mr. Orcharti led in prayer; Bible reacling by Mr. Nor- man Carrington; tievotional by Miss Elva Orcharti; a short reatiing by Mrs. Pye. The League decadedti t halti a Halloween party an Oct. 3lst. A hymn was then sung; reading by Miss Anmie Oke; Misses Elva andi Velma Orcharti favoreti with a piano duet; a short reading by Miss Lllian Pnîce. Mrs. Knox and lier two clau- gliters, Helen and Jessie, af Hamp- ton. visiteci aur League Wednesday night. Miss Helen Knox favored with a solo which was much enjoy- ed by ahl. The toPic was given by Rev. J. M. Wliyte. Meeting closeti with hymn. Al repeated the League Benediction .Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Lee, Miss Marion Lee, Mr. Melville Lee and MrS. John Lee, Fenelon Falls, Mr. andi Mrs. J. w. McKentiry, Cobourg, spent Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. F. H. Ellis. H. Ferguson, Ad- arn Sharpe, Gardon Henry andi F. H. Ellis attentieti the plowing match at Peterbono on Thurstiay ...Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Mn. Jas. Stain- ton. Sr., spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. MAPLE GROVE Miss Dora Eames is spentiing a couple o! weeks with friands at On- illia. .Mn. anti Mrs. L. C. Snowden anti family anti Mn. Thos. Snowtien visiteti with Reeve anti Mns. T. Bak- er at Solina on Sunday anti attend- eti Hanvest Home services .Mn. anti Mns. Ray Snowden anti twa dauglitens, anti Miss Idia Stevens, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mn. anti Mrs. R. R. Stevens anti Mn. anti1 Mrs. W. J. Snawden Misses Etel- ka anti Lavonne Timble. Mn. Ver- non Timble, Mn. Alan Clarke, Mn. Milton Graham, visiteti the iormen's sisten, Miss Vera Trimble, at Liffonti on Suntiay The sympathy af this community is extentiedtit Miss Ev- elyn Hackin anti Messns. Fred anti Lou Hockin in the lass o! theiir mo- ther, who passeti peacefully away early Satuntiay marning Mn. J. D. Stevens anti taughten Jean spent Sunday with the farmen's tiaugliter, Mns. C. White, Oshawa Mn. anti Mns. Sam Etigertan, Huntsville, Mn. anti Mns. T. H. Clayton, Hampton, visiteti Mn. anti Mns. J. H. Muntiay last Thunsday. Dont fongat the play "Homeacres' ta be given in the Hall on Fnitiay evenng, Oct. 23nd, at 8 p. m. by Pickerng. Base Line Young Peoples orchestra will funnish music be- twe'en acts. Admission: Adults 25c; Chiltiren 15c. CADMUS Communion was obsenveti here Sunday momaing. A lange numben o! frientis anti neiglibouns gathereti at the home o! Mn. anti Mns. Mare- dith Falis on Saturday evening ta celebrate witli them the 25th anni- vensany a! their maniage. They wene the necipiants of four lovely gits-a nùg, an Alatidin lamp, a sil- ver vase, anti a golti watch chain. The evening was spent in music anti speech-making Miss Birdie Gib- son visiteti at Mn. Oscar McQuades on Sunday Mn. anti Mns. W. D. Fenguson attentiet the ploughing match in Peterbono on Wednesday. Sorry ta report Miss Gladys Cobbletiîck is on the sick list anti is unable ta teach Mn. anti Mns. Oscar' McQuade matie a business trip ta Oshawa hast Tuastiay Mn. Edi- gar Gibson toak tea at Mn. Norman Etigertons on Sunday evening Mns. C. H. Fallis visiteti her daugli- ter, Mns. Edigar Gibson, on Mantiay. Mrs. Heaslip is visiting Mrs. W. H. Fallis. ARE YOU READY FOR WINTER? It may be a chîmney that neetis fixing, some canpentry nepairs or masanry wonk naquinedt t put youn hanse, store an othar buildings in goati condition for the winten. John M. Mantin, Higli St., Bowman- ville, Phone 497W, is preparedt t do a first class job at reasonable prices. Dont put off any longer-do At now. John wishes the public ta know that he has no business cannection with P. Martin & San. 43-t A natunal aid ta health-Cream o! Barley Breakfast f ooti. Mr. anti Mrs. Will Founti, Baw- manvîlle, wene Suntiay visitons at Mn Jno. Founti's.. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Nichllîs, Mrs. A. F. Rundie anti Miss Anne Hait mataredt t Northi Bay on Saturtiay andti tok in the bail game whîcb was won by Mikes Place.. Rev. H. C. Walfraim anti Mr. W. R. Courtice attentiet the Pnesbyteny meeting in Port Penny on Tuestiay. On Thurstiay aiternaon the mari- thly meeting a! the W. M. S. was helti in the Suntiay Scliool noam, Mrs. Mashals gnaup were in charge. The lst vice-presitient, Mns. Blake Courtice, presitiet. Mrs. Will Marsliall gave the bible lesson. whîch was an Thanksgiving." Readings wene nicely given by Mrs. Russel Gay anti Mns. Ross Pearce. A piano duet was splend.itly rentier- eti by Misses Hazel Runtile anti Sadie Muin anti the chapter from the stutiy book was ably taken up by Mns. A.. F. Runtile ... C. G. I. T. are very busy pnactising these days in pnep- anation for a concert in the nean future. Rev. H. C. Wolfnaim de- livereti two excellent sermons on Suntiay ta gooti congregations. Next Suntiay evening the meeting will be in change o! the youug people anti Mn. Albert Wood wiil be the speaker. Evenbatiy welcome. Mrs. Florence Mason, Mr. L. C. Mason anti Miss Etina Jewell, town, wene Suutiay vis- itons at Mr. W. R. Courtice's. A natural aid ta health-Cream of Barley Breakfast food. SOLINA Hean "Homeacres' at Mapla Grave on Fritiay evening. Anuivensany Visitons: Mr. anti Mrs. Elinen Wilbun, Tauntan, Mn. anti Mns. Oral Chapman, Kinby, Mn. anti Mns. ROY McGill anti baby, Mns. Chas. Laugmaiti, Enniskillen, Mn. Gea. Stephens, Salem, at Mn. Roy Langmaiti's; Mns. Stinson anti fam1- ily, Eniielti, at Mn. Narval Wojtten's; Mn. anti Mns. S. Pitts anti Barbara, Mn. anti Mrs. Chanther, Lintiay, at Mn. Mervîn Hobbs'; Mn. Armnon g anti Miss Ruth, Maple Grave, at Mn. B. G. Stevens'; Mn. anti Mns. John Challis anti Miss Mabel, Bowman- villa, at Mr. Sid Hockatiay's; Mn. anti Mrs. Walter Rickanti. Mn. Branton anti Miss Helen Rickard, Newcastle, Mn. anti Mrs. -L. C. Snowtien anti !amily, Maple Grave, Miss Jessie Hogarth, Hampton, Mn. Jas. All- man anti sons, Oshawa, at Mn. Thas. Baker's; Mn. anti Mrs. Mackenzie Penfounti anti daughtens, Oshawa, at Mn. Will Bakar's; Mn. anti Mns. White anti Mns. Maffat, Toronto, at Mn. W. J. Reynoldis'; Mn. anti Mns.. Ernest Larmen anti !amily, Mis. Jna. Larmer, Blackstock, Messrs. Alex MlcGregor, Wilfrati Cannuthens anti Enic Coombes of Bowmanville, at Mn. E. R. Taylor's; Misses Marjony anti Edith Pascoe, Hampton, Mn. anti Mns. W .Rickand, Newcastle, at Mrs. R. J. McKessock's; Mn. Norman anti Misses Iva, Bennice anti :%:yrtle Gil- bank. Mn. Clanence Wheelen, Bow- manville, at M. A. J. BaIson's; Mn. W. J. Bnagg, M.P.P., Mn. anti Mrs. Inwin Bragg anti family, Providence, Mn. Clare anti Misses Ada anti Annie A]hin, Providence, Miss Annie Alhin anti niece, Miss Elsie Allin, Bow- inanville, Mn. L. T. Pascoe, Hamp- ton, Miss Betty Snowtien, Maple Grave. at Mn. John Bakar's; Mn. anti Mns. Ernest Webben, Miltneti anti Gertruda, Columbus, Mn. John Ash- tan. Shaws, Mn. anti Mns. Hilton Tînk anti Lonaine, Salem, Mn. anti Mns. Clarence Tink anti !amily, Maple Grave at Mn. H. E. Tink's; Mn. Hanry Hughes anti Miss Josephi- mne Balmer, Bowmanvlle, Mn. Jas. Reeson, Columbus, Mn. anti Mns. Fred'Hardy anti Inene, New Toronto, at Mn. Harvey Hardy's; Miss Ruby Dewell, Toronto, spent the weekenti at her home here. Miss Gertrude Dewell, Bowmanvihle, accampanieti hen; Mn. anti Mns. W. C. Wenry, Mn. anti Mrs. George Vice, Oshawa, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's; Mn. anti Mrs. Silas Williams, Hampton, Mn. anti Mrs. Jonathan Lane at Mn. J. T. Runtile's; Mn. anti Mrs. Eric Peance, Claramont. Mns. Lloyd Farguson, Enfielti, Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn anti Miss Mary, Orana, at Mn. Haroldi Pascoe's: Mrs. S. ThamPson, Toronto, Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Smith, Enfielti. Mn. Myron Rabbins, Osh- awa, Mn. Donald Williams, Baw- manville. Mn. anti Mns. Ross Peance anti baby, Ebenezer, at Mn. S. E. Werny's. Full account a! the Hanvest Home services anti Fowl Supper next week. Pleasedti t repart that Miss Mary Hogarth has returneti !rom Little Bnitain anti is samewhat improveti in health Mn. Cecil Pascoa was in Bowmanville Hospital hast week anti hat lis tansile nemavad League meeting was helti Montiay, evening anti was wall attandeti. The 3rti. Vice-presient, Miss Fanny Smales, hati charge. Davational Penioti was in charge O! Miss Silver. The tapic was taken by Mn. Chas. Shortritige. "The farinons Place In Society." Piano salo Miss llean Bal- son. Readiing Mrs. E. R. Taylor.. Mleeting cloqcd with the Benediction. Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Howsam anti baby Mary visiteti with Part Penny frientis. A natiranl id ta health--Crearn if BarleY Breakfast footi. SALEM Our paston, Rev. A. M. Wootton, conducteti anniversany services at Lotus on the Pontypool circuit last Sunday and Rev. Addiison af that circuit occupied the pulpit here at the afternoon service andi delivered a very fine sermon. Next Sunday Mr. Eugene Beech, Enmiskillen, will conduct the afternoan service when we hope there will be a gootily num- ber in attendance Mr. andi Mrs. M. Wilkins and Mrs. James, Osh- awa, visiteti with Mrs. A. Wilkins and Mrs. L. Richards on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wnefond Connish have movec f rom aur neighborliood ta Burketon Mr. and Mrs. Slem- on, Beanisville. visited with Mr. andi Mrs. F. Fosteir recently.. Very sor- ry ta leann that aur station agent, .\n. Armstrong, lias been movedti t Peterboro. Mr. andi Mrs. Armstnong by their genial personality won for themselves many warm frientis in this vicinity who regret that their stay among them was not of a long- er duration. TYRONE Mn. Gea. Pell anti sans George anti Bert, New Toronto, Suntiayeti at Mn. Elias Strutt's. . Chuncli service on Suntiay evening, Rev. Mr. Albertson, Pantypool, preacheti a veny intenest- ing sermon ou "Thanksgivmng' tak- fr±g for bis text Psalmn 13:6. The chair renieneti suitable music. Our paston, Rev. A. M. Waotton, preacli- eti annivensary services at Lotus on Suntiay. .The fallawing missionany pnagnam foflowed the Sunday school session on Suntiay. It was in charge of Mrs. Robt. Hotigson wha tolti twa stanies of Konean chilt ife ta the junior pupils. Mns. T. E. Antierson, Bowmanville, gave a veny fine vocal sala; Miss T. Fenguson gave a veny intenesting talk on an aenoplane trip thro' Karea; a vocal solo sung by Mrs. D .J. Chambers, Bowmanville, anti a vocal duet by Mns. Antierson anti Mrs. Chambers was mucli en- joyeti by ahi. League was helti on Thurstiay evening. Pnogram was in change o! the 3nti vice president, Mr. Will Phillips. The male quartette inom St. Paul's Chuncli, Bowman- ville, was very mucli enjayeti; reati- ing by Miss Lonna Hoopen; piano duet, the Misses Onchanti, Ennskil- len; tapie "The Farmer's Place in Society" was very ably taken by Mn. Clarence Woatiley; piano anti guitan selection, Misses Orcharti; commun- ity singing led by Mn. John James, assisteti by Mn. Alan Knight, Baw- manvilie, was veny mucli enjoyed by evenyaue. A contest was then en- joyeti. We hope aur Ennisk-illen anti Bowmauville fnientis will visit us again .SOîTy ta report Mrs. L. J. Goodiman untier the tiocton's cane. Hope she will soon be better. A goodly numben attendeti the Mission Band concert on FridaY evening. Onono Mission Band gave a splendid pnogramn. Quite a numben also pat- ronizeti the bazaan .Mn. anti Mrs. Dave Hooper, Orono, Sundayeti at Mrs. James Stonie's Mn. anti Mrs. Willis Stewart anti Mn. anti Mrs. Ronald Scott spent Sunday at Mnr. W. McDonald's, Cobourg Mr. anti Mrs. Andy Cooper, Harold anti Gar- don, Brinstan, spent Suntiay at Mr. Robt. Burgess' Mn. anti Mrs. Lloyd Robinsan anti Berniece, Tor- onto. spent the weekend at Mn. F. L. Byams AMr. anti Mrs. J. W. Dawn. Exeter, are visiting his son. Mn. Theotiore Dawn Mns. Evay. Ton- onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. (Rev.> A. M. Wootton Congrat- ulations ta Mn. Harolti Burgess anti bride (nee Miss Edith Taylor, Kes- wick). on their recent manniage. Hear 'Hameacres" at Maple Grave on Fnîday evening. THEATRE THURS. - FR1.- SAT-. OCTOBER 22 - 23 - 24 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. The sereens smartest comedy! Hles up-to-date I Arliss answers the wish o! the wonld fan an Ar- liss pictune o! totiay. Auswens it witli bis !inst comedy! Earl Derr Biggens' dalightful tale a! a mil- lionaine who took time off tram resting to have some fun at work! Matie canvincingîy human by Booth Tarklugton's dilalogue! Yau'll lave it! George Arisa ln "THE MILLIONAIRE" WIth David Manners, Evalyn Knapp, Noah Bfery and Jamres Cagney. MON. - TUES. - WED. OCTOBER 26 - 27 - 28 Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. -sa "heantbreakingly beautiful" is this extnaortiinany, flash anti blooti stonY o! two young humans that it movati Miss Delman ta tears. You. too. will laugh. weep. laugh again. James Dunn and Sally Eilers in "BAD GIRL" Fnom Vina Dalman's sensatianal novai. Frank Borzaga Production. Siivanware Every Wednesday Night. THURS. - FR1. - SAT. OCTOBER 29 - 30 - 31 TRANS-ATLANTIC (U) With Edmund Lowe, Lois Moran, John Holliday, Jean Hershoit, Greta Nissen and Myrna Loy M EMBER 0F HAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Jon. Lane, Regina, Sask., are visîting his sisten, Mns. Silas Williams.. Mr. L. T. Pascae, Misses Marjorie and Edith, visited f rientis at Sluna an Suntiay. Miss Nana Kenslake spent the weekend in Toranto....miss Winnie Cryder- man, Toronto, was at home on Sun- day,- Mrs. C. Johins recently visit- ed in Toronto.,. Recent visitors with Mr. andi Mrs. C. J. Kerslake were Mr. and Mrs. F. Preece, Miss Rase Preece andi Doreen Taggant. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Creeper and Barbara. Miss Ruby Dewell, Toron- ta; Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Baulch, Mrs. C. Reeve, Jimmy andi Ruth, Port Hope; Mrs. Wm. Aulti andi Miss Lil- lie Auld, Fort William; Mr. Henry Burton and Miss Etina Burton, Brooklin; anti Mis. Davis, Seaforth. Mn. and Mrs. F.. G. Kerslake vis- iteti last week with frientis in Ton- auto. . Dr. andi Mrs. Davies, Osh- awa, visited her sister, Mrs. H. J. Wilcox Mr. and Mî-s. N. Winter- burn, Narlanti, visited at Mr. K. Winterburn's. Hear "Homeacres" at Maple Grave on Friday evening. Roast Goose Supper will be held an Wetiuestiay, Nov. 4th, in Hamp- tan United Churcli. Watch for par- ticulars. JUNIOR FARMERS Danington Junior Farmers anti Junior Institute will holti a meeting in the Hampton schoolhohase on Tuesday, Octoben 27th, at 8 p.m. Mary Rundle and Bert Muton, Secretaries. THANKSGIVING MEETING Trinity Y. W. A. members wene pleasantlY anti fonce! ully remindeti of the baauty o! Canatian fanests anti gantiens at the Quanterly Tea on Tuesclay evaning. The tables anti school nooju were veny tastily tiecon- ateti with t>eautifully tinteti autun leaves anti foliage anti the menu senveti bY the group unden Mns. C. A. Bartlett anti Mrs. R. J. Dilling was equally pleasing. At the close Mns. Elton A. Werny, Presitiaut, took change anti the meeting openeti with a hymn with Mns. Smith Fenguson at the Piano. Miss Florence Werry neati the Synians's interpretation of the 23nd Psahm, Mns. Bartlett gave a Thanksgiving poem, Mrs. C. A. Wight in a veny practical address necaunteti our blessings o! 1931 anti what we hati to, be thankful for. Mrs. Muriel Symans took up the hast chapten a! tha 'Stutiy book au Japan, presenting the stany in a bniglit anti intenesting manuer. Mns. J. E. Antiersan favonat i wth a solo, Miss Betty Etigen accompanylng. hen. The business session coneludeti the meeting. Novemban meeting will be lu change o! Mrs. Stnike anti Mrs. He!key's group. Spacial spèaker Miss Lualla Ronke. Autumn thank- o!fering wiil be taRten. APOLOGY PENDING The ladies o! the Helping Hanti Society anjoyeti a swap social on Fniday avening. Evanybady brouglit something thay diint neati. Many o! the ladies were accampanieti by thair husbantis. AUCTION SALES Friclay, Oct. 23rd. -Executons a! the astata o! the late T. J. Cale, Maple Grava. will saîl by public auc- tion ail o! lis !arm stock, impIe- mants anti hausaholti elects. The !arm will also ba offenati for sale subjeet to a nasenve bld. Sale at 12 p. m. sharp. See bills for terms. Wednesday. Oct. 28th.-Mr. Wil- frid Sanderson, Lot 19. Con. 8, Dan- Lngtan, wlll saîl 30 heati o! cattle- cows, haifers anti young cattla; 15 pigs anti soma paultny. Sale at 1.30. Sea bills. Theo M. Slemon, auctIon- eer. Fnlday, Oct. 30th.-Tahmage Tay- lor. Lot 29, Con. 9, Danington.' will sali by public auctian his hanses, cat- tle ant iwne. Sale 1 a'clack. See bills fanrtanins. T. M. Slemon, aue- tioneer. 43-10I Again we have been reminded of bernies rm the garden of Mr. Cha. the fine weather Canadians are en- Ciox were brught ta ur office ye- Joying and of the bounteus harvest terday laden wth ripe fruit. The of field and garden. A couple of season has been very' conducive ta branches af luscius Columbia rasp-1 second crops ths year. ~Shop Here and Save - Phone 186 - Free Delivery HARRY ALLIN BLACKSTOCK Miss Mabel Whlttaker, assistant matron ini the Indian Girls' Board- ing Schaol, Chapleau, bas returneti ta lier wark aften spending a month with ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. Whittaker, at the Rectony....M.r. andi Mrs. Frank Stinson have ne- tuned freom a four liundred mile matar trip through Newmarket, Bradfordi, Barrie, Stayner, Calling- wood, Thannbury, Meaford, Wood- lord, Owen Soundi, Wiarton, Hep- worth, Tara, Chesley, Desboro and Chatsworth. They spent the week- endi with their uncle anti aunt, Mr. anti Mrs. J. J. Stinson, Wooctforti.. Mis. Norman Mountjoy lias re- turnietif rom visîting relatives in the West Mrs. S. Jeffrey lias return- eti f nain a visit in Toronto, Mrs. S. A. Devitt visîted Mr. anti Mrs. T. Snmith recently Mrs. John Fard- er, Miss Florence Parr anti Mr. Cecil Hyde have all been visitors in Tor- onto recently October meeting a! the A. Y. P. A. was lielti at the home of Miss Florence Panr. Meeting op- eneti with devotional exercises led by the president; Bible neatiiug by Mrs. T. Smithi anti prayen by the Rector. The program was a debate "Resolveti that during the present dePression if e in the country is prefenable ta, lif e in the city.' The affirmative side was taken by Mr. Percy Hamil- ton, Miss Kate McLaughlin anti Miss Mabel Argue. The negative was1 taken by Dr. Whittaker, Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Miss Aileen Devîtt. The judges were Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. W Crawford anti Miss Leona Weather- ilt. The affirmative won by four Points. Meeting closeti with A.Y.P.A. motta. Refreshments were senveti anti a social haîf hour spent Mouthly meeting a! the w. M .o the Unitedi Churcli was helti at the home a! Miss Annie Wright. Meet- ing opened with the president, Mrs. J. A. Jolinston, presidiug. Af ter singing a hymn, Mns. F. Stinson led in Prayer anti Mns. Roy Ferguson gave the bible reatimg. Pnogram was in charge a! Mns. Carl Wight's gnoup and consisted o! a duet by Mrs. F. W. Newell anti Miss Gladys Newell; a splendid adtiress by Mrs. Fnank Wright, St. Catherines, on the history o! Mission Work in the Province o! Quebec;' readings by Mrs. Clarence Marlow anti Mrs. Roy Ferguson; short report a! the morn- ing session o! the meeting o! the Eastern Section o! the Oshawa Pres- bvterial which was helti at Newcas- tle. A!ter a short business session, the meeting claseti with prayer by the Presitient. Refreshments were serveti Mn. N. H. Marlow, Mr. G. Trewirî anti Mr. E. Trewin attentieti the international Plowing Match at Peterbono on Friday . Mr. Grant Jackson anti Mn. George Crawford are exchauging homes this week, Miss Floreuce McLaughlin spent Suntiay with her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. R. McLaugliJn Mn. anti Mns. George Hoaey are visiting thein daugliter, Mrs. R. Lansing, Toronto. Regular meeting o! the W. A. O! St. John's Churcli was held at the home Of Mr. anti Mns. Clarence Parr. There was an exceptionally large attendance. Pnognam consisteti o! a chapter o! the Study Book by Mns. T. Smith: neading by Miss Kate Mc- Laughlin. Mrs. L. E. Graham anti Miss F. Phain; also community sing- ing. $19395 $27m50 Even at the end of the season sueh coats as these would be excellent value. But now they are extraordinary. You cannot equal thein value anywhere. styled la the new silhouette with collars anmd cuifs lavlshed wlth 90od quality fur. Bak, brown and green.- Stamped Art Needlework CHISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS TO BE WORKED IN LEISURE MOMENTS We have just recelved a large assortment of stamped Goadg i a wde varlety of pattenns and designs oa good quaUity cot- lions and Uinens. These are ail articles whlch have formerly, sold as high as 75e, but owlng ta a large pur- chase we are able ta offer these at3c Trhis assortment consists of Oyster Linen Vaaity Sets, Wh"lt Hemstitched Vanity Sets. Linen Shade Sean!, 45 inch; White Searfs, 40 Inch, Linen Buffet Sets, Factory Cotton Lunch Sets, White Cotton Lunch Sets, Wihite Ilernstitchd Centres, 18 inch, Oysten Linen Carving Cloths, 18x25-, Linen Cushion Tops, 18x22; Large Ready Made Aprons, Linen Shade Centres, 27 inch; Factory Cotton Laundry Bags, Linan Shade Bridge Cioths, Um- brella Bags, Real Good Linen Glass and Haad Towels. KNITTING and CROCHET WOOLS Gnanny's Own Duches 15C AndaJusian 20c Dladern lOc 1 0 PAGE POUR L COC)K ! NEW LAMPS FORI$OLD OFFER GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY OCTOBER l5th to NOVEMBER 14th, inclusive. $1.50 to $2.00 Allowance given on a.ny used Oil or Gasoline Lighting Device to apply on purchase price of a NEW INSTANT LIGHT ALADDIN KEROSENE MANTLE LAMP Corne In and Ask for Particulars DLJSTAN'S cash HARDWARE WATCH FOR OUR BIG 13c SALE NEEDLEWORK THREADS CORTICELLI Six strand, boil proo<f 3 for 10c Four strand ARTSYL FLOSS 3 for 10c All shades. I 'J ALKER STORES) £IMITED l7j)l We want you to try a pound of our cheese. WeI take great pains to select only the very best and we believe you, like scores of others, will core back again and again to Harry Allin's for your Cheese. 20-1b. Pail Pure Lard .............. $1.99 Swansdown Cake Flour.............. 32c Chase and Sanborn's Coffee, roasted to-day, on sale to-morrow.............. 53c lb. Dates, 2-1b. package ............. 25e Heinz Macaroni in Cream Sauce with 9 Steel Wool........................ 5c Fry's Cocoa, 1.)s............... 2lc Christie's Arrowroot Biscuits ....... 26c lb. PURE ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar ....................... 2lc Aylmer Brand Choice Asparagus Cuttings, No. 2 tin....................... 25e Three Minute Oats, large pkg.......... 23e 'fhree Minute Oats, small pkg. .. .. ...... 9c Breakfast Bacon, slieed.......... 20e lb. Peameal Bacon, sliced.......25e lb. Jnfant's Delight Soap............ 4 for 25c Orono Pork Sausage.............. 20e lb. Easiflrst Shortening............. 2 for 25e Aylmer Peaches, No. 2 tin........... 20e Heinz Pork & Beans, il oz. tin...3 for 25e Pot Barley ...................... 5e lb. Fresh Fish For Friday The Season's Finest Fruits and Vegetables at Lowest Prices. HRR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMALNVILLE Coats Worth Dollars 'More 11 PHONE 186 THE GROCER COURTICE