- - - - -,- 1 - - - - - Ar - -T- 1 LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mis Jean Sinson, antVlle, re- Miss Wlndatt, Toronto, reently Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock spent visited old f riends here. therweekend with relatives in Co- Mr. and Mrs. Horatto Moore, bug Lindsay, were guests of their - r. M. H. Minore, C. P. R. station Ins, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. More, on am1 ,is holidaying with f riends in Sunday. Belleville. Serving Trays I Very Specially Priced from $1.75 up Always corne in handy around the bouse, especlallY when one has guests. It is so much easier to carrY a tray than serve everything separately. These trays are made both for service and beauty. They are in mahog- any and oak, in a variety of desigus, with handleS Underneath the glass base there are pretty designs that Il add to their appearance. The glass base makes thein ea-sy to keep clean. See them in our window this iweekend, J. R. Moore, Jeweller Il Phone 463 Bowmanville Announcement I Having installed the most modern gas burning hot plate, we are this week introducing to Bowmaniille citizens HOT PLATE COOKING EACH FRIDAY AND SATURDAY English Style Scones, Crumpets, and Pan Cakes, mixed 2 dozen for 25c. SPECIAL VARIETY 0F CAKES 25c box. Robertson's Chocolate Bars - 2 for 5c. Next Week MUFFINS BOWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor BOWMANVILLE Here' s Good News fcIý To meet the demnand -~ for lower prices in Men's Clothing we are featuring this week ex- ceptional values in - ~> MEN'$ SUITS AMD ~ ~ OVER COATS from i $415,000 to $35.OO Te B. GILCHRIST Directly oppoiePhone 61 Rank of Montreal Bowmanville Back in the L OId Stand 0 ý We wish to announce that we have re-puch- ed the Red and Wie Store next to A. L. Darch, and are ready again to give you the same careful and attentive service as heretofore. WE APPRECIATE the patronage you have accorded us in the past and we hope that the same happy relationships will continue in the future. Fred clA%. IN e1 Red and White Store - Bowmanville labo-reéd successfully la --the-Presb3 terlan ChurchiIn Hamilton, and Ir dianapolîs, Ind., before accepting th call to FustCongregatlonal Churc brother o! Mus. J. N. Lawrle o! th town. 'rie best wlshes of a lars cîrcle o!fiends are extended to I) McPherson for a complete rècove, * to iealth. Mr. and Mus. R. H. CoUlacott spent à the weekend wth relatives in Brant-Z ford. Mis. w. H. Spargo la visiting her daugiter, Mrs. J. Fletcher Staples, Toronto. Miss Effie Dunham, Toronto, is spending a few days with Miss Dingman. Miss Emma White is visiting friends in Ottawa, MXntreal and Wellington. Mr. Thomas Robinson, Woodstock, has been visitmng his uncle, Mr. G. A. Edmondstofle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kinsman spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. T. G. Kins- man, Whitby. Mrs. E. A. Rutherford, Castleton, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. W. M. Ives. Next meeting o! the Eastern Sec- tion of Oshawa Presbyterial will be hcld at Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hornsby, Peterboro, have been visiting their uncle. Mr. W. Dingman. .Mrs. Emma Cahoon and family, Bloomfield, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mus. W. C. Ives. Mus. Athur Wright, Hamilton, visiteci heu mother, Mrs. Thos. Tod, and sister, Miss Olga Tod. Mu. and Mis. S. Stinson and Mrs. Ed. Peel and son Robert, Janetville, recently visited friends here. Mrs. Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. Warmoll called on Mrs. W. H. Wil- lams at Miss Randall's on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Lane, Regina, Sask., are visiting his brother, Mr. John Lane and other relatives here. Mrs. P. E. Greenfield and daugh- ter Joan are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Miss Muriel Dech, R. N., Thistle- town Hospital, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. John Grigg. Mrs. E. V. Scobeil has been ap- pointed local representative for the Ontaio Shore Gas Ce. See advt. on page 5. Mr. and Mis. J. Fletcher Staples and daughters, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with her motiier, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mr. and Mis. G. A. Edmondstofle and Miss Dingman spent the holidai< with their sister, Mrs. Harry Brust, Rochester, N. Y. Mis. Sarah Skuce and Mu. Ken- neth McMann, Reaboro, Miss Grey, Millbrook, and Mr. Bob Ruinney, Crow Lake, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Scugog St. Mr. Everett Osborne and son, Mr. Clarence L. Osborne, accompanied by the formers sister, Miss Etiel Osborne, Toronto, on Sunday visit- ed their brother, Mr. Wm. Osborne, at London, wio is seriously ill. Mr. and Mus. Wm. J. Cole, 65 Al- berta Ave., Toronto, will be "at home" to their friends Tuesday, Oc- tober the twenty-seventh, from tiree to six and eight to ten o'clock on the occasion of their Golden Wedding. Mis. H. H. Casburn o! Montreal has purchased the home o! Mr. . W. Knight on King Street and has been in resiLlence for some time. Mr. Knight purchased the home of the late Mrs. A. E. Clemens on Beec] Avenue f rom Mr. Blake Courtice and moved into his new home on Mon- day. For the past two months Mr. Knight and !amily have resided at Bowmanville Beach. Mis. William Haythornethwaite of Strathroy is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bar- tholomew and Mr. Bartholomew, who are moving this week to their new home on Queen St. Mrs. Hay- thornethwaite lived for 15 yeaus at Moose Factouy on Hudson Baý where her husband until his deatl was the Anglican clergyman ir charge o! the mission there. The Women's Association groui o! Trinity United Churci, Mrs Strike and Mus. Poster, conveners held a very successful tea and salE in the school room on Friday a!ter- noon. The tables were Prettily dect orated with yellow chrysanthemu= and marigolds and the guests werî well looked a! ter by attentive wait. eus. A pleasing program was give; consisting o! solos by Mrs. G.E Reamnan and Mrs. A. Colville; piar( duets, Misses Evelyn and Lorraini Pickard, Misses Evelyn Oke and Bet ty Edger; violin solo. Mr. F. Sut ton; reading, Mis. F. H. moody; re citation. Miss Mary Blrks; voca trio, Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mrs. I Thompson, Mus. D. J. Chamberç Trhe accompanlats were Mus. M.A 7 Neal, Evelyn Oke, Mrs. D. R. Mo:, rison and Mis. Ruby D)anlels. Among tiose f rom here attendun the fumeral of the late Walte O'Boyle. whose obtuaiy appeaus (c another page and whose funeral toot place at StouvifiUle, were Rey E. P. Armstrong, Mis. Thos. MeMul len, Mr. and Mis. Qeo. mcMulle M. H. Minore, J. H. Bateman. A.0 Backus, J. H. Swindells and Wn: 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool Classes for all ages. Good music. 7 p. m.-Service withdrawn on ac- count of st. PanI's Anniversary. "Religion is the firsi ihing and the last thing. and unib a man lias found God and has been tound by God he be- gins ai ne beginnlng and he womks te ne end." In the mime cf the Master wve wei- come you te ihis l-Ieuse cf Go.], its ver- ship, is rest and is service. THE CHURCHES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church -Rev. W. J. Todd. Minister. Sun- day services ai il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath Sciool and Bible Class at 2.30 P. m. 'rie mininxter will preach at ail services. St. Johns Anglican Chuch- Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector. 2lst Sunday a!ter 'rrinity: Holy Com- munion 8 a. m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Frayer 7 p. m. 'rie rector will preach. AUCTION SALE MES. A. E. McCREADY Corner of Silver and Wellngton St. (opposite Public School) Bowmanviile, on SATURDAY, OCT. 24th, at 1.30 pa. Wifl offer for sale by public auction some of her furniture and effects, including piano, mulsic rack, new Williams cabinet sewing machine, two 3-piece bedroomn suites (one sol- id walnut) springs, mattresses, smafl tables, odd chairs, etc. Terms Cash. C. H. Mason, W. J1. Chals, Clerk. Auctioneer. Take Notice-Persons wishing to put furniture or other articles in this sale may do so by advising Mr. Ma- son. 42-2 Mrs. F. M. Souch and Mr. Frank Chapple have returned from a visit wth the former's son and daugliter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Souch, Ottawa, who motored them home on Sunday. For Sale or Rent FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-150 ac- cres, beibg Lot 16i, 17 and 18, Con. 6, Darllngton, on whlch are geed build- ings, on hlghway, i mile north et Hamnp- ton. For particulars apply te Mrs. Bes- sie Robblns, Hamipton. Phone 376r23. 42-tf B3AZAAR I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 The ladies of ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH are having a sale featuring: Fancy Work - Country Store Home Made Cooklng Aprons and Tea Towels 5c, 10e and 15e Table - Candy Af ternoon Tea Served BeautyAiis Down With the faîl in the cost of living the cost o! hairdresslng has tuxnbled too. Note these prices, for expert work: Permanent Wavlng $3.75 Shampoo and Mutger Wave 75e Marcel .... 75e On Treatmenta Miller's Beauty Parlour Mina Rowland ICharte. ST. PAUL'S Unitedi Ckurck P.«. A. S. Kerr, M. &., Minister Anniversary Services SUNDAY, OCT. 25th. Rev. H. J. Pritchard, B. A. Minister o! North Broadview United Church, Toronto, and Ex-Presdient o! Troronto Conference o! United Churci, will preach. Il a. m.-"Hidden Wisdom,' 7 P. m.-"lAn Open Door" Special Music by Choir under the leadership o! H. J. Knight. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 2.30 p. m. Mid-week Service 'rhursday 8 p. m. J A Cordial Welcome to Ail. Lost or Founmd LOST-A young c'lie dog, ail yellow except a littie black on top of ta il, very friendly; naied Teddy; reward. Phone 237r2.43-2- Articles For Sale GAS RANGE FOR SALE-High oven; laie model; in lIrst class condition; $25. Hl. E. Sinmmens, 620 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 43-lw BARLEV WANTED--Good clean bar- ley. If brought ln at once wlll pay 50e per bushel. John Mackay Limited, Bow- manville. Phone 5. 43-1 APPLES FOR SALE - McIntosh, Snows, Spies. Qreenings; reasonable price. Apply te W. G. Werry, R. R. 6 Bowmianville. Phone i60r3. 41-3 FOR SALE-Combination cook steve, gas, coal and wood. a:most new, not needed in the country, will sell cheap. Phone Mrs. D. Gillespie, 142r5. 43-1 FOR SALE-A umail WlUM-a piano. standard keyboard, latent style--would lookc well in any living room. Conven- lent terme. 150. Fred Mitchiel. Bow- manville. 80-tf FOR SALE-i Holstein Reg. Cow and IHolstein Heifer, both to freshen In a few days. Apply to Leslie ýColaco.tt. R. R. 5. Bowmanville. Phone 146r3. 42-i APPLES FOR SALE-$1.00 a bar7e, for Gre.enings, Baldwlns and Starks; $2.00 a barrel for Spys. Russets and Kings: picked at orchard. A. H. 0Clm- ens, Bownianville R. R. 6. Phone 237r3. 43-2 To Let HOUSE TO RENT-In Newcastle. Ap- ply to John Scot, Newcastle. 43-1i HOUSE TO RENT-5 rooms. electric lights, waterworks, hardwood floors; possession ai once. Apply C. H. Mason, phonoý 50. 43-1 FARM TO RENT-About 125 acres, on Lake Shore, first clase land, two miles east of Bowrnanvllle near Hlghway. Ap- ply to Jas. McConnachie, Box 68, Bow- nianville. 36-tf TO LET - Six roomed house. nlcely decoraied. No. i Liberty Street, bath, furnace, lighi, bot and cold water. Ap- ply H. Ilombard, Queen St., Bowman- ville.41-tf HOUSE TO LET - Brick residence containing 7 roonis; ail modern conven- iences: wired for electric steve; garage. Immnediate possession. Apply te W. F. Quick, Elgin St., Bowmanville. Phone 226. 43-tf LAUMDKY WANTED' Al kinda of laundry work done prompt- y, satlafactorlly and ai reazonable pricea Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mr@- W. Marjoram, King Street Eiat Bow. manville. Phffle 479. Wanted POSITION WANTED - A young girl wanta position for general iiounework. Apply te Vers Carr, Hampton. Phone 376r2. 42-3 WANTED TO BUY-Hardwood, beech ani maple; wlll exchange used or new Ford for Beane. Cox Motor Sales, Bow- manville. 43-1w UPHOLSTERING-Furnlture upholât- erlng; also closed car tops and inside body upholsterlng. J. A. Fry, Sc-ugog St., Bowmianvlle. Phone 536. 86-tf Real Estate For Sa!. PROPERTIES FOR SALE - No. 3- Three acres eftiwenty year nid orchard, with or wlthout dwelllng. No. 2-Cern- fortable, well built horne. low taxes, hardwood floors. Apply Jury & Lovell, Bowmanville. 43-tf FARMi FOR SALE-40 acres. belng lot 22 con. 5, Darllngton, on whlch are brick i-roomed house wlth modern conven- lences; bard and *oft water; outbuild- Inge ln good relpair; 3 screz orchard. For partîculars apply on the premises ta E. Hagglth. Hampton. Ont. 24-tf RAILWAY Tf E TAIL" CANADIAN PACMFC RAILWAY GOING EAST 9.42 a. mi. Dally 2.47 p. m. Dally except Sunday. 12.20 a. mi. Dally. GOING WEST 5.43 a. M* tlally. 2.47 p. ni. Dally. 7.16 p. mi. Dally except Sunday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAT GOING EAST 9.29 a. m' Dally except Sunday. 2.20 p. m' Dally. 7.00 p. ni. Dally except Sunday. 9.53 P. nm. DalIy excoept Saturday. GOINO WEST 1.51 p. ni. Dally except Stmday. 6.21 p. mi. Dally. 7.04 &. nm. Dally except Sunday. C. NATIONAL TYRONE STATION 1In .fVoct from Sunday, Sept. 27th, 1931 GOING WEST 11.50 a. mn. Monday, Wednesday, flday. COING EAST 7,33 p. mi. Tuenday, Thursday, Saturday. SIMMONS MATTRESS AT $5.50 Also this week we are offering a special al new filling felt mattress, Simmons make, any size, for.................... $&50 SPECIAL BED OUTFIT FOR $17.00 See our Special Bed Outfit-Bed, Spring and Mattress, for .................... $1 7.00 Furniture for Every Purpose Phone 10 - Bowmanville Fa F. MORRIS CG. King Street Bowmanville BIRTHS GEORGE-In Beleville Hospital ' on Monday, Qotober l9th, 1931, te lMr. and Mrs. J. F. George, Smthfleld, a son. HENRY-In Cic Hospital, Ottawa, on Wednesday, Ociober i4th, 1931, te Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Henry, a son. MARRIAGES PURTELLE - CLEMENT - In St. Mays Çhurch, Chestervill, on Nlonday, Ociober 121h. 1931, by Rev. Faiher Flem- ing, tir. Rolit. J. i'urtelle, P. , icton, and Miss Iael Clemeni, daughi.ýr of Mir. and Mrs. James Clemnt, Che.ster- '. lie, and formeriy cf Bowinaivile Iiigli SCehool staff. DEATHS ie VENING Featuring fashion's newest thoughts for the opening of the social season at the Badmin- ton Club Dance on Friday niglit. In satins and taffetas, intricate in detail, coupled with a simplicity tfiat gives these dresses a dis- tinguishing style; youthful and extremely flattering; priced from............. $10.95 YES! BASQUE BERETS ARE BACK WITH A RUSH Dainty headgear for fait in bewitching styles, in black, navy, blue, bxiown and green mixtures in chenule. See these. The New Scarves are coming - See them in our show windows. y eSmart Shop Cowan Block Geo. R. Masi ,Maager qq JFý --T- ý TIE CANADIA.N 5TATIEMAN, ]BOWMANVILL, THIJMSAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1931 JEWELL-Enltred ic m est. in i3ow- nianville, on Tut.sday, (Jct. 2Oih, 1931, ilarcina Sw, t, bvlov,!d %wii, cf Mr. T. C. Jeweil, aged 70 years. l'uneral on Friday . ai .<1). m. froni the. famlly rt.cîîlenc., corntm Ontario and Queen Si.-.. to th.' Cemetery. Kindly cuit lowers. HOCKIN-lin Dariington, on Saiurday, October 17ih, 1931, Emma Jane. widow cf tht laie William Hokin, aged 77 Years. Inierred ai Orono. PHILLIPS-Ai the residence of h-em son. Mr. James A. Phillips, 1520 P'arker Si. New York City, ýN. Y., on Méonday, Oct. iiih. 1931, Mbrs. Thomison Phiibips, fornierly et L'Original, Ontario, ageçi 87 years. O'BOYLE-Passed away early Sunday morning, Oct. i8th, 1931, ai the Private Patients' Pavillon, Toronto, Walter O'Boyle, C. P. R. operator, iiowman- ville, el(Iesi son of .Mrs. and th, laie Daniel O'Boyle. lntrmeni ai Sîcuif- ville. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS-In loving meniory et Mabel Alice Adams who depamied lite, Ociober 22nd, 192î. 'Tis four yeams ago to-day Since we saw Your dear face lasi, Fond memnories stili are wiih us, 0f youm brlght and cheerful smile, And you who in life wa loved se dearly. We still love you bn death the sanie. -Saýdly misse(l hy daughtem Bemnioe Iands ister, MUrs. Elias Siruti. TRINITY UNITED CHU RCH Mlinister E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. 0. Organit FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Sunday, October 25th. 11 a. m.-Highways te God o. Z--"The Highway of Humanity' PAGE F178 Another Large Shipment So popular has been the detnand for oui 10w priced chocolates that we have secured a further supply. if you have flot tried them you are missing a great treat. Fresh Made Chocolates, bard and soit enutres.-27c lb. If You Appreciate Quality You will surely want to try oui bread and cakes. We have a wagon on every street every mornlng to bring to your door bread, with a real home made flavor, and pies like mother used to make. UVi. R. CoCrbqett PIJONE 3 BowMA&NVILLE r Il