THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM1ANVILLiE, TUURSDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1932 ]BLACKSTOCK Miss Mary Parr visiteti Mr. and MUS. Fred Brook, Port Perry. Mr. anti Mis. Henry Mountioy visiteti Mi. anti Mis. Russell Mount- loy. Mis. N. Heniy, Janetville, is vis- iting lien parents, Mi. anti Mis. Fred Bailey. Mr. anti Mrs. Osmondi Wright en- tertaineti about 30 relatives on New~ Yea's Day. Miss Hazel Eniglisli, Mis. M. C. Smth anti Robert , visiteti Miss Violet Dever. Mr. anti Mis. Wilbui Vance. Pui- ple HMl, visiteti ler parents, Mr. and Mis. J. Englisi. Mis. R. Crawford anti son George spent New Year's Day wti Mis. Wm. Crawford. Mi. Norton VanCamp, Elmira. le vlslting is parents, Mi. anti Mis W. A. VanCamlp. Mi. anti Mis. Grant Jackson founti thei infant daugliter deat i n beti on Fritiay morning. Mi. Alvin Bell, Toronto, spent the Christmas liolitiays witi ils par- ents, Mi. anti Mis. R. Bell. Mi. anti Mis. Frank Stinsan spent New Year's Day with Mi. anti Mis. James Nixon, Clarke Union. Mi. anti Mis. John Hamilton anti son, Hamiltoin, visitet i is parents, Mr. anti Mis. Robert Hamilton. Mi. anti Mis. C. Hiliman, Mis. E. Hilan anti Dorothy, Toronto, vis- iteti M. anti Ms. T. Venning. Mi. anti Mis. Melville Grimrn spent New Years Day with Mi. anti Mis. Russell Griffin, Enniskilleii. Mr. anti Mis. Wallace Marlow anti Mr. anti Mis. Poster Ferguson visiteti Mr. anti Mis. Fred Phulp, Nestieton. Mi. anti Mis. Norman Malcolnm anti family f rom the West spent Suntiay witi Mi. anti Mis. J. R. McLaugilin. Misses Beatrice anti Helen Waldi- on, Toronto, Mis. John Smith anti Mis. Wm. Barton visiteti Mr. anti Mis. T. Smith. Mi. anti Mis. Laine Griffin anti Fdaugliter Jean, spent New Year's Day witi Mi. and Mis. Russell Grif- f in, Enniskillen. Misses Reta anti Janet Swain spent paît of their Christmas hoUi- tiays witli their uncle anti aunt, Rev. anti lM. Milton Santierson, Toron- to. Messrs. John Hamilton, William Hamilton, Percy Hamilton, Norman McNally anti Cecil Hytie attendeti the hockey match in Toronto, Sat- 14#- uîday evening, between the Maple Leaf s anti the Canadiens. Short courses ini Agriculture anti Home Economics are being helti in Blackstack Town Hall anti Orange Hall from Jan. 4 ta Jan. 29, this being the thirti course helti in Cart- wright duîing a perioti 0f twenty- one years. Classes are helti fîom 9 .30 ta 12 'clack anti from 1.30) tc 4 4P. M., Montiay ta Fritiay ec week. Blackstack Young People's League for 1932 is as f ollaws: Pres.-H. W. Shortritige; Asst. Pres.-Haiold Swain; Secetay-Feiga Jainston; Asst. Sec.-Ernest Gellatt; Worship Convene-Miss Gladys Newell-, As- st. Woîship Convener - Muriel Mountjoy; lst Vice Pres.-Miss Brown; Asst. lst Vice Pres.-Dor- othy Stevens, 2nti Vice Pies-Olive VanCamp, Asst. 2nti Vice Pres.-Is- abel Cawker; 3îd Vice Pres.-Hcrb. Swaln; Asst. 3rti Vice Pres-Arnoid ohnston; 4th Vice Pies. (Lit, anti ac.)-John Venning anti Leana eatherilt; Asst. 4th Vice Pres.- la Mountjay; Pianist-Francis ountjay; Asst. Pianist - Hazel iglit. n Frlday evening, Jan. lst, anti Monday evening, Jan. 4th, the ng people of St. John's Churci geti their Play entitleti "The Lit- st Britiesmaid." Each persan titi As paît well anti the whole concert as a decideti success. Thase tak- lng paît in the Play were, Mis. T. Smith, Mis. Arthur Bailey, Mis. J. Rahm, Misses Evelyn Devitt, Aileen Devltt, Mabel Argue. Marlon Argue, Messrs. Wm. Hamilton. Cecil Ham- ilton, O. Etigerton, C. Hydie, L. Dcv- Itt. Gardon Brown, Oliver Smith. Splendid music was furnisipti bath evenings by the "Thice Nitideîy Sis- teis," Prospect. Vocal solos were nendereti by Mi. J. Smith. During Montiay evening speeches were matie by the newly electeti council- lois. ENNISKILLEN Miss Nora Weixy. Kedron, attend- edtheti New Yeaî's gathering at Mr. Jas. A. Weriy's. Miss Editi Peartion, Bowmanville, \spent Ciristmas week witIr Mi. anti Mis. J. A. Wexry. Mi. anti Mis. H. Orcharti, Mis. W. W. Balhoif. Messrs. Frank anti Or- ville Orchaîti, Applegate, Michigan, Mi. anti Mis. J. c. Orciarti anti contrlbute7id a-few -woitids--tathe-pr-o- gram. The followlng offIcers for the ensulng year wene elected: Manag- er-Mn. Adam Sharp; Captaln-Mr. John Slemon; Sec .TreBB.Mr. En- nest Werry. HAMPTON 1Mi. Ennie Horn spent a f ew tiays in Toronto recently. 7 Mis. Banion, Tilsonburg, is visit- -ing lier son, Mr. G. A. Bairon. Mi. Arche McDonald, Bowman- -ville. visiteti Mi. Wallace Homn a 1 Suntiay. Mi. anti Mis. Chas. Wood, Orono, -visiteti Mr. anti Mis. L. Truil for a vfew tiays. Mi. A. Hogarth spent a few tiaYs wth ils tiaugiter, Mis. HI. Thomp- sson, Scarboro. Mi. anti Mis. H. Wilcox anti fam- ily visiteti witi lier sisten, Mis. R. IDavies, Oshawa. Mis. A. Cale. Bowmanvillé, ne- cently visiteti ler parents, Mi. anti Mis. C. W. Souci. Mi. anti Mis. M. Slemon anti sons, Haytion, spent New Yeai's Day with Mis. C. Johins. Mi. anti Mis. Allan Parker, Tor- on ta, have been visiting lier mti- er, Mis. M. Goodmnan. Mi. Hilton Peteis entertaineti the young boys, scholars ofis Suntiay school class, on Saturtiay evening. LMiss McKartney lias retuineti to lier home in Toronto af ter a pleas- ant visit with lier sister. Mis. Bick. Mi. anti Mis. J. Cowling anti Jack, Mis. M. Rabbins, spent New Years Day witli Bowmanville irientis. Miss Nancy Johins lias retunedt t Toronto accompanieti by lier ma- ther, Mis. C. Joins, who is taking treatment for lier eyes. The young men stutients cf aur' village have ecd retunedtit their variaus ities ta resume university Uormc for another termi. The Young Men's Bible Casme at the home 0f their teacher, Mr. G.Barran, on Tuesday evening wicn a very happy time was spent. Miss Etina Crytiermnan anti Miss Blanche Cryderman, Belleville, Miss Winie Cryderman anti Mr. Aibeiýt Allin, Toronto, halidayeti at their home here. Tic lively snow starmn on New Year's Day matie it intcresting anti ratier tii.ficult for drivers cf cars. jHowever, wc are gladti t sec tic snow anti heai ticejingle 0f sigi ibells once again. lie young ladies helti their Class meeting at tic home cf Miss Helen Virtue on Montiay evening. A pro- gram was provitiet anti iciresi- ments serveti. Tic girls spent a very pleasant evening, indeeti. The Choir was pleasantly enter- taineti at tic home cf Mr. anti Mis. W. W. Horn on Tucsday evening. AUl kintis 0f games weîe enjoyeti, al- 1 s0 a goati aId sing sang, besities 1 same intîvidual numbers by choir members. Mis. Horn serveti lunch anti the Party dismisseti in tic wee small hours 0f tic morning. jMany 0f aur ycrung people shateti the olti yeaî cut anti the new yeaî in. Thro' the hindness of tic Wo- 1 mens Institute the bungalow was Iallowed ta stay open until mîiniglit. DThe young people appreciate very .muai the kindness of Mr. Joe Chap- 1man in lohng afteî tic bungalow a n skating nights. He is very ac- 3cammodating andtihti bungalow is -always warm anti coinfortable. s Report of Hampton School for CrsmsExaminations; names i Fourti Class-Betty Knorx (H), Jimmie Adamson (H, Bruce Ho- garth RH, Thelma Rabbins (H, Muriel Scott (H), Bruce Clarke, Doris Cryderman, Katie Joncs. Si. III-Doreen Perrctt H), Jack Cawling (H, Walter Holwcll (H) , Berniece Rogers <H), Gladys Chap- man, Ruby Colwill, Dora Cowling, Geralti Black, Ruth Colwill, Norma Cawling, Jack Nitideiy, Ruby Jess.i Jr. III-Gertrutie Pettit (H), Isa- bel Rogers (H), Wanda Clarke,' Gladys Trull, Nellie Armaur. Si. II-Donald Adcoch, Billie Boynton, Jack Joncs. Jr. II-Bertha Armour, Acy Homn, Veina Cowling. Jr. I-Betty Stainton. Eilcen Wray, Teddy Keisey, Keiti Billctt, Elgin Cowllng, Percy Allin. Fîctidie Payne, Albert Martyn, Eveîctt AI- lin. Si. Pr.-Dorothy Holwcll. Betty Rogers, Lewis Trull, Reggie Kersey, Robert Arvay. Jr. Pr.-Dorotiy Adiamson (H), Paul Chant (H), Cecile Pettit (H), Mari aile Allin H, Matilyn Wilcax H), Hariy Martyn, Raymond Pet- tit. Irvine Pettit. F. J. Groat, Miss Grace Cawker, teachers. COURTICE Miss Aura Brooks, Toronto, spent tic weekcnti home. Miss Alicc Arnolti, Braoklin, is visiting Mis. Horace Hancock. Mi. Ronald Courtice, Toronto, was home for the holiday anti wcek- ent. crf the service anti useti one Question for his subleet, "The right hindi crf recreation for youngz peofil" andi le tielivereti a splendid address. Mis. Susan Short was 96 years olti Jan. 4th, and we wish her many happy returns. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Lloyd Snowden is the new trustee succeeding L. C. Snowden. Miss Mona Kemp, Toronto, spent the weekencl witli her cousin, Miss Enid Twist. Mr. andi Mrs. Carman Choate, Oshiawa, visited Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Snowden on Sunday. Don't f orget the annual Sunday scliool meeting on Frlday evening, Jan. 8th, in the hall. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Greenham and daugliter Betty, Port Huron, Midi.., Mr. Sid Greenliam. Bircheliffe, were recent visitors wth their brother, Mr. Chas. Greenliam. Misses Susie Laird, B. E. Souci, Vera Trimble. Vera Power, and Ru- by Bragg returnedtot their scliools on Monday. Miss Nellie Snowden returned this week to lier sciool at Lakehurst. Another full house greeteti the Busy Workers Class on Tliursday evening, Dec. 3lst, 1931, wien in the interest of the School and Home Club the class presented their play "The Farmerette" in the Base Uine house. Several f romn here who had seen the play when given in the hall journeyeti to the Base Line ta see it again. This is a play that is well worth seeing. In the absence of the president of the School andi Home Club, Mrs. Ross Steven, h teacher of the class. acted ashar man. Proceetis $19.45. Quarterly service was lield last Sunday. The pastor also held a re-I ception service when Misses Grace and Hazel Truil, MilIdreti Snowden, Helen Metcalf, Lyra Freeman, Jean Stevens, Mr. Kenneth, Milton Gra- ham, Mr. Robt. Snowden were re- ceived into full membership; andi Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Wright f rom Anglican Churcli Town; Mrs. L. Twist, Miss Eniti Twist, Hope United Churcli, Toronto; and Mr. Ernest1 Twist, Eldati United Churcli, had, their memberships transferred toi Maple Grove United Church. CADMUS The election passed off very quiet- ly. Miss Gladys Cobbledick, teacher, lias resumnec duty. Miss Beth McQuatie is spending a few tiays witli Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Merediithi Failis anti family visited Mrs. George Fallis on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson andi Sidney spent New Year's at Mr. Russel Mountjoy's. Mr. W. B. Ferguson and Mr. Al- fred Thornett spent New Year's at Mr. E. Santierson's. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade, Mr anti Mrs. W. D. Ferguson spent last Wednesday in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade and family were guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Sidney MeQuade on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fallis and Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. Robinson visited at Mr. Edgar Gibson's on New Year's. Mrs. Southern and Mr. Arthur Southern visiteti Mr. Herb. Milne, Janetville Station, on New Year's Day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southern nee Willa Milne) on their recent marriage on New Years Day. Mr. andi Mrs. Larmer Hylanti and Muriel, MQr. and Mrs. W. D. Fergus- on and Mr. T. F. Bruce, spent New Year"s at Mr. Thos. Hylanti's. The annual school meeting was helti on Wednestiay with a good at- tendance. Mr. James Nesbitt, Mr. Wm. Philp and Mr. Edgar Gibson were re-electeti trustees. League was held as usual Thurs- day evening. Lesson was read by Mr. W. D. Ferguson and Bible study was taken by Miss Grace Goody. Program was in charge of Miss Chrystal Fallis and consisted of a1 reading by Miss Emily Saunders, a1 solo by Arthur Stapleton. and the1 topic by Mrs. E. Sanderson. On Saturday evening, Jan. 2nd, a number of neighbours gathereti at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fal- lis to extend to the happy bridal couple. Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Robin- son, every happiness and prosperity in their new trenti of life. In the c ourse of the evening Mr. Oscar IMcQuade called the gathering ta order at which point Mr. W. D. Fer- guson read an address and Mis Norma McQuade presented the bride and groom with a silver tea service. The groom ireplied very suitably. After short speeches f rom Mr. andi Mrs. C. H. Fallis, Mr. Edgar Gibson, Mr. W. B. Ferguson and Mir. Clarence Parr everyone joineti in sînging some good old songs assist- ed by Mr. Glenn Gibson and Mrs. Robinson with guitars and E. Sand- erson at the piano. Af ter some games had been played lunch and candy were served and everyone went home feeling that they had all had a real good time. POSTPONED MEETING 0F TRUSTEES' AND sue should get in toucb with Mr. T. H. Knight, phone 68 or 565, Bow- manville. SOLINA Miss Fanny Smale visiteti Toron- ta f rientis. Mrs. Smale. Dunbarton, is visit- ing lier son ,Mr. Jas. Smale. Mr. andi Mrs. WilU Baker and family visited Osliawa frientis. Miss Susie Tliompson, Tyrone, visited Miss Grace Yeilowlees. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Provi- dence, visiteti at Mr. Jonn Baker's. At the annual trustee meeting last week. Mr. Roy Langmaid was reelecteti. Mr. and Mis. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera visiteti Mr. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs spent New Year's at Mr. M. Perrinian's. Columibus. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Awde, New- castle, are guests of Mr. H. G. Pas- coe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard and Arthur spent New Year's with Whitby f rientis. Miss Jessie Cation anti Mr. Ar- chie Cation spent Christmas at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mr. anti Mis. L. C. Pascoe, Misses Helen and Bessie. Enfielti. visited at Miss Mary Hogartli's. Our Young people are busy prac- tising for their play 'Safety First" ta be given in the near f uture. Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Mi. and Mrs. Roy McGill and baby. Ennis- killen, visited at Mr. Roy Lang- maiti's. Mr. anti Mis. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Will Leask, Miss Eleanor Shep- herd, Taunton, visiteti at Mi. Thos. Baker's. His many frientis here wish ta congratulate the Editor on being electeti Mayor of the town of Bow- manville. Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti Pascoe, Mas- ter Ray, Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Smith, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Eric Pearce, Claremont. Congratulations ta Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe anti Councillor Chas. Blancharti on being returnedti t of- f ice by acclamation. Mr. anti Mia Walter Cryderman, Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti Pascoe anti Ray spent New Years at Mi. Bruce Ferguson's, Hampton. The January meeting of the Women's Institute will be lielti in the S. S. Room Thurstiay afternoon, Jan. l4th. in charge of group 3.1 Everyone welcome. Mr. Dennis Pickarti, wlia las been employeti at Mi. H. E. Tink's for the past year lias gone ta Mr. Cecil Jeffrey's, Maple Grove. Denns il' be midi misseti in oui choir anti al Young people's actîvities. Mr. L. T. Pascoe, Misses Mari ory anti Edith, Mrs. Thos. Pascoe anti Miss Margaret. Hampton, Mr. anti1 Mrs. Hilton Tink anti Lorainie, Sa;- em, Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Tink anti family, Maple Grove, visiteti at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mr. anti Mrs. Watsan anti Miss May, Mr. Will White, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Robson, Oshawa,1 Mr. anti Mis. Clarence Tink anti family, Maple Grove, Mr. anti Mrs. Will White anti Donald, Hampton, visiteti at Mr. Gea. White's. League meeting on Montiay ev- ening was in charge of the new lst Vice Pres. Mrs. E. R. Taylor anti was well attendeti. Af ter singing, Rev. Bick led in prayer. President W. R. Westlake announceti a bal- ance of nearly $70. It was tiecideti ta give $40.00 ta the church anti $5.00 ta the M & M. Mr.George Werry hati charge orf the Worship perioti. Roll caîl was answered with a verse of aur favorite hymn. Topic was well taken by Mr. B. G. Stevens. Tnvo accordian selections were given by Mr. Milîs. Reading by Mr. George Milîson; Vocal solo by Mr. Haroldi Shuttleworth. Meeting closeti with ILeague Benediction. Division meet- ing in the S. S. Room Thurstiay ev- ening, Jan. l4th. Installation of of - 1 ficers. Everyone attend. HAYDON Sorry ta lear Miss Rema Bratiley is on tic sick list. Mi. anti Mis. J. Wright are visit- ing fiients in Oshawa. Mi. C. Avery entertaineti bis S. S. class crf boys anc evening last weck. Mr. Haîry Mills, Pusliîîch, spent tic holitiays at Mi. Theron Mount- joy's. Miss Veina Tiewin lias ictuineti ta Oshawa after spentiing tic holi- tays at home. Miss Atia Beeci spent tic hali- tiays at ici slsteî's, Mis. A. Lai- mer, Buiketan. Mi. Lloyd Tliompsan lias retuin- cd ta Catimus after spentiing sev- cral tiays at home. Mi. Stan Woolings anti Miss Hel- en Westbury, Toronto, weîe Suntiay visitais at Mi. H. Asiton's. Mi. anti Mis. C. Avery, Mr. Cecil Slemon, Mi. Aithiur Tîewin visiteti f rientis in Toronto îeccntly. Mi. anti Mis. Milton Sleman, Lloyd anti Gardon, visiteti ler mo- tier, Mis. C. Johns, Hampton. Mi. Bill Grant lias icturnedti t Toronto aiter spentiing tic halitiays at is aunt's, Mis. A. MeNeils. Mi. Bert Ferguson, Ennishillen, Mi. anti Mis. Bruce Montgomery, Solina, visitcd at Mi. E. Bratilcys. Mis. J. Kennedy, Miss Lattie Cat- trel, Miss Hazel Kennedy. Mi. Waî- tiy Kennedy, Toronto, visiteti at Mr. A. Reati's. A large îîumber attendeti Sunday sehoal anti churci last Sunday. Rcv. A. M. Wootton tielivereti a splendid New Ycaî's sermon. Mi. anti Mis. Harry Campbell, Oshawa, Mis. W. Ritige, Miss Mar- garet Ritige anti Mi. Wm. Dabson, Toronto, at Mi. J. Wîlglit's. Mr. A. Beecli anti famlly attendeti a famlly gatheîlng at Mi. anti Mis. A. Laimer's. Buiketon, last Tuestiay cvcning, it bclng tic thurti anniver- saîy crf their mairiage. Mi. anti Mis. Norman Hall, Mis. Mary Graham, Mr. anti Mis. Thos. Grahiam. Oshawa, Mi. anti Mis. J. Grahiam, Kenneti anti Milton Gia- ham, Maple Grove, visiteti at Mr. D. Graliam's. Oui sympathy 15 extentiedtotaMis. Etith Ormîston and ta, Messrs. George anti William Rlggs in tic deati cf their sister, Miss Jennie Ellictt. at Chattanooga, Terni., U. S. A. Mis. Oritton arrlved there on Sunday mnorning andi Miss Ellott passet away on Sunday eveningr. SALEM Sorry ta leamn that Master Loine Poster broke is arm while crank- ing a car. Mr. anti Mrs. Morley Wilkins anti son Haroldi, Ebenezer, recently visit- eti Mrs. A. Wilkins. Mrs. Wilkins anti Mr. Nelson Wil- kins, anti Mr. anti Mis. L. Richards visiteti Bowmanville frientis. Miss Gladys Cann, Messrs. Ewart Pollarti anti Kenneti Werry have retunedti t their tiuty after spenti- ing holitiays at home. Mr. anti Mrs. W. G. Werry anti family, Mr. anti Mis. P. Honey anti Marion, spent New Year's witi Mr. anti Mis. S. J. Honey, Town. Mi. anti Mis. T. G. Norton anti son 0f Broughami, visiteti Mrs. Wil- kins on Saturday after spentiing New Yeaî's witi frientis at Bow- manville. Rev. A. S. Kerr of St. Paul's Churci, Town, occupieti the pulpit on Sunday, delivering a fine mes- sage from the text "In the Begin- nlng Goti." Mr. anti Mis. C. M. Carruthers anti Mr. anti Mis. Rutherfordi spent Christmas with Mis. D. S. McGre- gar, town, anti on New Year's mot- oredt t Coîbarne anti visiteti frientis. TYRONE Churcli service next Sunday at 7 p. m. Rev. A. M. Waottan preacheti an excellent sermon Suntiay morning. Miss Elva Virtue, Bowmanville, spent a few days with lier mother, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Mr. anti Mrs. Walter F. Park, Eva anti Shirley, are visiting frientis at Keswick. Miss Jean Pollock, teacher, lias resumeti tuty after holidaying with lier brother at Brampton. Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Simmons, Belleville, spent a few days with their daugliter, Mrs. Wootton. Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Burgess spent New Year's with Mr. W. E. Stevens, Hampton, Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Fintiley anti Dean, Unianville, spent New Year's with lier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas Richards. Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Bratit, Dudi- ley anti Floyd, Oshawa, spent New Year's with lier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. James Dudley. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Hatherly, Messrs. Jack, Harry. Frank anti Clarence, spent New Year's at Mr. Harry Hoaey's, Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Virtue. Mr. anti Mrs. rTheadore Dawn anti Mr. anti Mrs. Byron Moore, spent New Year's at Mr. Fred Maare's. Provi- dence. Mrs. Gea. Coleman. Wootistock. Mr. anti Mis. Harry Nettietan anti Miss Reba Nettleton. Toronto. were holiday visitars of Mr. anti Mrs. L. J. Goodiman. Rev. A. M. Wootton has returneti home after spending the holiday season with frientis at Picton anti Belleville. Mrs. Woottan anti baby returneti with hlm. Mr. anti Mrs. Luther Hooper, Morley anti Lama, Mr. anti Mrs. Lionel Byam. Doreen anti Yvonne. spent New Yean's wlth Mrs. Clama Byam, Bowmanville. Mr. Ivan Smith, Bowmanvllle, spent New Year's wltl i is mothen. Mis. Viola Smith. Women's Institute will holti the January meeting at the home cf Mis. Thos. Richards an Wetinestiay, Jan. l3ti, at 2 p. m. Program in charge orf Mis. Ronald Scott's group. Newly electeti officers for Llve Wire Mission Bandi are: Supt.-Mrs. R. Hatherly; Leader-Mis. Thea. Down; lst Vice Pres.-Mltreti Bradley; Secretai7--Susle Thomp- son; Treasurer-Eva Yorke. Tuxis Sunday School class new officers are: President-DOuglas Conboy; Vice Pres.-Albert Wood; Treasurer-Lloyt Hoar; SecretarY- Norman Dowls; Auditors--MeSrU A. H. Brent and A. W. Annis. Mr. and Mrs. Floydi Dudley, Bllly and Donald, spent a f ew days wlth lier parents, Mr. and ivs. W. J.! Turner, Green River, and attended,. the funeral of Mrs. Dudley's grand-' mother, Mrs. Petch, on Thursday. RUBBERS We are fully stocked to f111 your needs from PLAIN RUBBERS t. PLRBER BOOTS Men's Plain Rubbers ....90c; Rolled Edge - . 950 Boys' Plain, 1 to 5- ....65c; Rolled Edge... . 80e Youths' Plain, il to 13 .. .55c; Rolled Edge. 70c Women's Rubbers, special lot at ...... 45e Women's Plain Rubbers, ail heels, . 70c Women's one dome fancy Rubbers, black or brown. 81.10 Misses' and Children's Rubbers. . .... 50e and 55c pair RUBBER BOOTS Men's . ... . . - - . . 8.2.98 pair Boys' . . . . . .. . . . . . $2.25 pair Women's, 3 to, 7 ..... . .1.95 pair Misses', il to 2 .. S1.75 pair Child's, 8 tri 101/2 ... ... 1.50 pair OVERSHOES Men's, 2 buekie . . ....... .82.15 - $2.29 M en's, 1 buckle .. .. . . . . .. ..- - 1.65 - $1.79 Boys', 2 buckle . ý . ... .. .. 81.85 Misses' and Children's, 3 buckle . ....-1.49 $ 1.69 Misses' and Children's Rubber Overshoes 81S.39 $ 1.49 Women's Rubber Overshoes, feece lined $1.60 -~Special for Saturday Ail last season's Oversboes for Women and Children Clen Special Prices on AHl Leather Goods ln the Store. Corne in and look around any time. Watch our windows. Ives' Shoe Store We take this opportunity to SINCERELY THANK our growing llst of friends and customers for the business entrusted to us during the year .iust closed, and OUR WISH to you, in fact to everybody who reads this littie message, is that this the New One 1932, will bring ail that is Good and Best for you to have. HENRY LATHROPE Reading or lotherwise known as the p. & R. Co)al Genuine Semnet Solvay Coke PHONE 520J or 520W BOWMANVILLE ASensational Selling S uits and Overcoats This is our bargain season. Owing to the milci weather the dernand for Overcoats has not beeîî as heavy as usual. We are therefore making substantial reductions on ail coats in the store. Tweed Overcoats, Reg. $23.50 for $16.50 Reg. $19.50 for $13.75 Reg. $25.00 for $17.50 Ail Blue Overcoats reduced in price. Every Suit in the store also marked down for this big New Year's selling event. Ladies' Coats at HaIF Price \~> We have selected il Coats from our stock and have reduced thern to exactly haif price. If you are looking for an opportunity of getting a real first quality coat at haif price you should corne right in for they will not last long. Ail Our Coats Are Greatly Reduced in Price DRESSES REDUCED Our entire stock of Dresses has also been reduced. We want to clear these out before -stock-taking. You mnust see these to realize how rnuch you are saving on each dress. Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED King ShtiotBowmanville I i 4 O j Il 1I PAGE POURT -1