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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1932, p. 6

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* -. -' V' ? - .~J- '-M THE cAAI)IAN STrATESMAN, BowmANVILLE, THURSlDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1932 H9AVE TOU TEIED THE IMFEOVED SHULLGASOLINE? W. would bave you to try a, tank ffl of ibis splendid gasoline, as wc feel confident that you, like otherswhe have trlcd it, wlflbe deflghted wth th ii îgis anti- knock, quickr startlng, and splen- did mileage you wil receive from #0. smooth performance, and lt Maet aipoçular prices. lM Uni Drain and 1111 Tour Craak Cam f omiis seceanOf High Quslity 011. Csrl-Quaker State - Mobiloil Veedol - Sheil - Penzoil or Fineroil 100% Penn. We wi.I one and .an a Very Happy New Test. I3RTLETTY' PHONE 110OKING ST ESTe. 13OWMANVILLIE -u We French gown, suit, jHINTS FOR HOMEBODIES I WrittCn foS TheStatesmanby .TeeAllenBrown A Ne w Year's RESOLUTION "I wUl drink several glasses of rnilk every day durlng 1932 because it le consldered by the medical profession to be a, perfect food. I wil drink only Bowrnanvllle Dafry Milk because it la the product of tested cattie, la pasteurlzed and bottled under byglenle conditions." We wil belp yFmkeep tbis reolv Bowmanvile Dairy W. IL DETTLES, Propkor. SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1488 Dhoo st. W. Ternmo DOWMIAriN"RLE AGKNT THE SMART SHOP Ibm. 4n3 C.wBas* their work and for tic mariner i whici tic attendance bad kept up thougiout tic yeam. A discussion was lield as te wbat prograin the Troop would folow for 1932. It was declded that sev- eral hikes wll be lield and that i general tic First Bowmanvile Troop wlil do ticir beat te keep tic "out" iScoutlng. Thus. one of the mont etiuslastlc meetings o! 1931 was brouglit te an end wti tieclcosing ceremony. Qyialîty bas n0 substîtut Thse Sunny spot neutralise ticin and make for gen- if you want te fimd thc sunnicst cral comfort. place in tic house, just watci ticPh.-e ugi woetimbv cat. It manages te fimd the sun- we wcre invlted out te spcnd thc ev- niest place, cvery lime. In the earîy enng and tUis is what we had to cat. morning, our cat takes full posses- Crackers, cheese, Spanish onons, sion o! a coinfortable chair, that le and mince turnovers. Cheese, onlons flooded witi sunlight. When tic and mince pic! What a combina-n sun moves on. so does the cat. It tion at niglit! Everycine enjoycd it,S follows the sun around the rug, un and nearly everyone ate two mince i til f inally, it travels across tic room turn-ovcrs. myself included. I doci rnoving a ittîe at a time. 1[ we all not know about the rest o! thcm, but tried as liard as the cat does to be I slept like a top, mince turn-overs,t in the sun, it miglit be better for us. cheead aril. ic Taklng Away the Bottle Arrange balves o! canned pears i At a tea, tic otier a! ternoon, I a flat pan which hlas been rinsed l heard some mothers o! Young child- witi cold watcr. Pour lemon jelyc ren, talking about wien they took over tUis and chil until f irm. To the bottle away f rom ticir babies, so serve cut I squares, ecd square I joined them te listen in on tice<is- baving a hlaI pear in tic centre,c cussioin. Dîd you ever notice tic place on lettuoe. A suitable salad way womcn wlio have babies always dressing le cime made o! a mixturet scem te get tegether at any social o! equal parts o! salad dressing andr gatheing? Most of the time tiey whipped cream.e talk "baby" at tbat. It le their ab- sorbing interest, but I bave seen oc- E ATL HGHS OL casions whcn the rest o! tic party NWATEHIHSHO was borcd te tears lstening to them. Report of Christmas Examinationst But get back to our mothers. Thisa time if I listencd it was my own Foim 1 t fault. They ail knew tbat tic bot-9 i tic slciuld be taken away at tic age Subjects: Englisi Composition,r o! a year and tic baby tauglit to Englisi Literature, Algebra, Art,t drink out o! a cup. One fortunate Botany, Grammar, Britishi Histery,c mother said tiat she had no difficul- French, Spciling. ty at ail, lier baby gave up tic bot- Bessie Law 70.2, Evelyn Alun 69.2,1 tle witliout any trouble. The rest Ruth Holmes 63.2, Marjorie Lycettt o! them al bad difficulties. Some o! 63, Gena Sinythe 62.7, David Law1 > terngav uptheattmptandlet61.4. Vera Brown 59.9, Harold De-0 thiem gy ave uptic ttemptialt sline 58.4, Kenneti Stephenson 57.4., oti babyhv ic st bleuni i wsMcGregor Jones 56, Dorothy Quant- overtwo whdli e to bd. il 55.9, Gladys Polard 54.3. Nita Tic baby does not want the mnilk. Alin 52.7, Marguerite Harris 52.7, so muci as it wants tic comfcirt o! Charles Brereton 52.4, Gertrude the bottle. The trouble le tiat mo- Bonathan 51.9, Leland Miluson 50.3, tiers are so a! raid that if tic baby Marie Henning 50.1, Bert Quarîtril doca mot take tic required quota o! 49.6, Olive Jaynes 46.6, Raîpl i Gb-1 mlk, it will starve. It is slow work son 45.7, Annie Mcneely 38.4. f gettrng the mflk from a cup, but it FIS sliould b persleted witi, as i time Fr the baby wll become accustemed to Same subiects as Fcirm I, witlit It In tic meantime use some of the Latin i addition. milk i cooking its food, and get June Broiwn 76,9, Jean Rickard 74, around it that way. Cook the cer- Bessie Blackburn 73.3, George ora- cal i milk lnstead of water; use bam 72, Margaret Toms 70.1, Mary custards; and make cream sciups. VanDusen 68.5, Alexander Hemdry One mother liad a baby that bad 67.6, Mary Chaplin 66.8. Lloydt been sick in tic summer and liad Young 66.6. Jack Hare 66.3, Elleen bast conalderable weiglit. She f cît Smytie 64.7. Wlil Brunt 63.9, Owem that it was more Important to regain Williams 62.3, Audrey Bonathan 62. that welght than te breakth bottle Jack Kimbal 51.2. habit, so she was maklng no attempt FoIES in te take the bottle fron lier baby. Subjecta: Englisi Composition,1 She was accusterng hlm te drink English Literature, French Composi-t from a cup and he teok water and tion, French Authors. Ancient Ble-1 Uis orange julce and a littie mllk tory, Algebra. Geometry, Chcmistry. tiat way. Memory Womk. Simpe Rereshentsat Nght Walter Blackburn 85.7. Fred Cow- Simle efrshreni atNlgsi an 81.2, Edwi Hancock 77, Anna- One o! the outward and visible belle Hendry 76.3, WiUl Brunt 63, signa o! iospitality le tic serving of Florence Spencer 61, Hubert Ander- good food. Sometimes, liowevcr, we son 60.2, Lormne Batty 56, Dorotiy are almnost kiiled witi kindness. Bonathan 52.4, George Grahamn 52, Women laviali hospitality by sevmng Lloyd Yoiung 52, Eleen Sinythe 51, tic very richest and most indigest- Dorotiy Trcnwiti 44.8, Irene Brere- lble f ooda at niglit. Fooda can be ton 38.8. most deicious and yet easy to di- gest. So if you wlis to be truly hos- Geo. A. Coyne, Principal pitable, have your f oods digestible as Miss Neva Swltzer, Asat. weil as delectable. I stiil have qualms wicn I tiink OBITUARY o! a party I gave last winter. I ser-- ved a lobster salad, and tiat i it- Richard Wite. oilton self le a bit risky, but I knew some o! my guests werc particularly fond Richard White, editer and pro- o! lobster and I took a chance. prietor o! tic Milten Reformer, died Wishing to serve a simple dessertsddnyTuda mrigDc Water ticelostrId ordcme Oange t3lst, at Us home at Martin Street, Watder Icae. Mingtcme tatd teMilton. Deceased, wio was in bis sudde ey dwndon mrie tht h 78ti year, was borniat Solina, Dam- watr ie bd nt arivd.A fran- lington township. being a son o! tic .;tic phione cal brougit forth the fact lateDaelndAn ron itc thatit ad eena secil oderandHe was a member o! St. Paul's Unit- - thcy lad neglected te make it. Tic cd Churci and was a Liberal. Sur- confectioner f cît very guilty I could vivig arc lis widow (Jennie Tail- tell. and asked me if lie might re- ing), five sons and one daugliter. F. place it witi tic niccst ice cream Leonard White, editer of tic Can- tlieY had. I, o! course, agreed to adian champion, Milton; Frederick tuis. If lic bad sald "tic richest and Edward Blake o! Toronte; Nor- ice cream" ic would have been near- man R. o! St. Williams; Marshall o! cm tic mark. Tic ice crcamn was de- Milton; and Mrs. A. J. Sloan o! licious, but was !illcd with fruit and Woodsteck. Tic funeral was lield spices and some unrecognized ffav- on Saturday a! ternoon in St. Paul's Our tiat it made it vcmy dclicious. United Churci. Interment in Ever- But rich! My guests wcrc too polite green Cemetery, Mlton. to tel me that tiey iad indigestion. Mr. Whte le a cousin o! Miss afterwards, but if they did not tiey Emnma White, Bowmanvlle. migit well have. I feed guilty yet. Vcmy often we arc unable to sleep * îr after even suci a smail affair as a 1T table o! bridge because o! unsuitable BOWMANVILLE f ood. One cold wmnter's night wc TROOF wemc served a piping hoit cup of soup BOY SCOUTS witi crackers and everycine cnjoyed it, as it was unusual and deliclous.S.TrySoum tr This soup was a cream soup and wasS.Try cumse a combination o! a cream o! ciicken Ned Rehder and cream 0of pea soup. A cari o! Asat. Scouimaster ecd was Put itic double bolier and it simmcmed away gently for ::Meet ai Central Publie somne time before we ate it. i Lt simple fooda at iglit be tic School Wednesdaya ule. Many People take a dose of ai7p.m soda bicarb. when tiey cat at nugit, a .m - ,iust on general principles whther O ensa.Dcme Oh they need it or not. It Is a sound tie Fiat BowanvieeBoy Scot 3idea, as usualy tic foods caten are TmFphcd tslast rileguBar meet 1 acid forming foods and tic soda wll Tro! tc eam 1931.reulr eein - Tic meeting opened witi tic us- ual procedure whici was followed by a f w Scout games and a bal! hour 1 lesa sd P ladyla jr., o! Scout womk. Mm. Tcrry then cal- o ovcaor. r mt« dthenandreiewcd horeh prormss or on os, rget. uator c tic Tnd ine lresltepforma- ext"a harge for plmni ade by the Troop during tic xveam. 1 c c-gr-u étec - -1me -erf-o gsttrng qukk r a uliffo thm istmWr4 gp k MI ale v mli by tkMaq ZTOO TASLETS. >nui 2but ~s tedy béOW av tu. d dam ,r.f a&s Uaw un uS w - 5 ff pi pu Box z1 0. Tea ïmm ct4 a*'w mill SANTA CLAUS, VISIIT Kemembera Chidiren at Conimunity Christmas Tree Santy, bluff and liearty, paid a 1931 last cafl to Newcastle on New Year's eve and was four days aliead of the arrivai of the press an- nouncement of bis probable com- ing. He bounded into view shortly after 8 o'clock andi where ail liad been still and quiet but a f ew min- utes before there was now gathered an eager, expectant throng of boys and girls, and in an outer circle,, witli the comniunity flag staff and Christmas tree as the centre, an in- terested ring of more mature fol1k, some just passed out f romn childhood and so on to those who had reached the hoary age of wmnter. No pied piper of Hamelin town with his ir- resistible, compelling notes ever drew a more general foilowrng o! a community's youtli than did Santa Claus, f ur clad, white whiskered and jovial mannered as usuaL on this auspiclous occasion. Somema wonder why the children's popu=a saint carne to pay our village this last of the :--ar visit when it was generaily un Îerstood that lie was weil on bis way to Us far northern borne; but Commissioner John Gar- rod must have given him an earful that caused him, to postpone bis journey for a few days. It is com- monly conceded that John bas con- siderable influence with the warm hearted old soul f rom the frosty re- glons. Reeve W. F. Rickard was on hand te give Santa a hearty- officiai wel- corne. Some of the councillors were also present te greet him and it was whispered that Councillor Frank Burton had been in confldential con! erence with hilm during much o! the day and had been working liard to make this visit a real suc- cess; whlch it was. Some helpers brought a clothes basket fllled wlth paper bags and placed it on the ground near the el- ectricafly llghted tree and after Santa had addressed the gatlierlng around hlm lie proceeded te give eadi child one of the bags. And they were good big bags, too, as big as Santa's two generous f ists placed together. Each bag contamned a good slzed orange, a lot of! mixed nuts and more candy than rnost of the children had ever received at one tine before. The bags ail distributed, there was one more little ceremony, and this was Santa's particular surprise. It consisted of a searcli for Chie! John Garrod and the bringing of hlmi inte Santa's benign presence by Councillor Frank Branton that lie miglit receive a partlng token in ap- preciation of services perf ormed in promoting children's happiness. The parcel which Santa bestowed upon him looked as if it miglit be a big book or a box of candy. but John's friends wlio bave since enjoyed some of the contents bear witness that the package was a wrapped box o! clibice cigars. Before departing Santa expressed bis appreciation of the help lie lad received i cash and goods, flie f or- mer f rom citizens i general and the latter from storekeepers. in maklng Us re-appearance here a real success and lie adrnltted that in his world wlde work li l largely dependent on the assistance of others. The gathering dispersed around 8.30, the boys and girls and babies to sample the contents of their bags, and the blgger folk witli mon- ey te visit the sliops and stores and make their last of the year pur- chases. SHAW'S SCHOOL REPORT Jr. IV-Ruth Cobbledick and Pol- ly Gill 71. Sr. MI - Elford Cobbledlck 75 (Hon>, Louise Cox 70, Isabel Clem- ence and Brenton Riokard 64. Jr. nI-James Lovekin 80 (Hon), Bernice Wight 67. Sr. lI-Ferne Webber 79 (Hon), Mabel Clemence 75 (Hon), Ross Cobbledick 70, Dentzcl Anderson 52. Jr. II-Alf red Aiidread 74, Audrey Webber 65, Gordon Allun 34. I-Donald Cox 84 (Hon), Billie Webber 82 (Hon), Eric Lovekin 71l (Hon). Pr.-Jean Hanna 87 (Hon). Pass-60 %. Dorothy H.. Rosi, teadlier. 25 Ibs. 0F FAT GONE RhoumatismWs.t WIth It . A threefold beneit came to tht. womian wion she lout unwanted fat. ..Up to a few monthe ago 1 was 1always troubled wlth rbeuxnatiam. My joints wue getting 80 swollen it was Mmry to walk. I was then 155 lbo., wlùh inua greiit deal, seelng 1 amn only 5 ft. 2 incites in hetght. 1 thought 1 would try Kruschen, although 1 did ORONO (Fromi The News Dec. 31) Mr. Horace Best is under the doc- tor's care. Mr. Kennetli Hillisl spendlng a week witli lis cousins at Tyrone. Mr. James and Miss Viola 011- fillan of Toronto spent Xmas at home. Mr. Raîpli Eflis, Queen's Univers- ity,, Kingston, visited at Mr. J. F. Lorriman's. Mr. Qeorge A. Campbell, Toronto, le visitlng bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scott. Miss Catbarine Hall, Toronto, vis- ited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hall, over the holiday. Miss Cassie Hallett bas gone to Toronto for the winter witli ler brother, Mr. James Haflett. Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, Hampton, spent the past week at lier father's, Mr. R. H. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Crease, Toronto, sPent Christmas week wti lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowan. Mr. Frank Stinson, Toronto, visit- ed bis father, Mr. W. S. Stinson. Miss Fairbairn, Peterboro, is vis- itlng lier sister-in-law, Mrs. Rena Fairbalrn, at Kunirite Inn. Miss JO Armstrong, Hartford, Conn., iS SPendlng a week with lier mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Pliup and Cadet Wilfred Bigelow, Kingston, are holidaylng at their fatlier's, Mr. John Bigelow. Dr. and Mrs. McElroy of Peter- boro, Keith and Margaret, spent Chiristmas wti lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millar, New York City, spent Chistrnas witli Mr. George Armstrong at lis Mothcr's Mrs. C. G. Armnstrong. Miss Nellie Hockin, Toronto, a former resident of this town, who suffered a slight stroke a few weeks ago continues in poor healtli. Ail mothers can put away anxiety regardlng their suffering chlldren wlien tiey have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminater te give relief. Its effects are sure. Mr. Alex Bowen, Valentia, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pickard and daugliter Miss Hfida, Chathiam, are visiting their f ather. Mr. H. C. Bow- en, and other memrbers of the fam- iiy. Oakville acclairn Mayor J. B. Mo- at by returning hlm unopposed for another termi. Mr. and mrs. moat, formerly of Orono, were Chistmas visiters o!flier brother, Mr. R. Z. Hall. JKeep your stock f ree frorn blernlsli witli Douglas' EgYPtian Liniment. itemoves inflammation, quic&ly re- fleves bruises, sprains, strains, sweUl- ings, contraction or coras, stiness 01 joints, and sore muscles. Wordi was reccîvea hlire on Tues- day or the ceathi n Moose Jaw, iSas- katchewan, o! Mr. Wellington titani- ley. Mr. Stanley was a brother of Mrs. Harrison o! Orono andi visiteci UIs sister here a few years ago. W. J. Adams, a brother o! tne late Mis. L. T. Garnsby, died sucldenly f rom heart f ailure at bis home in BroOklin on Saturday, December 26. 1Mr. Len Gamnsby and son Gamnet, Mr. J. J. Gilfiflan and Mr. Cr. m. Liniten attended the funeral. Teachers and students spending îholidays at home were: Misses Mary .Knox, Kincardine; K. Staples, port IHope; Marion Dickson, Campbell- ford; Clara Mo! fat; Mary Somner- ville, Loreen Lorrirnan Toronto; and Messrs H. Winter, Fred Lorri- man, K. Hall, Toronto; Roy Coin- isi, Port Perry, Fred Lycett; Car- man Haw, W. Little, New Ontario. . Praises this Asthnia Remedy. A grateful user o! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's 1Asthma Remedy !inds it the only bremedy that will give relie!. thougi .for thirteen years lie iad sougit other lielp. Years o! needless su!- 1!ering may be prevented by ustng this wonderful remedY at the first ,warnlng o! trouble. Its use le sim- >ple, its cost is slight, and it can be purchased almost anywhere. Y. P. League was held on Mon- day evening in Park St. churci with a large attendance. Tie program, wiici was in charge o! Raymond Ciapman and Miss Eileen Riddell, was as follows: piano duet. Misses Dorothy and Betty Rowe; readings, Misses Kathleen Stark and Mary Wood, and a New Years topic was well taken by Raymond Ciapman. Numerous gamnes, Gontests and stunts were then enjoyed, a! ter wiicli candy was passed. At a meeting o! the hockey en- tiusiasts a flve-teamn league coin- POSed entirely o! local players, was organized. Varlous sections o! tic community are rePs'esented under tic following units: Forestry, Orono Business Men, Anitiocli, Kirby and Lockhart's and a cuP Presented by tie Agricultural Society wlll be awarded tic league leaders at tic C> 'h PAGE E=TW Can you afford to lose ? Or are yon couning only on a gain when you iuivest your money? Would a loss cause you serious eznbarrassment? Would it cripple you and yours fifan- cially? Ask yourself these questions before you venture For no matter how rosy the picture ... no matter how texnpt- ing tihe promise of profit... thse possibility of loss muet be taken inte account. The hindsight of thousanda bhs been better than their foresigbt. Profit by their experience. If you cari venture only on gain, consider thse protection afforded by a savingB bank account. Tise gin is sure and safk mIs e. M. A. JAMES & SONS Glove f ound. Apply to The States. man office. FOR $ THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Capital Paid-up - 30 Million Dollar Reserve Fund - - 30 Millio Dollar ilI CASO J BOWMANVILLE BRANCH: A. J. WHALEN, MANAGER You Know Its The Best Coal wF I'Is Blue Co al Noi a new coal but your old favorite D. U. & W. SCRANTON ANTHRACITE %Blue Coal' is your favorite Anthracite de- f lnitely trsde-marlked fer your protection. Thse color guarantees thse quality. Have thse bes.- ht cogs no more. ht gives mrater heat for leu. money. Let us fill your nexi cool order, i Win be dellvered promptly and carefully. If you burn wood See for yourself thse fixai quallty wocd we bave i oui Yards. We are also selllng wood ai the new 10w prices. Guaran- teed Ai qualiy. It paya to buy your fuel f reina regular dealer Who i. ln business to give you satisfaction and- bout value for youLr money. THE Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Ltd. q PHONE 15 KDMG ST. EASTBOWMANVILLE W PAIIO. 1 ýM ,ý ý,.- - 1 "PMuqpm- 1 FI 7N, iÀ9 i.:3ý 4! Fr --

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