~rnaban t4emr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 78 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers A. G. HOLLIDAY'HAS UNIQUE CAREER IN ORANGE ORDEF Bolda Three High Offices Simultai eouly - Has Played Prominent Part i Orange Circles in Pa" Five Years Mr. A. G. Holiday, Worshipfu Master of the Purple Guards LodgE L. O. L., of Bowmianvilie, and prom, inent County Orangeman, was las week elected County Master of Dur bamn West, thus creatmng a recore not before achieved by any loca Orangeman, holding at the sani time the offices of Master of hi own lodge, Master of the Districta Cartwright, and County Master o Durham West. This unique recorc cornes as a reward te Mr. Holldai for the unstmnting service he hai given to the order in this district. He was born n Orilla, but wher ml two years old lis home was burnec te the ground, and with bis f amilj le moved to Brooklin, wbere le ai- tended school. He lived i Toront for 15 years and i 1920 le wai married te, Myrtie Summers o Lansdowne, Ontario, and two yeai later ho joined L-ansdowne Lodge L. 0. L. Comlngto Bowmanvllle ir 1926 he secured a transfer te Bow- manville Purpie Guards Lodge and the foilowing year was a mombei O! the committee who were in charge of the arrangements for thE successful Orange Walk beld bere that year. Mr. Holiday nover beId an office in the Orange Order until he came te Bowmanville so that bis risc ta County Master bas been meteori<, Ris firat Office Was that of Treasurer of the local lodge, and working through the various chairs he r'each the office o! Master i Decem- ber 1930 and was reelected te that office in December 1931. Ho las aiways taken a very keen lnterest in the Orange Order and its ldeals. He bas conducted a sclocl Of instruction in Orange work fo. the benefit of members throughout the County and bas been Captain of the Bowmanville degree toam. In 1929 he donated a cup to the County for Proficlency i lecture and secret work Wich is competed for annual- ly by the lodges in the County and Which is at the present time inithe -possesion Of Enniskillen Lodge, No. 141. The danating of this cup bas croated mucbh iterest la the work. At Blackstock on January 12th, this year, he was lected Worshlpfi Master of the District of Cartwright LOdges, and On February 2nd le was elqcted to, the bighest bonor in the M o f. the County Orange Lodges, that Of CountY Master, and imci- dontally the first county master f rom Bowmanville Lodge. Ho was lntiated inte the Royal Black Knigbts of Ireland Preceptory i 1928 and now holcis the hlghest degrela that Order, that of Sir Knight 0f the Red Cross, and is aise holder of the office of Chaplain in the Proceptery. He was electod a delegate ta ni- Present this county at the forth- coming convention of the Gand Lodge of Ontario East at Peterboro, I Mardb. He is also a member of the Bow- manville Business Men's Association. and by profession is agent for the London Lufe Insurance Co., by whidb company le is considered a valued representative. Mrs. Holiday is also leeniy in- terested la Orange work and Is at the Present tinie Worshipful Mis- tress o! Orono L. O. B. A. BLACKSTOCK Miss Cora Braitbwaite, Cavan, la visiting Mfr. and Mrs. Wilbur Werry. ..Miss Ellen Hunter, St. Cathar- ines, is vsitig Mr. and Mra. Royal Wbltfield. Miss Doris Marlow vis- lted Miss Grace Mountjoy..i..Mr and Mrs. Frank Stinison visited bier mother, Mrs. Wmo. Nixon, Clarke Union ....*Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson spent Sunday wtb Miss Violet Dever .. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailly visited Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughln, Burke- ton... Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smthb.. Mr. and Mrs. L. McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfleld vlsited Mrs. McGuire's brother, Mr. Crawford, Fleetwood. .Miss Pearl Bell vislted Miss Mabel Argue.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stin- son and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stinson spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Lorno Griffin.. Sorry te report that Master Harold Crawford la vory ill Miss Kate McLaughlln bas resumed ber duties as nurse at Pet- erboro.. Miss F. Parr and Dr. J. McArthur attended a bridge party given by Miss Emma Honders, Yel- verton.- Miss Vera Farder la able tobe out agai, af ter ber operation. . Continuation Scbool held a dance I the Town Hall on, lday evenlng, Feb. 5. An orchestra f rom Bowman- ville supplied the music. A good at-V BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY llth, 1932 Hoarding of GoId Prime Causes of Depression Says ProFessor Sandwell Strikingly Informative Ad- dress on Gold Standard at Men's Canadian Club Was One of Most Com- mented On Addresses of the Year-Canada is Off Gold Standard. A nov explanation o! île exlt- ing dopression, sud very probably tic only correct explanation, vas f ortlcannng from one o! Csuada's faremasi economists, Prof essor B. K. Sandvcll, in hie address bof ore Uic Mon's Canadisu Club on Wednes- day nighi. Prof essor Sandvell vas advortised to speak on "~The Arts sud Cra!ts o! Canada," but tlrough same amusing error le spoko on "The Gold Standard" sud did nat realize bis mistake until ivas pointed oui by Dr. G. E. Reaman f oloving the meeting. Most o! the mombers agreeci vith tle professer, vho i apologizlng, stated tiat Uic Gold Standard vas a muci more engraeig subi ect tian thc other. Hardly bas any address la receni months been 50 o lrecelveci as Ibat a! Wodnesday nigit. Business mon te vbom the Gold Standard vas but a mytî vere given an insight inte ibis subJeci sud vere made ta see, mosl lucily too, île reasans for the depressod conditions exlsting ai the preseni time. Prof essor B. K. Sandvel Tic profossor vas iniroducoci by Past President A. M. Hardy vIa outiled lis brillant career: Bern- ard Keble Sandwvol, B. A.. ta give hlm bis full name, la a felov o! Royal Society o! Canada sud aiso o! île Royal Ecanomlc Society o! Great Britain. He la noteci as an autîor for bis book "Tic Prlvaclty Agent" sud aiso bis volume a! es- says. Ho le tle contributor o! many articles, lterary, economlc and lu- morous, ta Harper's Magazine, At- lantic Monthly, Warld's Wark, Cur- rent History, Nintenh Century sud Aller, Spectator, Woekend Re- vlov, American Ecanamic Revlov, University Magazine, Canadien Ueo- graphic, McLean's, sud many allers. He vas borp I Ipswich, Englan<I, i 1876, sud le came te Canada i 1889. His fathor vas a minister o! lis Pirsl Congregation ChurcihI Tarante. Ho entereci journalaig anci became reporter, crltlc, finan- clal edilor sud assistant mangn editer o! the liontreai Herald. He vas aiso edilor o! lie Mantreai in- suclal Times. in 1920 ho vas ap- poinled assistant prafessor O!secon- oaica at MccliiiUniversity sud vas1 a a professor or EngUish at1 Que=a. Ho la nov a freelance vnlt- (Ootaued on Page2) TRINITY W. A. TO SPONSOR CONCERT Society Benefits Under New Ar- rangements Divding Association Into Twelve Circies The Women's Association of Trin- ity Unitedi Churcli met in the school room on Tuesday, Feb. 9th, with Mrs. J. E. Eliiott presiding, and with an attendance of eight-five mem- bers. The meeting opened with piano music by Mrs. F. Jonesa, and thle smngmg of bymns. Mrs. H. W. Foster read the 1outh Psalm, foi-. lowed by prayer by Mrs. Elllott. This Year the Association bas been jdivided mnto twelve circles and ail women in the congregation are members. Zach circle meets once a month at the home o! one of the members and very enthusiastic meetings have been held. Reports of the circles were recelved whldh alrady show beneficlal resuits ob- talned through the new arrange- ment. A concert under the auspices o! this organisation will be held i the dhurdh on Feb. l6th, wben Mr.9 A. E. Greenlaw, basso cantante, willl be the artlst. Circle 2, wth Mrs. John Perey as convener, had charge of the follow- ing Program: Vocal solo rendered by Mrs. J. Elmo Anderson, accompan-1 led by MrS. N. Glarbutt; two delight-1 fui readings contrlbuted by miss9 Helen Foster, and an instrumental1 by Mrs. N. Garbutt. The meetingj closed wlth the Mlzpah benediction. BOWMANVILLE JUNIORS WIN HOCKEY GROUP Bowmanvlle O. H. A. Juniors J plaYed a hockey game I Whltby Wednesday night, ()-0. As goals count on the round, Bowmanvillie wins the grOuP by3to 2. There was water on the ice wlth sand holes spread ail over. This la the !lrst tlme In several years that Bowman- ville bas won its group. It 18 flot knOwn as yet who they play' neit. At the nomination meeting in Manvers Township, W. H. McCart- ney, retlring treasurer, wua present- ed wlth a valuable gl!t by the coun- cil. For 42 Years ho bas been a con- scientiaus servant o! the municipal- l lty and durlng that ie a'th=11g ho bas handled thousands o! ldoas ho hbu nover been a cent out in bis aCcounts. Mri. lcCartney la an un- Cie o!f1fr. J. H. Bateman, Rownmn ville. Ladies, remember thone dates: Fobruary 25tb. Uth and 27th. uhen the Wabams lady representatlve wil diIBpIy and demoasat thoUmmflue fabries et Oouch oh onato & cry- drmaas. RAS UNIQVE RECORD Welfare Committee Stili in Urgent Need oF Funds - OnIy $1300 Raised House to House Canvass MUSIC ST4JDY CLUB Does Not Realize Object- HELD INTERESTING ive of $2000 Expected- EVENING 0F HUMOR * Civic Welf are Committee Appela fr FutherDon-Toronto Artias Tool Part in Un- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Apeas orFuthr on - ioCal Artiste ations. Dress for the. Occasion-Large Attendance le Noted Wlth well over $1300 o! the ob- jective o! $2000 colected, the Civlc The regular meeting o! the Music Welf are Cammittee are hopeful that Study Club was beld Wednesday, tle objective might be rcached la February 3rd, i St. Paul's Lecture the next !ew days, but it vill mosu Raom, witi an unusually largo at- a mare liberal responso f rom the tendance. peopleaof Bowmanviile ta carry the .The meeting opened wlth singlng canipaign aver tle tep. Ta tiose O Canada", wth Miss Helen Morris who bave contributed tle Commit- at tle Piano, a! ter whici the gener- tee a exromly gateul ad ~al business vas transacted wltb the tee s etreelygraefu an toPreSident, lire. C. H. Dudley, in thc thoso ho ae as yet failcdtedochair. The study perlod "The HIs- iber saroin hisgret wrk betory o! the Clarinot and Bassoon" Commtteeappeals for their sup- wsPeetdb r.Mre y port. It is apparent from a glance mWa rsnd Ms b le. MurIo S- at the list o! donations recolved te spectively. Thone ladies gave a very date that the cisons gcnerally have fine description o! thone musical i- fallon down badly i suppartig this te sbahiUcmalgotc vory vorthy cause. Lot it nat beclrimnt sudbassoine an lof the sald that Bowmanvllle las not are playeci and toc pnrticular par measurod Up te, its obligation ithis tontstu ents ld ito lar !- baur of urgent need. forent orchestras. The appeal made tbrougl The lire. F. H. Mdoody thon took Statesman ithe past fcv veeks. charge o! the prograin, the presi- has been made to Uic sentiment o! dent acting as chairman; tic topîc thc more fortunate citizens, but being "An Evenlng o! Humor." This there la more than sentiment con- PrOgram vwas full o! bumor, vit sud nected vith this vork, sud It la the laughter from beglnning ta end, stern and unalterable duty o! every and oaci one taklng part vas dress- citizen vbo la able ta cantribute, toecd la a costume suitable for tiat1 do thoir share. Citizens cannot and selection. Thc follovmng program must nat sit back and enjoy thc vas then presented: Tva cboruses pleasures a! liewvIlle others en- by Mesdames F. H. moady, A. W. doavour to vade througî the muddy Pickard, Misses Greta Wickett, Joan pool of dcspondency and vant vtb- Ramsay and Helen Knlghî, in the out a helpig band. The duty ta latter chorus John Jame.s sang a these bunians should not be a mat- solo in fine buniorous style; read- ter o! cholce or vhim, neither ing, lire. F. H. Mcody; vocal solos should it be consldered an act that by lire. Moody, Miss Mary Birks, requires salesmanshlp on the part and Mir. S. Glanville. Mir. Carling, o! tboso canvïassing. Citizens slould a noted coMedian, gave soveral be ready ltler te danate direct te luinorous selecîlons.c tle treasurer, Mir. F. O. Mcflveen, at At the conclusion o! this finc Pro- I tle Bank a! Montroal, or ta lanci gram lirs. Dudley, on behalf o! tbe their subscription over te the can- Club, cxtended a bearty vote o! vasser vbo cals. thanks ta al vbo assisted la mak-V Thc Cammittee knave the candi- mng this ovenlng's ontertalument 80or tions bore and vbat tle probable enJayable.a exponditures vill be and the sooner n_______________ tbey recelve a guarantee tbat Uic money la fortlcomlng the soonor tians ta this funci, vhicb have nota they vill have the plans for relie! already been acknovledgcm ln thon t entlrely hi baud. calunins, viii be publisbed next t A liSi- a! thase making contribu- veek. t TRINITY CHURCH REPORTS YEAR 0F FINE PROGRESS Ineresse iMembpshi»- Mison. ary Ailotment #ain luFull - Over $15,000 *aiscd For All Tic annual 'Congregational meet- ing a! Trinity 'United Churcb bed Tbursday evenlng vwas featured by very gratifylug reports !rom overy brancl and aoclely o! the churci. Membersbip shovcd a slight I- crease and givings raised for ail purposes totaleci $15,471. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor oc- cupied tle chair for the meeting vhlcl vas vol attended white Francis Sultton, Mus. Bac., preslded ai the organ. Tic program. o! lie meeting opened vith île singing o! a bYmn sud a praYer by tic paster, and vas f olloveci by the reading a! tle minutes o! Uic last Congrega- tional meeting by Uic socrctary O! the Board of St4rds, Mr. F. C. V'anstone. Followlng a selection by a Mixeci Quartette composec of lire. T. W. Cavker, lire. J. E. Anderson, Dr. C. W. Siomon sud lMr. Blake Polad Dr. J. C. DevitI, superintendeinto! the Sunday Sclool, read île Relig- ious Education reports. Tiese re- Ports vhicl cover the vark o! tlc Sunday Scboal, C.G.I.T., Tra iRa. gers, Y. P. Society. and Men's Bro-: tberhcod, shoved a splendid attend- accei lal these branches. In the Sunday echool there vers 491 pup- ile vhile on lie roll including Uic cradie roll vere listed a total a! 652. During Uic year $860 vas ralseci for S. S. vork sud $260 for Missions. Tic momberslip of tic C. G. I. T. is 70 and Mise Vesta Spargo la in charge. Membcrsip af tle Trail Rangers la il vith Jobn James as Mentor. Tic Y. P. Society bas a membership o! 40 and under the leadership o! Miss Marion Pickard. $175 vas raised for Missions. Tventy-seven o! île maie members of congregation lave membershlp in thc Men's Broilerbooci vba rais- ed $25 f or local Purposes and $50 tor Missions. Mr. w. C. Ferguson la lader. Mir. Allan Kniglt favared vith a. olo. and lirs. Frank Crydorman tooved vitl a splendid. repart o! bh Mlsslonary Society, sud its as- 5oclate socloties. The Mission Circle Jice Jackson Misson Band, Sparl- Ig Mission Band, and Uic Baby Bandi are tle cblldrcn'e affiliateci ;clettes. AUl socleties together vere loted $1100 10 raise for Missions ind oaci more ilan reacheci iheir )bJective. lire. Cryderman lu her report iddod that she did fiat vish l îaought that Uic ralaing a! monoy 'as the only tblng for -vhich these Milettes vers arganised, but a great nY meetings lad been bld and nany fine misslonary speakers lad sen heard. Seventeen bales o! Ilthlng havo been sent te île West )Y Uic Alternoan AxWry. 2 bales ;thc Presbytery Suply sccretary, tnd 29 jars o! fruit te the Fred Vic- or Mission iTarante. Evenlngi luxlllary bas 55 membere. Ticy1 iad 12 meetings vith an average ttendsuce a! 35. Ticy lad four ipper meetings and made 198 calls. Mission Circlo bas il annual oembers andi 1 111e member. Tic *oney ralsec by Ibis group vas by )rsonal givlag only. Ailce Jackson Mission Bandi, un- tr lie leadership o!flira. Claude ves. had a memberablP 0f 36 and 3 ['e mnembera. 20 meetings ver Lld vlth an average attondance a Sparllng Mission Band, viose eaer la8lirs. B. M. Warnlca, bas 1members. Thone boys have been tudylng thc Mission Band Book. isBaud bas Uic distinction a! le- ig lie oniy U Mion Baud for boys lite Dominion o! canada. These :nds are arganised flot te maks aoney, but te educate lie cildro dong lilssonary Unes. The Baby sund under Mis. T. B. Gilcilatbas *en thorougbly organlzed sud bas ;members. R.eport of Women'sAscito as given by liePesdnlr.. CCcrtlnued on page 8> t c IL C fi Il Si i o el E S4 a a o a tic c] tc ai ai di IN hi le 21 st T iii bi ai B 51 'w $2.OO a Year in Advance Minor Recluctions ln Civic Salaries Macle By Council at Special Session Down Expenditures with View to Lighter Tax Rate -Quinte Seed Asocia- tion Granted Use of Town Hall for Big Seed Fair. Tic Tovn Council at a speclal session on Monday niglt, exercised one o! tbcir preragatives a! office by reducing the salaries o! munic- apal officiais. Tic salary culs vere a! sudh a nature tlat it la not nec- essary te oemblazon in a startling beadiue, "Town Counil relentless- ly slasheci salaries," but may be re- ferrod ta mare correctly by saying that counil effecloci certain minor economies by reducng te a sight extent Uic indemnities a! certain municipal omployees. Thc rduc- lions are a! a very mld nature, but the action taken lai kceplng viti thc counil's efforts te brng about a reduction in Uic mim rate this year. Tic bylav for the appointment o! tovn officiais vas passeci unani- MOUSlY rcaultlng in tle !alovlwng appohItment suad salaries: S. entn, hie of 1931 1932 Police .. $1850 $1800 A. H. Bîckeli, Ra supt . . . ... 1200 1100 Walter Hall, Nigit Constable ... 1350 1300 J. M. Kennedy, Waterw'ks Supt. 160() 100 A. H. Bounsail, month Assessor . . . . 350 san e A. J. Lylc, Tax Collecter 350 saine J. H. Hlgh!leld, Ccmetery care- tak r . . . . 1200 1080 A. S. Baker, Weed Inspecter ... - 25 Specianstabes-s olan- ville, Fred DOwneY, A. lialicys. Pence Vlewers-..HaM yAln, John Eliot, Wm. Barrie. Pound Keper-Wm. Smpson Other business Included lie road- ing of communications froni j. j. ARRANGED FOR BAND CONCERT SUNDAY Canadin Leglon Band aud Other Local Talent Wil Provide inter- stlng Offerlng iu Opera Houa. Sunday Evening A splendid programn bas beon ar- ranged for the Band Concert by Uic Canadisu Legion Band in tle Opera House an Sunday evoning, Pcb. 14, ai 8.30 p. m. There viii be no charge for admission but a silver colection viii be taken aI tie door sud lie proceeds viii benef il the Bandi sud Poppy Fund. Tic band l i eirous o! briuglng crodilte îlte tevu sud il is hopeci ta have the baudsmen la uniformes before many montha. Tic band hicî bas beexi ard at practice under tic capable sud de- vated bandinaster, Robt. Lovons, las maide considerable leadvay af late anid Ibis vii no doubt be noted i tle concert on Sunday. Mayor UoW. W. James viii proside. Tic program islaas tallova: 1. Ovorture, IITrumpi"ý-Band. 2. Solo, (a) "My World", (b) "«Abido Wlth Me"ý-Mrs. A. Calville. 3. .March, "Wldc Avako"ý-Band. 4. Solo, (a) Selected, (b) Select- ed-Melville S. Dale. 5. Cornet Duet, "Larboard Watch"ý-Bruce Berry sud Gilbert Jone. 6. Maie Quartet: (a) "Tic Handi Ijiat vas vouudcd for me", (b) "Sveet Sabbath Eve"-A. Mcareg- or, E. Coombes, D. Williams, w. Carruthors. 7. Seloction, "Bobemian Girl"- Band. 8. Violin Solo "Srenade"-P'rn- cis Sutan, Mus. Bac. 9. Selection, "Ood Be Wtl Yau" -Band. God Save Tic King. Mir. L. S. Cavcrly paid a vlsit to the Narthern Developmcnt Camp aI Kaladar, north of Peterboro. r.- contly sud reports that Bovmanvullc boys there are cnjoylng tli 1e in- mnensoly. Tic sleepig quartcrsansd food are beyond crilicisi n d ail are T. A. Dustan Re-elected President Bowmanyille Business Men's Assn. COMING EVENTS Whole Board of Officers Reserve Tiursday, liardh 17Ui, for ad DrcosRtre a Hostess Tes te le belc inh TrinltY to Office at Annual Meet- Sunclay School. 6-1 in - Past Year ls Re.. Resmre Tuesday evcning, Pcb. 16. te bear Uic famaus coloreci baritone, viewed - Association to A. E. Greonlav of Deroi, 51 1'riiiîy Continue Good Work. Reservo Saturday, PebruaY 13Ui,- 'for thc Home Cooking Sale sud Tea Thomas A. Dustan vas re-cîcleci ai 3.30 P. im. undor auspices o! Si. Presldont o! Uic Bavmauvmcl Busi- John's Wamcn's Guilci ai Uic Parish nnsMon's Association aI Uic annu- Hall. Tea 25c. al meeting bold In he i Balmoral Ho- Concert sud Valontino Tea, under tel on2 TuedaY nigit. Tiers vas a auspceso! S. Adrevs Yungpoor attendance, vhich howvvr did People's Society; local talent; on tenof ckh enlusiatsdte n u- Tuesday, Pcb. 16Ui. Time 8.15 sharp teret !Ioevoddatniag Adm on 5c.6-1uroci vell for lie socely i hibisl Adinscin 25scondi ycar a! activlly. Il vas onjy Tic Mcn's Brotierhooci o! Trlulty a! ter mucl persuasion that presi- United Clurci are planning an- dent Dustan again accepted thc of- other a! their iterssting banquets fice. 011cr officere are: Vice Presi.. an Tueday, Pcbruary 23rd. Pur- den-Harry Allun; 5ecr.ary-L. tber details vii le givon i nox Mason; Treasurer-M. S. Dale- Dir.. veek'c Statecinan. ectors-P, R. KOxrslake. T. W. Cav.. A m e ting a! U c B o inau ullo ker, W . P . C orbe î, T . B . G î h i , H-oming pigeon Club viii le lelci on C. H. Dudley, Dr. J. C. Devili, F. 'wcdnesday. Fol. 17i1, ah 8 o'clock WIIIIms, ai Martyn's Bovling Allcy, for elcc- Tic treasurer's report cioveci te- tion a! officers and ather important tlirocoipts o! $955.91, with dis- busincss. Ail1 pigeon fanclors vol- blirsomlents of $923.33, leavlng a bal- came. ance on band, vith a fev aulstanci- Bavmanvillo Horticultural Soci- ing accounts, o! $32,.58. A inemborship cammittee campas- cty las arrangoc itii Mr. John P.~ !Ib o Clarke, Lecturer iHorticulture fraddie for avlng vs appoae D opi. o! Agriculture, Toronteol, torve f r me b e vii l give s lecture on Rock Gardons, satdi h meit uue yulh lantern slides, in îe Councli arrAln, T. S. Hlgate, W. P. Room, an Monday, Fobruary 22nd, Crbeli, Frank Wilams, W. J.E ai 8 p. m. Admission frec. Evcry- Rdhad' C. A. Barltt, J. L. Cry-9 body volcome. 6-2 drman, W. J. Martyn, A. Nortîcuti sud Oea. W. James.1 Thc Wamen's Canacilan Club vill A short dicsinvs1dcn hld an evening meeting i St. cerninig lic Bunuai AI Home, but John's Parlal Hall on lionday. Pcb- nathig definite vas accampulieci. ruary isil, ai 8.15 o'clack vben The Assocation vhicb la sponsor-I Profossor L. T. Morgan o! Tarante ing Uic Junior Hockey Club bas beent University viii spcak on "Wby Badi unfartunate as far as expense go.1 Times.", This l sudh an ail IMPOrh- Tiey bave boert forceci ta psy oui a8 ani cubiecl at present sud Prof- large suni sud as there bas been noc Morgan cames te us So 111g11Y roc- ice Ihcy bave haci only ons gale as ommendoci that Il vas decîdd oteyeî. Il la hapeci bavever liaI Boy- hld an open meeting. Wc lape for msuvi1le viii vin thc group sud a large crovd a! guets. bath mon thal several playaff games vill bringà sud vomon. Tiers vii le a charge the!fiaces Into bettes, shape. o! 25e ta non-membre. The majar part a! lie discussion Tic Young Peoplc o! rZcvcastle centredi arounci thc Community Re- United Church iliii ld a Rally on lief question. Presidont Dustan andi Pcb. l4tb anci 1511. Sunday marn- athera volceci licir disappointment i ing service in the Unitedi Churci aI thal 50 many membera !ald te do 11.00, sud cvening service iths their part I the caauss ile thc Communlly Hall aI 7.30. Speaker naticeable absence o! the naines of for bath services viii h Rev. Roy H. business men from, the lIaI of con- ]Rlcksrd a! Oakvood. S3pecla music tributors te lie relie! !und vas coin- by lira. Drummonci of Orono. The meuted On. Sunday services viii be foflaveci a. Councillor W. J. Marlyn statod Monday night by a banquet et 6.30 tuat the tipis wva near et baud i lie Communlly Hall. Ticket$ 250, viw . relief vork belng done on sale Pcb. M.iby membors Of- the Wv1214 be completeci sud lie appoaled Y. P. L. execulive. Mr.se, qtr8f.nl for help I provldlng voit tor lie baser, Bo'wmmfflle, vil be thie mon uutil QingaOpened 11P I the speaker. Allertle banquet thmOnspMlng vii be a good prograinisud remme- Thie balance ofthle canvas for---- tion. Ail lie young people In the lief Finda spcasored la' thebuln district are cerdWlalylvited to at- mon bas pet to be completesud tond lie Bunday services A" 1dahsOveil teas bSSU Pet 10 tuai hl the banuet on Monda?' nlgh.8-2 tIci'r turna Dit BIRKS SPEAKS ON SINO-JAPANES-E WAR SITUATION Gave Interestlng Adilre on Oume- ingShangihui Now Centre et Wàr- I1k. Activities, aitai, 7Clbb To the majority .of people t]» news despatches on thé front pasue of tbe aaily nowspapers concernmng the 1in0-japanese situation, bave been of paramountiterest, but f ew really undorstand the entangle- Ments of international unrest be-» tween these two nations. Member of the Bowmanvie Rotary club vere Privileged on flday ta gain & botter insagbt o! the situation througb an extremely Informative adidress by Dr. W. R. Blrks, Who spent a number of years in Chinai, and vbose residence thereSain" for hlm a knawledgeof the sition in Itws correct sense, as few other people are able to, understand ILt Dr. Blrks was lntroduced by Rotar- Ian Dave Morrison, cbairmau o!tithe Interngtional Relations Coennxtgeo, under wbosc auspices.the addreua was given. Dr. Blrks entled bis addren Shanghiai - Manchuria, for viapped I thon tvo yards vere the îeusence of the present trouble.. Centuries agKo, bel ore the birth o! Chris, the. Chinese voie a clvlllzed peope per- baPS the moot anclent clvlimeclpeo- pie I the world. Tbeir civilisation completly dominateri the vorld, lu- cludlng Japan. Sa great vas the domination o! this Civilisation On Japan tbat the Japanese even use the same bAeroglypic or characters In the mode o! wrlting, as vas prac- itlsed by thc Chinose and wville PrOznunclatinn h each country ta different the saine characters are la use today. As thc ret o! tie world, te jap- anlese included, became more civii- od. te Nipponone rebelled againat this domination of the Chinone and about 100 Years ago tic Japanese began te get dlstinctly antagonisti tevards thelr nelgiboi gyeflow race. Tere Came dIaruptious ad vars and following, the Russo..jap. anese War the Jap e e ceded the rlgbt te bule railways, cut wood ad Mine in ManchUria wieci ia been cOmPetely domlnated by the Ruasiana. Manchurla Depled, as At l, by Chinon, natn.ally became the iotbei o!fsedition and trouble vas bound te arise. japau le a series of Islands, the centre of vbich are mountatnow (Continued-on Page 2) ST. PAUL'S CHURCH COCLUDES A VIMY PI bSPEROUS YEAR hlrty Per"t hiorelanMenbSe slip 13 Nof.j at LaaeJ7Attend. ed Aiuaj eetin -AnS. 8. 1900M on Fridsy The annual meeting of et. paul's UJnitedi Ciurch vas ield la the sd1Iooî roon Plday ovenng. Tiere as a largo attendau<e Of te m- ers san aderents o! the congre. Iteo.r ev- A. S. Kerr, the min- t, vas lected ciairman O! the meeting sud lMr. Geo. L. Hall. sec- retary. Rev. Geo. MÀason preseteda tatment hi behalî Of the Session. T'he report of the Board or Manage- Ment proeted by Mir. Ueo. I. Chase sowe a balance o! $129.00. ~.J.HR SWhdells secrtary o! the 3dy Ecol, stated that the past; mear ia enoneor0fthe Most pros- Perous làitIs blstory.Anhcas of 30 per cent h Auts mnlbrshpau taken Place over lie previous year. T'he S. S. Llbrary bas been re-or. anlzed sud ronovatedaSu scorefo new books added lbrougj, te klnd- nes o! frends of tie schoOL. The' fie service o! J. R. Pbilp as Sup- erlntendent o! the School vas blgh- Iy cominenled. The Womn'O Association helgi 10 regular. mooî and tbrough their n o tw a s t h e s o c i a l l i t e f th e on rgation su tain ed but th sumof $754 vas reailzed. The re ofo the Senior ad Junior Women's Mlsonary Auxillaries r... cealed muci splendid service rend- ered lacally te te slck ad needy nd approxjmatel $500 conrlbuted to MlsslonarY vork. lT.elMaple ceaf Mission Band showed a Mmn- bershlp of 25. Two.qults were made .lUrlng the Year sud six lite niem-. berships preSeutej, The contribu.. Ilons sent to the Presbyo T«res. urramunte o 71 Te in-~ Delvcd from the congregation $410, Re Ports vere aise Preseneiby the JanadIan Girls in Trlnlng, show- 9g a mmbershlp of 38.Tho sun- >r girls imade a babrslayette-t- be A. G. ioUlday Weil known Bowmanville insurance man. who has the unique record of belng Master of Purpie Guards Lodge L. 0. L., District Master of Cartwright, and County Master of Durhami West. In vlew of the hlgh- er offices Mr. Hoilday Is reslgning as Master of the local lodge. $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy !!ýmP 1 C b, No. 6