1~ CANADIAN BTATKAN, DOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1932 PAa v .iBusiness Directory I LEGAL B. G. V. GOULD, BA.. LL. BarrIster, Solicitor, Notary Iloney to ban on Faim and Town property. Royal Bank Building, B3owmanville. Phone 351. W. a. STEIK Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Soicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvdle. Ontario. W. F. WAED, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. ,OffIces: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail Its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentlstry. Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal fCoflege o! Dental Surgeons of On- tarlo. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. DR. Z. C. DZVTM Assitant: Dr. B. W. Sisuon Oraduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee BIdg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. dally except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in OffIce. INSURANCE Fire Life1 C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSTJBANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctboneer Parm and House Sales a Speclalty. Terms moderate. Ennisklllen P. 0. Phone 383r3. 1-tf TED JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer s 1 spciatzein Pure Bred Live Stock, Geieral Farm Stock and Impie- ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywhere - None too large or to smafl - Terra moderate. Phone or write Port Perry 38, for dates. 35-20te FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phones 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392. BOWMANILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successors to Alan M. Williams Kindness - Courtesy - Servie Private Ambulance Phone: Office 58; Residence 523 or 58 REPAIRS R. P AW SO N 8007 AND SHOE REPAIRING Good workmanshlp and materlal. Reasonable prices. SiIv.r Street, Bowmanvllle 2-4' DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at specWa prIces. Gct your orders ln early. Estimates given free. Geo. Pritchard Phione 489 Over Statesman Ofie Ha"e Your Eyes Exmlnci Consuit our - lieui methois - - Modem Instrumuita - R.M. Mitchell & Co@ Phonoa IN THE REALM 0F SPORT I1 INTERDIATES AT PETERWBOO Bowmanville Intermediates de- feated Peterboro on Monday night in the Quaker City 5 ta 3. Bert Col- well's spectacular goal kcepmng was mainly responsible for the wmn. Ini the first pcriod pucks rained on him f rom ail angles, but there was only one that f ound its mark. This victory for Bowmanviile places Peterboro wth very scant chances af getting into the playoffs. Bowmanville bas lost two games and won three, leaving them still in the runnmng. In the first period the Petes were much superior, but the clever work of Colwell kept the tailying ta one score when Dalin passed f rom the corner ta Jarvis who shot Past Col- weil. The second period saw the vis- itors brcaking away faster and after a f ew minutes of play Candler, playing his first game of the scason. shot from the blue lmne and scored. Flve miutes later on another short from the blue Uine Candler reaped his second goal. Hall way through the period Shinny Moise came mnto the scoring column followmng a fast solo rush. The period ended 3 ma i for Bowmanville. The third period opened with G. Piper picking the corner of the Pet- erboro net with a fast shot Peter- boro reccived a gif t of one goal Scotty Cameron trled ta pass out ta the blue Une, but hit ColweUl's skate and scored on his own side. The score was now 4 ta, 2. This goal gave new spirit ta the Peterboro aggreg- ation and Maudsley broke baose on a f ast rush starting at bis own blue Uine and ending with the puck lodged in the Bawmnanville net. The game was gettmng iteresting. With two and a hall minutes to go George Piper and Frank Jamiesan combined putting the game in the bag, wben they tare down the Ice, Janiieson in possesion of the rubbcr, as he reached the defense he passed ta Piper who bored in and netted the final goal. Moise, Candler and the Piper boys were always prominent for Bow- manville, while Maudslcy, Dallin, and Hatton wcrc the bcst for Pet- erboro. Bowmanvife-Goal, Colwell; de- f ense, Hooper and Chartran; centre, Candler; wings, Moise and Jack- man, subs. Cameron, I. Piper, G. Piper and Jamieson. Peterbro--Goal, J. Lebarr; de- f ense, Ells and E. Lcbarr; centre. Jarvis; wngs, Hattan and Dallin; subs. Dundas, Maudslcy, Craightan and Howe. feree-E. Coombs, Lindsay. "PAINS Att ODURME"" Rheu.atis._Again! And once again it was the "littie dailL dose" of Kruscben that con- qîiered it. In tact, it made this sîîfferer "tfee ever so weUl." -I have been taking Kruschen Sata because of having pains in the baek, head and joints; pains ail over me. I feit tired going to bcd, tired getting up. 1Iwas in avery bad way. 1Iwas laid up for over a month, and the doctor who attendcd me said I was sufféring front acute rieumatism, and advised me to take Kruschen Salta. In less than 3 rnonths I feit ever s0 ivelI. I can't thank you enough for Kruscen -Sats."-G. O. The priciple is tis : Kruschen Sits drive from vour body thc Urie acid crvstals which cause your pain. Vour pains case; knotted joints lecome loose. Afterwards the * little da;ily dose "of Iruschen so stinut- lilces the liver and kidncvs that your .î.iid is kept dlean. Mischievous Uric wd &,esflot get thse chance to i1(t11ulate. FREE TRIAL OFFER Y you have never rid Kruschen-try it now et our ex,,n-ý e he dist nbuted a grest rnany apecial *GIA\T" pacLages wluch make it easy for you to prvC our claies for yourself. Ask your druggiýt for thse ne., *GI%.NT" 5c. package. This consists of our reguiar 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottie--sufficient for about one seek. Open the trid bottle firît. put it to the test, anid tlhen. ifnflt entirely convinced that Kruschen does everv thmng se claies it to do. thse regular boittie i3 still as garai as ne.,. Take it back. Your drigist is authorised to retura 75c fmneiat1yand wuhout question. r'ou have tried Krnschen free. at our expense. INhat could be (airer? Manufactured by E. Grifith, IluthesLtd.. Manchester. Eng. ~ab. 1756). Importers: McGillh.* royBs., Toronto. For Peppy Start Use Winter Sheil Gaicîjue no advance in price. Quality Qils Castrol - Quaker State Mobiloil - Veedol Sheil - Penzoil or 100% Penn. I3RTLeffSa PHiONE 110 KING ST-.AJ BOWMANVI Lt JUNIORS WIN FIRST GAME FROM WHITBY Defeat Wltby by 3 te 2 Se - Busness Men Defeat Rotary at Broombail The opening Junior Hockey game of thc season was playcd on Mon- day night against Whltby Juniors at Taylor's Arena. Bowmanviile's as- pirants wan the game a! ter a fast and f urlous struggle 3 ta 2. The Business Mens Association arc bandling the teami this year and had made elaborate arrangements for Uic attraction. Canadian Legion Band paraded from thc Post Office ta the rink and played during the game. It seemcd like old times when Uic Chamber of Commerce Band uscd ta play for the play-off games, except that usually vhen the tcam put on a apread like that, Uicy lost. The Bowmanvlle clan dccked out in their new green and white sweat- ers and socks looked ta be better skaters and stick handiers than last year, wîth plenty of veight on thc defence. The teamn work, owing ta lack of practice. vas not as good as it might have been, but by the end of tUe game, the locals were com- bining for some spectacular rushes. Bctween tUe first and second per- bod, members of Uic Business Mcn's As'.and the Rotary Club stagcd a battle royal at a game caled broom bail. These husky specimens o! what middle age can do. armed with brooms, cndcavoured to avat a sinail football from anc end o! the rink ta Uic other whcre they had two o! thc most corpulent men af Uic town, Tom Holgate and Harry AllUn, in Uic nets. swinging their brooms ta kcep o!ff the oncoming pigskin. Harry Alin was vithout a daubt, the better goalie, being a littie broader. They vere unable ta, score on hlm, but on a long avat f rom Uic blue Uine, Melviile Dale, the 225 pound wing man for Uic Busi- ness Men, didn't give Tom a chance and Uic crowd roarcd as one gaal was markcd for thc Merchant prin- ces. Ceci Dudley vas responsible for Uic other goal for the Bus. Men. Takcn altagether it was a good game of broom bal vith plcnty o! spilis and thrills. Wc hear that Uic participants f cît their bruises plcnty the mornizng after. For the Business Men Harry Alin vas Uic goal keeper; Cecil Dudlcy and President T. A. Dustan, dc! ense; T. B. Gilchrist, centre; M. S. Dale and W. P. Corbett, wings. Rotary Club had Ex-Mayor and Past Pres- ident Holgate in goal; Banker Hef- key and Police Magistrate Camp- bell, defense; F. Cryderman, centre; Principal L. W. Dippeil and Deputy- Reeve C. E. Rehder on the vings. Hefkcy and Carbett drew the only penalties of tUe game. Chic! o! Po- lice Sydney Ventan as refcrec hand- led tUe game with exccptional ability and impartiality. Betwcen tUe second and third Periaci prizes were given ta those holding lucky numbers. Arthur Bell won a hamn, a lucky chap fram Whitby von a case o! tamnatoes, Hcrbert Moorcraft a bag of sugar, Harvey Brooks a side of bacon, and Harace Hobbs a bag of flour. The drawing attracted considerable in- terest as wth cager anticipation the spectatars waited ta hear if tUe ncxt number vas going ta be thears. Now back ta Uic game. Bath WUitby and Bowmanviile are spart- ing players that arc big enough ta take on an intermediate outfit and have spced ta burn. For their f irst game of the season their candition was nothing less than remarkable. Pork Osbarne, Uic lanky printer's devii, and brother a! "DutcUh' Os- borne vas ta get a pint o! milk f rom Johnny James every time Uc scored a goal sa no soaner was Uc on tUe sce than Uc scored on a pass f romn Walton. He flipped a backhand shot at Donnelly a minute later that Uit the post and bounded into tUe corner. Thomson drcw tUe f irst pen- alty o! Uic game when Uc tricd ta stop Shorty Walton with tactics a littie rough. Scott and Brown on Whitby wings wcre cambining nicely on their attacks and gave Hayes some bard shats ta handle. Hadgc and Oke mixed up in the corner and a! ter calling cach ather a fcw pet names were sent ta Uic box ta rest their animated souls. Donnelly made a marvellous savc when Jamieson and Oke wcre right on top o! him with tUe puck. The first period end- cd 1 ta 0. Second periad started whcn Jam- ieson making a sala rush, took Uic puck around Uic de! ense, shot, but Donndlly caught tUe puck in mld- air. McDonald came dawn the right wing and was lnterccpted by Oke. Oke passe<l ta Jamiesan who worked Uis way up as far as Uic defense and shot, but missed Uic net, Walt- an was right i a! ter the rcbound and shot tUe puck just ovcr Uic net. Thomson a! Whltby then took the puck, came down the ice and drove home a shot from tUe blue line that didn't leave tUe ice, but like a bul- oh1 Th ec ouod n h corner. Donnefly vas fot hurt badly and the pla~y contlnucd. Jamieson threw the puck and gat a penalty Whitby then took tUe offensive and shot after shot raincd in on Hayes who cooly turned them aside. Hall skatmng acrosthc front of tUe Bow- manvile net collidcd with Rayes and once again words, and dfrty looks played a big part. Hall got a penalty for his efforts. On the next play Veale and Oke began ta ad- vance. Gettlng through the Wbitby defense Oke shot and scored. 3-2. A little later Jamileson burned the Ice on a wlld rush that endcd when he shot the puck, whlch hit the defense man and veered towards the net. Donnelly made a blind stab at it and somehow stappcd it. The game ended with no more scoring and1 Bowmanville Juniors had won their' f lrst game of the season. Bowmavie--Goal, Hayes; de- fense, Jamieson and Oke; centre, Osborne; wings, Walton and Veale; alternates, Guinn Muttan, Bil Bag- nel. R. Wlnter. Whitby--Goal, Donnelly; de! ense, Thomson and McDonald; centre, 1 Heard; wlngs, Scott and Hall; alter- nates. Hodge, Brown. Mayne. Referee-C. Rice. Whitby. 1 B. H. S. SPORT NEWS matter. P. W. Hodgctts spoke on "Export B. H. S. Boys' Hockey team play- Trade." A review o! tUis trade as it cd in Cobourg an Pcb. 4th. and won effects local shippers and tUe nec- 5-1. Cobourg defaulted the return essity o! keeping up a bigh stand- game, giving tUe locais the group ard, and many other matters with championsbip. Bowmanviile start- refcrence ta tUis vere discussed. cd the scorlng in tUe f irst periad when Guinn scored on a rebound. "rhr reiW Jamieson iallowcd a f ew minutes "Orchard Practices" was Uic gen- later with the second goal Tw eral theme far Friday morning, goals were scored in tUe second per- wbich vas marked by special taiks iod by Ted Bagneli and Bill Bag- and discussions on fruit culture by neil. Veale scored In Uic third per- eminent authorities. iod and near the end o! the gamea Prof. Cacser, O.A.C., Guelph, sald Cobourg tailicd their only counter, a large percentage o! Uic orchards Henderson getting Uic goal. Bow- jlof Eastern Ontario were affcctcd by xnanvile: Goal, Hackney; de! ense,th apple maggot and railroad Jamieson and Gunn; centre, Bill worm. It vas not a bard job ta Bagneil; vings. Veale and Tedc Bag- eradicate tUese if Uic growers would nel; ltenaesDog.Adam , Dun- follov Uic spray system. Dr. Berke- nlop.altrnAas, C.Oe. ley, Plant Pathaloglst o! St. Cath- In a basketball game in Oshiawaarines, spoke at lcngth on diseases on Prlday, Oshawa Colleglate de- o! émail fruits, princlpafly raspber- ries and stravbcrrles. He advised feated B. H. S., 20-16. TUe game tUe gravera that a great deal o! bs vas fast witU tUe teamrs evenly attrlbuted tai vinter injury vas I matched. reality caused by a f ungus. Great care should be gven ta Uic selection LOCAL BADMINTON of plants, and any that shoved dark CLUB DEFEATED brovn or black discoloratlon o! the GENE«RAL MOTORS CLuB roots should be discarded. Prof. E. J. Havitt o! Guelph gave Wou 4 Ot o 20 atces henan address on follage as it affects Woha14 Outf 20Pacs etIJR tUicf ood supply a! Uic apple tree. Oshaa Otfi Pay Reurn The grovers passed a resalution Visit Here that the lav governlng bulk shiP- Winng 4 ot o 20mathesUicments o! apples should be amcnded Bovmanvilc Badminton Clubde- ~alvtecnineto ae f eaed eneal otar Baminon hat Uiey considered an orchard or Cluae on enera osa iht e-trec run pack. It vas their conten- Clubher on ednsda nigt, eb-tion that tUe three per cent ailov- ruary 3rd. The results: an ce for cuils vas too severe. R. E. Bowmanville Oshawa Robinson of Montrea], chie! fruit MeulaS Doubles inspector. spoke briefly upon the w. R. Strike and A. Osborne de- Fruit Act. feated H. Coppin and R. Lazier. S. R. James and C. H. Dudley de- T'he Banquet fcated E. Vesey and m. McEwcn. Folloving the morning session, a A. Knight and G. Flaxman de- banquet vas aerved by the ladies o! feated N. Khlmer and B. Granik. Trinity ChurcU, who had been i- D. Smith and Hi. M. Nanson bast structed ta prepare for about one ta D. Svartz and C. Deyo. hundred and twenty-fîve people. S. candier and W. L. Eiliott de- Altagether some anc Uundred and feated j. Giroux and J. Spencer. seventy-five people vere scrved. Ladies Double.s Hon. Kennedy Not Preseut Mises Osborne and Ames dci cat- It vas expected Uiat Hon. TUas. L. ed Misses CovandW Pickard. Kennedy vauld be the aiter dinnr miss0. Caverly and mrs. Dippeil speaker, but Uc vas not able ta at- lost ta misses Wheeler and Furber. tend, and Mr. R. S. Duncan, Super- misses Bagnell and u. Ailin de- intendent o! County Agricultural feated Miss Fulton and Mrs. Mc- represetatives, cfflccntly taak bis Ewen. place and gave a splendid address tamisses TLondon and Htcown. thast vreveray pf tia suestion- tomisses TLonbon and HtDon lst iving may hpracticalstgestions Mrs. Birks and Mrs. Elliott de- gates present. feated Mrs. Aughe and Mis Hutch-1 ison. Mr. Glbeous Appeai so. Mixod Doubles The meetings vere marked by mrs. Dippeil and A. Osborne de- 1help!ul discussion. President D. J. !eated miss Cavan and H. Cappin. jGibson made a strong appeal ta Miss Osborne and W. R. Strike grovers for a greater amount of de! eated Misa A. Pickard and R. early attention ta, fruit trees. He Lazier. Ae said if this vas camcid out as out- Miss s and S. James deieated lined by tUe cxperienced fruit men. Miss Wheeler and E. Vesey. a btter clasa o!f fruit vil be Uic Miss Cavcrly and C. H. Dudley de- autcomc, and botter prices Uic re- feated Miss Furber and M. McEwcn. yard. Miss Bagneil and G. Flaxman de- The convention vas a great suc- !eated Miss Fulton and N. Kilmer. ceas and Uic sessions mucU enJayed. miss u. Aflin and A. Knight de- The Offleers !eated Mrs. McEwen and D. Granik. Officers re-clccted arc: Paat Presi- Mrs. Blrks and D. Smith lost ta dent-W. E. Hare, Cobourg; Presi- Miss London and D. Swartz. dent-D. J. Gibson, Bovmanvillc; Miss Trimble and H. M. Nanson Vice Pres.-R. Harry Creva, Tren- lost ta Miss H. Hutchison and C. tan; Sec.-Treas-E. A. Summuers, Deyo. Port Hope; Directors-W. H. GlU- Mrs. Ellaott and S. Candler de- son. W. F. Rlckard, Newcastle; R. K. !eated Mrs. Aughe and J. Giroux. Squair, Bovmanviile; J. G. Findlcy, Mis Dovncy and W. L. Elllott Coîbomne; H. Sirret, BrigUton; J. A. loat ta Miss R. HutcUison and J. B. Wilson, Cobourg; F. R. Currelley, Spencer.I Port Hope. Oxo Cubes provide that extraN nourisbment which your family needs . . . they arc prime, lean beef in concentrated form ... in- dispensable in the modern kit- chen. Save your Oxo Cube Red Wrappers ..-. and send them with your name and address to Oxo Limitcd, 1910 St. Antoine Street, Montreal, Que. APPLE GpRowmR8 0F TUE UNITED COUNTIES TmCONVENTIONJ Prominent Agrlculturiste Addressed' Meeting Heu la Cobourw on Thuruday One o! the moat successful con- ventions held by Northumberland and Durham Fruit Orowers Assoc- iation was held in Cobourg, Febru- ary 4th and 5th, f uily 200 orcbard- ists and agrlculturlsts being pres-. ent. President D. J. Gxibson of Bow- manville made a capable preslding officer, and E. A. Sunimers, Port' Hope, f illed efficlently the duties of secretary. "Marlketing" the Keynote "Marketing" was the keynote of noon, Uic session openlng at 1.30 p. M. O. W. BaUer, Hlamiltan, sec- retary Ontario Markets Council, gave a splendid address on "The Activities of Coundil and Co-opera- tive Purchase a! Supplies." Mr. Bauer showed how thc buying of supplies could be made much more advantageous ta the orchardlst by co-operative work, and recommend- cdý that f armers get together on this MEAN ECONOMY SITRlEDED WITH Att THE BRAN 0F THE WHNLEd.EAVYHEAT WHL HATei aaawt Canadian Wha.tt THE CANÂDIÂN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LID, W. French edfa m a emi prom bp' e Ir0OR g UUitmeW long 084co sat gef M sma -ch«»rg oramIhg $ SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1433 Bloor Bk W. DOWMIANVIUE BAGENTS THE SMART SHOP led rappeol ow Jke4eliood for al/3ich ,fwrSOUPSCGRAVOIES, STEWS4 ETC., Tbù 01eor app" torxd- m foCanada only and expires on Apt-il 30, 1932. A !IL- ýlj. 1 TER CAMADIM 13TATZEbUN. 1301VIÉAIfVnZ4& TRUIMAY, IMBRUARY 11, 1932 No chillai Boors or corners, no damp roouMano .1w- heatlng nooks in homes warmed by this efflceixt tuai LEHIGII VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U Cod 77ma SaMal Hure's cosi that makes furnaces behave. Heres oomi th"t keepe homes dlea, comforttbie, a"i hemithy. Here's coai th" ]protesa pocketboaks. Oruier a. 10. today ad enjoy delightfui warmth the rest ofthe echil J.A. HOLGATE & SON BuRDERS'SUPIM S PHOnE 58 BWKANff*E There's a wealth of rich flavor i a smail quantity of "bi tea. RIEDROSE T EAis good ted 2 CHOICE QUALITIES - PR.d Label& orange Pekee ..THE 12 BIG BISCUITS PAM mvm