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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1932, p. 4

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PAGE POUR QINUTE DISTRICT SigD FAIR PURPLE HILL ENFIELD SALEM (Continueti from page 1) Mrs.Wbur Reynolds visitecI with Mr. andi Mrs. J. Delve. Oshawa, Mr. andi Mm. W. Miller. Bethesda, %hbe alternoon on Wednesday view- ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. visited at Mr. J. Hepburn'a. attendeti the service lien last Sun- âng the exhibita, but the real open- Heny. Mis. Floyd Paue and Miss Page. daY. Ilng day is today (Thursday> when Mr. nd Ms. Wlbu Vance visit- Eflni killefl, visteti ai Mr. S. Page's. So y t report Mis. W. E. Pol- It is expected that accommodation eti Mr. andi Mrs. John ERngliali on Mr. andi Mrs. Everetti miston, lardl andi Mn. J. Irwmn under the jut the Town Hall wull be taxeti to Sunday. Bowmnanville, recently visiteti at Mr' octors care. tpct.Mr. David Cherry slippeti on an W. J. Ormiston's. SYMPatbY la extentiedti WMra. P. :Tonight, at tbe Balmoral Hotel, icy dtoorstep andi cracketi several A good attendance attendeti the tiatb wo e boter- of, M.hJ the Rotary Club will be hosta to the rbs last week. etofbrrth-ilaM.. Quinte Ditrict SedFai Asoca- Mr. and Mis. Fre osadf program andi tebate lien on FritiayPrno!Tot. ýrdTmsadfm-mh.The program consisted f r o o! ronuiPat- fSlm re tion at a banquet when Warclens ln ilY' spent Sunday with Mr. anti rs the istictandmanyproinet W Wiliam, Cesa«. chruses, recitations, dueta, a drilli, Ase reai P.anrtfSaPemcy Cnn tue ustaci nti any romnentW. Wflifl2s, C.s commun. quartette andi mout ogngutra the r.orndon ridaPeening fainiers are expecteti tobe present Anmerfrm bscomnty anti organ, als tacordian, muictar he wehomieranFlyrwadei by t The chie! speaker is Dr. .LChi- attentietithe f uneral of the late Mr. The te ate"Rsolveoditat oegomuscanty er iblflte naddtrete tie, Principal of Ontario Agricultur- LarrY WerrY onl Thursd»,y. spet emoe npesetanrg oal ai CUeg at" was taken by Messrs. E. Beecli Rev. A. S. Kerr's fine discourse on The Fair Association is conduci- SLIAanti R. Gilbert for tbe amIrmative, udya.eno etrt rut ing JuiorFanra'Cometiion- -anti Mrs. A. Prescoit anti Miss E. the text, "But they that watt upon today for the Wartien's Cup, idi- 1Mi. anti Mrs. A. Hunt, Bowman- Taniblyn for the negative. The the Lord shail renew their strengli; vitiual caposhps anti the teamn ville, visiteti at Mi. S. Bush's. jUtiges were Rev. J. R. Bick, Mi. E. they ghal Mount up With wmgs as charnpionsliips. Mr. anti Mrs. J. T. Rundie visteti E. Staples anti Mr. M. Hobbs. Tbe eagles; they saal rua, anti not be On F'riclay morning the exhibits ai Mis. Sam Runtile's, Ebenezer. tiecision was given in favor of the wearY; andt tby saai walk anti fot wlll tml be ini place but many ex- The C. G. I. T. group are prepar- negative. It is Up to the men Wo famnt." Mr. Kerr also gave a very hibitors wili be preparing Wo move ing a pageant Wo be given on March start anti econmize at onoe or they interesting toyfrheyunger anti those wisbing to sec the exhib- 31st. wWu be blameti for ail the tieficits ones. tr forhey is shoulti see them tiay if possible. Mi. anti Mis. Ernest Larmer ant inl the future. Y. P. L. meeting Feb. 24th open- On Frlday atternoon at 2 o'clock family, Blackstock, visiteti ai Mr. thteVcPrsintMs.L the grain on display will be auction- T. Taylor's. eR ihs the chaei. n n asL cd off . Prize money wiIl be paiti Mis. Ivan Farrow, Miss Wood, Mr. CADMUS sung, followed by prayer by Rev. A. frorn the Treasurer's orce on April ROY Barrabail, Orono, visiteti at Mi. M oto.Ms .Hny t lit Jon Kvel's.Mr. Marvin Nesbitt visiteti at M. Vice. took charge of the following The prizes awartied on Wednesday Mi. anti Mrs. Ceci Pascce anti Edgar Gibson's Suntiay. aplenditi prograni: Vocal tiuet by afiernoon anti completet i n time for Gordon, visiteti ai Mi. L. T. Ps- MissLoyE.hopsotviitei a Publiatio are s foows.the r- co's. Hmpto. MMissoy E.opRutîctige atanti Mrs. J.Irwln; pbicin rZsandas follos h e cesHmpo.Mr.Alvin McGill's on Sunday Bible reading, Mi. N. Wilkin ; ex- maiin pizs nt camioshps Remiember the Division meeting jay planation of reading, Mr. C. Black- in the Judging Competition wiI be in the S. S. room Thursday evening, Mi. anti Mrs. Daviti Wilson spent burn; Discussion on the topic dlv- publisheti next week. Names in or- March 10th, ai 8 P. M. Suntiay ai Mi. Everard Sanderson's. ideti into 3 parts taken b y Messrs. tier of awards: Mr. George Millson, Toronto Uni-. Mr. anti Mrs. C. G. Venning anti R. Cale, L. Richards anti L. Squair; Early Oats-l, D. L. Scott, Ot- versity, speni the weekenti wiih his family spent Sunday ai Mr. W. D. two mouili organ solos by Messrs. tawa; 2, Geo. R. Beare, Uxbritige; parents, Mr. anti Mis. Eti. Milison. Ferguson's. S. Elcomabe anti R. Richards; violan 3, J. Hotigins, Carp; 4, W. Brown, Mr. anti Mis. John Challis anti Miss Augustus Thornton anti Misa solo by Mi. L. Coombes; talka on the Millbrook; 5, W. Parsons, Bowman- Miss Mabel, Bowmanville, visiteti Heuen Etiwards are visiting at Mr. 1 Wpic by Rev. A. M. Wootton; fol-c ville; 6, Thos. Baker, Hampton. Misses Riltia andt izzie Hockatiay. Oscar McQuades'. lOwed by a groupeti contesi, cookies1 Late Oata-l, T. Brownbritige, GrouPs 3 anti 4 of the Women's Miss Chrystal Falils left onM n plsben Cantinappmesobeion-serveti. The leati- Gedrgetown; 2, J. C. Cuninham, Institute are busy preparing for day for Peterboro where shei on er closeti the meeting with League Hornsby; 3, Thos. Sellers, ehr their concert on the l7th of March. to train for a nurse. MZa.Atnac 9 4. . Bow; 5 D.L.Scott; 6, E. Mr. antiMrs. Roy McGiU ni Ms ealMQai antiMs Clarkie, Norwood; 7, W. J. Rynarti, baby Keith, Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Heslen eards aeiinda Mi.sITs O N R Zephyr; 8, J. Hollinger, Foxhoro; ni illen, visiieti ai Mi. Ro eaienn dat's., 9. R. Armstrong, Ida; 10, John Lean, RyLangmaitir's.ardesn'. DE IT I c R ER Canieron. SorrY to report that Mns. A. J. Miss Gladys Cobbledick speat tue M.Om Hlnamti ui Spriag Whea-i, W. Brown; 2, J. Balson, Mis. Peter Leask anti Mr. weekenti wih Miss Flora Henderson ness trip t Peterboro on Saturday.s L. Cryderman, Bowmanville; 3, H. G. Pascoq are untier the tioctor's at bier home in Janieiville Station. 1Mis. Gordon Stinson is under thei Chas. E. Osborne, Bowmanville; 4, care. We wish each a speedy re- Mi. Gordon Strong anti Mis doctor's care. T. Watt, Foxboro. covery. Enma Bruce motoredti Baltimore'ç Winier Weat-l, D. Park, Wooti- Mr. anti Mis. S. E. Werry. Mi. A. On Suntiay to visit ber sisier, Mr. Mi. Etigar MeKee spent tue week-c stock; 2, W. J. Rynarti; 3, Thos. L acead r aodPaso RossCurtis.enti ai Enfielti. Selles; 4 W. rown 5, . W-attendeti the funeral of the late Mi.1 Oui Young people motoredt Jan- A ubrfo he atndtee Shortritige, Blacksiock; 6 , Thos. Larry Werry, Cartwright, lasi etville Frniay evenmng at pee dan ce ai Lotus F'itay night.c Bakr.Thurstiay. eti their play "The Hoodoo". They Mi. anti Mrs. Lorne McKee speni Barley, Any Six-Rowet-1, D. L. Mi. A. L. Pascoe. Mi. anti Mis.. expeci Wo give the play in Ponitypool SundaY ai Mi. James McKee's. S&Ott; 2, W. J. Rynard; 3, Thos. Haroldi Pascoe attendedti he China on March l7th. Mi. Robert Bruce anti Misa EnmaG Sellers; 4, D. Park; 5, J. Hodgins;i Weiwng celebration for Mr. anti 6. Geo. Ketchison, Foxboro; 7, H. S. iMis. Art hur Osborne, Ebenezer, las Service was helti Sunday morning Bruce were i Bowmanville on Tues- Glenney, Newcastle; 8, A. Couler, Saturday night. with a gooti attentiance. Mi. New- day.t Foxboro. eUl took for bis texi, "An forgive us Mi. antiMms. Clarence Parr visit-a Buckwheai.-., W. Brown; 2, J. L. Mi. anti Mis. Royal Hall, Oshawa, our trespasses as we forgive them ed Mi. George Fowler Tuesday ev-E Crdema; . eo Ktcisn;~ Mi. anti Mis. Charleton McBritie who trespass againsi us." Next ening.1 C. Cuninlani; , CH. Keichison , J anti Burton, Peterboro, Mi. anti Mis. Suntiay lie will preach on ..ead us Mi. T. F. Bruce visiteti aiMi.a C.Cniga;5 .H ecioClarence Tink anti family, Maplenoinoepato.IsahSrgsoBebynSa- Belleville. Grove, visiteti at Mi. Geo. White's.n, urtemttin- siay.togs o ehn, nSt Fieldi Peas-l, Thos. Brownbritige; Mi. anti Mn. Roy Laagmaiti en- Mida. attn erg olrvs 2, W. J. Rynarti; 3, W. Brown; 4, îertamne< a number o! their friends TMRr.ittiad M.rgeonDevitts-on T. Sellers. to a carti party lasi Friday evening ______ Sunclay .. riho eitso Garuen or Fancy Peas-l, J. L. when ail hati a .lOly time. Guesta udy Cryderman; 2, C. H. Ketcbuson; 3. were present f rom Oshawa, Hamp- Chuncli service nexi Sunday ai 7 Mis. Clarence Gina had a verys W. Brown.1 ton. Eriniakillen anti Solina. P. M. succea5!lil qulting bee Tuesday a!-r Beans, Aniy Fielti or Fancy-i, H. There was a gooci aitentiance ai A number of our people are sick ternoon. i E. Tink & Son. Hampton; 2. Jack League Montiay evening when the with la grippe. Larer anti fM.aindly ino u sellh- Baker, Hampton; 3, T. C. Bragg, Columibus League visiteti us. A Mi. Arthur Richards is visiting borhooi. i BOwmanvluc; 4, W. L. Snowdeni, splendid program was given by the friends i Oshawa. Mi. anti Mr. Richard Stinson andti Bowmanville; 5, C. A. Blanchardj, visiors, afier wbich contesis were Mi. Etwarti Virtue spent a f ew family spent Saturday ai Mi. Geo.P Hampton. enjoyeti anti a bounti!ui lunch was daj's wiil f riends in Toronto. Fwers PotatOeS. Rural New Yorker-i, serveci. Fwes S. E. Giffin, Acton; 2, S. J. Gray, Mi. W. T. Taylor. Mi. anti Mn. E. Mis Marion Hoacli, Bowmanville, Gladti t report Mns. James McKeeb Port Hope; 3. Lorne Bagshaw, Ux- R. Taylor anti family, Mi. anti rs. speni Sunday ai Mr. R. Hatherly's. able to be oui again a! ter lier re-t bridge; 4, W. j. Rynarti; 5, C. A. A. J. Balson anti family, Mi. anti Mr. anti Mn. Herbert Burgess anti cent illaes- Blanchard; 6, T. Sellers; 7, J. Man- Mr. EvenetCrycierman anti fam- flene visi Mea i Rbr ugsaCthspent Saturlay evnnVio ley, Uxbridge; 8, H. A. Pascoe, ily, visiteti Mr. anti Mn. Ernest Lar- Orono. tdaBM.ooetwuges, autn spe.tStra eeigi Hamton 9 J.L. ryermn. mer. B1lackstock, anti helpeti cele- Mi. anti Mn. Arthur Simih anti Mis. Sain McKee met with a pain- Irishi Cobbler Group- S E.j braie thein tenili wedtiing anniver- family, Raglani, visiteti Mrs. Smith's flacdn atwe bateht Os n e~.; 2, . . Ryar; , .Ca, . srmoîler, M s. T. Scott, who is W. ler foot scaldet. Ostorn; , T Slles;5, . . Cy- The regulan meeting of the Wom- Mr. anti Mn. Theodore Dowa Mi. anti Mn. Chas. Grahami, tue dernman; 6, H. S. Gleaaey. en's Institute will be helti in the S. spent Sunday ai bis sister's, Mns. Misses frene Graham anti Elva S. room ThUrsday afiernoon, Mardi (Rev.> Antirew McLaughlin, Graf- White spent Montiay in Toronto. 101h, in charge of group 5. The ton. Mi. T. P. Bruce. Mi. anti Mn. NESTLETON prograin i l be given by a group Mis. Launa Hicks la with lier George Strong attendeti the diance from the Tyrone Institute. RoU cal granti-taughter, Mis. C. D. Hodg- on Frlday night ai Mi. Wes. Ad- A nuraber o! our Young people "Sing, Say or Pay, someihing Irish son, Bowmanville. Mrs. Hicks is ianis'. Burketan. took in the Judging conteat ai port or on Sping."1 Everyone come. very po healtu. fMr. anti Mn. Marwood McKee Hope. .. Church services were well Miss Marion Stpe n is Pnt Wednestiay evening ai Mi. attentiet. Rev. V. Walker is ati- BLACKSTOCK Grace Werry, nurses in training at James Thompson's. St. Christopher, dressing tue Young People especal.. n.1 Bown1anvil Hospital, reenily vis- Miss Penne Thompson returnlng ly -. Sonry tW hear o! the deathsof Ms E. Trewmn bas t.een visiiing itedti he f ormer's uncle, Mr. Wmn. home wltli theni for a visit. ar ry Wh eny ani i Rchrd M. nt*M .W. McQuade, Toronto. StaPles. A nunber from here accompanlieci Wnctl the Botu men wer bgly re- Mis Reta Swain visiteti ler unle , M. anti Mrs. Floyd Dudley andthte Young people of Devitt's Cor- spetei i ueco m~Y anti their anti aunt Mi. anti Mn. Clarence f amily have returneti home; Mi. ners anti Cadmus to Janeiville, Pnl- autiten ticaths cast a g9oo0m over Marlow. Dudley having spent three weeks in day evenlng, when they presenteti tue nllbro c n o n W Miss Florence Par las returneti ta nig a ie Mtary School, To- their Play entitleti The Hoodoo."1 Hoyanti Mn. Herman Samells home alter spentiing some tumeini ronto: Mis. Dudley, Billie anti Don- vlsite<i friends in Peterboro recently. Toronto. alti, visiting her parents, Mr. anti ... Mn. Peter Wright anti Mr. Ro.y Mi. anti Mns Walce Malow and i LeW. JCOunerRTeenRieE Wright are on a motor trip tW Tor- f amly speni sevenal tiays in Legue PrOgram Thursday evealag C U TC Onto anti other points Miss Lena Toronto recently. was in charge of the social vice Ms ael atrl liigt Bullock anti ler girl fiends visite<J Ms ume cud rtneipresident, MssLonasose. Pteboro, Wltri Mn antin. Mr. anti Mis. John DlckMsierelMQud rtr eading is givenaby Mis LolaA PetrborOwn fM. G ans ke Mr. home a! ter spending a monîh with Ricadgs solo by mWis ol ndrwBon,;r .p n anti Mn. Sydiney Trewin visiteti Mi. Miss Mary Parr . Rihrs sl YMssWotn anti Mn. Stanley Malcolmn Mr. Miss Isobel Cawker, Public School the topîc on -Christian Standards iAn oinrastagaprogrmowabpul o John Hooey, Mi. Roy anti Burney teacher, spent the week-end ai ber on Recreation'" was well given by AniterYue epe~ eting laiam asp t Hooey were guests of Mi. anti Mns.homne n Port Perry. Mn. Everton White; Piano duetbi Thursday eveamng bY Miss Sadie Cecil Wilson -.Mr. anti Mn. Stan- Mn. Andrew Powen. Lindsay, s Mrs. T. Barr anti Miss Annie Gar-Musgrp.l ietevioa ley Malcolmi Calleci on Mr. anti Mn. sPending a week wuîh h b teser, ie recitation, Mr. Clarence peiot tu bil hessnwa eaci bya Wm. Taylor. M.Safrt wu.Hatherly. A social bal! hour was PMn C te bFoib lasntipae was db J m n. Wiglas, ia n ans ti M r. t e p n y 81.toffereti by M . W . R. Courtice. A Jame Doglas CaanvisietiMi.quartette was nicely sung by mes- Wanted anti Mis. Albert Werry, necently. l pl R VdaeR.CPar.H..Wofim WANTEO FOR CASH - Two horsea Mi. anti Mn. G. Trewin antidAaGRnEdMses C Pare, H. C. adWoifrmm Young. Sound and good workers. Ap1 famIfly anti Misa Lorna Trewun speni Muir. A tiebate "Resolved ihat tue to G. C . Foster, Box 436, Bowmnanvile. Sunday with Mr. anti Mis. Austin IMr. Elgin Munday,O.A C,,yugpepefthgoiotids Phn 8.9-2 Beacock, Nestieton. vn Guelpb, spent tue weekenti ai home. 1' hati better times ilian tue Young - Mr. ant iMn. Harkness, Cava, Mi. ana Mis. Chnus. Cox visteti 1 People of today,1" Mi. W. R. Courtice. UPOSEtN-untr upholat. are spending a week wviih theur iheur nephew, Mr. N. I. Metcal!, on 1 anti Mr. Douglas Countice iaking the erlag; aiso Cloaed car tops and inside son-in-law anti daughter, Mn. anti Monday. 1 afÉrmative sitie anti Mn. Wol!raim bodY uphoiternt. j. A. Fry, Scugog Mn .Wilbur Werry. Mr. anti Mis. W. J. Snowtien spent 1ant issHzlRnl h eiaip St.. Bowmaniville.Phone 536. 35-t1i Mn. ant is. James ixniva few casli ekwî h o Mis-Hael uae-te-ngatve HAMPTON gave a reading andi Misa Mary Tamblyn sang -'The Endi o! a Per- Misa elen Vitue spent Sunday fect Dey," accompaai by Mr. Bill in Toronto.Brown on me viol. 'The final S r n ta Toonto.number was a monologue 'Seein anti is under te toctors care. by Mis Betty Rowe. Mr. AlbiertFb w s Mr- Bert Smat, Toonto, spent a Runcle ten took charge o! two l w r few days witli Mr. Raymond Burns. contesta whcli wee mucli enjoied PI.n« Mr. an ti M s. Bert Jen ings, Osh- bs ail. Lunch was serveci an ti the CARRY SP NO I T awa, visitet frinds inthe village on meeting closet i wtb singing -Blesi THE HOME Suday. be the tie that binds,"' andtihte Mi- Daffodfls - Hyacints M. anti M. Cccii pascoe anti pahl Benediction. Tulips and Swet Peua Lson. Solina, visited wiib Mr. L. T. The pogram anti box social on Speclaiprices iis week. Pascoe Suday. Monday evenng uner the auspices PLAN~TS M. antiMn. W. W. Horn attend- of Mns. Bick's Clasa was a great suc- c ine isa 35e la'* ed Metropolitan Churc, Toronto, cess. The program consisteti of a on Sunday evening. play, "A Quiet Evening ai Home" Schizathus Buttefly Flower) Mn.- C. S. Wood., Miss Frankie wicb was umorous anti well giv- 75 et& Woodi anti Mr. Roy Barraball visteti en. An eveing ai home with the Oter Plants anti Flowers ai f rienda en recentiy. radio was well epiceti by a f amily Reasonable rices. M. anti Mn. Alger anti Miss Mar- conistig o! Fathen (Vera Kes- î gretAlgr, shaa, pen Sudaylake), Mother (Maelie Truli>. Kigsway stock anti service la wiib Mr. an ti M . Sykes. Gran tmot er M s. Bick .'. Childrenseo d t n n . tMr. Chas. Hastings as ben vis- Girl (Jean Hogartu), anti Boy (El- iting friends in Oshawa for a tak.ion Sykesax Te scene showetis a jMessrs. Chas, anti Urne Father eading te paper, Mothen i gs a r ad Bobcaygeoa Clark anti childien nomping about the room. K n daugter Wi=,Mr.Morlanti anti At intervais the radio was turned ur er e son, Toronto, speni Sunday witu Mr. On andthte radio stans were well e- IMr. anti M. Norman Woodley, clasS behinti the screen. Radio an- Phone 72; Nurseries 144; Tyrone, visiteti ai M. Win. Chap_ noucen was Miss Jessie Knox; Nigts 726. man' Suaiay. Tuei hIl bab Famous singe ns, Misses E. Sykes antid_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jini is tml staYig wth M ns. c H . nOx; Betit e toies, Helen man. yn hp Knox, anti a story by the popular Mr. anti M. Jno Cowling antid writer, Nellie McClung (Florence- son ackvisted n Snda thir Burns) was mucb enjoyet. The ex- sOn, r Jack yisiteingSrndtoircitement siarteti when the tmic) ~A sonM Harry Cowil.Msis Trontowas turneci oven te Mr. Foster wbo as ben l. M . L wis ry- Ch)ewiiî (Ret.aBillett) te broa- I tierman accompaniedtei e. cs1te okeNam eten h Congratulations to M . an ti M i. a mt on ok yn e b e tH evens tieg t E x o u e Tom Wilcox, O! Our village, who e- tHampton Daorymhen, Hiclusand ceiveti honorable mention y osterthHapo irmnwhhaf Hewit, as betg ta atendance at ter much lively playing entictinta ih Ex o ue te hockey game in the Maple Lea! ie 1-1. Te news flashes fom the l Arena On Saurtay night. Bovmanville Staesman Offce. King'Cr By request the youg ladies o! Steet West, Bowmanville, were very Fo the price oF six Mns. Lewis Allin's Class arc epeat- original anti interesting. The pro-. ing their pro~gram o h ee fgani was sponsoreti by the Hamp- GET THE FUM TAT GETS thog thir o gram o r ie be e O ton C eamerY anti was broatcasteti 1 THE PICTURES anod aywho oulno barileoetf rom the studio ta Barron's Corner again, on Tuesday evening, Mach Str. Te news flashes epoteti 8th. ta the Suday school oom. A'hai Mr- Frank Cowling anti M. in clecion will bOeten dur ic 1Sam Jacks owtag te Leap Yean dan- tagve Cohecnorm noc e eds o!wr-cgers wene about te leave the vîcintyl will be given 10 tue wirlng of the on an extentieti visit, not retunnng churh. verone elcme. Until 1932 was sa!ely past. Thesle A very happy anti profitable ev-oboe thecsefteprga ening was spent on Friay when On- was not a smal l ask as a very lage! on'o Young People's Society visteiety wee Up for sale. Mr. A. E. OurSocety Afer heopeingvs'ed illttanti Mr. John Slemon exceil- ondth S oiety.FAllereoening hma cd ienselves as auctioneen anti aent in tue Loi's rae, oui Prs-ere able 10 draw forth generousi tien taa fe wptiswelcmet 0n bids f nom the audience.Tutoa ono fr en s an ti calle ti on their Tohd f r t e ev n n ere to3al president, M iss Evelyn Hobbs, to ______fote __ni g er S 9 take charge. Tue f irsi number was U etedp n a l a Piano solo by Miss Marion Green., Thee la nohing like wok 1 sete e en al Scrpure leson was eati by M. make People happy. Fred Yeo, anti Messrs. Colin Taylor ____________ yello w-box film anti Arthur Bell sang a duel. Mi. Robert Shcnwin gave a splendid Yu ur tala on1 te building o our lives anti AUCTION SALE ntee of Perfect Printa Loati Your Kodak witu genuine charactens, urging the youag peo- 1 Wednesday, Marci l6th-Mr. Ivan KODAK FilMS pie Wo builti upon the rock ant i t- IM. Law Wii sel on Ljot 16, Con. 3, andti hen bring your rolls o! film pre-ssingtue dangers o! the ever Darlington, fanm stock ant i mple- Wo us for tieveloping anti printing. shifling saads; anti as ta building a menta. Sale ai 12.30. Sec bills, new home one woulti cultivate te T. M. Slemnon, acine.Eighî Hour service. lawns roud that home keeping htacioer smoolli anti dean so hal beautiful flowe ns coulti grow W bighten tai L AN N home, so sboulti we dlean oui ail CEMGJ r that would bintien the growlb o! The Plant at the Boys' Training Sohoo, 'a aneio rg ucl Pure dlean lives, so ihai a,, that la ig again ini operation. Farmners are WPhoin ne o78usquci goo0d andti ue anti beautiul n red ta brtng in thein grain and Phona78 bloom forth Wo brighten lives o f pring rush. Grain 5c, Clver andWh n e T st ye * l tuo e nou ti us. Mi s B rt a C na Grass slee da 5c per bushel. 3-8 D on c Properly runinzwatr t ban; ou thee- OurCommuniîîy was shockeci on ton. Miss Edih Lavantien. Toronto, Scotia $21.60, P. E. Islanti $18.20, quanuers of a mile froni echooi and Tuestiay evening, Feb. 2.3 b ea to our doiiflunhty, lhey having pur- Manitoba $11.5,Saach an$7 church. in the V\':iag- of Enniskill.-n. ln0 akthwn$7 TERMS: IAq of Purchase pr!rce 10 b, o! the sutiden deaili o! Mn. Larry chaseci the property fonmenly oc- !50. Aberta $17-50, British Columibia pald down at ti - f gal,.: 4rWthin Wenry. He was helping his son cupieti by Mn. anti Mis. A. H. Gow- $05 30 days andthii-r.ttr.n ,0 ay be Wlbur10tio ee.W oet ec r n secured by Mortgag ntedsfaoalefl t b the choies when lie e.W oet ecm i niIPontiac -Ontario $11.20, Que- to the Purchaser. For further partic- fl nte noot cellar anti passeti Mrs. Ritidington, Toronto, a little1 bec $19.20, New Brunswick $28.35, plarn and conditions or Sale apply to away in a verY short trne. Tue laten. Mn. anti Mn. Gowe: have 'Nova Scotia $24.30. P. E. Islandi $20. M. G. V. Gould,. iowrnanville, Sol:c!tor sympathy o! the entire community 1pr Iae he bouse occupieti by Mn 20. Manitoba $16-50. Saskaichcwan fo DAotgDa t o rnnile tti.St y is extendedti 10tue sorrowing fniendu. ' ungess, Kingston Roati, East, anti $17.50, Aberta 37.0, ri 1 l C l of February, 132. 7- See obituary on anoihen page. imoveti on Saturtiay. umbia $25.65. Rovan i s SIioe Store' Announce Pre-Easter Showitng of Smart New Style Shoes at New Popular Prices Women's new style T- straps, pumps, and strap shoes, in the popular kid leathers, in high or cuban heels, from B to EEE width, in black or nu-tone brown, New Price $2.95 We are showing a big Varlety of Women's Shoes, sizes 21/., o07,in C, Dand E width onily, in high or cub- an heels, New Prioe $1.98 ROVÂN'S ALSO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE HIGH GRADE «SNAG PROOF» QVERALLS Every Pair la FulIy Guaranteed 9 oz. Denim Snag-Proof, reg. $2.25, Y ~ ~~- Our Price $1.75 8 oz. Denim Snag-Proof, reg. $2.00, Our Price $1.49 6 oz. Denim Snag-Proof, reg. $1.85, __Iî Our Price $1.25- "Our Owrn Make", 6 ounce Denim, Priced at $1.00, Big "B" Brand Overali, New Low Price $1.29 Smart new styles for the sehool girl in low or low cuban heels, black and nu- 'tone brow'n, From $1.45 to $1.95 Men's calfskin Oxfords and Boots in black only, rsizes 51,, o 1 Special Low Price $2.95 I M. TRUP-WAY, MARR M& lm m 4 a THE CANADL4N STATSBUm, BOWICANVn.L& We carry a full line of Men's Wear at Popular Prices.

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