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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1932, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATMAbN. BOWmANVHlE. THURSDAY. MARICS Srd. 1M3 PAeE EIma SMAHIANI HMM" T&IVELOGUE HONOITE ROLTL FOR.41 CnnonSlP lt - PUBIC OHOS'dent~~ u~w w.~ (contlnued traIM pfge 1) * T e N wa-l n e e IF bocame d=suted with thosee otiud r ae1) cotfitl.asr as education WMs concerned. and atter a six months' Rice. KWth S i==o prank Fobley H R D Y MA C 3r,1 2 tour he returned and completed bis and Jlmny Knox eqa.TH SD Y M RC 3r,1 2 atudies here. Holland hie f ound ex- miss E. E. jewell. teacher. tremely mnteresting with !tSXfa maY ooM 9NE C S L NEWCASTLE UNITED CHUECE The Y. P. L. met a half hour canais and fine ctie t w i i r- Sr. 2nd-Douglas Jacman, Ger- - earlieî on Monday eveniug in order many he saw much ta a ial ge Underhili, Kenfleth Cale, IsObel MisMroic ett e- United Church-Rev. W. P. R09- that the mesnbers might not miss lnterestin.g ta bim. The pictures LmoreXl r, B. A., Pastor. Sunday. MarcIs their regular weekly meeting, wbile showed views in Cologne the Cath- Thompson, Mark LmOre el- M tis Mrlo Rich ettran Pet- a Belntecapital city vinuonJckrsz~~rtan 1- erbr. s a fr bject, Changauz Ideals of the plete arrangements ta accept an in- edral city, of brtMerveneinl J Rgehad hila witit e nifen 198 eetwtde Ud- Miss V. Buiner, teacher. Mr. and Mis. IH.J.Rgnad hisa' Religion. 2.30 P. m.- vitation ta attend a leap year socialI oe dfen inesi str eetS lie om1 daughters were weekend guests o! Sunday School. 7T p. m.-Evefllng given by the Orono League. The la-I oneofd heO!ipartcl tereS inwa A She FisiABorComes,s-Mr. and Mis. John Douglas. 1Service; subject, Progress; .being <ca prograni was prepared by Miss pictre .of a arge Bearlin erm-îe y Ma a SrFrtA ReWardfe MosesWes- Col. E. E. Sider, I.P.S. paid a complementary ta the mornauz 5cr- Bernice Gilbank, 5th. Vice President. i tre ofand l arg o! er i h ern- leyrs. , xWad fieMFe visit of inspection ta aur publicimon. Principal Geo. ,A. Coyne of the high telsretan t theseake r rmre r is -oaFgr.Cther-i- r schaol on Tuesday of this week. Thue Junior Chair provided thse school gave the topic. Musical num- that not lnanail is traveis la EuroPe eSpencer, Irla jackmau, lHelen miss Maretta Law entertaedersvieosngasSuay hnbrscsstdfmutaga ad or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n laS ntdSatsbdh cnT it, urray Grant, Kenneth CoylIe, Sunday school class of girls st a de- the special soloist af the evenlaz autobarp dues by M. Austin sorinteiesdtai atcompa e for a it,roMYDone.ghtful party at hier home last Sat- was Miss Kathleen Spencer. Turner and Miss Annie Wragg, vo- stors tat an cmpae fr at Dooth DoweY.l -cal solos by Mr. Alan Knight. Bow- tractiveness and layaut as the Toi- Miss F. E. Moore. teaher. urdaY sternoon. te <fl manville, accompanied by Mi. Char- onto departmental stores. Views of Boom il Mr. Alex McLeod of teDmn ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 'lie Cawker of the same tawn and many world famous buildings were J. tLm Murray, Margar- ion Department af Fisheries, Ta- piano duels by Mi. Cawker and Mr. mthor onthe greaend bcaut eti FawleFr, MyOrtl all e a-ronto, was here last SaturdaY viit- St.George's Church-Rev. F. H. Harold Hartley and also a saxo- o!~~e deig. uebauafl ar Sr. p e HogallcofeeHarDon- lng bis imother, Mis. Mar5 McLeod. Masan, M. A., Rectar. Sunday. phone solo by Mr. Hartley. About wkof ein. Te ie 0 fl eath ad Rowe. Sally Southey. Mrs. J. H. Jose bas been up at March 6ih. 4th Sunday in Lent: 8.30 thse local Leaguers letitnlaa edral gve fhe e oontrath- i' r. primer-Billy Edger, Barbair. Maple Grave helping ber grand- Il s.. m.-Haly Communion and Ser- procession o! cars ta visit their fel- tha a ie igntatono Coynean ed Clark ecalal, Jack mother Mis. John Lard. during the mon; 2 p. m.-Sulday School; 7 p. 10w Leagueis ta the north. tevery ihcasoarhtcueWl. present severe illness of Mi. Laid. m.-EveIIsong and Litany; Preacher, used hundreds o! Years aga. e isshB M.Sargent, teacher. Mr. aud Mis. J. L. Crydernian, Rev. A. G. Emmet, St. JhnsChuri- Dr.Reaangav a inerstig oom 12 Sbaws. and Mi. andi Mis. Ewart G. ch, Pari Hope. study of the habits and disposition ti L, Clemence, Oshawa, visited Mi. and DurergiLentt e erYisco- o!th Grmnpepl, awhich he Jr. Primer A-Ethel Mar, * .Clwl n i.adMs ducting a short srieeeyWed of t nbe ta bn ecaeplRaert Adrew Masten, Viv- Ms. A.A.Cli adM.nd rs wae funabti be e ccstme.ian Niaisr, Rets. Laphen, wila Irwin Colwiill last Sunday. nesday eveniuz andi giving one ofa pealediidd nMis arart veen, ornt series af addresses on the "itr Re oun thin Popl diide ino MargaMsretae veed orno eBo f on two classes, ibose who have the Baî- Russell Jacobs, visted Miss Betty Lake lasi Week and Structure af theBk fCm Jr. Primer 31mnB -. heeadese r money sud are snobbish. andi the sud atiendeti the bg Orangemen's o ryr"Tes drse r pooerclase wh 10k ortip fr rgrer CJdYWan Rs. Dance at Mi. and Mis. Geo. Steph- illustrated with lanteiti slides sud everclassgsth ldo.kHef ou it for J. Ipeiser's lasi iday evening.are pravlag very inteesting and in- exrml ifiutt e ntigseli vestna. Betty Sisson. 1esnI ItFrdyevnn.strcie eenyt t din k as tdo.Hermandpa isL atttece. Ms eryHieouiniiat'rcie extrmel dificut t getanyhingMis L.Hart. tac r MatîcPerey ae slleutioit antad IAlso duriug Lent there is a child- pec t drink e r and the . Tra nask or- South W aid - R O><M 1d a aic r a e ,is ble t a e rn's service with illustrateti address te drinto ee n ie . 100k fon-r dCas-ae lieDit part in an entertainulent in Osh- by the Rectar every Wednesday ai tea stio a retin. Blokuttco- n lshs.W. lhAli5hs, DCI-th awa next Tuesday evenmng under 4 p. m.-jusi after school is oui. betMcQuSfl'ie, Tom Depew, Clif - iieasie i eHm n These chlldren's services are hlii At ha tme 111 h ws ruc brt WiifedWod.Marion ScIsoal Club ai that city. the Parish Hall. At tsai býte 1911,f he smuch if aid Blunt, WnfeiWo.Mi. Stanley Rickarti anti bis Sun- Last Sunday evening. Mi. Cuttle. Imre assbte sra i the in li- hGibson. a colcaso os oehrSndtesrr oota, ccupied town. Every place one saw a dis- Gladys Dunlop, Violet Barreit, Ruth witb a numberaivieiges, t.Goespuitnitlitiec- Play ai soldiery and armns ant inu ars Winiired Siih, Sidney AI- belti a skating party last Wednes-j gregation of thse work ai thse Church writiig bis impressions on bis re- tiarrisLagenehNcesn day evening, going ta Bowmanville at home and abroati and afi us fin- turn three years before the war he MeE iss M.e, ckaîd. teaer. for the ride and the skate and re- ancial outlook anti neetis. had remaîketi that he saw la Ger- turfling ta Newcastle foi somie more 1I '..Cd ixî.o numerous prprtin orawr ate South Ward - ROOMl 2 f1 n Is as many I ilavors to satisfy your flot far distant future. His impies- Si. Pr.-RonalId Barton, Russell Mi. Isaac Selby announces the NEWCASTLE AND CLARKE S.O.E. sosproveti correct when war was Moffatt, Ruth Seymsour, Miltireti engagement af his youngest daugh- BRETHUREN ATTEND GOLDEN Tis wee Yk APi o fflo i declared la 1914, finding Germany Luxtan, Douglas Laikn Voa a-ter, Marie Isabelle, ta Mi. Norman JUBILEE 0F LODGE vour favorite blend. Ne( fullY Prepareti anti England f ai reli,.Bruce Oke, George Dadsan. IA. Gartshore. yaungest son of Mis. WELLINGTON from ItL Jr.* Pr -Hazel Wood. Georgie Gib- ; Gaitshare andtihie laie Wm. A. Rotarian J. C. Devitt expresseti sonLillian Lambert anti Margaret1 Garîshore af Brighton. Ont.: thse Samrescales eul Joyce Buttan- 1 marriage ta take place quietly on hAmptoreLodgbe S.Oe.Bof ovr-O thse appreclation af thse club ta Dr. shaw, Howard Davies. Leonard A- Tuesdiay, March 151h. hauitnettei Newcasile brin, Reaman for bis fine talk. 1der, Billy Spencer. Irene Mitchell, M.adMs .H ihr and uanteut om Lewatle eton, Visitors for thse day lacluded RO- 'Tommy Cowan, James Nokes. M.adMs .H ihradaaaui o og etn tarian Roy Wimott af Oshawa and Miss D. H. Bartan. teacher. Miss Marion, Belleville, visiteti Mis. Newtonville, were guests of Welling- Rotarian J. T. Daley ai Port Hope. Oea. P. Rickard over the weekend. ton Lotige, S.O.E.B.S.. last Wedues- 0L Mel. Dale led in thse community Tbey were accompanieti on their day evening on the occasion oi the singing. OBITUABY ti p by Miss Phyllis Clemence who celebration ai its golden jubllee. is now permanently engaged on the Mr. H. E. Hancock was the mem- Robert Bruce WiUiaifso>f, îeaching staff of thse Queen Alexan- ber ironi Lotige Newton, Mi. A. A. __________________Los_ ~AnMgelmCal.<: dria ScIsool, Belleville. Colwil. e. charter member ai LatigeP E Mr. Oea. H. Joli is gradually re- Newcastle. sud Messrs. J. W. Brad- Tue death took place at bis home covering froinithse pain! ul effects ai ley, Eti. Thackiay, W. J. Hockin sud in Las Angeles, Calif., on Fritiay, a f al irom a latider. He was mak- H. R. Peaice repieseisietiLatige I PECIA ý Februail' 26th, af Robert Bruce Wil- mng some mainai repairs ta bis bain1 Newcastle, sud among ibose lnata- lianison, oUloWing an attack ai when the latider, on the top ai tendance from Latige Wolverhamp -0________ pneumnonlia. The late Mi. William- which he was standing, feUl, îaking ton were Mr. Wm. Mitchell, Wor. LWS RC FT son was the oldesi son ai thse late hitn with IL. He suffereti severe Pies.: Messrs. Joe Hall. Frank Hall, LWS EC F' WHATPRIC VISON? William WilluamsoIl and Dorinda bru.ises anti injuries ta bis face anti Oea. Mitchell. L. J. Buckley, Colin WHATPRIC VISON, Leavens. s.nd was in his 84th yes.r. other parts af bis bdy, but was Taylor. Ivan Farrow, Harrison, Fred Outwardly ant i lwaidly the He was bain ai Pickering anti the lucky la thai be sustaineti no brok- Coucis. Ernest Hawke anti others. hunan eyes are a wonerul fanilY liveti in BowmanviUle sne en bones. Worthy President Ed. Tackray sd 4N piece ai divine mechanism. fiftjy years ago. previaus ta moving Mi. anti Mis. George Siephenson's Messrs. Colwill anti Bradley ai New- Vision is the greatest ai aur ta Port Hope where he was in busi- home was the scene ai an enjoyable castle contributeti short speeches lu senses. It presities over thse îoweî ness. His i ather was a caixenter social anti fraternal event lasi Fni- thse course ai thse banquet pragram,3% 1 faculties anti transcends them la wbile in ibis iawfl, the firni belag day evening when the members af anti Messrs. m Mitchell antiar JEW~EL BRAND-FOR tIse reach afitis power. kiiown as Munsan & Williamison. Cowanville Layai Orange Latige helti rison aifcrono. accompanieti on thse Useyou eys bt d no abse He movedt taLas Angeles about fortY tiseir annual pariy anti dance anti piano by Mi. L. J. Buckley, enter- se.We you sbtdo cnot bus yeais ago. Surviving are bis wiie, invitet ieir ladies anti many young taineti with a duet. ache ln a tireti feeling, au one son, Roy, Las Angeles; also one guests. Mi. Chas. Cawan's arches- particularly interestet inl the event 5 H 0 1 aheinaches. bain o e - ils sister, Marion ai Toronto. Ira, Cowanville, piovitiet the music anti ils pioceedings, for Wellington - -dcem.b ane t for tise dancing anti Mi. Ray Brovwn Lodge lu 1887 was the fatiser. foun- MADE 0F OLIVE AMI nature's cry for help. Have your A New Organzatian didth Ie major part af the calliug off. der, nurse of Newcastle Latige. anti eyes examineti. Tbe Orangemen are very giaieful ta instructar. ativiser anti tutar in its NOT-You will greatly assist An association ai representatives Mi. anti Mis. Stephenson for theiri early days. Moreaver Mi. W .E. PALM OLI us la oui efforts ta give better ai ail county couuciis la the prov- kindness in granting theni the use Pethick. wha was presenteti wiih a service if you will make appoint- ic ta further the farmeis' interesis anti freedom. af their fine home. j ewel anti certificate af menit lest ments. ~is likely ta be tise outcome of thse Weclaesday evening in recognition VLE.G ENL met.con! erence helti by Hon. Tuas. L. af 50 years or more of faithful ser- YME.G ENLA Kennedy, Minisier ai Agriculture, at NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMERS vice la tise Society, was presitient af '~' l tise Parliament Buildings recenly ALatige Wellington wben Newcastle G .M osnel tives ai county councils ironi ail Orgaflhzation presidet aitishe organization meet- OPTOETRST art ofOntaiowhogatere ating, anti alsa Mi. M. A. James. wbo OPTOETRST artsai ntaia.wha athict ai When the rural wonien ai Went- receiveti by proxy througis bis son. Offce ve Flod' Sore, is bebesita delve into f arming wortb Caunty organizeti a Women's Mayor Oea. W. James, a simillai Ofieoe lo sSoe problenis. Tue Minister tieclared il Institute la 1897 for "the dissemi- I ee nicruîct.wsdsrc Port Hope woulti be non-poliuical anti woulti nation of knowletige relatlag ta do- tepuiyaid ti ime. anti dist rtiinFNCY MILK-FED I Phone Number 248 present ils recomimentiallrsP eîceoo tiiingpebouse bs ffci a c ity andi D.S.P., tise Office Bouis: iodically ta tise Goveinnient. He holti architecture, witb special ai- newîy electeti anti charter officers af 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. stateti it as his intention 10 have tention ta home sanitation. s. bettei Lotige Newcastle.YA WEDNESDAY each week udrtnigo h cnri n the Depailment af Agriculture lainmestti cng ai cihecng oic ant oicO!il se.oiy of arDna. lin.PteYA Toronto Office: cacis county co-operate with tise hygienic value aif odfcoiu, essis. A.H. Simonare n in 2143 Daniorth Ame farmer ta help hlm grow crops es- fuel anti the more scientilic care Head. Sask., anti A. A. Colwill. New- I CUTLE1 peclally f itteti ta soil and llmatic anti training ai chiltiren witb a castle. conditions o! his county. view ta raislag thse general standard IMi. J. W. Bradley. who bas been WELL TRIMMED-C _______________________________________________ of healtis anti marais oi oui Pe0' la turu a member af Latige Durhsam pie." ile diti they think tiss. 35 Port Hope; Newton, Newtonville: years later tise rural womnO!2 Newcastle. Newcastle. will have coni- te face a! thse earth would f olow the Society nexi June. thi xml.The Veters.n's Jewel af Merii! wth FANCY SUG AR-CL1 YOUR FAV RITE SPE IALTue main purpose ai the Women's whlcis Messrs. Peibick. James anti opportunities for grown-ups bearlng day evenlng. are thse mosi valuable home 11e. Tuey are endeavorlng ta Council. CRUMPETS and SCONES ' rvd o Ierrlcmuniis___ SLICED AND CELM sane ai tbe ativantages fuio nl 2 Dozen for 25c in tbe larger centres. sucis as suit- IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL j able meeting places. librarles, resi A 71 i -1- e 1--- 1 rooms, atbletic f ields, Paiks, r'aks,i Letisbridge, Aberta BC You will fid iltise ideal fuel for sprmng, JusItise thing for tisaitishe main purpose a! tise argan- o! tise big difficulties.Ib banklng f ires ai, nigisi. la use mixet i wltiste larger sires, anti iition stisai a! education in nuti- .H c ay unequalled for use linsht waier heateis. i is alsa gooti to tion. cîaîing, isousing. isealtis, with T.H.___ Id. buin wth cake anti aur Une ai coke i-sa wholesome sprlnkling a! tise cuit- CLAU~ oC IE THE GENUINE SEMET SOLVAY ural anti entertaIninLg. Ontario has OLUTCAHLIE TU EUN EE OVY 1200 Women's Inqtitutes wihS Lav Bwrnile TALEv omavleTMEGREAT membership o! 41,000. <Westbound) (Eastbund) HER A HR P .If)a. m. 920 a.m.L a M~U'4KMS() aV na. . il5n a. M Phn 23o 2W-Bownianvffle Town ai Calllngwood isas aver 1.45p, .M. 3.05 P. nm $7,0 o a aras5.edig 6"10 p« . m.5M p. M, Meat Manager Phono5203 r 520 - 87.000o tax rt-ars etcdl 9.4r) P.. ,7.05 p. M. bak ve tre yar a 12.15 a. mn. (mldnight) 9.60 P. rM. We Deliver- anthe famous tes. gardon- W of India"amiCeylOu cOmcý ~~~lected ma s ubjetai<omoi detaldma - rfilitesta by - -A & 1»'s lywn rerstat'V, quality tes"a the te» a" «z:... by Masters ai the art of tes. blendlfll. brLfging to e u av5 l 3r persanal taste ta lover, now is an opruetm otYUysze u paqaU7O ýetai Tees are packed ta keep. LNOE Iol 1<0E LL DLEND 01 8 l . 230 L'HE TEAR! MADE FBOM PURE CANADIAN WINTER WHEAT AR H FLOU R Bg61 Lb. Bag I 13a 7-lb. Bau 220 M DEE-FAT FRYING OU SHORTENI PUBPOS [TENINGlM. 90 DPALM OU-LS-KNDORSED rnoBY 000IEAUT PCKIT [VE SOAP 3 1& L9c ABEL t JAMb 404%t. 3"23o VEAI. MA2S L LIEGS lM. 200 TS lb. 250 FILLETS lb. 250 ,K LOIN5 RED E5 Ramsor %Whol LOPHANE-WRAPED SMOKED ON BREAKFAST STYLE CHOICE TENDER A & P PEEF ST PRIME R Bone1es s ad Rolled de Un lb. 13 lb. 150 1/201b. Pkg. 90 lb.0O AN HADDIE BOX 0F 15 LBS.. S1.45. IAD ANN PAGE 24-OZ. L lbo10 6c I e I p tU12'S and VEGETABLES RACH ONIONS Se25e abn.2 5c _ %TLAIN TIC & PAt 'IFIC 'IEA O LIMITE» t01 CANADA1 r: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams -Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Bowmanviil. TORONTO DUJBHAMW CLUB tive talk on the danger of secret muW MONTHLY MEETING teachiof ommOfZfluiain Toronto.' He intends to brmng a BilliIn to the Wome's At AsocitionBuilingprovincial House o! Pariament pro- W Ar odaOfl uildng hiblting it. His friends of Durham Was Scule of Gathering o Couiity wis1Ih hm success in bis good Former D)urham Boys work. and Girls AMter ref reshmeflt fore re. old lime dancfflg was inuge Ifor Another very !uccesflDuram ~some time. TePeidentlefear- Club meeting was held on ThursdAY ly. Mr. W. H. Clemes was manager evening, February 25th. at the Wo- for the remainder of the evening men's Art Association, 23 Prince Ar- and was a very excellent one. Col. thur Ave, Toronto, Dr. Hughes pre- 1 and Mrs. Stuart. ControflerMU siding. 'Mrs. Robbmns. Dr. George and Mus. The meeting was the largest in McGill, Mr. Charles Ruse and Mr. attendance held this season. The and Mrs. Wallace Maas were thse members were pleased to welcome a committee for the program and re- large nuxnber of visitais and some f reshmnts. Meeting closed with new members. The program was slnging. somewbat different to aur usual ev- eninzs. the followiflg artists taking part: Piano solo. Mr. Davies; cor- 'Tis the human touch in the world net solo, Master Noakes; sang. Mr. that counts, Marsh Magwood; Dancing Sisteis, The touch of your hand and mine, Helen and Evelyn Punshon; sang, That mearis much more ta the faint- Miss Berry; instrumental duet. Mas- ing heart ters Noakes and Payton; piaists. Than shelter or bread or wmne; Uns. Eleanor Crawford. Mrs. Ken- For shelter is zone when the night neth Stratton and Miss Marks. is o'er. The speaker of the evening was And bread lasts only a day; Mr. Russell Nesbltt, K. C., M. P. P., But the touch of the baud and thse one of oui own Durham boys. He sound o! thse voice gave a very lnterestlng and lnstruc- WIII sing In the heart alway. M. 250

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