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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1932, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLR. THURSDAY, APRIL l4th. 1932 PAGE PIVE LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A_ LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai>' Moaney to boan on Farrn and Town Property. Royal Bank Building. Bowmanvllle. Phone 351. W. ]E. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Bolicitor for Bank of Mantreal Mone>' ta Loan. Phone 91 BowmanvdIie, Ontarlo. W. F. WAED, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai>' Money to Loan. Bonds for Saie. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; Hause 409. U C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office Immnediatel>' east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- ta Unversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office Phone 40; bouse Phone 22. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVIT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate af Royal Dental Coflege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. dafly except Sunda>'. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment i Office. INSURANCE Fire Life i C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACT4JRERS' LIFE INSURAN-CE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Paim and House Sales a Specilty, Terms moderate. E!nnlskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf FUNERAL DIRECTOR IFUNqERAL DIRECTORS Service, an>' hout, an>' da SF. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phones 10 or 34. Assistants, 592 or 392. BOWMLANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNEBAL DIRECTORS AMl FURNTUBE DEALERS Successors ta Alan M. WWlanisM lKlsc.ness - Caurtesy - Service Private Ambulance Phose: Office 58; Residesce 523 or 58 DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunwortisy Wall Paper st spedal prices. Get your orders in sari>'. Estimates given fre. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Stateaman Offie M. A. JAMES & SONS Bave ITour ayes Examanea Consult oui Reglutered Optometrwa B. M. NITCHELL - -Latest Methoda - -modern Instrumenta - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Druulsta - Opt.metrm Pnm 9 DON'T TAKE CHANCES With Your MILK SUPPLY Get the BEST from the Bowmanville Dairy The>' also SUi BUTTER, No. 1 Grade Give them a tria ooe. PMmen M46or 703 Bowmanvilie Dairy W. IL BETTLES, Propîtetar. imW0 1M M You want power ... you want mieage ... then use SHELL GASOLINE QILS Wç can supply you with the following high-grade motor ois: Castrol Sheli Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroil, 100%V Penn. BARTLETS1 PHONE 110 KING 5T .A5r? BOWMANVI LLE f SPRING CLEANING IF TOU WANT Satisf action ervice aving Phone Bowmanville 152 we wlil ea and d&llver dail>. Oshawa Launciry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. IDEFEAT the MOTH B>' Uinmg your Clothes Closet wltb oui sclentilcall>' driad Red Cadan yau bave a permanent home impravement at amail coat. Wisen building a new home, b>' using oui product la your clotises cloaet and cloak rooma. la place ai latis and plastar, tise cost wul ha ver>' littia, if an>' extra. B>' investing cents you add dol- lars ta tise value ai your home. If you are interested wb>' sot ring up 497W. John. M. Martin Higli Stret, Bowmanvil BUILDING CONTRACTOR Carpentr>' Work and Plasterlnt Cernent Sldewalka FondaUons et Brick Work Everythlng from Cea" t. Attie Lawn Vaau A Speclait>' Il'- an>' walipaper-ai uncertain "-lii a' as for lasting>' loyal>' papers, dealers and decorators strongl>' recommand uslsg "Sunworthy"'. la order tbat tise entire rocm will be protected agalnst tise fading affecta af ligist, particulai>' af sunlight. 1 ATTRACTIONS 0F A ROCK GA FE By W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist iAltisougis rock gardens bave beau very popular in Great Britain anc Europe f or many years it la only i comparativel>' recent>' tbat tisay bave become common in Canada Ibut now many persans bave Liseu and numerous gardens are being started eacb year. A rock border h as been establisbed at tise Experi- imental Fans. Ottawa, wbere rock and alpine plants are being tested ta determmna wbicb will succeed un- der conditions tbat anyone ma>' im- itate. Wbat is iLtishat makes rock gar- dens so attractive? Ose important reason is tisat tise greatest amaouni of bloom is early in tise spring wben entbusiasm for gardenusg us at its isigbest and when flowers in tise garden are moat appreciated. An- otiser attraction ai tise rock garden is tisat more depends on individual effort tisan. perisapa, witb an>' otser type af gardening. The rocks may be arranged so tisat tise>' give a very unnatural affect, not ta, be desired, or tbey ma>' be placed is sucis a way tbat tise setting for tise plants saams very uuatural. Even with but a small aiea ta work on tisere are man>' possible ways of arranging tise stanes and in laying out tiha ganden and one's ne- sourcefulneass l brougbt into play in trying ta make tisa most plaasing and natural effects. Anotiser great attraction af tbe rock garden is in the atudy wisicis it is nacessan>' ta give aacb kind ai plant s0 tisat it wil get a favorable amount ai sunsbine or shade and ana must also know wisetisar tise Plant succeeds best under ver>' dry condlitions or wbather it needs a moderate or liberal suppi>' ai moist- ure. The individual needs ai aach sPecies is regard ta drainage must alsa ba learned. There ila acharm about rock Plants, bowaver, sot passessed by most otiser plants. jThere are not mnany of tbam. tiat are suitable for cutting; tbair at- traction lYisg un their daint>' and brigbtly colorad flowers and is tisa case Of man>' species in thse mass of bloam whicb forma a veritabla car- pet. The rock gardan aLso bas tbe at- traction o! baving the largest nuns- ber a! specias un tba amailest spaca asd the number ai kinds ai rock and alpine plants that it is possible ta grow la ver>' large. Tisis is wbat makes rock gardanisg sa attractive ta those la citias wiso bava but a liunited aiea on a small lot. Thaeeis endlasa variet>' and end- less experimenting ta mid wbicb will succead. Some a! tise rock Plants ara ver>' tin>' and tisase hava a great cbanm for tise flowan lover. It la natural for bath men and wo- men ta ha attracted ta and ta care for smail tisings wbatiser it be chil- dran, bouseisold Pets or plants, and rock and alpine flowers aratisa jew- aIs among Plants as children are thse jawals among humanklnd SWEET PEAS Most af tisa difficuit>' in growung goou sweet peas is aue ta late piant- Lng. 1, or best, or aven satisiactor>' results. tisase sowens must ha sown Jlus& as aarly in tise sp=xg as it ls Possible ta cug the grousd. In mosi Parts of thse country, tis will mean march or earhly Aprul. Thea ver>' fus- est bloamns are produced in tisoSe sections Of CanadLa wisare tise grOund l is hgis and tise nugis cool, alishougis with thse proper mathod tis ffower may ba grown almast anywisere. It must make its growtis during tisa ear>' cool weatiser and tise root systeun must go deep down inta tise soil. Dug a trench about 1a foot wide and two feat deep, and - nto Ibis put a six-lacis layer af de- cayad leaves, wel-rotted mnasure or othar matenal, and on top two incis- es af fine gardan soil. The saed la planted in tisis, about tisraa incises apart and an incis deep, and as growti satarts tise trench la grad- uallY iilled in, in ordar ta encourage a ver>' cieap root development. At least threa feet a! climbing support la tisa f arm o! brusis, sjlringa. or poultry natting, sisould be provided. Soak thorougsi> in water durlng dry weatber, and it is a good thiing ta give ana application o! llquid. mas- ure, or gare-as commercial f artilizer dissalved la water, during tise ear>' stages af growtis. Blooming sisauld start la July, and if ane wants ta bave tisis continue until f rosI, pick the flowars claily, mak.lsg absolutel>' sure tisaI no saad pods are allowad ta develop. PAPER YOUR BOOMS NOW SAY DEALERS AND DECORATOR-S "Sunwortuy Wallpaper Week" lias Economy as Its Basc Advantage for Homanuakers No nattuwhoter i il T-BIET wd mma i i ri e-I ACCIDENTAL DEATH WAS VEILDICT 0F INQUEST A verdict ai accidentai deatis was retunned b>' a jury mnvestigating tisa circinstances o! the deatis af Paul Mathews af Toronto wiso died la Bowmanviile Hospital on Mancis 24, f ram injuries recaived in an acci- dent a mile east o! Newcastie an Marcis 22nd. Frais tise vidence given at tisa isquast ovar wisicis Cor- oner Dr. V. H. Storey pnesided. it appeared that Mathews was sitting in the back of a ligist delivery, pan- ellecl body truck wici was driven b>' R. D. Radcli.ffe o! Taranto. The road on tise marnng o! tise 22nd was icy and truck bad bit a slippery spot asd bad skidded lato the ditcis. As tise rear end o! tise truck slewed completel>' around on tisa higisway Matisews was tisrown frais the back door of tise truck and struck bis isaad on tise Pavement. Deatis was due, Dr. C. W. Slamon stated. toaa fracture at tisa base ai tiesa kuli due ta coming un contact witis somating bard. J. W. Miner, Wiso was a pass- enger la tise truck, gave evidenca ai tise accident. Wbile Mme. Trumani Clark af Newcastle stated tisat tise truck was travelling nat more tisas 25 miles an isaur. Trafflc officar Ed. Purvis in bis avidance stated1 tisat it was bis belle! tisat tise acci- dent was unavoidable and that tise wbeels o! tise truck bad cammanced ta wobbla wisen going tisrough aj amail snaw bank and Wisen tise>'badt struck th isarae ice it was impos-1 sible ta bald the truck. The truck waS not damaged otiser tisasthea door irom wisicb Matisews fell ha- ing tors off . The jury were out oni>' 15 min-t utes lila iding tiseir verdict wisicb I was apparenti>' satisiactar>' ta f Crown Attorney' F. D. Boggs ai C-' bourg Who neprasented tise crown. Men on tise jury were W. E. Booth, foraman, H. Westaway, Thos. Ly- mer, H. HooPer. M. Hooper. D. Mc- Knigbt, H. E. Snsîth and F. Jann- ings. h The New Coats. Some with the brigh, silver or gold buttons, with new col- Jars and tastefully ma tceh ed scarves. You must see them if you are particular about your clothes, for to wear a Couch, Johnston & Cryderinan coat is to be dis- tinctively dressed. $8.95 up Quahity The New Dresses New styles, new materials, and a new smartness that makes the 1L932 Spring Dresses un- usual. The demand for Couch, John- ston & Cryderman's dresses hms been greater this year than ever. Consistent style and quality gains for us new customem each weekm $6.95 up Millinery De Y ç ç tQ6 9 BOO9K ami% Men's Fur Feit Hats $2.95 up Coud,, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED King S&tro Bowamanviil MB. AND MUS. T. PAITEBSON CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDILNG ______________________ A ver>' pleasant event took place on Marcn 29th. 1932, wben Mr. and __ Mrs. Thomas Patterson. Orono. Ont., ___ celecrated the àOth anniversar>' iof__ tbe±r wadding day. The day was aill __ tnat cauld be desired, and at 3 p. m. u? ~ u i the f riends and wellwishers began to l i ce tions. Two little grand-daughters, _______________________ Misses flene Jones and Marjor>' Glrih teddtedo.Mis SE Soucis received thse guests and pre- i sented them ta tbe bride and groom This figure, no dou>t, fami short of of 50 years. Mrs. David Jolinston of[ vr~ ie te huswf Parry Sound, tise bridesmaid of 50 teaeae tm h oswf years ago, was by ber sister's aide spnscc Ir nhrkthn receiving the f riends. The grooms- man of 50 years ago, living in Mani- AraiL s' t toba, could not ba present but sentA azn n'it congratulations. Over one bundrad people called How important, therefore, that ti during tise ai ternoon and evening. including friands from, Toronto, work shop be planned so ms to do Bowmanville. and otiser places. Mrs.u- Ernest Pattersan belpeci to, antertan ~ away, as far as possible, with al n and rnvited tisa friands ta tisa dis- nSsr rdeyadcneuf in omweeMrs. J. W. Hutchi-neear drdey ndc squ t son of Thornbury, ont., and Mrs. fatigue! Wm. Niabergali af ParrY Sound, sisters of Mrs. Pattarson. poured tea. Miss M. Cale. Osbawa, and Misa Row vital that th.e Ktchen ehould Gwen Stark of Starkviila assisted in the dinisg room. radiate an atmosph.ere of cof« At 6.30 p. m. thirty-five relatives adcer and friends sat down ta, a wel laden an jer table centred witis Ibrea atonies af a four-story wedding cake. It was a- great pleasure ta bhave Itav. W. .J. H. Pai.nted Walls- Woodwoik and Smytb, Orono, and Rev. Dr. Arnat, Floors, when the color scheme is Mr. and Mrs. Patterson's famil of appropriate, is one of the greatest fiegadhide ee i rsn benefits in planning the miodem for tise occasion; also fiva sisters aifhome, . Ini- Mrs. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson receivad a purse of maney f ram tise f amily and grandcbildren; a $5. gald plece and a $5. bill from. twa otiser friands. and sevaral nice useiul presents; ai- so twelva beautiful bouquets ai ffow- h ers. A nunbar of tise ladies ai tise LL - L )S S. O. B. A. No. 175 called ini a body and presented thse bride with a ~ beautiiul bouquet aof fowers. A let- a Seini-Gloss Paint, speciaily made ter of congratulation was raceived for Kitchen Wafls, you wiIl find ail ous letter, telegrams and pisone easta sbs nclr ase of aplia ai congratulations were recaived.tinadeo my stxuri o The color sciseme in tbe bousetonade nmy Istetriso decorations was wbite and gold. designed that dust, grease and even Tise address was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Tisas. Pattersan: iiik spots can be removed with soap Dear F'atiser and Motiser: Ravisg wto amt i iM passad alang liie's patisway until an water wthut . r afn you bave reacbad your Golden Wed-fi h ding, we, your cbildren, have gatis-fi sh ered today ta isonor the occasion Iwîti aur Presence and good wiss One Pint of Loe BrodwerPoint for your continued goad bealtis and wl oa aa n ur success. Duming tissperiod af Urne ilg mfasOnQur L you bave sean mas>' dark and also CAca and Injerio Paint. many brigbt days; bave passed tbrough sarrow and joy; you are al- S sBfr anig ways readY ta, lesd a belpmng basdBdrPan . ta friend or strangar. We hope we ____________________________ may bave yau bath spared ustil___ yaur Diamond wedding. __ We ask yau ta accept this puise as '" .0. " N a token ai aur lave and respect for __ ~ ~ ~ .__ You, and pray tisa Giver af ail goad___ gifla Wiil continue ta favor you astis __ A D A E__ Ris blessinga until the suriset ai 111e. HARDWAR Sîgned by tisa Cildras and c3randchildren. t. MES. WILLIAM DOWNING MAiRKED SEVENTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY JIN TORLONTO Mme. Wm. Downing (Margarat Bowen) celebrated tise 78tb. ansi- varsar>' o! ber birthday la Toronto hast week and was -at borne" ta bher mas>' friands. Daspite ber 78 years, Mrs. Down- ing la brigist and ciseer>' and keen witted. Sisa cas tell mas>' an inter- esting tale o! tisa happenings la and around Newcastle ai savenal dec- ades ago. wbich bringa ta mmnd tbat Newcastle was tise birtbplace o! mas>' ai oui distisguisised citizens, on ai their ancestars. Mrs. Downing isersai la by no means tise Ieast ai tbem as se us the granddaugister of an M.P. (Henry Munira>, tise aunt o! asatisar (Fred Bawes>. the matis- an af a champion bowler (Harry IDowning) and tise grandmather ai a champion swimmen (Ruths Down- ing). IAnd tisera lsn't a wrinkle la tisat serene face. framed b>' billow>' white baur. It wauid sem ntbat ta, attain a hsappy and ripe old aga ana sisauld manry Young, maisa a big f amil>' and Work bard. Mme. Downing was mai- ried at 16, bas 7 ciildren, 23 grand- .cbildren and 6 great grand cisildran. Besides attending toalal tise isouseisold tasks of a wiie and Imotiser, Mme. Downing iaund tima f on cisurcis wank and atiser commun- ut>' activities. Sise fumet assaciated berseli with tise cisurcis seventy-two years ago wisen se jalaed tisa Band ai Hope ai tise Primitive Methodist Cisurcis at Trickey's Can- ners. Sise bas been an active mam- ber ai tise W. C. T. U. for aven bal! a century, and a mamber ai tisa 1. O. D. E. sunce its inauguration. Mme. Downing la a striking ex- ample ai tise prnciple that ciseer- f ulness and activit>' are conducive ta a happy and long lie, and also f urnisisas asotiser proof that ane's usafulnesa dosa not ceasa at fift>' or sixty. or aven seventy-pycbologists and experts ta tise cantrary. At present Mme. Downing la living attise Adams Rest Homne. 140 Dowl- iag Avenue, Toronto. wbeneaiewl ha pleasad ta ses an>' aiber friands iromn Newcastle asd vicinit>'. WEDDING lbompsoýNMcfllla A pratty Eastem wedding toak place at Trinit>' United Cisurcis parsonage, Cobourg, on Thurada>' aiternoon. Marcis 3lst. wisan Rena Hattia McMllan, daugister ai Mm. John F. McMillan and tisa late Mme. McMillan. was marnied ta Mm. Bruce Thampson, son o! Mme. W. R. Tisampson and tise late W. R. Thampaon, Cobourg. Rev. W. R. Tanton. pastar oaiTnit>' Ciurcis, officlated at tise caremon>'. Tise bride laakad cbarming in a long gows ai blue georgette and lace witis blue bat. Han flowers were a nase- gay o! rosas. lily ai tise valle>' and forget-me-nots. Sise was attendad by Mme. Harold Dentan as matran o! isanor, wearnsg blua georgetta and blua bat and carryisg Pink roses. Mn. Harold Denton was graomsmas. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson lait laten for a satan trip ta western points. tisa bride travelling in a blue diag- anal serge coat, collanad wltis fui. and accassories ta match. Upon tisair retur tise>' will take up tisair nasidence la Cobourg. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment la ne- cammended ion sore necks, galis. distemper, callauses and spavins. Removes proud flash and Hoaf Rot. Stops bladlng instat>'. ST' ACHE is 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP-c3DAY, APRM 14th, 1932 PAGE rit Couch, Johnston & Cry- This yeaxi Milllnery ex- Our expert niilliner will derman are leaders in the prsitouenwsye assure you perfect fit sale of quality 'Milliner and new materials that efcstlad ta at prices that depleted will give that perfect fin- cost that you am eaaily purses may stand. ish to the spring en- afford. j semble. NEW SPRING PRINTS - 19c Yard Up. TOPCQATS at $14.50 It is many years since the well dressed young man has been able to secure a Topcoat at this low price. It is flot a specially made coat for the price, but a real value of good material and correct eut. Young Men's Suits, 2 pr. Pants $16.i50 Here is another. lune that will please those with a depleted pocket- .book. Just imagine a quality cloth with the much needed extra pair of trou.sers for this price. The cut is perfect, and we guarantee you satis- faction. m

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