* - - , ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUJRSDAY, APRIL 141h. 1932 1$' 1 i ILeague. Music between acts by B Bomnville talent. Admission: MAPLE GROVE Adulte25c; childien 15c.adMs Wm. Little Jr.. Oshawa, spent Sun- Mi. PhiPps, Toronto, is visiting day wth tbe former's mother, Mis. his, sister, Mis. F. Swallow. Wm. Little. Mr. Baakervilie, Newcastle, spent The Wonaen's Institute and Lad- SUndaY with Mi. Howard Cryden- i es' Aid will meet ai the borne o! man.. Mis. Luther Hooper on Wednesday, MMa. L. C. Snowden spent thc Apil 20th, at 2.30 p. m. Roil cal Weekend with relatives and f iencis ta be answered wth patterns for a in Montreal. patch quilt. A fine will be cbarged Mr. and ifs. R. R. Stevens spent those not answering. A short pro- the Weekend with thear daugbteî, gram will be given. after wich el- Mia. IlaY Snowden, Toronto. ection of offcers wlll take place. Mi.L. Twist and Miss Enici Twistf League Thursday evening openeci aPent the weekend wth the formers Dwithargiesid e r Ms.theoreg daughiter-in-law, Mis. Fred Twist, fDw.mcag.A e h pnn Toronto. exercases the lst Vice Piesident. Miss Mi. and Mis. E. W. Foley, Mr. Lola Richards, took charge o! Uic Water Poley, visiteci Uic latter's I f ollowing program: Bible readlng, daUghter. Mis. Mark Blackbuin, Or- Miss Mildieci Bradley; bible study, OUa, on Périday. Miss Alice Tbompson; a splendid Gladto s Mis Edn Swalowtapfic was given by Mis. Robt. Hodg- home again af er spcnding Uic win-so on WhtI est ea ter Wth Dr. andi Mis. Gardon Christian at Home." Meeting clos- Bro'wn. Holetein. e d with hymn and benediction. Mr. aud Mis. Lau Hockin, Miss Women's Missionary Society met Eleen Hockin, Mr. Eclwaid Foley, in the vestiy on Thuisday aftcr- VSited thc former's niece. Mis. John noon, Mis. A. W. Clemens. president. HaPPe, Toronto, on Sunciay. presiding. Progiani was given by The girls' clas are going to (sh- Mis. Haroldi Skinner's gioup. Stud awa King St. Church on Thuisday book was taken by Mis. W. Miler. evening and give their play "The Mis. A. W. Clemens and Mis. S. T. Far=mtte." They also have an in- Hoar gave a report o! the Presby- vitation ta Pickering on Wedncsday, teial helc inl Bowmanvillc. Dona- April 27th. tions o! clotbing suitable ta make The services on Sunday wil be in into childrcn's cloîbing are being charge of thc W. M. S. Rev. J. H. askcd for. Clothing is ta be lefI at stainton, Pickering, will be tbe Mis. Willis Stewart's as carly as speaker. Mis. Staluton will favon 'possible. with a solo. Hope to sce a good tuiflout. Mr. Thos. Snowdcn. Mr. L. C. Snowden. Mis. H. G. Freeman andiSLN niece, Miss Marlon Folcy, motored S LN ta Bra.ntford on Monday and visitedi ____________ wth Mr. and Mis. D. H. Coates and'- Dr. and Mis. L. H. Coales. Miss Ada Pascoe. Toronto. is boi-i daying at home.11 . Miss Vera Baker spent the week-( enci with fricnds in Montreai. 1 TYRONE Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis. ______________________1 Howard Wonnacott-it's a boy. ---- > Remember the Division meeting Rev. A. M. Wootton spent several Ibis Thursday evening lu the S. S. daYs lu Toronto on business. room. Mr. Clarence Hathcnly spent a few Mi. and Mis. H. E. Tink visiteci at days wth friendsinl Toronto. Mr. Hilton Tink's, Brooklin, on Messrs. HarrY and Frank Hather- Sunday. ly, lEMie, spent the weekcnd at Mr. H. E. 'rinic was in Toronto home. last weck attendiug the funcral o! Masses Laina Hoopen and Alice the laIe John Walters. Thomapson spent a day in Toronto Miss Kathleen Tink, Maple Grove, recently. spenî a few days with ber grand- Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Or- parents, Mi. and Mis. H. E. Tixsk. oua, spent Sunday at Mis. James Ms a n ess rn n Staiie's. Ms a n ess rn n Mi. and Mis. N. J. WoodIey. Mis Percy Westlakc were recent guests Susie VanCamp visiteci Mis. Thnomas at Mr. John Avcry's, En! icîi. Woodley, Peterboro, on Saturday. Missîonaiy program Sunday af- Bawmnanvillc Trinity Young Pea- ternoon was in charge o! Mis. Roy1 ple wll present thein play "Miss Ad- Langmaid. Five o! the junior girls venture" in the communiîy hall on gave a short exeicise and sang Faiday, Apnil 22nd, at 8 P. m. uncier verse o! "Jesus Loves Me," first in the auspices o! the Young People's English and then in Korean. NESTLETON Making maple sYrup is the order o! the day . ,Mr. Wilficd Wiison haci one o! bis flugers off lu the sawmng machine. A gooci nu.mber attended chuich services here, i miss Grace Crawf ord, Toronto, 15 bolidaying wiîb ber faîber, Mi. Sain Crawf ord Mi. and Mis. Cecil Wilson entertalueci about 40 o! their neighbors and friencis Wecluesday evening. Ladies' Aid meeting was held at Uic borne o! Mis. R. W. Philp, witb a gooci atteradance. Pro- gramn consisted o! ieadings and music by the Brown fainily. Re- f reabnents werc serveci and evcny one enjoyeci the evcning. .,Mr. Kennetb Sameils and mis Florence Hendersan spent Uic weekcnd ai the home o! Mi. and Mis. John Hooey. ..Mr. Leslie Lansing haci a sligbt accident last wcek. . Miss Kate Deacon, wbo bas had blooci poison- ing, is gettlug along niccly. .Mr. andi Mis. Hariy McLaughlin bad a few lu on Fnlday evening .-Mis. oscar Edwards and Mis. Leonard Jobliuvisiteci friencis lu Nestletan reccntiy...Mi. Wilfied Williars, Mi. James E. Wilson, Mr. Wm. Sam- cils and Mi. Herman Samdils motar- cd ta Toronto last weck .-..Mr. C. Laignb o! Bowmanviilc visiteci ai the home o! Mi. and Mis. Ted Marlow îccentiy Miss Lattie Brown, To- ronto, visileci ber mother, Mis. Olive Brown ...Mis. Ethel Taylor and Miss Marion and Jobnnic caileci on ,Mi. and Mis. Stanley Malcolmn Mis. Herman Sarndils was guesi o! Mr. and Mis. Wm. Sanidils reccntiy. Faimers are glaci ta sec Mr. Wm Venning able ta be ai bis olci job o! sheaiing sheep.. Institute meeting was helci ai the home o! Mis. Oea. Wilson. Group 4 had charge o! Uic meeting. There was a good crowd out and Uic prograin was good. and Mis. Wilson made a splendid hast- ess. Rcfreshmcnts were serveci, and a hcarty vote o! Ihanks given the bost and hostesses fan Uic pleasaut a! ternoon. BLACKSTOCK Mis. Clarence Marlaw and Mis Violet Deven visited Mr. and Mis. Albert Werry on Thursday *Mi. and Mis. Russell Mauntjoy visited Mi. and Mis. Henry Mountjoy.. Miss Elsie Vcnning and Mi. Norman McCuidy, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. John Rabm. . Mis. Prost, Peterbora, 15 visiîlug Mi. anci Mis. Thomas Smith, Mr. aud Mis. Percy Jabb and !amily, Oshawa spent Sunday with Mis. Jabb's par- ents, Mr. and Mis. David Galbraith. Cox Moto r Sales Announce that The New Ford WiII1 be Sown Here FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 15 and 16 IN THEIR SHOW ROOMS ON KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE A. F. CUX Manager "The Finest Product at Less Money, that We Ever Handled " e* . A*F. Cox The new Ford V-8 represents a notable advance in matai car engineering. New car 15 large, long, roamy, f ast, power- fui and aleri. Its 8 cyinder V type engine develops 65 horse-power. The car is capable ta 7 5 miles an hour, "tnuiy a maiveL" 14 beautiful body types may be obtained withh cuber the V-8 or improved 4 cylinder englue. The varions body types may be obtained iu a wide variety of color combinations. Let us tell you more about the New Ford, built for a new age. FRANK A. COX Bowmanvçife Branch Manager New Ford Prices EFFECTI[VE APRIL '.th, 1932 Body 8 4 Types Cylar.der Cyl:nder Phaeton S7.50 :S6144 De Luxe Phaeton SU7 742 Raadster 7U.I 627 De Luxe Roadster 755 680 coupe 7 4 -,669 De Luxe Coupe ý34 778 Sport Coupe 902 72G Victoria 885 810 Cabriolet 9W<'825 Thifor '.55 679 De Luxe Tudor 823 747 Fordor 875 799 De Luxe Fardor 948 872 Convertible Sedan 953 877 Dellvered with License 5 coloreci wheels anci safety glass throughout on all De Luxe Models. Sport Coupe, Cabriolet. Victoria. and Convertible Sedan. Standard Models have sft gla.ss an windshield only. Rumble Seat lu Standard Roacist'er, Standard Coupe. and De Luxe Coupe ai $25.00 Extra. CLARENCE L. COX Assistant Manager WASHIING AND POLISHING Improves a Car's looks 100% WASH CAR $1.00 POLISH CAR $1.00 TOP DRESSI.NG $1.00 A4re You Proud of Your Car's Appearance ? OILING AND GREASING Any make of car $1.00) Preserves Vour Car - Cuis Repairs! [f you want economy with your car it must have proper lubication by lubrication experts. Don't use Just any sort of olL GENERAL REPAIE WORK R.enew youi car's performance. Many motorists now bring their cars lu for inspection ai regular intervals Tbey find iIt pays-pays lu better performance and lowered cost of upkeep. cox TIRE REPAIRING "Yau neyer know when you mght need ihai spare tire." The next urne you have tire trouble just give us a cail. Special prices on tires fer ail cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT Good Values in Used Cars - See us when you want a Used Car. We have many gaed vaiues taken in irade. Wide selection In makes, types and prices. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES "Beauiify yaur car ith an accessory." ]If we haven'f what you want we can getlti for yau. Haw about a cigar Uighter, spanges, chamois, pollsh and auto 5<U.p NEW CAR DEPARTMENT You can buy a Fard on easy terias. CaU ar telepliane for demonstration. Then yau wll knaw why It 15 sucb a greai car to awn and drive. MIOTORI PAINT SHOP "1New car appearance at, minimum cost." Are yau proud of your car? Is it duil and shabby Iooking? Give yaur car a new coat of paint or have l tauched up in oui paint shap. GAS AND OIL High grade Gasolines refined by Cities Service 0OU Company. Dan't use "'Just any sart of 011." We have different grades of ail for differeni cars. We are the oniy garage lu BowmanvWle who can supply Fard owners wth Mod-A-01l. BODY REPAIR DEPARTMENT "A car looks as aid as Ris tenders." If those fenders need stralghtening or the body of vour car has a bail dinge lu it brlng your car te Com Yen ,lI be gur- pised ai the excellent workmarashlp. SALE PAGE SIX [t 1' t' I r .9 -- Mm FRE CAR GREASE, WASH OR BATTERY CHARGE WITH PURCHASE 0F FIFTY GALLONS 0F GASOLINE ARTHUR G. COX Service Manager Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hilrnan, ens; piano solo, Mis. Lorile Lamb. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mi.Tho. A hymn, was sung and ail rePeated Veng Miss Isobel Cawkr spenti JIO 11TI5 the mizpah. A contest was mnuch Sunda wthbe fthrPot erry :n____________ enîoyed and a lovely lunch was ser- Suda it erfthrPrtPrr.ved and al bad a pleasant urne.____________ Miss Brown made a business Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks were Mr. E. C. Ashton bas another bad trip to Toroito on Thursday Rev. in Toronto over the weekend visit- attacli of astbmna. F. W. Neweli is still under the doc- ing Mr. Bigbam Hall wbo bas been M.T .Seo srcvrn tor's care Mr. and Mrs. Henry quite il. from grippe. Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- on account of bad roads and sick-1 The sympatby of the cominunitY bert Werry. . rAi. J. G. Marlow bas nes the young people's meeting on 'as extended to the farnaly of the returned home after spendmng the Thursday evening was flot as largely late Mis. Alex Smith who daed on winter with friends in Toronto and attended although a good program Saturday nigbt aIa the home of lber Omemee.. Regular meeting of Vic- was presented. Community smnging Ison, Mr. W. J. Smith, East Whitby. torian Women's Institute was held was indulged in for a time, led by -F'uneral tok place on Tuesday to at the borne of Mis. R. Mahood on Mis. G. F. Annis. Aterward the Union Cemetery. Wednesday, April 6tb, witb 35 mem- piogram was put on, Miss Aura Os- Practice bas commenced for the bers present. Mis. Jos. Foncier was bornes group baving charge. Anniversary on May 22nd, under convener of the group in charge of Services on Sunday were fine ai- the leadership o! Miss Marion or- the program wbich consisteci of a thougb the roaci fnom Courtice ta chard. k i l ; A paper on thec "Women*s Institute"1 the cburcb was ipassable for cars 1 Mr. and Mis. Eci. Bryant. i.A by Mrs. Clarence Marlow; ireading,i andi walking seems to be the order Towns, Mrs. W. Nash and Pauline, Miss Olive VanCamp; singing by a o! the day. Oui pastar, Rev. H. C. Oshawa, Mi. Goldwin Fraser, Tren- group of the girls andi a talk on 'Thej Wolfraini, in tbe mornmng delivered ton, Mi. and Mrs. Melville Grl.ffin. 1 A R A preservation of Eggs" by Mrs. New- a fine discourse on Daniel. The Mr- and Mis. Lamne Griffin and ri R Y A ton Taylor. Lunch was seived..,. session in the alternoon at Sunday Jean. visited at Mr. andi Mis. Win.dasPrme On Friday evening. April 8, tbe Lad- Scbool bad a gooci attendance. In Gifi.n's. Cnd' rme ies' Orange Ladge put on a cuchie the evening the f ew wbo gathered and dance in the Town Hall, having, at the cburcb listened to anotherP Mr. George Fowleî. Proceeds $17. I rr t laPERM ANENTIa rul - ___________is_ in Oshawa Hospital. No League service Ibis week ow- ing to bad roacs. cIvile Sta.. called on Mi. and Mis.' SALEM ENNISKILLEN ~Edgas Gibson on Sunday.-------Î_ 1 Mr. Lloyd Tbompson spent Sun- This as youn opportunity ta Vday at Mr. W. D. Feîguson's. receive the services of Canada's Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, isvi- Mr. and Mis. J. A. Stainton and Glad ta rabet ortta i Matro dneprt iting Mis. F. Honcy. Cifri ootsetIe'~ ce sal ob u gi !tr Mr. Harry Day has had ten Conraulaios t M. ad is. e d wiToroMis..pe. th ee-a lengthy illnesa. Mi. ardonof practical experience Congatuatios t Mr.andMrs.endwithMrs J. ye.Il looks as though Mr oro emonistrating hogutCn Wreford Cornish, Burketon, on Uic Miss Vera Kerslake, Hamnpton, Brown bas gone into the business 0f ada andi t rouState Can arrivai ofa fine baby girl. spent Sunday with Mis Annme Oke. making maple syilip. He is the late manager of Uic Messrs. F. L. and Lawrence Squair Master BRay Spry bas gone ta re- Mi. and Mis. Foster Ferguson! Royal York Beauty Salon in the visited wltb Mi. and Mis. W. Mof - sie with bis parents af ter spending spent Tuesday evening at Mi. W. D. a-ethoe nteirts m fat and family, Orono, last Sunday. a liane wiUi bis grandinother. Mis. F'erguson's. i rethtli h nts m Friends in this neigbborboad wllW Wm. Oke. Mr. Lowell Pallis spent Saturday pie be very sonry ta learu iliat Mr. Carl Mis. Gibsan and daugbter, 50w- in Nestleton.r A son o! J. Nelson Day, inter- Biflings, Orono, bad to be taken to manvilUe, weîe recent visitais of Mi. and Mis. Clarence Parr at- nationally knowýn hairdiesser, Toronto hospital for medical treat- Mis. ThOs. McGill. tendeci the funeral o! their cousin patnonized by Royalty. ment last week. Mis. Billings ac- Mi. and Mis. Williaflison, Hainp- at Bailieboro last Thursday. 'Mr. Day wifl be ln companied bu ta Toronta. ton, Sundayed with Mi. andi Mis. Mi. and Mis. Albert Beacockl PORT HOPE Rev. A. S. Keri delivereci a very J as. Bradley. spent Sunday at Mi. Everard San- NEXT FRIDAY and SATURDAY fine discourse when be conducteci Miss Myrtie BrunI spent a few derson'ls. APRIL lSth and lGth. the service here last Sunday, the days with friends in Toronta. There was no service bere on S un- subjet 0fbis srmonbeing the Mi. S. Pethick, Floyd, Clifford dlay as Mi. Newell is still confinct n rc settlng up of the Anc o! the Lord and Veina, visited fiiends in New- bis beci. in the bouse o! Dagon. and Uic re- tonville on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Adelbeit Beacock$7 0 sult tht flloed.Mi. andi Mis. J. Calder, Toronto, spent Tuesday at Mr. Norman Ed- Complete Service suls hatfolowd.Mis. A. Calder and Mis. Beatty of geton's. For appointments cal Y. P. L. meeting. April 6th, the Bright, were Sunday guests of Mi. Mr. Hector Thompson is hireci president opened tbe meeting with andi Mis. E. E. Staples. with Mr. N. H. Marlow for the sum-. McBRIDE'S a hymin, followed by prayer by Mr. Mi. and Mis. Elwood Rabm, Bet- mer.BA ER S O Cator. 151 Vice, Mis. S. utry andi Roy, Mi. Gardon Pieston and Report of S. S. No. 5, Cartwright. took charge. Bible reading taken by Jean Oshawa, vislted their mother, figures stand for per cent: Bhne60AR er sehOPge Miss B. Cator; notes of explanation IMis. G. Pieston. Sr. IV-Harvey Thompson 89.. Port Hope, Ont. of same by Mi. K. Squair; violin sel- Monthly meeting of Ladies' Aid Doris Wilson 84, Allan Beacock 80., _____________ ection by Mi. C. Collacott witb Miss was belci at the home of Mis. Roy Ross Lansing 79. _______________ Marie aI the piano; topic, Mr. E. McGill on Wednesday, April 6th. Jr. IV-Elmer Archer 61, Russel' Archer 60. Eileen Johnston 40. Doidge; two mouthongan selections The president, Mis. J. Sbackelton, Brown 55, Andy Maîlow 54, Vincerat Sr. II-Maurice Samells 59, Neil by Mi. S. Elcombe. Meeting closed took charge. Af 1er the opening ex- Arcber 41. Johnston 46. with a bynin and League benedic- ercises a splendid Easteî piogiani Si. Mf-Lois Veale 78, Keith Jr. il-Marlon Beacock 65. Quel- tion. Attendance 38. was given. consisîing o! readings by Jobnston 70, Marjonie Galbraith 65. cia Johnston 61. Buy youi auto tires !rom D. H. ,Mrs. J. A. Weriy, Mis. Adami Shaipe, Lloyd Brown 64. Dorotny Brown 61.: Jr. Pr.-Donald Johnston. Doris Jamieson. vulcanizing and battcry'and Mis. Charlie Virtue; vocal duet, Clara Mountjoy 58, Jack Marlow 58. M1ounitjoy. service. Statesman Block. ;Mis. T. Slemon and Mis. H. S1ev- Jr. Ml-Aitie Hicks 69. Mildred Helen Fowler. teacher. - . - 1