THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 2Mb. 1932 PAGE NINE ~THE ALL-CANA SHRE Made in Canadai THE CÂNADIÂN SHREDI ~LOV E LY7~ -HANQTf Bus>' band-at bard task,, day ini and day out, Persiar BaIm keeps the skin soft and pliable. Removes redness and relueves imrtaion. '>PERfIAN Bilious For Days At Time Until She Took Vegetable M@l Gratefully, Mms C. writes: "The firsi dose of your wonderful Carter's Littlt Uàver PUis lv me grea eief af ta every medicue Itred faied. Because they are PURELY %EGE TABLE, a elie, effective tank to bot liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Littl Liv'er Pills are without equal for cor recting Constipation. Acidity, Headl aches, Poor Complexion and ndiges tion. 2,5c. & 75c. red pkgs. everywhere Ask for Carter's by NAlE. PUT HlM OFF HeS PIPE Indigesia. and Acidty '«A tew months ago. I had an attack o! indigestion, heartburn and acidity. and had no appetite for mneais. cspecialv breakfast. I amn a pipe rmoker. and for severai days I feit ',o ili I could not even look at mv pipe. I deided tW try Krusclîen S it!. A few days after..ards 1 founi1 that the heartburo and acidits Iîad gone . and for the last fiveeor sixc weeks 1 have been in mv usual gnod health. 1 can 00w enjoy my pipe-suioking . and in fact feel about 10 vears younger."-R. P. whe eUr digestvejaices6un to vlw our food lies in the uytem and ferments. thus causing the dist:m of indigest ion. vThe - ittie daily dose" of Kruchen irst stirnulates the flow of th., gwîtri' juices, and then ensures complete, regular and unfailing elimina- tin of al 's aste rnatter ever>' day. ACHES There's scarcely an ache or pain that A s p i r i n ivill not relieve prornptlv. It can't remnove the cause, but it a-ill relicî'c the pain! Head- aches. Backaches. Neuritis and neuraigia. Yes. and even rheumnatisni Read proven directions for many important uis. Genuine Aspirir can't depress the heart. L)ok foi the Bayer cross: I:eY for RAD COMPLEXION and ACIO STOMACH Sold eeerywhere in 25caid 75c ved p&gs CATES I~PILL DANDIRUFFi :4 nd.Fauai aiie:, us Min- .ý.ad' y oyu would "y 7 hir toai. Do thia 4 tum 4. reak «W th. e mui a iî b.. CIi H.Me" and Glouy N air DIAN BREAKFAST IN THE GQOD QLD DAYS Written by Fred W. Grant in The Barrie Examiner DI D E D Monday was sy. o ahsrnsewntanwc Everbody played cout buys, and wears ber gown by in-c There were no Bolsheviks. staliments.1 ( HA TMen sported wiry> whiskers. Women protested, as they do now,1 D ELUCIOUS Ice creain was 'iced" creami. really practically proven ber con- H A T F LNobodY was askiared to walk. tnin ECONOMUCAL No one was fined for sPedin. sample counter as now, but the>' SATISFYUNG Milk shake was a poçpilar drink. did get oe .mtIadw' CawdenWI.t nl aai resht ates. Girls spoke of their f avorite auth-3 with Canadian WhaatOu>littie iros wore short sklrts. o. lkeBertha M. CaMs lED~nl WHET OMÂN, TD girld ws tod, shert ne 5 : SouthwoXth, etc.; now it's of theirc _____________________________ buy tod Th in s f avorite brands, like golf sticks, Doctrs ante tosee our cigarettes, etc. tongue Most men who were in a rundown The livery stable was the social condition were curcd with a "J oIt"l ASTO THE1R R ou S i~ ce from a brandy ffask; now whent Nobody cared for the price of.gas- they're run down they get their AS TE. Lviso ne Oui> lumi>e-Fiacks roiled their AUl that the regular girl everca c Many readers of The Statesman stockings. ried in ber cute little crocbeted ret-i probably do flot realize that the Women. nor men cither. didnlt icule were a few liair and safetyi human race spends more than a play golf. pins, a stick of guin, several samp- third of their lifetime in bcd. when Farmers came to town for their les and patterns, piece~ of unflnished in the best of health. That a person mail. fancy work, letters, vlsiting cards, thirty years of age bas given more There wcre no germs even in Ger- postage stamps, smelling salt.s, hand than ten years of that time in bed, many. mirror, powdcr rag, a few assorted or a person sixi>' years old bhas speflt Melodrama supplicd the dramatic pis, lead pencil, notebook, curlingt more than twenty years of that "Idck." iron, sachet bag, a few peppermints, time ini bed. No one bad to 1ook for a parking button and glove book, handker- The very f irst thing we ail did in space. chie!, some spools of thread, buttons this life was to breathe, and those Çhickens ail went Wo roost at sun- of various colors, shapes and sizes, of us stil alive are ail grabbing for down. thimble, scissors, recipe for sponge air. How important then, it is for Beer was 5 cents a glass. includiflg cake, ribbons, sticking plaster head- -us to understanil bow vital it is the lunch. ache powders. keys, several dingbats proper and ample ventilation of our Whlskey was f if ty cents a quart and about nine cents; now sUe ai bedroorns and thc banc! ul effects boitle. ways carrnes a handbag containing o! sleeping in a vitiated atmnosphere. A good cigar set you back a whole at least a pack of cigarettes, a bath- Theecflects may be graduai but none nickel. ing suit, an entire equipment forà the less certain. Open ail windows Tbe shieks ail lived in Arabia or making ber toilet, sometimes even of ail bedroorns with windows that Turkey. a complete change of wardrobe and can open near the oeiling; thus giv- Shows in the Town Hall carne enough mone>' W, sta.rt a branch le m an ample opportun.ity for te ol ootn ak exit of ail foui air, and trus avoid Paper and celluloïd collars were Boys delighted in runining around on waking in tUe morning that resi- popular. barefooted; now it's gone Wo the lcss condition, headache, and parch- Food stu!! s came in bulk. flot in other extreme, and the>' like to mun h d cd roat. f romn no other cause ihan packages. around bareheaded - some of 'emn le sleeping in impure air. Women wore batbina dresses. 11ot even empty headed. TUrdi-ero rahe ite undresses. When a young feilow and bis girl or seventeen times a minute, inal Candies for the girl cost ber f el- bad a quarrel, it was usuailly the mng about tbirty cubic inches a low 15c a bag. Young feilow who made up; nowa- cach breath. ln an hour be breathes Scbool teacbei'5 "licked" pupils days an>' girl, any time, any place -28,800 cubic inches or between six- good and plenty. "makes Up" hersel!. teen and seventeen cubic feet. It The boyish f orm was displayed A person wouid sometimes poison would appear, therefore, that the oni>' by tUe boy. a neighbor's dog that didn't meet amount o!f fresh air to sustain lufe Ladies used side saddles, flot the approval; now it's elther their nei-à wiil be around 1680 cu. f t. per hour. wholc road. ghbor's or their own busband or Air, wben once breathed, is hardly A girl was mostl>' bustle behind, wife who is disposed of that way. in fit condition tc, breathe again. flot bustlc ahead. On thre f irst fine Spring day Fath- containing as it does a percentage Statics wcre mercI>' a matbemat- er ctiased home f rom the offce Wo jo f carbon dioxide wbicb ias dis-. ical study at school. help beat carpets with a club in the placed that amount of oxygen in the They wcre days fliSiY--every- back yard; now he beats it f roma r air we breathcd. so that if we wish- thing over at 10 p. m. tUe omâce to chase golf bails at the 2 ed Wo restore tbe expired air to its No one bad to listen W a saxo- country' club. t original purity, we must supply at phone, Uiaiik goodess. Father sometimes spillied ashes on Ileast a bundred times tbe amount Evcrybody went Wo church, or to the parlor rug; now it's mother and o0f pure air. sleep on Sunday. agtr Oxygen in air we breathe is Uic Girls set their caps-flot their Tbere were no crooners, except r chief life-giving element to the bu- knee-caps-for a man. Mother when she rocked ber rest- man body, and wholly supplied f rom Oytrspesadcuc oiless baby Wc sleep. y tc air we breathe, and it is most were 25c a throw. Women's skirts trailed as much t important that we obtain a sufe Moving pictures Uappened on]>' at matenlal below their feet as tbey lent amount of tbis 111e element as housccleaning time. donti now above. D aur ntned iýrmmey h Females ail wore corsets-at least People used Wo arise and retire on il good Lord bas surrounded us with we tbink Uic>' did. the same day; now the>' retire and s an abundance of pure air. Notwith- The bired girl drew $1.50 a week, arise on Uic same day. standing this mnan>'People breathe anid did the washing. Boys were boys. and girls were IF unconsciously, as wbcn asleep, oui>' Hot dogs were those witb their girls; but nowadays moibers and a supplying thc lungs with about two tangues protruding. grandmothers are girls also. *thirds capacit>' of air. Tbis deflc- The>' bobbed >'our hair on]>' after High fiyers used Wo "take a drop- icncy in oxygen must be made up Uiey got you in jail. of ten; nov Uic>' merci>' take-off and -later whefi ve wakc, b>' forccd addi- The melodeon-not Uic radio- take a drop> on]>' once. tions on top, or following each supplicd Uic famil>' music. People took a tonic when Uic>' brcath in our ordinar>' or coflscious The f amnily Bible andte familwere run down; now Uic>' usuaill' breathing. albumix were popular intttos take an ambulance or tbe hearse. Another great benefit migbt i>e The>' didn't have Wo hire a big TUe most prominent part o! an rnentioned bhere briefly. as to bene- play'. attractive girls was bustle and frill; fit of Ibis forcedi brcatbing. as to husky man to teacb boys boyW t now it's hustie and thrlil. heart action. and the blood in con- Everyonc in Uic family took sui-' Young People turncd in at 9 P. m.. nection witb body cells. The body' phur and molasses eacb SprIng. now the>' tune in. and don't turn in and blood is composed of billions The bired man got a dollar a day until Uie next morning. e and billions o! cells wbicb differ in for 'steen bours and earned it. tooC Mani wanted but little here below; their function., and work. These Ladies' Clubs wcre tUe Ladies Aid, now it's tUe woman wbo flot on]>' ý ome in contact with the oxygen o! Sewing Circle and Uic rolling pin. wants it. but wears it also. tbe air we breathe in the lungs. and Milk was delivered into >'our ovfl Girls wore man>' worth>' unmen- 'jeposit it according to their func- pitcher from Uic dealer's tin tionables, and nov Uic>' vear bard]>' 1. ions and work. Some attend ta Uic measure. anything worth mcntioning. y digestive, others for the nerves. and h t tok a girl two days ta get There were no paid street clean- n ohers for tbe bones o! the body.- ready for a Part>'; now she's ready crs; vomen pedestrians' trailing The red corpuscles wbicb give blood ari> time. skirts did tUe job free and plent>'. its color. bave tUe special function Wbcn a husband came home late Father got mosi o! bis outdoor ex- o! convcying oxygen to ail tUe tis- at night lhe crepi upsiairs boping ercise witb tbe f amil>' horse, the sues and rcmoving Uic carbonic acid bis vile vouldn't meet him; now sawborse and shanks' marc. which is formed wbenever f ood is be's hoping sire won't overtake "Step in!" vas mercI>' an offhand ,digested. The power o! the cells to him. ncighborly invitation preliminar>' ta do this work dcpends upon a slip- Wives ever>' so often wanted a new a social glass or two or three. pi>' o! oxygen and protein. If Uic>' Ladies' stockings vere on general fail in getting ibis supply, thei'r> i view on]>' in tire dry goods stores carr>'ing capacit>' is lessenced. and Bladder Troubles and on Uic f amni]>' ash lUne. there is greatl>' increase<l respira- On New Year's Day ve swore off tion and rapid beart action su Its BothierMsanyPast40l al our old bad habits; nov ve swcair effort to make Up for tUe lessened on an>' new ones we can discover. carrying capacit>' o! tUe blood. Mary's little lamb final]>' got into -This is an added importance o! Seven Out of Ten Are Victhms But a stew; flow. Mary's lttie cal! some- * breathing pure air and plent>' o! it. Writer Tells How "Uratabs" Bring tUlles gets ber into a "stew." too. * wbicb may prevent beart action and Swift, Amazing Relief Wlth Mother could roll ber own pie 1 sbortness of breath. Renewed Vital Foc crust. cookies or gingcrsnaps: nov * I"No one knows better than I. the Uic can alsa roll ber own sDcks or 1 cigarettes. BEAUTWIUL 0W AGE borror o! jo>less days and slces TeSenSubradStrsib 1____niht. Ucrehae -etme 1wen Thesevenfoothelondaisr wetUe child a sôootbng, Ualgbl.Ad WymRrhaaior anty oUisr g&n Women's mOS popular Pastime ln Mta Uic fatber, a splendid bair fixa- whon ZUTOO TAS LETStaoma uhm thc shape of swlnglng a lawn tennis MItive and coollng shavlng lotion. few it cof nwal cgiw ,mw in racquet vas fllpping buckwhc.t Persian Balm tones and refreabcîi D inum armm nd e.Pancakes ln a frylng pan. the Ucskln. Makes banda ddilgbtfull>' W Use by eue. Some of!te ic blest men of the se! t and white. Indispensable W ecountrY hc behlnd a woman's bing and hit s abaorbed b>' Uic tis- Unflest ebild could do ItL sues, makina the akin troiyrose- 833 5 wu-only Inthé treprtng VISSI les! ln tgxtm.Pepeeac ha 'mdi"feig MAE INI nov they're rmn down vhen Uic>' don*t spring-quickly cnough. No one ever sav a bovlegged vo- man on tUe street; she kept cem un- der caver bac tire modern voman docs lots o! ber sbortcomings. Vitarnins and dieting 'sere un- knovn. but Mother s bomemade bread and butter. corn beef and cabbage. buckwheat cakes and map- le syrup, etc., etc., fillcd Uic bil, ail right, ail rigbt. You could take a girl out for an entire cvening s entertainmcnt at a cost o! about seventy-fivc cents; nowadays ut costs more than that just to "square" the gu>' wbo bolda your bat. It vas far casier to coax "notes" out o! a Jews-harp when you vant- cd Wo serenade -Uer" ihan it is nov ta coax them. out o! a Jew sharp wbcn you bave ta pawn somethlng Wo entertain ber. WUen you "caught cold" you smeared >'oursel! with Éither tur- pentine or goose grease; nowadays you can bave your choice of as man>' cures as Uic frienda vbo learn of your discoin! rt. Daughter vas sparkcd in the old home parlor vith Uic lamp turned' 10v, and about 10 p. m. father gave Uic "Go" sign; novadays it's the car that ('s)parked, and the traffic cop bollers "Breakava>'!" An>' girl wbo reaily wanted Wo could start spontaneous combustion in an>' man>' bosom b>' simply lif t- ing Uer eyelash sigUt>', whcreas novadays she couldn't raise even a spark b>' "lifting" Uer virole face. It required about 26 bands around a girl's waist W bhold in place ber 28 pounds o! vcaring apparel; now she trusts Wo luck and a dink> littie shouider strap ta keep Uer eigbt ounces o!f fixing properl>' adjusied. Womcn used Wo make man>' a sock vith ber spinning whcel over in thc corner of Uic kitchen; now Uic on- 1>' "sock" Uic makes is with ber spinning vUcel out on the motor patir vhcn some careless pedestruan doesn't vateibis step. Womcn-f 01k went around their home course in 90 degrees above in a faded old gingham vrapper o! wrinkled calico Mother Hubbard;, nov Uic>' go around their country' club golf course in 90 strokes in a man's sweater, boots and short tweed pantà. "PussY Wants a Corner" vas a Popular game for juveniles and gave man>' o! us a ver>' valuable practice for thre present-day stunt la slipping inta a parking space ahead o! some rude persan who tries ta pushin l front of us vben some other motor-I ist pulls out. The principal traveilers through-I out the country 'wbo had no definite1 destination and a battered tin can as their entire equipment vero cailed tramps; nov those on theirI wa>' but not knoving vbere ic>' are going cal] Uiemsclves Wourists and a battered tii' lizzic satis!ies their ro- quirements. A girl remained a girl oui>' until shc vas about sixteen. then shc lcngtbened Uer skirt, tlcd up ber hair la a knot aCt Uic top or back o! Uer hcad and blossomcd intoaa Y'oun'g lady. and so on Wo a decorous old agc; novadays sUe romains a girrul and keeps on blossoming and vasting ber fragrance on Uic desert air until she's 96 or put away for keeps. Wiren a girl vas ail dollcd Up read>' for Uic promenade back and forth on Duiniop street wben Uic band gave its TUursday night con- cert on Uic Post Office Square, Uic svung inta Uine as serone and statel>' -and almost as bulk>'- as a decr ated truck nov dom in a motor par ade; but novadays Uic f risky flap- per cuts into or out o! Uic Uine with Uic reckless abandon o! a motor- cycllst. Grandma, arrayed la ber gracefu] lace shawl, purple ribboncd bonnet and clastic "pmundlla" slippers spent Most o! ber time in thc creaking old rocking chair knittirig sweaters for thetirbenigbted South Af rica hetens; nov Uic sports a far gaudier sweater, rakish tweed bat and pants and beaVY-soled brogues tban an>' mere men in tr>'ing ta, put a crimp la Uic par record at Uer golf club--and cvcrybody is prob- ab>' better off for it, tao! But. alas, tbem da>'s is gone for- iever! Made of Cogiper B.aring JWI g.Stemi We . . Copper and Stee bloeded mnto & rust-ruiseing ufre tbat W«»rsfar longer <lima dnry s"mai m Pure Zinc is bonded t.e U OJIBWAYa urne 17 Our apecia mi cInsulting prm. - a f6uh unsurance agarnat ruat. la both Stiff Stay and inge Joint "OJIBWAYu Fence the horizontal and upoight urn e se *ui- ed that moisture cammot be held. . <Lus p nu ig rusting of wires at intermsclintpoints. An ~vrsFULL SAUGI&E. Ey roi fi h46 ho A&%!w aigmu s y«o muramme oflS% iaafction. Ask fer ow Gmte of u,.. It i. wooem au" »asyooEfoM&.O.ay *0 BIEST fumdg o m y » -.mpl -a rma gUn& Se« Your Nearet Dernir-orw Write Us Dbm. 1 Nius a" Head 0ffhce-Opibway, £mm Ce>, Ont 1 Miier's Worm Povders arecocm-'that it speedily recoverS frOm the plete in Uiemselves. TUe>' not on]>' disorders of the digestion that are drive worms !rom Uic s>'stem, bu*thte resuit 0f Uic work of thes par- asitic intruders. Ibe>' do their repair Uic damage tbat woruns l-- work UiorougUiy and strength and and so invigorate the constitut'on ., indncEr follow their use. uf Antikaock GASOLI NES sol»dai regalar prMe MARATHON "BLUE" i Every day PLUT conspires to THB CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWhLALý% IHURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1932 PACM Niffl Sun, rain or snow . thqr ume &HIthe Wl "OJIBWAY" Farm Pence . . because of tw thing . .'OJIBWAY" Wire and "OJIBWAIY Construction.