- . a- - - i~e1 PAGE TI THE CANADIAN STATBSMAN, EOWMANVIILE, TMURSDAY, APRICL 28th, 1932 DON'T TA"E CHANCES With Your MILK SUPPLY Get the BEST from the Bowmanvlie Dairy Th im â seun BUTT'ER, No. 1 Grade 01« theoe a triai rdu-. Phome 4M6or 703 Bowmanviile Dairy W. E. BETrLES, Proprbetor. mmFREEmm As a means of imtroducmng te the public Lie super qualiti' work of aur new f inishing unit wicb bas just been in- stalled, we will do FEKE FOR ONE WEEK Startlng April 255h one dreu. shirt wth each &WL eveix order of laundri' or dry cleanlng amountlng to 75e or over.. Just PHONE 1 5 2 and aur driver wli cail. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. S n n Hne' vanlous competiton., Donations off that lue bas maved bis business tram Thle tianks of Lhe Association arej shieids and medaIs have been made back of the Hydro Siap ta bis own u t IV S endered to Mn. John Ashton wio lin moat cases bi' arganizatbans and place on Centre Street, where be iD V elped Lie ladies ta get Lie prajeet- i ndvîduals. 92 s tml carry on the business 0f 9 T OWCOT ling lantern into operation, and to P ~ull particulars of the wiole tes- agn painting also wagon, auto and ýS A LOWCOSTtheir feilow member, Mns. J. H. Jose, tival wWl be given In the next issue wicker work, etc., scîssors sbarpened. wbo capabiy prealded aven IL during of The Statesman. Phone 441. 16-tf -IMMURBM--Lie course of Lie program. GOLD)EN JUBILEE SELF- DENIAL- EFFORT 15 WORTHY 0F ~i TOUR SUPPORT + euie csu aDa ngthe past fifty years CanI d e e de- ~ aabas achieved greatness gate- 1nation. andi ail Canadianls are gasaT U S AYePI-2t,13 fui to G<1 for His blessing upon our T U S A ,A RL2t,13 country. She bas sbared in those inventions that have brought un-~ Miss Wilma Howland, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil attended 1 dreamed-of comforts to bunian life. bas been vstm Ms. eo C. fnaloterbohe--aw i Howver wereaize ad wuldre-wngt.Mr. Lester Oould of Napanee. The COURTICE member. that there have always Mrs. Doal Wigt0f Sudbury f unei-al took place f rom bis homeI been ini our midst those conditions returned borne on Monday l&udrteasis0fte.O..F.' af that material invention and indus- spending two weeks çnth Mr. dand tre aspmaes inthe vu1. a Te0.spoedad.es nF.oe trial prosperity cannot remedy--aad Mrs. G. C. Wriaht.in Laee View Cemeer by ev. J.M. Wyes0f onis"Homen 1 bearts. disappointed lives. the siCk Mrs. G.aC.KWecbhandLson Kennetb I wil by e ven a.Wt e churcb o n 1 and tbe unfortunate. bave returned to Trenton followmng ST. GEORGES CHURCH NOTES day at 8 p. m. The address wilb Th Sgin aaati n owA for flias beela fortnigbt's visit witb ber parents, illustrated. Mr. Melville H. Stales, j wrknginCaadano fr iftYMr. and Mrs. P. O'Neul. 'The Womans Parochial Auxiliary Orono. and Mr. Frank Walter, Cour- years. and bas existed to reach and Mr. Walter Douglas, Providenceedavryscssubaarndte.wlsm dungteveng remey scb ondiion - nd as R .I. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragenteatt.GogsarsHaln done mucli for the welfare and mor-an agerTootwrSu-t tS. og*sPihHlln aIs of Canada. The Army is ndToonoiee un April 21st. The stalls were prettily _______________ wrigto tisend,. rvigto a- Miyuss of an cîemeneoulas. decorated and tegoods attractive ~~ates11ffii1ig a:dceatehappi operation for a:pendi- room. wbich was in charge of Mrs.T R N ness for eveyon , a d t ereore cits a Bow anvlle hosita lat W H.Gib on.wasweU patronized. do sjthi edinbea to suipor lt ti e etng 0f tbSe Y. . L.on Mnda 'One entered under an archway of doWer eybs ospottimenofhe Y.lP.tLe eveMgreen and was served with a Cburch service next Suflday at Tbe Jubilee Self-Denial which is evenmng and ba<1 taken part i h very dainty tea. Proceeds $90. will 7 p. m. now being launched will afford this debate. be devoted toward the re-decorating Son-y to report Mr. Everett Vir- opotfiy The play' 'Fickle Fortune" whicb of St. George's Churcb.. tue flot qilite as Well. ThepepleofBowanill hvereceived such a deligbtful presenta- Services were held inSt eoges Mms. Enoch Stevens, Hanmpton, M inTorer pepl esBownllebavet tion bere on Mardi 30, under tbe Church on Sunday. April 24tb. and Mrs. Howard Stevenls, Enni kilh thin ormer yea oresond nt auspices of Mrs. J. H. Jose's grouP Owing to the re-decorating of the len, spent Sunday at Mrs. Robt. theannal ppel or und, adof tbe W. A. of the United Churtb, church services bave been beid for Bu.rgess'. tbe Armiy bas appreciaed this co- will be given at Eldad on May 30, two weeks in the Parish Hall. There Mr. Wesley Little, Cardinal, re-' opperat ion to tbedutmo s urand atenxbyrqetwas a good attendance at both ser- cently visited bis grandinother. Mrs. appalis aucbd w felsur tat Mr. and Mrs. CGold. and Miss Al- vices. At the morning service two Wm. Little. you will once again do your ver exander. Toronto, vocalists and bpirsto lc-ae Bell, Mrs. Luther Hooper recently vis- best so that this work might be con- ats to plc tinued. pîanist at the Y. P. L. anniversary sonflof Dr. and Mrs. Bell of Bow- îted ber mother, Mrs. Clara Byam, In the course of the next tw services on Sunday, were entertain- manville. and James Mainwaring, Bowmanville. wees rmyofices nd emer ed at dinner and tea by Mr. Chas. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mainwaring of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carruthers, _JI be sollciting yorcntriebios iOeney, League president, at the Newcastle. The rector. Rev. F. H. Salem, visited at Mr. Willis Stew- wIl besolcitng ourconribtios-home of bis parents. Mr. and Mirs. Mason, M. A.. preached a very Urne- art's recently. j Howard Glenney. Mr. Stewart. vi- ly sermon on the duties of Christian Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pbair lef t olinist. and bis f riend, Mr. Reynolds, Parents toward their cbildren. last week bi' motor for their borne 0lo f Toronto, were guests of Mr. -i ------ at Glidden. Sask. Notice to Creditors W.FP. Rickard and f amily at the Mr._____________________ool 1 Grnge.recently visited bis brother. Mr. IN THE ES'rATE off Annie Cour-,ce, Mr. Edmund Thackray, President otMculgh late off the Town off Boa mtn% ill.i n th, f1 ewasl LdB SIOT. . .,RYot.Mc1lou1 County off Durham. Wîdow, D casd o ecstejdS .E.Bi. Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper and Ail persons having dlaims aanttheacmaidb rs .W rde..jMrs. David Noble. Orono, Sundayed Estate off Anme i'ourtice. above named.1 A. A. ColwiU., A. 0. Parker and W. Mrs. James C. Smith, Newcastle j at Mrs. Jas. Storie's. wvho died on or about the 2,r, day off H. Hockin, visited Durbam Lodge j Mr. Morley Hooper and Miss Lor- April. 1932. are hereby notlffied to send .I to the undersignted Soicitor ffor William Pr Hope. las t Thursday evening O n Mondai', April i8tb, at -Bon- na Hooper spent Sunday at Mr. R. Courtice. Samuel J. <'ourtice. and when Bro. Bradley received at tbe nyorae," Newcastle, there entered Delbert Roe's. Weston. Luther T. Courtic,. Executors. on or bands 0f Bro. Richard Patcbing 0f inta rest Mrs. Mary Jane McLaugh- Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. beffore th,- lS1th day off May, 11.12, full Ottawa, Superintendent of the Sons lin dow 0f m aeJmsC Howard Findley. Unionville. on the particulars off thFir dlaims. with rp ivitela Jms . prooff thereof. Immediateiy affter the of Eiigland Benefit Society of Can-i Smith, alter a lengthy Illness wbich arrivae of a f ine baby boy. said 29th day off'May. 1932. the assets ada. a veteran's iewel of menit and was borne with patience and Chris- Miss Ruby Virtue. Toronto, and of Othe Deceased wiliihe distributed a certificate in acknowledgment of ta ottd.ucasdwsbi Miss Elva Virtue. Bowmanville, among the parties entitled thereto. ha" ia- 50 y.Ljcesoiws o ing regard only te the dlaims off which 5 ears of service la the society, as on Marcb i8th, 1844, in Cavan spent the weekend at home. the above mentioned Solicitor ffor the a member of Durbamn, Newton and townsbip near Peterooro, anci was Mn. and Mrs. Squire Yonke. Tor- Executors shall then have notice. Newcastle lodges respectively. trie youngest and only daugbter of onto. Miss Iv31 Parke. Bowmanville, Dated at Bowmanville this lIfli dav $-it oh n EiaMcag- spent Sunday at Mr. W. F. Park's. off April , 1932.th aeJh an izMLug1 LAWRENCE C. MASON. UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT lin. She bad four brothers, Robert, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Bowmanvhie. Ontario. James, William and John, wbo bave Garnet McCoy. nee MissBrt 173 Soiclitor for the said Executors. Bi' the W. A. of the United Church, ail passeoi away. When an iniant Hawkey. on their recent m arge.ý 173Newcastle the family moved ta Tyrone where Mis. A. M. Wootton and babe bave she liveci untl she was united lan etuned home after visitlg er Thougits of the present, visions marriage with James C. Smith. For parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons, of the future and memories of the several years they lived on the 19th Belleville. past sweetly cominingled la tbe 'concession of Darington, later mov- Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Bi'am and K i sw Bulein minds of the members of the Wo- ing to Osbawa an Lihe tarmn tormerli' famili' spent Sundai' witb ber par- Kings ay Bulete man's Association of the United owned by Jonathan Porter. where ents. Mn. and Mis. J. Lillicrapp, Churci at tieir montbiy meeting on trey lived until the death of Mr. Cannington. FLOER HOPMondai', April lltb. Mrs. W. J. S. Smith about 46 years aga. Bath W. M. S. wiU bhold their quarterli' FLWR HFRickard, President. canducted the Mr. and Mr's, Smmtb were memrbers tea at the home of Mis. A. W. An- Plants and p'lowers in great meeting during tie devotional exer- and active woricers of the Presby- nia on Wed. May' ilti. at 2.30 p. m. J prfuson a poularpries. cises and tbraugi tbe business per- terian Church, Oshawa, now st. Note change In date. prousin t ppulr rics. iad. Mrs. N. L. Rckand. a former Anarew's United Church. af whicb Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Richards - WEEK-END SPECLLPast president, led la the opening Mrs. Smith remained a faithful spent the weekend wttbMn. and Daffodils and Jonquils prayer and Mrs. J: A. Butler read member until bier deati wbich was Mrs. Howard Findley. Unionville. while they last the scrlpture lesson. Apportiannient '56 years. Master Dean Findley returning 25e dzen.0f manies and contributions to Althougb brauglit Up very strictly, borne witi tbem for a visit. 25cdozn.churci f unds for current year were she was very Patient and sympath- On Fridai' evening quite a nuxn- carefully cansidered. etic towards the young peopie of ta- ber were entertained in the corn- MOTHERS DAY, MAY 8th. The pragram of entertairnent day and enjoyed tbeir campanion- muniti' hall wben Bowmanvllle was bappili' inspired and distinct- sip. She bad a very broad. out- Triniti' Young People preseiited Flowens will be plentiful. Iveli' unique la character, baving look on life and was vitaly inter- Lhiu play' "Miss Adventure' undeng We suggest early ardering. been planned and worked out in de- ested la cburch 111e and curent ev- the ausuices of Tyrone 'Y. P. L. Th.,i ____________________ tail bi' the Lwo vice presidents, Mu-s. ents. Though physicalli' weak ber play' whlci was very entertaining W. D. Bragg and Mrs. Oea. Honey, mind was wonderfully clear and was muci eioyed by ail present. NURSERY and tiey bad arrangedi for a past alent unto Lhe. last. Sbe loved the presidents' al ternoon. f iner tbings of life and trulyi' i can _______________ Now is tbe tinue ta plant. See Mrs. J. E. Matcbett, a senior past be said she was one of God's gen- Our stock of Siruba. Roses. president, ook the chair and pie- lewomen.EN SKL N Evergreens, Vines. Perennials. sided. She had made careful pre- Te f uneral took place f rom the E NS IL Cail on send for aur f ree cata- I paration for certain features of the residence ai lier son-in-law. Mr. Oeo. ________________ logue. Advice cheerfulli' givenI occasion and had cleverli' prepared C. Wright, on Tbursday, april 2ist, on ail garden planning. 'some lantern slides with Lie text of service being conducted bi' Rev. W. Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Wbyte, sangs ta be sung. The firat of thes P. Rogers, Newcastle, Rev. F. J. bas purchased a new Cbevrolet car. was. Laves 01< Sweet Song, bi' ail Maxwell, Oshawa, and Rev. Oea. Mrs. H. Stevens bas a Christm.as present. with Mns. E. C. Fisher at Mason. Bowmanville, ail paying cactus blooming for the second ime tie piano. beauti.ful and wortiy tributes to ber ti er K i gw » Mrs. J. M. Cobbiedick. also a P. P. lite and character. Carnying ou Congratulations te Mn. and Mis. entrtine wtb raclngwlùch Ithe wishes of deceased, Mn. Oeo. Lloyd Ashtan on the arrival ofa Af r e i s was followed bi' a sang dedicated t Henlei' of Osbawa, accampanied by baby boy. N us er e a fan away P. p. Mns. Ernest Alun Mn. Cecil Worden, sang one of ber Mns. W. Lamb visited ber brother- of Las Angeles, Calif. Tbis sang was 1avoante hymnus, "0 Lave that wîîî in-law. Mn. and Mrs. A. Sweetman, BowmanvWle compased by Mrs. Matchett along î lot let me go.' Scugag Island. Phone 144; Flower Shop 72;- tLiebrnes of Thene's a Long Lang' The paîl bearers were Dr. Walton- Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Oke spent Nlht 726. Trail A Winding, and was sung bi' Ball, Messrs. W. E. N. Sinclair, M. Sundai' with Mn. and Mrs. Thomas __________________ wen . emories of bygone P-P., F. E. Hare, Cecil Worden, Oea. Rabbins. Pickering.j Yal we rs li. hnMs Henley and Alex O. Stonme. The Miss Reva McOill. Tranta. spent Moers rs. teaImn.aien Mf.hel ower bearers were Earle McLaug- the weekend with er parents. Mr.1 former Ladies' Aid, invaded Lie ' In. Jack Henlei', Haward McLaugh- anld Mrs. T. McGill. mindis of Lie singera and entwined lin. Donald Williams, John Rickand, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch visited themnseives in the music of Lhe sang. Dai-id Gray'. Murnay' Butler, Fred Lhiu sisten. Mrs. J. Pye and Mn. ________u881i1a". Mrs. Matciett and Mrs. J. R. Fisher r owan and Adair Hancock. The1 Howard Pye on Sundai'. also a P. P.. futher delîghtedth remains were laid to rest bi' Lie jMn. and Mrs. H. Stevens visited gathering witb a duet, Nelime Gray. side of her husband n Union Cern- 1the formers siater. Mn. and Mrs. R. Mns. Fisher singing Lhe soprana and~ etery. Oshawa. Burgess. Tyrane, on Sundai'. ,Mrs. Mtht h lo n l o She leaves to moum-n lier Passmng Dr. and Mrs. Harding and the R IB «RMatcbett Lie altonandeaclorusn-1 er onli' daughte, M argaret> M ns. latter's mothe. Oshawa, visited at Colre orplin Fo buss, ars, A bush camne aven the gatheig Wrg,withwhom S.e as resîded D. H egsnso Sunday. Cohed orlae. Forusesbtanda" wben as Lie ral 0f p&st pesdnt 1sce bier busband's deati. ber son- Mn. and Mns. Fnank Robbins ne- shea, araes."Conci Stndad" was read there camne Lie naedftsin-law, Mr. Oeo. c. Wright, and tunned borne on Fiidai' alter spend- or "Acoru" qualiti'. Easy and qusck Lie late Mns. W. F. R ncame 0filtiree grandsonS, Donald of Sudbury, ing Lie winter la Rochester, N. Y. ta lai', permanent, proof againat fie. stood in silence for two minutes ilaoulae and wm e aunuhomes f-edMr. aMs.T.Min, wbo we are Fiee estimiatee giadly sent. Send fond regard of ber wio not so many h i'wI eatfllnsa- dM.SlsTewn hmw r rneasurements. i'ears since had been one of tîmjorded Mrs. Smith muci com.Iart sorry Lo Sayi not muchi mproved. oaeap Preston Steel Trusa Barns, Gal- and wonked witi hen them and were a source of great spiritual Mn. and Mns. Pency Patton, Or- Bad arn Door Hardware, Preston i i Na',doul-ehMta . r. ec ae teimdaeuPlit i thetrying experiences ana. Mrs. Saper and Mns. Pattan, VeUIors. Roil-N Fold Garage Doors. AU Past presîdent, contributed neo f ber lite. Kendal. visited at Mn. Jas. Brad- ksda Sheet Metal Buiding Mateniai cutanar' number, The Ninet.y adOur- Savieur lei"s. Spring Time is Baby Carniage Time =ý- We carry a good assoxitment of different makes of Carrnages in the latest styles and'nn- ishes. Also a complete line of Strollers and Go- Carts, and our prices are very reasonable. If you Want something different and it is made, we can supply you. See our une of Children's Cribs and Bas- sinettes and ask our prices. Fe Fe MORRIS CO. Furniture and House Furnishings Phone 10 Bowinanville Special Low Prices for Friciay and Saturday MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's "Sismans" "Valentine Martin" "Big Ben" Work Boots, panco or' leatheî' soles, guaranteed work boot, regular $3.75, To Clear $2.69 Pair SPECIAL - WOMEN'S SHOES Women's Cushion Sole Shoes, in E width, tie or, strap, kid leatheî', low cuban heel, sizes 31/. to 8, regular $2.75, To Clear at $1.69 Pair Rovan 's Skoe Store 1PHfOrS58DWMNI ADDRESSES ON APPLES lie apple seems to be coming ta iLs own tiese days. S. B. Hatbewai'. Manager of Ontario Compani' Lii- ited. Part Hope, addressed Lie Ki- wanis Club aL Peterbono. on -some present day pnoblems of Apple Ma- keting. Mn. Fred C. Hosi-, Bow- manville. anatier extensive apple grower, addressed Triniti' young People on Mamîdai' evening an Ap- pies. I althat man dewomgtb G. M. BOSNELLJ TORONTO OPTOMETRST In Port Hope Every Wednesday Office over Flood's 04kcre Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Avenue. You want power ... you want mileage ... then use SHELL GASOILINE QILS We can supply you with the following high-grade motor ois: Castrol Sheli Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroil, 1000%, Penn. 1149TL1T19 PHONIE 110 KINGI 5T EAT-f BOWMANVI LLE Ives, Skc HEADQUARTERS Fi Mens Boots, cross ban soles andi 98C - $1.1 Boys', 1 to 5 -9 Cbildren's Sandal Childnen's Boo Camp Sioes with elk tops and C Mens Boys'y 51.98 $1.79 ý Farmens' Wonk Boots. real v2 Annivensani' Lime is here ai your feet for Our prices wl W. CLAL QUAM"TYSHOES Il a i