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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1932, p. 3

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TEI CANADIAN 8TATEAN, EOWàMANVILLý, THURSAY. APRH..2Mt. 1932 PAM Ta] rLOCAL & PERSON1 Rey. W. S. and Mrs. Boyce gone W Oshawa to sPent the mer wL'h their son-mr-law, Mr. ence l-ef0ufd.-Brighton si Bowmanviije Post Offce wi]l serve the Wednesday afternoon holiday cornrencmng May 4th.à will be sorted and despatched w ual. Another Pioneer resident pa away peacefully on Fxriday, Apr at the home of h". niece, Mrs.' liam Nesbitt, Blyth, in the perso John Armour who was born in1 lington Township, Durham Cou almost 86 years ago. Starting this year. the1 Scisools of Ontario will open the "aY of September. a recent bu.l f rom thse Department of Eduna read. OrdnarulY the scisoolz rei their classes on the day folli labor Day, which Monday la frtMonday of the montis. Ofreturnlng W aschool on Tues( Sept. 6th, as they ordlnarily uc do, the pupils return Wo classes Thlur&daY, Sept. lst. Labor Dey Sept. 5th la a holiday as usual. Port Hope Sons of Englandj sented four of it.s members, A. George, DeputyReeve R. J.1 MUndCs and George Clarke,F Hope. and J. W. Bradley. Newcas with fifty year jewels. Theie lodge was instituted in 1881 only one of thse original merst survives. Nicholas Wyatt, of Mel Manitoba. Two other members ceived fifty.year jeweIs tant f ail. epis Moïse and William Jewell. 1 itors were Present f rom Peterbc Cobourg, Newtonvijlle and Newcas News Service of onta BOY$' Work Board, reporting Tu and Tbail Ranger activitiM stal week, "Thle followlng aret twO grupa that sold thse most nu ber o! bonds per emroled membe TMai Ranger Camp of Westmnaîs Central United Churcis. Toron and thse Swastika Tuzl Square St. Paul's Churcis, Bowmanvi Alex Mcoregoe. Is mentor of thse]l ter. The award entitles them, ,end a member Wo one of thse trict camps wthout chargef board or registration." DIRUGGISTS ASK AID i CURBBJG SUNDAY SAI R«eee Public W Refrain fro Purtha"ig Non-Medjcaj Goods en the Lord's Day - Lord'* Day Act bs Cited Thse Ontario Retail Druggists' .ý sociation and thse Lord's DayA liance joins in an appeal t te pui lic to observe Section il of u LodsDay Act, which permit& on "W sf or the relief of icknes an =uferngin ding thse sale( 'rg.mecile and surgical appl ances."1 Some weeks ago represenatior were miade tiste Attorney-Generà for thse Purpose o! securing enforce ment o! thse act. In order Wo give information ast the egi4mate business of dru aores ounffinay a letter sentt The Statesmnan adviaes tise pubi tisat the Lord's Day Act, under th iseading of 'Works of Necessity aiÀ MercY,' exPresslY Permits works fo thse relief of sickness and sufferinâ including thse sale of drugs, medi cases and surgical appliances by ne The sale and purchase of othe: merclanis on Sunday is forbidder by thse act. Thse druggists of Or. tario, acting through the Council o thse Ontario Retail Druggists, Asso< lation, desire the public to assis tisein in thse observance of the lam bY refrainng f rom asking for othei merchandse on Sunday, The letter is signed by Rev. C. s Huestis Secretarv of the Lord's Day Alliance. and P. A. Jacobs Secretary of thse Ontario Retail Drggis s . socia*ion. REVIVAL 0F OLI) T13LE TRAMy EXCuEszio C. P. R. Announe Bargain $1.00 Returu Trip W Toronto on May 7th. Carrying out its plan of runng *.agi'train excursions from ime W Urnme tise Canadian Pacific Railway Company agnnouncesa apecial excursion f rom Bowmanville to Toronto on Saturday, May 'th. ai a co6t o! only $1.00 return or ap- proximately one-tisird of thse ordin- ary return fare. It will be Just an old fasiioned excursion tisat we ail used to take. but tisis tune wth thse most modern equipment Wo ensure spced and comfort. Ir. i - I 1 0.15 a.1 . - n w 81.00 and 81.25 for adute. Týhe public of today has long been walt- Ina for thse Canadian T= rwaeW offer "B3argain Daye", intrnpra tion. Ibis excursion la lndeed "The 1"dekBrgain."I [worik o! asylum. tise sore whicisWC The subjg Wo thc vie aurd wer thrownc caused p LAST STORE PACKED TO CAPACITY DAILY wEEK PEOPLE RECOGNIZED BARCAINS WHEN THEY SAW THEM AL chave Clar- liiOb- msails as us- Passed pnil 8, .Wil- son o! Dar- mmty, Higis âe lat Luin mtion Niume Dwlng Thse stead %day. would es on W on pre- W. Ed- Port aste, ioca! and ibers elita, 1re- jos- vis-. boro, Lstle. tarto ated tise ser- FW. So dis- for LES rom A:I- Lb- aly nd li- nrs wal ce- iig Iic ad for 11, 1i- re- 1n- oif Lst iw H. y ry n 1 111 e eAIS 1000 Yards CURTAIN NETS Imported sample pieces of 39e and 49e values; white or ivory; ail with the new ôaloe 4de per ard ........27 29c CURTAIN NETS 17c Yard Buy now and be prepared for your Spring cleaning at a sinali cost and big saving, 36 inehes wide, good de.- signs and new tail- ored edge, yard ..... 17c 15c ENGLISH CHINA 10c Cups and Saucexs, Soup Plates, Cereal Dishes, 6", 7" or 8" Plates - a truly big value; Meakin's English first quality English china, CONGOLEUM RUGS MATS and RUNNERS Sorne big specials - corne in and see them. You can save on city prices. $1.00 WORK SHIRTS 77c Ail sizes and colors, some check effeets, ail good quai- ity, and eut big, each ............. 7c THREE BIG DRESS SPECIALS No. 1 - 200 Sport Dresses, for .to........$1.39 5 doz. Mesh Dresses, the 15 doz. New season's most popular styles lovely st;yles, 14 to 2s ...$1.98 ue$15.95 eae] for ... sizes 14 te 4ý LADIES' BLOOMERS 25c Pair 15 dozen; reg. 39e a pair; including some broadeloth; a real snap; alsizes ........ 5 FACTORY COTTON 5c We sold ail our flrst ship-. ment first day of the sale- hund.reds were very disap- pointed. To satisfy you we have another 1000 yards, 36 inehes wide. 5 Come earlv ......... 5 HOSIERY 15c pair 50 doz. Women's and Chil- dren's, a miii clearance; ail sizes;l5 Per pai.r.........15 CONGOLEUM MATS 200 only left; while they .ah........5c 8 OZ. OVERALLS $1.39 Mr. Workingman, here's a real saving for you, our reg. $1.79 Overail, .1. ail sizes, pair .... 13 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT 3OWMAN VILLE NIGHT AT THE ROTARY CLUB 3ntinucd from page 1) d by thse modernists as eces o! art Lisey could bave tisem noting cIse but tise an Inmate o! an insane Pictures were tisrown on en depicting various tblngs Fere ot even discernable. cct bad been lef t enLirely ýwer s Imagination. Bo ab- -c some o! Uic specimens on tiese creen that they Prolonge laugister vben Crepe Dresses, and colors, val- hi, TAPESTRY STAIR CARPET Haîf Price - suitable for stairs or hall run- 59 ners, yard ....59 1000 WINDOW SHADES In white, eream or green, extra good valu e, 59 eaeh ..........59 45-INCH COLORED TABLE OILCLOTH Sanatiles and floral effeets, sold regularly at 45e yard, Last 3 Days, 2 Nelson's Price, yard.29C $4.50 AXMINSTER MATS $2.98 A miii elearance at nearly haif price. Brighten your home at littie cos~~n 27 x54 ...... 29 $1.95 WORK PANTS FOR $1.49 A wonderful saying. al sizes, the best Work Pant value we ever of-~1 fered, pair. 50 Dozen NEW SPRING HATS Ail the newest styles, colors and straws; value $ 5 to $3.98, for .....,15 Don't missathi Super Bargain. TABLE OILCLOTH HALF PRICE Get yours at this big saving 45 inehes wide 25 per yard ......25 54 inches wîde, 35c ue, 7s to lOs, per yard.. Nelson 's their titles were given. o! tise cubist style andi looked more lIke a jii than a work o! art Lis something o! thse subj modcrn.istlc paintings1 thing o!fvisat must hi Uic mind O! Uie Painter mnd vas blank. WiI appealedtW kils audicu nothing Wo do witi hs art Lisre was littie fei Person ln Bowmanvllle c rlcd away by sucis an ta as bas PromPtcd critica modernjstle pznatalnw In Conclusion MZr. Cmer PRINTED VOILES 12c Yd. A limited quantity only of a regular 39e quaiity; so corne early; ail 'colors; 36 inches wide;1 e per yard .......... o WILTON HALL RUNNERS Two big specials; imported from, a leading European makez; Offered at haif price 9 ft. X 18 in. reg. $7.95 for ... $3m.95 9 ft. x 22½ in* reg. $9.50 for...$4.P BIG TOWEL SPECL Faney Bath Towels ini ex- tra big size, 22 x 44, wel Worth 39e eaeh, don't delay they'll soon go at eaeh..........25 40 INCH FACTORy COTTON loc Priced below pre-war price, only a limited n quantity, yard .... o 59c SILK BLOOMER 37c Neyer before such a value; extra heavy grade, ail sizes, while they last 37 per pair.........37 BOYS' GOLF HOSE 29c Pr. Summeî- weight, ail new clean m2rchandise, 39e val- FOR BICCER AND BETTER BARGAINS 1000 Yards TOMMY PRiNTS Made by a noted Engliah manufacturer in loveiy de- signs and colorings; al Curnteed tubfast and sun- S aspecial purchase re- served for this sellilng only; re.value 39cYd . 9 SILK HOSE SPECLAL 25 dozen new French heel and toe guard, silk right to the top, ail sizes, newest Spring tones; a big profit- sa4criflced offering,37 per pair........37 BIG WORK BOOT SPECIAL The best value ini men's Work Boots in the trade, guaranteed ail solid leather, every pair guaranteed, al sîzes, a $3 '50 value, pair ..25 Don't miusseing them $2.79 AXMINSTER STAIR CARPET - 98c Yard Here's a real value--don't corne late, quantity limited, 27 inches wide, 98 yard ............98C BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Another shipment-we sold ehtirely out of ouil flrst of- Stores Somae were while Uic artist was flot always Uic les wiso iad held offce for the cv- Oeo. E. CaldweIL Port Hope, bas Silence la a great peac-makoem- twhile tisese beat judge o! art, Uic public also enlng and aIso tW those taklng part iPurchased tise Crown Bottllng Lmogflow. 9saw puzzle were not tise best iudgcs. but he on thse program. Works froni Itheel Walters o! that Go o! Len Wtiste bouse of thir ey did show urgcd thens when buylng paintings Folio wlng the dinner Uic mcm- town. frlend, for weeds choke Up the un- lect. but tise to buy ones that tiscy liked and not bers and thelar ladies adjourned W Oie waarcehodin a tag day uscd pat.-Scandnanis Proverb. rcvealed no- wisat someone told them was a bril- thc Badminiton Club wiserc tse when apples are tieproducts for Thse wild desire te b. forever rue- Lave been On liant work wisen Wo theni IL looked function was carricd tW a succesaful sale Ised O!foyers. flan., etc. ing against old Pather Mlime la one runleas that like a common stonepile. conclusion by a dance, tise bail be- Bomaville l ta ise centre o! an of tise kill-loys o! modern lits- le Mr. Grier Mrs. Jury exprcssed Uic thanka of lng tastc!ufly decorated for tise oc- apple dsrct. Wsyont bave one Hfenry van Dyke. nce W b ave tise club to Mr. Grier for his ad- casion. and Snefl's Orchestra sup- isere for rei!1okIknow that strcgthIo lasme- new klnd of drese. and aiso W PLias wrlght for plytag tise music. Mr. P. H. Skltcis an active mcm- thing mors tisaistrmpflng of oth- ar that anY her enjoYable vocal numbers, and Wo ber Of Pire! United Cmnircis, L4--a. ers It thie due!t that ve ourselve ould be car- Uic Rotaxy Club for Its klxsd Invita- presented tise cisurcis wlth a beau- =ay bave a dlean road. It la sems- lane 'mule ion Wo Uic ladies to be present on Wisat a sublime doctrine It la that tfuu colmmnon table ta meory Of tag mucis barder and ameilm Wo call thes this occan goodness cherlsbed nov la eternai bis Parents. Uic late Mr. and Mem trtumpbant tisai tisat-4t la stazd-. orks of art. President OClo. W. James expreu-. I!M. alrcsdy entered upos.-Wm. IL W. Mktcb w e. vonhwSippmt In gacide ta let aamebody els. pu ,stated tisat cd Uic thanks of Uic club t te lad- Channing. tise church for many YOMi. cmi-Katihulno CounTha*ztm. Htardire=àýis> .il bloe Ar-îxic»>ujs tc Attgend m m $5,000 in Ten Days and 500 new Satisfied Customners No we are not "COING OUT 0F BUSINESS" - WE ARE FRAN4K - WE WERE CAUCHT WITH TOO MUCH STOCK AIND ARE CU1TING LOOSE. The first few days of this sale broke ail previous records in this popular store's history. I-f low prices can do it, the three final days - FRJDAY, SAT4JR DAY and MONDAY - will even create new records. You can't afford to miss sharing in these sensational final offerings. ONLY THREE MORE DAYS. 1 8 Nel on'

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