1H CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1932 AND nails like lumber. -&Its light weight makes it easy to handle. It requires no expensive decoration, in fact none at ail, when panelled. Use it for obtaining fire- safe walls, ceiings anid parti- tions throughout your home. John A. Holgate & Son H. C. Bonathan- J. Henry &Son- FOR - - BowinanviIle, - - Newcastle, - - - Orono., Ont. Ont Ont. We French clean and press Iady's dress, gown, sait, or long coat, or gent's suit or overcoat. Small extra charge for pleating. SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toronto Caîls M1onday, Wed.nesday and Saturday. BOWMA VNVELLE AGENTS: THE SMART SHOP Phone 633 Cowan Block I INTERESTING DATA Dom. Organ & Piano Co.. factory. Ruebottom House. King St. TemPerance St. Simpson, D. Burk, law office, Kingj USERS IN TOWN Granld Trun.k Railway, station. Kinlgston Rd. Great North-Westerr. Telegraph Co., Skating Rink. King St. Telephone Co. Supplies Naines of King St. Statesm1an. The M. A. James. edi - First Citizens Listed in Harbor. Port Dar'ingzýon. tor. King St. Telephne Dircton-Higginbothafn & Sý-n.druggists. Towr.s, David. Caledonian Mils . Telphoe Drecor~- ng St Upper Canada Furmture Co.. lac- Further interesting dieLaiL- con- Hill:er. Dr. S. C.. rezidence. Kng St. tory. Elgin St. cerning the fixstt eiephones in use Jeffrey. Joseph, clo:hing store. King Wesley. John. residence. King St. in Bowmanville lla'e been s5uppked Street.9 Young & Cawker, grocers and but- us by Mr. Frank Willams, local Jones & Dobbie. b.ankerS. King St. chers, King St. Manager of tne Bell Telepnione 0f- Lyle & Co., graim dealers. grocers Young. N. S., residence. King St. fice. whose interestung aadress on and butchers, King St. the telephone at the Rotary Club Lyle's Elevator. Kmg St. PIGS INSTEAD 0F CASH was pubonshed in the Apral 7th issue. Mason. T. G.. dry goods. King Se. The new information is relative Martyn. J. B.. butcher and grocer. A Young lady of Denmark walked maa.nly to the Bowmaanville agency King St. into a hairdress-ers shop with a lit- and tinicludes the naines of ail Milne, John. groceries. etc.. King St. tle pig under ber arm. subscnibers in the town appearing in McClellan & Co.. coal, wood and She explained that she was going the flest darectory assued by the lumber. King St. to a party and wanted her hair company in Nov ember 1883. Prev- Medieflan. John. wharfinger. Port waved, and having no money . could1 ious to thai turne local telephone Darllngton. she pay ini pigs? subscrîbers were listed in The McClung Bros., dry goods and groc- The baird.resser took the littUe pig Statesman each week. The new in- erits, King St. anid waved the Young ladys hair. formation reads as follows: MeDougail Bros.. produce merch- A few days later she walked in Ir may be said of Bowmanviile ants. King St. again. The wave had corne out and ihai it as numbered among the McLaughlin, Dr. J. W.. residence. she wanted something better. How eariiest Bell Telephone Company Temperance St, many pigs for a permanent wave? agencies. Tbis Company was incor- McLaughljn, Dr. J. W.. office. King She thought three were enongh. but poraied on April 29, 1880. On Dec. Street. the hairdresser did flot like threes, l6î 0ftha yer, i a adertse-Murdoch Bros.. grocers. King St. lie liked fours. In the end he got newspapers, BowmanviUle is shown Post Office, King St. lady a reafly permanent wave.4 0 p o i as an agency, togeiber wiîh other ______________ early excbanges and agencies set up _________________________________ from one at the f ollowing centres: Hamilton, Woodstock, St. Thomas, Port Hope, Lindsay, Bowmanville, BrockviileI so.BleilParis, dlnton, Ot-D ST N tawa. Windsor. Brantford, St. Cath- T le ho e al arines, Ingersoil. Mill Point, Guelph, Telcldae a fee i.Rs Wbitby, Oshawa, Monitreal, Quebec Fu-ry yEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ThloadeeradffrdJmRsa City, Winnipeg, HaUfax and Yar- piefrbsftserbtjm a mouth, N. S., Fredericton, Moncton Fromn The Statesman, April 28, 1882 From The Statesman, April 24, 1907piefo sfaseebuJmwa and Saint John, N. B., Victoria, B. canny. He thoughr he ought to get a C., and several srnaller places. Mr. J. K. Galbraith us the new Dr. Donald Armour, F-R.CS., son b«rpie In the -Log Books" o0f Charles captain of the South Ward Fire Bri- of the laie Hion. Chief Justice Ar- etr rc Fleetford Sise, former President and gade. The Statesman congratulaies mour, ana cousin ou Miss M. M. Ar- father of President C. F. Sise of the Mr. Galbraih on bus promotion to mour, Bowmanvalle. bas won the So he telephoned in to the stocyards- Bell Telephone Compaany, there ap- such an honorablepoion Jacksonian Prise off ered oiy the df dtatefhdgoe pcw pears this entry, la bis own hand- nsuetunDOti. Royal dollege of Surgeons, England. n on htbe a oeu w conequnt pona defectinla ear- Dr. Armnour us the arsi Canadian tot wrîting, under date of September 6, lag the Rev. R. B. Dena.ke of the wi ths vrylug hoio cents. He took'his steers in that day 1882: M. E. Church has f oufld his mni A despatch in the dal.y press from and made $40 extra profit. The tele- -Authorized Une f rom Peterboro terial labors so arduous tb.ai he liasCaleas.rpotasroufiephn cilothm35ct. taYug on.sy1 ie.Tedecided to leave the ministry for a in whicb the furniture store belong-phn alcshi35et. follo,;mig trunk Uines are authorized period and seek medical treaiment. ing to Mr. Geo. A. Marsh was burn- and in course of construction: Hain- Our people should lose no tinie ed. Loss $2400, irnsurance $1700.N odrjmsidt i ieta ilton to Guelph, Toronto to Whitby. now that spring as openung ini dean- Mr. Marsh as a son-in-law of Mr: owne uxsidt i ieta Port Hope to Bowmanville, Wbitby lag Up thez.r back yards and remnov- E. R. Bounisall. nii2ht when he got home for a late sup- tohawa ndLodn.St nig or destroying the dirt and filtU Af ter a resadence of o'.er ball ape: ItsLkywve etou te- Tonmea mer3.s82.iee wer wich everywbere ga:hers through- century ini Bowmanvalle, Rebecca, pt Islcywv etortl OnDcme 1 82 hr eeout the colder monzhs ci the year. relici of the late Col. Frederick Cub- pboiu& approxa.mately 40 Bell Telepbone Tbis tow ha alwa3 s had a good itt, ex-Mayor of the towýn, passed exchanges and 40 agencies la Can- namne for healthfulne.-s and cleanli- peacefully away on Sunday, April ada. witb a total of about 4,400 sub- ness and we want ibis r.ame retain- l4tU, la ber 75th year. scribers. Bwavlewsa ed. The Mart3yn Fire Brigade, as us- In July 1883, Bwavlewsa agency with only public telepb e O n Monday lasi cou.ncillor Leva ual, got there firsi every tinae ibis service. Following te compein of VanCamp was in the stal besde a 1 eek and di good work. If we had the Port Hope-Bowmanville andJ horse la bis oçn sabýe wen byl a f ew more sucb outfts la town tee other circuits. including Port Hope somne means is horme go. im down own would be much saler and bei- to Peterborough and Lindsay Uines and eitber kicked or trampled on ter equipped. The Martyn outfiî isCP authorized Apral 3, 1883. Bowman- hum severely iniuring his spane, andi worîh îwo cliemical engines. ville residenîs began to realize the otberwise cut and bruised ham. We At the annual Vestry meeting f importance of the telepbone. 1 are pleased t0 learr. that he as in a St. John's Anglican Cburch, Dr. G. ____________________________ Noveberof hatyear(183) oByfair way to recovery, under careful C. Bonnycasie was electedi by tUeý0 manville boasted 46 subscribers' tel- tet n.rco shsre-eecte ndr. t.hJ.cone- epbones as listed below. hi is la- On Saiurday nigbt last a bold and gregation r-lce r .J oe teresinig to, note ihat only il 0f: daring robbery was comnritted ai as peoples warden. The Archbisbop tbese telephones were installed la the cari-iage establishmnent of MessrsofTrnoamisedthrtef residences. Westcotî and Tapson. The ibief or confirmation un the church on The Bell Telephone director.d t ieves forced an entrance into tUe Tbursdiay evening. This was his ed July 1883, listing subscers--0f show rooms at tUe rear 0f the buîld- farst vîsut to the para.bh sixice bis the ntaio eparmen, o whih lg, pene th frnt dorsandde-elevation to the Archbishopric and the Otarlo DeC.par , 0famicon g, peed te frnt doors and de- y f ll anda was Manager. listed the f olowing about $120.00. The buggy bas not Rev. W. Hipkan preacbed farewell exchanges and agencies: Be man- yet been found nor the thieves de- Shronsuindairy t odcongrega- ,W.l ville, Cobourg, Dundas, Gaît. Guel- tected althougli a diligent searcb ios s i ghî Mr. aay o oo n rHs- ph Hmito, Hepele. Necaste. ~ ~ ~»~ ~kmn and family were entertauida Oshawa, Palmero. Port Hope, On Tuesday evening lasi 90 of the a farewell social at Principal Dvd Springfield. Toronto, Troy, Water- leading business men 0f tUe town son's. and tonaght Rev. W. J. Cad-f down and WUitby. . met la the counicil chamber and pre- man of the Disciple Churcb and bis i Bowmanville was an agency at sented Mr. W. A. Windaîî. popular people are to entertaîn them-a that. time witb Thomas Bingbam in teller of tUe Ontario Bank. with a ver commendable and kmndly act of charge of the -Central Office' on gold watch, cbain and seal and an friendbiness and brotberly love. King Street. Mr. Binghamn held the address previous te bis leaving to Regular mneeting of Clarke Town- title of "Agent." The Bowmanville take a simmlar office at the branch sbip Council was held April 2nd, Agency office bours for use 0f the 1 ai, Portage la Prairie. Manitoba. witb members all present and the public telephone service were: 8 a.1 Mr. Levij Morris bas becomne com- Reeve dol. John Hughes presiding. m. to 8 p. m. on week days; 2 p. m. fortably settled la bis new store la Town Council granted the West o rP te in Ag ns to 4 P. m. on Sundays. Oie Bounsall Block. Ani addition is Durham Agricultural Society $300 First teleplione subscribers la lan course of erection for the under- towards the purchase of newF IR E L O S S Bowmanville listed la Bell Tele- 1 aig brancb of bis business. grounds. I E LS Phone Directory issued la November 188ndre:.B. ttinr Kn t Put an adequate insmrance policy between your home Aes,Dr. .. sttiner. Kang St. DO-NT LOSE YOUR PLUCK and the ever present losfrom tire, Dependable tire Beith. Dr. A., refidce, ing St . ___ nsurance la a protection that you cannot afford to be Beit. D. A, ofice Kig S. Wen tbings are running crosswise, and the engine's out oaf gear, 'witout. It coess lttle--in the event of tire, it may be Bingharn, Thomas, residence. King When the road is rougli and rocky, and the sky is far f romn clear the One thing that wil prevent the loss of a lifetime's Street. When you're plainly Up against it and youre surely out 0f luck, saviigs. Let us quote yen rates on protection that wUl Bingbam. Thomas, insurance agent, That's the time to use your courage and to show your stock oaf pluck. reaflY Protect your property. W r rprdt fe King t.1IYeu ecOnomical and depesadable lnisurance for ail re- BoYle. Dr. W. S., residence, Temp- There's no tUrillinl easy sailing when the skies are clear and blue, qufreinents, erance St. ITbere's no joy la merely doing things ibat any cane can do. Burk. E. G.. residence. Lovers' Lane. But there us somne satisfaction tUai is migbty sweet t0 take Burk. Mrs. John, residence, &cugog Wben You reach a destination tbat you tbougbt You'd neyer make. Street. J. J. MASON & SOiN Cawker. W. R. R.. butcher, King St. So wben everytbing's against you and your plans are going wrongRelE aean Isu neBokr Codd. J. A.. residence, Base Line. Just face the situation and keep moving rigbt along-RelEtean su nc Brk s Codd & Co.. bankers. King St. Don't sut down and wail and whimper, even thougb you may be struck. Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Davies. Morgan, wbolesale teas, Sil- You're flot absolutely helpless if You still possess your pluck. ver St. Author Unknowra. r-ILI-0DU.CSJýl W en you buy a car bearing this emblem, you not only gel: the utmost in motor car value, but you provide gainful employ- ment for a Canadian workman for an average of 87 days . 0. SEE THE NEW CANADIAN-BUILT McLSWGHLIN.BUICK STRAIGHT EIGHTS AT OUR SHOWROOMS Moffatt Motor Sales 88 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa «Now we can own a McLAUGHLI N- BUICK" N EW thousands of faillies are saying,. "Now we can own a McfLaughlin-Buick". For today a new MeLaughlin. Buick Straiglit Eight costa so much less than you night expect.* Of course, itfs a MeLaughlin.Buick through and through -witb Wizard Control-roomy, luxurious Fisher Body-Ride Regulator -and scores of additional fine advantages. And McfLaughlin. Buick's thorough.going quai- it'y makea ownership a lasting jo!. *$14o5 STANDARD SEDAN list ai Io.cory, Oshawca, Ont., taxe, extra. ou are scordially i'ni ed to ma.ke use of our De! erred Pavmeni plan. Smail monihly am ou nt. spread ou£ over a i'ear, or eighteen mont?,, if de.ired. M 15-30 PAGE EIGHT i '7hePAI NI "Leaives NO SoId in Bowmnanville by Je W. JEWELL B20 Book Store Bowmanville GOOD COAL Makes a Difference There are ail kinds of coal, just like there are ail gracies of' everything else. Some grades wiil give you a hot, clear-burning fire that mear.s comfort-others will give lots of f ur- nace trouble and clinkers. We seli only the best gracies, for the.y're less exI)ensive to you andi to us-yo u gel- corfort-bringing heat and we gain a satisi-,ed customer. Our coal is Blue Coal so you can iclentifv it. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. KENG ST. EAST PHONE 15 B0wMNA-NVn.LZ ý-0, ý- -, .-, . - -,, M 1 - 1 1 v am