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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1932, p. 9

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TRE CANADIM 1STATESMAN, BOWMEANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNEC 2nd, 1932 aIN- THE REALM OF SPORTI WBO'S WHO AND WHAT'S WHAT IN *SOSTBALL LEAGUE Br Adam sFakir "htilsnt thie size o!fithe dog ithe f ight, but the ise o! thc f ight in tic dag Ibat couats." The softbail gaines are in ifull swing. This ycar tic hlgi scores and home ruas are making it migily laterestihg. Al the dope has been upset too, sud aow it is hard ho say vbici is the beai teain. Here we bave Front Street losing liai exhibition game te tic Good- year, tien nearly lasing te, tice Rov- ers on Monday, but stagig a grand comcback ta fially Win by a couple of ruas. Then the Goodyear, tic teain ibat lookcd ail poverful against Front Strcet, being deicaicd by thc Higli Scbool on Frlday aight. And tic Higli Sciool gig vrong when tider meitich Textiles on Tuesday. on paper it looks as iliaugli Textiles are lic goada, but who can tell? Tic gaine Wedaesday aight may change thc wbobc layaut. Speakiag a! home ruas, liere lsaa ine up o! this aeason's crop 50 far: Richards, Hall and Large have twa bomens apicce, while D. Wllilams, Q.Adams, S. James, R. Brava, I. 9-per, Gz. Piper, O. Hooper, A. Os- biorne, R. McKnighi bave reaped anc eaci. Ia runs, Rovan and Dunlap are Ieading wlhh four ruas ecd for a ,singbe gaine. Duiniop bas played hwo gaines and nov has f ive ruas. Ace Richards lias. five ruas in tva gaines and Don Willams bas four. R. Brava, I. Piper, Bua Moore, F. Jainieson, J. James, O. HaOPcr, A. Osbarne, G. Piper ail have ibme in one gaine. This is the standing follboing Tueaday alghi's gaine. 0 * * We bave a fev suggestions te make ta tic grounds commitice. Tiaitich graunds be levellcd 50 tiat the fielders are ia viev frain haine Plate. Thaitich fence be reinoved frain lie igit hsud corner o!thie field. Tiat thie feace ai îhelebaer end a!thie f ield be maved icboser so hhere vould be a chance o! put- ting the bail aver for a lamer. That tic trecs an tle le! t ide o! Uic field be lrsusplaatcd somevîcre else. Tiai savdust or feailera be sub- stiuled for cindera, arouad the bas- es, it would be much casier for slid- ing purposes. Tiai pitclier's box be filled in ishead a! booking like a velI. Tiat tic road, and Mr. Creep- er's bouse be maved ta allov more rooni for fielders. Tuai spectatera be ined if Uicy get ico close t.,thie base line and block thie f ield. Tiey f orget liai a bat flying froin tic hand's o! a husky baiter vIll leave more ta a vaccination mark if t bappens te cOnneci viii yaur su- alomY. People have been kllcd by flYing bats bef are nov sud tic grounds comiitice caa'i affard te bave a g«e Postpaned an accouat a5 a !uneil. Aayvay tblak o! your w4f e and cildrea. Thai ail bail Players via are pcrsistently irylag ho Play Crova Atterncy yulticth umpire and using abuaive language In condemning ia deciians or olierwise dlaying tie gaine be ex- lied or siot on the spot. Rcad thie rule regardig tuis phase af the gaine furhher on. Sure, uzupines make mishakes, but don'h ve ail? That final base be caaslructed viii a shute ten feet vide leadiag t t 1he hcbail vould f ind its mark viii greater case. And f inaily that bats be nmade vider aad balls larger. These are Jusi a fev suggestions. Take ihein for viaitichy are vorth. * 0 0 Na Appeal Frons DecJalons Bautd on Umpire's Judginent Rule 55-There shaHl be no ap- peab f rom any decision o! ither nia- Pire on thie grouad uhat he vas nai correct in his concbusions as te viether a bathed bail vas fair or foui, a base-runner sale or oui, a Pitcied bail a strike or a bail, or any ailier Play invoivig accunacy o! judgment, and no decision rendered by hlm shaHl be reveracd, except that he be conviaccd liai it is in viola- tuon a! anc o! ibese nules. Tic manager or captila nly siail have tic righta protesi againsi a decis- ion and seek ts reversal on a dlaim that il is i conflici yulh a section o! ihese ruies, la case tic manager or caplaidaca seek a reversai of a decialon based saieiy on a point o! rules, tie unipire making uic decis- ion siail, if he is in doubi, ask is associate for information before act- ing on thceinanager's or captain's appeal. Unden no circunistances siail echen umpire criticize or In- terfere viti a decision uniess asked ho do sa by his associate. Rie 57-Under no circumsaces shah! a manager, captain or player dispute the accuracy af tic umpire's iudgint and decision on a play. Rule 59-la case o! violation o! tiese ruies by playen, coach, or manager, thc penalty shaHl be Prompt removal ofthie off cader f rom tic dame and grounds. Softbail Gaines This Week Tburaday, Juae 2 - Goodyear vs Rovera. Fnlday, June 3 - Higi Sciooi vs Front Street. Monday. June 6 - Goodycar vs Textiles. Tuesday, June 7 - Rovera vs Higi Scicol. Thursday, June 9 - Textiles vs Rovera. Gaines siart ah 7 'clock and viii Pravide a real evcniag's catertaun- ment. Honing Pigeon Club Bovinanville Homing Pigeon Club flev ticir fauti oid birdi race on Saturday, May 28t1, f ram Tiamea- f ord, Ont., 130 miles air Ine. Foi- loving is thc resut: F. Botirel . 3 ira, 57 mins, 55 sec. F. Boitrel .4 irs, à muas. 7 sec. I. Hobbs ....4 irs, 22 mins, 23 sec. L. Richards. . 4 lira, 35 ins. 50 sec. J. Purdy no repart. Mayor Stevart sudthie City Cauncil o! Toronto eniertained al atiietes via iad brougil champ- uonshups te Toronte duriag hhe-last year ah tic Royal York Hotei on Friday algit. Chanlie Cavkcr, son o! Mn. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, and Bill Nevten, bti vel knovn icre, vere among thase cniertained and rcceived iandsame pruzes in ne- cognition of their competence. BOWMbANVILLE TO H[AVE TEAM IN S. ONTAIJO BOX LACROSSE LEAGUE Dlck Rovan:,,Manager of Local Lacrosse Temi, Is Electel Vice- President of Southi Ontario Là,crossc League Box lacrosse will be playcd i South Ontario sud Durliain Ca.thuis summer througli tic formation of thic South Ontario Box Lacrasse League ai a meeting hid i Whitby, viii teains cntered f rom Pari Perry, Brooklin, Harmany, Bavinanville and Whitby. Officera a!filie league vere electcd as folavas: Hanorary Presldn-orxnsn Irwin; Hanarary Vice Presidns-Frank L. Mason, Oshawa; Presidnt-J. J. King, Wbltby; Firsi Vice President-Bob Levia, Port Perry; 2nd Vice Presi- dent-Dick Rovan, Bovinanville; Secretary-Treasurer - H. Wills, Brooklil; Executive Coin. - Dick Wthcridge, Bavinville; Malcolm Moffai, Harmany; Bob Rchardson, Whiby; Jack McDuff, Braaklin; F. Wood, Port Perry. Dick Rovan, manager o! tic local teain, statea iliat a place for piaylng bax lacrosse i Bowinanvilic lias not yet been decided an. Two or ihre places are suggested and arrange- ments are expected ho be campleied in a fcv days. FRONT STREET COME FROM BEHIND TO BEAT ROVAN'S ROVERS Last Innings Raily Give Cancllas Gang Vlctory lu 19 to 17 Score Af ter playing second f iddle te Ro- vsu's Ravers for seven atraight inn- ings, Front Street farged aiead i Monday's sol ibail gaine ho wln in ticir elgti sud final innings by 19 ta 17. The gaine vas iicrestig Iihrougioui and la deserving of a better report tia space perinits. Rovers baiting f irai iaak thc icad wbca their firsitva i mna iiihome runs and Moore compicted the round vlien Cowle ran ta tird and gai oui. Front Street took a lead i their f irai fraine buti-bai tit ithe second and staycd lagging behMnd f or alinasi the resi o! Uic gaine. A four rua rally in Uic eighti braught Fi Caacills's Main Street itera the victery. Home runs were thc order of tic evening, and Rus. Brava, Irvia Piper and Large were the Mitera for Rovera viti Large maklag tva, vhile Hall scared tva for Front Street sud Hooper sud Aan Osborne scared singles. A good idea o! the play vill be gatliered f ranthie appended box score: Front Street ABS H R P0 A E Jamieson, lb 6 4 3 13 0 0 Jamnes, 3b 5 3 3 O 0, 1 Hooper, c 5 1 3 7 0 O Osborne, p 6 4 3 0 3 1 Cily If 4 2 1 2 0 0 5 3 2 2 6 0 Bates. cf 5 2 2 2 0 O Oke, rf 5 2 1 0 1 0 Col, 2b 5 O 1 1 1 1 46 22 19 27 11 3 Rovers ABIH R PO A E Brown, 2b 5 4 3 2 3 0 Pper, 3b 6 4 3 1 1 2 Moore, lf 6 3 3 1 0 O Larch. cf 6 2 2 3 0 0 Cordcn, lb 4 2 0 8 1 1 Cawle c 6 2 0 4 1 0 Cameron. rf 6 1 2 1 1 1 Wihrldge, as 5 i O 2 2 0 Ravan, p 4 2 4.0 ,3 0- 48 21 17 22 12 4 Oke out for leaving base; Cale oui for interfering witi fielder. HOWMANVUiE LOBES OPENING GAME IN LOCAL SOCCER LEAGUE ZMon Wlns by 1-0 Score ln Interest- img Gaine on M'uddy Field Bowmanville football club bast ils firbt game at the Higli School grounas on Saturday niglit whcn Zion, last ycar's champions, handed thein a 1 to 0 defeatinl a close and liard fought game. A large crowd attended the gaine reflcctlng a growlng intercot ecd year in soc- cer. The campus was muddy and many wâierholes were in evidence over the field. The f irst haif of the game provided some rather poort football, the ground and lack of practice bcing malnly responsibie for thils. Bath teains wcnt te il wtth a wlll and provided lots of ihrills. Many close cails feaiurcd the game,t Zion scoring the oniy, or rathert were handcd the any goal whenc Knlghtinh the Bowmanville goal kickcd the bal out, hlttlng a Zion player and rebounding Intethiet sacred land bctwcen the post for a counter bef arc Knght couid get back to gave it. Bowmanville tricd bard for the rcst of the game te equalize the score but without any succcss. If tliis gaine was indicative of what anc la ta sce during Uic seasan, a vcry successful season should be liad bY thc Darlington and Clarke League which la agamn affillated with the Ontario body.t Neither ieam wcrc howevcr working1 well tagether but many micc mdi- vidual pisys were witnessed. Thc line ups werc; Zion-Goal - Soleil; Backs- Stan- gate, Howells; Halves- Trewcl, Bal-à som. Cameran; Forwards- Carr. Frice, Gates, B. Olaspell, Giaspdil.f Bowmanville-Goal- J. Knight,E Backs- Welsh, Wilson; Halves- Dos-1 on, Wisemian, Grahamn; Forwards-1 Allen, Baihgate. Liightcrncss, H4I-c dcrlcy, Perfeet.1 TEXTILES EMRGE INNERS IN CLOSE GAMl WITH t HIGH SCHOOL ON TUESDAY Resait Aiwan a uDobt Unui End et1 Exctlng Gazae - Score 13-12. in thc ihird and tic most cxcitingà game of this season Textiles hcld1 iheir own againsi High Schooi stu- dents in a batile raaiOn TuesdaY1 niglit. It was one of ihiose, games1 where the score seesawed f rom anc side toe icailer and nat until the1 last man out was victory certain.1 Thc Textiles, managed by Charile Serris. sliawd a lot betier forin1 ihan was cxpccted. Somehow there1 was a feeling in thc air before the1 gaine ihat 1h was just too bad for thie Stocklng Makers, but it turned oui the other way. Thc score i- cldentiy was 13 ta 12 for the Tex- tiles. We would like ta go into de- tai on this gaine but it is Wcdnes-t day morning and press day and that means thai thie aid ncwspaper rule of I"bail it dawn" must be eh- scrvcd. However, we will mention that the higli schaal took a lead in thie firsh lnnings and it was not un- tii the 7th f rame that thc Textiles werc able ta wrest it f ram thein al- thouglihliey tagged bcliind right along. In Uic 8th Textiles sbat alicad to a four run_ le@4 and thre runs i the final f ramei saved the scholars from worse defeat. The lasi hit by Bill Bagneil te lef t f ield had only ta be dropped and thc cquallzing run would bave been prachically assured. A big feature a! the gaine was a brillant catch by Bill Bagnellinh the 3rd innlngs whcn lie ran 60 or 70 feet te scoop up the bail as it almost teuched thie ground and as he at the saine lime turned a compîcte soinersault. McKniglit and George Piper scored four bag- gers for lhe Textiles and Higi School passcd up the gaine without adding ta Ibeir record o! home runs. Texils-D. Osborne, p; G. Diii- ig, c; M. Oke, lst; G. Piper, 2nd; F. Jackcian, 3rd; C. Osborne, ss; J. Brougli, rf¶ R. McKnight, cf; H. Wiseinan. if. Hîgi School-Richards, p; G. Ad- ains, c; Williamns, 151; Raby, 2nd; Hardstene, 3rd; E. Bagneil, as; Dun- lop, r!; F. McIlveen, cf; W. Bagnell, If. Pincli batters-Boyd Sîcinon, C. Clemens, Harold Siemon. HIGH SCHOOL IN GOOD F0231 WIN WITH EASE FR031 GOODYEAR OUTFIT flan Up Score et 12 to 1 lu Opeunn Learue Gaine La" Frlday Giving a demonsiratian of mld- scasan f orm "Ace" Richards pltched thc Higi Sciool studenia ta a 12 ta 7 victery ln Uic openmg gaine of the Bai tball icague with the Ooo<i- year at Uie publlc sahool grounds an Fridsy night. Rain preventcd Front Street anid Textiles meeting on Thursday. Not anly was Ace i md- Score 3-1 for B. H. S. In th~e ihird innlngs Uic studeais neyer reached f irai, Dunliop and Ciezucas gai oui ai firsi and Tel Bagneil Mi a fly. For Goodyear AI- der inaged ta get te firei but was caught ai second. James and Prout bath faaaed. Don Williams teok Uic honora of Uic eveniag ithe fauril f rame vlien lie brought I the ftirei officiai home run o! Uic season wiih a long lii te the northcast corner o! Uic ficld. Adamns gai arnbitloua fol- lowing a ihirce-base hit and tricd te sicai home but vas oui ai the plate. Mdlvenand Raby i Meis te close tbe innlngs. Goodyear had na bel- ter luck in the 4ih viili bath Hobbs and Murphy hlihlng flis and Moor- craf l's long legs f allng ta make firei bcforc Williams had the bail. It vasi the nexi wiwa malga vien Uic gaine gai brigîter. In- gramn bu a fly. Ace Richards brings haine the second lamer, Dunlop, Ted Bagneil and Ciemens a hiMitvaw base hits and Williams brought then haine wih another lii. Ad- amns Mi a ffy, but McIlveen 'gai a bit and convcrted huao a run wbea Raby gai a hit and reached ihird base. Ingrain batted Mgain and gai te ftirai sud Richards closed, a apec- tacular lnalngs by fannlng aut.1 Score 10-1.1 Goodyear wenitet bai viii a de-1 terminstion ta even matiersansdI even thein up a lile thcy did. Bert Caivdil gai a nice lii for tva basesI and Goddard drove hlm home but gai out imsel! ai Uic piste. Or- misian struck oui, Aider gai on bas- es, James scored a homer and braughi the two of thein home. Prout gaitichefirst waik a! the ses- son, Hobbs gai a i, Murphy goi a hit but got oui ai second, closig thc innlngs with five runs. score nov 10-6. The last four lnnings ere as keen a dlsplay o!f80! ibail as one MMuidW1s11 te se. Higli School startcd iagai viiiDunlap getihg a hit, but Ted Bagnedil mcd oui. Clemens siruck oui sud Williasm failed te make tiret. Goodyear add- ed anehI the sixti when Bert Col- weil came home. Twice during this Iramne did Goodyear have iliree in on bases sud neither unme couid Uicy makte capital oui of h. Ormiston struck oui, James walked sud brought Colwell home sud Roach siruck ouitet end the greai oppor- tuniiy. In Uic sevenih IHigli School vent Outin hirder, Adamns and Raby ai t irei and Mcflveen Muihing a fly. Goodyear dld no betier vlihHabbs, Murphy sud ColveR hMtiing Mies and Moorcraf t alone reachlag loi base. In the 8Ui, Sîcinon Playlag for Ingram. vas caught, Richards broughi home bis second home rua wiili anc of tiose mlghty saas of bis, Dunlop gai oui ai 2nd and Ted Bagnell ai lai. Goddard and Ormnisten Mit laside flics i the GOdYcar's 8u, Aider reached second base, and James flicd ta centre. 17hc Higli School's lasi frame was marked by Clemens sud Williain iig centre f ield fies, Adams briaging itic 4th homer, Mcfl- veen reachlng firsi sud Raby Mi- tig a fly ta le! t f icld. Prout aPencd the f inal for thc rubbcr men with a vaik, Habbs siruck oui, Murphy Mit a fly te le! i field, and Mooreraf i vraie finis te the gaine bY hiiting a -fly te isi base. Tic final score was, Higi School 10, Goodyear 7. Higl School-Rchards, p; Adamxs, c; Willams, lb; Raby, 2b; Clem- ens, 3b, E. Bagneil, sa; Ingramn, r!; Dunlop, cf; Mcflveen, If; Harold Siemon batted i the 8tii. Goodyear-Ormlston, p. Colweli, c; James, lb; Murphy, 2b; Habbs, 3b; Aider, ss, Prout, rf; Moorcraf t, cf; Goddard, If; Roach replaced Prout In the th. Umpires - Cameron at plate, A. Osborne -at bases. ATTEND THIS Big Field Day to be held under the auspices of the Durham Caunty Holstein Breeders' Club and Ontario County Dreeders at the farm af R. RAY ýMcLAUGHLIN OSHAWA, ONTABJO SATURDAY, JUNE 1lth A good prograin conslsilng af Judgtng - - Sports will feature the day's pro- ceedings whlch wiil commence at 10 a. mn. standard trne. Basket Lunch at Noon. EverybodY Welcomc Noble Meteaif, Neil Mutton, President. Secreiary. .1" Misa Sarah Shoridge ta viaiing with fnicnds ai Blacksiock. Miss Mac Cameron and Mr. Ken- nedy, Taranto, vere Suaday visiiors ai Mr. and Mrs. B. Hl. Mortlack's. SHIRTS FINISHED for 10 Cents whenevcr rcquested by cus- tomera vho send Uic shirts la with iheir f amily bundle ln. the foilowlng services T h r f - T Dry Wash Fiat Work Irenel or seml-Flnbeh This includes minor rcpalrlag, sewing an buttens, and Uic higli quality wark of aur fin- ished departmeni. Oshawa Launclry PHONE 152 We Cmii sud D"lvr If You Want to Take Chances TH&TI'r oua BUSMNSS If You Want to Be Safe Tkat's Ours 1 Protact youruelf, Yomr family, your home and pooeeu swlth adequate Insune. In the.e days of "close dollars"we Oaa recommend ami give you the ex- set kinI ad mocut or insta- suce von atualiy require. This we do; nothing more. Let un talk Insurance, wfth .. aily quletly, authoritatively. We have "mie l nsurmace; ve tbink vo know our businems. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone, 50 Kig St E. Bowmauvill Vour Lucky Day' Will be when you visit our store and look over our new stock of Summer Dresses. Lucky for you when you can buy so much quality for so little money; and lucky for X us to te able to offer such values-values that will bring us many new friends. In georgettes, piques, voiles, crepes, linenes ... prîiced as low 95 WE ARE JUST BRIMFUL 0F NEW HAT IDEAS Ideas a plenty, about styles and straws, and last but not least about the values we are offqring. Captivating, al- luring styles that will thrill the most style-consejous women, are offered here from ..................... $2.75 up. r-* O n n n - n n n n - - - - r. - - --- ~ - .~W - .~t q~' -s - - - - - - - -~. - - ~w - Sp ring Cornes Once a Year These Values Once a Lifetime This spring take advantage of the new low prices in Men's Wear. The chance rnay neyer corne youri way again. It is a season of new clothes, and the reason for the low price is the resuit of reconstructing values to harmonize with the times. Find time to-day to corne and see our range. You will not be disappointed. Priced frorn $13.50 with 1 pair of.pants; $16.50 with 2 pair of pentu. If you are looking for something new for sports wear we have it. Flannels in crearn, grey and blue . .. new blazes. .. new ties ..,. straw has,... pastel shade shirts ..,. and in fact everything the fastidious man mnust have to keep abreast of masculine fashion changes. Coudu, Joknston . Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED King Stwot~ Bowmaavile ... ,,,. r PAGE ND weet oub-- gli- cie, ;tion ting :nost Englisfi Voiles 500 Yards Imported English Voiles, sunfast and tubfast, regular 39c value, Friday and Saturday 19C yd. BIG» 4.SPECIAIS For Friday and Saturday Selling Englisk Prints 200 Yards Imported English Prints, a regular 19e value, Friday and Saturday KImali Ponts Men'a Khaki Pants - 98c. Boys' Khaki Pants - 79c. Super quality Khaki Pants for men - $1 .49. *Nielson's Stores DO WMAN VIL OT ER ÔSHAWA - Men's Soclcs 1000 Pair Men's Silk and Lisle Socks, reg. 39e value, Friday and Saturday 1c pr-. PORT PERRY

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