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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1932, p. 8

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r.. PAGE RIGTfW TM CANADIAN STATESMAIi. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1932 ÇJAePAUINI "Leaves NO Sold lni Bowmanvile by Je W. JEWELL Blr20 ]Boolk Store 1Bowmanvfle W HEN you are building, is the best time to make your home safe from the damage fire can do. Order time-and-Iabour saving Gyproc Wallboard for aU interior walls, ceilings and partitions. When remodelling, extra space may be gained by dividing the attic and base- ment with Gyproc partitions. You can paper it or panel it if you wish and it is an excellent base for Gyptex or Alabastine. Gyproc may be eastly identified by the name on the board and the Green stripe along the edge. GMPUMI LINZ A» ALABASTINE, For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - H. C. Bonathan - - J. Henry &Son - -- Bowmanville, Ont. - Newcastle, Ont. - Orono, Ont. BUY COAL NOW AT SUMMER PRICES Effective from May 1, thie following are prices for LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRAMCITE M .COol Th«W SaMifioe Gleaming Black Lehigh Valley Anthracite Natural Color Per Ton Egg ....................$15.75 Stove ...................$15.75 Chestnut ...............$1 5.75 Pea ....................$1 3.50 Buckwheat .............. $11.00 Rice ...................$10.00 Coke ...................$12--00 Pocahontas ..............$13.00 $1 .00 off above prices for cash. Orctiardists, we can supply you with special Lime for spraying purposes. J.A. HOLG ATE & SON PHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Same time bei are the service the a plcnlc and haàving agadtm remains were remaved ta, the chan- themselves, sald Dr. Reamnan. Mod- cel af the cburcb and the clergy em youth was confroiited wltb provlded a guard af banor. The many probiems lni this complex age, service was attended by 22 robed and they must be treated with a new clergy af the diocese, and several attitude. hundred relatives and fiends were Modern conditions mnade boys' The 40'b Anniversr et "SALAUR TU For 40 years BALADA ha« given the finest qualaty la tea. Present prices are the lowest la 15 years. IPresent. Very Rev. Dean Brougball, Bishop Newnham and Ven. Arch- OBITUARY deacons Robertson, Scovil and Mac- ~kintosh were in charge of the ser- vice. Bishop Owen, who spake, paid Canon P. L. Spencer, Hamilton tribute ta the deceased durimg bis eulogistic address and referred to Completing a 111e af service ta the his 111e af service to the church and Church ai England in Canada, Rev. the community. Loyal ta the past, Canon Percival Lawson Spencer, bis mmnd was nat closed to the fut- D. D., father ai Rev. C. R. Spencer:,tire, his Lordship said. Robed clergy M. A., rector of St. John's Anglican Ilired the passageway as the casket Church, Bawxnanville, passed away was borne f rom the cathedral. The on Wednesday, May 25th, at his f Ollowing were pali bearers: Ven. borne in Hamilton, Ontario. No fin- Archdeacan Scovil, Rev. John Sam- er obituary could be written of him uel, Rev. F. H. Bowden-Taylar, Rev. who baît dedicated bis li1e ta the F. Collier, Rev. C. Spencer, son af preachimg and prorogating ai the the deceased, of Bowmanvllle, and gospel than tbe story whicb appear- Rev. C. Goadier, a son-ln-law. Ii- ed in the Hamilton Spectatar on terment was made at Tharald. August 8th, 1925, an-the occasion of the celebratian of the veteran Can- on's .iubilee of bis wedding day. This ECHOES 0F RECENT story reads: ROTARY CONVENTION 'How mucb joy bas been crowded inta the li1e of that bonared and honorable veteran clergyman of the (Contmued twom page 1) Anglican Church, Rev. Canon Perci- tcatuehepicpsa he-1 val Lawson Spencer, D. D., even gaxcotine weici as starteon- tliose wha have bad the privilege o aisucb humble grounds ederted an intimate acquaintance can neyer sc ubegons edcae estimate. Early in lie be f ound that just s0 far as a Rotary club thatIoywhih psseh a uner-feu down in its purpose so wauld standing" and ever since his bappi- theic it was oanted suifer. ness bas been enlarging and expand- wh Rhitwa lcaedslalied ing as bas bis lite of service. When otary s laelilystamlised o i it is remembered that he bas spent comtayis. ndi tb ýeaconclub over hall a century shepherding orkinin harmAny with ohersub seuls, that he bas been a worthy ex- thre wasin ardaubt 0fte plaerit panent of the faitb be 80 consistent- bad estabsheodfor tseofthrugaut ly uphalds and teaches, and that by heswal. R o t festhe indi-t bis example and inffuence be bas tewrd oayofr h ni not anly brought many inta the f old, viduai opportunities. In it are strong but bas also had the joy of ee gfarceful characters ai men. mc a nuberof ls fockiseemig His reasons for having smc a nuber i bs flckmcluingf aith ini Rotary were: Flrst. the de- tbree ai bis awn sons, in boly or- sr o redadscnla ders, and three af bis daughters and aiirfon ta leave and fortne in another son in active Christian afbrientbips t a bs fo. obreucouid work, it is to admit that bis bas redhptoison Weecul1 been a l11e rich in reward. That the any one develop better returns on an world Chrstendm, mvestment? be asked. Impravement Canarl d. Chtendom, the Empire- af one's mentality was ta be laund bCaada and hecrcb are bettered inRotarian associations. Building bcaus e omrcof25tbor1845,wsn U communities was stili another bornci er h orme iGorglas, onpssibillty tbrough Rotary. Spirit- asener Eq., asmoupth, Engerltual support and a genuine desire ta Lawson Spenwasrbtizsed Prcial elp athers were f urther result.s ai Limaso n pener, hosesba know ailawlng tbe principles ai Rotary. bun adit non fhpe neltting- It is dividends other than dollars ly dmi. CnonSpecerwas a and cents which members derive churchinan af whom Christians may from the organisation. be Proud. He bas been a veritable Insieaecnmc ontos father-in-God ta bis many parish- the spek fe and aut ndetbors ioners, a man whose judgment was tadhe en akrintied aut 98.8%. and soubt nd espcte inthecoun- Rotary was established in 78 caun- cils ai the churcb. one who was tries witb a membersbip of 157,000. held in ih esteem by other de- Aohrhglgto h ovn natoiinisabecas ai bis rue tion was the masterly address by catbllcspiit nd deireta ro- Hon. N. W. Rowell on "International mate the Kingdom ai Hlm wbo gave Afairs" at the noon luncheon.' bis 111 e, not f or a select few, but the "The present international situa- numberless masses wbo are included tion is one af the mast complicated yint atmhe olnsd mssion"Go the world ever experienced. What la ye ntaah he arl an prachthe most needed is the birth ai a new Gospel ta every creature."1 Canon international good will, as exempli- Spencer, because be was a good f ied by your Rotary arganization,", Christian, was alsa a good citizen said Mr. Rowell. and in serving God be bas served "Where there should be courage tbe Empire in time ai war and in tbere is fear and distrust among time ai peace. peaples. There was no period in At the age af nine years, P. L. bistory wben courage was more re- Spencer with bis mather set out an quired than at present in all coun- a sailing vessel foar Canada. Ater tries of the world. Neyer was nature six weeks on the sea, during which 80 bountiful as at present. yet there tlme 39 ai the passngers died of is acute suffering and distress. There choiera, tbey arrived li the new bas been in the last few years a homeland. Tbey went ta a farmn growing dlsrespect for law and gov- near Owen Sound, where an eider ernment. brother had built a cabin and there "Wbat are the causes?" be asked. for several years they lived and "Far reacbing changes i the struc- worked and studied. HIe attended ture ai soclety, an acute depressian the Owen Sound Grammar School, i the business cycle and the f inan- and after graduatmng taught school cial crisis and collapse ai last sum- tram 1863 ta 1871. He then went ta mer. As the iourtb reason, there Trinity Coilege and on St. Luke's bas been a breakdown in the moral Day 1873 was ordained deacon i St. strength af People. Men bave a lack James Cathedral, Toronto, Rt. Rev. of sense of moral respansibility. A. N. Bethune, Lord Bsbop ai Tor- "We have icreased in knowledge. Onta, Perfarming the sacred rite. Have we increased ta the same ex- The Yaung candidate was banored tent an moral obligations?" he ask- an that occasion by being chosen ed. gospeler at the celebratian ai the Development of Trust Communion. On October 28th, 1875, Mr. Rawell offered as passible at St. James Churcb, Dundas, he ways out ai the existing dilemma was elevated ta the priesthaod. HIe the development af hope and trust. served in several parishes bei are A rebirtb af courage, faitb and gaad gaing ta Hamilton. In 1903 Rev. P. feeling, as between. man and man, L. Spencer was elected ho0norary was first needed. clerical secretary ai the Diocese of Bath the United States and Can- Niagara and in 1907 he was made ada bave the perfect right ta callect Canon af Christ Church Cathedral. war reparations i rom Germnany if On several occasions be was officiai tbey can. But, we f in, Germany delegate ta the general provincial is not able ta pay. He submltted synods and a member af the stand- that if these twa cauntries and ing commlttee ai the diocese ai Ni- other world nations wiped out tbe agara. reparations debts they wauld take a lI 1913 at the age ai 68 he retired long step toward attaining the de- from active parochial work ta take sired end. over the duties of immigration Wben great nations are in default chaplain, ta which position be was ofa great sums, there cannot be the appointed by the late Bishop Clark. international good tellowship that In this work he was emninently suc- is so greatly desired. cesstul, and ta many strangers in The speaker reterred to the place this strange land, the fatherly greet- ta which Rotary had achieved in ing and kindly assistance af Canon bringing about world-wide peace. Spencer brougbt happiness, and ta Continuation af the gold standard sore and lanely hearts comort and1 was nat possible. Some plan af co- confidence. This veteran worker operation in matters af internatian- was also for a number of years sup- ai finance must be devised. erintendent af Anglican Missions ta World peace and stability were the Jews in Hamilton. In 1923-24 dependent on co-operative efforts. he made an unaccompanied trip If diplomatic ways did not salve around the warld. Canon Spencer prablems. force haci been resorted ta was anc of the only clergymen who in the past, he said, and the part were present at the election af the played by the late President Wilson f irst Bishop of Niagara and also at lin the establishment o! the League the lection o! the present and af Nations was referred ta as a fourth Bishop.. blcssing bestowed on bumanity. wark necessary. Boys' work consist- ed ai bath preventive and corrective measures, and should 11e begun at home. You can't f oal a boy, and yoti must give hlm a square deal. You sbauld be hanest with yourself. Any man wbo goes inta boys' work will bave ta be able to face disappaint- ment and still have iaith i the re- cuperative pawer ai human nature. He musi alsa have a sense af bumor and 11e able ta laugb at hiniseli. Boys' work really consiats in help- ing the boy himseif. It must be ap- proached f rom a point ai under- standing. One must learn the boy bimadif, and not take ior granted wbat others say about hlm. Dangerous ULisure Leisure time was the breeder ai trouble, he aaid, and modem lif e was marked by an increase ai leisure. Hence tlme ahould be dcvoted ta training youtbs ta, spend their add time in useful activities, auch as gymnasium wark and music. We find music ta be ane ai the fineat trainings, and yet wbenever a achoal board wants ta economize, it cuta out the music, the 'fri115' as tbey caîl ItL At the conclusion of Dr. Reaman's address, Governar C. E. Willax gave an intereating expianatian ai the work being donc for boys at the Bowmanville Training School. xIn the evening the Governor's Bahl praved a spectacular and delightful event. A splendid musical program was put on by the Central Coilegiate Institute Orchestra and Choral Sac- iety witb Mr. Cornelius as directar. The speaker pointed out that Ham- ilton was an extremely musical city. The ciasing day ai the convention commenced witb breakfast table conferences for presidents and sec- retaries. The main marning address was that ai Hon. W. J. Danavan who halds an important position in the Attorney'a department ai the U. S. Government. He spake of the posi- tion accupicd by Canada li relation ta the ather countries ai the wanld. Building Up Barriers The tendency throughout the warld is ta bhasten better interna- tional relatlonships, yet it is a iact that countries are continually build- ing up barriers, the speaker said. Canada and the United States bad enjaycd ideai relatianabipa. lI the past, while fuily recognizing Can- ada's place in the world, the United States bas looked ta Landon as the fountain head. This conditian will change in the future, he predicted. Fram now on the U. S. dealinga with Canada wiil concern Canada's interests iirst, rather than those ai the Empire. The Impression in Eng- land la that Canada is mare a part o! the United States in character than British, but people on this aide af the Atantic kxiaw better. It would 11e nearsigbtedness an the part of European countnies ta at- tempt ta deal politically or other- wise witb Canada and the United States as a single unit, be said. Canada bas established ber right in the tarefrant of British domin- ions by ber contribution of man- power in the Great War. There are charactcristics wbich bath aur cauntnies abare, yet Can- ada bas It~s own indivlduality. The unwary observer might conclude otherwise, but not witb conclusive justification. Enlightened Generosity It is because af the erilightened generosity ai Canadians that the 4,000 miles ai frontier is not marked by armed defense, Hon. Mr. Dona- van declared. Neither country could afford the expense ai tartifying the dividing line. Canada understands the United States better tban the United States understanda Canada. You under- stand better than we the controver- sies which bave developed between aur countries from time ta time. Tbis might be accounted for by the fact that the people ai the United States are not se campactly situ- ated. If the United States wishcs ta f as-1 ter amicable relations. its immigra- tion laws must be modified. Its pol- Idies must be refined ta speciallY take care ai a nation wbase people are sa clase at hand. Fault waa f ound Dy the speaker witb certain provisions ai bis coun- try's tariff walls. United States bas much ta iearn irom Canada's far- eign palicy. Canada and the Unit- ed States have nat anly certain na- tional intereata, but have continent- al intercats. The Dominion bas played a sig- ni! icant part in all recent wonld peace mavements, he declared, anid citcd Canadian efforts at tbe League ai Nations in connectian with the recent Manchurian situation. It is the personal and bunian touch whicb makes for international peace and domestic harmally. The Rotary movement exemplified this, he raid. li conclusion, the speaker said the govcrnment ai the two sovereiglitica represented by Canada and the Un- ited States must remain in econamic accord, and, in substance, identical. Perbapa the climax and keynote ai the conventian was the final message af Directar Bud Jackson which waa summed up in bis chal- lenge to deal with aur present day perplexing problema witb courage,, with heada up, chins aut, and ta marcb forward ta face them and beat them. This covered in bni the conven- tion and the Club was reminded that no delegate could bring back the i- spiration and enthuaiasm be actual- ly gat f rom such an impressive gatb- ering sa he suggested that Ratar- lana attend future district confer- encea and get for themselves the i- spiration that may be gathercd there. Ratarian Milt. Minore received the congratulations of the club on the completion af 40 years' service with the C. P. R. and alsa on the occas- ion ai the celebration of a recent birtbday. Rotarians Art Lovell and Rus Weir ai the Oshawa Club were guests. 4 v "i t __ --j' U -i r' I 'iri j 'r Summer Prices We wish to announce that summer prices for Blue Coal are effective from May lst, as follows: Per Ton Egg ....................$15-75 Stove ...................$1 5.75 Chestnut ................$1 5.75 Pea ....................$13.W0 Buckwheat ...............$11.00 Rice ....................$10.00 Coke ...................$12.00 Pocahontas ..............$1 3.00 $1.00 off above prices for cash. We have in stock a specially ground lime for spraying. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMITED BOWMIANVHLLE of A!iicji: v GASOLI NES old ai regular prices MWARATHON-. McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY LIMITED rlmxm DONT TAKE CHANCES With Your MILKtr' SUPPLY Get the BEST froxu the Bowmanville Dairy They also wei BUTTERNo. 1 Grade Give them a trii aer. Phono M46or 703 Bowmanvile D.. airy W. H. BETTLES, Proirietor. Mifler's Worm Powders are sweet and palatable to cbildren, who show- no hesitancy in takmng themn. The will certalnly bring ail worm troub»- les to an end. They are a strength- ening and stimulating medicine, correctlng the disorders of digestion that the wormos cause and inipartlng a bealthy"tone ta the system most beneficial ta development. MADE -IN CANDA - 1 Il -. - , T-

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