4beautify your own home wll be an W.~ A. 0F TRINITY N eapie which the whole street wii FU C OH L VLOCAL & PERSONAL lo." _ O N F iD E N O. _________________ Rev. G. R. Turk was in towf l aPCNCAU U T t week in the interests of the Probi- PINCA G S Ot.CNIEC Mrs. D. H. Minaker, Cobourg's bition Union. a r egrand o0îaryceebatd er93rd Amngahe nureswo eeiedW Dso ie eeigsD igbased on With three-cent postage comlng by, are Misses Elsie Bostock and ___ - into eff ect in the U. S. on July 6th, Grace Bernice Savery, Kendall. The Women's Association of Trin- E n re c - it won't be necessary to pay 50 fre- Fergus town will celebrate its it7 United Church met in the sehool E p r e c quently for our Amnerican friends' lOth anniversary next year. The room on June l4th, with an attend- By W. E. Groves, Bownianville the Dominion Entomologist. The neglect.ihbtnsaepzlg erban ncof7lde.Ms N rut fer for want of water. Mildew, an- Mrs. (Rev.) C. E. Cragg, Oshawa, thinklng Up novel ways and unusual presided at the piano and opened A number of enquiries have sug- other phlox pest, can usually be was presented by King Street United plans to mark the event. the worship service with appropriate gested the subjects for discussion in kept under contrai by sulphur dlust- Church Ladies' Aid with a purse of The Young People's Society of music. Mrs. Ross Strike occupied this week's column: ings. money previaus to ber leaving for Pickering United Church presented the chair and Mrs. R. Hobbs read Pruning Buiba Seabright. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton wlth a the 34th Psalm, followed by prayer The early blooming shrubs wiîî Just what ta do with buibs that Bowmanville Rotary Club is con- silver basket and roses on the eve by Mrs. L. A. Tole. soon need pruning. Ainong these have f inished blooming is some- sidering holding its annual Carnivai o! their departure fôr Exeter. During the business session con- are forsythia, spirea, and weigeîa. tirnes a puzzle. Dafiodils and tullps on Wednesday, August 17th. In the Miss Agnes Beliman, Collingwood, ducted by the president, Mrs. J. E. There are a number of others, but that were pianted with the tbought meantime reserve this date and bas been reoeiving congratulations~ Elliott, the cîrcies gave splendid re- the method Ito follow is the samne inof leaving them in the samne place watch for de! mite announcement. on completing ber fourth year in ports of their work. It was decided eacb case. Wben the blooms fade indefinitely, should be allowed to The late Elbert Hubbard wrote: medicine at University of Toronto. to discontinue tbe meetings during the branches that have bloomed dry off wthaut having the tops cut "The unforgivable sin is the disposi- Miss Beilman is a grand-daughter July anid August and ta have, ini- may be severely eut back, the abject away. It is usually possible ta plant tion ta evade the payment of amalof Mrs. E. Beflman. Bavimarivfie. scir c omie inco i h being ta encourage the growth o! annuals quite close ta the bulbs so bills." If people who owe small Among the ministers granted a irles, at the Cream o! Barley new shoots f rom the base o! the that the spaces will quickly be cov- amounts, f rom 50e ta $5.00, would superannuated relation in the Bay Camp on August 9th. Mrs. T. Hir- Plant. These are the branches that ered as the bulb tops die down. But pay tbem-and most people are able of Quinte Conference of the United cock's and Mrs. E. P. Armstrong's will provide next year's bloomn. The it frequently bappens that summer ta do that much-the payment of Churcb, at the recent conference circles were appointed ta make theA BA ,liea nvdagas pruning described lets light and air bedding plants need planting in for- the larger amounts would be greatly are J. R. Butler of Bayside, M. W. arrangements for the picnic. A AX iea niiul an into the centre o! the bush and gîves mal beds bef are the buiba have ma- facilitated thereby. egBA.oHitnwh will re Th o lloSwke as onvrmwas pres. strength and commanda confidence th& new shoots a real chance ta tured. In this case they may be Radio license fees for the current ide at 402 Victoria St., Kingston, Rst: Voasolo. "A ert ats through years of experience. grow and thoroughly ripen before carefully lifted and placed some- year are past due and the Depart- F. R. Howard, S.T.L. a! Mamora, se" byMrcalsoD.o. "Chabr hs. c hogottevre xein winter. When rambler roses bave where ta finish the ripening. A ment a! Marine bas issued a warn- and A. M. Irwîn, B-A., B.D., aof Osh- Free' yMs .J hmes c hogottevre xeine finished blooming they need the simple method ta fallow is ta put ing that the period o! grace will flot awa. companied by Mrs. Ruby Daniels; same kid o! tratment.them in some shady corner with the be extended. In due course the in- Janetville had a cra-wded hall on voasolo, "ThawerHacpao! eligt"by o h at6 erTeRylBn bulbs lightly cavered with soil. In spector o! licenses will vinit Baw- Thumsday eveig, June 9th, whch MofT.W Canaderba aadempanied b3'es es a short time the tops will have died mnanville and the result wili be toC shoe h neet !teprnsMr. Charles Cawker; vocal duet, o aaahsmd taypore Some pests are just now rather down; the bulbs can then be cleaned bad for radio owners wbo have neg- and friends in the music wbich i Sa r.D.Alr O! he ast"by m .p oetalshdsreg traublesame. Perenrflal phlox (phlox and stored in the usual way. Tulips îected this little detail. being taught in heschol for the ad 1yMi.ss.R. ldrOedpaccomslspanwt 81bachs h pariculata) during bat weather turns and daffodils that have been in the Field Day for Raspberry grawers past twa years. This year Mr. P. ieduh 5 y ssEelyn OepanRtogls-dy ih 8 rnhs h brown and we wander why. Red ground three or four years occasion- is ta be held at A. 0. Parker's plan- Sutton a! Bowmanville, is the muai-bRuhCyemnaRt g- Bank serves every part of Canada, spider i the chie! cause o! the con- ally become overcrowded and have ttoja eto ecsl nteclisrcoadhsefrs san, pupils o! Mrs. Smith Ferguson; taiojutwetofNwcsteonte a isrutoan isefot, spiano duet. Miss Evelyn Oke and assista Canadian business abroad, and dition. It develaps moat freely dur- ta be removed. Tbey should be lift-t highway, Manday, June 27th, at 1.30 well as that o! the teachers a! the Miss Dorothy Edger; reading, "A srcgzeasneotegetbnk ing bat spelîs and on plants that are ed wben the tops have ahl died p. m. standard time. Dr. G. H. different schaais, are greatly apprec- Small Boy's Viseonwpfint" by Missnk in a not over vigoraus condition. down and sarted out in sizes. Then Berkeley, specialist on raspberry cul- aed ie colsFetw .Ye-Hln Jean Foser. eing cb issdo hewrd As one preventive measure a strong in the faîl the large size bulbs can ture, will discuas diseases, contral verton, Janetville South, Janetville wth the Mizpah benediction. grawth should be encouraged. Phlox be planted where they are ta bloom, measures. and give demanstrations. North, and Bethel, were represented, are hungry plants and should be di- and the amaller ones planted where Parties interested are lnvited ta at- with alnst 150 pupils altagether. vided at least every three years. they will have a chance ta gow ito tend. Needless ta say choruses composed BOWMANVILLE HORTICTJLTURAL Feeding with some gaad fertilizer is blooming size. -Chie! S. Venton reports that own- o! the above number a! voices, ac- SOCIETY ENDORSES NATURE'S advised at this time if growth is - r fdg aersoddqiecomanied by the piano and violinBAIUE1% . D yia n heae eil o ynge uders e o ROAD HOGS CAUSED wel to the notices sent out recently were excellent. Each achoal pravid- hoe leaves isy the ld reersedo 1,069 AUTO ACCIDENTS for payment a! dog taxes. There ed a special number besides. One 1. Bleased are they who plant the spidler rem sed ad ig i ea IN ONTARIO IN 1931 are a few however wha have !ailed nube that was particuîarîy s ,,k long-lived trees and sbrubs, for gen-O f Cnd spidde el a! batding t 1huldeta make any recognition o! the no- mng was the hymn "Jesus Laves Meeainssa" ieupadca1te remmbeed hatredspier s rauy Records a! the Mtar Vehicles tices and Chie! Venton gives them sun byal the smaîl tata a! the blssed AIA N EEVS$41316TM ~' 5~o, a smalmidt a d. shier i asa ck Branch o! the Ontario Department until Saturday ta make arrange- pnmary and is lsesn c 2. Blessed are they who are own- ing m uthmite rd in ary inscticiesoa Highway's show that in 1931 the mnents for the payment o! these compani~ed on the piano by one o r ffae adnfri h used for sucklng insects are mne!- Most common cause o! accidents ini taxes. thi ubr iteMs ien heart a! a flower may bc seen ita fective. Nicotine suiphate is said ta which the automobile was invalved, A f eilaw bas ta be a contortionist SheckUeton o! Yelverton. Mr. Sut- Creator. be use! ul in the battle wth the pesta. was middle-of-the-road driving. ta get by these days. Firat o! al ton gave a demanstration with 3. Blessed are tbey wha apprec- Bowmanville Branch I L G. Hefkey, Manager Saalo s'Eerren avrygod Lif e, limb and property are at the he's gat ta keep bis back ta the wall chars ad eybac o he msic iate Nature's gif ta, for they shahl be insecticide. One ounce suiphur, twa mercy o! the driver wha thraugh and bis ear ta the ground. He'i1 ex- ' m y known as lavera o! beauty. ______________________________ ouncs sap i tw an onebal igorance, self ishness or just cam- pected ta put bis shoulder ta, the the achools. The programn was con- 4. Blessed are they who dlean up __________________________________ galonswatr i reommnde bymon carelessness, will nat keep ta wheel, hia nase ta the grindatane, cluded bynd a v thos,"Dis the highways, byways and home galon wte i rcomede ~the right a! the road. keep a level head, and bath feet osgngu"dandorGad Save the King. t Accidents cannot be blamed upon thje ground. And, at the Saine timne Godliness. _______amateur drivers, as records show look for the silver lining with - -S 5. Blessed are they wha brighten TA EIthat considerably mare thân bal! a! head in the clouda.. Sa says an ex- E DN and freshen their buildings andB * i the drivers concerned in auto acci- change. feneswIl jqtfo iprveen DON'T T K dents last year were between 25 and The teaching staff o! the Lindsay 1 D be the i eard. UIeoplIIaLAIILE N O 54 years aid. and mare than ninety Collegiate Institute, with their wiv- bethiwiwad C A C Sper cent a! them had been driving es. gathered Monday, June l3th, at HaBIowel-White 6. Blessed are tbey wha war on fora yaror ore Lcus Loge Boeayeo, ad pe-signa and unsightly bilîboards along RIGHT NOW - TO-DAY - PRICES, ON GOAL With Yo___________________ sented Dr. T. A. Kirckcoisnell. for A quiet but none the ess pretty the rural highways. for they shal r oe;lwrta hywl elro many years Principal o! the Insti- wedding was solemnized at Canton be called protectors of roadside when everybody starts clamoring for coal. tute. with a gold headed cane, and Parsonage by Rev. J. F. Lane, on beauty and landscape acenery. Mrs. Kirkcannell witb a bouquet a! Saturday a!ternoon. June llth, 7. Biessed are they who stand Don't wait - Be wise. M I Kroses. The occasion marked the wheis Misa Emmie White, daughter o! against friend and relative in the Your orders will receive careful and prompt attention. 1VILKSUM ERcompletion o! Dr. Kirkcoisiell's Mr. anld Mrs. J. E. White, Elizabeth- protection a! Nature's gît t ta our SUM ERtwenty-faurtb year as a member of ville. became the bride o! Mr. Rasa Dominion, for tbey shaîl be recog- L SU P Ythe staff. Haliawell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. nized as true patriots o! Canada. 1 E N ] ARO P IUP L Bernard Mitchell. sois a! Mr. and Haloweil, Shilah. The bride loaked 8. Blesaed are the towns witb Phone 5203 or 520W omnm GettheBET fomtI~ U iireMrs. R. M. Mitchell, had the priv- cbarming in a biege gawn o! silk planning boards, for great beauty, Get he B ST fom te ishereilege o! being the first citizen ta pay crepe and georgette witb bat, glaves prosperity and peace shall descend ho l i. Poil Tax un 1932. "Buis" thought and baseto match and carried Talia- upan tbem. Dauy Wy ad t tb dscof ats hatit eeed n a!ulshot tseman roses. The brlde's brother and 9. Great shaIl be the reward of Love is always building up. It use keeps the bandsalaways sot0~n -;'ow anilefa he bd o eter, coothe dis- inc e ead iast and C hie!tVer'- aster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Law- those wba pratect aur fareats fram puts same lisse of beauty on every thaesswh te ml. Iprs e of he ot eaterthedis sice elaokd is boo and hebaîdn rence White, Oshawa, signed the tire, for thse bird shail continue ta lite it touches.-Selected. tewoefml.1mat agreeable beat and steam o!f t eatony a year agsboadtbh dyregiter. Immediately after the cer- serve him and the !isb and wlld ani- Pma Bl-b pretai afari omther a a ar fxt v n ol They à1so sel wasb day wben we can relleve June l7tb. Chie! Ventais comment- emony, the happy couple departed mal ta !urnisb hlm food. euy Esntatorl.fmin nghvn oinndptc you o! all this and do the ing stated that be wisbed ail those by' auto for points In Eastern On- 10. Wboever conservetb aur na- disaunt. REsntal a eleinnte e ndershain ofton. and.otcsF h BU T R io Grade wark better and mare econ- assessed for poli tax would respoi5d tarioando hi eunwl eietoalbsucs evt isl n ighest expression o! beauty. Its Balm is the true toilet requi4ie omically. as qulckly as "Bun."atSla.teenrtnsflong Give hem tril <>joe.Major Baylen, chairman o! the Giethma ralode.Phone Board o! Censors a! Motion Pictures Phon 446or 73 ia Ontario, states that after June Phne44 o 73BOWVMANVILLE 152 18, new regulatians wilU require 25 We ea and eiverper cent Canadiais newa in every We cai and dlivernews reel sbown. Since a former VE Y IPE9 evryda.ruiing establisbed a 30-40 per cent IEVIIV I)L I l tVEU VIE)12E5I evr a.content a! Britiah and Canadian 1IDP&NI) NIEW - 1 PI-)C news, news films is future will be ________________ mare than 50 Per cent British and Caisadian. The next move sbould be ta increase the perecentage of Dairy Oshawa Laundry Britih films. other than news reels, e W. B. BETI'LES, Proprietor. Expert Launderers and Cleaners reued if Slmncoe County Cauncil cuta ita operating expenditures in proportion e ta the slasb it bas made is salaries ________________________________________________- the couisty rate wilh be greatly re- duced. Salaries are cut f rom 10 ta 33 1-3 Per cent with exception o! warden and turnkey o! jail wicb e A arga n nremain unchanged. Mais and teain.:* A B a gain innaw receive 40c an bour and laborer 20c an hour. Wonder if the men- bers o! Northumberlansd and Dur- f bam Caunties Council naw un ses- sion at Cobourg will dare take such D ini q R o m S u ite sdrastic action un their deliberatiofla? The effectiveness o! newspaper Toronto recently when statistics sbowed that 33 % a! maie newspap- er readera and 57 % o! female read- ers are drawn by newspaper bargain advts. They !urther state the advt thr!7 a a community or mncpl , ance,- says the Record, "and the YOUR FAVORITE & AUNPYCH Fa . MRRI CO . best advertlslng that any commun1- ~ appearance ta the wrld-ais ap- O M N I L Furniture and House Furnishings pearance o! progresaivenes, thirltPHN16 Phone 10 Bowxnanville and nduetrY, reflected by well- U~ IU OMNIL ____________________________________________private grounds. What you do ta THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVMLE, TEMfflDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932 PAGI TEMM