THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932 IDEVITT'S CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce spent Saturday in Oshawa. Miss Erma Bruce has been busy writing exams in Peterboro. Miss Susie Hyland visited at Mr. George Fowler's aver Sunday. Devitt's School toak part in the Music Festival held in Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey, Sun- dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn. Miss Flora Hendersan. teacher here, spent the weekend with ber parents at Janetville. Mr. Willard Spencer vîsited with Miss Susie Hyland on Monday and attended the tea and concert at Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler made a business trip ta Oshawa recently. Misses Geargina Fowler and Betty Anderson eturned with them over Sunday. tc Glad ta repart Mr. Blackburn aur school teacher again for coming year. Miss Gladys Cann and Mr. Ei Paliard. Toranto, spent tise week at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards, Ross Richards and Mr. Blackl taak in the Goodyear picnic onE urday and repart a goad time. Several Salem folk attended an versary service at the Long Sault Sunday and several others went Maple Grave anniversary, many whom were entertained at the hc af Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacott. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Richa and Joan, Mrs. George Parkere son Billy, Toronto. visited witis formers parents on Sunday, aiso and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and1 and Mrs. Leonard Richards. Master Douglas Pollard, who1 spent the past six months with grandparents, and attending Sal school. was ta have eturned ta home at Boston Creek on Saturd but owing ta the seriaus conditic caused by forest fires in thatd triet. wili flot start on the homewa .iourney till fimes have been subdu in that ares. which we hope will very soon. for the sake ai al dwellers in that district. j HAMPTON Mrs. W. Ruse is visiting friends Toronto. Read the bills of Hampton Anr versary. Miss Lillian Phiilips, Toronto, visiting bier sister, Mrs. W. Cralg. Mrs. H. Thompson, Scarboro, visiting ber father, Mr. A. Hogart Mr. Ivan Stephens and Mr. Li(, Willis, Toronto, visited Mrs. G. St phens and friends an Sunday. Mr. P. Bigelow, Leskamd, and Mi Gladys Cobbledick, Nestleton, visi ed with Mm. and Mrs. W. W. Ho Sunday. Commencing Sunday, June 26t Bowmanville Dairy wili deliver dai rich pasteurized milk, cream an butter in our village. Phone 44 and try this service. 5 Our pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, dE livered bis farewell sermon on Sur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bick wi leave sbortly for their new homea Wh.ltevale ai ter seven years ai faith fuI service ta this church and cor munitY. They will be greatly miss ed in aur community and the goo wishes of their many many friend go with them ta their new chargE They wiil be succeeded here by Re, and Mrs. Walter Rackham, former 1Y af Wbitevale. Hampton Sunday Sehool Annive: sary will be held as follows: Sunday June 26th, addresses will be givena 10.30 a. m. and 7 P. m. by M.A Sarsoleil, Deputy Minister ai Publi Welfare. Special music by schalar! under leadership af Thea Salter Dominion Day, Fiday, July 1st-Al 3 p. m. opening game af Girls' Soit« bail League. At 6.30 P. m. Boys Soi tball League Game. Tymone w. Maple Grave. Supper served at4 P. ni. At 8 P. m. Grand Concert by Toronto talent: Nortis Parkdaie Un- ited Chumch 25-piece Orchestra: Miss Darothy Bainger. soprano sala- ist: Ivan Mackalyk. violin soloist: Mrs. Leroy Graves, elacutionist: Mr. J. C. McCord, baritone soloist; W. H. Hamilton, cello soloist; String Quar- tette: also two Dramatic Sketches. Standard Time thoughout. Admis- sion: Adults-Tea and concert 50c, tea 35c, concert 25c: Children-Tea and concert 35c. tea or concert 20c. Thea. Salter, Supeintendent; Rev. J. R. Bick, Pastor; R. Avery, Secre- tary. I COURTICE Mr. Carl Short spent the week- end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McIvar and Miss Joan Hamilton were reent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Flintofi. A large number f rom here attend- ed thse anniversary at Maple Grave Sund2ty and Monday and report a goad time. Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Miss Anne HaIt and Mrs. W. R. Caurtice motored ta Lindsav an Friday and called on re- latives there. On Thursday aiternoon about fii- tY ladies and children aýsembIed in thse home ai Mrs. Frank Aldsworth to attend the monthly meeting ai the W. M. S. Meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Blake Caurtice. in thse chair. and the doxoiogy was Sung and the Lords prayer epeat- ed in unisan. Business was transact- ed.' minutes ai last meeting read an'i a repart fom tise treasurle r m. R. Gay. Mrs. Frank Worden's , groun was In charge ai tise arogmam id Mrs. Worden took thse chair A hymn was Sung and prayer off emed by Mrs. den and Mrs. Cecil Found also re- sponded. Mrs. A. J. Gay gave the chapter in the study book in a very able way. A piano solo was played by Miss Florence Courtice, after which Mrs. W. R. Caurtice sang Life's Lavely Things." Miss Velma Gay gave an interesting missionary reading and Mrs. Cecil Warden gave a piano solo. Meeting clased with Rev. H. C. Wolfraim ini prayer and Mizpah Benediction. On Mrs. Adwbi1tfi's7 lovely lawns were tables spread for ail the guests and the lunch was served by Mrs. Wor- den's graup, and it being a perfect day it was a happy social hour spent outdaars. Mrs. Aldswrth is a mast hospitable hostess and everyane had a delightful time. ENFIELD k K ýe Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, spent the eweekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray, Tor- onto, recently visited at Mr. H. His'. Several f rom here attended the Long Sault anniversary on Sunday. JChurch service will be withdrawn on Sunday. Sunday Schoal at 10.30 a. m. n Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Soucis, Town, visited at Mr. Albert Hawkey's an Sunday. Mrs. Simmons. Belleville, has been visiting her daugister, Mrs. (Rev.) A. s M. Waotton. Mm. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey visit- sed at Mr. Eber Souch's, Clarke Un- ion, recently. Miss Elva Virtue. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with hem mother, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Miss Flora and Mr. Stewart Mc- sRoberts, Oshawa, recently visited MsW.H. Taylor. M.adMrs. David Alldread and fami,Twn spent Sunday with bis parents, Mrand Mrs. Jas. Alldread. Mr.Mand M rs. Dave Hooper, Or- ono, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCay, IBowmanville, spent Sunday at Mrs. jJ. H. Muttan's. M.adMrs. H. H. MeRoberts, Oshawýaecently visiited at Mr. Fred McRoberts.' Glad ta knaw McRob- ets is improving. Mrs. Thamas Scott has returned ta her home here aftem spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. Smith, Raglan. A very severe thunder storm pass- ed over here Sunday morning. Mr. N. J. Woodley's large barn was stmuck with lightning and cansider- able damage dane. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson were pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening at the home of their dau- ghter, Mrs. Raymond Clapp, it be- ing the 30th anniversary of their wedding. A number ai friends were present. BLACKSTOCK Mm. and Mrs. John Pawers, Lind-' say pent Sunday at Mms. S. Swains hem niece, Mrs. E. Hockridge, Dun- .daik.1 Sormy ta repart that Mrs. John Smith is iii at ber son's. Mm. M. C. Smith. Mrs. Wm. Crawford and son Ham- aid spent Sunday witis Mm. and Mrs. a C. Devitt. * Miss Lva Par, Toronto, spent tise weekend with hem parents, Mm. and -Mrs. R. Parr. Miss Marjorie Marlaw, Toronto, spent tise weekend with hermomther, Mrs. John Marlaw. A number ai aur wamen attended Cadmus W. A. held at Mrs. H. A. Galbraitis's on Tuesday. > Rev. and Mms. Milton Sanderson and son Roy, Toronto, visited at Mm. -S. Swain's aver the weekend. On Monday evening the hardbal steamn played Pontypoal teamn at Blackstock, the Pantypool teamn win- ning. * Commencing Sunday, June 26th, *Bawmanville Daimy will deliver daily ricis pasteurized milk, creamn and butter in aur village. Phone 446 tandi try this service. 25-2 On Monday. Messrs. Oliver Smith, Douglas Taylor, Leslie Taylor, Mur- ray Byems, Alvin Marlaw and Jack VanCamp attended a coaching ciass in swine .iudging held at Peterbomo. Mm. and Mms. Clarence Marlow at- tended annivemsamy services held at thse Long Sault on Sunday. Theim br'otlie-in-law. Rev. Milton Sander- son. Toronto, conducted the ser- vices. 1 Tise Young peoples meeting ai the Unitedi Chu iý eldon Wd înesciay *veSr " 4A~Mm.Harold Swaini presiding. 'W4be study was taken by Mm. H. Shortmidge. The Program, in charge af Mm. H. Swaln, con,.isted ai a talk on tise Eariy Histomy ai Cartwright by Mms. C. Mamiov; a vocal duet by Miss Olive VanCamp and Mrs. C. Marlaw; and a talk by Mrs. Frank Stinson an "Why Not T'hink." Meeting closed with tise Mizpah Benediction. t ýd n ;s Na service in churcli bere nex Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston visite friends at Kedron. Misses Ruby Thomas and Heler Beaton, Wick, visited at Mr. L. C Pascae's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams and Mis. Adams, Burketon, recentiy visite< with Mr. T. Henry. Messrs. M. Murray, W. Smith, G Sizer and Harry Langford were at Niagara Falls recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page and Mr. M. Page, Toronto, and Mrs. J. Bran. tan, Oshawa, visiteci at Mr. S. Page's. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. Frank Bray ýnee Mary G. Bromeill Columbus), who were married Wed- nesday. Messrs. Albert and Calvin Niddery, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and family, Maxwell's, visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's. Mr. J. Hambly, Raglan, and Mr. A. Hubbamd have been sawing the me- mainder of Mr. T. Henry's lags into, lumber for his barn. The sermons Rev. J. M. Whyte prepames and delivers here f rom Sunday ta, Sunday should be listen- ed ta by far larger cangregations than we have. It is true we have no chair but we have splendid sermons. TYRONE Week-End Specials FOR MEN.1 at Nelson 's Boys' and Men's Cotton GYM SHIRTS ali sizes, 39c Men's WORK SHIRTS ail sizes, ail colors, 59c 79c 98c MEN'S KHAKI PANTS-98c and $1.49 - Boys' MEN'S SOCKS * KHAKI PANTS SiIk and Lisle, On Sale , per pair 79c 19c- - 29c Men'a Men's OVERALL PANTS WORK PANTS aIl sizes, per pair Cottonade, ail sizes, $1.191 $1.19 $1.79 FARMERS' SPECIAL - WORK HATS For every member of the family-19c each. N elson's Stores BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA PORT PERRY temperance convention held in Or- e ono by Mrs. H. J. Werry; a sala, ENNISKILLEN -Came Home F'ather" by Miss Annie ________________________ ke; a reading by Mrs. R. Gilbert; r ~a solo, «"Help Somebady Taday" by Mrs. Wmn. Herring is visiting Mrs. S. Trewin. The hostess and f riends in Bowmanville. Mrs. Trewin's group served refresh- The Continuation Class enjoyed a ments when a social hour was en- rip ta Taronto on Saturday. jayed. 29 present. Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent a few Miss Emma Werry, Toronto, spent 1days witli friends in Toronto. ! the weekend with Mrs. Gardon Wer- 1 Mrs. Levi Brunt visited Mrs. E. ry. Stevens, Hampton, an Sunday. Mr. Milton Werry, Oshawa, was Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley spent' recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- the weekend with friends in Orono. seIl Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon. Tor- manville, spent Sunday at Mr. A. H. anto, are a week with their Beech's. daughter, Mrs. Gardon Werry. Miss Elsie Moore, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, Mr. thie weekend with lier brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon and Mrs. H. W. H. Moore. J. Werry visited with friends at Mr. Wesley Wotten and Mr. Nel- Cannington. son Hudson, Peterboro. calIred an aid Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, Mr. friends here Sunday. and Mrs. A. Robinson, Elizabethville, Miss Luella Stevens, Oshawa, Mr.D. Vannatto and son Will. Ken- spent Sunday with hier parents, Mr. dal, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Levi Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. W. Toms. Peterboro, awa, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwaod Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Pet- Mrs. J. H. Freeborn and miss ers and son, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Margaret Virtue spent the weekend G. Preston's.E with Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stainton andc Mrs. John Larmer. Blackstack, Clifford, Toronto, visited Mrs. J. Pye Mrs. Lamne Rabbins and Pauline, and Mr. James Staintan; Mrs. Stain- Leskard. called on Mrs. Gea. Reid an ton and Cliffard remaining for at Friday. couple weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin and f ar- ilY and Mrs. Win. Griffin spent Sun- day with the latter's daughter, Mrs. DAIRY EXTENDS SERVICE t Walte Rahm Enfield Ladies' Aid will be enter- Cammencing Sunday marning, tained at the home of Mrs. J * Shac- June 26th, the Bawmanville Dairy keltan on Tuesday, July 5th. Ail wiil give a daily delivery service ladies weîcome. alang the Scugog Highway fram Cla.E. r, SBrapo, Mr. Rand.Hampton. Enniakillen. Bumketon. 'tMs d em, anMs .J Blackstock and Caesarea. They will JLuke, Kedron, recently visited Mm. also deliver their rich pasteurized and Mrs. J. A. Werry. miîk. cream and butter daily tc Mm. and Mms. Chas. Harris and M'r. Newcastle and Orano. Phone 446 »Frank Harris, Orona, Mrs. Bessie and try this safe, satisiying service. Rabbins, and Miss Vera Kersiake, 25-2 Hampton, recently visited Mrs. Wm. Oke. L Mrs. W. Oke, Miss Annie Oke, Mr. VRYPC C A. Moore, Mm. and Mms. W. E. San- Teana inco h er derson visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry, ThanuliniaitsWem Long Sauit, and attended tise anni- family wiII be held at Hampton Park versary. on Wednesday, June 29th. Ail re- latives af the connection kindly ac- Mm. and Mrs. F. Werry and fam- cept this invitation ta attend and ily, Mr. and Mms. E. A. Werry and spend an enjayable day together. Allen, Mm. and Mms. H. McGill and A. B. Werry, Effa Wright, Joyce, Mm. and Mms. J. A. Wemry vis- President. Secetary. ited relatives at Kedron on Sunday_______________ and attended tise annivemsary. Mm. and Mms. Frank McGill, Tom- SOUTH DARLINGTON onto, visited hem parents, Mm. and THRESHING SYNDICATE Mrs. Levi Brunt, and were charivari- ed by Young people and a few old- The annual meeting ai Soutis Dam- er ones on Fiday evening, when a lington Threshing Syndicate will be bounteous treat ai sandwiches, cake, held in Shaw's Sehool House an candies and nuts was povided. Mm. Wednesday, June 29th, at 8 p. m. and Mms. MeGill will eside an Oss- for transaction af general business. ington Ave.. Toronto., Good attendance oi members e- Cammencing Sunday, June 26th, quested. Bowmanville Dairy will deliver daily W. J. S. Rickard, President. ricis pasteurized miik, ceam and T. C., Secretamy. butter in aur village. Pisone 446 and try this service. 25-2 CARD 0F THANKS The mantisly meeting ai W. M. S. was heid on Wednesday at tise hame Mrs. S. G. Niddery and iamiiy, ai Mms. G. Preston with a good at- Hampton, wish ta tisank ail their tendance ai members. Hymn "I gave kind fiends and neighboums who my lii e for thee" was heartily sung heiped ta extinguisis the f ire which when prayer was offered by Miss E. recently tisreatened their homne. Souch. RaIl cali and tise minutes ai last meeting were read and ap- A C INSL proved. It was decided ta org.anize ______ SAL a Baby Band with Mms. G. Preston as leader. A piano solo was nlcely Wednesday, .Iune 29t1i-Mrs. J. H. Played by Mrs. Gardon Werry; sala, Freeborn will sell on tise premises, "Whispering Hope" by Mrs. t. Ashs- Enniskillen, aillai ber houseisold ton; a Tempemance Watch Tower fumniture and iurnisbings. Sale at was canducted by Mrs. H. McGill; 1.30 p. m. standard time). Termns a splendid report was given af tise cash. Thea. M. Sleman, auctioneer. PURPLE HILL Quite a number f ram here attend- ed Decaration services at. Prince Al- bert an Sunday. Miss Halbert and Mr. Wm. Byam of Millbrook spent Sunday at the home af Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Graham. Sunday Schaol service was heid as usual and plahs were made for the Sunday Schaal picnic in the near future. A numaber of the young people of the cammunity enjoyed a picnic at Lakeside Beach, Scugog Island, on Sunday Iast. The many friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman (nee Esther Strong) gathered at the home af her parents. Mr. and Mis. James Strang, on Monday evening ta present them with a miscellan- eaus shawer of many beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. Grant Robertson ably presided as master of ceremon- ies. The bride and groom graciously respanded ta the many good wishes expressed by representatives of the community and thanked those pres- ent for their gifts. the large num- ber of these bearing testimany of the esteem in which the bride is held in the vicinity. Af 1er the cere- manies of presentation were over, the remainder of the evening was spent in music and dancing. A baunteous lunch wvas semved. SHOULDERS Plakled 9b e Porklb FVI&MHSSPDCIA1;àS WHITEFISH F%8H LARE ~l. 5 FRESH RESTIGOUCHE SALMVON Dy lte PI.e l b. 20e STEAKS. . lb. 22e Atlaen tee tI ~MAN aL6oui ~ NOUSE Not much inturested in the whys or where- fores of it-not he. He wants good food and plenty of it. Probably doesn't know the price of beans. Buît what a howl he sets up if expenses run high or ends don't meet. Sa it's up to the woman to manage quietly, and ta be mother, wife, director of the kitchen, and keeper of the pocket- book ail in one. The woman of the house, ling ago de- manded the best of foods in airy. clean, friendlv surroundings. She demanded quick, courteous service. She demanded that prices be as low as possible sa she could afford ta buy hetter food and more of it. And if, by the thousands, she prefers A & P, it is because A & P is run ta suit her w PAGE FOUR q -m j 'f Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge loc. Phone No. 83. Bowmanville. FINEST QUALITY GENUINE NEW SEASON ON SPRING LEGS l.29 e ROA4STI and STEAKSg Porterhouse l.I~Sirloîn b FINEST PEAMEALE» BACK Sek@ om b BY TH BACON PECE l.1 ACON ~SLICED, lb. 2le19 ROASTED YOUNG SPRING-WITH DRESSING AVERAGE CHICKENS 3 s ah190 DOILED HAM SFINE YMl. 27o BUTTER Creavery oklb. 1se SUNNFIE» CEAI,, lb. 200 AYLMER ]BRAND-MADE IN CANADA (WASSORTED SOU S IT RCP 3 Tings 5 TOMATO 0 *3 Tins220 MADE IN ONTARTOS nFNEST VCREAMERIMS CHEESE MIld, lMellow ul.Z 2 ..LANDP MABAED lb. i1go A PURE RAiD SOAF LAUNDRV SURPRISE SAP 10 '3»8 390 SARDINES IMPORTED Ta27 NO WASTEALL BEEF 2 Ta FRA'Y DENTO S BEEF 2 TNS250 NEW SEASON'S FRESH Canta1ouputs 'ANANAS Extra Large 2201or427e LARGE JELLOW Ibo. Large Sîze 2 for 23e RIPE 3bS190 Besi prices paid to producrs f r eggs. Ask our Store Manager. la zzzzucomm 1 Specials For Saturday Koko Buds .............24c lb. I Extra Special-First time at ths Low Price rPepplerminlt Patties ........... 25c lb. (Saturday only, in lb. lots) COOL OFF AT CORBETT'S These hot (Iays you will need a refreshing drink or ice cream creation to cool off. There is no fineî' food than ice cream and it is cheaper than it has ever been this year. Give our Ice Cream Par- lour a trial and you will be a regular, customer. We will do your Summer Baking too. Sole Agents for Dr. Jakson's Roman Meal Bread Corbett's Bakery BOWMANVILLEPHN3 J. H. Needham wishes ta announce will stili carry on the business af that hè has moved his business fr.m. sign painting also wagon, auto and back of the Hydro Shop to his own wicker work, etc., scissors sharpened. place on Centre Street, where he Phane 441, 16-tf b b