'r'tTmRIAV-TTT'.TW 24urd. 1932 PAGE IGHT TECANADIAN STATESMAP4, iBWMAi'4VJ.LJL, TiUtb '-..--- zru i The Newcastle Independent I C a sf ~ .. ~ ~!s THURSDAY. JUNE 23rd, 1932 Ms Emma Hedges, Toronto , ________________________spent the weekend with lier aunt, Mrs. P. O'Neil's uncle, Mr. 0. De- Miss Louisa Hedges, and was also - skiane, recently died in Belleville ai an interested visitor at the Mission I~..... the ripe age of 98. Band tea on Saturday afternoon... Mrs. Geo. Wright and two child- Mr. Kenneth Pearce and Miss - ren, Arnprior, were weekend guests Jean Cawker, Port Perry, spent Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher. day ai Mr. and Mrs. W. J. . Ric Notices of Births, Marriages, Deatha, Mrs. Percy Brownl and Mrs. Perey ard's. Miss Cawker is a college andMmrmO;lOprlisetaT Lt Hare took in the Warden's excursion chum of Miss Marion Rickard ai Ci.1and~rM Q o Memoriam, 0verses. in xta o e toi Rochester on Wednesday of this Victoria College. COMING E~ AVENTS for____Memoriam ____verses.__ HOUSE i-o RENT-On Carlisle Ave.. LO! week. Mrs. B. Moise recently received 6Iom n at i.l )rmnh ml Mrs. A. D. Wheeler and children, word of the death of a former New- BIR HITyor phssofJl '36 24-srs Aexto Si_ Diana and Alden, Toronto, spent the castle citizen, Mrs. Elldridge. in De- WB.T .meigwllb ed MLE tIoaaiTileHo Tay ~lor,-phoU n23arae.o Te- weeked wih herparets. -at Ms. WsonngTn'eon TydaJ 't li, 1932, to .a . i',,Tl aneT-Street nopporite Ton n Hi- weked it br arnt.Mr. and* trait on June 4th. She was -the wi-a Mr. aslto' on Tuesday, rsiCeil, lreadugtr moe cnennes W.TSyon, B Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. dow of the laie Sylvester Elldiidge, June 28th, at 3 p. M.r. LCWci-dn lterke, idsotr, . pR. 6. Streemoppie on 160r5 Mrs. Percy J. O'Neil has returfled Newcastle, carpenier in the days of Bowmanviîîe Women's Institute , Rt.,Ro.T6.rsdy. Julil16tb. 132. to60-tfefet. ta er omein ellVile follWfl EdardSimons Jon Poleandmembers will hold nexi meeting in ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy L1awrie. a îlaughiter a fortnighi's visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Grieve. She had been liv- S. 0. E. Hall on Friday, June 24th, i (Mrgaret Leonora). OS RN-miefrnBw P. Oel oot t n ihhryugrduhe e-a 3 p. m. Solîna Branch wiîî visit_________ _________ manlville ou Manivers Road; electriC Nwatef riends extend congrat- lie, and bier husband, ai whose home them and presei the programn. lgt iearln.Apy .P ultost r m r rt r lh.en, 1 R.R. 5,Bowmianville. 1'hone utof nr. E . C .M r m o bo ther s e e . . R o e svery m em ber attend and enjoy he M A R R IA G E S _18 ___ ___ ___ __5__1__H E_ 0f r.E.C.Horonbi reettc eveWnPtRgespasorofNe- ftrnfn. Mr.epece Wod' RAYBRM LL- t httnredwadseSpenmlcert o twWoodts'f aS marriage ta Miss Rainey, Orono. castie United Church, spr-,, gru wî leincare UAchPrtîag, tolnhe nitd T I-5red d ho, at!atIsf ae, gargepl Miss Normia French, Toronto, ai- pleasafli surprise on a meeting of hrhProa41coubsonWdhgwyadadsftaegrg, iended the Party o! lier cousins, Bill the churcb stewards and mnembers of he ladies 0f St. Paul's Church nsdy, June 2îl 1932, by Bey. lDr. 9mall garden. J. 1), Stevens. Plione - and Margaret Toms, lasi Saturday the finance committee last Wednes- aehligaGre at n ~oe.M.lrîkIerh ry o f2- evenng nd emaied verfor Sun- day evening when lie voluntarily Strawberry Social on the lawn of Mr. anti Mrs. samuel BraY. E-'nfield, and __________ day. and graciously offered ta reduce bis Mrs. McGregor, Scugog St., ibis anld Ms ila runle!!. (Colunmbus, possession, 4 roomas, 3-piece biathi, eat Re.S .Jarret. Juvenile Court salary for the rsn conference FrdyaJnndbcmeciga nt ttlilibs includeul, gas in building. B ReOf. .5reer30 p. m. Admission 25c. In case REDMAN-ARMSTRONG - On Wet- Aî,ply Kingsway Servicee Station, King :;s Juage o! Oshawa, witb Mrs. Jarreit year by $200, representing a cut of rai itwl cnl a h hrh esday. June 15t1h, 1932, at Kimbourne sti . Phone 241. ..5>-tf si and daugbier, is taking Mr. Fred lo ". of wbat by contraci be bas fra itilbehdattecuc.LUitedi Cburcb. Toronto,l'te e.. Cars leave tecàrh i5.0anG. Robh.Reta Eveydube f Wo'cotg,'Wohle fo enreiighitherto. The meet- tecuc t53 n a ght, evFC Woo's otage "Wodolm' or eenreeivng. 30. Band in attendance. John Armstrong, Hluntsville, Ont., te Sumnmer Cottages er, July. ing, in view of the present economlc ----<e-Raîpli Wesley Relineî. sont of the late (311h Çommencing Sunday, June 26th, conditions, whicb everyone feels and M~r. and Mrs < l,rksott edtimaii, fornier- COTTAGE TO RIENT -Ftirnisbied 5- Bowmanville Dairy will deliver daily regrets, suitably expressed is ap- l.~ y of Brookînti. Ont. rtni summier cottage t Williams'.F( rich pasteurized milk,cra an preciation of the pasior's gesture art!. Bowanvu'. h tionie 1iS 2-4-tf (li butter in our village. Phone 446 and gratefully accepted bis offer. THE CI-URCHES DE TH ea stt frExhng and try ibis service. 25-2 Dominion Day, July isi nexi, will D A H elEt efr ýxhne - Miss Jessie Brock, Toronto, is vis- be the 1tb anniversary of the lay- ~ SMART - At Port Hope, Juuie i7tlh wo iting lier aunt, Mrs. Wm. .anal ing o! the corner stone o! the Comn- SiJnsAglcnCucRe 1932. John Eli s 5mai t ini bis 78tb year. Toronto property, %would excbange ta o $27 awas ang te issfiomiBacîy nyHallbytb lieThs.Mo-C.R. Spencer, Recior. Fifth Sun- b boUsb nd apartment on local lirol)erty, business teed wb atndd b Msio Bn tatague. rTe irst sod was turned on Cbristopher. HIodgson, boved hsa or good farnm. Write G. Fairfieltl, 102 Ilar lasi Saturday aft40on. Sept. 241h, 1921, by Masters LioneldyaleTriy:HyComnnofeen car.inbs8h ar Westminster Ave.. Toronto. 2- il UntdChurch-Rev. W. P. Rog- and Hart Massey, grandsons of tbe 8 a. m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; ROWOEN-At lPart Hope, Juulrie8tb, erBnAiied .Snay un 6 Sunday Scbool 12.15 noon; Evening 1112,a Robert Janmes ltowden. heloved F er, . .,Pato.Suda, un 2:laie C. D. Massey, the donor. Then Pryr7 .m usha nd of Pearl Etitli Tb!k-ou,, aged wnings mo' 10.5am-S da Scol 11.30 on civiTlc oliday, Aug. 2nd, 1923, the Pae .m 39 years. Co gdCr" a. m..-Morniflg Service; Eveniflg ball was formally opened. î iî~ Si. Paul's United Churcb-Rev. FOSTER-At Newcastle. on Mnty Awnings, Tents, Tarîîatllns, every- spe( service wiihdrawn owing b ani- reembre A.ne201hK1rr2,WeM.uigto1Fo.tr, ii t ing in canvas, comîfee ap qip u wii grtiide ha ib A.S. eil. . A 10 a. . is 871h year. Intermiett Bownianville ment for rent. George Reid, 66 Bond glua vrayservices ai Clarke appoint-toedokiiebalwicmrs Sunday Scbool; il a. n.-Sacra- . 0mTuneryo ment, oe lc i h al wihmrsment o! the Lord's Supper will bc e INte Ntry. Rcci itse~Son .s, Ageu honit.4. 24-4-nmie the passing of lime and rings oui LO-. .Suib Rn chN o3- & Sons, Agent. _________ Pb Miss Beairice Cryderman, whoba tehuran hallhussa n observed; "Jesus in the Midst"; 7 jaw. Saak.,oui Friday. May 20tiu, 193", polheon compleiely recovered from ber re- nip.wsdnid yM.wlig m.-"How God Speaks ta Men." Aunie Gibson. beloved' wife of Tbomîas cen oerilo fr ppediitston Poster whose passing Newcastle AFodilwOcX t h - At flowmanvilîe Hospital, on UPHOLSTERING - On ail kinds of spent a few days witb ber sister, now mourns. Si. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb Tuesday, June 2ist. 1932,' John Fox, af- furniture; chcnsterfields recovered and Mrs. J. H. Jase, lasi week, prior i ewatl asbîltam othe -Rev. W. J. Todd. Minisier. Morn- tel, a brief illniess. tlevoted biusband Of repaired; auto tops and inside uphol- F rewaslurnsbalngar o Winnifred Dyke, i h is 611h year. tery. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowman- hou rtrigto ber nursing duties ai Lake Shore League losIta the Orono ing Worsbip il a. m., Communion BET OI enda.Je1,192vil.Poe36 ih Obaa enra Hspta. or the 0. A. Gamsby-Shifl Moise- Sevc;leigWrbp7p . i is residence. po) St. clarens Avenu e, a Manyo! he yungpeole o Ne- Bomaniîî tea laI Wdnesday Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. The Tloronto, James plugla etblvd' d" W atd casile and vicinity were guests o! evening. .ltbough recruiied î rom a minister will preach. Members o! husband of %Iautte 1.abel Jeffery, and il Mr. Wmn. Toms, Toronto, and bis ubro ns te rn"ag ihe local Orange Lodge and visîting younLgest soit of thte l.te Alexander numbe of oint the Oron"0fgBowMDandIsaelnt ishred i Mat lsaisf ary aIrasonbe prcpt- sister, Miss Margaret Tomltes, ai tbe gregation dispayed good ieam work brethren will attend ieevening of B hmDamvi.Isael Fisiiel Eint lkaindsflandriy wrk onbe prmpt- home o! ibeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. and played well togeiher TeNe-srvc.Pleasanit Cenitery,* Toronto, Frid:îy, Write Post Office Box 12, or cal! Mrs. H erb. T om s, N orth St., ast S a urday c s l o s l o e s u f o i t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J une 1 3h. W . M arjoram , K ing Street East, B ow - enoal at.game bowever b y several fatal er- 1101,- rors in the f ield. They se d osou The Sbaws' beef ring wicb bas pe osdrbywe uk..TIN MEMORIAM l Chiropractic and agE been in -operation foT er ib.irtye came Wp. the sun went down and the T I N IT CORDEN - lai lovîîîg memlory of our Drugless Therapy gof yeas e-peedonTusdyJu elmon began to shine f ull and higb h darling baby, Slirley -MLrie Corden, wbo 10 141h for the summer season on the in the souiberil sky. The expected î,assed away Tiitie 2rd 1929, aged 8 D. E. STECKLEY premises of. Mr. W. W. Down as us- new suits wicb wiîî greaîîy improve U IED CHURCH montbs. 14 days.F u al; b u t w it b a n ew m an , M r. J . A . ib e t a m 's p p ear n ce a n d o u b - anc w s e e t , n o u b n e w oa t e io n if Awde, as uce fln xe-teta' perneaddut Mother and Daddy. moving is office f rom Temper- yol asabuceo!lnexe-less tbe morale, had not arrived in neSrtthinwloaon ý ience. as manager. time for ihis game. The local bat- Minister EDGER-Inlti t ug nmenory of William boeih i Among those o! this village and ery conssed of rank orey E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. D. Edger wbo pas-sel away Julne 27th. 1928. abvete l v i c i n i t y w o 1 0 k i n t h e G o o d y e a r TGe a .eWa l l o nean d S t a n . G r a b a m . O r g aOi1 1 1 4 bicers, and Stan. Graham and FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. Auîd in the ieatrts thatI loved im best Chiropractiie and electroetberapy f 1* agara Falls hast Saiurday were Mr. Jobhn Rickard, cathrs I-lply is memory lingers yet. aitain splendid resulis wiib Most and Mrs. Emerson Fisher. Mr. and ing members o! the team are Ai!. -Sadiy mîu,,.d ly Wif e .and Family. ailmenis. Consultation and ex- Mrs. Tom Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-SnaJ e 6hmito fr. mnRichards. and Mr.Nco- Graham. George Graham, Chas. SnaJn 6b-aiainfre asTktc ad rs Nchi-Tbackray. Ciare Hennings. Ray Flower Sunday A CTnNSA ESThrsmyand trdaoffievTenina, as kath ad Ms.VanDusen. Brown, Alfred Garrod. Bill Bruni, 11 a. m,."Triumpbant Beauty" U TO SA EThrdyadatdyevngs The Wý. A. o! the 'United Churcb Dick Cowan. Sunday Scbool during the morn- and by appolntme8it. Phone 141. beld its June meeting aitbe fine House aterations and renovations ing service. Saturday, June 25th. - Mr. C. N. ________________ country bome o! Mrs. Wmn. Hanna, in and around tbe village are a!- Antbem: "Jesus Rose of Sharon" Ruse, 48 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville, _______________ witb Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard in tbe forig considerable employment - -Ackley. will sell bis housebold furniture in- cbair. Mrs. Elvin Middleton's group aborers, mecbanics and tradesmeno . stock wihPreac. Nwelo! Black- cluding parlor, dining rooni, kitchen preentd te rog Prm adred Mr. W. H. Cooke bas the carpenters. Atbem: -Floly Father Cheeur Our and bedroon f urniture, ino triute a eadngandMrs Ge. punbers, masons, iinsmiths. glaz- NWay' couler. gan. tvs os t.Tri a rrsbentsa rs. PercyndHre cGo-Slea pp .uenilsiW JTH A R Honey a piano solo. iers, etc., engaged in f ixing Up bis Sale_____1_p._m._____bills._W._J. new bouse, the one time Montague Challis. auctioneer.TH A R Newcastle Girls' Sa! tbalh team bas home, in modern style. Mr. C. R. -____ MEMBER 0F reetyplayed two exhibition games Carveth is steadily proceeding witb UN.%ITED CHURCH S. S. Monday. June 27th.-Mr. Newton Vmaffmtl against Port Hope. the f irsi bere in the belp o! skilled workers in mak- Hoecasteand bbc sendin Por ing his house over. It is natumally a ANVRAYSRIE Cartwright, one mile and a hall iuec*n magi. hescrThine81010 atory artisasin aisnthe Aro- nies evie !ieUi-cosadcle,2.Sotonbls Hop lai burdayevnin. Te athr lac seso aiibeJ.Andr-northwesi o! Burketon. the f ollow- M local girls lost botb, but the second son Smnith Co's f actory, so M. J. A. Helpful Sermnons and Bright Music ing stock: Nine head Sborthorn *6 in Port Hope by a much narrower Smuith Jr. is utilizing several of the cw n avs hrhr ulf marin te sor bin 8 o 0,fator atian 2nrasteers.oo AnierTamseviesrthheUnt-ndseeBerksbirendBershre1) showing thaitbey are improving in o! bis bouse and converting il f rom ed ChurchSndy coabrub boars. Yorkshire sows, tbe latter 1l'RI. - SAT.- JUNE 24 - 25 4 f ormn. aso n al aafuItoaut large congregatians bath morn- with litters, shoats and Young pigs. l St. Georges Cburcb services next siarey domicile. And over on bis îng andi evening o! last Sunday. Sale ai 2 p. m. See bills for ternis.Brba tnyknr Sunday - 75tb Anniversary o! Lay- f armn jusi acrass f rom tbe west Mr. Thos. A. Rotiger, Supi., conduct- Elmer Wihbur. auctioneer. "S0 BIG" i o! Corner stane: 8 a. m.-Holy boundary o! the village, Mr. Thas. cd the services, anti in the mrigCoe adt1 Communion; il a. m.-Haly Com- Brown, baving installed electrie Mr. G. A. Brethen. ex-M. P., Nor- AVNUE NARC munion and Sermon; 7 p. m.-Even- lights and a pbone is now mnakîng waad, gave the address and empba- HAYDON S. S. ANIVERSPJRY MaieTe Saturday.RCp.jm. sang. Special preacbers: Rev. W. H. extensive repairs ta bis bouse. Mrs. sîzeti partîctîîarhy the dutties and ab-Mie audy23 .m White. M. A.. Toronto. in the marn- Ellsworth is alsa improving the sur- ligatians o! mathers ta their chili- Sna colAnvray5r O.-TE.-JN 7-2 ing:Ven.R. C. Blagrave. D. D., roundings o! ber home by having ren and especially ta î.beir 'teen age vices will be beld as follows: Sun- i Arcbeacn o Peerbroub. n ie pemannt oncetewals ad r- daugbters in wbose way bbe world day, June 26tb. sermons will be " O E evening. Ail are welcome ta tbe taining wals arounti ber flower beds presents many pitfalîs. preacbed ai 2 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. "L VE S services. constructeti. The choir. under tbc leadership O! by Rev. Dr. Cooper, Columbus. COURAGEOUS" I _________________________- -~____________________Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, was assisied Special music by the scbool, assisied ~ ey-Faue by Mrs. Drummonti wbo tbrilled bierl in tbe a! ternoon by Miss Wilma üey-Faus __________________________________________________ listeners witb ber beautiful render- jWaiten, gold medalisi o! Durham Matinee Monday at 4 P.n. ing o! the solo "Babylon." The ser- Caunty, a solo by Mrs. J. E. Ander- Glassware Nites vice was further brigbtened by the son, Bowmanvihle. and a duet by presence o! Morrison's orchestra. Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Dr. C. W. WED. - THURS. - JUNE 29 - 30 Bowmanvihle, wbich coniributed ap- Slemon, Bowmanville. In bbe even- Elissa La.ndil in propriate sacred selections anti also ing the scbool will rentier special "D VLSL TE Y accompantied the congregailna.l music and a mnixeti quand tf romn "E I' O T R 1 singing. Mrs. J. E. Antierson, B0w- Trîîsity United Church. Bowmanville, Comedy, etc. manville, playedtheib piano for the wilh sing. Collection ai bath ser- Matlnee Wediieady at 4 p. mn. purely orchestral selections, while vices in aid o! Sunday Scbool f und. Chinaware Nites Mrs. E. C. Fisher. churcb organs, Fritiay. July isi, Dominion Day, il_______________ took Mrs. Andersons place for bbe supper will be served ai 4 p. m. _________________ bynins, wiih f ull orchestra. Mr. standard lime; also a basebaîl game Henry Rowe and daugbtr. Moýrs. will be playcd ai 4 p. m. Ai 5.30 à ý Lynch, Mr. Drummond Or nan there will be a league football gamie Mr. H. C. Allin, Newcastle, played beiween Enniskilcn and Zo.A pars n te rchsta.o'clack a concert -will b ivnb has suggested that The Statenan pwiýttîre on Life on tbc Golti Coast Office over Flood's Store R ~ ~ n S i~ e tc replînt sîgns ta bang out on the frant o! Afrira. H-aving liveti there foir Port Hope R o va n'n S bbackto roaan reading, 'Not at sonme lime she gave first banti in- Phone Nuniber 248 iHome ta Oît-of-Town Pe ldlcrs or formnation ibat greatly interesteti Office Hours: 9 a. mn. to 9 P. Rm. Quality Shoes at Reasonable Prices 91 Salesmcn.*' It's a good idea. Wc the members. July meeting will be Toronto Office:h Phne52 in SretBowmanville ttîll supply caîtis free o! charge if hldtia the home o! Mrs. W. R. 2143 Danfarth Avenue. Phone528 ing Sreetthe demant iîs suflicient to print Strike ant iwlhl le in charge of Mrs. thcm. Elmier Cox's group. Lost or Found uen e n ~ru. eward. 'p IýlB u siness ie t r SttesmatriOffice. 2 51 Wanted LEGAL ARN WANTED-Abou1 30 feet x~ 30 ________________ Phuoune 511). 25-2w M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.. Barristes', Solicitor, Notary Femnale Help Wanted Money ta hoan an Fanm and Town ELP WANTED - Expereuced cook propery. Ryal Bank Building, eral; inust e first class coo-k. Aip- Bowmanvile. Phone 351. Mus. Baker, Bownianville Beach, tsitir. Plhoue 28rZi. -1 W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Naiary _______________________ Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Articles For Sale Money ta Loan. Phone 91 CCLE F0OR SA LE-Euiiglis:l bicycle,1 Bowmanvile. Ontario. speeti gear, gooti condtitOi. jaspuer itb. Phone 2163. 25-t' W. F. WARD, B.A. .OR SALE - 1 MeCormick corni bind- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i set farhi 1-iés Apply Statesn.tul Maney to Loan. Bondý for Sale. ce. lowuiiainville. 25-1 Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, OR SALE-Vikinig creauîî sepator.r, Bawmanville. Ontario. first cla., condtliont, bargaiu for' Phones: Office 102; House 409. ;k sale . Apply to Tiios. P'erey. fli -__________ iville. 25-1* L. C. MASON, B. A. N000 FOR SALE - icleal sanîmer od, price pier Xj-cord: softwood slabs Barrister - Solicitor 5, hardwood slabs $3-25, hardaood Notary Public - Etc. dywood $3,30; measarŽmeflt guaruil- Law in ai lis branches. d. Phoune 248. cal! uîoon aund evening. ry I3artlett, King Street, Bowman; Office immediately east o! Royal s.23-3w' Theatre. OR SALE - Second-bnd Deering Phones: Office 688; Home 553. iver, second-hand riding ploa. three cmrr separotors. Farmers. note theMU I PA EN NE S ecial oler the I H. Co: Witb everyMU I PA N NE R rchase of farming macbinery a 40% aranty le offered or 77o on each bushel DONEVAN & SMITH wvheat. Apply L. R. Wood, McCor-Osiw ýk-Deering agent. Bo w m a n v.i Il e. saî ine 597. 24-2 Municipal Engineers - Ontaro land Surveyors Houses for Sale Waterworks -Sewers - Pavements FOR SALE - Solid brick 6-roomned 365 or 411 King St. East use for sale on Queen St., large gar- Phone 2532J or 1981 n, lots fruit, garage. ben bouse. fur- Legas,' water. If riot sold lat June N A I1 rent. Apply L. Hooper. Bowman- DEN A Le. 24-1 ________________________ Farm For Sale Hofr graduai DetryTn FARM FOR SALE-54 acres. -i miles Callege o! Dental Surgeons o! On- rth of Bowmanville on paved ro 'ad, taria. Office: King St.. Bawmanville. >uli of Enniakilien; franie hou se gar- i e, bank buarn,. drive shed; orchard uu iOfic phono 40; bause phone-22. naIl fruits; churcli and sclîool ne ar: X-Ray Equipment in Office. oti water aI barn and bouse. APply )Geo. Reid. Enniskillen. 25-4. R .C.DVT FARM FOR SALE-One baundred and Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson terri acres witb crop planted: 8 acres tung bush, 45 tacres spring grain, 9 Graduate o! Royal Dental College, mres buckwheat. 30 acres boy. There Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. ouin everflowing streom oui farm.Bwmnil.Ofcbos9a. . t.use w th bric k ing; mrala rivig o m n il . O fc h ur 9 a. . ed; sheel pieun: barri; silo; also pampi- ta 6 P. M. daihy excepi Sunday. ig windmnill. Sehool oui farm. t4-mile Phone 90. House phone 283. rom Enfield. Price $.5000. Term% rigbt. X-Ray Equipment in Office. t',C Pasepe. Burketoui. 24-4 ____________________ .REPAIRS INSURANCE . PAWSON ieLf BOOT AND S140E REPAIRING C. H. DUDLFEY Good workmarisbip and material. DISTRICT AGII*1T I Reaisonable itrices. THE Silver Street, Bowmanville 2. A U A T R R 'LF INSURANCE COMPANY _____Zlb _____TENDERS Automobile Liability FOR COALAUCTIONEER AND WOOD Theo. M. Sîemon ONTARIO Auctioneer SEALED TENDERS, marked "Tender Fanm and House Sales a Specialty. fr Fuel................. wl! be receuved Ternis moderabe. Ennisklllen P. O. Iy the untlersignueanti! 12 o'clock uuoon ahnc 383r3. layliglit stving timie) ori Monday, Juiy P lt, 19:12. for the su~ppiy and delivery of Ill coal and wootl required for the -F N R LDR C O Prinieuî ound Departni'ntal Baildings, F N R LDR C O 1 goode Hl!, Gov,ýruienî House. Nor- leniaid otlSehools. Toroto : anti l, Normnal Sclîools at Otttaa, Lond~on, FUNERAL DIRECTORS ',trboroagh. Hailton, Stiratford, Srie n or n a Northî Boy. the Scluool for lt, iru liund. erie nybu. n a Brantford;:lthe Sclîool for lthe Deaf, tleil.he Boys' Tratiuiug Sellool. F. F. MORRIS CO Bouanuvill'; t le irs Traiuniugtc hool. Modem Motar Equipment Galt. thie Euglis'3h Frencli Traiuning Sclools. aI Sauttwich, Stturgeouî FetIls Ambulance and Invaliti Car ald Enblruui: for ltetîvelve ntoritlus Caîl Phone 10 or 34, uttliug Jtulie 301h, 193';. Assistants, 592 or 392. Sîutc if icatt ouis. iteuder fortins, .îui teull- lei, tunvelope may be olîtaiiet iat Ibis BOWMANVILLE Ierî ni ueuit, ThI loiwest or any teuiter nol unoces- arily ac ter i l._________________________________ GEO. 110GARtTi, I >eîuty Minister of Public Works. Tronuto. ,Iuui 161!î. 1932. 25-1 - Jnvestors REDU CED Now is the lime when in- vesimeni partf olios sbould bce closely scanned and di- FA R E Sversîfied. Our Statistical f or Depariment is i your ser- vice. Dominion Day pre:d us a isi o! ou Return f ares between any unbiased analysis and sug- two points in Canada at gestions. All lista will lie regular one-way f are and a treateti as strictly con! iden- quarter. - il Golng Dates !rom noon, Thursday, June 301h, 10 noon. Sunday, July 3rd. H .B i o Retnrn Limit JLlmlted midnigbt Monday. July 4th. Information and tares from yolur Investment Bankers ~, te s 1 1 1