Persian Balm is inevitably eh by discerning women. Delightfi use. Subtly fragrant. Cooling refreshing. Imparts a rare youl charm to the complexion. TIM able for softening and making h flaNqgý'sly white. Tones and st: lates the skin. Use! ul for the fa also. Protect.s the tender skin o1 child and is excellent for the f E as a hair fixative and coolings ing lotion. DON'T TAKE CHANCES With Your MILK SUPPLY Get the BEST from ài Bowmanville Dairy They also sefl BUTTER, No. 1 Gra< Give them a trial order. Phone 446 or 703 Bowmanville Dairy W. IL DETTLES, Pwoçriet Did You Ever Think 0f It les there is a- Depression Things are not as good as they used to be - all the more reason you should shop at Nelson's. Our Three Store Buying Power enables us to give you more for your money. 4 Big July Sale Specials r 10 doz. Ladies' Vests, va lues jyas high as 49c,17 JuySecial ........... 25 doz. Ladies' Bloomers, val- Fues to 59c per pair, 7 July Speal........... 50 Yards 72-inch Sheeting, val- ue 59c yard,25 July Special...........25 400 Pair Silk and Rayon Hose, 49c value, July Special, per pair. ..25iitc Hundreds of Other Big Saving -Values Nelson' s Stores FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS BOWMM4VILLE OSHAWA WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT PORT PERRY iosen DR, J. C. DEVITT BEACOCK FAMILY !ul to and INSTALLED AS RE-UNION HELD AT valu- ROTARY PRESIDENr HAMPTON PARK ands tiu- Retlnlng President Geo. W. James C. A. Beacock, Toronto. Re-elected amily Presented Wlth Handsome President - 135 Atteuided sfther Desk Pen SetHappY Gatherit hav- The eîghth annual Beacock Re- Friday's meeting o! the Rotary union was held at Hampteli. Park on Club was both enthusiastic and im- Saturday, July 2nd. Friends began -pressive, marklng as it dld, the close to arrive shortly a!ter Il o'clock and -,o! office for retiring President Geo. spent an hour or s0 renewîng old W. James and the opening o! a new acquaintances. 'me weather was year under the leadenship o! Presi- mnuch cooler than on previous oc- dent James C. Devitt. casions. Ater a splendid dinner, 'me services rendered by the ne- served on tables prettily decorated tining president were marked by the with cauterbury bells, roses and on- presentation o! a handsome desk set ange blossoms, ail had a good visit in onyx and set with the Rotary again until 3 o'clock at which trne emblein in gold. The presentatioti the races started. was made by Past Presidents Geo. The events with winners are: E. Chase and Tomn S. Holgate. Mn. Girls and boys, 6 and under-AiI Holgate referred to the !act that he, received balloons; Girls, 7 and unden too, had held the office o! president -Helen Deyell, Isobel Taylor; Boys, o! the Rotary Club and Mayor of 7 and under-Mierril TrewiIi, Doug- Bowmanville at the samne time, as las Stephenson; Girls, 9 and under had the retiring presideut. Follow- -Marion Hill, Aileen Beatty; Boys, teiug the presentation the Club rose 9 and under-Russell Taylor, Mer- and sang 'For He's a Jolly Good ril Tnewiu; Girls, 12 and under- Fellow," f ollowed by three hearty Lonna Trewin, Muriel Beatty; Boys, cheers and a tiger. 'me netiring 12 and unden-Maunice Samells, president, much overcome by the Ronald Trewiu; Girls, 16 and under demonstration brie! ly thanked the -Marie Trewin. Lorraine Piekard; membens of the club for their kind- Ladies' 100 yds.-Manion Pickard; ness. assuring them o! his continued Men 100 ydis.-Merrell Ferguson; support and hearty co-operatian in Blind Hanse Race-Vivian Martin, de all things petaining to Rotary ac- Howard Pickard; Coat Race-lys tivities. Robinson, Merrell Feygusoxi; Bal- Previaus to this presentatiali the ance Race-Vivian Mar'tin, Marion new president was installed into o!- Pickand: Clothes Pin Race-Marlon fice by his predecessor. Presîdent Pickand; Peanut Race-Mrs. Chas. Devitt lu a f ew brie! remarks ex- Taylor. Mildred Avery; Oldest Lady pressed his appreciatioxi o! the lian- -Mns. Nicholson; Oldest Man-Ab' or acconded hlm in his election, and ram Beacock; Youngest Baby-Bet- spoke o! the work accomplished by ty Knapp; One coming greatest dis- the netiing dinectorate. He said it tance-Mi'5. Wyton, Douglas. Man.; looked as if it would be another hard Langest !amily on gounds-Mr. anc year. but he was au optimist and Mrs. John Avery; Beau Guessing gave the membens encouragement Contest-Fred Brown, Grant Fengu- by saying that the gaod Lord had son. Married men won the so!tball always provided plenty ta eat and game !romn single men by one mun. W. drink, the sun to shine. the flowers At six o'clock 135 guests sat down to bloom, and plenty o! crops, so to supper, a!ten which the president, -jwhy wonry. C. A. Beacock, called the company He then intnoduced the new offic- to onder and the treasuner's report - ers and Board o! Directons. some of Iwas nead, also a !ew o! the many wham spoke brie!ly. They are:' lettens neceived f!rom those unable President-J. C. Devitt; Vice Presi- to attend. dent-OGea. W. James;, Secretay-L. Officers ne-elected are: President W. Dippell;' Ass't. Secetary-I. G' -C. A. Beacock. 116 Glen Rose Ave., He!key; Treasuer-F. O. Mcflveen; Toronto; Treasurer-Mrs. Cecil Hill, Directos-E. H. Brown, J. C. Devitt, Nestleten: Secretay-Mrs. C. A. I. G. Hefkey, F. C. Hoan, Geo. W. Beacock. Tornto; Committee--Clf James, F. O. Mcllveefl, W. A. Shaie, fond Hyland. Geo. Housteon, Mrs. M. F. C. Vanstone; Sergt.-at-Arlfs--R: Wilson. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand, R. Stevens; Sang Leader-T. S. Hol- W. B. Fergusoli, Chas. Taylor, Mrs. gate. Albert Beacock, John Robinson and f Among visitons present were Osh- Roy Spencer. awa Rotanians Bill Gilbert, Geo. Short speeches were given b: Har, Abet Sail Je Wrd ndJames Beacock, Myrtie; George Ho.arAnt Saiel, wJoetand udHouston, Toronto; John Robinson, Col. FranChosapeltho meetgithdDunsford; Wm. Swain. Manitoba; thve drcoae the emaubeeingora-d and W. B. Ferguson, Blackstock. lt gave tnhmlsintervaouabr informa-was decided to meet at Hamptor val ou Wednesday. August. l7th. Park____________1933. Rotariani Geo. Hart, speaking at 01 the luncheon ou behal! o! the Osh- Love is but anothen namne for thai Ný awa Rotanians, expnessed the pleas- inscrutable presence by which th( une o! the company at being present soul is èonnected with humanlty.- 1'at this mast delightful meeting. and Simins. eassured the new president o! the heanty support o! the panent club in 0 aIl thein undentakings. He congrat- as outlined by the netiring presiden Ont.1 ulated the club on the splendid work 1inluau addness which is repoted elseý accomplshed lu the pat year whene lu this issue. IYQUR OWN HYDRO SHQP - I BOWMANVILLE THECNI.D .i IAS -N .---- - mzz naAnTAN T o1A'rUMAN. BOWMANVILLZ. THURSDAY. JULY l4th, 1932 PAGE THREI W. J. Bagnt Bowmanville - M IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST Travellers TWNT-FVEYERSAG FFT YAR AOCheques From The StateManl, July 17, 1907 From The Statesamn July 14, 1882 It is reported that owing to il John Sanders. horse doctor, was P v h Lhealth Miss A. E. Allin, M. A., has sent the other day to the Queen's resigned her position on the High boarcling house for a perlod of 30 School staff . days, Cobourg, for supplying whiskey a Hampton:- Miss E. Doidge had a to Indians who occasionally visit plymouth rock hen which becamne the town. broody early in May. She loaned W. R. R. -Cawker and John Foster as good as cash her to a neighbor and she hatched have recently bought some 250 fine out ten chicks; was returned, start- sheep from the farmers of this 1o- -but far safer ed te, lay again, stealing her nest, cality for the English market. The laid 22 eggs, sat again, and hatched average price was about $7 per head. out 18 chlcks. Who can beat this? A. J. Reynolds of Solina placed on Mr. Rd. Katerson and daughter, our table on Saturday the f irst new Miss M. J. Katerson, Hampton, le! t potatoes we have seen this season. Friday for Montreal where they sali- They were very large--so large in- ed by the fast steamer "Ottawa" for deed that the cook cut them in two Livrepool to spend some months vis- parts to cook them. r1 riting f riends in the Old Land and At the Sons of England picnic at visiting the Dublin Exposition. Port Perry on Dominion Day, Mr. - Wedding: Haiina-Hughes - The Geo. Fogg o! Bowmanville won the -marriage o! Miss Bertha Margaret f ollowing races, 100 yards, 200 yards, iHughes, daughter of Mr. James L. 1 mile. 3rd in hurdie race. Geo. Hughes, Inspector of Public Schools, Swif t won f irst prize for catchlng rToronto, to Mr. Robt. Wylie Hanna, the greased pig. Too swif t for theEX RIN Dtaeles sonl of Mr. John Hanna. Toronto, pig no doubt. EPRECI rvles took place Wednesday a! ternoon at Rev. E. R. Young, the new pastorbunesmnadtrit the summer home of the bride's par- o! the C. M. Church here, preached etBalmy Beach. Toronto. Rev. his inaugural sermons last Sunday. bidtere is nothing so safe, eT s. M x el o r nfo d p r o dMconvenient and econom ical T. Mxwel o Brntfod pr!omed Mr. Houlden, 2nd concession, East the ceremony. Whitby, is the owner o! a curiosity . as Travellers' Cheques- This year the Orangemen o! West in the f orm o! a sheep with two te ersn ahI i Durham celebrated the Twelfth in hind and four front legs. The extra ctrepeseat ccrrentnrate two sections, Clarke district going legs are about the length o! the cutisa urn ae Y ta Kendal, and Cartwright district front legs and nearly reach the of exchange, only yo can -to Tyrone. The procession at Ty- ground. The sheep is perfectly cs hm adi ot rone formed in the f ollowing order: heashhy nd isa14 onths old -Marshall, Capt. Farrell, Dis. Master; At the meeting o! the Board o! stolen or destroyed, the Dominion Organ & Piano Co's Band, Education, Col. Cubitt brought in money is refunded. d Nestieton Lodge No. 43, R. Dickie, the estimates for the year. The es- 9 Worshipful Master; Blackstock timates which were adopted were:Sodaaibachsfth Bn -Lodge No. 133, S. Swain, W. M.; High School teachers' salaries, $2900; ..da i bace f hsBn I Pinkerton Lodge No. 141.' R. Mor- Public School teachers' salaries,' ton, W. M.; Purple Hill Lodge No. $2475; two janitors, $350; inspec- n 399, J. E. Darcy, W. M.; Tyrone tors $75; secretary $100; examina-Th ,B n y M. stationery $51 .60; sundries $80; con- F Cad .t New officers o! Solina Division No. tingencies $35; labor $100; interestof C n d Y 40. Sons o! Temperance. are: W. P. $245; amount te be spent on build- ýe John Baker; W. A.-Miss Nora Wer- ings and frounids $300. Assets, arn- Capital & Reserves $74,155.106 Total Asseta over $750,000,000 ry; R. S.-Norman Rey'nolds; A. R. ount f rom Government and County Lt S.-Mîss Lena Taylor; F. S.R. C. grants, $1547.14; amoulit for Public Scott; Treas.-S. E. Werry; Chap.- School, $484. Total expenditures, 1,Miss Edith Vice; Con.-Wm. Spry; $8,613.0-0. A. Con.-Miss Mona Vice; I Sent.- Onrdalatheppeo!sol Bowmanville Brandih L G. Hefkey, Manage -Cecil Pascoe; P. W. P.-Mlss Hilda sections Nos. 12 and 14, Darlingten, 14 1.Westlake; Supt. o! Loyal Crusaders and No. 3, East Whitby, usually ___________________________ 1-Mrs. S. Shortridge. known as Mitchells Corners, Brad- il ley's and Maxwell's schools, united in holding a picnic at Mr. James ________________________________ ý-4 Leask's grove. I WEDDNG -1MAPLE GROVE tusyjra School report for DarlingtonS.. n Brse-JrdfflNo. 6; 60$,ý a as Captain Laura Jordan, daughter Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Lyra Freeman of Commandant and Mrs. Arthur 67, Douglas Gower 63. t Jordan, fornierly o! Montreal, was Sr. 111 te Jr. IV-Bobbie Snowden e married te Captain Leonard Bursey, 81, Charlie Wright 70, Andrew Heu- - on Wednesday, July 6th. The cere- derson 58. mony, which took place iu the Sal- Jr. III to Sr. III-Florece Evans - vation Army Ctadel, Toronto, 75, Arnolda Thrasher -2, Jean Jar- was couducted by Commandant Jor- vie 69, Irene Wright 62, Norman t dan, father o! the bride. assisted by Gower 61, Albert Bothwell 56. e- C olonel S aun ders. T he bride w as S r II t , J . I -m B e n c o r given in marriage by her mothen r.I t r.FORenieGoe -and her sister, Miss Alma Jordan, 72, Annie Thrasher 68, Walter Pol- -was bridesmald. Captain Edward ley 67, Kathleen Aldread 4.1. Broome was groomnsman. The ne- Jr. Il to Sr. I-Phyllis Trimble ception was held in the Y. P. Hall. 70, Eleanon Haynal 58.I The couple le! t on a thiree weeks' Sr. I to Jr. IIl-George Wright 66,1 o n motor trip through Notheru Ontar- Gladys Chittenden 66, Roy Bothwell' io, and on their returu will live in 63, Lillian Snowden 50. Toronto, where he is attached to the Sr. Pr. te Jr. I-Marion Foley 84, Capt. Bursey's many f nlends in Dorothy Sriowden 62, Billie Tonkinan l Bowmanville extend congratulations 45. and wish hlm and his bride' a very Jr. Pr. te, Sr. Pr.-Donald Heuder- The sunshine' vitamin that is contained in Glen happy mannied 11e. sou. Norman Tabbs. Resrccem iki h elhvtmnta Bowmanville Salvatlonists and Pr. A te Jr. Pr.-Donald Samis,Ras chremmuIsteeatvtinnUa friends were well represented at the Lorraine Gower, Pearl Collacutt,j gives energy to young and old. Tri Glen Rae 1(11k wedding carryiug te the voung Lloyd Tonkin, Stewart Jarvie. tomorrow. Just cail and ask to have it delivered. couple the best wlshes o! thein many Figures stand for per cent. You will like it. Phone 408, admirers; also a g!! t o! roses f rom B. E., S.uch, teacher. The Rosary. Protect the chlld from the rav- ways quick, alwscrtan topsG L N R A Ai ages o! worms by using Mothen bleeding instantly. Cautenizes Graves' Worm Exterminator. It Is a wounds and prevents blood poison- R. R.STVENS & SON, BOWMANVILL standard remedY, and years o! use ing. Splendid for muscular rheum- have enhanced its reputation. atism.