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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1932, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JULY 14th, 1932 F SALEM Miss Ruby Lane. Provîclenc( been visiting her sister, Mrs. Richards. Lttle Miss Margaret Foster has been visiting her aunt, M~ Tamblyn, Woodbridge, ret, home last week. A fair attend.ance braved th clemency of the weather at church hour on Sunday after Rev. A. M. Wootton occupied pulpit and also acted as pian the absence of the regular pia Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, have been spending the wintel spring with their daughter, M: M. Carruthers, have gone to relatives in Coiborne, motoring with their son who came u: them on Friday. Word has been received of saf e arrivai at Boston Creel Master Douglas Pollard who been with his grandparents. Mr Mrs. C. Pollard, and going toE school for the past six months, who returned home to spenc vacation with his parents anc ters. He travelied the long joi unaccompanied-quite a long for so Young a traveller. Mr. F. Honey sustamneci qui serious shock from lightning onc last week when an electricals passed over this section: a bo' lightning striking the lightning on the driving shed and followir the ground which was in close p imity to where Mr. Honey was w ing, giving him quite a shock ieaving him in a very stunned dazed condition for some time. There occurred on Friday las Brantford the death of Mrs. A] J. Harburn. after a lingering ill extending over some years. funeral took place at Stratfor< Monday. Mrs. Harburn was for ly Miss Ethel Collacott, daughte Mr. R. H. Collacott. Deepest pathy is extended from the ne borhood to her father andi brot and sisters, al of whom werei dents of the community in the r and her father and one brother residing here. I HAMPTON Miss Elinor Sylces is vis: friends in Rochester, N. Y. Misses Sadie and Laura Vir Toronto, spent the weekend at home of Mr. J. L. Johns. Mrs. J. Clatworthy and Miss F Clatworthy have returned f ror week's visit with friends at Came Mr. John Ellioti, now of Lind, called on Mr. Sulas Williams rec. iy after an absence of 53 years. Ellioti was an old schoolmate of Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Colan Stephens f amily. Sault Ste Marie. Michig Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stephens babe, Oshawa, visited with Mrs. Stephens. Mrs. Huiburt and Mrs. Wî Owen Sound, have been guests Mrs. Jno. Colwill Jr.. and havei ited with old friends in the vil] during their stay here. Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. RusE confined t0 Toronto Generai Ho: tai owing to a fractured hip rece ed f rom a fait on a hardware fli whle she was visiting with f riei in Toronto. The sympathy of the commun is extended to the family of the li Mrs. Thomas Pascoe who died Iý week. She had reached the age ninety-one and enjoyed her usi good health until shortly before 1 death. Visitors at Mrs. Ida Smales' w( her sister f rom Toronto; Mr. a Mrs. Wallace, Coîborne; Mr. a Mrs. Oba McBride andi family, C bourg; and Mr. and Mrs. Kimbei and family, Toronto. celebrati three of the Parties birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. John Allun ands Ailfred, Miss Annie Aluin, Miss El Allin, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caver Mrs. J. Albert Cole and son Dons Bowmanville. Misses Constance a] Lois Wright, Preston, were rece guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souc Mr. Warren and Miss Grace Wa ren. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Joi Crispin and son Eddie. Winds( were recent guests of Mr. and Mi Kenneth Caverly. Mr. Caverly r turned with Mr. Crispin and w spend a couple of weeks in Winds and Detroit. The Induction Service on Tuesd, evening week, when otîr pastor, Re Walter Rackham. was inducted in the work of this circuit. was weil a tencled and proved a very helpf and înteresting meeting. Rev. Thc Wallace, Newtonville. took chargei the meeting. and Rev.. W. j.1 SmYth. Orono. preached the indu, tion sermon. and Rev. Thorniey( Oshawa spoke words of encouirag jCol. The lion. T. L. Kennedy, JMinister of Agriculture. IE. A. Summers,j j Agricultural Representative. - houghtful, of the many ci!lculties wiha new pastor will have to face SLN when coming among strangers. can SO IN 0e f great help, nol only in getiing 1___________1_____ Sacquainted, but in building up aî ýe has loyal congregation that will be an Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mackenzie, Col- LloydI inspiration to ils pastor. At the close umbus, visited at Mr. J. T. Rund.le's, o0f the service ail were invited 10 the M.adMs rcPacCae r.who spacious shed where the ladies of M.adMs rePacCae S the circuit served lunch and the mont, visited at Mr. Harold Pascoe's urned pastor introduced his wife and lhree adM.Ca.Sihs children,, Douglas, Reggie and Edith, A goodly number f rom here at- ~ei-and a happy time was spent in soc- tended Columbus anniversary on hei-ial chit chat. The singing o! the Sunday and visited friends. Ithe National Anihem ciosed the meet- Several f rom here attended the monOf. ing. funeral of the late Thos. Spry in isthe Horn's Store has just received two Bowmanville on Sunday afternoon. iist.i new uines of ladies' house dresses Our sympathy is extended t0 the ans.which are best values obtainable family of the late Mrs. Thos. Pascoe, 1who anywhere we believe-Linene in Hampton, who passed away on Wçd- ýr and fancy trims at 89c; Fancy prints inl nesday. Severai f rom here attended Ers. C. assorted designs at 75c. 28-1 the funeral on Friday aflernoon. visit down There was a goodly altendance at [p f or the church services Sunday morn- jing. Mrs. Roy Langmaid was in if the CADMUS charge of the missionary programn. o! __________________IOur pastor, Rev. Rackham, gavea ýko very interesting talk and a quartet )has rand Mr. Lloyd Thompson spent Sun- of Misses Evelyn Tink, Fanny Smaie, Salem day in Brooklin. Ileen Balson and Jessie Yeliowlees s, nd r. ndMrs W.D. eruso spntfavored with a selection at the d e Matr. and Mrs.W. D. Ferguston senchurch service. Our pastor preach- d thesa- ra vnn i lcsok ed an excellent sermon and Miss I55 Ser-vice was held Sunday morning Lena Taylor sang a solo. "The Nine- .irriey with Mr. Williams takîng Rev. Mr. ty and Nine" which was much en- trip Newell's work. jyd Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and jyd te a Sydney spent Sunday with friends e day in Newtonville. tormi Choir practice was held ai the T R N it of home 0f Mrs. Edgar Gîbson last jY ON grod Thursday evening. 1 ng t0 Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Sydney, --<Î prox- Mrs. Everard Sanderson and family Chitrch service next Sunday at ,vork- spent Satuirday in Lindsay. 10.30 a. mi. and Miss Helen Sanderson is vîsiiing Miss L. Penfound, Toronto, is vis- and her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. iting ai Mr. Abert Hawkey's. Smith Ferguson, Bowmanville. Mi. Mackenzie, Toronto, visited st aI Miss Bîrdie Gibson spent a few hîs sister, Mrs. Wiliis Stewart. lberi days last week with heir grandpar- Miss Dorothy Walker, Meaford, mess ents. Mr. ancd Mîs. C. H. Fallîs. recencly visited ai Mrs. J. Storie's. The Quite a number fîom here attend- Miss Ola Findley, Thornhill, is d on ed the Orange service which was holidaying wiih Mrs. Donald Davey. ýmer- helti in Enniskiilen last Sunday ev- Mr. Wm. Hambly, Guelph, receni- er Of ening. iy visited his sister, Mrs. Laura Vir- îym- Next Sunday evening Dr. Bowles tue. igh- is holding a service in Caesarea Mrs. Laura Virtue spent Sunday hers church which has been newly decor- with her daughter, Miss Elva Virtue, resi- ated. Cadmus choir is t0 supply the Town. past, music. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, town, sti11 A number from here attended the visited ai Mr. J. H. Mution's on funeral o! the late Mrs. Thomas SundaY. McKee which was held last Mon- Miss Viola Shortt spent Sunday Sday. Interment took place in Prince with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Aliet cemetery. En! ield. A gioom was cast over this coin- Mrs. Russell Best and daughter, muiy on Saturday when word was Orono, visited at Mr. Abert His', r. eceived of three sudden deaths, for- recently. mer residenis of these parts, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, Bow- iting Thomas McKee was kiiled in front manville, recently visited at Mr. A. of her home on the Manchester Hawkey's. rtue, highway. the drowning of Mr. Jos- Miss Adelaide Annis entertained the eph Stewart o! Saskatchewan. and her Sunday school class at her home Mr. W. H. Fallis who died o! heartI last week. tuby failure. The sympathy o! this comn- Mr. J. C. Alidread visited his un- .n a munity is extendedti 1 the bereaved cie. Mr. T. Tennant, Orillia, who is ron. ones. aiso 10 Mr. and Mis. George confined 10 his bed. say. Johnston who burieti their infant Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Arthur and ont- son last Thursday. Beverley, Toronto, are visiiing her Mr.sister, Mrs. RobI. Burgess. Mr. ______________ Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley and fam- and 1lY. Thornhill, visited her father, Mr. gand ORflM( dward Virlue, on Sunday. an. Miss Ola James, Plevna, and Miss G. ________________ Freda Schonauer, Ardoch. were hol- iday visitoîs o! Miss Viola Shorît. Frons The News, July 7th.) Mrs. Jess. Salsbury and daughters ard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Besi vîsited Katherine and Betty, Chicago, vis- Of Mr. Cecil Glass. ited with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Vir- vis- Mr. Mark Langford, Lake o! Bays, tue.t .age Muskoka, visited Mrs. John Beal. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks and fam- * Mrs. Inez Travelie Quinn, Toron- ily. St. Catharines, have been vîsit- 10ist, visited hen sisier-în-law, Mrs. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. iIPi- Travelle. Brooks. eiv- Tamblyn Family Picnic wili be Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid loor helti aI Hampton Park Saturday, wili meet aI the home o! Mrs. W. F. ýnds July 23rd. 1 Park on Wednesday, July 2th, at Mrs. J. C. Gamey and daughter, 2.30 p. m. Roll cal 10 be answeredà lily Miss Glen, are on a motor trip 10 by recipes for whoiesome summer late Ottawa and Quebec. beverages. A paper by Mrs. Abert last Orono Ceniennial Basebaîl Tour- Clemens "Our Talents and what 0!o nament and Field Day will be held shall we do with them." Group ual on Saturday, July 23rd. leader. Mrs. R. Davey. her Misses Gladys Cobbledick and Mission Band heid ils picnic at Greta Davey are takîng an Art the home of Mrs. A. W. Annis on A ,ere course at Summer School, Toronto. her beauliful lawn. Games were S .nd Mr. John W. Berry had his le! t playeti andi a pleasanl a! lernoon o! si .nti arm broken Thursday morning whiie sport was enjoyed by the children. b Co- driving a cow leashed f rom a rope. A splendid picnic supper was served fi nry Mrs. J. A. Honeywell is Mi. Mrs. by Mrs. A. W. Clemens andi Mrs. A. a :ng Glendenning, Newcastle, and Miss W. Annis. A hearty vote of thanks c: Ponieney. Toronto, are waiiing on was moved t0 the hostess. Mrs. A. si on her. W. Annis.t se Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs, W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. w ly,1 Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a A. W. Clemens on Thursday, JuIy sE Id. couple o! weeks ai Mr. John Thomp- 7th. Devotional period and business tc tnd son's., ession were conducted by the presi- C nt Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Tucker and tient, Mrs. Clemens. Mrs. Dudley's hi ch. family o! four chîldien, o! Punni- group gave the following program: o1 r- chy, Sask., are spending a week at Extracts f rom the Missionary P( ihn the old home here. Monthly were read by Mrs. Dudley hý ýor, Misses Thelma and Shirley Myles on 'Peace anti Missions": Mrs. S. pE Irs. returneti home Friday f rom an en-1 Hoar gave Ihe final chapter o! the ar e- joYable visît in Hamilton, Miss Ed- stutiy book on "The New Day in a 'iii ns remnainlng for a longer visit. i Korea." which proveti o! greal in- Yi or S Mr. John J. Thornton. o! Manor. terest: Mrs. A. W. Annis gave a pi Ssk., who came easî owing 10 the reading "Kingdom o! Heaven Kind- gi lay critîcal illness o! hîs father, the laie 1 ness": after which the closing hymn ta eV. C. J. Thornton. is remainîng for a was siing. Members xere invitedti 10 10O few tiays. the dining room where the hostess Ms it- Miss Margaret Dickson is filling serveci afternoon tea aRIl a social Io,0 ful a Position in the Civic Service De- haîf hour was spent. T, Os. Pdrtnit, Parliament Buildings, To- --------s--IP. Of ronto. during portion of her suni- 1_________ I- ner vacation. IJ' c- Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Foster and coURiC o! sýon. andi Mr. anti Mrs. Rennie Fos- C U TC P- t-r-AcIl-,,u-"tes- Misse Myes,, IuSuIcu'II festival bodies, ait socueties îna the weathei being dis- heîj un smnall centres,; 1hroughoîîî the Pro- aguc(eabl, ihe atednea he fui VInce. Mis. H. W. Haynes, B. A.. o! ser-vices \vas flot as large astîsual. in, Edmnonton. daiýghleu. ofRev%, ]I h veigoî~pstrcniut lia Strligformerly o! Oronio. his, series o! sermons on "Home anti h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e t l a s s e c r e a r y o ! f M a î r i a g e . " t a k i n g f o r h i s s u b j e ctt Tui e s t .l ' d h e i v r d a s l n i e m n o c his important extension woik o!f The right kinti o! a wife 10 choose" atiti V'ouil a1 do thousantis o! grate- utsers. there would be a package 70ui homne to-nlght. Tiy il. e Statesman will be sent 10 any ress in Canada ho enti of 1932 $1.00. We wene also favoieti with a seiec- tion by the maie quartette o! King Street Church, Oshawa, Messrs. Tre- neer, Haie, Walter anti Staples, anti aý double quartette by the maIe quartette anti a quartette o! young ladies !romn King Street, Misses Beinice Weîny, Ruth Cook, Beulah Walker anti Mis. Malcolm. King Street choir leader, Mi. Richer, was also present anti led them. The singing was much enjoyeti anti we shah be pleasedti 10welcome them again at any time. An interesting meeting o! the Ladies' Benean Class was helti in the home o! Mis. R. E. Osborne, Bow- manville, on Thursday aflernoon with an attentiance o! Iwenly-!ive. The devotional part o! the meeting was led by Rev. J. H. Oke. Toronto, who openeti the meeting wilh a hymn anti prayer. Mr. Oke then gave a most helpful bible lesson !rom Paul's letton 10 the Ephesians, closing the tievotional with a hymn. The minutes were reati andti he fol- lowing program presenteti: Mis. Russel Gay, a îeatiing "'Myself": Iitîle Louise Pearce playeti a piano solo very sweetly; Miss Louise Cour- lice gave a reading, "Legenti o! the Valley o! Qu'Appelle"; a vocal duel was nicely sung by litIle Misses Muriel Foundi anti Lucitie Wade; Mis. Ross Pearce favoreti in her us- ual pleasant way wiih a reading '-His Example." The business part o! the meeting followeti wilh Ineas- urei's repont. It was decidedti 1 have a roast fowl supper in September. Af 1er the meeting Mis. Brown's group serveti bountiful refieshments anti every one hati a goodti ime. Mis. Osborne anti Miss Louise wene mosl g-racious hostesses. MAPLE GROVE 1 Miss Neilie Snowden, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Mona Kemp. Toronto, is vis- iting her cousin, Miss Eniti Twist. Miss Helen Melcalf is visiting her cousins, Mi. anti Mis. Cyril Luke, Oshawa. Mis. Hamilton anti little son, Town, spent a few days last week wilh her sisten, Mis. H. Wright. Misses Nellie Ritiehalgh anti Beat- rice Pinden. Toronto. visileti with MVrs. L. Twist on Tuesday aflennoon. Several girls f nom here attentiet the canning demonstralion at Miss Veia Kerslake's, Hampton, on Wed- nesday. Miss Vera Baker. Mi. anti Mis. Will Baker, Miss Louise anti Master John Baker, Solina. visiteti with Mi. and Mis. L. C. Snowtien on Sunday. Mis. Waller Foley, Mr. Howard Foley, Misses Florence anti Louise i'oley. spent Sunday with the !oîm- irs tiaughteî. Mis. Mark Blackburn. Oiono. Mis. H. Peikins, Moorefielti, Mi. R. L. Penkins, New Liskeard. spent the weekend with the !oimei's mo- ther. Mis. J. B. Worden, anti oiher elatives. Mn. anti Mns. Leslie Collacuti at- tendeti the funeral on Mýonday o! his ister. Mis. Haîbuin, Brantfortd. The sympathy o! this communiîyr is ex- tendedti 10Mn. anti Mns. Collacutt in i thein bereavement. - FORMER SOUTH DARLINGTON GIRL CELEBRATES SIL VER WEDDING AT SELBY Ur. and Mrs. A. F. McKnight Pre- sented With Variety of ]Fine <iifls f0 Mark Happy Occamson The spacious home o! Mn. anti Ens. A. F. McKnight, Selby, was on "aturtiay night, June 251h, 1932, the cene o! a happy event, when neigh- îirs anti fiientis, including those om Napanee, Enterprîse, Belleville nd Smith Falls, 10 the numben o! ne hundreti anti thirty, met as a urprise on the occasion o! the wenty-fi!lh anniversary o! thein idting day. Congnatulatory mes- ges were sent fîom fiientis unable :be present from Toronto, Whitby, uhawa anti Bowmanville. The ouse throughout was profusely dec- rateti with roses, neti anti white onies sent in by frientis. Allen ail ad arîveti Rev. H. W. Foley, thein stor. calleti the fnientis 10 orden .ti aIll oineti in singing, -There's Long, Long Trait" anti-Pack up Oui Troubles." Aller which ho roposeti a toast to the bride anti o. Mr. McKnight. although toen by surprise, nespondeti in a vw well chosen words on bohaîf 0f îs. McKnight and himself. Fol- wîng this Rev. Foley. Messrs. J. te. J. C. Huitgin, V. Boothe anti Mot tiîank t0 health o! the hap- 7couple. Speeches !ollowed by rs Tate. Selby, Mis. Lake. Moi-on, i Mis. Mot, elocutionisi o! Belle- le. gave several humorous selec- awa, returneti home to Oshawa Sun- cause anti restore them to soundness. Il Week-End sP..ECIALS TENDER, TASTY SPRING LAM LOINS - -lb. 2oFRONTS lb. 113e IST QUALITY GUARANTEED A & P BEEF YOUE OHOICE ROUND BONE BE F Shouldier or lb. l10 STEAK OR ROAST FRESH BOILING BEEF SIRLOIN lM. 24o DRISKET il». 7c 25b. BACK-BONELESS PEAMEALED BACON 113. 200olc DELICA TSE COMBINATION OFFIER I Lb CORNED BEEF and 1 Sl.POTATO SALAD l b. 18S - or2«) WHITEFISH Freuh Caught 2 'bu- 25 «EA HERRING Frea lb. 9 BUTTER OF THE BETTER SORT-OUR OWN SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER. 18i SUNNYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY .......... LB. 20e S~~~FN !IJGAULATEnoI~, 10 Ibo 4 KELLOGGS,>. CORN FLAKCES .3 Pkgs. 23 CHRISTIE'S Asoýtet I. Pkg. 27c SOAP CHIPS lin Bulk 4 Ibn. 25ý A &PP COFFRE SAL£EPFUItS andi Vegetable& R O1KAR ('.LlFOîîNIA VALENCIA Flavorful. 3 elRA.E RIED CIRCLE MSiedjnDoz. 290 A Blend of the World's iet(ofeq b. * i LARGE SIZE CHOICE FRUII 8 O'CLOCIK CANTALOUPIE World's Largest Selling Pack- age Coffe Ilfghest Qualtv lb. 2,6e2 £o - .- 230 BEST PRICES PAID TO PRODU('ERS FOR EGGs. SEE OU'R STORE MANAGER. -I.E Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83. Bowmanville. PAGE FOUR MI Ddyevening a! er having spent a J EN ISKILENweeks holiday amnong frientis. I N IKLE Miss Aileen Mountjoy, Miss Mai- ion Argue. Cartwrig t sp n th iveekend with Miss Clara Page. Oui new road was cerlainiy matie Ms .H ru n ee.B gooti use o! on July l2th. Mrs W. . rie nan ti een ow-r M . anti M s. Bugm astenr ret in- m anivill. w r u ta u ss o i eti home on Saturday from Buffalo. and Ms. T. M. Slemof. Miss Argue Ms. Marshall o! Montana is vis-asssteti the choir Suntay evening. iting Mis. Edith Ormiston anti Mr. Monthly meeting of the Ladies' Wm. Riggs. Aid was helti at the home o! the Mis. Wm. Oke spent a few days presitient. Mis. J. Shackelion, on wiih her daughter, Mis. Frank Spry. Tuesday, July 5ih. when the En! ield Long Sault. ladies were enlerîsineti. After the Miss Doris Griffin, Toronto. is opening exercisos Mis. Shackelton holidaying with her mother, Mis. calleti on the Enfielti president, Mis. Wm. Gniflin. A. Prescoti. io take charge anti a Mis. W. Lamb anti Mis. Fred Ellis real inieiesting program was given. visiteti the lalier's sisler in Cobourg A duel was niceIy sung by Misses on Thuîsday. Bessie anti Helen Pasc0oe recitation, Masiers Allan anti Donald Fergu- Elaine Ormiston: piano solo, Miss son are holidaying with their grand- Ida McCullough; a short play was parents at Uxbridge. given by the membeis o! the Aid; Mi. John Orchard's horse dr~op- vocal solo by Mis. Jas. Pari; a gooti peti dead while cutting hay in Mi. tempenance paper was given by Mis. Reid's fielti on Montiay. A. Prescott. A musical contest was Oui boys playeti Courlico Montiay enjoyeti at the close. Lunch was evening at Courtice which resulteti serveti anti ail hati a very profitable in 2-0 in favor o! Courtice. a! ternoon. 35 ladies wer present. Mr. anti Mis. Frank Stinson. Blackstock, Miss Marion Heron. Long Branch, visiteti Mis. J. H. Most infants aie infesteti byý Freeboîn. %voîms %vhich cause great sufferiiig. Mr. Frank Page. Toionto, Mrs. anti if not promptly tiesît with may Cecil Branton anti Mus. E. Runtile. cause constitutional weaknesses dif- Oshawa. anti Mis. S. Page. Enfielti. fîcult b iremetiy. Mille's Worm visiteti Mrs. F. Page. Potieis will clear the stomach anti Mn. H. Johnson. Toronto. vi.siteti boweis o! wormis anti will 50 aci up- Mis. J. Pye on Suntiay. Mis. John-1 on the systemin hat there will be no son returneti home with hini after1 recurience of the trouble.' Anti fot spentilng a week here. i onlv this. but they will repair the Mn. anti Mis. C. A. Stainton, Osh- injuries to the organshawom 'I A Garden 0f Happineàm wiIl f ollow caref ni planning and planting. Sturdy weIl rooted plants are necessary. KINGSWAY BRAND measures Up to every garden reqirement. Visit our Nurseries and make your selection now. We iII gladly help you plan. Kings way Nurseries Phone: office anti Flower Shop 72 Nurseries - - 144 Night - - 726 i m 1

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