LOCAL & PERSONALj Mr. Jack Hutton. Trenton, recent- ly visited friends here. Mr. and ers. E. J. Wood and family havekeen holidaying at Jan- etville. Electro Therapeutics Treatmnents FOR ALL AILMENTS Robert Colville DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER Liberty St. Phone 538 Bowmanvllle Reduced Prices Our policy has always been to Reduce Prices wherever possible. A CONCRETE EXAMPLE Palmolive Soap - 3 cakes for 15c accoml)afied with coupon Coupons are mailed direct to you. OTHER BARGAINS Colgate's Tooth Paste - 25e25 Cashmere Bouquet Soap - 10e One Blacle - 10e New, Gillette Razor - 50c 35e Palmolive Shaving Cream - 35e Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste - 50ec Q Klenzo Tooth Brush - 25ce 39c Jasmine Face Powder - $1.00 Jasmine Cream - 50Oc.0 A complete line of pienie, week-end, and holiday supplies. Our Photo Finishing and Enlarging the best in the Dominion. JURY Phone 78 & LOVELL We Deliver Misses Geraldine and Mildred Coulter are holidaying with thei grandparents at Brighton. Miss Bertha Doncaster, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. F. H. Morris. Elgin Street, and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Howard anc family, Smith Falls, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Mrs. Fred Roblin and Miss Iren< Roblin. Hamilton. are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. T. H. Knight. Miss Ada Wighit of the' teaching staff, Edmonton, Alta., is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight, Carlisle Ave. Master William James le! t Sat. urday for a three weeks' holiday ai Charlie Plewman's Kilcoo Boys' Camp on Quil Lake, near Minden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Challis and Miss Mabel Challis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Challis. Orono, recently visited Mr. T. C. Osborne, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and Mr. Garfield Brimacombe, Tor- onto, spent Sunday with the f orm- er's sisters. the Misses Brimacombe. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. LaBelle and daughter Miss L. C. LaBelle, Ed- monton, Alberta. are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O. La- Belle. Beech Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy and Betty, Miss Agnes Haddy, Toronto, and Miss Lena Priestman, Montreal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Had- dy over the weekend. John T. Thompson. Port Hope, died Sunday afternoon from a stroke. He was 65 years o! age and was employed by the Hydro. He leaves a wife and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey re- turned last week f romn an enjoyable trip to Gaspe. Mrs. Southey and Sally and Jinuny are now holiday- ing among the Thousand Islands. Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club is holding its Annual Tournament on Civic Holiday, Monday. August lst. About forty rinks are to at- tend. Bowling commences at 10 ar. The Canadian Legion Band will give its second open air concert o! the season at the Rotary Park on Friday, July 22nd. at 8.15 p. m. En- courage the bandsmen by being present. Mr. and Mrs. ?V. Allan Bain. Tor- onto, are holidaying with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mrs. Trewin, who bas been conval- escing wvith her daughter, returned home with them. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt and Mr. and IMrs. Chas. H. Mason repre- sented Bowmanville Rotary Club at an Executive Conference of Rotary Club Presidents and Secretaries held at the Genieral Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Monday and Tuesday o! this week. J. B. Martyn presented Front Street softball team with a !ive dol- lar cheque for their efforts at the Community Picnic. The boys ap- preciate this present f rom one o! the business mnen who has been interest- ed in basebaîl for many yeans. The boys will purchase crests !or their new sweaters with the donation. Bowmanville's Box Lacrosse team visited Bnooklin on Thursday even- ing and was successful in defeating the northern team 6 to 5. Dick Witheridge sconed the f irst goal for Bowmanville on a penalty shot. Lit- tle sconed the next two for the vis- itons and Scotty Cameron reaped the next three. two of wbicb were on passes !rom Oke. Normn Whyte of Harmony and Hooper of Oshawa were the referees. This put Bow- manville in second place with Har- mony leading the league. Bowmanville Baikery IT'S IN THE SUPERIOR FLAVOR Flavor explains the popularity of Neilson's Ice Cream, and flavor is based upon finest ingred- ients, pure and wholesome, plus skill in making. N flson's Ice Cî'eam is a treat you won't forget. Bowmanville Bakery SHREDDED C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor Phone 97 BOWMDANVILLE ~rzzzi -~ MADE IN CANADA * BY CANADIANS ' 0F CANADIAN WHEAT KINGSWAY Floral Service Flowers for home decoration Gift and greeting flowers Flowers for the sick Weddmng fiowers Funeral designs. Ail have the Kingsway touch of distinction. Visitors to the Nurseries and Flower Shop cordially welcomned. Kings way Nu rseries SPORT SHQES WHITE SHOES SPORT SHOES Your choice while they Iast $2e.98 W.Claude Ives HOME 0F GOOD SHOES d Miss M. A. Mulligan is visiting her GOODYEAR TROUNCE ýr nephew, Mr. T. A. Reid, Newtonville. Mrs. T. H. Gothard and Mrs. Robt. FRONT STREET IN Whyte, Trenton, recently visited SCHEDULE OPENER n friends here. Miss Laverne Orchard is holiday- Fa.st Game Featured Opening of d ing witb f riends in Winnipeg and yother points in Manitoba. Second Schedule Monday Night Miss Frankie Jewell and ber cous- ein. Mrs. Pearl Rasmussen of Cleve- Front Street, champions of the eland, Miss Dorotby Varcoe and Mr. first schedule, were brought down a T. C. Jewell have been enjoying a peg on Monday night when Good- 9trip to the beautiful Muskoka lakes year defeated tbeni 17 to 9 in the g and the Georgian Bay and report a opening softball game of the second Kwonderful time while enjoying the schedule. Long bits were plentiful beautiful scenery o! these Highlands witb fielders doing plenty of work o! Ontario. and makmng many putouts. Front Our incee cngraulaionsareStreet was discred.ited witb 4 errors t Ou sicer cogratlatonsarewhile their opponents are marked extended to Thos. L. Wilson, the witb one. In spite of their large genial, persistent and indefatigable îead the Rubbermnen had seventeen advertising manager of the Oshawa bits to Front Street's tifteen. sTimes, wbo on his birthday l8st The game opened with Front Friday earned a place with the great Street on the f ield, piaying good Tand near great in golfdom by mak- bail and putting the first three ing the f irst hole-in-one at Dowls.- Goodyear batters to the bull pen in eview Golf Course. quick order. Jamieson and Bates The Executive o! Bowmanville were the first batters for the Front Music Study Club met at the home Street and were put out on a f oui of the president, Mrs. E. P. Bradt, and a grounder respectively, Jamiie- on Friday evening, July 15tb. The son hitting a popfly whicb McMur- entbusiasm witb which discussions ters took with ease. and Bates bit- o! Plans and programs for the Faîl ting the grounder to Murphy. It and Winter were entered into antic- was Hooper's privilege to be the f irst ipa tes for the Club a happy and pro- mno ae ihawl lcdht fitabe seson.Osborne and Hall followed with bits Mr. John Major, J. P., Lifton, and Hooper scored. James comn- England, Who is on a visit to Can- pleted the innings witb a littie pop- ada. called on Mr,. M. A. James and fïy. In the second frame the Good- his son. Mayor Geo. W. James, on year tied the score, witb Hobbs scor- Monday. He also visited Mr. Frank 1 ing. Osborne gleaned two strike Brimacombe. Kirby, being a neigh- outs in this stanza. Eric Colwell andj bor and friend of many relatives of Ormiston being the victims. Jack the above parties. His niece. Miss Cuiley drove a long liner to the field Harris o! Agincourt, accompanied in the last of the second and scored him. on Frank Jamieson*s hit. Jamieson Mrs. John Grigg celebrated hier was lef t on third when Hooper xvas 76th birtbday on Sunday, July 17tb. tbrown out at f irst by Hobbs. The The occasion was made very pleas- scoring began in earnest in the third ant. indeed, by the presence o! her when Hobbs pounded a home run, own immediate famiiy f rom town Goddard scoring on the hit. Not to and out o! town and other relatives be outdone. the atbletes f rom the who assembled to bonor the happy main drag counted two runs when tevent. Axnong those present were: James and Cole crossed the plate. Mrs. W. J. Ward, Mr. A. McCauiey, The fourtb opened witb Eric Coiwell Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Roger handling the bat. He swatted the Fishleigh, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. pill to iigbt field between Oke and Frank J. Grigg. Oshawa; Mrs. J. H. Bates. wbo both made tries for it. Eariy and daugbters Marion and but to no avail, the ball saiiing down Joyce. Saskatoon. Sask.; Dr. and to the fence and Eric romping an- .Mns. Basil Bowman, Miss Peggy ound the four bases uninterrupted. Ward. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Moorcraft. Ormiston and James Westaway and family and Messrs. were not s0 successfui and the inn-j Fred and Harry Grigg. Bowmanville. ings finished. Front Street at bat ___________with the top o! the batting iist. Frank Jamieson batting. He hit a UMPIRES TAKE MUCH two bagger, made third on a pass ABUS INROV RS- ball and scored when Hooper con- TEXTILES GAME a perfect strike. Hooper scored also ______in this innîngs witb Bates. Hall and Rovers Win by 18 to 6 Score After James being the three outs. Leadng Trougout ame A double play made the first o! Leaiig hrugou Gme the fiftb more interesting. Hobbsj and B. Coiwell were the victims.1 The second scheduie is telling a Hobbs received a waik and Colwell much different story than the first. hit a bahl to the out!ield where Oke On Tuesday night, the leading Tex- 'took it on the run, threw it to sec- tîl team o! iast series was defeated ond to catch Hobbs. Goddard scor- badly by Rovans Rovens, 18 to 6. ed in this innings, making the score Many arguments made the gamie 6 to 5 in Front Street's favon. Front quite drawn out and caused the umi- Street were put out quite easily in pires much abuse but did no good as the iast o! this innings, and the f ar as resuits went. migbty Goodyear came to bat once The Rovers led throughout the more. And what a bat this was. gamne, having a grand rally in the Ormiston started the slaughter and third innings when they scored sev- eveny man on the team batted and en runs. This dîsrupted the equi- Ormiston was given a second bat. librium o! the Knittens and proved Ormiston scored two runs, and their undoing. Altbougb they tnied James, Goddard, Murphy. McMur- bard to corne back thereweeo ter. Erie Colwell and Moorcraf t al runs in their stockmngs andte scored. Hobbs, Colweli and God- held on by a mere thread until the dard were the putouts for the inn- last. It looked as tbougb they need- 1ings. The barveat reaped 9 runs ed to be re-dipped because the Rov- and put the Front Street team into ers certainiy pulled the wool over a panic. Tbey filed out one, two, their eyes and this is no yarn either. tbree, in their balf. Red Hooper as-f Enougb o! this spunning, we're inl tonisbed the fans with bis activity danger o! being socked. in tbe seventh when he was impli-( The main arguments o! the game cated in engineering a smooth doub-i were when Porky Osborne swung at le play. Bert Colwell and McMur- the bail, it bitting bis bat and eitb- ter tried a double play witb Colwell er rising in the air or else hitting between third and home and Mc- Gond. Cowie and bouncing up. Any- Murter on second. Colwell a!ter way, Gond caught it and the umpire quite a bail tossing ordeal was called the batter out owing to a foui caught and just at the samne timet fiy. The knitters contended that McMurter dug for third, but thet the bail did not rice f rom Osborne's alert eye o! Hooper saw the act andE bat, but hit Cowle and rose in the the bail was thrown so that Mac1 air. The umpire did not see it tbat was caught out before be reacbed« way. Argument No. 1, wbich sounds tbird. The decision was very close perfectly logical, and ieaves the umi- and rnany -o! the fans disagreed witb pire in a tough spot. Al be can do the umpire. but it didn't do them is to caîl tbem as he sees tbem and any good so the inning closed. not be ruled by tbe crowd or anyone Halls feet were the only ones toc else. For the second argument: touch the corners o! home plate Fred Jackman connected with the during the Front Street's spasm at1 bail for what should bave been a bat. wbile Jamêès, Cole and Oke were1 home run. but tbe coacb and the not ailowed to run the bases at ail.E players crowded the third base and And now for the eighth. It was flot1 iin 50 doing touched the runner and very exciting compared witb the5 the umpire called bîm out, whicb is sixtb. at least duning the Goodyear1 according to ruies. The players and batting. Eric Colweil scored the coach claimed they did not toucb only counter with Osborne handing the runner, but that is a matter of out tbree waiks that didn't resuit int judgmient on the referee's part and any scoring. Front Street were more1 as we bave repeated 50 many times successfui this innings, sconing twot a decision aising from a matter o! runs on Batts' home non and Hoop- judgment cannot be disputed by en's bit. The score wvas now 15 to 92 anyone and he may make the play- and the last chance was at hand.t er or players disputing bis decision The Goodyear made a littie surer O! leave the game and the grounds. If the game by scoring two more runs. some o! the umipires would do this and the Front Street bowed in hum-1 l it might stop this infernal arguing. ble submission with tbnee batters Anyone desiring schedules should and three out. see Melville Dale. Rovens- Cowle, c; Rovan, p; Atu uly inyadHri Code.Ab- Wt-nige.b1Pier Arbhurn ck an, SdLneldParoerd lambin ll-,.-,..ýý -".,Wpmw MADE IN CANADA e BY CANADIANS , OF CANADIAN WHEAT