THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1932 PAGE THREH TALENTS 1 in a napkin The parable of the taleunts is familiar to everyona. The napkin in Biblical times, the I stocking of the last generation . .. and to-day, too often, the worthless «securlty." Extreme caution on the one hand, I foolhardy trustfulness on the II other . . . both are financially reprehensibie. To what is your hard-earned I money entitled ? I Absolute safety, the firet essential; and the second, a reliable, steady j Both essentiels are inherent li a savings account at any branch of TH E CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE I Capitl Paid-Up 80 Million Dollars Reserve Fund 3 0 Million Dollars 1 CuS il BOWMANVILLE BRANCH: A. J. WHALEN, MANAGER DAMP WASH 2Olbs for 75c DRY WEIGHT For a imited time we are off ering a special rate on our damp washcs of 20 lbs. for '5ts to aR customers who send in their laundry between Thursday a. m. and Fr1- day noon to be returned Saturday. AT SUCH A SMALL COST YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO WASH AT HOME. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning PHONE BOWMANVILLE 152 %.j.aunderers - We Caliland fleliver - Dry Cleaners WEDDINGS Carscadden-McRoberts A quiet wedding was solemnized on July 22nd, at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. R. J. McRoberts, Clarke, when their eldest daughten, Mary, was united in marriage with T. J. Ambrose Carscadden, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carscadden. Ken- <l. Rev. W. J. Smyth, M.A.. B.D., perfonmed the ceremony. The wed- ding music was played by Mrs. R. H. Brown. The bride, given in mar- niage by her fathen. wone a becom- ing !rock o! blue triple geongette with accessories to match. Hazel McRoberts. sisten 0f the bride. gown- ed in white georgette. acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was at- tended by his cousin, Preston Car- scadden. Following the wedding supper the happy couple le! t on a motor trip to Peterboro, Owen Sound and Woodstock. For travell- ing, the bride wore a French en- semble o! blue fiat crepe. On their return home tbey will neside on the groom's farm at Kendal. Arnott-Moore The home o! Dr. and Mrs. James Moore, Brooklin, was the scene o! a wedding o! wide intenest at six- tbinty Saturday evening, July 3th, when their eldest daugbter, Alice Margaret. was united in marriage to Dr. Harvey Chetwin Arnott, son o! Mrs. Arnott and the late Mn. John Arnott. o! Oshawa. The bride, who was given in marriage by ber fatb- er, wore a wedding gown of .wite charmeuse satin, fasbioned on pin- cess lines. with a tulle veil and crown o! orange blossoms. She car- ried a sbower o! butterfly roses, or- chids and valley hules. The brides- maid, Miss Evelyn Moore, sister of the bride, wore a pale blue point d'esprit gown and carried Columbia roses and baby's breath. Little Miss Mary Chester, daugbter o! Mn. and Mns. F. Chester, o! Oshawa, and niece o! the groom. was a dainty flowen girl in a pink ongandy f rock witb poke bonnet to match. She carried an old-fashioned nosegay o! flowers. Mn. Allin Grant of Niagara Falls, Ontario, was best man.Th wedding music was played by Miss Ida Arnott, sister of the groom, and the cenemony whlch took place in the presence o! about tblrty guests. was penformed by Rev. C. P. Muir- head 0f Willowdale. Mrs. Ralpb White o! Newxnanket sang "Be- cause" duing the signing o! the register. Af ter a neception at which Dr. and Mrs. Moore, parents o! the bride. and Mrs. Annott. mother o! the groom, neceived with the bidal Party, Dr. and Mrs. Arnott le! t on their wedding trip. The bride wore ber travelling costume o! French blue wool tweed suit with grey ac- cessonies. They wlll make thein home in Oshawa on their return. The Ou o! Powe-It is not dlaim- ed for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul that it will remedy eveny ill, but its uses are so various that it may bel looked upon as a general painkill- er. It bas achieved that greatn'ess for itsel! and its excellence is known. to aIl wbo bave tested its virtues and leanned by experience. FLOCAL & PERSONAL Mrs. Wm. Quick, Toronto, was re- cent guest of Mrs. John F. Home. Miss Margaret Rowland spent the weekend with frlends in Peterboro. Miss Edith Peardon spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Ross, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and Joan, Toronto, are visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Mrs. E. M. Osborne. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. W. H. Osborne and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Casborn and Mr. and Mrs. Lawry Cryderman spent the weekend with friends in Mon- treal. Que. Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Lumb and family, Bancroft, were recent guests of bis uncle and aunt, Mr. John and Miss Lumb, Liberty St. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone, Miss Dingman and Miss Margaret Warren visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brust, Rochester, N. Y., on Civic Holiday. Miss A. Mountjoy. Associate Supt. Victor Home, Toronto, and Miss Ida Wickett, Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. J. E. Elliott and attended the Mountjoy picnic.. Miss Mamie Todd, Winnipeg, Miss Lillie Todd. Strathroy, Mr. Jack Todd, London, Miss Isabel Brad- shaw. Toronto, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MeDonald and son. Mr. Archie McDonald. have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. R. McLeod. at Woodstock, and attending the Malcolmn Family Pic- nlic. Mr. Bud Pethick and Mr. John Stark, Woodstock, Mr. John Mc- Naughton, Thorold, Miss Ruth Hughes and Miss Ina Pethlck, Tor- onto. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick. Major Ferguson C. Washington and Mr. Ian McKenzie. Weyburn, Sask., called on the former's aunt, Mrs. W. C. Washington, on Sunday. They represented the Saskatchewan team at the Dominion Rifle Matches at Ottawa. Mr. S. E. Keats, Sleeping Car Conductor, Canadian National Rail- ways, with Mrs. Keats, Toronto, have gone on an extended trip through the Western Prairies, stop- ping at Winnipeg where they spent 17 years, calling on old friends, and on to Vancouver. The engagement is announced of Beatrice Elizabeth Souch, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Fred- erick L. Souch, Orono, Ont.. to Roy La Rue Powers, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Powers, Kirby, Ont.. the marriage to take place cjuietly in August. The Women's Association of Trinity Church will hold a picnic on Tuesday, August 9th, at Cream of Barley Camp. Bus will leave the bus station at 3 o'clock for the ac- commodation of ail wishing trans- portation. AlI Circle members are cordially invited to attend. Bring along the dishes you will require in your basket. NEWS FOR THE"WUSY FARMERS Clover Seed Prospects G. S. Peart, Chie! of the Markets Division, Dominion Seed Branch, bas just returned f rom a trip through some of the principal alsike and red clover producing districts in Ontario and reports that seed production prospects for these two crops appear poor. Generally speaking red clover did not winter well owing to insufficient snow cover and meadows with really good stands are not numerous. This prospect of a short red dlo- ver seed crop, taken in conjunction with the relatively small amount of the 1931 crop carried over, may mean a strong domestie demand for Canadian grown red clover seed for sowing next spring, and those far- mers wbo are fortunate in baving good stands on f ields reasonably f ree from weeds should leave the second cut for seed rather than use it for pasture. As for alsike, the consensus of opinion is that the total acreage in Ontario this year is about forty per cent less than last year so that un- less the yield per acre is heavy there will likely be much less alsike threshed than evçn last year. when the total yield was much below nor- mal. Mnlsteres Report The report of the Minister of Ag- riculture for the year 1931 bas been insued. IL starts with a foreword by the Minister in which he reviews the outstanding accomplisbments of that year in an agricultural way. These include the creation of the Ontario Marketing Board in May, 1931. ural College. MacDonald Institute. the Ontario Veterlnary College and the Kemptville Agicultural Scbool. Attendance of students at these in- stitutions bas surpassed all prevlous records. Anyone lnterested ln any particulan branch of the Depant- ment's work can secure a copy of this report upon application. THREE BIG DAYS MESH PANTIES 29c Each Here's Your Chance to Save These Women's and Misses' Rayon Mesh Panties are the right undies for warm weather comfort.' They are wel-made of good quality rayon knit mesh, in three styles-lace-trimmed, tailored or fagot edge. In very pleaslng colons of white, pink, and flesh; sinall, medium and large sizes. Just note our pice ! DUR- INO THREE BIG DAYS, each.-A, BOYS' and YOUTHS' BRACES These Braces wiil stand Iota of hard service - Low Prlced A f ull 27-inch Brace, fancy col- ored webbing, with solid leather trlrnmings and ends. The boys will be well satisfied with these and our 10w price means a *worth while saving for the household. DURIING THREE BIG i DAYS, per pair ..... 1 ART SILK ELASTIC A Great Saving - 6 Yards 10e You are always needing '/4-inch White Artsilk Bloomer Elastie, here's your chance to secure a good quality at'a savlng. Fine cord, bright silky finish. Snappy new elastic, f ull of stretch. 6 yards to piece, at about half- pnîce. DURING THREE BIG DAYS. O 6 Yards f or .. o HEAVY RUBBER MATS Heavy Rubber Mats, chocolate brown colon, size about 18 x 31 inches; very pliable, with em- bossed designs; useful for kitchen, bathroom, automobile, and for covering worn spots. Secure sev- eral of these at our saving price. DURING THREE39 BIG DAYS. each . 39 LINEN TOWELLING Pure Linen Towelling 0f heavy Scotch weave, about 16 mebhes wide, wlth colored borders in pas- tel shades. A real good quality Towelling for every day use. This is an extra good value at the regular price of 19c. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, i5 per yard..15 CHINESE PILLOW SLIPS of Very Lovely Quality Chinese Pillow Cases, beautiful- ly hand-embroidered cutwork de- signs with filet lace edging; size 22 x 36 inches; several new at- tractive designs from which to choose; a very outstanding value. DURING THRZEE BIG $1.59 DAYS, per pair.... NEW NECKLETS 9c JEach Corne Early for First Choce ! An entirely new assortment 0f smiart Bead Neeklets in summer pastel colorings; also cut glass in clear and in fancy colors. Ail witb patent snap or screw fastenérs. Our share of a distressa purchase. Only through close co-, operation with a leadlng maker are we able to offer sucb ex- treme value! See these on display. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, each NEW CURTAINS "Dress-Up" Your Windows! Attractive New Curtains, very carefully made of good quality White Marquisette, 27 inches wide by 2V'/,yards long, with col- ored spots or figures in blue, rose, gold, mauve, green, etc., with tie- backs to match. Curtains of this quality usually offered at $1.35. A value you really carmot afford to miss. DURING 3 BIG l DAYS, per pair ..... 5 5 ARTICLES 15c Total Regular Value 27Vc Tis assortment of useful No- tions contains: One White Bob- bie Comb. 43/ inches long; one card of 12 Bobbie Pins; one box o! jet invisible Hair Pins; one package of gold-eyed Needies, and one card o! 12 assorted Saf - ety Pins. Your opportunity DUR- ING THREE BIG DAYS. LINEN FACE TOWELS Attractive Pure Irish Linen Crash Face ToWels, 16 x 27 inch- es. with woven pastel colored da- mask borders of Pink, blue, gold and green, with 1-inch hemstltch- ed hem; regular 25e value. DUR- ING THREE BIG i7 DAYS, each ...... 7 BATH TOWELS White Turkish Bath Towel. 20 x 40 inches. combination colored stnipes, green-gold, rose-gold. rose-blue. blue-gold. etc. DUR- INO THREE BIG29 DAYS, each ....... 9 A GOOD SOAP Secure your supply durmng Three Big Days .Here is a speclal value that has stood the test. Soap contamning the same hlgh quality matenlals you expect to flnd in soap twlce the price. Pull four ounces; lilac, and rose. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per cake .. . .. . . . ..5 MEN'S TIES Be Sure to SSe These! A very unusual off ering; In this Men's Tie speclal you wiill find the newest ini Barathea and Crepe Bflks. These come in stripe. swivel, and spot effects; sensible, up-to-the-minute colon tones; wool llning; made Up f ull size i every way. A rare mid-summer opportunity for you. DURING THREE BIG39 DAYS, each. ......39 MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Superior qualîty White Broad- cloth Shirts with silk lustre« fin- ish ( 105 threads to every inch). Good full standard size; 31'/2 inch pointed collar, rounded cuifs; sizes 14 to 17, each Shirt wrap- ped in cellophane. DURING 3 BIG DAYS, 8 each . . . . . . . . . . 8 MADEIRA TEA CLOTH Lovers o!fiMne Linens - Note! These Madeira hand-embroid- ered Tea Cloths are of pure Tilsh linen, 36 x 36 Inchea, beautuil hand-embroidered is e ve r a choice designs, double and single scalloped edges; regular good val- ue at $2.00. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, $1 39( COTTON PILLOW SLIPS 42 x 33 inch Pillow Slips, made from very fine closely-woven Cot- ton that will give splendid ser- vice, 23/4-inch bemstitched hem. You would consider these excel- lent value at 35e eacb. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 49c pen pair .. ..ý T PRINT HOUSE DRESSES Hene we offer you House Dres- ses made o! nellable ?nints (tub- fast), smart new. srnail and med- ium size patterns in attractive colors. Five different styles f nom whlch to choose. Sizes 36 to 44. Excellent Dresses for everyday wean at a great savlng. DURLING THREE BIG DAYS, 55_ each .. .. . . . . . . 2 FOR $1.00 PAY CASI BUY FOR HOOVERS AND SMOCKS We bave for your inspection a very invlting assortment o! Hoo- ver Dresses and Smocks. Four o! the new styles - White Hoovers with print trimmlng; Smocks o! plain coloned broadcloth in green, sand, blue, etc., (aIl tub-fast col- ors); some of these Smocks are trlmmed with smnocklng and bave contrastlng colon effects. Sizes small, mediumi. lange. See these! A very remankable value espec- ially secured for OUR 79 THREE BIG DAYS. each.79 BAKER'S APRONS Baker's Aprons made of good quallty plain broadcloth and prints, in a variety o! attractive colors and printed designs; trim- med with blas tape and made with tie-backs. The manufact- urer, when he made these Aprons, sacnificed bis profit to keep his factory busy during a quiet sea- son. We were fotunate in sec- uring a good share o! these Ap- rons, and our saving we pass on ta you. DURINO 3 BIG DAYS, each ... 19C FAVORITE LLESS W4LI<ER STORES PHONE 164 MTI BOWMANVILLE I AN ECONOMY YEAR IS A YEAR FOR GOODYEARS' We would run out of adjectives if we tried to describe these TIRE BARGAINS' You can imagine what we're up against when we try ta describe the value offered in a gen- ~ uine Goodyear Tire with Speedway Tread and Supertwist Cords and Full Goodyear Guaran- tee at prices as low as these. 4.40-21 $ 08 Sa we'l1 let it go at that. ' Your tire knowledge is braad enaugh ta teli yau that nothing like this has Size 4.50-20 - $6.15 ever came your way Size 4.50-21 - $6.25 before. Size 4.75-19 - $7.70 Size 4.75-20 - $7.90 Better came in and see Size 5.00-19 - $8.25 thes Gooyearbar» Size 5.00-20 - $8.40 gains. There are many ather types at equally value-giving prices. Ce A. BARTLETT King Street East, Bowmanville àý&UGUfTàw ý 1 A GIREAT MONTH T 0 $-AV E HOUSI BeINC vou PIEMAREALLE VALUE rINHOUSE Flkû(IKSSN40CIKSAPIRo 1 Ns - AND * YOUR TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=, TI-IURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1932 PAGE TEPM SHOPPII