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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1932, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth, 1932 THURSDAY. AUGUST llth, 1932 Miss Eva Rowdon, Oshawa, is vis- ______________________ iting Misses Rota and Gracie Pow- Mr. Win. Turpin has gone ta Bar- ell1. rie for a manth ta engage in farm Civic Holiday Taurnament and work. bawling results are fulîy reported on Miss Ray Clark is homo f ram page elevon. Oshiawa Hospital an a threo wooks' Miss Betty Cumberland, Toronto, vacation. has been visiting lier sister, Mrs. Misses Lida and Muriel Lake are Geo. Farncomb. Nowcastle-on-tho- hoîidayiflg with thoir mather. Mrs. Lake. Frank Gibsan. Miss Jean Rickard svent last week Misses Patricia and Margaret with Miss Maiion Joweli. Bawman- Pearce are visiting their sister, Miss ville, and attended the Chautauqua Mmnnie Pearce. in Toronto. programs. Mrs. Ernest Haigh. Newtonviloe, Shaw's Syndicate Threshing Ma- spent the woekend wth Mrs. John chine is again on the road and doîng Robinson and other friends liere. business at the farmors' barns as Mr. and Mrs. Rennie and. daugli- usual with two Newcastle mon. John tor, Toronto, were weekond guosts Rabinson and Ernest Aldroad in of their uncle. Mr. W. T. Jackson, charge. and thein cousin, Mns. Percy Brown. Major H. W. Dudley, A. O. Park- Mr. Gea. A. Coyno, former Princi- or, John Cunningham, Jas. Branch, pal of the Higli Scliool, plans to Walter Couch and others have been take a spocialist's course in English emplaying many pickers for the fine Histai-y at Taraonto University this raspberry harvest. camit"g year. ' Mr. Geo. Robinson wont ta Tor- Mr. Harold Allin and Mr-. Aldon onto last Tuesday weok ta cansult a Haw wont down ta Wellington' on spocialist for a diseasod eyo which Monday, Aug. lst, with Durham has beon giving Uim trouble for some Regiment Band to play at a cle- time, and to tako the f irst ai a ser- bration in that village. ies ai radium tneatments. the next Little Buddy Smith fi-rn New ta follow in a month's time. York State. wha has been spending A group af young mon, Douglas1 the summer with his grandparents,,and Jamie Wright, Murray Butler, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, is still Hubert Anderson, Clarence Clark, et under the dactoi's care. al, are making use af Mr. W. H. Mr. Albert Fisher and sistor, Mrs. Gibsons vranda-ed cottage at the Selwaod ai Las Angeles, Calif., wha lako as camping quarters and en- have been visiting thoir brother, Mr. joying themselves in suînmOi'y iash- J. R. Fisher, have gone on ta' Ot- ion-. tawa ta visit their brother, Mr. Em- The W. A. ai the United Chundli erson Fisher, and family. will meot Thursday ai this w.eok at St. George's Churdh-ROv. F. H. 3 p. m. in the miniature park at Mason, M. A., Rectar. Sunday, Aug. Willowdalo Rest Home. This prom- l4th. l2th Sunday ai tor Trinity: 8 ises ta bo a vory dlightfui open airt a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m. meeting. Mrs. J. H. Jos's group --Sunday Sehool; il a. m.-Morn- will bo in charge ai the programi and ing Prayor; 7 p. m.-Evensotlg. menu. United Churdh-Rev. W. PRog- M.Jh oisnmtndt ers, B. A., Pastar. Sunday. Àugust Sydenham an Sunday ta visit Mn. l4th: 10.45 a. m.-Sunday School; Fred Rawe, taking back with hlm m.-Mrnin Warhip;8 ~Mrs. Rowo and children, except Al- 11.30 a. lin whaninsummorsngwith8Mr. A m.-Evening Service; bath churchlin hi umrn ihM.A services in charge oi the xY. 1. L. E. Symons and daughter, Weicome,t and Keitli who is with his grand- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and f ar- parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gil- ily. Belleville, visited Uis father, Mir. banli. Shaw's. Jas. Toms, and his brother, Mr. H. Miss Cora Johnston af the Win-r J. Toms. and thein f amilies last nipeg, Man., teacliing staff, lias beent weekend, bringing back witli themn visiting lier cousin, Mrs. W. E. Gil-t Miss Evelyn Alun who liad beon in bank, Slaw's, and is at present vis- r Belleville witli thema on a fortnight's iting frionds of lier girlhaad days int vacation. the neigliborhood of Bethany and 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckloy are Liffard. It is obovon years sinco she f holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. paid a visit to lier Ontario relativesr Brown at the lake while Mr. Geo. in this section.d Buckley, Jimmie Cayne and Tommiy Miss Winnifred Rickard who liasv Walken are camping on the cliff 5 succossfully compieted lier f irst years overlooking Lake Ontario and the at the Peterbara Normal School. lias l Uppor Marsli at the western extremn- been engaged by Trustees Welling-g ity of W. H. Pearce's faim. ton Farrow. Stanley Porteous andt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lake and son Gea. Steplienson as teaclier oft have taken the Perrin cottage at the Brown's schoai f rom Sept. lst noxt.e lake for the remainder ai August. As an example af how salaries area the cottage liaving been vacated by dnapping the salary for the caming - Mr. and Mis. Chas. Rogersan and year has been scaled down ta, two-a family wha have movod into the thirds or iess af that prevailing in former Edward Burraw's house re- this section in recent years.0 cently vacated by Mr. Chas. Wil- Board af Education met an Mon-9 son. day evening and passed its estimatesM Evory lover of true spart regrets the unsatisfactory finish, and the incidents that marked it, of the saftbail game between Hampton and Newcastle at the bail park here last Mondlay evèning. Nobody f inds much fault with a reasonable am_- ount af raotmng by this or that team's f ans, but the umpires who are canscientiously trying ta do their best without fear or favor, shauld be exempt from insults and ragging on the ono hand or ovor praise and back patting on the ather. The game was late in starting owmng ta the lato arrival ai two ai the Hamp- tan girls who had beon dtainod by the heavy rains in their locality. Thus it was getting rathor dark when the sovonth inning was in pro- gross. At the close ai the sixth inn- ing the score stoad 7-6 in favar af Nowcastle in spite af some pretty ragged iielding by some ai the local players. Thon in the isi ai the seventh Hampton gat in 6 more runs when the gamo came ta a stop. Hamptan was still in and Newcastle didn't came ta bat and that's all wo know about it. But we will say that a fine spirit prevailod as betwoen the Hampton and Newcastle players, as it shauld, and that they were on the bost ai terms at ail times. Somo suggost that it would be btter all round if the mon fol1k stayed away from the games aitagothor; but we dan't think the girls would liko to deprive the mon folk altogethor ai the roal pleasure of seeing thom play the game, and thoy all laaking so smart and snappy in thoir distinct- ive suits. for the curont yoar, requirîng a ie- quisitian f ram the Municipal Caun- cil ai $5000, a reduction of $500 from that ai 1931 and $1000 fromg that of 1930. This was made pas- sible by a reductian ai $500 in teacli- ors' salaries last year and ýanother $500 this yoar. Owing ta the sal or grants thero will also bo consid- erable curtailment ai maintenance expensos. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, accom- paniod by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jones, Cobourg, matorod ta Kingston last weokend and visitod Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ponwardon. Thoy had the ploasuro alsa of viewing tho groat grain carrying ship, tho Leoyne, largost in the warld, with hoer cargo of ovor haîf a million bushels of whoat. Sho had came down f rom the new Welland canai which sho had passod through on Saturday at the timeofaitho official aponing colo- bration. Monthly meeting af Nowcastle United Churcli W. M. S. was hoîd in the S. S. raom an Thursday ai ter- noon, with the 2nd vice president, Mrs. Narmnan Mllin, presiding. Sev- oral familiar hymns woro sung; the minutos ai last meeting road by Mrs. C. Hancock; and reparts f ram the treasuror and Strangors' secre- tary wore givon. It ,was decided ta sond donatianis of cannod fruit ta Fred Victor Redemptian Home. Our society accopted a kind invita- tion f rom Orana ta visit thom an Tuosday, Sept. 6th. Our Sept. meet- ing wilî be held on Sept. lSth. Mrs. Matchott read the Bible lesson. and prayers wore offorod by Mesdames Douglas. J. R. Fisher, Boman and Miss Rowand; Mrs. VanDuson gave a reading. "Grawing Things for God'"; and Misses Dorothy and Ev- lyn Rickard sang very swootîy a duot 'Somebody." Mrs. Carvoth, Miss Blackburn, Miss Fergusan and Miss Warren spake on interosting topics from the Missianary Month- ly; and Mrs. Haro iavared us with a very beautiful reading "A picture f ramod in black voivot." Aitor sing- ing a hymn, Mrs. N. Alun led in closing prayor. It seoms impossible flot ta givo some thought ta the future, and withaut doubt one ai the most im- portant things in this lufe is ta note that the success, prasperity, the gon- oral wlfareofa the future doponds largoly, if flot exclusivoly, on aur taking gaod care ai the prsnt.- Alfred Farlow. Chiropractic and Drugless Therapy D. E. STECKLEY has maved his office f rom Tompc'rancc Street, ta his new location above the abovo the ROYALTETE KING ST. iChiropr'actic and eloctro therapy attain splendid resuits with most ailmonts. Consultation and ex- amination froe. IIn Bowmanville offce Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointmnent. Phone 141. SELLS TERRAPLANES of the firm 0of Ross, Aines & Gart-' shoreofaiOshiawa, Essex-Hudson dealers, who is the personal repre- sentative for Bowmanvillo and Dur- ham County. Mr. Aines is daily demanstrating the new Essex Terra- plane. the car that is creating sucli a sensation in automobile circles. THE CHURCHESJ St. Androw's Prosbytorian Church: Sunday services at i1 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Preachor, Mr. D. McCuîbaugh. student af Toronto; Sabbatli School at 12.10 noan during August. St. Johin's Anglican Churcli-Rov. C. R. Spencer, Rector. 12th Sunday aiter Trinity: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. Union Summer Services ai St. Paul's and Trinity United Churches, Sunday. August l4th, Rev. E. F. Armstrong will preach. il a. m. in Trinity Churdli, subjeet "Leveîling Up the Dopressian." No. 2 The Bridge af Friondship. At the morn- ing service Mr. Gea. Lambert, Bari- tone, Toronto, will sing two salas, "It Is Enougli" f rom the oratorio Elijah by Mendelssohn, and "Jesus af Nazareth, King" by Hamblen. 7 P. m. in St. Paul's Church. subject' "Minlstering Angels" No. 2 "The Angel in the Troo." Bath Sunday Schools meet at il a. m. MIDDLE SOHOOL EXAMINATIONS j (Continued from page 1) LUMBRJAC ANDTWONorma Haoey. Lat. Comp. C; DUBRKANDTRSPOJDEDy. C. DAUGTERSPROVDED William Ingram, Mlg. C; Fr. Auth. DELIGHTFUL PROGRA31 X; Fr. Comp. C; Chem. 3. Mary Jewell. Anc. Hist. 2; Geom. Saturday Night Shoppers in New- 1;- Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 2. castle Treated to Fine Musical John Edward Johins, Eng. Comp. Offering at Bowling Green C; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. X; Alg. 2; Citiens nd te trong of ura Phys. 1. Citiensandthethrogs f rral Gordon Jallow. Anc. Hist. 1; Mlg. folki that come to Newcastle to do X,- Lat. Auth. 3: Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. their shopping and treat themseîvesiAt ;F.Cmp ;Py.1 to î'efreshmens found unexpected At.3 r op ;Py.1 and enjoyable entertainmen ls Madeline Jones, Eng. Comp. C; Saturday evening in an cpn i Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 1; Alg. 2; program of song, humour and music1 Phys. C. by Mr. G. Frank Harnden af the Chester Jury. Eng. Comp. 2; Eng. "Lumberjacits" and hrs two win- Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 2; Ger. Auth. 1; some and clever little daugliters, Ger. Comp. 2; Phys. 1. Doris and Ethel. Following the en- Helen Knox, Eng. Comp. 2; Eng. tertainiment which drew a large ga- Lit. 2; Can. Hist. C; Phys. C. thering to the environs of the com- Maretta Law, Anc. Hist. C. munity hall and which included some fine ald sentimental, epic and Evelyn MacKinnon. Eig. Camp. 1; spiritual songs, Mr. Harnclen and Eng. Lit. 1; Can. Hist. 1; Alg. 1: daughters who are f rom Cobourg Ger. Auth. 1; Ger. Camp. 2; Phys. 2. now that the lumbering and sawmill Evelyn Milîson, Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. business is at a standstill, went on ComP. 1. ta the Cream of Barley Park. Bow- Jean Miilsoi, Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. manville. where the genial praprie- Camp. 1. tor, Mr. J. L. Marden, had gracious- Evelyn Minns, Anc. Hist. C; Geom ly placed a cabin at their disposal C; Lat. Camp. X: Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. for as long as and whenever they Comp. 2. might choose ta occupy It. Sa well did everyone like the program that Elsie Moore, Eng. Camp. 3; Eng. when Doris and Ethel, who can Lit. C; Can. Hist. X; Alg. C. sing like a pair af nightingales, shy- Milda Moore, Mlg. X; Fr. Auth. C; ly lookod about for receptacles to Fr. Comp. X; Phys. C; Chom. C. gather up the listeners' froowill con- William Phillips, Chem. 1. tributions, off wont every man's hat Lorraine Pickard, Eng. Comp. C; ta be offoerod for the purpase. How- Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 2. evor. twa were aIl that was roquired Jh .Rldr n.Cm.2 and Frank Gibson's and John Scott's JonE edrEg.Cm 2 Eng. Lit. C, Can. Hist. C; Alg. X' wero laokod upon with special favar Phys. 2. adslce o h asn.Pei dnt Gea. Jamioson and severai Dorothy Rickaid, Geom. X. ý other bowlers were ploasantly on- Evelyn Rîckard, Phys. 2. gaged in play upon the green and John Rickard, Eng. Camp. X; were not to be divertod from their Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Alg. C; gamoes by any midsummer's night's Phys. C. music. but novortheiess when the Jack Roach, Eng. Comp. X; Eng. hat was passed they good-naturedly Lit. 3; Can. Hist. X; Alg. 2; Phys. 2. drapped in thoir spare silverware. Margaret Scott, Lat. Comp. 3; ~,Chom. 1. I Marion Siemon, Anc. Hist. 2; Mlg. COURTICE2: Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. COURTICEAuth. 2; Fr. Camp. C; Phys. 1. Helen Smalo, Anc. Hist. 2: Geoca. Mr. Ronald Courtice has returnod 2; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. ta Toranto after sponding his holi- Auth. 1: Fr. Camp. 2; Chem. 1. days at homo. Jasper Smith, Eng. Comp. 3; Eng. Mr. and Mrs. West, Toronto,.vis Lit. C; Can. Hist. X; Alg. X; Phys. 3. ited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brawn over Betty Snowden, Anc. Hist. 2; the weekend and Civic Holiday. Oeam. C; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. Quito a number f ram this cam- 1; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Camp. C; Chem.i munity attonded Chautauqua îast 3 wook in Bawmanvillo and Oshawa. George Spencer, Eng. Comp. X; Mr. Snidor of Wagarville lias been Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 3; Mlg. C; visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Waî- Phys. 3. ter Snidor, at her fathor's, Mr. W. H. Elinor Sykes, Ance. Hist. C; Can. NichaIs. Hist. 3; Geam. C; Fr. Auth. X; The manthly meeting of the W. Chem. C. M. S. will be hold this Thursday ai- Betty Tamblyn, Eng. Comp. X; ternoon ait the home af Mr. and Mrs. Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 3; Ger. Auth. Ross Pearce, with Mrs. Gus Grills X; Ger. Comp. X. group in charge. Rev. Dr. R. L. Mc- Yvonne Tighe, Anc. Hist. X; Mlg. Tavish, Ring St. Church, Oshawa, X; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. will address the meeting. Large at- Auth. X; Phys. C. tendance is roquested. George TardiMf Eng. Comp. C; Sunday services were wolî attend- Eng. Lit. 2: Can. Hist. 2; Phys. C. od. In the morning Rev. Mr. Mc- Byron Vanstone, Eng. Comp. C; Quade, Centre St. Church. Oshawa, Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. C; Mlg. 2; occupîed the pulpît and Phy s. C. coaquent sermon. In the evening Maoie ea.Ac.Hs.C aur pastor, Rov. H. C. Woîfraim, aeieVae n.Hs.C cantinued Uis series of sermon, Alg. C; Phys. 2. speaking on "Brothers and Sisters," George Werry, Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. giving a splendid address. Comp. 2; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. C. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Squires,' Misses Howard Wight, Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Jean and Gladys, and Master Leon- Hist. X; Alg. 2; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. ard. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Squires, Camp. 2; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. X. aIl af Oakwood, Mrs. Basset and Mr. Jean Wight, Eng. Camp. X; Eng. Raymond Basset, Mr. Nelson and Lit. 2; Can. Hist. C; Mlg. C; Phys. 3. Mr. Black of Cannîngton, Mrs. Chas. Mrae Wightman. Eng. Comp. Langmaid, Hampton, and Mr. and2-Margareit.1 a Hs.;Al 2 Mrs. Roy McGill and baby Keith ; En. i. 1 a.Hs.1 l.2 Enniskillon, were Sunday visitors of Py.C Mrs. Sam Rundlo. Dan Williams, Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Mr. Bridges twa brathers and Hist. C; Mlg. 2; Phys. 2. thoîr wives, Niagara Falls, vlsited at Leanard Wilson, Eng. Camp. 2; his home. Our sympathy gaes out EnIg. I-t. 1: Can. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; ta them in the death of their sîster, Ger. Auth. 2; Ger. Comp. 2; Phys. i. Miss Bridges. near Kingston. The Jamie Wright, Eng. Lit. C: Anc. throe brothers started out on the Hist. C; Geom. C; Fr. Auth. X; Fr. journey east to Kingston ta attend Camp. X. the funeral ai thoir sister and un- fartunately met with an accident NA LTIME which provonted them irom arriving ait the funeral. Bowmanvllle Post Office - (.,- -Mails ror dispatch are closod lat Rev. F. H. Howard lef t Nicholl's the Post office as follows. (standard Hosptal Peerbralas, wok.andtimo): Hosita, Pteroro lat wekand For Wst-5.45 p. m. and 9 p. m. went ta the hame ai his brother, For East-9.15 a. m. and 9 p. m. Dr'. F. E. Howard, af Olean, N. Y., o otHp- .m wher he ill eceve te neest For Courtice, Hampton, Enniskil- form ai electrical treatment for par- Ion and Tyrone-9.30 a. m. alysis. Ho was accompanled by his Mails arriving at Past Office are son. Edway, who will spend a cou- u sflos ple af weeks with him in Olean. clPrasf .0p Rev. Mr. Howard has improvod rap- From Wst-l arm. and .0rp. m. idly and it is haped in a few weoks Fam a.t8.m.nd73 .. From Caurtice-12 naan. he will bc around again-Marmora From Tyrone-10.30 a. mi. Herald. _______ Prom Hamptan and Enniskillen- 4p.m CARD OF TUANKS Opening day at the Canadian Mr'. William D. Parkhurst and Natianal Exhibition this year will Mrs. Lee desiro ta thank their many foature the seventh Marathon warld frîionds far the kindness and sym- championshlp womon's swimming pathy extonded ta thom in their race. The f ive prize winners In this far ~ h th aybati. faralfe- ptn 1chedled for WednosAdy Aug- Notices of Births, Marriages, Oeaths, and Memoriam, 50c; 10c per Sine extra for Memoriam verses. BIRTHS GARDINER-At Gardon Hill, on Sun- dSay, August 7tb. 1932, ta Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Gardiner. a son. MARRIAGES LAMBERT-FOWLER - In Toronto, an Friday. August 5th, 1932. by Rev. Henry Marsh. Hector of St. Timothys Anglican Church, North Toronto, Mr. George Lambert, New York City, and Mrs. Graco Margaret Fowler, daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Tre- meer. and sistor of Mrs. F.A. Foster. Bowmanvillo. DEATHS GORVETT-It St. Thomnas, on August 6th. 1932. Chiarles Gorvoît. Sîîarta. R'- lovod lîusbanil of Alice llamley. HENDERSON-b tClarke, on Tuesîlay, August 9tb, 1932, Elizabeth Olver, wi- dow of the late George Itenilerson. I R WlN-Il1 ow joan'. i 1h, ont Tii rsday, Augus t 4 tii,19312, Wi il iani 1)i. lrwin, agei 414 yiars. lntermniit i Crawtrnet,.ry Fort St'iat GILLIAM-ln Hownii:tiiN-ilie, on Satur- day. AUust 6th. 193L'. Mary Gilliain. beloveil iife of M'r. William IL Gîllîani, ag,, 1i3;5 a a NICHOLLS-Oîî August ls, 11.2. at thle GijieraIl sit:I «iilie"g, luis. llarriett .'.iciolls. agrul 71 years. Sistor- iii-law of Nr. 3. . t' Iagg, [ wiîma <i- vile. PARKHURST - Ejiteîlintoat in Osha.wa, oi Weîljîsuiy, Aig. 3, 19312, Ednla May' Lee (andî infajnt daughitom I belou. oi '.ife of Mmr. William D. 1Park- hurst, -272 Grooms Av.e., Oshawa, agedl 23 yeams. iaugbtem of lura. S. Lee. tlownianville. Interment Bovmani'ille t euotom y. GILBERT-At 622 Souîtb Columbujs St., Glenulalo. California, .luly 30, Richard, beloved husband of A~nne S. Gilbert and loving father of J. H1. Gilbert of Glen- dale, Mrs. Ethel L. Philp and W. Gar- uloni Gilbort of býoa Angeles; brother of .Joseph Gilbert of Loa Angeles and one sister in Toronto. Can. OFFICE CLOSED D)r. Stomey's office will be dbosed from Weulnesday A u guat 111h, ta Soptember 6th, inclusive. 32-3 AUCTION SALES Saturday, August l3th. - Mrs. C. Gili, mather of the lato F. GiUl, Quoon Street East, Bowmanville, wil soîl by public auction the complote bouse furnishings, including living room, dining rmont, bedraom and kitchon f urniture, also gardon tools, a quantity ai woad and ather useful articles. Sale 1.30 P. M. daylight saving time. Toi-ms cash. W. J. Challs, auctioneer. 31-2 MORTGAGE SALE 1'nder and by vîrtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, whiclî will be produced at the limne of sale, thome will be offemed for sale by public auctiomi on Frîday the i9th day of Aug- ust, 1932, at the boum of twa o'clok in the afternoon. Standard Time, in the Township of Damlngtoîî on the prom- ises described below by Theo Slioo, Auctianeer, the followimîg property, ia mly'. AU anti Simgular that certain parcel or' tract of landi and promises sitoate, lyîng and beirîg in the Townshîip of Dam- linmgton ini the County of Duorham and P'rovince of Ontario being composeti of iii tliat hjart of lot number seventeen ini the seventili concessioni of the saiti Townishipîof Damlington describeti as follows: Comrmencing an the limîit ho- ta een saîi lot seventoon andi lot eiglî- tujýi at a liint distant foty drains irmnîjîthe aouth weat anîgleo <f said lot su' nem.Tiiemce motl severîty four doegmevs east eliven cliains Thejice nrth si xî eîîil deges Wesat t hirty fi vo cli ujs Tik.ic i mcnmomil seven ty fou r degmuos Eaist boiî ida îy of sasid lot sevenîteu'm Thon nrtl i uxeeni uegmuios West alomîg the saiil bouniîary twojîîy five chains more orm lias to tho nomtlî east angle of saad lot 'rhejice Soutb seventy four dogeeos Wvest alatig the nomtbern bounduary of saiul lot twemity chains more or less to tii, north west angle tiiomeof Tiiemîce Soîuth sîxteeji uegrees eastat long the Wu'sterly' bounulary themeof sixty chaîmîs Miome or Iras to the place of begimîring. Whicli saiîl prapomty contains about ei ghty-siyx acres. Hmoiwli chi lrolierty thîme !l a siulta lierected a ane anul oje-balf storey. twelve roamn. îwelling bouse, 24' x 32' and 24' x 17; a barn '.ith atone foun- dationi 73' x 34'; a barn wltlî atone foîîrîdation 30-' x 26; a barn witb stone fouiîiation 28' x 63'; an implement shed 'x 30'. Whiicb salîl îîroîîerty la ait- unto about one-haîf mile from Scugog ltoail andulabou t on e-lîalf mile fron t ho V'illage' of Enniskillen. The NVenîdur dos nat guarantl' thie comectness of the above îîarticulars as ta which lntending purchasers should satlsfy thomseîves hy inspeoctioni of tbe luopîrty. The Sale' aill be- subject to î0 e serve bld. Terma: Ten per dont (10%) o h pîîrchase monîey ta ho paid down at the tin«ie of theî sale, balance ta hi' lai as set out in conditions of sale. F-or fiîrther Particulars anul conuitions uf Sal""' lyt Lawrence C. Mason, 1-arrister. etc., King Street, 3owmajî- vile, Ontario. Ilateti at Bowmanvllle the 6th day of August. 1932. .1--2 Articles For Sale JERSEY COW FOR SALE - R. H. Murray. Phone I3owmanville 313. 32-1- HORSE FOR SALE-General Purpose horse, good dependable worker. Apply Ch'as. Bagnoîl. Bowmanville. Phone 544. 32-1w- FOR SALE-Spring chiekens, drossod ready for frylng or roasting 25c and 30c per lb). Ordors taken for the weokend. Phone 451. 28-4 COWS FOR SALE--One Holstein cow and one Durham and Jersey cow, due ta ronew. S. Snawden, Bowmanville. Phion-o 203r3. 32-1- Lost or Found BRACELET FOUND-In Bowmanvllle, a lady's gold bracelet, engraved. Own- er mas' have some by proving property and paying expenses. Enquiro at States- maan Office, Bowmaniville.. 32-tf Wanted WANTED-Few Pairs Guinea Fowls. ZrieaFarni, Tyrone. Phone 320r13. 32 -1 Work Wanted WORK WANTED-If s-ou need cart- îg or îîlougbing for sinîgle biorse. 1 will gN'eou aI g0od jobi. 1 arry Clayton, phione 449,. Liberty' Sti., Boanianv. <le. 3ii-4* Money Wanted WANTED - Loan of Twelve hiundred at 450 for five years, first morigage on occuield property whichl is ample sec- urity. Write ta F. F.. Drawer B. Bow- Manlvillo Statesman. 30-2w Rooma Wanted ROOMS WANTED-Onie or two unfur- Answer by' lotter tae M Drawer B, tiowmanville. 31-1 To Let TO RENT-Small apartment. Apply WV. F. Ward. Barrister I3owmanvllle. Phone 102, 27-tf HOUSE TO RENT - On corner King and Ontario Sts., electrlc light and wat- er. Apply ta A. A. Colwill, Newcastle. FOR RENT- Large front bedroom, suitable for two wishing room together; board if îîreferred. Apply "T. A." Statosman Office. 32-1 COTTAGE TO RENT-1 large rooms, acre of ground. ta reliable tenants; rea- sonable; Concession E. Apply Mr. C. G. Churchill, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 31-4 HOUSE TO RENT-Carnor King and Liberty Sts.. 6 rooms and aIl conven- oýnces; ready for Sept. 1. Apply ta B. Furber, King St., l3owmanville. Phone 438. 32-tf Summer Cottages SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT-East sitle. Bowmanville Beach. occupy fin- mediately. APPly Mrs. Alan Williams. phono 159. Bowmanville. 32-tf COTTAGE TO RENT - Furnlshed 5- roam sommer cottage at Williamis' Point Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. PIck- ard. Bowmanvlle. Phone 185. 24-tf Farma To Rent FARM TO RENT-100 acres, good or- chard. Apply ta C. R. Lovekin, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 32-tf FARM FOR RENT - 140 acres, good soil. creek, electric liglîts. 1% miles from î)shawa. J. A. Birkll. 430 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 32-2- FOR RENT - Farmn of 100 acres at Oshawa Harbour; good buildings; con- veulent location; In good state of culti- v'ation; immediate possession to plough. G. D. Canant. Oshawa. 32-8 Houses for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - B3rick bouse. sîonl br froni Liberty St., on forth .si"l Of Qucen. containing 5 mania and ba:th: ;wiretl for electrie stove: double garagîLe; gardon. No reasonable offor :,fîjacîl for qtuick sale. Apîîly on the lîrenlisles t0 Mrs. Il. flambard. 32-2* Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE TO CLOSE ES- TATE-96 acres in Cartwright Township, ('ounty Durhama; 1 mile east of t3lack- stock. soif day loam; ail under cultiva- tion e.xcot 3 acres of hardwood; frame bouse; harn witb atone basement Impie- ment-slîed, l)ig-î)on and poultry-house; two wells; bydro. For particulars apply la Nelson H1. Msarlow. R. R. 1, Burketon, or James J. Bruce. 'Caesarea P. 0., ex- ecutars. 31-3 Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING GOOd workmanshiî) and materlal. Roasonable lîrices. Silver Street, Bowmanville 04 Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - On ail] knds of furnîture; chebsterfields recavered and repairùd; auto taps and Inside uphol- story. Full lineoro samplos carrled. lEst nteIs free. J. A. Fry, Scugog Sqt.. B!owmnanvîlleý Phone 536. 30 ass fied A ARE YOU A MENACE ? Evory THIRD car you soe is driven by a persan who needs glassos and prabably every FI=" car is drivon by one whoso vision is sa defective that his presence on the streets and highways con- stitutes an actual menace ta lufe and safoty. If you drive a car. you owo it ta yourseli, to yaur iamily. and to every other driver and podstrian wham you meot or pass an the stroot ta have your oyos oxamin- ed without dlay. Yau wilI know thon, whethor glasses are noces- sary or not, and you will do ivo new ploasure anIdamia tf rom yaur car. G. M. BOSNELL TORONTO OPTO.METRIST In Port Hope Every Wednesday Office over Flood's Store Part Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 P. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Avenue. A NO THE R Bargain Excursion A cross the Lake only $lie returu Cobourg to Genesee Dock PORT 0F ROCHESTER (N. Y.) Wednesday, August l7th, only STEAMER SCHEDULE - STANDARD TIME Going Returning Leave Cobourg ....8.00 a.m Leave Genesee Dock ... 6.30 p. M.. Arrive Genese Dock . 1.00 P: m.: Arrive Cobourg ........ 1 1.30 P. im. Low prices for meals on steamer - Breakfast 50 cents; Lunch and Dinner, 75 cents per meal. Ample free motor car parking space at steamer dock, Cobourg. ONTARIO CAR FERRY CO., T-10O) 25e extra if not paid by Saturday followlng the first Insertion; also 10c extra when replies are ad- dressed to The Statesmnan oftice#l Busis ect'r LEGAk M. G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, BowmanviUle. Phone 351. W. R. STIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices* Bleakley Block, King Street. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immecliately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS DONE VAN & SMITH Oshawa Municipal Engineers Ontario Land Surveyors Waterworks - Sewers - Pavemen*' Drainage - Etc.W 365 or 411 King St. East 1p, Phone 2532J or 1981 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONN'YCASTLE Honor graduate ini Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons 0f On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanvlle. Office Phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farmn and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskfllen P. O. Phone 383r3. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNIERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392. BOWMNVD" DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at- special prices. Get your orders in early. Estimates given f ree. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Office Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF THOMAS HENRY SPRV ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the estate of Thomas lienry Spry. late of tlle Town of Bowmanvllle In the County of Durham, who (lied on the Sth day of July 1932, are requested ta send sanie to the under.9igned execu- tor,,hefore tiie firit day of September, 1932. otherwise these elaims wlll be dis- allowed. l)ated August 4, 1932. THOMAS ANNISON. Executor, 314 P. O. Box 73, Bowmanville, Ont. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL PERSONS having any claini ag- ainst the Estate of the late ANNIE MfAUD I3ELLMAN. Who lied on or about the 25th day of April, 1932, at the Town orfl4ow manville, in the County of Durham. are requiroîl to file the same with proo f thereof with the under- signed or hie Solicitor flot later than Soptombor 6th, 1932, after which date the Estate will be dlstrIbuted and ail dlaims of whlch the Admînistrator hma neot recelved notice will be barred as against hlm. DATED at Bowmanville this 4th day of August, 1932. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLIE, TRURSDAY, AUGUST llth, 1932 PAGE TWELVE 1

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