PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST lltb, 1932 h Bowaaville Rotary BIGGER BTTE R ednesday August - L.f ~j ~-> - War is declared!1 war on the Fly in earnest This carrier of disease and.- pestilence bas no place li your borne. Chemlsts wftb knowledge and experience have made it Possible to eliminate this pest. Fly-Kil ý.. . 40e and 66c MI Fêume ........ 35o and 60o Fly-Tox . . 40c and 60c Kilzol ...... 35c and 60c Flit...... . 35e and 60c We also stock FIy Colis, Swatters, Tangiefoot and Poison Pads. Wben li need of drugs qulckly Phone '18. Corne to Rotary Carnlval Wedn.esday. Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes It ha Done Properly m m__ _ Yours for1 25c. Westinghouse Ele c t r i c Refrigerator - First Prize in the Rotary Carnival Crippled Children's Club Draw. Lucky Number Draw * 10 VaIua6le Prizes JOI 1N Crippled Ckildren 's Club Tickets 25c. each or Book of 5 for $1. Win oneoet These Big PrIzes 1. Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR 2. MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVE. (4 Burner with Oveni) 3. LADIES' STERLING SILVER TOILET SET............ 4. C. C. M. BICYCLE............ 5. TON 0F COAL............. 6. FANCY TABLE LAMP........ 7. FANCY TABLE LAMP........ 8. GROCERIES ................ 9. 25 GALS. GASOLINE......... 10. 100 LB. BAG SUGAR......... A Moff2at Electric Stove for 25C. ..$225.00 .$116.50 .$41.00 .$37.50 .$16.00 .$12.00 .$12.00 .$10.00 .$7.50 .$5.00 Draw Will Be Made at Rotary Park, 10.30 p. m. Standard Time This is the Second Prize at the Rotary Carnival next Wednesday. Get your tickets early from members of the Rotary Club or at Rotary Park on the evening of the Carni- val. Knit Your Own Sweaters and Berets Two, three and four ply wools in ahl the popular sbades 15c, 20e and 25c a bail. Pattern Books - 5c and 10e ea. Knitting Needies and, Crochet Rooks long and short. Corne to Rotary Carniral next Wednesday. J. W. JewelI BICs 20 BOOKSTORE Rotary Park oauaencing at 7pe. The One Big Nigkt Fun and Frolic for Everyone Hot Dogs Ice Cream Pop ROTARIAN -W. ROSS STRIKE BARRISTER Bowmanville - - - Ontario ROTARIAN J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Bowmanviile Ontario ROTARIAN 'W. E. GROVES MANAGER - KINGSWAY NURSERIES Ilowmaanville - - Ontario ROTARIAN I. G. HEFKEY MANAGER - BOWMANVILLE BRANOR THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA ROTARIAN T. A. GARTON BUS SERVICE Whitby - Oshawa - Bowmanville Lindsay - Bobeaygeon « An Invitation» To You To Citizens of Bowmanville and surroundiflg countryside: During the past year, our treasurer's report reveals the fact that hundreds of dollars have been spent i aiding the crippled chlld and ini further other worthwhile cornnunity activitles. Several crlppled children have been treated with suc- ces. Seventeen chlldren hadl their ton"ll and adenolds re- rnoved at the expense of the club and are todaY happier and heafthler as a remuit. Ev-. ery day last wlnter 34 balf - plat botties of milk were sup- plled to undernourlshed child- ren la our Public schools. To enumemte the individual cases aided would take a. great deal of space, but perhaPs YOU Ilve near a chlld who bas re- ceived help, and can teatUfy for yourself the splendid work being acconplished. Havlng said this by way of explanatioli please accept this cordial invitationl to Join wtb the Carnival crowd at Rotary Park next Wednesday night. JAMES C. DEVITT, President Rotary Club. ROTARIAN W. A. SHANE CHIEF ENGINEER C K G W Bowmanville --Ontario ROTARIAN F. O. McILVEEN MANAGER - BOWMANVILLE BRANCH BANK 0F MONTREAL ROTARIAN T. B. GILCHRIST MENS URN1SHINGRAIETC Bowmanvlle --Ontaro No Duli Moments! Corne Early Have a Good Time BQOTHS LINGERIE RUGS and BLANKETS FISH -POND HORSE RACES HAMS and BACON ELECTRIC GOODS SWEATERS DOLLS 4 MICKY MICE 7 -1 THIR CANADIAN STATMMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth, 1932 PAGE POUR momm