PAOWrTHR THE CANADIAN STATESMN, BOWMANVJILE THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1932ý Buy Your Sehool Open-ing Supplies at Home B. H. S. UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS ARE PUBISHED~ (Cantinued from page 1) Robt. Corbett-Alg. 2; Geom. 3: Trig. 2; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Auth. C. Ruby Cowan-Mad. Hist. 1; Alg. C; Trig. 3; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 3. Stanley Cowlng-Mod. Hist. 2: Alg. C; Trig. C; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 3; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. 3; Phys. C; Chem. C. Elford Cox-Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Ger. Auth. 2; Ger. Camp. C. Laura Davey-Eng. Camp. C. Betty Fiaxman-Mod. Hist. 3; Alg. C; Trig. C; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. C; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Comp. C; Bot. C; Zoo. 2. May Freeman-Eng. Camp. X. Kate Foster-Geom. C. Evelyn Goddard - Mod. Hist. C; Fr. Auth. X. Newton Haclcney - Eng. Lit. C; Alg. 2; Trig. 1; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. C; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. C; Phys. C; Chem. X. Donald Hardstone - Eng. Comp. X; Eng. Lit. 2. Grace Hastings-Eng. Camp. X. Nora Hayward-Alg. X; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. X. Bradley Honeyman-Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. X; Alg. C; Qeam. C; Tnig. 2; Phys. C; Chem. 2. Norma Hooey-Eng. Lit. 2; Mad. Hist. C; Pdg. X; Trig. X; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. X. Mary Jewell-Eng. Camp. 3; Eng. Lit. C. John M. James-Eng. Camp. 1. Gardon Jolaow - Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. 3. Jessie Knax-Mad. Hist. 1; Geom. C; Trig. 3; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 1; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. C; Bat. C; Zoo. 2. Maretta Law-Eng. Camp. C; Mod. Hist. X; Pdg. X; Trig. X; Lat. Camp. X; Fr. Auth. 3. Aylward Little - Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. X; Mad. Hist. 2; Alg. 3; Geom. C; Trig. 3; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. C; Phys. C. Arthur Lockhart-Eng. Camp. 3, Eng. Lit. 3; Mad. Hist. 2; Pdg. 1; Geam. 1; Trig. 1; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 1; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. 2. Evelyn Miflson - Eng. Camp. C; Mod. Hist. 2; Geom. C; Trig. C; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. C; Bot. 3; Zoo. 1. Jean Millson - Eng. Camp. 3; Geam. C; Trig. C; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 3; Bat. C; Zoo. 3. Evelyn Minns-Eng. Camp. 2; Eng Lit. X. John Minore-Mod. Hist. 3; Chem 2. Milda Moore-Eng. Camp. X. Betty Morris-Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Camp. C; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. 3. Nelson Osborne - Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 3. Darothy Rickard-Mod. Hist. C; Pdg. X; Trig. X. Evelyn Rickard-Mod. Hist. C; Pdg. X; Geom. X; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Camp. C. Staf y Rickard-Mod. Hist. 2; Pdg. 1 ' Geom. 3; Trig. 2; Fr. Camp. C; Fr. Auth. 2; Phys. 2; Chem. 2. Albert Rundle-Eng. Lit. X; Mad. Hist. C;, Pdg. X; Lat. Auth. X; Lat. Camp. X; Fr. Auth. X; Fr. Camp. X. Margaret Scott-Mod. Hist. 2. Marion Slemn-Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. 2. Helen Smale-Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. 2. Betty Snowden-Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. C. Elinor Sykes-Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. X. Yvonne Tghe-Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. C. Madeline Veale-Eng. Camp. X: Eng. Lit. X. Pauline Wagar-Eng. Camp. 1; Alg. 1: Geom. 3; Trig. 1. George Werry - Eng. Camp. X; Chem. C, Bot. C. Zoo. 2. Howard Wight-Eng. Camp. 2. Annie Wlkins-Eng. Lit. C; Mod. Hist. 3; Geom. C; Trig. C;, Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Camp. C; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. X. Donald Williams-Eng. Camp. X.I Kenneth Wood-Eng. Camp. 2: Eng. Lit. X; Pdg. C; Geam. C; Trig. 3; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. X; Phys. X; Chem. X. Jamie Wrght-Eng. Camp. X. Annie Yeo-Mad. Hist. 2; Pdg. C; Geom. C; Trig. C. BLACKSTOCK MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS 1 af ter a subject means percent obtained by pupil on that subjeot was 75<r ta 10017; 2 means per cent was 66 ta 74; 3 means per cent was 60 ta 65; C means credit, per cent of 50 ta 59; X means f allure: Pdbert Abbt-Anc. Hist. 2; Chem. 2; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Camp. 3. Lloyd Beacock-Can. Hist. 2; Chem. 1; Lat. Auth. X. Muriel Fallis-Eng. Camp. X, Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Pdgebra 2; Geam. X. lCenneth HiUl-Eng. Camp. X, Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X, Geom. 2. Arnold Jahnston-Eng. Lit. C: Can. Hist. C; Anc. Hist. 2; Pdg. 1; Chem. 3; Fr. Auth. 2. Doris Marlow-Chem. 2; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 1. Grace MauntJay-Eng. Camp. X; Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X. Get Ready For Sckool It's surprising how much bet- ter work can be dane with the proper writing equipment. W A N TE D 200 USED WATERMAN PENS Here's an opportunity ta, turn in your aId Watermnan Pen at hall its original value on a brand new Waterman Pen. This is a chance too goad ta pass up, boys and girls. Dig Up your old Waterman Pens and get a flyinig start at school this year. Came One - Come l Secial $1.50 Students en 9SC jury & Loveil TH, REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes It 1, Done Properly Pupils and Students What about that order of Bok f or Sehool Opening ? W. J. BERRY Has Them WE SPECIALIZE IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES - Enough Said - But don't forget 3'ou can get them at W. J. BERRY'S 1300K STORE LET US EQUIF YOUR CHILDEENS $ FEET WITH COMFORTABLE, DUR.- ABLE SHOES- SMART IN STYLE 1 N PRIE. NQAUY O IN IGHIQAIT.O Many comments are given us that our prices are as 10w as mail order houses. Try us and see our wonderful values. OXFORDS AR IT Black Oxfords, growing girls, sizes 21/2 ta 7. 31.98, $2.45, $2.98 to $5.50 Misses' Oxfords ..31.98, 32.45 Girls' Oxfords 3$1.35 to $1.98 Boys' Oxfords, black cal!;, sizes 1 to 51/2 ..... 5ý2.85 - $2.49 444 'Young Men's. sizes 6 ta 10, $2.98 to $4.95 iMaybe alI yau require now is a pair of Running Shoes ta finish the seasan, we have them at ........7ocpair up W. CLAUDE IVES HOME 01?FflID BROUS Aileen Mountjay-Can. Hist. X; Anc. Hist. 2; Chem. X; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Camp. C. Muriel Mountjoy-Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. C; Anc. Hist. C; Physics 2; Chem. X; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. 3. Robert Smith-Eng. Camp. C; Eng. Lit. 3; Anc. Hist. 2; Pdg. 2: Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Camp. 2; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Camp. C. Ivan Thompson-Eng. Camp. X; Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Pdg. C; Geam. 2; Lat. Auth. X; Lat. Camp. C. Ra.lph VanCamp-Can. Hist. C; Anc. Hist. C; Alg. 3; Geam. 2; Chem. X; Phys. 3; Lat. Auth. X; Lat. Comp. X; Fr. Auth. Ir. Louis Watson-Eng. Camp. 2; Can. Hist. X; Anc. Hist. X; Pdg. C; Qeom. C: Chem. C. Annie White-Eng. Camp. X; Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Geom. X; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Camp. 1. Verna White-Eng. Lit. 2; Phys. 2; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Camp. 2. Robert Wlson-Eng. Camp. X; Eng. Lit. X; Can. Hist. X; Anc. Hist. X; Pdg. X; Phys. X. Mr. Fred Hooper. Rochester, N.Y., spent the weekend with bis brother. Mr. J. T. Hoaper, and other friends here. Messrs. Bert and Eric Colweli and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lymer. Osh- awa, attended the funerai of their uncle. Mi'. James Bradley, Totten- ham, on Baturday. A CORRECTION RE BURMA Rev. Gardon S. Jury has drawn ta aur attention an error in aur report of bis address an Burma at the Rat- ary Club in which we reported him as saying that the Burmnese were lazy. Mr. Jury points out that while he stated that the Burmese did flot like ta work as servants for the white people, he did flot want this ta be construed that tàey were lazy. They are in f act, Mr. Jury asys, a most industriaus and likeable peo- pIe and extremely good sportseu. Messrs. Harry Allin, Geo. B. Mas- on and Fred Dowuey are on their annual f lshing expedition to Loon Lake. I. Bowmanvulle Higlu Scliool WILL OPEN THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER. lst Middle and Upper School Students wi11 report at 9 a nm. Lower School Pupils and Commercial Students report at 1.30 p. mi. TEACUINOSTAFF MISS I. K. SMITH, B A. MISS I. HALIDAY, B. A. MISS E. STEDMAN, B. A. MR. G. L. WAGAR, M. A. MISS I. OGDEN, B. A. MR. B. E. INGHAM, M. A., LL. B. MISS H. BALL, B. A. MR. J. SCOTT, B. A. L. W. DIPPELL, B. A., Principal Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Chairmnan C. H. Mason, Secretary. BOWMANVILLE. Pu6lic ScI'ools WIll Re-Open Thursday Sept,. Ist at 9 au an. Ail pupils just starting should be on hand the first day. Children who will soon be six years of age are recommend- ed to start now as no new classes will be formned during the year. J. H. Johnston, Principal. C. F. Rice, Chairman. C. H. Dudley, Secretary. Sohool Days Demann Extra Energy Wheu chol teats. watch ~ Johnny'a diet. He walks te and from achool. Ho playm bard at recesa andalt er schooL Andl whether any- o ne believes It or not, ho realIy dees study. AU thia reursenorgy ... a strong litte body ...and Plenty of MILK.à Wst the nÙ& that keepa hlm going a"A suplies Mis body wth thec fuel ho needa. Give hlm a glassof Glen Rae M&Jkwlth every meal and alter bchooL. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens"& Son Phono 408 Bowmanville BOYS' TIES Special Cklpoance each 250 MISSES' PATENT SHOES Misses' blaçk patent leather strap shoes'with buckles, Sizes il to 2, pair $1025 Sizes 8 to 101/L,, Pr$l.OO Sizes 5 to 71/_, pr.. . .750 FOR G'ROWING GIRLS Special for growing girls, high grade oxford or strap shoes with low cuban heels, sizes 2y/2to 7, $ Special at, pair$1 9 SPECIAL - 160 Page Exorcise Book 1lOc value for ....................... We have put in a stock of sehool supplies that will enable us to fui all orders promptly . .. Text Books for every grade of Public and High Sehool. Outstanding values in Scribblers, Exercise Books, Loose Leaf Note Books, Pens and Pencils. Ruler Frce with every 50c Purchase. Store openi venings cduring school opening. Phone 30 0 J. W. JEWELL "Big 20" Bowmanville Energy .. FOR WORK AND PLAY HOURS There is no substitute for good nutritious bread in the sehool child's diet. ROMAN MEAL BREAD Full of health giving vitamins, a laxative and tonic in one, is the natural food for the healthy sehool child. It builds up mental and physical reserves in youthful bodies, making kiddies eager for school and its attendant activities. Exclusive Makers of Roman Meal Bread COrbett's fDakery IIOWMAVIILMra E3 M1 BOYS' CAPS Specially Priced MEN'S AND BOYS' OXFORDS Men's and Big Boys' Ox- fords and Boots, snappy styles, in black or brown- leathers, to clear, pair.$1 9 RUNNING SHOES Our complete stock of Run- ing Shoes to clear at jusPic J Rovan's Shoe Store -E.. BOYS" BLACK BOX KIP BOOTS AND OXFORDS Sizes il to 5, ideal for chool and general knock- ~ about wear, Special Clearance Price, per pair ....... 01V7 l M a - - ettàq