THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAWJILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1932 PG EE RETTIER M4EAT If you, as a housewif e, buy the b&4 meats yOU are sure te serve the best meals. For over 75 yars Cawker's have made it a practice ta, seil only the choicest meats. But nover be- fore have we been able to soul thota at such low prices. Here's aur spocial for Saturday night only fromn 6 P. M. te 10.30 P. M. BREAKFAST ]3ac)n By Piece, Haîf .I5 or Whole, per lb. Round Steak ISC or 2 for 35c Sirloin Steak 22c or 2 for 40C PorterhouseSteak22c or 2 for4c Prime Rib ]Roast......... L5c Short Rib or Chuck ]ROast 10c Boiliug Beef ............. Bc C. M. Cawker&Soni Purveyors Bowmanville The Way To a Man's Heart Is through his stomach. Feed him lots of Bowmanville Bakery cooked products and reach his heart. SPECIALS Layer Cake1 Pie, Apple or Raislin -Ail For 1 Dozen Bu 50e Midget Mellows.............. 30c lb. Butter FIips.......... ....... 3& lb. Bowmanvile * Bàkery C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor Phone 97 BOWIL4NVILLE The quality of RED ROSE makes it good value'- wbichever price you pay Red Rose Tea Red Lbel, 25c. 'Ib. Orange Pekoe, 38c. i1b. $5,.00 Allowance for Your 014 Mattress ON THE PURCHASE 0F A MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS In the Foilowing Grades: Marshall "SPectl," Mattress $26.50 & $28.00 Marshall "Premier" Mattress $31.00 & $32.50 Marsalli "Regal" (Cottan Upholstered) $35.00 & $38.50 Marshal "Regal" (Hair Uphoîstered) .547.50 & $52.50 Also an the Marshall "Standard" Box Sprlng $26.50 Marshall "Regal" Box Sprlng $37.50 AIL STANDARD SIZES AVAILAIBLE - AND AL MATTRESSES GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS Yau get the acme of sleeping comort ln a Marshall Mattress built up by hand, consisting of hundreds af coul sprlngs, each enclosed in a separate cttan pocket, the whaie over- laid with layers of ctton felt or bair. Finished With the new French rail edge, deep border and ventilation at both sides. Cotton Sip Cavera Includàed With Ail Marshail Mattresses SoId Until September l7th. NORTHCUT &SMITH Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 - m 0 Amag te rany beautiful*gifts that the bride receiveti was a hanti- some walnut table, presentedt ta er from ber former f ellow employees o! the Bell Telephane Company staff ln Bowmanville. Ater the presonta- tion a! gifts the hostess presideti av- en the servIng o! nef roshmonts ta the sixty guests. COLLACUTT COACH LUNES TIME TABLE Louve Bowmanvllo Louve Uowmanvilllî (Wostbound) (Eastbound> 8.10 a. mi. 9.20 9. nm. 10.60 a. mi. 11.50 a. nm. 1.45 ). nm. 3.05 P. nm 5.10 p. in. 5.05 P. nm. 8.40 P. nM. 7.05 p. ni. 12.15 a. mi. (ni1dniht) 9.50 1). m LOCAL & PERS ONALJ Dr. J. C. Devitt and son Jim are holidaying at Alganquin Park. Miss Dorothy Richards bas been visiting Miss Helen Rickard, Sbaws. Miss Kathleen Clements, Toronto, recently visited with Mrs. J. H. Ab- ernethy. Miss E. Hentiers. Yelverton, ne- centiy visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. J. T.1 Hooper. Misses Fretia and Joan Johnson, Toronto, are visiting Mns. Chris Robinson. Mr. anti Mrs. Dan Smith, Brant- fard, spent the weekend witb Mrs.1 H. W. Foster.9 Mrs. E. Gilîson and daughten Lais. Toronto. wore recent guests o! thee Misses Stephens.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, Gaît. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graves.1 Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Norton and1 sons, Lacust Hill, spent the week-4 endi with relatives bere. Mr. and Mns. E. H. Brown are1 enjoying their vacation at Arnprlor. Brackville and Kingston. Mrs. J. J. Kerr, Marjanie and Rab- bie, Wingham, visiteti Miss H. Em- merson over the weekend. Miss Daisy Culley bas returned !rom a two weeks' vacation at De- trait anti Lakewaad Beach. Dr. Arlene Scbloott, Philadelphia, Pa., is vîsiting ber f rienti, Dr. Doris Poster, at "Nonwaati Place." Mr. anti Mrs. H. Lyall Crabb and !amiiy bave returned f rom a holi- day trip ta Simcoe and Buffalo. Mrs. Dissing anti taugbter Vir- ginia, Londion, are visiting the for- me's niece, Mrs. T. B. Gilchrist. People aga !inding out that tbey1 get best quality meat at lowest prices at Cawke's Butcher Sbop. Mms. C. McLea, Winnipeg, Man., has boon visiting Mn. andi Mm. J. H. H. Jury anti other old f riends in town. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Calmner and Gregory visitoci Mr. Coimer's uncle, Mr. T. O. Tindalo, at Sheiburne, an Suntiay. Mns. M. Camstack and Audrey have returned home after a manth at their cottage at Presqu'- fie Paint. Mrs. S. J. Martin, Lakefield, is visiting Mms. C. W. Jacobs. She is over 90 yeam a!f age and is remark- ably smart. Mrs. Bert Andrus bas returned f rom visiting relatives in Hamilton, and with her brother, Mr. Wm. Barrett, Orono. Mr. and Mms. Wllarti Rosevear, West Toronto, spent the weokend witb their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brock. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wightman, Margaret and Henry, anti Miss Bet- ty Fothergill spent Sunday with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mms. J. E. Anderson andi Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fletcher enjoyed a pleasant trip ta Guelph, Gaît anti other western cities on SundaY. Mms. F. M. Tamblyn and Mn. andi Mms. M. W. Tamblyn andi family bave returneti fromi a very enjoyable visit witb relatives at Midland. Mms. Mina Colwell, Carlisle Ave., was calledt t Tottenham last week owing ta the sutiden deatb o! ber brotber-ix-law, Mr. James Bradley. Mms. E. Smith Ferguson, A.T.C.M.,E is in Toronto attending the Normalt Piano Class "Teachers' Course" atf the Toronto ConservatarY o! Muslc. Miss Ruth Hennixgs bas returned 1 home a!ter spending two weeks' holitisys wtb ber uncle and auint, Mr. and Mis. Allen Yeo, Port Hope.J principal Vernan Lowens a! Mem- anial Schaol, Westan, Mms. Lowens and Diana, spent a !ew tinys wth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lowens.raisn Repairs ta all kinds a!rdisf your own home or in aur sbop. Radios calleti for anti delivereti. Prices moderate. Phone George Brown, 281. 33-tf Mr. anti Mm. S. J. Hughson anti Mr. Glenn Hugbson, Toronto, are holitiaylng with ber mother, Mms. Alex Taylor, and other relatives bore and at Orana. Mrs. A. E. Garner o! Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, receiveti word on Aug- ust 22nd, that ber mother passed away in Cheriton, Kent, England. ageti 82 years, 4 montbs. Mn. anti Mrs. C. S. Schahl anti family o! Charlotte, North Carolina, who are on a motor trip ta Canada, are visiting ber parents, Mr. andi Mms. G. A. Stephens, Salem. Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Wright anti4 sons Herbert anti Arthur, St« Cath-1 arines, wba have been visitinÏg rela-1 tives in Cartwright anti Dalington. 1I gave us a nzall enraute home. 'Il Bef are buymng your chlldren's school supplies 3. Mr. and Mrs. J O'Neill are spend- ing a week at Lake Simcoe. Fred Nelles is apening a branch grocery store on Elgin St. north. The Statesman will be sent toaa new subscriber ta end af 1932 for 50C. Mr. Herman Lapp, Montreal. spent the weekend with Mr. Stuart R. James. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fortier, Mon- treal, are visiting ber sister, Mms. Thas. Lymer. Just ane more week of bargain prices in Goodyear Tires at Bart- iett's Garage, so get busy. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lunney, Col- lingwaod, are holidaying with bis daughter, Mms. J. H. Jahnston. Garton's Coach Lines announce special rates, including admission fee, ta Canadian National Exhibi- tion. Mr. Raymond Hutchinsan was home aver the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mms. Stephen Hut- chinson, Brighton. Misses Florence, Carol and Jay Martin, Stratford, are bolidaying wrtb their grandmother, Mms. Jas. 0. Rickard, Centre Street. St. Paul's Sunday Scbool wilbald the annual picnic at Cream o! Bar- ley Park on Wednesday, August 31. Mare particulars an Sunday. Cities Service Garage, opposite A. & P. Stores, is now under the management a! Rabt. M. Stephens, late a! the West End Garage. Mrs. W. J. Hall and son Barry, Mimico. are visiting ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. Dr. Hall spent Sunday with bis family here. Dr. andi Mrs. W. Reily and son Colin, Winnipeg, Man., Dr. and Mms. F. A. Waitem, Forest, were recent guests of Dr. and Mms. J. C. Devitt. We were pleasedti t receive a cal an Saturday !rom Mr. Gea. A. Sher- rin, Toronto, wba with his daughter and son-in-iaw, Dr. and Mms. Ham- ilton, are on a holiday trip ta Lake Piacid, N. Y., and other points as far east as tbe Atlantic Coast. Veterans o! tbe 2lst Battalion in this district will be sorry ta bear o! the deatb iast Saturday o! Regi- mental Sergeant Major Thos. Jor- dan. He died f ram heart failure while under an operation for appen- dicitis. He was buried with military honors an Wednesday at Belleville. Regular meeting o! Bawmanvlle Wamen's Institute will be held at the home a! Mms. Chas. Richards, King St. East, on Frlday, August 26tb, at 3 p. m. Meeting is in charge a! Mrs. Hewstan's group. Came pre- paredti t answer the rail cail. Mms. Poster Fergusan, District President, is expected ta be present and give an address. PREMIER AND CABINT MINISTERS PRESENT AT CAMP SCHOLFIELD SPORTS <Continu.4 f rom page 1) the remaîkable educational develop- ment in the past ten years along vocational lines. There are 700,000 pupils attendlng schoolà in Ontario and as Minister a! EducatianD it was bis Job ta assist in deveiapîng an educational system sUMMhbe to eacb individual boy and girl. Speaklng dlrectly to the boys he reiterateti the statement "that no one bas ever succeeded in 111e witbout bard work" and that ta do their best they must have a purpose in their wark, an ambition ta succeeti, and must give their best efforts ta the task con- fronting tbem. Wrestlmng, boxixg, archery, slg- nalllng, tumbling and apparatus work featureti the evenixg program. Boxing-O. Hils de! eated M. Ca- jocani: J. Landsdown 'defeateti W. Martin; W. Burton de! eated G. Summerfield; W. DemnerY defeated E. Harisay; W. Hood defeateti 0. Ellis. Wrestllng-E. 'Marteil de- f eated A. Scratch; A. Venieur de- feated K. Jabour; A. Smith defeateti E. Radcllff; N. McMlllan de! eated G. Pratt. The pragram closed i wtb a one act drama entitled "A Nigbt at an Inn." Stop Press News Alleged Thief Ditches Trafic OlYlcer Here - Ends Mad Chase by Crashmng into Alger Buifldng in Oshawa Citizens were amazed this marn- ing (Tbumsday) ta see Traffic Officer Ed. Purvis speeding tbrough tawn on the side o! a car with revolver tirawn. It transpired that the of- ficer was cbasmng Edwin Horner o! Oshawa wbom he apprehendeti at Newcastle andi who hati escapeti wben police endeavaured ta arrest him for the! t this morning. He was returning with hlm ta Oshawa wben Hanrner ditcheti the tra!- TOUIVE TRIED AIRPLANING or HYDROPLANING or AQUAPLANING NOW TRY TERRAPLAN ING newest physical sensation ini motoring -" power set free"- suave six-cylindered pneumounted power- an engineering triumph that'I1 be on the drawing boards of the industry for montlis yet, but is offered you now at a price that's actually down among and UNDER the fomer lowest&priced Three, in the nov Wht a CarI - anmd ti.lw- prloed Six lI Coaadai and up f.o.. Tilbury, Ont. <raz oe Be a modern. Arrange with your nearest Hudsonr Essex Dealer for a TERRAPLANE ride todayF. lm in C.u.d.. v C.n ai.Ibeuu. laouC.umuu eêk'u'là r4Oui a rio 1CT j. ýS. Âme Bowmanvill. O.p*'rwt lt P <i wet ÇM& aiws, Tabwi. on.&a,. 1 ~. , 4 HUNDREDS ATTENDED POSTPONED ROTARY CARNIVAL THURSDAY Continued fram page 1) until the boath barkers drowned out the music and the boys packed their instruments and jained in the f un. The climax a! the evening came shortly after 11.30 when the big draw was made. A crawd of about 2000 expectant people packed tight- ly araund the main platfarm wbere the prizes were on display and where Percy Corbett and Mel. Dale, sur- rounded by men, maney and tickets, had as busy a time as anyone on the grounds. That tensity of f eel- ing that always prevails before 'm big event is about ta take place, pre- vailed as the time for the draw drew near. On the plat! orm for the dmw were President J. C. Devitt and dfr- ectors a! the club, including Tam Halgate who acted as offic;iai an- nauncer. Lucy Heari, Rotary gro tege, whase crippled limbs have been straigbtened through Rota r fort, was present ta make the craw and she received a great ovation f ram the crawd when she was introduced. There was an oppressive silence as Lucy put her hand inta the mixer ta draw out the first ticket. She band- ed it ta Dr. Devitt wha annaunced as winner of the f irst prize, a West- inghouse Electric Refrigerator, Miss Margaret spencer, daughter af Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer of St. John's Anglican Churcb. Miss Spencer was nat present at the time but it was nat long bef are she was made ac- ciuainted with the gaad news' at ber home just across f ram the park. The Winners cO! the prizes and their prize winning numbers are: Ticket 2552, Miss Margaret Spen- cer, Bawmanvllle. Westinghouse El- ectric Ref rigeratar. Ticket 302, Mr. Peter Martin, Bawmanville, Moffatt Electric Stove. Ticket 1518, Mr. George Bagneil, Bowmanville, Sterling Silver Ladies' Toilet Set. Ticket 1243, Mr. Thos. Jackson, Bowmanville, a C. C. M. Bicycle. Ticket 2168, Miss Adelalde Caw- ker, Bawmanville, 'tan a! Lehigh Valley Coal. Ticket 2016, Mr. Arthur Hockett, Bawmanville, Table Lamp. Ticket 1301. Mrs. T. H. Knight, Bawmanville, Table Lamp. Ticket 1242, Mr. R. E. Osborne, Bowmanville; $10 in graceries. Ticket 711, Mr. A. L. Hastings, 13 Williams Street, Oshawa, 25 gallons of gasaline. Ticket 1073, Mrm. A. H. Fletcher, Bawmanville, 100 lb. bag of sugar. Immediately followmng the draw, Dr. Devitt, on bebalf a! the Rotary Club, expressed the appreciatian of the club toalal wba bad attended the carnival and helped ta make it a success. The crowd then dispersed and in less than 15 minutes only Rotarians and their helpers remain- ed ta dlean UP after the big annual event. The Rotary Club wlsbes ta ac- knowledge $12.00, in private sub- seriPtions for crippled children's work, whlch has been reoeived since the carnival. Keys found. Enqire at Statés- man office. Summer Cottages SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT-Eaat aide. Bowmanviile Beach, occupy Im- niedtately. Apply Mrs. Alan Williams. Phone 169, Bowmanville. 32-tf COTTAGE TO RENT - Furnished 6- roorn summier cottage at Williams' Point. Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. pick- EOODS ,186 or 121* SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK-END Spratt'sPup Ovals...... . .5 ibs. for 59c Spratt's "Bonio", a bone shaped biscuit. .45c pkg. Spratt's rCharcoal Ovals.............. 15Sc L. Aeroxon t"ly Catchers.............. 5 for 10c Star Ammonia. .........4 pkgs. for 25c Palmolive Soap (with coupon)........ 3 for 15c Chateau Cheese, ½/:-1b. pkg.............. 15c Brunswick Brand Sardines .......... 5 for 25c Peameal Bacon, b y piece............. 22c IL Peameal Bacon, sliced............... 25c lb. Quaker Crackels........2 pkgs. for 25c White Swan Flake Whaco 3i minutes, 51/4 lb. pkg............. 25c "Tea isk"mak Ple et..e.Bisuits 2½laBsk".....................uits, Christie's Soda Wafers............ 2 pkgs. 19c Libby's Pork and Beans ......... 2 tins for 25c HARR Y ALUIN ont. mmmalb.- Electro Therapeutica Treatments FOR ALL AlIMENTS Robert Colville DRUGLESS P RACTITIONER Liberty St. Phone 538 BowmanvIlll. TO OUR MANT FRIENDS IN BOWMANVILLE AND VIUINITY We have pleasure in announc- ing that we again have a, dlsplay In the Horticultural Building at the Canadian National Exhibition which opens in Toronto on Fr1- day of this week. Please accepti this as an invitation to feel f ree to use aur booth as a place to, meet your f riends, also we wil gladly take care of any parcels. wraps, etc., whlch you do not want ta carry around with yau. BROOKDALE NURSERIES BOWMANVILL E PAGE SEVM ALL OUR MILK COMES FROM T. B. TESTED HERDS We ai»SH ci BUTTER, No. 1 Grade Give us a tria order. Phase 4M8 m703 Bowmanvile Dairy W. H EL E8, ProPrdOtOr.