PAGE TWO TH2E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1g22 ne %nabÎu a 4tn1 Entablished 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the town of Bowmanville and surroundlng country, issued at King Street West, Bowmanville. every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, ownera and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly New$- pa,,iers Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 a year; in the United States, $2&0 a year, payable in advance. Single copieà., 5 cents. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1932 The Old Order Changeth - Yielding Place to the New Smnce the ativent a! the 2th century the warlti lias witnesseti the greatest ativancement in its bis- tory. Tbings which wauld, !ifty years ago or less. have been calleti impossible are now accomplisheti facts and the world is endeavouring to adjust itsel! ta these changeti conditions. Mr. A. A. Martin, Public Schaol Inspectar for Northumberland Caunty, anti a son a! Robert Martin o! Newcastle, -brought this very !orcibly ta aur attention in a recent letter ta the editor. He re!erredti t an article appearing in the Mail anti Empire on August l2th, in which Mr. W. G. Robertson, General Manager o! the Ontario Motor League. quotes a paragraph !rom the New- castle Intiepentient, now mergeti with The States- man, teliing o! the reception automobiles receiveti at the bantis o! Newcastle anti Newtonville farmers in June 1904. The paragraph reatis: "Farmers in the vicinity o! Newcéastle, ont., are quite wratby over the auto- mobiles. The farmers o! Newtonville have hati a meeting anti petitioneti 'the Ontario LegisIature ta prohibit use o! automobiles on the roatis.' The New- castle Independent atits: "lIs it not time something was doue to put a stop to the automobile business? They are becom- ing such a curse ta the country that we cannat stand it; we can compare tbem ta nothing but a lawless gang o! booti- lums anti stop they must. for there is a vein o! the aid Blazer Bloati beginning ta bail in Durham as we finti these people have no regard for us or aur horses, anti when the latter are !right- eneti. they laugh like a quartet o! idiots. But with your shotguns anti barbeti wire the laugb may turn. Came on boys. and use them as demons anti nat as human beings. We de!y any earthly power ta give them permission ta run over our roatis, anti we must make an example a! a few o! them bef are a caîl ta arms is given." Mr. Martin then re!ers ta an address given one time by the late General John Hughes wha tiieti this spring in Bowmanville, when he was a prominent Clarke Township citizen. Speaking ta an interesteti audience in Jimn Parker's olti shoe repair shop in Newcastle, the then Coi. Hughes re!erred to the automobile as "a curse upon farmers and upon the morality o! the nation at large." Many entiarseti the general's sentiments in those days. but these people have become accustomedti t the automobile anti would not tiream o! taklng a shot gun ta mot- arlsts or putting barbeti wire across the hlghway. 93 Keener Interest in Civic Affaira Iu mauy cities andti twns lu Ontario tax payers bave bandeti themselves together inta Ratapayers' Associations. These associations are nat organizati with the purpose o! teiiing tbe Mayor anti Council bow the business a! the tawn shouiti be conducteti nor are they arganizeti for the sole purpase a! mak- ing criticism. The assaciations o! this type lu Osh- awa have lu the past !ew manths bath criticizeti anti uphelti the cauncil lu its actions. The main thing bebinti the organizations of Ratepayers' Associa- tions is the interest taken by those who psy the taxes, lu tbe affairs o! their towu. lu f ar too many cases the voter goes ta the polilslu January witbout the ieast ides what it's ail about, anti we have knowu instances where some have exerciseti their franchise lu favar o! a candidate because "ha gaes ta my church," "beiongs ta the same latige." or evan "bas sucb a nice kinti face." He may have, but ha may be a woIf in sheep's clothing. The looks a! the man bas nothing ta do with his election ta council or other civic boarti. One bas ta ask whetber the candidate is a fit man for the office anti whether he is capable of taking an important part lu con- trolling the tiestinies a! a municipality. We are nat ativocating lu these remarks the as- tablishment o! a Ratepayers' ýAssociation bere. Heaven forbiti. there are f ar toa many organisations now, but we do ativocate a keener interest in muni- cipal affairs, a better attentiance a! citizans at Coun- cil meetings anti a dloser !ailow up a! the work be- ing carniet forwarti by that body a! elacteti men. >1 "I Amn a British Subject" Oua o! the many tiefinitians o! the British Com- monwealth a! Nations prior ta the Ottawa confer- ence was that it was composeti a! "the crown, the spirit, anti the Empire Marketing Boardi.' Maybe it came in desperation f rom a Frenchman! Wedtiet ta what Sorel calis the "spirit o! system," French writers bave saltiam untiarstooti the British Empire, for the reasan, apparentiy, that tbey coulti not ex- plain it. At any rate, the authoe a!f this de! inition, wboever ha is. will now bave ta change bis third in- gredient, the Empire Marketing Boardi, anti substi- tute mutuai prefereuces. Mr. J. L. Garvin. writing lu the Landau Observer, tacries the sentimental approach ta modem Empire business. But ha will nat be able ta down it. Nor woulti ha want ta. It is a question o! emphasis. But. grauteti that realism shouiti take over some part a! the appraach hitherta manapolizeti by senti- mentality, sentiment wiii still play the major raie lu inter-imperial affairs. Take the case o! Canada. Canada appeared as the most businessiike. if nat 'hart-ballet", bargainer at Ottawa. But behinti Mr. Bennett thera resideti s wealth a! sentiment reach- ing across tha continent, anti not !orgettiug Quebec othe way. Premier Bennett himself dacorateti bis ciosing oration with "I am a British subjact."l The future course o! the British Empire is the most fasclnating specuiation lu the fieldi o! political tieveiopment. Turgot sait that colonies, like fruit. trop off the trea when tbey are ripe. in the case o!f the British colonies, bowever, tbey have grown into sapIings without parting f ram tha parent stem. Canada anti severai other dominions founti their nationhoati turing the decade that led ta the Bai- four Declaration o! 1926. In that historic uni!ying document the British nations fulfilleti the policy far which. accortiing ta Madison. the American colonies originally took up arms: Co-ordinate membership with one another anti with Great Britain in an Em- pire uniteti by a common executive sovereigu. but not uniteti by any common legisiative sovereign. It taok 150 years ta fulfili it. At the beginning o! the Ottawa canference the terms o! atitress ta the 'comman executive saver- eign" were the subject a! much tiebate. The crown hati become invalveti in the dispute between the Uniteti Kingtiam anti the Irsh Free State. One o! the so-calleti minor resuits at Ottawa is the "psycho- tlogical progress-' which. according ta Mr. Sean O'Keily. has been matie between these two countries. That was what was wantet-a better atmosphere. The warmer termns in which the final message ta the throne was coucheti is testimany ta the improvement gaineti in those intangibles which must always be the chie! reliance for bintiing together the British Commonwealth af Nations-Boston Monitor. Teachers Set Pace in Relief Appeal Iu a few weeks it is likeiy an appeal wiil be matie ta the public o! this town for their generaus support in raising funtis for the relief o! destitute families. in this cannection we would like ta refer to the funti o! over $2000 raiseti last year. A large part a! this f unti was contributeti by the teachers at the High anti Public Schoals. These teachers gave generously anti naturally expecteti that other citizens woulti do the same. We would like ta point out that in comparison with the givings o! the majority a! citizens their wishes were not grat- ifieti. We theref are appeal ta citizens ta prepare naw ta answer the caîl when the time cames. Par- ticuiarly do we atidress these remarks ta the busi- ness men with wbam the relie! funtis are spent. The donations matie last year by the business men on King Street were very tiisappointing. We ail, busi- ness men, professional men, anti workers, have a moral obligation ta feeti the poor. The situation is such that the majority o! unemployeti are not un- emplayeti a! their own desire anti wouid a thousanti times rather be working steadiiy. paying their own way, than accept relief, even if they are given a certain amount o! work ta pay for it. However, the problem is bere anti every citizen bas a part ta play in coping with it. Why not be as generous as is possible anti "tio tnta others as yau wouiti they shouiti do unta you" were you in the unfortunate positian in whlch they are placed. Keep Constituents Informed A few tisys ago Hon. R. J. Manion, Minister o! Railways anti Canals, atitresseti bis canstituents in Fort William. That brings ta aur mind the subject a! parliamentary anti legisiative representatives anti the place they shouiti play lu the canstitueucies wbicb elect tbem. Up in Grey County Miss Agnes McPhail. Canatia's only waman member o! Parliament, treats the news- papers ta extremely iuteresting articles on wbat is going an when parliament is in session at Ottawa. She certainiy bas a true spirit o! public respansibil- ity. It is her belie! that the people who electeti her shouiti be kept informeti witb what is going on lu the Hause. The idea is one that might well be f ollaweti in ather ridings iuclutiing Durham County. We have two members here, one lu the Legisîsture anti one lu the Cammons, wbo one seltiom sees !romn one el- ection ta another except it be at chicken pie suppers, churcb sacials, lotige gatherings anti public meet- ings where they are forcedt t undergo an embarrass- ing baur a! hantishaking. ta say notbing o! listening ta a bunireti anti ane different sure anti certain ways ta bring back prasperity. A few public meet- ings, where the member coulti tell o! bis work or the business transacteti in the bouse. even if toiti purely fram his awn personal viewpolnt, wauld be a desir- able thing for the community. The Statesman wouiti welcome a columu article eacb week f rom bath aur popular members expressing their own comments while parliament Is in session. Heralding Autumnn Activities On Saturtiay the Canadian National Exhibition will close its gates for another year, as it bas doue for the past 54 years the appraach o! fali anti the apening o! the season's activities. Rugby wiil came inta its own at the Higb Scbool. Young Peaple's Associations wiil elect their new afficers anti proceati with their splendid wark. Home aud School Clubs, Music Study Clubs, Dramatie Clubs, anti s score a! other organizations will get tinter way with their programs o! variet iintarest. Tbese programs anti avants are not anly o! lu- terest ta those wbo attend them, but ta tha comn- munity at large. We are ail interasteti in knawing that John Smith is balt inl such higb regard by the Young people a! bis church that he bas been electet presitient o! their association, anti we are interesteti ta know o! the aims anti ambitions a! these argan- izatiaus, ail o! wbom, lu thair awn way, are adding ta tbe cultural weaith a! the community. Sa wben you are elacting your officers this year do not faîget ta appoint a press representative who is capable a! recarding the activities o! the organiza- tian lu a reatiable style or who will brlng the facts ta aur office where they wiUl be waven into an iu- terestiug stary for the paper. If the work you are tîying ta do is worthwhile do not averlook letting the whale district know about it through baving the facts publishet inl your home town paper. Editorial Notes The aucient rititle o! who pays for ativertising can be argueti forever, but it bols tiown ta this: Everybody pays for batiativertlslng, but goodatiaver- tising pays everybotiy. Ativertlsing is one o! the as- sentials wbich have createt lu aur nation more op- portunities ta the square mile than lu any other ares on earth. It can lawar aur costs a! living anti ralse aur standards a! living. Moreover. at this partic- ular time, as the business pentiulum is startlng an upward swing, it la ta the ativantage a! consumers that ativertislng shouiti be enlisteti among the other great ecanomlc forces a! the hour. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTI FIFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Sept, 8, 1882 From The Statesman, Sept. 4, 1907 James Elliott has arranged ta On August l4th, the inhabitants open a grocery store in the oid B. C. of Enniskillen turneti out in great Book Store. numbers ta bid farewell of Dr. anti The re-opening of St. Paul's Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock. Dr. Trebil- Presbyterxan Church wiil take place cock was presented with a combin- an the 17th. The repairs which ation bookcase and desk. Mrs. Treb- have been extensive inciuding tint- ilcock with a travelling suitcase. ing o! the walls and painting have and Miss Marjarie with a manicure just been completed. The re-apen- set. The presentations were made ing services will see Principal Mac- by Miss Gertrude Stevens, Miss Hel- Vicar of Montreal as preacher. ena Werry and Mr. J. A. Werry. The Statesman recently informeti Among those wha gave speeches its reatiers that Mrs. Thos. Brodie. were Rev. Thos. Snowdon, J. H. H.f Mrs. Thos. Fitzgerald anti Mrs. Day- Jury, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Paul Trebil- id Tawns hati gone ta Old Orchard Icack, Richard Woodley. J. J. Smith, Beach ta spenti a !ew weeks. While J. J. Virtue, Alan Hayes. J. H. Mut- there the Pleasant Hause a t whicht ton, J. A. Werry and Jas. Stainton. they were staying was burnedti t the In their baoth ta the le! t a! the graund. main entrance ta the Manufactur- Officers electeti at the Young ers' Building the Dominion Organ Men's Progress Club are: President, & Piano Ca. have an exhibit that is D. Sutton; Vice Pres., John May- a credit not only ta the town o! nr;Rec. Sec'y.,. E. McGarigle; Bowmanville but ta the whole o!, Fin. Sec'y., E. H. Caddy; Treas., Canada. J. W. Alexandier, presi-I John D. Keachie. dent, anti A. Mitchell are in charge Enniskillen: Thos. Goadman o!f o! the exhibit. Haydon had his horse !rightee b John V. O'Connor o! the Bal- a tiog Tuesday a!ternon. Themoral Hotel appeared be!ore Ma g- horse ran away. kicking as he went. istrate Horsey to answer a charge i anti managedti t leave his driver that liquor was salti at s h o tel anti buggy behinti. Before Mr. during his absence on Sunt. Ev Goodman le!t the vehicle the horse idence being positive. he was fineti kicked him several times mnjuring $50 anti costs. $60 in ail. bis le!t ieg seriously, one kick lay- Rev. Brandon Qreenaway, formerI ing the flesh open anti exposing the pastor o! Trinity Church. anti naw bone !or several inches. o! Britt. Iowa, was a special preach- Hampton: Our postmaster says er in Toronto Sunday. that it is 31 years since the post Marrieti: Scobell-Bugg-In Bow- office was establisheti here anti the manville, Sept. 2nd. 1907, by Rev. village changes its name !rom Mill- W. E. Carroll, B. A., Miss Etiith V., ville ta Hampton. Bugg anti Mr. Arthur H. Scobeli. Samuel Wood of the Base Line bath o! Bowmanville. has just threshed the !all wheat off Marrieti: Bradley-Jackman-In a !ive acre fielti, which yieltied 200 Bowmanville, August 28th. by Rev. busheis, 40 busheis ta the acre. Wm. Jolliffe, Mr. Charles Alexantier The Editor o! The Statesman has Bradley anti Miss Irene May, eltiest just returneti !rom a press trip ta daughter o! Mr. anti Mrs. S. J. the north west. Jaclcman, bath o! Bowmanville. r Dieti: In Bowmanville, Sept. lst. Eliza Hoar, reiict o! the late Davidi Bonathan. ageti 84 yas News for the Dieti: In Bowmanville. Aug. 3lst. William N. McDonald. ageti 74 years. Busy F r e difficuit ta kicll cauch grass roots un- tier humi conditions, anti plowing Warbe fuescontitte seausunder couch soti is af camparatively o! cattfiewherever tey re u littie use in destroying it. even when pestofctl hrvrte ae ploweti as deep as 15 inches. The common. It is estimateti by federal spreati o! the plant is through the entomologists that f ully 50 per centrotyte anihe nyefciv o! the hities taken off cattie in 13 way o! eliminating it is to work the were damageti by this pest anti the loss in value ta bides alone amaunt- roots up where the suri can get at eti ta $700,000. The annual 1as them anti burn or dry the vitaiity throughout Canada f rom this pest oto hm is estimateti at !rom $7,000,000,000 AlfaIfa Ensilage ta $14.000,000. r,,t.i ......... .qtn o tp ,uzt Carelesa Handllng Causes Lower Prices A repart receiveti by the Ontario Marketing Board states that. lu an effort ta induce apple growers ta prevent the. bruising o! apples dur- ing barvesting anti packiug. R. S. Marsb o! Illinois College o! Agri- culture, cites marketing studies which have reveaieci wide differ- ences iu market prices as a resuit a! methotis o! bantilg fruit lu orch- artis. Iu one case, he saiti that there was a diff erence o! 65 par cent between prices receiveti for sp- pies at the terminal market lu cou- sequence o! the methoti o! barvest- ing anti gratiing. Make the Medows Pay Ontario usualiy bas about four anti one-baif million acres o! bay crops each year. Iu passing acros the province Just before baying oue cannot beip feeling that many o! these acres are net paylng the taxes anti the cast o! haudling the crop. Statisticai reports indicate an av- erage yialti o! oniy one anti one- bai! tons ta, the acre anti this can certainiy be much impravati upon. For the meatiows, goati drainage anti sweet sali are very important. Roats o! grasses anti ciovers are slow ta penatrate wet salis anti wberever there is a surplus o! wst- er ou the sail, air is shut out anti bence the bacterisl ifi!e is elther weakeneti or killet. Anather point lu meatiow impravement is the use o! hlgh quality seeti. If poor seeti is useti the meadaw starts out wltb a handicap. Goati drainage, goati seeti. anti a liberai supply a! suit- able fertilizer make profitable mea- dows. A Serions Clover Menace The milti weatber a! the last three falis lu the Lake Er-e counties of Ontario in particular. bas resulteti lu an alarming spreati o! claver dati- dier. atherwlse known as loue vine. This parasitic plant Is one o! the moat seriaus menaces ta claver ba- cause a! the !act that It is almost impassible ta separate dattier !ram claver seeti. anti where tiatder goas ta seet inl a claver fileldi some spreat is inavitable. The claver dattier is a delicate vine-like plant, whlch starts with a very fine green shoot, bard ta de- tect, anti which attaches itself ta the stem a! the grawing plant, f lnally breaking away entiraiy f romn its own root anti living on the claver plant. Any badiy infestet iflelti shault be Plowed under anti plantedt t a haed or grain crop for a sufficient lengtb o! time ta campletaly eradicate sny accumulation a!oftitier wltich may have taken place in the sali. Where a slight infestation is naticeti Patch- es containing tiotiter can be cut anti I useti for fotider befbre the fielti Is ripe. Iu vlew o! tbe !act that al claver seet for expart must be ab- soutely free f ram datiter seeti, the oniy safe pracedure for the seeti grower is ta make sure at the out- set that the seeti be sows is absolute- ly f ree o! claver dattier. KlUlng Couch Grass Expasure o! couch grass roots to the sun for a !ew days lu bat sum- mer is one a! the most effective ways o! ridding the sailia! this pest. Untier favorable westher conditions it is Passible ta kiUi couch grass roats camPieteiy by two or tbreej tisys' exposure, but wlth the pres- ance o! moisture they will retain their vitality far some time. It is IBUY THIS FOOD BARGAI N AND BOOST CANADA A few cents for Shredded Wheat flot only buys a bargi but also boosts this country's greatest 'industry. Ol Canadian wbeat is used for Shredded Wheat. Do your part by eating this naurishing alI-family food every day. SHREDDED WHEAT 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX' MADE IN CANADA . BDY CANADIANS 0 F CANADIAN WHEAT rFull bloomauuers b V1e e be time ta cut alfalfa for ensilage. Wilting al!alf a for !ive hours im- proves the quality o! ensilage anti is recomnientieti for this crop. Thel m a g ob y ! addition o! 25 per cent o! tlmothy y ta alfalfa seems to improve its quai- ity as ensilage. while a mixture o!fhnAymrie I epe corn anti alfai!a praduces an excel- hnA ymridBlTep, lent ensilage. her people made her promise to The addition o! molasses at the rate af twa ta four per cent anti visit them often But after young crutie sugar at the rate o! one ta Bill came, the visits were less ando, twa per cent impraves thàe qualityIesfe enaho hteod o! alflia ensilage. esfeunatog th ol The addition o! sait does nat ap- folks were only 40 miles or so pear ta imprave the quality o! ai- faifa ensilage, while the addition o! away. lime resulted in such a poar quality f a! ensilage that the caws titi not Then one night Amy's -mother eat it. eehndadte o dhw Alfalfa cut in full bloom antidlpoe ndte on o placeti in the silo Without cutting pleasant and inexpensive a visit praduces a ratteti materiai which is by Long Distance can be. not fit for feeti. Stariug aif alfa in the silo for Low eveniflg rates So every Sunday night now periatis varyiug f rom tliree ta nine on months appears to have no adverse tiofl Cails begin Grandma catis them. The weekly effect on its !eetiiug quaîity. 7.00 p.m. Siil chats make them ail happier - Iower night rates Many mathers can testify to the ai 8.30 P.M. and the cost is only a few cents. virtue o! Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, because they know !ram experience how use! ul it is. Nelson's Sale of Port Perry Store Stock Continues tIiis Week Marvelous Bargains Fail Opening Specials New Fail Dresses Remarkable values for home and street wear. See these be- fore buying elsewhere. You cannot help but save money. 980 to $4,095 NELSON'S STORES Fal Feit Hats 10 dozen at a price eclipsing anything in town or city... Ail the newest styles and colora ...Including matrons. Note Tag Price, $1.29 each PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOIVbL&NVnM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932