PAGE FOURTECAAINSAEMNBWMqvu.TRSA.PTMW1 were Sunday visitors of Miss Ma- end with the latter's mother, Mrs.1 HAM~PTON belle Walter. A M S0Malw Mrs. L. J. Short and son, Mr. Carl CA M SJ Ma rlo . W eu n Sra o oompn recen C. and vsitefamily, Harmony, spent Sunday ran o Tront reentl an vistedwith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forder. Harry Cowling, Toronto, visited Mrs. Jack Hicks. Sorry to report that Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Wmn. Rudyick and Miss May his home recently. We are pleased to have our pas- Ginn is sick. George, Ingersol. are visiting Mr. Mr. A. Peters is sporting a very tor, Rev. H. C Wolfraim. and fam- Miss Birdie Fallis is visiting and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and Mr. pretty new Sedan. ily with us again on Sunday when Ifriends in Toronto. and Mrs. Albert Werry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colwill. Jr., are hie preached two excellent sermons. M'ss Gladys Cobbledick has re- Mr. George Crawford, Mrs. R. visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Worden en- smdtahn uis Crawford and MU. and Mrs. Steele Ms.A.Pake. -.iPsoP tertained Rev. R. L. and Mrs. Mc- Mr. Glenn Gibson spent Sunday spent Sunday at the Cream of Bar- visited at Mrs. M. Goodman's. '40',Tàvlsh, Oshawa, and Rev. H. C. and at Mr. James McKee's. ley Camp, Bowmanville. School is open again with saine Mrs. Wolfraim. on Saturday even- Mr. Alfred Thornett visited his Mrs. Florence Baggs, Toronto, Mr. teachers in charge as last termi. ing. brother, Mr. Fred Thornett, on Sun- and Mrs. Levi McGill. Cadmus. and Mrs. F. Rogers and two daughters Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle spent day. Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, visited Mr. have returned from a nice visit at last week with their son. Mr. Elmer Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Parr recently. Elnivale. Rundle, Toronto, and attended the Willard Spencer (nee Susie Hyland) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson, Exhibition. Mrs. Rundle is extend- On their recent marriage. guests 0f Mrs. R. Katerson and Miss Blackstock. were guests at Mrs. R. ing her visit th.ts week. Mrs. Payne and son Mr. Milton Mary Katerson, Hampton, on Sun- Katerson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules, Payne are visiting the former's dau- day. Mrs. Stinson addressed Hamp- Mr. John Clark is starting the Master Jack, Bill and Donald, Miss ghter. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. ton Sunday School in the afternoon. corn harvest with a new binder Aura Brooks and Mr. Rae Brooks, Rev' Mr. Newell is to be with us The sYmpathy of the communxty which is working fine. Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and again*next Sunday and we hope to is extended to Mr. William Nesbitt Mrs. J. Jebson and Miss Mary Mrs. S. S. Brooks on Saturday. i see a goodly number present. and family in the death of Mrs. Jebson are spending a week with The sympathy of this community Miss Georgina Fowler has been Nesbtt Which occurred on Wednes- her son, Mr. Cyril Jebson. London. is extended ta Mrs. Leslie Snowden spending a few days with hier par- day, Aug. 31st. Funeral was held on Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery and babe, and family, and to Mr. Thomas ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. F'rlday. Buffalo, N. Y.. visited his mother Snowden, father, and Mrs. Harry Little Collette Ferguson, Who has recently. Glad ta report Mrs. Avery Freeman. sister of the late Leslie been staying with her grandparents,j steadiiy improving in health. Snowden, whose death came as a Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill, for a SLN Mr. Herbert Smale and family, sudden shock to his many friends. couple of weeks, has returned ta her SO IN Detroit, visited his mother, Mrs. Ida Leslie was a man of sterling char- home in Bowmanville. Smale. Mrs. Holdway and Miss Vie acter and a hlghly respected citizen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanderson, Several from here attended Tor- Holdway also visited Mrs. Smale. and will be much missed in his own Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Johnston, De- onto Exhibition. Mr. Littlejohns, Cleveland, Ohio, community and the surrounding troit, Mrs. Charlie Virtue and child- Mr. Allan Wlllan, Toronto, visited called on a few friends in the vil- communities. re f Enniskillen, called on Mr.MrGegeWry lage recently after an absence from ______________ Everard Sanderson's on Sunday. MrGogeWry the district of nearly fifty years.Thsy atyftecmuny Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt. Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ham and two I ~ Al ~ ~ i xeddtho the reltivs nd ville, visited at Mr. S. Bush's. boys of Englehart. accompanied by MA LEGR V i Theesd 0fpt the rlat ivsJhn dr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Awde, Dray- friends o h aeMs onEgr ton, visted at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's. J. B. Horn and wife, called on the ton who passed away at the home Ms li rgTrno iie famiy 0 th later ereon undy.of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Arch- with her sister, Mrs. John Baker. Our sympathy is extended ta Mr. Miss Nellie Ridehalgh, Toronto, er, Port Hope, on Monday,Set5h, rsA.JRyodsT- Harry Holwell on the death of his spent the holiday with Mrs. L. also ta the friends of the late Mrs.rotvsedaMis ayH- moter ecetlyin nglndparic-Twit.Isaac Heaslip who was buried f romn garth's. ulars of which he has .iust received. Misses Susie Laird and Vera Mr. Lewis Fallis'. Nestleton Sta., on Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allin visited Triinble have returned ta their T' sday, Sept. 6th. in Toronto over the weekend. They schools. snWreWibvstda r called on Mrs. Wm. Ruse who is Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wood have Cecil Pascoe's. still in the General Hospital and been visiting their daughter, Mrs i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westlake, found lier mrvnslwy BobClre igvl. DEVITT'S CORNERS j QIa and Carmen, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Norman Thickson, Misses Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist and M.Hrl aces Kay and Eleanor, Mrs. George Stev- daughter Eileen, Toronto. have be Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and enson. Oshawa, Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, visiting his mother. Mrs. L. Twist. Miss Mary King is staying with Miss Kathleen visited at Mr. How- Bowmanville, were recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and her niece, Mrs. Ross Curtis. ard Couch's, Bethesda. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth. Miss Jean spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. A. E. Devitt and Helen spent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundie enter- and Mrs. Everton White, Bethesda. a few days last week in Bowrman- and Mrs. Meredith Moffat, Oshawa, tained «n number of neighbors and a Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White and ville. visited at Mr. S. E. Werry's. few villagers ta a corn roast on two daughters, Oshawa, have re- School re-opened Tuesday morn- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson, Miss Monday evening and ail had a very turned home after. visiting her par- ing with Miss Mabel Argue as tea- Ileen and Master Harold, visited pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. cher. friends at Pontypool recentîy. Claughton and Miss Helen Claugh- Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday Jr.. Mr. Miss Edna Larmer spent Sunday Mr. Cedric Parsons, Ebenezer, ton bade fareweil to the gathering and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, have been with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Russell Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Kedron, as they are moving at once ta Lind- visiting their brothers. Will and Larmer. were guests at Mr. Alan McKes- say district. Best wishes.1 Steve, and other friends at Chat- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. sock's. After the lesson period at Sunday ham. Willard Spencer <nee Susie Hyland) Mr. and Mrs. Charleton McBride Schooi last Sunday Mrs. Frank Mr. D. H. Coates, Dr. and Mrs. L on their recent marriage. and Burton, Peterboro, spent the Stinson, Blackstock, gave a splendid H. Coates, Brantford. visited the Messrs. Meredith English, Russell weekend at lier father's, mr. Gea. Temperance address. Miss Helen formers brother-in-law. Mr. T.* Larmer and Walton Larmer motor- White. Knox favored with a vocal select- Snowden, and niece, Mrs. L. C. ed to Belleville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Mr. ion accompanied by Miss Jessie Snowden, on Tuesday. A number f ram here attended the and Mrs. Norman Reynolds and son Knox.______________________ funerai of the late James Richard- Norman, Toronto, visited at Mr. BtKn ox. arizes cwere dpesenfdto ~- son in Pontypool on Thursday. Jack Reynolds'. BetyKnx n JckNidry rom Mrs. R. J. Bruce has returned Mr. A. L. Pascoe vstdhsdu sadn inthe CoutyW.C. T . fraigest A E home alter spending the past couple ghter, Mrs. W. D. McLaughlin, sdtningn te st Tmpracof weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Whitby, on Monday. and attended Eduatin Cntet.Ross Curtis, Baltimore. the funeral of the late Mrs. Blan- Mrs. F. Cator went ta Windsor on Mrs. Walton Larmer, accompanied chard. Saturday to visit her son, Mr. W. by her sister, Miss Vivian Johnston Mrs. Ed. Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. CO R IECator. of Toronto, visited their mother, Robt. Rundle, Meadville, Pa., Mrs. ________________________ Our local schoal reopened on Mrs. D. Johnston, Lotus, over the Acy Penfound. Orono, Mrs. Sam Thurday.Gladta report Mr. F. holiday. udeadMsArEbnz, Miss Amelia Lear, Oshawa, was Blackburn at the helm again this This community extends sympathy isid a, Ms abr a week-end guest of Mrs. A. J. Gay. termi. to Mrs. Thas. Hyland in the death mieslIdaeenls, To t.Mr.sJohnrber- Master Jack Saules, Toronto, has Mr. John Plunket, Mr. and Mrs. of her sister, Mrs. William Nesbttt. îowees andoson tomWe, Mr.Yl been halidaying at Mr. S. S. Brooks Leslie Plunket and little daughter, wha passed away Wednesday even- lwesadsnTm inpg r Mr. Walter Snider spent the weeIk Peterboro, visited with Mrs. A. Wil- ing after a lengthy iîîness. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. Bowman- end with Mrs. Snider at Mr. W. H. kens an the holiday. ville, visited at Mr. Jack Yellowlees. Nichais. Mr. Ewart Pollard returned ta s Sorry ta report that Mr. H. E. Miss VeIma Gay has been holi- Toronto on Sunday ta take up dut- ENFILD i Hokaday. othiare de lsr. daying at hçr grandfather's Mr. ies again an the teaching staff after EN IL Id okdY ohaeun h Thos. Jackson in Bowmanville. spending the later part of a vaca- d-- f r anred helegtterwsh tem Miss Lyla Osborne spent the week tion at home. rmainuelg.Wwshtm end in Gravenhurst and then re- A gaadly number of aur citizens Miss Helen Stark is attending both a speedy recovery. turned ta Toronto ta resume her attended Tyrane Harvest Home Ser- Oshawa High Schooi. We exend aur sympathy ta Mr. teaching. vices on SundaY and Monday and Miss E. Tamblyn has commenced Chas. Blanchard in the death of his Miss Mabel Brown, Peterbora report a very enjayable nd profit- duties again in aur academy. mother in Whitby last week, and and Mrs. Ward Brown, Oshawa, ble time spent on bath days. Dr. and Mrs. W. McCulioch, Or- also ta Mrs. L. C. Snawden and Mrs. W. J. Cann and Miss Gladys ono. visited at Mr. Wallace Scott's. family, Maple Grave, in their recent -returned home last week after hav- Miss Elaine Palmer, Toronto, has sad bereavement. Several framn here ing a very enjoyable trip to Banff been visiting at Mr. Edwin Ormis- attended the funeral last Thursday. and visiting numerous relatives tan's. Mr. Beverley Tink, Chicago, Miss- SE VI EA LE through the Western Provinces. and Miss Helen Pascoe has cammenc- es Mildred and Gertrude Webber, SERV CEA 3LE ow issCann has returned ta Ta- ed teaching at Wick for another Columbus, Mr. Gardon Douglas, ronto ta resume duties as teacher year. Shelbaurne, Mrs. Norman Allin and Sch ol Sh es there. Mrs. F. Page, Enniskillen, Mrs. Miss Marion Allin, Newcastle, Mr. ____________________ Branton, Oshawa, n r n . and Mrs. Hilton Tink and Lorraine. STURY AD STONGArthur Page, Toronto, visited at Mr. Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence STUDY NDSTRNGS. Page's. Tink and family, Maple Grave, vis- HIGH IN QUALITY ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Baw- ited at Mr. H. E. Tink's. LOW IN PRICE t______________ manville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Our yaung People held an outdoor Infans' Soes,2 to5 98 Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall, Coi- League meeting in the school yard Bnants' aeOfs, 2 t 5 9 Mr. W. R. Lamb visited his son, umbus, visited at Mr. W. J. Ormnis- last Wednesday evening with about BlckCaf xfrd. iZsMr. Lamne Lamb. ton's. seventy-five present. The Zion 8 ta 10 1,2 $1,59 ta S2.35 Mr. H. Stevens had a bad attack Mr. and Mrs. W. Stinsan, Detroit, softbali team came over for a Black Caîf Oxfords. sizes of the f lu last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sargsen and Miss friendly game of bail with our girls 11 ta 2 $1.89 ta S2.45 Miss Reva McGill has returned ta Evelyn Stinson, Toronto, Mr. and and[ went hm al etn ae Growing Girls' Calf Oxfords, her schaol in Toronto. Mrs. L. Stinson and family, Oshawa, in the evening aIl gathered around sizes 212 ta 7 SI-98 te S3.98 Miss Aileen S*eetman is visiting visited at Mrs. John Stinson's and the camp fire for the program. Miss Growing Girls' Patent 1-Strap, her aunt, Mrs. W. Lamb. Mrs. H. Stinson's. ILena Taylor presided and Misses sizes 212 ta 7 Si.98 Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto. spent Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Cas- Jean Milîson and Jessie Yellawlees Women's Kid 1-Strap, the holiday among friends here. tleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and gave excellent reports of the sum- sizes 3 ta 7 $,8 M.adMs.i .Moeset children. *Oshawa, M\r. and Mrs.L. mer school at Oak Lake. Relay Womn' Kd TesiesSunday with friends at Nestleto. Rahm. Richmond Hill, Mr. Stephien games were enjayed. Rev. Rack- ta 7 S2.Ki9 andS2.98 Mr. James Stainton spent Sun- Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bridge, hami gave a very interesting reading 3 to7 S249 nd S.98 day with his daughter Mrs. H. Stev- Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Orr, and commiunity singing was indulg- Boys' Oxfords. 1 ta 51',. ens. Maunt Forest. visited at Mr. Alf. ed in. A friendship circle was made SI.79 ta $2.85 pair Mrs. Freeborn spent a few days Prescatt's. and the meeting was closed with Men's Work Boots, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cathcart, __________________ singing "Blest bie the die that binds." $1,98 - S2.49 - $2,98 Kendal. -__________ Mrs. E. Page, Lorraine and Alvin BLACKSTOCK viie r n rs .PgE-AVERTISING INCREASES CON- 117 ru vied o r. ndr. S aeE-9SUMPTION 0F BASIC PRODUCTS Wf ield, on Sunday. VV.!.Iauctelves Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry spent Cartwright Sehool Faîr will e A ntachfh. detsn desgnsta h0Oe romlaters parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. . and Mrs. Lamne McGuire 2000000 punds more Canadian -~Newton, Tavistock. spent Sunday with their san-in-îaw wheat weekly from this source alane. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. (Work that out in terms of yearîy Allan visited at Mr._ Russell Whltfield. cansu.mptîan and yau will fnd that Jury & JlITk11 Wright's, Tyrone, on Sundlay and Mr andMs Carl Wright and it 15 a total which is warth consld- ju y & Lovel atne h avstHm.duhes Pearl, Kathleen and Dor- ering. We want ta sel aur product Mir. and Mrs. Fred Preston and othy. and Miss Emmia Rutledge vis- but we do feel that aur success Wlien We Test Eys I h babe. Peterboro, are spendinga ited Mrs. Wrlghts parents, Mr. and shaws haw Industrial firms with the Doue Properly couple of weeks with his mother, Mr Rutledge, Bancroft, last week. ih ot0 rdc a dets Mrs. G. Preston. Fred is relieving isses Olive McQuade and Ruth ta increase the country's cansump- Mr. Hill at Burketon Station. Marlow, Tomonto, spent the week- tion Of basic products.-' CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Note htl be nima 'e of the recent z1langes ini the train service on the- Can- adian National Raiiways. announceil re- cently. The new~ sciiedulle: GOING WEST (Standard Time) .31a. Mi. Daily. 6.4a p. ni. Pi l i1y xcj- t Sunelay. 8.48 I i. Sndyonly. GOING EAST 12.24 a. ni. Dialy. 5 z. M. D«1iiy. 2. 13 1). ni. Daiiv except Sunilav. 1<0.26 v. ni. Daiiy. 5.20 p. in. Sunclay only. CANADIANi'4 ACFIC RAILWAY GOING EAST (Standard Time) 9.18 a. ni. Daiiy. 11.15 a. mi. Mixe.d: ;Daily except 11.23 p. n. taiy. u d y GOING WEST 5.34 a. ni. Dally. 3.00 P. nm. Daliy. 4.25 P. nm. Mixed; Daily except (Sunday. TYRONE STATION (Standard Tme) on effect from Sunday, Sept. 27th, 1931 GOING WEST 11.50 a. ni. Monday, Wetinesday, Friday. GOING EASTr .33 P. in,. Tuesd*y, Thureday, Saturday. COLLACUT'r COACH LINES TIME TABLE Leave Bowma n%' lîe Leave Bawmanvilluî (Westbound) <Eastbound) 8.10 a. m...4.20 a. mi 10.50 a. in. 11.50 a. in: 1.45 1). m. 3.05 P. nm 5.10 p. in. 5.05 P. ni. 8.40 p. mn. 7.05 p. ni. 12.15 a. m. <mdnilîtî 9 60(1). in- This couple have a nlan. They have a huidget and It works. Tlley are fot the Cnly happy people elther. The reason lh(ey are conifortablb Jsj because Uiey Isnow how to buy. This knowl edg e la nu longer a secret. There is ail A & P store i ust arosnd the GENIJINE FRESH SPRING LAMB LEGS b. 1) SLICED BREAKFAST BACON Rlndkuu BREAKFAST--SIIL L LI4 SA USAGE ib17e FINEST QUALITY A & P__ RKoasts 'RuMPl14 ROUNDIb. -SRLINM. Stea ov oameSteak or Roast IFRUITS and VEGE2'ARLES Make your neighborhood A & P Store headquarters for domestic and imported fruits and vegetables, de- livered to ail stores fresh dail.y. ATLANTIC OR BANQIJET-I'ASTRY FLOUR 4.a JEWEL BRAND Shore *ug 3. 25. AYLMER CROICE PEASno. 4 3 v 27A SOAP CHIPS Bik3 17 VINEGAR BuIk ZIDBosca. 2 I~~K~8F FUoe13 20.1b. Pi 1 7 MOST WCU PAIn TO PODUCIR FOR 9o. Àq~STR AAGER. Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c'. Phoie No. 83. Bowmànville. 'N The Best Savings Accout It takes time to save. Life Insurance gives your family the money, whetheî' or flot you lve long enough to have saved it. No other savings plan holds out this induce- ment. It is just as easy to pay an insur- ance pîremium as it is to add a similar amount to youî' savings account, and a pol- iyholder has the gr-eat advantage of knowing how much he xviii get out of his investment. There is no "guess" in life insurance. If you want to assure yourself or' youî' dependlents a definite amount at a definite time, we will gladly tell you how it can be done. The Mutual Life Assurance Coy. 0F CANADA Head Office: Waterloo, Ontario C. H. DUDLEY, Representative Phone 57, Bow'manville a 431e ----,jq7c v A»lm - u 2 m& 25e FIRESHLY GROUND__ Hamburg Steak 3 im' 25e IESHa COHOE SALMON g p b e fi THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1922 1 ý, , , -'il lummeu Br the pleee M. 220 SVEAKS, LB. 24e