PAGE SEVXPT TEM CANADIAN 8TAIMMN, BOWMIANVJLL. TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.,1932 You know it's "good tea" Ied Rose Tea RED LABEL 25c,.' Ibo We say it's the greatest value you can buy "I'm glad you bought plenty of Christie '8 Premium Soda Crackers .. . hecause, with soup, they're about ail we'1l need for a good lunch." Chritiges PIMIUM SODA CRACKERS Crisp, light, flaky and slightly salted. Irresist- ible. Once the family starts eating them.. be sure the suppiy doesn't run out. Again tihe Warning is repeated about BARN FIRES '0 The Ontario Fire Marshai is the àuthority for the statement that the saiting of hay diminishes the danger of barin fires from spontaneous combustion. Sait aiso makes hay more palatabie and animais thrive on it. There is therefore a double benefit. We seli the finest grades of Windsor Sait and are eager to suppiy your needs. Don't wait until fire has struck. Buy it now. GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL (More Heat with Leu8 Ash) When buying coai you will agree it is heat you expect, not huge piles of ashes. This Scotch coal is guaranteed to produce more heat than American coal, with one-third as much ash. Sheppard & (illi Lumber Co. PHONE 15 IM«TED DOWMALNVKLL WiII You Invite Loss? No one need ever take a financiai loss because his home might burn. Our com- plete fire insurance pxotects your home - and iikewise your pocket book - in the event of fire destroying your property. Don't invite los... insure your home and prevent it. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurauce Brokens KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMALNVILLE HOBTICULTURLAL SOCIETY'S FLOWEK AND VEGETABLE SHOW AT NEWCASTLEý (Continued f rom page 8) Hare, pink asters and sweet peas by Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Waters, florist, Toronto. judged the show, assisted by MiS3 Mernes, florist, Parkdale, and in her remarks of the evening highly prais- ed the quality of many o! the ex- hibits, saylng that in ahl her exper- ience in Toronto she had neyer seen fiowers to excel some of the speci- mens shown. Mrs. Waters spent an interestmng hour, demonstrating with the flowers at hand and with con- tainers provided by herseif how to arrange them ta the very best ad- vantage in vases. bowis. baskets, etc. Miss Memnes asslsted and in conclusion the ladies received a hearty vote of thanks for their ser- vices as judges and for their help- fui and practicai demonstrations of bouquet making. Mrs. M. Brown by virtue of wn- ning the highest number of points was again presented by President W. F. Rickard with the Wellington Foster silver cup and as she has now won this valuabie trophy three yeams in succession as she has aiso the C. D. Massey Cup at the spring shows. she wiii be given by the Hor- ticultural Society for her perman- ent possession a new cup equal in value ta the Foster Cup. If there were such a thing as a prize offered by anyone te the per- son in Newcastle with the highest record for winning cups in any and ail kinds of competitions the prize wouid sureiy go ta Mms. Matt. Brown of Glenwood Cottage, Walton St. Severai members f rom Port Hope and Coboconk Horticuiturai Socie- ies were present at the evening program and through their secre- taries extended greetings ta the Newcastle societies. Prize Winners Asters, pink, 3 b.-Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Hare, Mrs. Law. Asters, purpie, 3 b.-Mrs. M. Brown 1 and 2, Mms. Quantrili. Asters, W. 3 bl.-Mms. Hare, Mms. Douglas. Mrs. Quantrill. Asters, crimn., 3 b.-Mrs. F. Bran- ton, Mrs. Hare. Mms. Purdy. Asters, col. of 12-Mms. J. A. But- ler, Mrs. Hare, Mrs. Matchett. Snapdragon. 6-Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mrs. Hare, Mrs. Quantril. Cosmos, display -- Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Garrod. Mms. J. C. Hancock. Dahlia, cactus-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2. Dahlia, decorative-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2, Mrs. Batty. Dahlia, show-Mrs. Law, BM. Brown, Mrs. Fisher. Dahlia, coi.-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2, Miss Trenwith. Giadioli, y.-Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Fiigg. Gladilil, pink-Mrs. Beman, Mrs. Fligg, Mrs. Cowan. Gladioli, w.-Mrs. Law, Mrs. Fiigg, Mms. Beman. Giadioli, r. - Mms. Butler, Mrs. Cowan, Mms. Beman. Giadioli, purpe-Mrs. Fiigg, Mrs. Fisher. Gladilil, var.-Mrs. Beman, Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. Cowan. Giadilil, 3 coiors--Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Jase, Mrs. Fllgg. Hydrangea, per. - Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Law, Mrs. J. C. Hancock. Marigolds, Fr.-Mrs. Fisher 1 and 2, Mrs. H. E. Hancock. Marigolds, Air. - Mrs. Fisher 1 and 2, Mms. Brown. Nasturtlums - Mms. H. E. Han- cock, Mrs. Quantrlll, Mms. Law. Pansies-Mrs. Hare 1 and 2. Petunias-Mrs. Cowan, Mms. Pur- dy, Mm. Matchett. Phlox, per.-Mrs. Law, Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Mrs. Beman. Salvla-Mrs. Purdy, Mms. Branton, Mms. Hare. Stocks-Mms. Brown 1 and 2, Mms. Beman. Sweet Peas - Mms. Douglas, Mms. Beman. Saipigiossis - Mrs. Brown, Mms. Matchett. Coi. Garden Flowers - Mms. Be- man, Mrs. Brown, Mms. Quantriil. Zinnias-Mrs. Quantrili, Mms. Be- man, Mrs. Hare. Giadilil, basket - Mms. Beman, Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Mrs. J. C. Han- cock. Fiower Giri's Basket - Mms. Be- man, Mrs. Brown, Mms. Matchett. Brlde's Basket-Mms. J. C. Han- cock. Centrepiece, diniig table-Mms. M. E. Hancoc,. Mrs. Branton, Mms. Quantrill. Buttozihole Bouquets- Mms. But- ler 1 and 2, Mrs. Cowan. Basket or Vase of ffowems, hail or veranda-Mms. Cowan, Mms. Brown, Mr.Duglas. Noveity Flower - Mms. Law, Mms. Matchett, Mms. J. C. Hancock. Speclal--Miss Trenwith, prize do- nated by Judge. Floral design, spray-Mms. Brant- 11; Mms. Wm. E. Purdy, il; Mms. T. F. Branton, 10; Mms. Quantrill, 10; Mms. Fred FUIgg, 9; Mrs. J. C. Hmn- cock. 8; Mrs. J. Douglas, 8; Mms. J. E. MaLchetL, 7; Mms. J. H. Jase, 2; Mms. J. Garrod, 2, Mms. C. T. Batty, à 1; Miss Trenwlth, 1. SFrom Door to Door by Express 1 commemoration of these boys waS placed in the schooi siiortly after the war where It ssll hangs, by Mr. Henry Bowen. Mr. Arthur T. Perrin, aof Toronto, who recently bought what is known as the Graham farm, lot 16-17 in the 3rd concession, Clarke, formeriy occupled by W. H. Mackie, ia now settled on the place. Mr. Perrin was a foliner Toronto Engineer. Mr. Perrin is at present looking Up nateriai for a temporary barn and stables. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin are heartily welcomed by the commun- ity. Bad Constipation And Sick Headaches Ended By Vegetable PlUs Formerly a wreck frorn Contipaticu, Sick Headaches and Indigestion, ML V. H. write: lit was a red-letter day for mne when a friend recoinmended Carter's Little Liver Pila Resait. have been marvellou&." Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a geatie, efective toukcto both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Littie Liver Pilla are without equar for co- recting Acidity, Blijouseesé, Poor Coin plezion and Indigestion. 25r.& 75cr d pkga, Aak for Carter's by NAME. ng a couple of weeks at bis fath- cc er's, Mr. Isaac Winter. Percy re- centiy underwent an operation for Pl tonsils and is steadily improvmng. t, Mr. and Mrs. W. Atwell and Lwo Fi daughters, of Detroit, Mich., ac- companied by Mrs. Percy Morgan wl and daughter, motored ta Perth via a the new highway (No. 7) and spent th the weekend with their mother. c Mrs. Atwell remained for a longer se visit. W III. ~ Miss JO Armstrong, Hartford, Conn., who has been spending am week with her sister, Mrs. Waliace st Jamieson, at Timinins, motoired into h town Sunday for a hoiiday with her t mother, Mms. C. G. Armstrong. Mms. ("4anadian National Express men at work. Above: Horse drawn and Thornton Wilson of Ottawa was ai- ~.ooovehicles prepare ta bcad at the Express sheda. Below: Parcels oavstrthemte'. and packages of al morts, amsand shape are handled by Expresamen ln the oavstra e ohrs coure o thir ay' wok.-CEmdia Naionl Rilwys 3hoogrph.Mr. William Bennett, Lake Shore, couse f tei da's ork-Cnadan atona Ralwas hotgrah.Bowmanville, farmer, a one ime __________________________tenant on the Waddell farin east o! EXPRESS SERVICE HELPS which it must go. Sometimes Lhe the town, aithough in Nis 86th year, COMUNITY TO DEVELOF packages are so sinaîl as ta require bas yet to leara wbat iL means to an attached tag ta provide room for grow old. In the bay harvest. 46 the address; at other imes they are acres, he easiiy kept up his end, Brings Rural Resident in Touch with1 large enough ta tax the capacity of ioading hall the crop. Besides he is City Markets and Stores. Provides1 the car door and the strength o! one o! the f irst about in the morn- Service in Transferrna Money, severai men ta iload them. But mng, 5 a. n. f inds hhlm hustling tbe Valuabies and Producté whether large or smaii, of intrinsic chores. ____value or articles o! merchandise, iL Misses Laura and Isabelle Allun The railway express car plays an is very seldom Lbat anything hap- returned home last week f rom a visit important part in the life o! every Pens tri prevent their sale and at their brather's, Rev. CecilAllin, Canadian commun.ity. IL 13 the speedy delivery in good condition at his new appontment, Onargo, vehicie by whlch a large part o! the and ta the satisfaction of bath shlp- Ill., a bright Uittle town south o! farmers' product is carrned ta the per and consignee. Chicago, where Rev. Mr. Allun bas a consumer, or vice versa, by which 13 In the case of canarles, poultry church of modern design and a good delivered the purchases which the and similar live stock shipinents, the congregation. Before ieaving on f armner may have made in distant birds or animais are given careful their return home the Misses Alun ciLles. IL 13 the medium whereby, attention f rom the moment they are spent a day or two with their uncie. among other things, miik and turned over ta the Express Company Dr. John Allin, at Fisher, Ind. cream, butter and eggs f ind their untii they are deiivered. Wherever Mr. Wallace Maas, a former pupii way from farin te market, and the such action may be necessary, the of Na. 9 school, was in Lhe section shlpments whlch iL hanies are as birds or animais unloaded f rom the planning the erection o! a Labiet at varied as one can imagine. Gener- express cars and their cages or boxes1 the schooi ta the memory of the aily speaking, they are limnited in are cieaned and disinlected. Water three former pupils of that school size only by the dimensions of the and food are given as requlred and who feUl in. the great war. A dedi- car door tbrough whlch Lhey must if the Journey shouid be long enough cation ceremony we undemstand wlli enter. Their range may be through ta ijustify such action, in the case a! be held iater. A beautiful abiet In the entire familles o! birds, beasts anunals, they are exercised in arder and flowems, Lhey include gold, sil- ta keep Lhem in condition. An in- ver and other preciaus metais. dia- stance of the value to shippers O! andi somewbat unusual shipinent monds, rubies and other preciaus such careful treatment is sho Îby moved, however, la the other dir- stones. In f act, one may say that the shipinent some years ago o! a ection, and consisted of a large con- there is no unmit ta the tbings wbich consignmleiit of Canadian pouitry ta sîgninent o! silk gloves and hoslery one may entrust ta the express Coin- an international exhibition at Bar- f rom Sherbrooke, Quebec. consigned pany and rest assured o! their safe celona. These birds were so well ta Australia. delivery. looked alLer during their journey The Canadian National Expess overseas that they captured 'the While flot se unusuai, the fruit basbee vey d! iltey ~e~~ed highest honora of the show, and the service provlded by Canadian Nat- with the progreas o! the commun- Iciass o! Canadian birds exhlblted lnlEpes1 !getiprac ities served by the Canadian Nation- there was largely responsiblç for La the growers o! this country. Dur- ai Raiiways. Seing o! f aimpr-Canda being chosen as the place o! mng the season when sol t fruits are holdng he ext eetng.being marketed, speclal care wlth duce and purchase o! manulcueWodn tenx etn.their bandling la taken, wlth the re- goods alike bave been made easy Silver bullion from Cobalt ta suit that Canadian fruit growers are tbrough the services o! this Camp- Shangbai moves via Canadian Nat- enablidta place their product on any. The fariner or rural dweller ional Express, as also have ship- Lhe markets af the large cîties in stoe thra h a1 f rom the Canadiay ments o! goid bullion moving froin excellent condition. And then, dur- stor thn heis rom.theCanaianing the Chrlstmnas season, special N'ational Express office, nor 13 he New York ta Ottawa and London ta arrangements are made whereby the any further removed f rom bis City- Ottawa; the fariner for the mintîng Express Company accepts shlpments dwelling custoiners ta whomn he inay o! "Lokens" which are used in Or- o! Canadian apples for dellvery ta desire to consign shipinents o! but- iental lands and the latter in pay- averseas points, at speclia tes and ter, eggs, cream or other produce. ment of debts. Silks from the Or- guarantees their dellvery in ime for Not oniy in the shipment of goodsis ent, conslgned ta flrms in Canada Christmas. This service has proven does the Canadian National Express or the United States are frequent.iy a siaution o! the problem o! sending serve him, but also in the traiisfer bandled, though the larger ship- something distinctiy Canadian ta o! money and valuables toa aty part ments move by fast freight service overseas frientis and Is being more o! the world, for an Express Money o n passenger train ime. One large widely patronlzed each season. Order has became recognized as the sa! e method o! transferring cur- - .--.- .- rency at aiL imes. In addition La the everyday ship- inents which one sees loaded into or unloaded f rom express cars, the Canadian National express is cailed M N Y GE upon at imes La handle manyy I \VHENhpmets Almost everyone wMl reinember \ H y o u 1 "Pigs la Piga" and the station agent wbo recelved a consigument o! guinea pigi and refused La hand these animals over until be recelved payment for tilér carrnage as "plgs." His dflfcUtlêt are braught MRT H O Lo mind by a shlpment of th» li- terestimg lttie animais, whlch wasR À press f rom Leicester, England, to Lyndhurst, N. J. A T - N C A That notbing dreadfl happened ta this particular consignment is ' ' shown by a letter reaching E. J. . 4 Wearing, Europeaii Express Agent, f rom the shipper. J. H. Harrison of Leicester, Engiand, who stated that at Lyndhurst. N. J. "safe and sounti and in good condition." Whiie this was an unusual ship- ment. IL was but one o! many zuch whlch have been handied by Canad- . Ian National Express. Silver black f axes are moved by express se reg- uiariy that their handling has be- came almost a commonilace. 1000 One hundred cananies whlch sang their way !rom Engiand ta Prince 7,.C RuprtB. ..comprlsed another I! out-of-the-ordiflary shlpmeflt hand- ..».. led by the Company. Then there have been royal swans f ram LondonM La Toronto; Canadian beaver f rom Jasper National Park La New Zea- land and ta Hamnburg; deer, elk, i bear and owls from Canada ta zoo- logical collections overseas; dogs, FR cats and rabblts, some of them hlgh- lpedlgreed and valuable; hors, cows and calves, their veins con-» tainlnig the bluest o! animai biood. ta and froin race meetings and ex- 'APID STAPT UCK PICKC-UP PEATER POUER MRE MILES PED ALLON REEDOM PROM NIOCK. tON C A FRONTENAC18 i ORONOI (From The News, Sept. 1) Mr. Isaac Winter arrivea siafeiy at Mountain Side, Man. in good health and spirits. Threshlng was well un- der way when lie arrived and the weather was fine. IMr. Andrew Knox le! t Monday week ta jomn his family who were enjoying an outing near Kingston, and accompanied by them spent the week at Lake Placid, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Corbett, Perrytown, with their daughter and son-mn-law, Mr. and Mrs. McIngre, Toronto, recentiy visited their cous- ins. Miss Walsh and Mrs. Cobble- dick. Mr. R. H. (Plerpont) Armstrong, B. A., associated the past year with his brother Bill in~ the management of the Armstrong Store, will resume his studies at Osgoode Hall, taking a course in Law. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wlnter and Had Rheumatism For 20 Years But None Since 1930 This man must have something like a record for suffering. He says: "Since 1910 Up to 1930-that is 20 years-I have been a great sufferer with rheumatism. I arn pleased to say that since 1930 Up to date, I have been f ree from that dreadfUl pain, slipiy by takit Kruschen Sats-and nothing else. I must say that 20 years is a long tine to have that awfui rheuxnatic pain about one."-W. P. Your rheumatism is Just like his and everyone else's. It is caused by sharp-edcged urlc acld crystals geL- ting into your joints. Kruschen will dissolve those crystals away. Fur- thermore-if you keep Up the "little daily dose" ever afterwards, IL wifl neyer be possible for them to farm again. Rheumatism will bé gone for good. No mhs v b a > itb *A M' umoe. ' BLEISw mm'l mOLINEW m"y VALUE0 C^NA"