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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1932, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. HRDY ETME ,13 INEWCASTLE UNITED CHURUR ' [E * * * I Unied Churh Rev. W . P. I - A WWB usine' s i e t l The Newcastle IncaepeflUcin rhL I, iau.ti a. M.-Morflifg Worship; 7 p. m.- Oshawa Presbytery will meet ' W.veningl Service._ ort Perry United Church on Thurs-~ 1 ïabiut $2500. THRSA. EPEBE, 19321I Mr. Beverley Tink, Chicago, bas La~st unday Rev. W. P. Rogers. daày,)Sept. îSt, at 9.5(sactr - Ibeen visiting at Mr. Normnan Allif's. home f rom bis holidays, preached tlme Mr. Albert Duguld, of Toronto,, Mr. and Mrs. M. Matthews and on the theme of labour at both Rev. R. L. McTavish, D. D., was was a weekefld visitor of Mr. Wmn. daughter Margaret spent the week- church services. In the morning he inducted Into the pastorate o! King Lae.jend at their cottage here. took for bis text. II Thess. 3:10, Street United Cburch, Oshawa, on Mr. red ockil, Mple roV ý Mr. Phil VanDusen, Belleville, vs That if any would not work neithe Wednesday eveniflg, Sept. 7t. Mr.ngton VaDusefl laS weekefvi- should he eat -,and in the evening, .iiedb brother, Mr.W J. Hockin ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. el- Nb :,S ul etewl St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A.f on uà for the people had a mind to work.S.erMA.ia.m-TeGts Ms. . . unde nd Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. h ogeaio a seily of the City; 2.30 p. m.Sunday so nB Ighl, were guests of Mr. Jas. T. Brownl, Shaw, on the birth favored at the evening service wbenShol7p.m-TeRvr ! and Mrs. PerCY Hare last weekefld. of a sni omfvleHsia a choir o! ladies, elgbteen in nuin- God. MdweksrieTrdY Miss Mary ValiDusefi is conval- last ek ber, f romt the Evangel Hall Camp at at 8 p. in. escing f rom a recent operation at Mr. and Mr5. Ryan and two cbild- Copper Beecb, substituted by ar- St. John's Anglican ChurCh--Ser- Bowmanville Hospital for the re- ren, Toronto, have been vlsiting hier rangement with the regular choir vices on Sunday, Sept. llth, l6th moval of ber tonsils. mother, Mrs. Wm. Thomas, and bier and led in the service of Song as Sunday a!ter Trinity: il a. m.- W. M. S. o! the United Church sisters. Mrs. Kernaghan and Miss Weil as rendering an inspiring an- Morning Prayer; 2.30 P. m.-Sun- acceipted an invitation to attend the» Rena Thomas. them, Halleluiah for the Cross. Miss day Scbool; 7 p. m.-Evening Pray- Park St. W. M. S. at Oroflo on Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce. Clare- Nicoîl dlrected tbe choir and among1 er. Rev. J. Cole o! St. Barthole- Tuesday a! ternoon o! this week. mont. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. the ladies composiflg it were Miss mew's Cburch , Toronto, will take Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvetb and Pearce on1 Sunday and also called Telford wbo is the Asst. Superin- the services.. Dr. Stanley Uglow of Chicago vis- on lber cousins. Mrs. Edward M. H. tendent of the camp, in charge Trnlty United Churcb-Rev. E. F. ited their cousins, Mr. Rd. Uglow1 Ward and sister. Miss McNaugbton- wben Rev. Robt. Koffend is in Tor- IArmstrong, B.A,., B.D., pastor. Sun- and Mr. Wmn. Uglow, Hope Townl- Mrs. Elizabeth Jones was taken to onto or elsewhere. and Miss Roberts day, Sept. 1lth: il a. m.-7 Ringing ship. Willowdale Rest Home last week wbo was born in India, a daugbter Realities in Religion. No. 1, The Mis GldYSBrdle le tthef istwith symptoms f a stroke and o! Rev. and Mrs. Roberts, mission- Available God; Sunday Shool will of the week to resume berduiss other complications brougbt on by a aries in India. Ms oetwome t1.0a . .m- supeinteden of he daf f ail. She is reported as some better. bas been at the camp nearly ail Deadly Modern Sins, No. 1, The Sin suentendepulit sco! the deafer-l Dr. R. T. Rutherford and famnily summer. spea ks Hindustafli ffuently o! Allegialice without Loyalty. You N. Y. lare no.w established in the former and speaks witb great interst on will be made welcome at these ser- Mrs. Percy Hare and .Jack return- Massey home, named by the late Inclia and Indiar' missions. vices. ed on Monday f rom a trip to Mon- C. D. Massey, "Ouest House, and ------- treal and Quebec city where they a daughter. Miss Rutherford. enroil- Sevc visited all the noted places of relig- ed as a student in the high schoolCO NG VE T ious and historie interest. S.Gog' Church-Rev. F. H. ________________ Mr.onaln a nMr.andliMisMason, M. A. Rector. Sunday, Sept. an Mlarnce Allin atndedMr.e aniMrs. lth, l6th Sunday after Tinity: CanadianMdc soition Reserve Sept. 23rd for Home- Allin wedding in Trinity United 8am.Su ly Chomuniln;a.45m.- made Cookùing Sale and Afternon Church. Bowmaiiville on Saturday. .Sna Scol il .m- HEALTH AN SCHOOL Tea in St. Andrew's Cburcb. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deline and Morning Prayer and Sermon; 7 p. Regular meeting 0f the Home and Miss aM.adMs ec a, m.-Eveniflg Prayer and Sermon. The child Who is starting scbool School Club will be held in Central, Mr. aln M r Per arn, Mr. Edward M. H. Ward, B. A., for the first time faces what i s a teber hl4tn at 8 p. Sep f amily at Brechil' and also calleti on nd prnciardov tecighere foml ebr1ta .m Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Cook, Canning- adMs ad oe eefo rather difficult perliod for many _______________ ton. Elmvalei,.0I Sept. lst and are get- children. Unless be bas been giit- DURHAM MUSIC FESTIVA.L Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers ne- ting settled in; Mns. M. H. Wight's ed properly during bis pre-school tured romther hlidy a Stneybouse on Cburch St., vacateti on the years tbe change f romn the home toi Tbe annual meeting of Durhain Luredfroteirhoiday mat Stoney same day by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. the schoiil is not an easy changefo Music Fsia soito ilb Lae onandFrday. ccomp-aniedMby Coyne andf amily, who have moved bimn to make. held in the Community Hall, New- ther snaynd ogersofW.NMr to Toronto., The child should be told what castle, on Tuesday, Sept. l3tb, at 8 ano r. Rymn RgesfNe Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brown and school is. He must be happy 'n oco~sadr ie Friends o! Miss Jessie Panton will Mr. and M s. Top Brown attendeti school and get real pleasure out o! Eo'lc tndo!doficers a d ohri be sorry to her o! ber death at the Exhibition latToronto on Fri- bis school work if lie is to do wll Eeto fofcr n te m Willowdale Rest Home on Tuesclay' a n iîe hi ins n f col h bl ilb Please make an effort to be present. The funeral took place tbis Thurs- anti Mrs. Louis Parniell in Tren- to go to school if he f inds that it ' it saspnmeigadeeyn tn on Saturday and 5ulidaya place wbich helps him to do the Itisneres advinganc emern da ftroton saw o h a-ineeted in the avneeto dai enon at sbaa t th un motored to Penetang to visii. Mr. tbings wicb. children want to do. music is cordially invited. io s.N cmt..Rcadscasogil and Mrs. George Lumsden. George's A great deal is written about Mfrthe n.teL.hRicar d's class o gfrhriends in Newcastle will be pleased bealtb habits and yet it seems that M. HI. Staples. President. o!ncka the nte kCurb uay hushoo to bear that be is very muc lmi- comparatively few parents realize E. P. Bradt, Sec.-Treas. afternoon and spent the hours un- proved in health and bas gained just how mucb the good healtb o! til dusk most enjoyably with games sixteen pounds since going to Pen- their cbildren depends upon the es- Office Closed and ref reslents.S etang to live. 1 tablishmlent o! good bealth habits as Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler spent ipart o! the child's daily routine. It Dr. W. H. Birks' offce will be closeÈ the weekend witb friends and rel-HOTUTRA SO EYS requires patience to accomplisb this from Sept. llth to Sept. _95th, Inclusive atives at Kitchener, motorig home 1LWRA EEAL n i st ermmeeithat NOTICE TO FARMERS on Monda3' witb Mr. and Mrs. C. T. FOE N EEAL scoldings de! eat the! purpose;te boldayfl atSHO A NECASLE The bealth habits o! a school Clifford Allun bas started out witl BatntyinWbbv esen intnedaecoraemnt a new corni binder. Prices as f0l Principal Thos. A. Rodger o! the The Horticultural Society's annual child should include personal dean- lows: $1.50 per acre for 4 acres an( public school and Mrs. Rodger. re- summer show, held in Newcastle liness. A Warin bath twice a week, une;$.5 per acre for over turned on Straynt Byho Tusay u-underclothes and stockings frequent.- areunoe9r2$orpatJua Sautuwrdayf nmytbave muniy Hl nTusa.A wched, teeth brusheti at least 6 Huron Cutweete aeust 25th, brought out a mgnfie ly ic ada-hM1 36afat n benholid aying with Mn. Rodger's display o! eut ffowers anti a mostbeoe dyatebrkfsani_______________ f ather anti othen relatives. terrîpting array o! vegetables frnm before every eal. edhnty o! slepdODSL The W. A. of the Uniteti Churcb the gardens o! the exhibitiiig mem- seorethat the hlisproeny ofsteed,WODSL meets tbis Thursday a!ternoon, bers. O! the 19 exhibitons 18 were sctan bee crei ly thnpoughhain WdnsdYSet.Zlt .Ri Sept. 8tb, at the home of the Presi- nesidents o! the village anti one, ca n bscuedtime whicuh awsth ad neny ept.willsil on Lot dent. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Shaws. Mrs. Quantrill, o! Bnown's school a regular e-iewihalw h r reeswl elo o Mrs. E. S. Stickle's group will have scin hn n unnl required houns for sleep befone it is Con. 2, Darlington, four acres charge o! the program anti menu. f arm foreman on Mrs. Grace's coun- Mrs. Haffnen anti Mns. Turner try estate. Axnong the many out- scbool. eigbth acre l0t6 more or less. Pui wbo have been spending the sum- standing features o! the show were Play is necessary for the chilti, chasers will bîýe to Apnil 21, 193 mer witb their mothen, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. M. Brown's dahlias on which an every chlld's if e shoulti be so tii nemove timben. Sale at 1.30 Eibc.anti brother, Mr. Murray'sebsseilycnetaeiti organizeti that be will get plenty o! m. D.S.T. Terms Cash. Theo.1 Eilbeck, hve returned tii New Yok. shiier.Ms nw bas spcal oc nowtds o outdoor exercise anti play every Siemoui. auctionfeer. Mns BrtiordKa plnstii return dahlias growing in the f ield as ber day. thswe.neigbbors might bave corn or pota- Meals shoulti be serveti at regular BOWMANVILLE Mrs M EvnsLog ad augte thours. After washing bis hantis, the W OO D M AR KET1 Mns.M. Eans ong nti augh e os or cabbage. There are cactus, Gladys have returnPd tii Torontoi. show. decorative anti pompiiif dah- chilti comles tii the table. The chilti King Street West Later this week Mrs. Long will leave lias blooming in a great variety o! requires a variety o! footi, anti be- Opposite Bowmali House Hotel for Quebec wben she will meet Mn. colon that .arrests the admiring at- cause he is growing anti active, hie NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS anti Mrs. Clinton E. Long arriving tention o! passers by. Worthy of eeds a gooti deal o! energy-anti We solicit a f air share of your fro Erop o th Dches f secal enionto wee rs o!e body-building foods. The selectuoui patronage. Phone 622. Richmond. man's gladioli. Mrs. J. A. Butler's of proper footis is the duty o! the Mixed Wood , S 1.50 Ioad Mis Elano Aneron as eenre gldioi, nd rs C.A. owa'smother. The attitude o! the pa- Cordwood.. $9 to $12 per cord engageti as teacher o! the Crooked collection, a lovely show dahlia antiinenc on thefoochilire a f fate6- Creek schoiil, taught the past four white gladiolus by Mns. C. Lawiluencetonathehis ora e netI ot years by Mn. Calvin' Hamm. Like ber white asters anti pansies by Mrs. cxp oet tchiltrn tie o so. thc Our mintis are like certain ve first class certif icate anti is quite (Coxtinueti on page 7) will f ollow bis habits-not bis ad-ilcles-when tbey bave little tiic able tii teach fi! th formmwork. vice on bis odbu.rythwe heavilyhodeibthe Miss Dorothy Rickard leaves on ~The healthy school chilti is nat- btwe evl oddte Sst. oothyforielpard e a NEWCASTLE PUBLIC AND HIGH urally active anti wiîî flot needt i be quetly.-ElihIi Bunitt. cset MatconaulpHat1,' OPENING urgedto iiplay. He will neeti some while bier sisten, Miss Evelyn Rick- spriin ota ede o anti, is making preparations tii at- Public anti High Scbools openeti overdo the play anti forget that tend Queen's University, Kingston. on Tuestia3 morning with an initial there is a regular betitime. It is Rev. Joseph Koff endi who recently ennolmefit o! about 100 in the f or- important that children get up earîyl R (ZD "Yr L hati some tbnilliflg expeielices at mer andi 44 in the latter. The pub- enough tii have time tii wash. andt ti the hantis of bandits in China, antid lic schoolgtg lu .4,gain composeti o! cat anti enjiiy their breakfast.THTR Mis Kffnt ae t amp Coppen Thos. A. Rotiger, Principal; Miss H. Breakfast shoultibegveTHs a EATER Beech tbis week with their parents. A. Masoni, Sup. o! Mus., anti Miss mucb attention as any other meal. Rev. anti Mrs. Robt. Koffenti o!fiNorma P. Orcharti. at salaries Of A regular bowel movement daily is moun Evangel Hall, Toonoi. $20.$050 anti $850 respectively. a necessary bealth habit. The child's 6bu Following Labor Day several Ton- Edward M. H.aWard, B. A., at $2300 activities must not be allowed to in- onto anti Oshawa f amilies, spending lanti iss Neya Switzen at $1700 terfere witb toilet habits, which de- the sumrner at tbe lake, reluctantly Constitute the bigh schuol staff. pend more upon regularity than Up- hadt t biti gooti bye tii their sumn-1 Following the orgaizatiiif peid ion anything else. mier homes anti return tii the city f nom p to 10 in the higb school Questions concerning Health. ati-I in onder that thein chiltireli mightlmembers o!tbe Board o! Educa- dressedti i the CanatilanMeia FR1. - SAT.- SEPT. 9 -10 lie at school on opening day. tionbeadeti by Major H. W. Dudley Association. 184 College Street, T-on- Edward G. Robinson The Mititleton f!amily anti con- took seats in the lst f omm nom by onto, will be answened personally by All the dramatlC power,. the el flection's belti a birthday pienie on ivttion o! Principal Warti anti letter. otoa -etatRbno o on he awno! Mn. anti Mrs. Elvin officially greeteti staff anti stutienits."F Miltnon Labor Day in bonor o! Chail'fln Duley and Rev. W. P. _____________StarFinal"__a Mr. 'a. "Little Caesar" now blazes an H.Mitleton wbo on that day Rogers gave brie! practical adtiress- attainedti i eigbty years o! age. 1eS a it o Principal Wand anti in tbis migteto!lvs: IsalSwiter.The peaers adeTe 'it' star in bis great Four generatuon of the family were Mis Slt'r.Thespakes mti prsn.feeling nef erence tii the illness o!fRt pcue Mr. anti Mrs. C. T. Batty concluti- Fred Cowan which bas necessitateti "TWO SECONDS" eti their bolidays by attending the bis removal from bis bome anti also Baseti on the Broadway st C. N. E. on Wediiestiay o! this week tii that o! Mary Chaplini who bas success. Witb Vivienne Osbci .nti on Thursda3' Mn. Batty was been out o! sehool owing tii a break-Gu ibe Drctd yM .backA -ni-bis office attentiingng and YOU HAVE EES vyn LeRoy. on Weduesday, September Iconunenciflg at 12 o'clock uoon. IHousebuli furnitui'e consistiulg furnish.ings o!ftirawlig nom, dini noom, bednuoms. anti kitchen, Pi turcs, books, bic-a-brac, dish, carpets. rugs, etc. etc. Attention is calleti to this sale there will be some valuable walE I urniture anti antiques soIt. Aiso on smre date at 3 p. Freeholti propertY cOnsi-stiiig soliti brick residetice. contalniingi ception rnom. tining rnom. 6 b nooms, bathroomi, attic, gooti cell bot wrater heating anti autra mil burner. Amnple groundis anti & tien. andt wo-can brick garage. ' pruperty is situateti in the Vilb o! Newcastle, anti un the Klng:' Highway. Tenus of Sale: on propei'ty a psit o! 1 3 punchase pnice at t o! sale ý13 on getting pussess andti413 for a term on montgage. househulti effects, casb. jIoseph Coulson, Auctumne 35-2 Newcastle, s ~ Trul, FLJ Hleres a Thats w _________ s the bes ,5 and if ye making1 s-Iirtni prise yoi h today. Coal And guaraflteed to eut YoUr fuel bill in hait. SOLE AGENT R. E. Logan Plumber and Tinsmltb King Street East Phone 264W or J1 On t. E AVOR aloaf of really fine bread for less. vbat everyolie mays who buys It. It est bread that we know how to make, ou could see how caret ul we are it you would neyer eat any other. ie best flour, mllk, yeast. sait and ing are used ln creating this loaf. atruly superlor flavor that wll r m. It ls baked f resh every day. Try I i Estimates free. J. A. Fry,. Scugng St.. BowmanvllO. Phone 536. 300 Chiropractie and Drugless Therapy D. E. STECKLEY bas movet i bs office fr n location above the R n0 above the ROY)AL THEATRE. KING ST. Chiropractic anti electno tberaPY attain splendid results wltb miiet ailments. Consultation anti ex- aminatioui f ree. In owmanfle office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eveninMu Tan by aplnte Phonle 141. RATE [andby fORnmet Classified Advertisements i Cent A Word CASH EACH INSERTION (minimum Charge 25c) 25e extra if flot pald by Saturday following the f irst Insertion; also loc extra when replies are ad- dressed to The Statesman Office. I COrbett's Dakery 29 M LOI Electro Therape ;#ic8 FOR ALL AILMENTS Robert Colville fn Mem riam, c;lO r e etra' tLoat or Fowid DRUGLESS pRACTITI«,iaNvii Notices 0 irh, Mara el, D hLibertY St. Phone 538 o m nil for Memoriam verses. LOST-Ofl AIgS 3d ogn chain. 1 wire link, 2 Con. South 0£_____________________ B I T SCourtice, o o d on w s. NotifyL E A 32Or2l.3-t SCiiTT-I Orono, August 4th, to SMr. _______M .V OL.B- LD and Srs. Wallace Scot, a son.V.G LD ALLD COCH'RANE-In Orono, AuguSt 141h. WSllted Barrister , Solicitoir, Notary to Mr. and Nlrs. Roy Cochrane,a soi'. WNTrED-.Spring chiCkefls over 4% Money tii hanl on Farm anti Town CATHCART-In Clarke, August 27th. lbs.; also liens over 51h lbs. A. A. Ern- poel RylBn ulig toMr. and Mrs. Wesley Cathcart, a o.mett. hoe79.3- BiwTavle. Phone 351. JACKSON-l Kenda, August 18th, --mnile hoe31 tMr. and Mrs. William Jackson, a position W anted W. R. STRIKE BROWN-On Wedniesday, Augut 31, PSIO WATO Shuead. BrstiSolicitoir, NotarY 1932, at BOWIMafVlOHsitl oM Apiy E. Moore, Wellingtonl St.. B5-3 Solicitor for Ban o!M tra and Nirs. James T. Brown, a sn manville, or phone 551. Moeyta Loaui. Phone 91 BUTTERY-lIn Bowmaflville Hospital, ___________________Ontario.__ onTusdilY, Septemrober 6th, 1932, to '.%r. B~nll.Otro and Mrs. Sam Buttei'y, a daughter. To Lot GODDARD-In Bowiaflville Hiospital. W. F. WARD. BA. on Saturilay, September 3.rd. 1932, to Tro RENTr-Slfall iapartmfent. AppIY NIr. and Mrs. Laurenice D. Gol ard, a W. F . Ward. Barrister. Bowmfl.fville. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary sod Phone 102. 27-tf Money tii Loan. Bonts for Sale. LOMAS - At the Priv ate Patients' HOUsE Tii RENT- On corner King offices: BleaklyBok igSre. i'avili0n, Toronto ALugust 23rd. to Mr. and Ontario Sts. electrie light an d wat- Bowinaiville, Ontaio. l rs. A. J1. lomas (nec Flora Bell).,e. pplytoAA.Cll, ecale Phones: Office 102; House 409. WOODS-A\t Privale Patients, l'avil- ROOM Tii RENT-Ifi a 1rivate home. ion, Toronto ileneraIdilosîlital, on Tlîurs- good lboard,' gentlemen preferred. Ap- L. C. tASON, B. A. day S,1itiiiiir1sf 192. 0 M. ~ ply it writing to Z- Drawer B, Bow- rsil. P. Wood5 a lIaughter. manville. 3-fBriti oiiu Tii - Notary Public - Etc. HOUSE LET-On Concession St.. li all its branches. MARRAGES6 roomS %Ith bath, hot %vater heating. office immediatcly east o! Royal near Elgini St . ApIly Post Office Box_9 MARRIAGESor phone 86. 5-2 Theatre.Hoe53 1 MARKS-ALLIN - At Trinity Viited hne:ofc 688;Hoe53 i 'hurche. lfow manill, on Stuîtiy, N 'Sp- H USE Tii RENT-6 roomed ouse ______________________ 1t..niiiCi rd, ý: l¶G,-vlie, . E.F .Arm- on Ontario Street, ail conveniences. I stroliz1.n.. Jon Victor M Tslor- ApI)Iy 10 A. E. Naylor, d!o Canadian D N A -onto, and liorothy Emeline, eldest dau- ('arners Co. Phone 82. 35-t' lIer of 31rll. aHM-S 'la ln -OUSE Tii RENT-Corner King and DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE - FLETT-COULTER-At TrinityUn-îiîienes; -readsiy for Seîpt. aî. APly 3cnt eB. oo-rdaei etSrTrn (tel Chitrchl 1arsonîige, o01, n lYFurber, King St., Bowmanville. Phone ooniUniversitGraduateio!ttheTRoynal1 seî,temblerth, 1) y Bev. rE F. Arm- 438. 32-tf College o! Dental Surgeonis o! On- strone. . 1 .oselîh lames, second son .1 of Mn amand rs Jas. E. Flett, and Vera F'OR REN1-Farmn of 60 acres, con-tah.Ofc:KgStBwavle Florence. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. veniently located on main hghway in Office phne 40; bouse phone 22. Fr.ank S. C'uler, both of Bnwmanfvllle. Oshawa; city water, ample buildings, X-Ray Equipment in Office. YULE 7SAVERv..At the residence of aIl under cultivatioti. G. D. Conant,_______ n eF'riday, shawa. 369w thl br .es )arents. Clarke. on____________________ S el' t 2n d. 1932. y R e '. G eo . M a son , O S S T i E ~ r o ' D R . J . C . D E V IT T Bowm.,ýýan il, Mr. Charles EdYrard Vule. OSST ET6roehus Asitn:D..W.Sm 1-on f Mrs. Vule and the late Rev and double garage on Concessioni St.. ' ere50 e sawadGrc el also 7-roomed house on Slver St., aIl Graduate o! Royal Dental College. Gere'nI.Ohwa 0 raeBr conveniences. AppIy.Chas. Heal. cor- Torontoi. office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. nice. dauglter ro Mr. and Mrs. William ner Silver and Churchl Ss. Phone 9B. aiile fiebor .m ýe Savery, Clarke. ~~~~34-tf oanil.Ofcbur9a.m e Saer3' Clake.tii 6 P. m. daily except Sunday. f _____________________________________ FOR REN1'-5 roomed cottage, pos- Phone 90. House phone 283. DEATHS sesin ep. 1t, aldr bedroorns, X-Ray Equipment in Office. TAYLR-A Por Hoe, n Set. sdon, liard and sof t Nwatet'. Apply Samuel - Lottie 'Mcall umt, beloved wife of George AliSomkr etono tA C IN E N. Taylor, in lier 57t1i year. Statesman Office. 36-2 GODDARD-In BowmanvillO, on Tues- day. Seîîteml)Or 6th, 1932, Robert Le- Theo. M. Siemon d Baron, infant son of Mir. and Sirs. Laur- Faioe. To Rou Actone e. enco Goddard. FARM Tii RENT-100 acres, god or- Aaruani ouseaes pcil - PANTiN-Entered into rest at Wil- hr.ApytC.R oenRR.2 a ndHu Slsa pcit. lowdale Rest Home.' Newcs.stle, on Tues- chr.Apyti.R oeii .R ,Trsmdrt.EnsklleflP. 0. ay, Sept. 6th. 19 2, Miss Jessie Pan- Newcastle. 32 tf Phon oe8 r3 . n th toit. Oshawa. ged 82 years. Interred Poe333 & at Union Cemetery. 100 ACRES TO RENT-Between Bow-I- lm r Wiu id HEASIP-O Sunday, Sept. 4. 1932, maville and Oshawa on Highway, god V neIilu alI the residence of lier dlaughtcr. Sîrs. ibuildinlgs; orchards; pîoughing at once;I Auctioneer T...OieMartha Jane Fallis, he- full 1possession in Spring. Misses Harn- 'Il loved wife o! the late Isaac Heaslili. den , BowmaniiViIe. 35-- d Farni Sales a Specialty, also -3 lnterred at NIlestieton. Furnitune - EOGERTONAt Port Hope, on Mon- Phonle Oshawa 1648r24 ay, Sept. 1th, 1932, Mary ibson. wi- music Terns moteate. 35-lm dow of thie latie John Edgertoli. in lier 86th year. Interment at St. Johns Miss Phyllis Chala, Church Street, is U ~ A nD C O C emeey lcso preliared to take a limited number f F NE' IR C O 1, THROWER'At Port Hope Hospîital, puPils in Piano. Phone 290WV or caîl at o! Septemiier lst, Aninie May McMullen. residende for appoitmfent. 36-i FUNERA4L DIRECTORS licloveil wife o! Alfred Thrower, in lier in-Mulen (lake. Inertleîtat rOlOpareil to take pupîla ln Piano, Voîcte, F. F. MORRIS CQ. 133, eeey and Theory. Duties cnmmencing Sep- MdmMtrEupel Ceeer. ______________tomber 6th. FIr appoir(tifent phoneooenMto qimn -* I EM RA 401. 361* Ambulance anti Invaliti Car M._________ Cail Phonie 10 or 34. M IN MEMO 1AM rs. H. D. Clemens, A.T.C.M.. wîîî Assistant, 573 - ADAMS - In loving memory of our resume her class in Piano and TheorY BOWMANVILLE gentie mother. Salome Adams, who On Monday, Sept. l9th. Pupila prepan- îsedpeacefully away. August 271h. cd for aIl grades of examinations. For 1931. aiîpointmTents phoneo l-5.35-iDEÇO .A O 1 adily issed b Laundry Wanted Painting and Paperha.ngiflg I r Ail kinds of laundry %work done prompt- sunwortby Wall Papen at speclal Cutmrly. satisfactorily, at reasonable prices. rcs Our Cartwright Wutmr %rite Post Office Box 12, or caîl Mrs pics dW. 'Marjoram. King Street East, Bow- Get yiiur onders in eanly. Il Bartîct Pars and Chôice Tomatnes manville. Phono 478. Estimates given free. W r. n00v ready. Priesq to mecl present -4 vonliriofl5. Geo. 'B." Bickle & Sons, Geo. Pritchard Phono246.36-2 reh-,onaviePn24.- Phone 489 over Statesulan Office ar- UVIkUAW ti AUCTION SALERpar Valuable Real Estate,' HBousehold BOOT AND SlHiiE REPAIRING -- Furniture and Eflects Gond workmanship and materîil. o! th lateY E 5Reasonble îîrlces. o-~ 's.f"'I'É"M ra 'STFSRSîlver Street. Bowmaflville 04 M& W11L11II"."-"' = N FOS - - NEWCASTE, ONT oun- anti Lnew )ries. atest stage orne, Mer- Mn. *13 hant -It's ut ini Iti pict- Eerkel ts 4- in. sh an .ke o .nder lht"- 1 lb 2ý nE r Lir Ld rd ve C2 [t r WF, HAVE IT

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