PAGE POUR THECAADANSTTEMAI1.BOMAVT.TW rT-TrnQrAXW5 MB 2 13 IMAPLE GROVE Mrs. John McGregor and Lloyd McGregor. East Whitby, GladYs Doane. Oshawa, visited former's cousins, Mr. and Mre G. Freeman on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Montgomery, son Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGr Stationer zooSali Pads and Envelopes Linen and Vellum Note Size - Regular 15e 2 for 16c Fold over - Regular 25e 2 for 26c Letter Size - Regular 35( 2 for 36c Envelopes - Regular 15e 2 for 16c J. W. Jewell BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Foot Happiness WEEK GOOD - BYE FOOT TROUBLE Dr. Scholl's Aids for the feet are guaranteed to give relief. A remedy for every ailment, Sof t Corns. Hammer toe. Bunions, etc. Caîl and inspect a remedy for your special aliment. Independent Merchant Con- test. Nine valuable prizes given away and aIl you have to do is write your name on a ballot. Ask at our store for particulars and dePosit your ballot here. jury & Loveli Wben We Test Eyes It la Doue Properly Try timis Ne CANADA DRY ST( Made by the makers of Ginger Aies. Bi Satuîday Special. 2 dozen Bowmanvil C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor p - and daugliter, Margaret, Oshawa, the former's brother. Mr. J. L. 6 vstdtheir cousins, Mr. and Mrs.i I Johns and other relativeshee I j . viG.e Freernan on Thursday. DEVITT'S CO N The Softball season is dihrwne oj ' C D U Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks, %S_______________ a Close. The local girls' team bas î- Misses Dorothy Stevensý Greta > - played a few exhibition games, the ' 1Mr. Munday and Miss Betty Stevens, Miss Muriel McKee bas returned last of wbich was with Brooklin at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hyland and ,Miss visitecl with the formner's sister, Mrs. home. Brooklin recently, wbich resulted in farnily spent Sunday at Mr. W. D. ýd the Ray Snowden. Toronto. on Sunday. Miss Della Lathangue bas been a score of 9-5 for Brooklin. Ferguson's. s. H. Mr. Howard Foley, Miss Iva Fol- visiting with friends in Peterboro. Tbe Young People's League bad Mr. and Mrs. Sarnuel Archer, Port ey, Mr. E. W. Foley, visited tbeii Miss Mae Argue and Mrs. John the faîl opening service last Friday Hope, spent Friday evening at Mr. 1 an, sister, Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono, McKee visite d at Mr. George Fowl- evening witb a fair attendance, Norman Edgerton's. regor. on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Foley. who ers on Monday nigbt. whlcb it is trusted will keep Up Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson and had been visiting her daughter, re- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McQuade every Friday evening througbout family visited at Mr. James Gzb- turned home with them. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fow- the season. Flower service this Fnî- son's, Uxbridge. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will MeLean. Miss ler's on Saturday night. day evening to wbich all are wel- Mrs. Payne le! t on Tuesday.for Flora, Mr. Bruce McLean, Mr. and A number from here attended the corne, ber borne in Montreal after visiting Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Toronto, Mr. Quarterly Tea of the C. W. A. at Church services continue to tebrtoduhes r.CclFeg y Jack Jennings, Town, spent Sun- Cadmus on Monday afternoon. well attended. On Sunday, iitb, uson and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. day with the formner's brother and A large number of fiends and Rev. W. Rackbam preached a fine Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Venning and sister-in-law, Mr-. and Mrs. R. D. neighbors gathered at Mrs. Thomas sermon f ull of helpful things; and family, Mr. Richard Sanderson, Trimble. Hyland's on Friday night and pi-es- the choir rendered the anthem, Mi-s. Phllp and Miss Laura Pbilp Mi-. W. C. Ferguson, town will ented Mi-. and Mrs. Willard Spencer "Showers of Blessing,' the bass solo and Mr. Leonard Milîs visited at Mr-. m give a temperance addi-ess ait Sun- (nee Susie Hyland), witb many being taken by Wallace R. Horn in E. Sanderson's on Sunday. e day School on Sunday. Sunday useful gifts. Lunch was served and an excellent manner. On Sunda A large number gathered at the School Rally will be observed in the a pleasant evening was enjoyed by l8th, Rev. Rackham preacbed a fine borne of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hy- church on Sunday, wben Rev. JOS- al]. short sermon on the rneaning of tbe land last Friday night to give Mr-. eph Barnes, Oshawa, a former pas- _______________ sacrarnent, whîch was dispensed at and Mr. WladSpenerther e ton, will be the speaker. $tbe clOeos0f the regular service, rs illaftrdpecer and mus Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Hampton, OAU many rernaining to partake. shs.A t erh seee and music a spent tbe week end with his cousin, SALaEM unhws eve n eey Mr. Bob Snowden. one journeYed borne in the wee __________________________smna hours of the morning. The MrIndMs.P FserSLlINA bride and groom were the recipients Mrcn r. .Fse visited of many beautiful gifts. I rM ISKIIiLuN Beamsville on Sunday. - baseenTh te . c.hurch on M tnda 1 1 , 1 ; Miss MtarMio.andRMrs FleminNatcas th aeen te C.W.A. asheod in the Mr-. and Mrs. Savery and family, MsMa-o RikrN ase, with a good attendance. After a Newtonville, visited ber parents and visited Miss Helen Baker. lengthy business meeting Miss Erma Miss Clara Page visited friends attended service on Sunday. Mr. Arnot VanNest, Oshawa, Bruce took charge of the program in oroto.1 M. ad Ms. ukeandMis Luecalled on friends bei-e last week. wbich consisted of a solo by Missi Potato digging is the oxder of the 1Wbitby, were Sunday guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds spent Chrystal Fallis and a reading by )C day and some are finding some Mr-. and Mrs. W. G. Wenry. the weekend with Toronto friends. Mrs. E. Sanderson. At the close of rotten.Mr. Allan and Miss Ileen Balson, the meeting a contest was held andi i ote.Mr-. and Mrs. W. Moffat and fam- MI.. W. T. Taylor spent the week a dainty. lunch served. jMr. and Mrs. D. Burgmnaster went ily, Orono, visited ber parents on end with friends at London. on a business trip to Buf falo on1 Sunday and attended the af ternoon Mrs. A. P. McKessock is spending Tuesay. serice.a few days with her parents Mi- Miss Grace Werry, Bowmanville, Mi-s. E. Darch bas a sister visit- and Mrs. F. A. Smith, Thamesford. visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ing ber, who is shortly to saii for Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. A. Werry. England to visit another sister. Mr. Pascoe visited Mr-. and Mrs. A. J. School Fair here Monday, Sept. Dai-ch. we are sorry to say, still con- Reynolds, Toronto, over the week- 26th. Ladies are having a refresh- tinues in very iii bealth. end. ment booth. Pastor Rev. A. M. Wootton occup- Several fromrnbie attended Osh- jMr. and Mi-s. G. Reid spent Sun- iea the pupit here on Sunday, for awa Fair last week and many of!;k day with the latter's sister, Mrs. the fi-st time since his vacation. them were successful in winning Frn Orchard. His fine sermon was based on the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. O. Kincade, Beth- words, "Tbe man wbo carne to see Mi-. and Mrs. Thosý Annan, Mr-. any. spent Sunday with i-. and Jesus in tbe night.'" R. Somerville and Miss Margaret, -;Mrs. J as. Bradley. Mi-. Ewart Pollard and Miss Sybil hryod vite a M.Js Mr-. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson Hocken oronto, setSaudySrales. and family recently visited and Sunday witb Mi-. and Mrs. C. Dntfre u-HretHm Mrs. H. Wannamaker. Pollard Master Douglas Pollard SevcsonOt 6th, and oui- 1 gandý%nof r. nd rs.PolardRoast Rowl Suppex- and Concert on Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Allen and 1gi- ad n o n nd rsi p llac rd Oct. l9th. Doad istdtelatter's sister, hasmae the og nMac r r i. John Baker, Misses Helen andThA& Dr.Ona vrsi d esoston Creek to resurne scbool w0i-k Kathleen Baker, Evelyn Tink andn you. Msu. OcrSivrids e her be afer spending bis vacation Ruth McKessock attended Peter- in stock1 ssrday. rghFedWgt with bis parents. bono Faix- last week. iio Mesrs abz Wigh redWigt, Mi-. adjMis. W. G. Werry and Mrs. R. Somerville. Misses Joyce Lly ehikadGinsnSev anl enîoyed a motor tri tpins to and Mary, Cheri-ywood, Miss Louise Am-niy eo ns nd a mto nptoK ngs od aeea week or so ago and vis- Luke and Mr-. Eli Pascoe, Osbawa, food sell! Mr. and Mrs. W. Weaver. Mrs. idbsaunt and uncle, Mr. and visited Mrs. R. J. McKessoýck. FO NAI JETC Prentice and MisBc lls . Davis, and other relatives Rernember Oui- Rally Day Service Tornt, er Suda gess 0 M-. rote they report a fine trip next Sunday a! ternoon at 2 p. m. andgyMnbgyvT. McGill.hwa and return- It i hoped there will be a large con- Messrs Roy McGill, Lloyd Ashtonig yanter. Mi-. and Mrs. Davis gregatien present to hear the serv- Frank Dorland and John Slemonire t urnediborne witb them and en- ice. Special male choir will furnish had a very enjoyable fishing tip jed a vit at the Werry home and the music.UT near Apsley at Jack's Lake. - -owt eealohrrltvs n r n rs rn etae Miss Luella Stevens, Mr. Reg. Ifriends in the vicinity. ivessad Mx- and Mr. Frank Westlake, Walton, Mrs. C. A. Stainton and1 On e of Salern's aged citizens 1 .. Mir. Nelson Fiee, spent Sun- U N R L Roy, Oshawa, visited the former'si passed to i-est last week in the per- day with friends in Toronto. Mr. Parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. son of Mr. James McDonald. ho Nelson Gage accompanied te PURE RENDERED (EXCEPT S Mir. and Mrs. Russell Robinson ' for many years bas resided bei-e, home for a visit. and family. Elizabethville. Mr. andiT'he, funeral on Wednesday oflat ________________ Mrs. F.. McGil. Toronto, were Sun- weeke. as attended by rany relat- ___LR dayvistor ofMr.andMrs Lei 1ives 'and' friends, the miany floralL daynt iitrofM.adMsLeiofferîng bore silent testimony to COURTICE 1à Messr s Norman and George Car- the respect and syrnpathy for the SPECIAL PASTRY n«ington and Mi-. J. E. Griffin. vis- deceaseci and those left to mourn ited the formner's brother, Mr. A. the loss of husband and fatheî-. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, was Carrington. west o! Toronto, onSympathy is extended at this time. home over the week end. Sunday.. to ahl the soî-rowing friends. iMi-. Ronald Courtice, Toronto,F LU Oui- pastoî-, Rev. J. M. Wbyte, The Y. P. L. i-eopened on Wednes- spent the week end at home.F LU preached a splendid missionary ser- day evening, Sept 14th, with an at- Miss Annetta Cole. Toronto, was ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED mon Snday nigbt. The choir tendance of about 30, af ter a thi-ee guest O! Mrs. S. C. Rundle last week. rendered twco selections under thc months' vacation. Mrs. L. Rich- Mi- and Mrs. Melvor and Miss U W ~ f U leadership o! Miss Elva Orchard. ads Vie rednt opened the Joan, Hamilton. were witb Mi-. and Miss M. Dalton, Miss Alice and meeting with a hymn, followed by Mrs; Howard Flintof! over the week Mi-. Orville Ashton gave a party to prayer by Mr. Cator. Mr. Black- lendà.. IK a number o! theix- friends on Sat- burn. Missionary Vice, then took M rs. .J Short spent a few days KNOWN THE WORLD OVER urdy nghtat the home o! the charge and i-ead the sciipture les- ith !riend's at Lake Scugog last ilAshton. parents Mi-. and Mrs. E. C. son and comments on saine. Mrs. F. week. urdaynight cvete oieradn. r Hoeygvete oiradn. i. Mrs. Acy Penfound. Orono, is vis- ________ C. Collacott favoux-ed wltb a violinliting at ber son's, Mr. Clarence Pen- C O C O A --selection xith Miss Marie at the found. piano. Miss B. Cator, Mrs. Percy Oui- pastor is spending a few days SAVE THE COUPONS Cann and E. J. Doidge gave read- in Toronto at the reunion o! Vic- ings. Miss Maiion H-oney !avoured toria College Graduates. *m D rinl< ~with a Piano solo and M. R. Glad to note that Mrs. A. . Run-Cw u I v a q Coombes. a moutb organ solo. Mis- dle is convalescing a! ter being con- CMO ew D r nksionary collection was taken and fined to ber bed for a !ew weeks. SD mieeting closed with League Bene- The iss Arkels and Miss Mav- diction. KeE is nny. Consecon, spent the week ) N E G I N E R B E E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e n d w; ith Re v . a n d M rs. W o lfra i r. ~' Mr,. Bei-t Short, Toronto, and of the Champagne HAMPTON Ms a-o Short, Tory Hill were XD ig 12oz Bttie10e.______________________ hYounig people held a weiner Fre Wst Osaw, isiedW.R. atinte chunch shed Saturday Assorted Cookies FrdWet shwviie W .evening when aIl paci a jolly time. for ~~~" 5cG ena a.Snday visitors at Mrs. S. C. in th crmunity. on, Mi-. Geo.' Hall, Toronto, Mi-. and Thrýe. bing seems to be the genenal I'-. lan Penfound, Masteî- Jack order in this locality. and baby ary. Oshawa, and Mrs. leMrs . C. Willis, Tononto, is visiting S HOPefondOrJo Il Bweyith Mrs. Ceph Johns. Next Sunday is Rally Day and the sog Mi-. and Mrs. Sid Little, Bowman- Sunday School session will be held ville, visited at L. Ti-ull's. in the chunch when Mi-. T. H. Lock-OCEOR Phone 97 BOWMANVIL Y. Mr-. W. J. Inch, Weston, visited hart of Bowmnanville will be the OIEPR bis mother, Mrs. F. Rowe. ae. In the evening, Rev J. Ga oreport Mrs. R. Avery is Bai-nes, Oshawa, will occupy theT ____ much improved in health. pulpit. TNE Ivan Stephens, Toronto, visited Vî-sitors o! Rev and Mi's. WolfraimE NE his mnother bei-e Sunday.lateeweeMi.ndMsWo- Msad Tp know Ir ny-- dcock s tn; Mns. roopMrand Mr.q-Wram C O lorono, iîgnr several growers said I RET PRICES PAID To PROD Too!, iie Ms .Niddery. it was apparent f rom the quick dis- __________ Ys' Band Among Horn's store specils we Posai o! the f irst slxlpment at i-el-TH ~s Bndfind-Fly Tox. 30ets bottle; best fly a tivelY high prices that the UnitedA£ colis, 5 for 10cts.; The new -Sun Kingdomn mai-kets are anxious for :RA " THERE ~~~~~Dryd finest coffee, 45cts lb. tin; apples. They expi-essed confidence__________________ THERE womnen's mesh bose. 39cts. pr. that a shipment o! 30,600 bannels Mi-. and Mrs. C. W. Johns and now crosslng the Atlantic ln the Meat Manager: G. McC sons, Messrs Louis, Cecil and Loi-ne holds o! the linçi- »altic would yleld W eie-xy h OO e % i r.* SP Manager in the store nearest to you is interested He offers yau friendly, helpful service. He carrnes the items tbat you want. He serves your chilciren as y and as understandingly as he does you. His is a 1neighborly store-backed by the world's Iargest ing organization. EAMERIES rERSmiaRK Ib. 23e SPASTEURIZED lb. 24e IWIFFS> R ~24-b3. Bag 430 "S37o. 36e FIRY'8 o. -i- Tin 21 0 'RT Laundry 0Br 5 Fresh Young Roastlng ILDERS lb.9 FILOINS lb. 23e Slleed Breakfast lb.- 1 7o Prime Rîb M.l1Se 'S BONELESS AND ROLLED, LB. 22U Short Rb lb. 1 2o FRONTS 00 n- 1. 9 I BONELESS AND ROLLED LB. 15e >LEGS 0llb0 . 19go CiRO LSPEmAir l. 0~ FRE5II WHOLE OR LAKE HALF lb. IND VEGE7j»rEpY A & P Store head quarters for Domestie and <tables, delivered to aillst ores fresh daily. IU F ' C1.ANAODA SOE AN -y. Grocery Manager: P. Wiliias. irge 10. Phonei No. 83. Bowmanville. Incomparable Values In Coats andFrocks OUR COATS There's distinction in every Une of these new models richly f urred coats specially designed to square your shoulders jnto the 1932 FaUl Fashion. SEE THEM1 TRY THEM ON YOU'LL LIKE THEM OUR FROCKS Ail have the flattering new silhouette.. some with enormous siceves cosily high neekilines and snugly moulded waistlines. and the workmanship of these new frocks will delight the fastidions shopper. You'll be surprised at the price too. corne in and try one on and we wilI wager you'lI expect toPaY much more than we ask. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Sliop Miss T. Murphy Mrs. Frank Oke Ready-to-Wear PHONE 594 DresSlnaking I Lindsay Boy3 I TRY TO BE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAV- m 1 a 1 qmff du