PAGE MORHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1932 The Newcastle Mrs. Percy Brown has gone on a visit ta Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Beni. Moise lias been quite! iii af late and under thedotr care. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. Chicago, were guests last week af misses Mary and Ellen Breen, Pierview. Mr. Chas. Highbee and Dr. Annie Highbee and son John Of Montreal, have been spend.irg a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. W. Philp mot- ored to Belleville on Monday, re- turnmng Tuesday. bringirig Mr. Ueo. Gibson f or a visit. Mr. John Scott spent the week end with his brother, Wm . Scott and his nephew, Hermon Scott, at their f arms at campbellcrof t. Mr. and Mrs. A. H-. Fisher and daughter, Marion, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ueo. Rickard and Mrs. W. D. Bragg and on returning were ac- conpanied bY Mrs. Rickarci for a few days' visit. Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Miss Helen. leave in a few days for Eng- land and the Continent. They will travel on the Empress of Britain. Miss Helen McEvoy Will pursue her musical studies in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp re- ceived a visit recently f rom Ass't. i Fire Chief Bradley and wif e and1 Mrs. Joseph Polkinghorne af Ot-i tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming BaIl- agh, Mrs. Whitmore and Jack, Mr. Waterhouse, Whitby. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Masan, M.A., Rector. Sunday, Sept. 25. lth Sunday ai ter Trinity. 8 a.m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a.m.- Young Men's Bible Class; il a. m.- Morning Prayer; 2 P. m.- Sunday School; 7 p. M.- Evensong. The Men's Club ai St. George's met in the Parish Hall Wednesday when in re-organization. the foi- lowmng officers were elected: Hon. pres-Rev. F. iH. Masan; President- A. Mainwaring; Vice. Pres.-Law- rence Gaines; Hon. Vice. Pres.- Walter Crowther; Sec. Treas.-H. Brereton. Al men are cordially in- vited ta jain the club. Rev. Thas. Wallace and Mrs. Wallace have gone on a holiday trip to England, the first holiday they have had in their ten years' service on the Newtonville circuit. The Of- ficial Board has granted them a three months' vacation but they may not remain away for the f ull tume. Rev. J. J. Mellar, Crooked Creek, is taking charge af Mn. Wal- lace's work during his absence, pneacbing at Newtonville, Shiloh, Kendal. Every Day in the Year the eyes are working. Except when clsed the delicate muscles and nerves are always in action. Do you wonder that they are of!- ten in need o! assistance? Treat your eyes right if you expect them ta treat you rigbt. Do not deny them the help af glasses if tbey need it. The fut- ure will repay you many fold. G. M. BOSNELL TORONTO OPTOMETRIST In Port Hope Every Wednesday OMeie over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Ofice Hours: 9 a. ni. to 9 P. mi Toronto Office: 2143 Danorth Avenue. Samples lEverything Odd samples You'll have to set your alarni Friday for sure. warehouse urers' agein 25e 0 Miiîs, etc. from e manufact- rits, Canadian 1 The Grange, the home o! Reeve W. F. Rickard and family was the Il scene af a jolly surprise party on !uflu n en Tuesday evening hnsm fot aif the Young friends af Miss Dor- 1 athy Rickard gathered ta bid her goodbye ,,, the eve o! her depart- Mr. Han-y Couch was in Bowman- uire for Guelph and ta present ber ville on Monday visiting his daugh- with a travelling bag together with ters. Mrs. Luxton. and Mrs. Stanley best wishes for a pleasant and suc- Corden. Friends are sorry ta note cessfuî colege cancer. IMrs. Luxtan's cantinued illness. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and Teachers. pupils of the scboal. grandson, Kenneth and Jimmie parents and members of the Board Keech attended the Memarial serv- ai Education went down ta Newton- ice last Sunday in Grace United ville on Tuesday ta attend, the Cburch, Napanee, for her late South Clarke Rural School Fair. brothcr-in-law and sister when Mr. T. W. Jackson visitcd his thein twa daughters, Mrs. J. Clark nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. A. Curl, unvciled a Christ- Fielding, Port Hope, on Tucsday. ening in meniary a! thetr parents. Their daughter is ta be married next Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hould. They week ta an Ottawa Tnaific Officer. alsa visited Mrs. O'Neil's brother, Mr. Hamnwoad, a Toronto builder Mr. J. Deshane, wbo was confined and carpenter is putting up a cot- ta bcd, with a nurse in attendance, tage for Mr. Matthcws in the arch- suffering from injuries received ard at Trickey's Corners and on when he was struck by a west Sunday he assisted St. Gearges bound flier in the Napanee C.N.R. Churcb choir in the harvest home yards where he has ,»een foreman service ai sang. for 25 ycars. Mr. Fred Couch, son ai Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Couch, assisted by Mr. Roy Winter, Orono, is in charge af W'EDDING the Forestry exhibit prepared by the Ontario Farestry Station, Oaa with which he is making a tour o! RATCLIFFE-MUNDY the schoal fairs. Mn. Joc Hunten, Belleville, brake- The home ai Mr. and Mrs. man on the C .N.R. between Belle- Chai-lie Mundy. 408 Simcoe Street,. ville and Toronto, suffei-cd a bi-oken 'North, Oshawa, was the scene ai an lcg and painful injuries ta his back intenesting and pretty wedding at whcn he was jolted irom the top af 6.30 on Saturday cvening. when a f reight car when something went 'hi agtr osJspie a wrong with the couplingsora- united in mariage ta Mr. Lewis iss ila awan, howrteCarlyle Ratliiie af Toronto, son ai 1 Mis HldaRowandwhowroe ýMr. and Mrs. William Ratcliffc, af on twa subjects ai a commercial Broaklin. The ceremony, which was coure. Bsines Crreslondnceattended by about fifty guests, who and Filing and Penmansbip, which incîuded menîbers and fiends- af she took at the University af Tor- bath families, took place in the onto, short course during the holi- living room, wbich was beautifutly days, bas receivcd word that she decorated witb smilax and autumîî passcd in bath. flowers. Rev. Ernest Hanston, pastor The olfCub meton ucsaYof Simcoe Street United Church cvcning and on Tuesday afternaan aificiated. there was an important meeting of Tebiei anaiselpn the Parochial Cammittee. The Men's Tebie nagw fselpn Club meets every Wednesday even- crepe Romaine, with ostrich feather ing at 7.30 o'clodc. Confirmation trimming was given in mnarriage by Class will meet next Monday, Sept. hen father. Her bouquet ai sweet- 26th at 4.30 p. m. heart rases. valley lilies and forget- The first meeting ai the public me-nots, blended attractivcly with schaol senior raam Literary Society her gown. Miss Norah Mundy, was beld eiday ai tc-naon wben the sister of the bride. was the brides- iallowing off icers were elected; Han. maid. looking charming in a fr ock Pres.-Mn. Thos. A. Radgen, Pres.- ai French blue sîlk net, with pale Audney Brown; Vice. Pi-es.-Archie pink sash. She carnied pink roses Martin; Sec'y.-Fnancis Brereton; andi coi-nf lowers. The groom was Treas.-Sam Cowan. attended by Dr. Thomas Beath, o! United Cburch-Rev. W. P. Rog- Toronto. Miss Mildred Hunt played ens, B.A., Pastor. September 25. 1l the wcoiding music. a. m.-Marning Worsbip; 2.30 p. m.- At the conclusion ai the ccremany Sunday Scbaol. Rally Day Service the briclal party receiveti with Mi. witb special program and speaker; anîd Mrs. Mundy, the latter in ai 7 p. m.-Evening Service. Junior becaming gawi of, midnight blue Chair practice will be held Friday. velvet, and Mr. and Mrs. Ratciif fe.1 Sept, 23 at 8 p. m. Mrs. Ratcliffe warc black georgette Amang the many f rom out O! wth tr:mmings ai grey. tawn who were bei-e last Saturday Ater the wedding supper andý attcnding tbe big auction sale a! the toasts, tbe bride and groom lef t for hausebald ciiects and real estate afi their honeymoon in Montreal and tbe late Wellington Faster were Mi-. the Laurentian Mountains. The and Mrs. D. A. Valleau and Mn. and bride wore for travelling, an Mi-. and Mrs. C. F. Cannon, Osh- ensemble af brown. Mr. and Mrs. awa; Mrs. Percy Ranson, Mrs. Ray Ratcliffe will make their home in Carn and Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Belle- Toronto. ville, wha also visited their aunt, Mrs. Chas. Coulter. Major E. Smith Fengusan, Baw- STUDYING APPLE COSTS manville, was the judge ai the- scbool parade and physical culture W. J. Fairweather and W. S. Rowe, exercises at the South Clarke rural Agricultural Economnics Department, school fair at Newtonville on Tues- Ontario Agricultural College, Guel- day and Miss Helen Mai-ris, Super- ph, bave begun the collection af cost visai- af Music, Bowmanville Public and incame data fram apple growers Scbools judged the singing. Fi-st in Norfolk County. This wark is prise in the former wcnt ta being dane in co-operatian with the Cowanville scbaol, Miss Wetberelt, Agicultunal Economics Branch of teacher, and fi-st in the latter ta the Dominion Department ai Agri- Newcastle School, Miss Mason, in- culture. S. C. Hudson af the latter structor. division, who is now engaged in Newcastle extends congratulat- similai- work in Nova Scotia, will ions ta Rev. J. Scott Howard, M. A.*, jain Messrs. Rowe and Fairweather who next Sunday, Sept. 25, wili ob- later on and the project will be ex- serve the fiftietb anniversary of bis tended ta Halton, Peel, Durham, ordination as a priest af tbe Churcb Northumberland and Prince Edward ai England. St. Matthew's Cburcb. counties. When the data have been Toronto, where Rev. Howard was obtained the Agicultural Economics oidaincd as its fi-st ministei- on Branch will analyze it systematical- Sept. 22, 1882, is also clebi-ating ly and reports will be made ta in- its golden jubllee and Mr. Howard dividual f aimers before the final will be the preacher af the day. It repart is camplete. The co-apera- is recordeti that be took charge o! itive arrangement bas been made fan bis duties without stlpend. Rev. the purpose af avoiding duplication Scott Howard and Mrs. Howai-d and effecting ecanamny. came ta St. George's, Newcastle, when he exchanged puipits with the late Rev. Canon John Farn- comb. A photo af Mr. Howard Sp- For Sale peared in Tuesday's Mail & Empire. Mn. George. Tienwith bas been FOR SALE - A new Maffat electric ivistinghisdaugter nd on-i- stovi. won at Rotary Pair wiii be sold at visimg bs dughtr ad so- a-rprasonabie urice. Mrs. Peter Martin, law, Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les Gawans, îîigh Street, Bowmanvilîe. Plione at "Langside," Bewdley, Rice Lake. 49.w'. 37-1 TIMETABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, SEPT. 25th. Important changes ln passenger train scheduies wlU be made on September 25th. Pull information now in hands of agents. Canacijan Pacific ArtiesFor Sle 1 and Memoriam, 50c; 10c per line extra 'or Memoriam verses. BIRTHS HARNESS-[n Cak.St ,1.2 ro Mr. anul Mrs ha ii I i iss, t DEATHS M cCUt.LAGH-R.C.. late of linieaip- -lis, lino., at Toronto, Friday. Sept 16, D3:2, hrc.ther of MNiss McCullagh and MNrs. C. M. Horswell. LOMAS-At Private Patients' Pavil- ion. Toronto General Hospital, Septernb- er 7th, Joyce Margaret, infant daughter of Alfred J. and Flora bornas. EMMONS-At the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) L. S. Wight, 106 Pine St. Kingston, on Weîliesdayt3, SePt l4th, 1932, Margaret A. Benedict, wife of the late Thornas Emmons. IN MEMORIAM IOLLOWv - lit lovinîg nieiory of liessie 'I. Jollow of Bowmaflville vho passtd away at Toronto. September 23rd, 1930 R. Sproule STAPLETON - lIn Ioving mnirory of ont dart ing tiare, a ho h Il asiael)it n .Jests September 7, 1935, ;tgel .; years ant :' ionilîs. "-ie wvas too pure for titis colîl ertrth, Too lj.autifui o ta. Ani 50 (lod's lloly Anrcel' oe Olur darliîîg one a. I uissiti by )ilduy, Mair a, he itir irnI (randi ta. TRINITY W. A. Trinity Y. W. A. regular meeting was held in the school-room on Tuesday evening. Miss Lena Haddy. convener of the group in charge, presided. After the opening exercises in which Mrs. Nellie Garbutt pres- ided at the piano. Mrs. L. G. Hef- key read the lesson and Miss Spar- go off ered prayer. The subject of the evening "Temperance." was splendidly presented in papers by Mrs. H. H. Jamieson. Mrs. T. B. Gil- christ and Miss Haddy. Miss Phyllis Challis gave a charming piano num- ber and Mrs. D. J. Chambers sang a very appropriate solo, Mrs. E. A. Werry, President, presided durlng the business session and in the ab- sence af the Treasurer. presented the report. Next meeting on Mon- day, October 17 will be Thank-Of- fering in charge af Mrs. E. Cox's group. Live Stock for Sale COWS FOR SALE-lioi'in (lue Oct. 1, Du rîtam due Oct. 1. l'air very fine~ cows. T. IV. ('anker. lJut.ýirer, 130w nikit- ville, lon-, 64 or 94. 38-1wN" AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, SEPT. 27 Mi-. John sepsics will seli by pub- lice auction on Lot 33, Concession 9, Darlington Township, ail bis farm stock, implements, grain and poult- i-y. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Farm for rent. Terras cash. Elnier Wilbur, Auction- eer. Thursday, Sept. 29-Cha-les Shaw, Lot 20, Con. 6, Darling-ton, (ane milc nortb o! Hampton), will scl ail of bis ianm stock. implements, grain, fccd. ctc. Sale at i a'clock sharp. Fan terms and particulars sec posters. Elmer Wilbur, auction- en. 37-2 Mr. Challis has been înstructed ta seli the follawing householti ci- iects at Washington Terrace, On- tario St.. on Satunday. Oct. lst. at 2 p. m, Kitchen Utensils. lcti Stave. Cabinet, etc. Dining ROOM furrcd oak suite and book case. Liv- ing roam furniture. mastly walnut, Bcdroom furniture, walnut and Iran beds. As this furniture is in splend- id condition you would do well ta sce it. 38-2w. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Wm. D. Irwin and famlly desire ta 'thank thein many fricnds for the kindness and sympathy ex- tended ta thera during the illness and deatb o! their busband and fathen and for the beautiful floral offenings. Office Closed Dr. W. H. Birks' office wili be closed fromn Sept. Ilth ta Sept. 25th, inclusive. music Mrs. Il. DI. ciemnens, A.T.C.M., will resumne ber class in Piano and Theary on Monday, Sept. 19th. Pupls prepa- ed for ail grades of examinatians. For appolntmnents Phone 705. 35-4 Piano Tuning L. n. TAPSON is prepared to tune and repair aLu makes of pianos ton organs. 2;, years' exîrer- ience . Aii work ftîlly 9uarrtnteed t'lione .153 or writ, P..C0. Box "84, Bowmanville. 37-2' Repairs L PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRINO Good workmanghio and material. Reasonable pnices. Silver Street. B w m anflVI 30 -4 Upholatering UPHOLSTERING - on au kinds ai furniture; chesterfields recavened and repaired, auto tops and inside uphol- stery. Pd ull une of samples carried. Esqtimates fre e. J. A. Fry. SCU909 St., Bowmanville. Phone 536. 300 BOWMANVELLE WOOD MARKET King Street West opposite Bawman House Hotel NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We solicit a f air share o! your patnonage. Phone 622. Mixed Wood , .1.50 load Cordwood, $9 to $12 Per cOrd 36-4w session Sept. 7th. parlour. 2 bedroom, dining room. pantry. kitchen, good gar- den, bard and soft water. Apply Samuel Alln. Shoctuaker. Westinouflt, or at Statesman Office. 36-2 Farms To Rent FARM TO RENT-100 acres, good or- chard. Apply ta C. R. Lvekin, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 32-tf FOR RENT-Farm of 60 acres, con- veniently located on tr:aln highway n Oshawa; ity water, ample buildings, ail under cultivation. G. D. Canant, Oshawa. 36-9w 100 ACRES TO RENT-Between Bow- manville and Oshawa n Highway, gaod buildings; orchards; ploughlng at once; full possession lu Sprlng. Misses Harn- den, Bowmanville. 35-2-tf 100 Pairs of Misses' and Girls' strap shoes*$I Sizes 8 to 101/. and il to 2, per pair.....-. an d oxfords per pair Electro TherapeuXs Treatmnents FOR ALL AMENTS Robert Colville DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER Liberty St. Phone 538 Bowmanvllie 28-3m* LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building. Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. offices: Bleakley Block, King Street. Bowmanviile, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. Termns moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 383r3. Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer Farmn Sales a Specialty, also Furniture Phone Oshawa 1648r24 Ternis moderate. 35-lm FUNERAL DIRETOR Service, any hour, any a F. F. MORRIS CWI Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Phone 10 or 34. Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at speclal prices. Get your ordens in early. Estimates given free. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Offce .$00 $1,0 Manufacturer s' Look! 225 pairs of CImildren's SIuoes FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY We can't tell you the- story in this amaîl space - you will find saniples in this lot, values to $4.95, mostly only one of a kind-so corne early for best choice..A special section reserved fcir this big attraction. See Windows Thursday Nelson's Stores KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 25 pairs of Boys, Youths' and littie gents boots and Oxfords, per pair............. $1. $10 25 Pairs of Girls' Oxf ords . . per pair..$10 SAMPLE SHOES. - .FACTORY CLEARANCE Rovau's Shoe Store 111 1 1 i WAi-. îîytaA A. LS-Ciwil e vaitye tnd)r, r lorrmel. Wi 38-lw.. EN A AgeLons n tedI 8-w DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Agens WatedHonor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- AGENT WANTED-We need reliable ta University. Graduate af the Royal party immetliatelv to tistribute Watkins ICallege o! Dental Surgeons o! On- 150) Fantous Ilousehold l Necessities to taio. Office: King St., Bawmanvllle. establish trade in Bowmanville. $30.00 weekiy riglît fromtu he start. Apply Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. qtiickly, J. IR. Watkins Company, 940 X-Ray Equlpment in Office. Inspector St., Montrerîl, Que., flept. C'-154. 38-6. DL J. C. DEVITT ___________________ Assisnt: Dr. E. W. Simson To Let Graduate o! Royal Dental College, To RNT-Sall partent.App Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. WV. F. Ward, Barnisten. Bawmanviliey Bownunvilia. Office hours 9 a. m. Phone 102. 27--tf to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. HOUSE TO RENT - On corner King X-Ray Equipment in Offie. ~aOnai ,-., s., elt. ilight and wat -_________ DURHAM UROF REPORT In an interview this week with E. A. Summers, Agricultural Rep- resentative, regarding the conditions in Durham County he reports: Live stock in good condition as pastures have been excellent all season. even on the higher land. Buckwheat is being cut this week, with most fields showing a nice stand. After-harvest cultivation has been very general. Some farmers and are commencing the second time. The recent survey for apple maggot has indicated that this in- sect has caused much more trouble than in previous years. Even in some orchards that were well spray- ed this pest bas dane considerable damage. TYRONE Messrs Harny and Frank Hatheriy of Dixie, spent the week end at home. Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto spent the week end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron. Mr. Carson Taylor and Miss E. Emeny spent the week end at Mi. H. Burgess and Mr. W. F. Park's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Taylor and AI- lyn, spent Sunday at Emmenson Davis', LeFroy. League re-opened last Thursday evening with a very large attend- ance. A good program was given after which a basket social was en- .loyed. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCullough, Mr. and Mrsý Donald Davey and Keith spent Sunday wlth the form- er's brother, Mr. Hugh McCullaugh, Pontypool. Glad to report Mns. Fred McRab- erts able ta be at home again ai ter spending several weeks in a hospital in Toronto. We hope she will soan be well again. Mrs. W. R. Clemezis and Mr. Levi Annis. Taronto, spent the week end witb Mr. A. W. Annis. Mrs. Clemens called on many frlends and renewed old acquaintances in the village. Become a regular readers af The Statesman by sending 50e for bal- ance af 1932. MILK COWS AND SPRINGERS FOR SALE-AppIy C. L. Rundle, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone 124r22. 37-1' CAR FOR SALE-192S Ford Roarister ni gootl conrdition. Price $150. APPlY ta jar vie. Mlaplie Gm ve. Phone 203-6- 38-1wN. FOR SALE-Star Auîtomobile, also l<ttery Ratdio. Appiy ta Chas. Heal, Church St. Bowmanvilie. Phone 9. 38-t. ST-rRAW FOR SALE - Barley straw, $1.001 per load. Apply tao ea. McKnight, co Arthuir Osh:Iorne, R. R. 2, BOwmnam- ville. Phoneo 176r2. 37-2' FOR 5ALE-1ieFoi'05t rossieY Radio, Singer Sewing Machine., ictrala and otimer household articles. Aîtply to Mrs. J. Lighterness, over Statesman office. 38-1w'. VOR SALE-Domiioit Organi, Oak Hlall Rack. barge Truîîk, strongly Iîaiîîie'; Pair Piliows. new, all goose ferrihers. nî-ver been useri. Iron Cisterit llitiirl. Apply NlrMs. Thomas Tapson, Ontriro St. Phiono.53. 38-2w-. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Stiinier cottage u't Boa- -l Vi lie I.itWest se. All i Oe r- nairville. I-a Wanted 1 HOUSE TO RENT-7 roamed brick, electric lights, hardwood flaors, bath. furnrtce, garage; possession October 1. Phono 389. 37-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6 roomed house on Ontario Street, ail conveniences. Apply ta A. E. Naylor, cla Canadian Canners Co. Phone 82. 35-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Corner King and Lberty Sts.. 6 rootus and ail conven- iences; ready for Sept. 1. Apply ta B. Furber, Kinîg St., BowmanviliŽ. Phone 438. 32-tf HOUSE TO LET-Malle Grave, fui- iiisîîed or uinfurnisheri. six rootus, ail coîtveninces, electrie stove. hardwood floaris, double garage. Reasonable tertus. Appîr I. Stmtcey. Maple Grove, 130w- i nanville. 3 8 -2 V