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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1932, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1932 THURSDAY. SEPTEMB3ER 29, 19321 The Lake Sisore Union Suntias Scisool wiil observe ts annuai Rals' Day next Suntias, Oct. 2nd, atV 2.30 p. M. Mr, anti Mrs. Archie McDonalti anti son John A.. Oshsawa, were guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. Pearce Sundas' week. Mrs. J. S. H. Jones anti son Roy' anti Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti McFad- den, Toronto, were Sundas' guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Hockin. We are pleaseti to report that Mr. Matt. Alireati. wbo bas been passing tisrough a criticai illness, was mucis improved over tise week- endi. Lockbart's Sundas' Scisool, wbich bas been closeti town for tise surn- mer, will re-open next Sundas', Oct. 2nti, untier tise superintendency o! Mr. Harolti Gibsofi. Mr. Alex De Malo stoppetioff bere last Tuestias on bis way front Pet- erboro to Toronto. He is taking a course in mecisanicai engineering at University' o! Toronto. Richard Cowan, Douglas Wright anti Marion Rickard have resumeti tiseir college courses in Toronto, wbile Evelyn Rickard le! t for Queen's University', Kingston. St. George-s Ciurcn-R:ev. F. H. Mason. M. A., Rector. Sundas', Oct. 2nd, 19tis Sundas' a!ter Trinits': 9.45 a. m.-Young Men's Bible lass; il a. m.-Morning Frayer anti Hois' Communion; 2 p. m-Sun- day Scisool; 7 p. m.-Evensong. Unitedi Ciurci-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers. B. A., Pastor. Suntiay, Oct. 2: il a. n.-Morning Worsbip anti Sacrament o! tise Lord's Supper; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m. -Evening Service. The Y. P. L. wiil re-open next Mondas' evening, Oct. 3rti. A Ciicken Pie Supper will be belti by tise ladies o! tise Parisis Guilti in St. George's Parisis Hall on October 2tis. to be foliowed bs' a musical prograni. Remember to reserve tis date anti conte anti spenti an enjos'- able evening. Furtiser particulars will foilow. 39-1 Mr. anti Mrs. C. R. Carvetis at- tentiedth ie Uglow famils' re-union at tise home o! Mr. anti Mrs. Artisur Mat-vin, Morrisis. on tise weekend of Sept. l8tis. There were a total o! 54 present. ail relatives o! Mrs. Carveth's fatiser, tise late J. J. Ug-1 low. Mrs. Marvin is a cousin o! Mrs. Carvetis. We are sorry to report tise deatis o! Mrs. Elzabeth Jones at Willow- tiale Rest Home on Mondas'. A short tine ago she was taken front ber home to Willowtiale witis symp- toms o! a stroke anti suffering from injuries receivet Iin a f al. Tise re- mains were taken to Bowmanville andthie funeral was helti front New- castle Uniteti Churcis on Wetinestias a! terxioon. Congratulations to Mr. Austin Turner anti bride, formerîs' Miss Audrey' Cowan, Orono, who were marrieti last Saturtias'a! ternoon at tise home o! tise bite's parents, Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Cowan. Mr. Clar- ence Turner, brother o! tise groom, officiateti as best man, andtihie bride's sisters. Misses Olive antid Greta Cowan. were britiesmaitis. Among tise mans' relatives present front Newcastle anti Shaws were members o! tise T. H. Clemence, W. J. Cientence, W. C. Ashton, F. B. Lovekin, Anson Waiton anti John Robinson familles. The wetiting cake was matie by tise bride's aunt, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, wife o! Reeve Lovekin o! tihe Atlas Fruit Fat-ms. 1Officers or Newcastle Higis Scisool Llterary Society', 1932-33 are: Presi- dient-Ediwin Hancock; Vice Presi- tient-Margaret Toms: Secretars- Jean Rickarti; Treasurer-Dot-othy Quantrill; Executive Committee- Form I, Alice Fail, Norton Cowan; Form II, Ralpis Gibson. Gertrude Bonatisan; Form Ill, Florence Spen- cer, Hubert Anderson; Convener o! Athletic Committee-Bill Brunt; Assistant Convener Atisietic Cont- mittee-Bert Quantril: Atiletic Conmlittee-Form I. John VanDus- en, Muritel Shsaw; Fort II, Mariei Henning, Chat-lie Brereton; Forms1 Ini anti IV, June Brown, Hubert An-i derson; Etitor o! Buzzer-George1 Graisam; Asst. Etitor Buzzer-'Mar-1 jors' Lscett; Poet-Raipis Gibson; Assistant Poet-Jack Hare; Histor- ian-McGregor Jones-, Asst. Histor-t lan-Kennetis Stephenson; Pianistt -Giadys Pollarti; Asst. Pianst-i Jack Hare; Artist-Dorotisy Bona-( tisan; Asst. Artist-Harolti Deline.5 1Miss Minnie Seibs'. Toronto. spent a f ew days at ber father's, Mr. Isaac Seibs'. Rev. W. P. Rogers was in Toronto last week attentiing tise annuai meetings o! tise alumni o! Emman- uel College. Mrs. Rogers visiteti f rientis in Peterboro. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, de- liveredth ie Ralis' Day address attise Unitedi Sundas' Scisool last Sundas' wisen tise classes were ail well f illeti anti several visitors present. Mrs. Lot-ne Cobbledick, who re- centîs' underwent an operation at Bowlnanviile Hospital, wisbes to tbank ail ber frientis for tise ffow- ers sent ber during ber stas' there. Miss Marion Alin, wiso was in Toronto tiuring midsummer bolitiays taking certain upper scisool sub- jects at Universits' o! Toronto short courses, receiveti word tisat sse bati passeti in both subi ects. Botans' anti Zoology. Newcastle Uniteti Cburch W. M. S. iseit its meeting on Sept. l5tb. in tise S. S. room, witb tise presitient, Mrs. W. P. Rogers, presitiing. Con- tributions for tise Victor Retiemp- tive Home are to be brougbt in bs' tise next meeting. Ortiers were taken for tise stutis book, "His Do minion o! Canada." Tise Hymnars' is to be useti. Thank-offering meet- ing wiii be helti Nov. 3rd. Tise tii- ferent secretaries gave reports anti Mrs. W. D. Bragg readth ie scripture lesson; Mrs . Chas. Hancock gave an interesting talk on "Korea's Healtis Probients"; Ail enjoyedth ie vocal solo bs' Miss Switzer. accom- panieti by Mrs. C. Cowan. Meeting closeti witis a byntn, anti prayer by our presitient. ME. AND MES. WARD TENDERED RECEPTION High Sehool Principal and Wife Guests of Honor at Garden Party Mr. Edward M. H. Ward. new principal o! tise higis scisool, anti Mrs. Warti were tentiereti a recept- ion bs' Rev. F. H. anti Mrs. Mason, Thu-stias' afternoon. Sept. 22nti. The list o! guests inclutiedth ie other members o! tise public anti bigis scisool teacising staff, Mrs. Tisos. A. Rotiger, anti members o! tbe Boarti o! Education andti ieir wives, anti by a hsappy' circumstance every member o! tise Boarti is a marrieti man. Rev. anti Mrs. Mason receivedthie guests near tise grape arbor on tise spacious, flower bordereti rectors' lawn where seats were set out for tiseir confort anti tables for their convenience tiuring tise serving o! refresisments. It was a tieiigist!ulls' informal affair; there was a warmtb anti nellowness to tise air akin to tisat o! an evening in June; tise set- ting was a loveis' one, anti alto- getiser tise occasion was one o! en- jos'ment anti pleasantness for ail present. The daintiest o! china gave a col- or! ul toucis to tise serving o! lunch. Mrs. C. T. BattY, in the absence o! Mrs. H. W. Dudley' througb illness. poureti tea at a table tiecorateti with a lovels' bouquet o! crintson asters. The lady teacbers o! tise school. Misses Norma F. Orcharti, Hattie A. Mason anti Neya M. Switzer. very graciousis' serveti a tastY menu. Tisose present not alreatis men- tioneti includeti, Mr. H. W. Dutiles', Mr. anti Mrs. Howardi J. Toms. Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. Jose. Mrs. R. B. Le- Gresies', Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. Gien- nes', Mrs. H. E. Hancock. Mr. C. T. Batty. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Purds'. Mr. anti Mrs. John Scott, Rev. W. p. Rogers, Mr. anti Mrs. H. R. Pearce, anti Mr. andi Mrs. Ths.A Rotiger. Tise reception was iselti front bal! past four to six o'clock. HIGH SCHOOL FIELD) DAY Thse annual fileldi day o! Newcastle Higis Scisool wiil be helti Fritias. Sept. 30tb, at 1.30 P. M. Ail events wll take place in tise communits' park andthie public scisool will bave a bal! holiday at tise saine time. Principal Warti will act as announe- er anti Rev. W. P. Rogers anti Mr. Purtis will be tise officiai scorers for tise boys' events, anti Rev. F. H. Ma- son anti Miss Switzer for tise girls' events. Girls' races anti competi- tions will be run off alternatels' witis tise boys'. The public is cordialîs' inviteti to attend. Inclutiet in tise events will be bicycle races for botis sexes. Catarrhal Deafnessi And Head Noises If s'ou bave catarrhsal dea!ness. or heati noîses, causeti by catart-i, or if phlegm dirops in s'our tbroat, se- cure propet- treatment at oncc. Spràys, salves anti inisalers mas' bring s'ou a temporars' relief, but permanent resuits can onîs' corne front a constutionai treatment tisat wll expel tise catarrhsal poison front you ss'stem. Get fnom yout- truggist 1 oz. of Parmint (Double SttengeLhî. Take Ibis home anti atit 14 pint bot water antd a little sugan. Take a table- spoonful fout- times a day: clogged nostrils sisouiti open, breathing become easy, mucous stop droppbng. ness or heati noises needth ie simple, pleasant. inexpensive Parmint treat- ment. t!. 1 vers' convenient. Tisere is probabls' more opportunits' for development in connection witb containers o! suitable type tisan in ans' otiser phase of fruit marketing.-Dept. o! Agriculture, Ottawa. ST. GEORGE'S HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES Bright and joyous music, eloquent sermons and a glad spirit o! grati- tude for' God's blessings as v'ouch- safed in a bountiful harvest, marked the harvest tbanksgiving services in St. George's Church Sunday, Sept. l8th. Rev. J. J. Bannell of South March, Carleton Co., conducted the services and preached eminently fitting and inspiring sermons both morning and evening. Rev. J. Scott Howard assisted by reading the scripture lessons. In the morning Mr. Bannell made kindly reference to tihe honored past of St. George's. He himself felt it a great privilege and honor to preach in ýhis parisb, thse birtis place of the late beloved Bishop Cisarles H. Brent, a worid renowned figure, and to conduct service with- in these sacred precincts where the late bishop was reared in tise f aitis, and to preach f rom the pulpit f rom whicb the late Canon H. Brent had preached for f orty years and f rom which bis illustrious son had preached on occasions on visits to his old home parish. He had list- ened several years ago to the late Bishop Brent and some o! his words had made such a deep impression upon him that he would neyer for- get them. Thes' were to tbe eff ect that Memory is like roses in wiîî- et'; youth fades, f riends pass away, old interests go, but Memory re- mains to comfort, refresb and make happy. Rev. Mr. Bannell chose as thse basis for his eveniîîg discourse Luke 14:1, "Tisat tbey watched Him," the whole verse being, And it came 10 pass. as he went into the bouse o! one o! the chief Pharisees to eat bread on thse sabbatb day, that tbey watched him. As the world watcb- ed Jesus with a curious andi crîtîcal eye in bis day that they migbt bring some accusation against him, so the world watches bis foibowers today. It is the duty o! every Christian to 50 live, speak and con- duct bimself that be may bring no reproacb upon the name of his Lord or bis religion. In this fair Domin- ion, biesseti of ail the lands o! thse eartb, Christian people bave every reason to live jos'ous bappy lives,, f ree f rom sullenness and enmity or ill will toward anyone and showing in ail their conduct and actions a reverent appreciation o! ail God's gifts and mercies. Tise choir. under tise leadership o! Mrs. Alfred Farncomb, led in the singing o! such appropriate and beautiful issmns as, The sower went forth sowing; We plougis the f ields, and scatter; Praise, O praise our Goti and King; and Come, ye tbank- f ui people corne; and as a specia anthem sang at both services, O. Lord How Manif old are Tby Gi! ts. Mr. Hamwood o! Toronto, formeris' associateti with the late Major Ar- mour under Dr. Ham of St. James Cathedral, rendereti valuable assist- ance in the bass section. Major Armour, it wiIl be remembered, spent some summers at Newcastle- on-the-Lake witb bis famils', until thse time o! bis death, andi wbiie on bis holidays here sang in St. Geo- rge's choir on Sundays. The churcis was beautifuils' dec- orateti for the occasion by tbe lad- ies of the chancel guild. Field andi garden, orchard and woodiand bad been put under tribute and the f in- est o! tbeir yields broîîght in to adorn and glorif y tise bouse o! Goti anti to show honour to tise Giver o! all gooti gifts. Front the entrance porch wbere tall stalks o! corn and sunflowers greeteti the worshippers, to the upper endi o! the chancel wbere on tise altar stood several vases o! the very choicest o! giadioli, aIl parts o! the churcb shareti in the decorations. There was grain f rom tbe fields, flowers and vege- tables f rom gardens, fruit from tise orchards and wild plants tisat nat- ure produces in profusion without assistance f rom man. Rev. Mr. Banneil was visiting Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Mason in the course o! bis bolidays anti vers' graciousiy consentedti t take the thanksgiving services. Before study- mng for the ministry and taking holy orders he was secretary to a former governor-generai o! Canada.* Rev. F. H. Mason bimself was in Orono on Sundas' asslstlng In the barvest tbanksgiving services o! St. Sav- iour's Cburcb. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATEMENT There were 3,483 accidents report- ed to Thse Workmen's Compensation Board ding tise montb o! Aug- ust, as compared with 3,313 in July. The fatal accidents durmng August numbereti 20, as against 19 in July. The total benefits awarded dur- BIG ATTENDANCE AT FIRST DURHAM CENTRAL FALL FAIR (Continued front page 1) W. Bowen, M. P., whose guest be was at luncheon. Mr. Weir pointed out tisat at one time bis fatber and mother liveti in Cartwright Town- ship s0 the visit to Orono was some- thing o! a visit to a familiar county. He urged tisat the rural fair do al in its power to retain its individual- its', claiming that thes' were playing a more important part in the lives o! those in the rural communities than the larger fairs coulti ever play. Do not change s'our prize iists to meet those o! the larger f airs, lne atideti, but stick to the list tisat brmngs the best satisfaction to s'ourselves and will do most in mak- ing tise lot o! tise future farmer a better one. Mr. Welr saw better tintes abead and urged bis hearers to maintain the wonderful spirit o! fortitude tisat had been exhibiteti bs' the f arming fraternity tbrough the long montiss o! the depression. Owing to the fact that The Statesman goes to press on Wed- nestias nigbt we are not able to publisb a lengtbs' report o! the fair or the prize winners in tise various important events. We append now the winners in the Baby Show anti hope to publish in our next issue the nantes o! al prize winners in ail classes. The winning babies were: Class under 8' ntonths-lst, Lois Yvonne Dean. tiaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean o! Orono, ageti 6 months; 2nd, Ruth Lockwooti, ageti 6 montbs, daugh- ter o! Mr. anti Mrs. W Lockwooti o! Newcastle; 3rti, twin ciild o! Mr anti Mrs. Victor Farrow' of Stark- ville. Class over 8 andi under 16 ntonths-Katsleen. 14 montbs olti daugbter o! Mr. anti Mrs. Ken. Gantsby, Oshawa; 2nd, Rowland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes, Bowmanville; 3rd, Ruth Elizabeth Ailin. daugister o! Mr. anti Mrs. Harold C. Ailin, Newcastle. MEMORIAL TABLET UNVEILED SUNDAY (Contimua4 front page 1) to tbe character of the s'oung men of the section who serveti in the Great War, not onîs' o! those wbo made the supreme sacrifice, but o! tisose wbo, baving gone through the dangers and perils. had returned safels' home. Mr Bowen introduceti Mr. Wal- lace Maas of Toronto, to whose thougbtfuiness and kindness, tise people o! the section are intiebteti for the beautiful memorial tablet. To many of tise older folk pres- ent Mr. Maas requireti no introduc- tion. He was a former pupil o! the scisool when bis father was a miller for Mr. Lockbart and as be bas a very warm spot in bis heart f or tbe oid scbool and tise scenes o! bis child.hoorl, this was naturaliy flot by any means bis f irst visit to the scene o! fond memories. As everyone in the bouse stooti, Mr. Maas, accomPans'ing bis act witb a few suitabie words, slowly tirew back thse f oltis o! the Union Jack. whicb bas veileti the tablet. wbereupon there was observeti a minute's tbougbtful silence, broken at its termination by tise clear bugle notes of tise Last Post. On the tablet inscribed in black lettering were tise words: IN MEMORIAM Fred W. Gibson Lionel D. Bowen Samuel Glanville Killeti in tise Great War 1914 - 1918 Fred W. Qîbson was tbe eltiest son o! Mr. D. J. Gibson. Lionel D. Bowen was the son o! Mr. Henry Bowen anti Samuel Gianville, was tise son o! Mr. Geo. Glanville. al residents o! tise section and descen- dants o! early pioneers. Mr. Maas spoke o! tbe manliness and valor o! the young men and expressed bis gratitude to Mr. How- ard Gibson and Mr. Bert Brereton for tbeir services in erecting tise tablet on tise wail. It is at tise east end o! tise room behindth ie teacis- er's cuk and just beneatistise carved and pannelied oak f rame matie some years ago by Mr. Henry Bowen and wiicis contains eniarged photos of thse section's tbree war heroes who sieep in Fiançiers Fieldis. Mr. Howard Glenne'. Cisairman o! tise Board o! Scisool Trustees in a few weil chosen words. thanked Mr. Maas for this gift o! tise tablet wblch for generations to come would preserve tise memory o! tisose in wisose isonor it was designeti. erecteti anti unvelleti. Trewin Scott o! Clarke Union tisen sang witis deep feeling in clear and dulcet tones a solo. Angels ever brigbt anti fair, take O take me to s'our care. Coi. Lorne T. McLaugisiin spoke B~usiness Directory[ Notices of Births, Marriages,' Deaths, and Mem oriam, 50c; 10e per fine extra for Memoriam verses. BIRTHIS EMMERSON-To '.%r. andI Mrs. Mal- colm Emmnerson Nestletoîî, on Septem- ber l4th, 1932, a baby girl. STUTT-At Kalmar Villa, flowmian- ville, on Saturday, September 24t1î. 193-1. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt, a son. DOWN-In Bowmnanville Hospital, on Moiîday. Septemlîer lthi.1932. to %Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Down. Tyrone, On- tario, a son (stilîbori) MARRIAGES ROGERSON-MUIRHEAD - At St. George's Anglican t 'urcil, Willowdale. on Saturday , Sept. 24t1t, 1932, bY Rev. C. P. iluirheatl. father of the bride, MNary Hlena, daughter of Ifev.. and Mrs. Nluirhead, and John itreer Roger- soit, son of Mis. Wint. Rogerson. Toron- to. DEATHS EEDY-At St. NMary's,(i tt , -il 'lues- day, Septe tuber 271 h, t1932,.J oitn \Wot t' E.'ýdy, ut hia 78tl year. Bt RCH-Ai. Cari-vale, Sa.ts, on Tues- day, sept. 1Stît, 1932, Mary Eýlizabethi Chapnan, l.lovd wif,- of Mr.G. E. Birch. !i iber lTth >Car. JON ES - ln Newcastl,01o\MollclzY, Setteinlier 26tlî, 1932, lxlel Turner, witloW of the bite W. .1. Jlone, aged -.6 yeurs. It ierred a t Newt oitvil le Cetue - tery. BRUNSKILL Oit Sutidlty. Sept. 25t1î. D3t2, a t thle lioiae of J. Syniii gtoiî, 2Mui r Ave., Toronto, El izabieth, widtîw of thle late -William llruitskill. lnterinit iii fjoivraiîville Cemetery. HOOEY - Oit Tlursday, Sept. 22ndt, 193-', at 613 itrock A'. itue. Toronto, Matrlon Isobel. youngest îlaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hlooey, Dar- lîngton. lntermneit fownmanville Cern- etery. HOFF-Suddenly at Montreal. Que., on Tuesday, September 27th, 1932, Greta Van Nest, dearly beloved ivife of La Verne Htoff, 6 l-iolmdale Rond, Hamp- .%tend, Montreal, Que. lîîterred iii Mon- treal on Thursday. IN MEMORIAM HENNING - In loving inemnory of Sa mruel ..ilenit iig, oho (lelarteil tîtis life Sept. 3tt, 19,29. One preclous 10 our hearts bas gone, A voice w-e loved is stulled; The place matde vacan t in ou r boite t'ait neyer more lie filled. Our Father in bis wisdom ctlled Thîe lîooî h is love ltad gi yen. Aitd. t houg i in etîrtit the bodly lies, The soul la sale iii heaven. -Alo oys rentemborvd liv iife and Fantily. Laundry Wanted AIli kinils of laundry work donc prompt- 13'. satisfactorlly. ai reasoîtable lîrices. Write Post Offilce Box 12, or call Mrs. W. Marjoran, lKing Street East, Bow- manville. Phone 478. Wet Basemnents Made Dry Af 1932 pîlces without disturbing lawn. AIl work guttranfeed. We have been wafer-proofing l)asements, swl m- ming pools. elevator pifs, tunnels, etc., since 1905. Have your basement made flood-proof. Thos. Depew, Wafer- Proofing Contractor, Btox 133, Bowman- ville. Phonte 398 or 28r5. 39-1 Piano Tuning L. B. TAPSON is prepareil f0 tune and repair ail ntakes of pianos antd organs. 25 years' exper- ience. AIl work fully guaranfeed. Phone 353 or write P. 0. Box 384, Bowmanville. 37-2* AUCTION SALES Mr. Challs has been instructed to seil the following household ef- fects at Waslngton Terrace. On- tario St.. on Saturday, Ct. lst, at 2 p. m. Kitchen Utensils. Eiectric Stove, Cabinet, etc. Dmning Room fumed oak suite and book case. Liv- ing room furniture. mostly walnut, furniture. walnut and Iron beds. As this furniture is in splend- id condition you w'ould do well to see it. 38-2w. Articles For Sale FOR SAL.E-4 acres silo col"it'l. Fuster. Phonte 667J.J9 FOR SALE-Baby car in.u good condition. Box 373 or Phonte 125. 3-tf FOR SALE-Star Auîtomobile, tilso I atI ery Ratdio. .pî3 t Ce ..Ilel Church St. Bowmanvllle. Phon,.i FO70R SALE-Large trame barnt, to lIe foin down or reinoveul whol, froîilires- eut site. App~ly 2 NiielMlitosli, .N Ci- castle. 2- FjOR SA LE-LieForest Crossley Ratio, Singer Sewing Machinie, Victrola aiîd other household arficles. Aîtply te Mrs. .1. Lighferness, over Statesman office. 3-1w. BLOWVERS-One of best on iparket. Exclusive rights your terrltory. Splen- luId oppîorttinlly. Write for 1articulars. T. G. Griftfi Limiteil, 16.) Kinîg St. ras', Torontto. 39-1 FOR SA LE mDonii ion Organ, Oak Hlîttl Rack. Large Trunk, strongly l'aîieî i îir Pi lIos, itew, aMIl goose teaithers, tiever been tîsedl. Iroît i'isterui I,11'îîtl. . pitly Mrs. T ho tas Tap)son, Oittlarîo St. Phonte .53. 3 8-. Wanted ATTENTION-I itit prepaîed to git e suittthtle tîtrre coupîle tise of turiiu- tI~~~~ hOteii\Cttl forinitS boatrdl. .\l t'Y Art tut Itati11e, i loi5e3Y Stre, t, Agents Wanted AGENT WANTED-Wo need reliable party imnteiiately to distribute Wafkins 1511 Pantous i touseliold Necessities to establish trade ini lowmanville. $30.00 weekly right from the start. Apply qîîîckty. J. R. Watkitts Company, 940 I usîeet tr St., Moitireuil, Que., L)epf. C-154. t8-6. To Let TO RENT-Small apartment. Apply W. F. Ward. Barrister, Bowmanville. Phone 102. 27-tf TO LET AT ONCE-Three furn isheil or uitfuriiled lied roonts, modern con- veniences. Box t or phlone 297. 19-t HOUSE TO RENT - On corner King anid Ontario Sta.. electric lilht andl wat- Ur. Appîly f0 A. A. Colwill. New.castle. HOUSE TO LET--Ot Horsey Street, 6 moins atnd auto ier kitchi Cii posses- toit Oct. 25tlt. Apîîtly to Fred J.%ltinu- tc. l'hiotte 158. 39-2w HOUSE TO RENT-6 roomed flouse on Ontario Street, aIl conveniences. Apply te A. E. Naylor, dio Canadian Cannera Co. Phone 82. 35-tf HOUSE TO LET-Male Grove, fur- iiislie(l or tnftirnislieui. six rooma, uail coît en letces, electrie stove. ltardwood floors, double garage. Reasoitable ternis. Ai)iuly Il. Stacey. .Maile Grove, Bow- nî.uttville. Live Stock for Sale cows FOR SALE-Holafelît due Oct. 1, Durhiam due Oct. 1, Pair very fie cow.s. T. W. Cawker, Butcîter, Bowniait- ville, Phone 64 or 94. 38-1w. Farm For Sale FARM FOR SALE - On highway be- tweeiî Oshawa and Whifby; good build- ings, well wafered; will exchange for anialler farm, or what have you? Ap- py Box 60, Gàzetfe Office, Whitby. 39-1 Farmns To Rent FARM TO RENT-100 acres, good or- cliard. Apply t0 C. R. Lovekin, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 32-tf FOR RENT-Farma of 60 acres, con- veniently locafeil on main highway in Oshawa; clfy wafer, ample buildings, aIl under cultîvaflon. G. D. Conant, Oshawa. 36-9w 100 ACRES TO RENT-Befween Bow- manvîlle and Oshawa on Highway, good buiildings; orchards; ploughlng af once; full possession In Sprlng. Misses Harn- den, Bowmanvllle.. 35-2-tf Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Good workmanshlp and matertl. Reasonable prices. Sliver Street. Bowmanvilie DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at special prices. Get your orders in early. Estimates given free. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman OMoie BOWNANVILALE WOOD MARKET King Street West Opposite Bowman House Hotel NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We solicit a fair share o! your patronage. Phone 622. MIxed Wood....... $1.50 b.d Cordwood.. $9 to $12 per cord 36-4w SEE TRIE Sterling 011 Rurner DEMONSTRATION FOR COOK STOVES AND HEATERS AT NE\WCASTLE October 3rd to Sth SPECIAL SALE of Accessories at reduced prices, alto STANDARD BRAND 0F MOTOR OIL regular $1.35 for $1.00 per gai. Spark Plugs Tested Free. Newcastle Garage E. C. HOAR, Proprietor. The Big Parade ROVAN'S SHOE STORE again leads the parade with a special purchase of Factory Clearances in Men'., Women's and Children's Shoes. MEN'S FINE OXFORDS WOMEN'S SHOES And Boots, regularly sold for In smart new styles, the quallty about $4.00 pair, sizes 6 to 11, sold aloer at $3.45, Factory Facto y Cle ranceClearance Price, Price, pair ....... e ar..... BOYS' BOOTS and OXFORDS MISSES' and CHILD'S In black and tan, are being s,'old Sample Shoes in Ties, Straps, and Oxfords, limited quantity at 2.95, Factoryj left, Factory Clearance Price.. Clearance Prie... $100 A New Shipment of Men's Overails, Work Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, etc., at prices that clef y competit ion. Rovan's Shoe Store Service, any bout-, anv day F. F. MORRIS 11CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance anti Invaliti Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Electro Therapettics Treatments FOR AIL AILMENTS. Robert Colville DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER Liberty St. Phone 538 BowmsnvIile ',8-3m* LEGAL M.G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building. Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bownanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, BBA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street.. Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. 1Law in ail its branches. offce' immediately east of Royal Theatre.I Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentist.ry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowxnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskiilen P. O. Phone 383r3. Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty, also Furniture Phone Oshawa 1648r24 Ternis moderate. 35-lm FUNERAL DIRECTOR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, SEM7EMBER 29, 1932 PAGE EIGFrr

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