THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1932 PAGE NINE much dodounourlahnunt forsué 1Red$ cmetma CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP-ohe imo e«=Conuy f"odEvuq'91roceMM ode ipWARDSBU id1 o ~d.PieRrp. THE CANADA STARCI! CO., 'A& se"d .Oepy Of "Can"aa's i ft.dp." -I .ol c. W cmsflli k 'ftM 16 " Yes:-we're both Low evening rates on statioi-to-sta- tion catis begin 7.00 p.m. Sill Iower nigbt rates at 8.30 P.m. feeling fine" Joe Thompson and his wif e were glad when Gwen finished Business Coilege and got a good position in the city. But Gwen was the las of the f amiily and the house was pretty Ionely. Ihen they found they could cal ber on Long Distance telephone for as littie as 30 cents. Sa now, every Fri- day evening, Gwen waits for their cail and the weely taiks make them al teel better. Long Distance is easy ta use, depend- able, and surprisingly inexpensive. (c tic thi ce mi vi. in' thi Ti pI pu. w> Pr thi thi thi ot] c mi au pli iný en aIl 0f ar du te pe mi tiE wl isi 0% 8 lief, or the persan designated by the jovernment s municipal counicil for such purpose. Residdence Cards .1 "16. Ail persons receiving direct O rde -in- oun il relief and moving frian one munici- O-sdec rder-fin-Councuthelîrope on Direct Relié ffiili h uiiaiyt hc In view o! the recent organiza- cipality. 2fl of the Public Welfare Board '17. Statements of account for ie order-in-council go0verning pro- expenditures for direct relief made dure and supplementary recom- by municipalities under the provis- iendations ta the report of the Ad- lOIls 0f tis oiderinçCouncil shail isoi-y Committee on Relief, it is of be rendered rnonthly in d.uplicate ta iterest ta citizens at large to read J. A. Ellis, and must be accompan- e f ul Provisions and the powers led by a certificate signed by the re- nder which the Board wlli operate. lief officer, or other officiai of the iie order ini council which was ap- munlcipality in charge of relief, and oved on September l9th, was by the treasurer of the municipal- ublished for the first tine last ity. that the expenditures have been eek by Attorney-Oeneral W . H. duly made in accordance with such rice. statements, and the provisions of Textof Oder-nconcii this order-in-Council. Teito! Oder-n-Concil "18. The minister may at any "Upon the recommendation of the time caîl upon any municipaiity ta linister of Public Works and Labor. furnlsh such information as he may .e Committee of Counicil advise require in relation to statements of at the following regulations for account rendered by the municipal- .e administration of the unemploy- ity for direct relief, and he shal 1 relief fund be approved: also have power ta, direct an in-, "l. Except where the context spection and audit of the books, ac- Lherwise requires, in tis order-in- counts and vouchers o! any munici-1 ouncii the expression "minister" pality relating to such accounts. ieans the Minister of Public Woi-ks "19. There shail be an advisoryl nd Labor. committee on expenditures to be "2.Thee my b pad fointhemade for direct relief under this nsolidated revenue f und such rde-in-Council, which committee lonies as may be deemed expedient shall be composed of the minister )relieve distress and provide relief of public works and labor, the min- r the unemployed, and also the ister of mines. the minister of lands penses of administration of the and forests, the minister of agricul- ovisions of the order-in-Council, ture, the minister of public welfare and te minister o! highways. The .cluding the salaries of temporary inister of public works and labor nployees. shaîl be the chairman of such comn- . The minister may enter into mittee. nagreement with the Governrnent "20. J. A. Ells is hereby appoint- Ethe Dominion of Canada, or- with ed secretary of such committee, and ny minister of such Qovernment he and the staff of the municipal uiy authorized for that purpose, affairs branch of the Ontario muni- r the payrnent by the Dominion cipal board shall perform such dut- )the Province of the following ex- ies under the direction o! the min- enditures in such proportions as ister as may be required to carry iay be agreed upon: out the provisions of this Order-in- "(a) Direct relief by municipali- Council. es."2.Prgah9,1,1,1an "(b) Direct relief by the province,' 17 ofPas ragraphs 9, 1, 11 12and 'ere no municipal government ex- corne Inta force so far as regards U.s. expenditures made by municipalities "'(c) Provincial public works, im- for direct relief on lst October. all utiruDIraKn "4. The administration o! any f und and any surna of money that May be appi-oprlated by the Legis- lature, or provided by any speclal warrant of the Lleutenant-Governor, isaued under the provision of clause (b) sub-section 1 of sectiorn 13 o! the Audit Act, Chapter 25, R.S.O., 1927, for the Purpose of re- lieving disti-ess and providlng re- lief for the unemployed and the expenses a! administration, shali be vested in the minister. "5. Ail payments made out of any such fund shall only be made upon the requisition of the minis- ter countersigned by J. A. Ellis, commssioner for municipal afairs for the province of Ontario. "6. The minister may pi-avide for the payment by the province to anly municipality of ane-tird of the ex- penditures of such mUnlclpality for direct relief, in addition ta one-third ta be pald by the Dominion Govern- ment. «'7. Natwithstanding the provis- Ions of the last pi-eceding paragraph the Ontario Municipal Board mnay with.- the approval o! the minister pi-avide foi- the payment by the pro- vince of a greater Proportion than One-third o! the expenditures by any municipallty for direct relief. in addition ta any greater Proportion ta be pald by the Dominion. Unorganlzed Districts "8. In territai-y where no muni- cipal government exista the minister rnay provide for the payment by the province of f if ty pei- cent, o! the ex- penditures ta be made by the pro- vince for direct relief in addition ta, f if ty Per cent. thereof to be paid by the Dominion. '9. The expression "direct relief" in this order-in-Council meansj food, fuel, cloting (including foot- wear). shelter. medical seirvices and medical supplies. "10. 'Shelter includes: "(a) Lodgings whether In hostels or otherwise. (lb) Rent. "(c) Water. "(d) Light. "Provided, however, that no pay- ment for rent shahl exceed monthly one-twelfth o! the total ta which the annual tax bill on the premises occupied, plus an additional surn a! 50 Per cent o! such tax bill, amn- ounts; and pi-ovided also that in no instance shall the coat o! rent in- cluding water, exceed $15 Per rnonth Per family. Also provided that the monthly cost foi- llght shali. not ex- ceed $1 Per family; and that the rnontiny maximum for rent, water, and llght together shafll ot exceed $16. *"11. Payment for medical services shaîl not exceed ane-half o! the standard medical charges exlsting in the munlclpality or locality. 1112. O! the total a! evei-y month- ly account rendered by a municipal- ity for expenditures for direct re- lie! 60 per cent at least must be f or f ood, and no moi-e than 40 per cent for fuel, cloting (including foot- wear), shelter, medical sei-vices and medical supplies. "13. Unemployed men and wom- en wha are heacla of familles, and other persans except ti-ansienta, in need a! direct ielle! must apply for same in the municlpallty in whlch they reside, and ali such persons shall be deemed ta be residents o! a municipallty who have reslded there for the thi-ce months next preced- ing their application for direct re- lief. "14. Persons who have no f lxed place o! abode shahl be deemed ta, be ti-ansients, and may apply to any municlpality in whlch they !lnd themselves for tempoi-ary lodglngs and food. In such cases na resi- dence qualification is requi-ed. "15. Ail heads o! families and other persans lncluding transients applying for direct relief must be iegstered In the municlpalty in whlch they make application for re- lief, and they must secure a i-cal- dence certif icate card tram the municipal official in charge of re- IWrltten especialiy for The States- man by W. E. Graves, Bowmanville. At tins season of the year there are a number of tings ta be done in the garden, arnong them being the planting o! shi-uba, rases, per- ennials, etc. The fal la not the only season o! the year lu winch ta plant, for spiing is lu many ways just as good. But at this time a! the year the soîl la in good condition, there la usually plenty o! moisture, and -more time than in the sprlng. Pui-- ther, plants have a chance ta get settled down bef are things freeze up. We propose ta deal with shrub plantiug here, for the reason that no garden 18 even on the way ta completion without some shrubbery. It can be used as a foundatian ta tie the dwelling ta the ground. Shi-ubs are the garden materlal ta de! me baundaies and ta say the least pi-ove much more pleasing than artificlal fences. Shrub groups at sultable spots in the garden are always effective and artlstlc. What is needed Is a little care lu the selection a! varleties and some o! the same klnd o! care in decldlng where ta plant. In what the landscape gardeners caîl foundatian planting the taller growing vaileties should be planted at the angles o! the building, espec- iallY at the outer corners. Medium height varieties could go between You want power ... you want mileage . .. then use OILS We can supply you with the following high-grade motor ois: Castrol Sheli Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroil, 100% Penn. PHIONE 110 KING 5TÎ EA ;i, BOWMANVI LLE PROPERTY OWNERS 0F BOWMANVILLE DISCUSSED FORMING ASSOCIATION (Continued f rom page 1P Milton J. Elliott pointed out that tis wvas not advisable when $35.000 in tax arrears were in evidence. In normal times. he beiieved, this should be done but in these days other means had to be provided. In a motion of Mi-. Frank Wil- liams, seconded by Mrs. Norman Taylor, the meeting finally decided to appoint a cornmittee cornposed of Messrs. C. H. Mason, B. B. Furber and Frank Williams to draw up the objecta 0f the Association for In- sertion in The Statesman, next is- sue, and callilng a meeting for Fr1- day niglit, October 7th, in the Town Hall, when It was hoped that every one present would bring two or more property owners wlth themn. It was pointed out at the close of the meeting that the organization would be for the welfare and good of property owners at large and that everyone be urged to attend thia meeting to-morrow night. ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE HAD CHARGE AT ROTARY ON FRIDAY (Cofltiflued from page 1) again careless attendance tended ta lower the club average. Rotarian W. P. Corbett outlined an article f rom The Rotai-ian on at- tendance when rnany wiiters vaiied in their opinions, some averring that attendance should be kept up at al costs, while others believed that common sense should be used and that private businesses should not be made to sufer through foi-ced attendance at the Club. Rotarians C. H. Mason, T. S. Hol- gate, F. C. Hoar. Geo. E. Chase, C. T. Ross, R. R. Stevens and D. R. Morrison ali spoke on the subject and the general opinion seerned to be that one should stive witin reason to secure 100% record but one's business should not be neglect- ed in doing so. The pi-ag-arn Was most interest- ing and the theories of the various members were stili being expound- ed severai minutes after the time for the gong ta sound. windows and dwarf kinds lu front o! windows. Planting varieties in front o! windows that will grow ingh enough ta shut out the view la a mistake. Then in front o! these Plants which are ail kept fairly close to the building an irreguizi- plant- ing o! quite 10w growing kinds should be put in as a sort a! finish. For the back row such kinds as the tail spireas, viburnums, deutzias, hydrangea and forsythias are suitable. In fi-ont o! these could be used berberis, dwaif spireas, glde syringa and any sirnilar dwarf growing kinds. A word o! advlce rnlght be given ta the e!! ect that it Is nat wlae to averdo the planting o! spirea or bridal wreath. It Is a par- tlculariy good shrub but ather kinds should be used wlth ItL Hedges praperly planted and carefully tended, add very materi- ally ta the appearanceof any gai-- den. Evei-green hedges are made with cedar or spi-uce. Bath ai-e pleasing In appearance a.nd effect- ive as a screen. Suitable shrubs for hedges not tao frequently used are spirea, opulifolia and syringa. For 10w growing hedges pr'ived and ber- beris are the two outstanding var- ieties ta use. Rugosa roses make fine hedges but they wili not stand close pruning. Dwarf polyantha roses are also pleasing, used in the right loc- ations. They would not be suitable for the boundary o! a garden but are quite in place ta divide one part o! a garden fi-rn another part. Groups a! shi-ubs shauld be placed where they will not obsti-uct views. Suitable spots are at the junction o! Path. near entrance gates or near the boundary o! the garden. Such groups ai-e out o! place in the centre o! the garden which should be kept clear. Any o! the standard shrubs may be used for this purpose, al- ways rememberlng that some dwarf varieties near the edge o! the plant- ing add to its appearance. Some coior might be introduced into the groups such as pux'ple prunus, gold- en syringa and silver dogwood. Ail o! these should be used In moder- ation S"-rubs will grow in any good garden soil. Be! ore planting hîow- ever, the soil sho'ild be weli cultiv- ated and if poor, fertilizer might be ýdded. Fioles lare enaugh ta easily take ailroots and firm planting are -oth r.rz.ssary if success is expect- ed. ACID STOMACH Suflorera Fromt Indigestion CUT THIS OUT 'Stomarh trouble. dyspepela., indiges- tion, sourness, gaz, heartburn,f ood er- inentation, etc.. are caused nine Mimes in ton by chronic acid stomnach," gays a weIl known authority. Burning hydrochlorlc scld devolops In the stomach at an aiarmlng rate. The acd Iritates and Inflames the delicate stoniach lining and often leadis ta gas- tritla or etoanach ulcers. Dont dose an acid stomarh with pepein or artificiel digestanta that only give temporary re- lief front pain by drlvlng the sour, fer- menting food out of the stomach lnto the intestines. Instead, neutralise or sweeten your acld stoxnach after meala with a littie Bisurated Magneala and flot only wiUl the pain vanish but your meain wil digest naturaiiy. There iun nthing better than Bieurated Magnesia, ta sweeten and Settle an acld stomach. Your stomach acta and feels fine ln juat a f ew minutes. Biaurated Magnesia can bo obtained f rom any reliable drugglst. It te safe, reilable, =e ,and pleasant ta use. lnu uaL a laxative a 1not at ail expensive. Outstanding Value-Always TUA ~Ms ~rn heGardons Exhausted f rom Asthma. Many true remedy whlch will usualiy stop who read these words know the ter- tis drain. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- rible drain upon health and tinna Remedy la a wonderful check strengthi, winch cornes in the train ta, this enervatlng ailment. It has of asthxnatic troubles. Many do flot a countless record of relief ta Uts realize, however, that there la one credit. It is sold almost everywhere. SAVES YOU FROM MANY %1LLs17 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN -We are repeating, for a limited trne only, the offer of a British-made, 1 3" alurninum cooking spoon for the renura of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wra,, ers. OXO Linited, St. Peter Street, Montreal IThuow Out Mm2~UflI *1~59 F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture and House Furnishizrgs Phone 10 Bc wmanville / 0eBOU B UY COAL TO-DAY Are you in the saine lne with those men who can rightfully say that their coal worries for the coming wintexr are over ? If you are not then you had -better buy your Blue Coal to-day, for prices niay be higher to-morrow. SUY NOW BEFORE PRICES GO HIGHER Per Ton Egg.......... ...$15-75 Stove .............$15.75 Chestnut ...............$15.75 Pea ...................$13.50 Buckwheat .............$11 .00 Rice ...................$10.00 Coke ..................$12.00 $1.00 off above prices for cash. Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIBME» BOWMALN'VILLE Skilled attendants are always ready to serve you. Service for Chevrolet and OIds Cities Service Garage UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Phone 188 Opposite A & P Stores Bowmanville ROBT. M. STEPHENS , Proprietor THE CANADIAN STATESbiffl, BOWNIANVIME, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1932 PAGE NINE