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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1932, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER Otb, 1932 PAON THREE SSCHOOL REPORTS SALEM Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington. for September: Sr. IV-Charlie Poster 78*, Beryl Thompson 76*, Viola Francis 69, John Foster 62. Sr. HII-Margaret Irwin 79', Bert Francis 68, Hilda Richards 67, Mar- ion Prescott 65. Jr. III-Byron Foster 74, Ronald Hall 72, Kathleen Cowling 64. Bren- ton Darch 63. Nina Darch 62, Hilda Thompson 61, Gladys Thompson 58. fl-Lily Cowling '74. I - Margaret Foster', Arvifla Smith, Roy Prescott, Irene Cowling. Sr. Pr.-Bill Canlin*, Wes. Con- lin, Douglas Poflard. George Conlin. Beg.-Murray Cowling*. *-Honours; Pass-60 <. Farewell Blackburn, teacber DARLINGTON Report of S. S. 3, Darlington, for September: Jr. IV-*Elsie Flint 75, Hazel Flint 73, Hazel Truil 72, Louise Fol- ey 69, Clarence Peacock 66, Maurice MorPhy 63, tSammy VanCamp 59, Margaret Henry C. James Sexsmith C. Sr. III-*Arthur Forsyth 75, Ed- die Forsyth 72, Vera Gibson 67. Jr. ]III-*Jean Metcalf 80, *Peggy Finnigan 77. tHarry Feather 58,1 j'Joe Wojnakouski 38. Norma Sx Smith C, Billy Henry C. Betty Hen- ry C. Sr. II-*Eveline Gibson 79, Kath- leen Campbell 69, tGordan Trull 59, j'Milton Stormas 52. Jr. II - *Madeline Metcalf 75, Gardon Metcaif 74, Glenn Metcalf 62, Phyllis Campbell 60, tLouise Forsyth 57. Sr. Pr.-'Alvin Metcalf, *Kenneth Power. *Donald Metcalf. Sammy Bonk, Mike Bonk. -Honours; t-P'ailure (below 60< c); C-Pupils coming in taward end of month, wbase work bas been satisf actory. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? Fasteeth, a new, greatly improved powder ta be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds false teeth f irn and comfortable. Can not slide, slip. rock or pop-out. No gummy, gooey. pasty taste or feeling. Makes breath sweet and pleasant. Get Fasteeth today at any good drug store. tf FORMER BOWMANVILLE MAN HEADS COLONY Band of Hungarians Found "Little Budapest" in Midst of Ontario Fine Forest Deep in a pine foreat near Delhi, Ontario, is a unique encampment over whicb rules. as a sort o! mon- arcb. Joe Voorego, Hungarian. wbo bas made his home in Bowmanville for some time. Ae despatcb in a Toronto paper tells o! Ibis "Little Budapest"' and reads as f ollows: In a grave a few miles west o! Delbi is perbapa one o! the trang- est settlements in Canada. Here la "Little Budapest," the home o!flie- tween 80 and 200 Hungarians, wbo came ta Non!folk early Ibis summer seeking work lu the tobacco filelds. Many met wltb succeslu their quest, but athers merely make the place their headquarters for Job- hunting tours int the district. This week there are about 80 men living Ibere, ail natives o! Hungary, but in the past as many as 200 bave found refuge. Netled lu a dense pine fareat are a dozen or more huta, ail carefully canstructed a! boughs and moat o! them wIth non-leakable rof.Came Froni Bowmanville. Joe Voorego. a 27 year old Hun- garian. who was in charge of tbe community wben it was visited, readily answered questions put ta him. Sure. said Joe, tbey are comfort- able. Food? Well, perhaps bread and milk was the staple article o! diet. although occasionally some of the men would return from Delhi with vegetables or store f ood. Joe1 hiad made his way to Ibis district from Bowmnanville aven a month ago and had secured a litIle work lu the tobacco fields. Wben the tobacco crop was inlahed the settlement would move on. Where? Oh, no- wbere in particular; maybe back ta Bawmanville. The bouses wauld have dane credit ta a Robinson Crusoe. Neat as a pin, each with shelves, a pine- bough ffooring and witb hinged doons o! lbalcbwork, an individual but would lake care of six or seven ià comfort. Each Rut Numnbered Eacli but and lean-lo bore ils number. Joe's home, for instance, was 7 Park Street. In a cluster beside the door of each but were the cooklug utensils. The moal luteresting articles were spoons. hand-made and carved wilb exquisite care f rom the boughs. Also in the heap aI tbe door were la be found brooms, amal wiry lwigs lied around a shcft aapling. Sa far the police have molested them little. The inhabilants o! Ibis community are, as f ar as can lie seen. hard-working men, and seem ta be tending strictly ta business. NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMERS Colleet Apple Data W. J. Fairweather and W. S. Rowe, 0. A. C. experts, began re- cently the collection o! cost and in- came data f rom apple growers in Norfolk County. Later the project will lie extended to Halton, Peel, D u r h a m., Northumberland and Prince Edward Counties. When the data have been obtalu- ed the agricultural economica branch wlll analyse il systematical- ly and reports will be made ta in- dividual farmers before the final report is complete. The wark la being done in co- aperatian with the agricultural econamica branch o! the Federal Department. Sweet Clover Ensilage "The moat suitable stage at wbicb ta cut sweet claver for ensilage is when the majority a! planta are in f ull bloom,"~ writes E. S. Hopkins, Dominion Field Husbandman. in bis annual report for 1931. He also ob- serves: "Il la feasible la haul the crop ta the silo immedlately after cutting or within twa or three baura, while the addition of water ta sweet claver ensilage is not recommended. As is the caae with oats-peas-velch ensilage, sweet claver beld In star- age for perioda varying f rom three to nine montha does not appear ta sustain any damage or lose any of its palatability. Ontario Paekers' Gesture is Step in Right Direction "In the production a! better.qual- ity products, the farmner requires th«e samne incentive as those engaged in ather lines o! business, namely price,'" sald J. A. Carroll. secretary. Ontario Marketing Board. "'A definite step tawards improve- ment of quality.'" be contluued, "waa taken recently, when the On- taria meat packers agreed ta ca- aperate in grading haga on the rail. I am haping that we may cansider this as a farerunner of what we may expect in other farmn praducta. "The moat effective educational work for the impravement a! qual- ity la done. in my opinion, at the market-place. Handlers o! farm producîs can do mucb towards im- proving quality, if tbey will buy according ta grade. "Many farmers take pride lu tbeir cra!t and invariably strive ta pro- duce the best. A large number, however, will change their methoda only when shawn that il pays ta do sa. "Il is difficult ta forsee any real improvement in quality, while the man producing an inferiar product is receiving a price almoat as bighi as tbe careful farmner. wbo takes pains ta turn out a top grade ar- ticle. The solution, in my estima- tion lies witb the linyers o! farm ]IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST~ FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Sept. 29, 1882 A cbild o! Jas. O'Neil, South Ward, feUl off a bigb chair a !ew days ago and broke ils arm. The following offilcers were elecl- ed aI Bowmanville Division Sons a! Temperance: W. P.-Bro. W. Raw- linson; W. A.-Bro. A. Manning; Rec. Scribe-Bmo. E. Weslcalt; A. R. 5.-Sis. L. Climie; Fin. Sribe-Bro. A. Younle; Treas-R. Windatî; Chap.-Rev. Bmo. Dyke; Com.-Bra. R. Braden; A. Con.-Bro. E. Gould; I. S.-Bro. Marcb; O. 5.-Bro. A. Barber; P. W. P.-Bra. J. H. H. Jury. Cobiourg Senlinel Star lasI week said: "A volunteer, wha said he halled f nom Bowmanville, did the rounds o! the tawn on Monday nighl. He was very full, and lu one hand be carried bis soldiers breecb- es and avercoal and in the other bis rifle, bayonet and bell. His wearing apparel comprised a bat- lered chrisly stiff, red coat and a pair o! lighl pants. He was so drunk that tbe batela re!used ta ac- cept bis company, and the lasI we saw o! him was bis coat talla go- ing round the four corners afler the boys had tld him ta go ta, Egypt." Kirby: Amidat Ibe husîle and bustle o! every day lite we announce the celebratian o! another wedding. The farmn servant asks bis boss Ibat bis ticket o! leave might lie granted a litîle earlien than usual that even- ing. Accordingly a short lime lie- fore old Sol liad disappeared lie- yond tbe western horizon he Ia seen. ta lie marching witb rapid pace ta the cottage o! bis gnandma, wbere he and bis afflanced meet. They burry ta the good man's bouse and are pronounced one and al la end- ed. We wish him. and bis bride a long and happy life. Cartwright: On Prlday evenlug, the 22nd, a very large surprise par-, ty visited the residence o! John Goggin, Esq.. la bld farewell ta bis son Thomas who lutendasbortly ta move ta Hawick, Huron County. Af ter a sumptuaus repasî Thomas was presented wiîb an address and a very handsome family bible. producîs. I believe that wben buy- ers will offer a cash inducement ta tbe farmer praducing top quality, only then wlll a general improve- ment lie effected. In other words, I am convinced that punchaslug by grade is tbe anly answen ta the question o! iniprovlug the quallty o! farm products."1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Fromn The Statesman, Oct. 2nd, 1907 The foilowing former students a! Bowmanvilie Higb Sehool will beglu their studies aI Toronto University thia week: James Beilb, Scbool o! Praclical Science; Rupert Hamlyn, Arts course, maîbematical option; Arthur Emery, Arts course, science option; Macie Rebder and Camre Hawkins, Arts course witb modern language option. On September 241h, the home o! Mrs. W. B. AlUin, Newcastle, was thse centre o! attraction when about 200 relatives and friends gaîbered ta celelirale ber 751h birtbday. Af 1er a noon dinner, an afternaon o! sports and a social lime. Mrs. Alun was presented with a handsome sofa and Marris chair. Bowmanville Pair was a succesa as usual. the receipts being only $30 leas than last year. The weaîber was grand for bath man and beast. The Pair was opened Fniday noan by a f ire alarm. A f rame stable lie- longing ta John Berry, Wharf Raad, was on fire. The f ire brigade re- aponded promptly but tbe building was liurned ta the ground liefore they gaI Ibere. John Osborne bas sold Lake View Farm la R. H. Hamley. We con- gratulate Mr. Hamley on becoming the owner o! one o! the beal money making farma lu Darlington. Monday forenoon wbile William Bagnell, a Young man about 21 years o! age, an employee o! the Durham Rubber Company, waa sel- ting one o! the machines bis righl hand was caughl and liadly crushed. But f or the presence o! mind a! Lewis Rowe who gralibed a bar and lbrew il in the gearing, Ibus stop- pmng the machinery, Bagnell's body would have been drawn in. Dra. Tilley and Beilb were called and ampulated the band about lwo in- ches above the wriat. The Young man is pragressing as well as can be expected. D. G. M. Galbraitb, native o! Ibis town and now o! Toronto, bas form- ed a new pantnership wiîb W. W. Vickers.' The office bere will lie continued, M. C. Galbraith will be in charge. Sauina: The congregallon of tbe Methodiat Church bas purcbased a new organ and opening services will be held on Oclober 131h. An efracaciaus housebold remedy - Douglas' Egyptlan Liniment. Bringa immeciate relief ta lame back and muscular rheumalism. Also relieves inifammalion. burns, sares, corna and warls. We Be1eve.. That there are no substitutes for service and safetY!' Thiat business goes where It ila mvited and stays where It is weli treated! That it ia better (and easier) 'to do a thing rlght than to explain why it was done wrong! That honesty is the best policy; and that it la better (and easier) ta tell the truth than ta misrepresent! That the public wants and ia intelligent enough ta recog- nize trutlifulness and fair deallng in business! That no business that does flot render an outstanding and honorable service ta the publie bas a rlght to exiat! That it la wrong ta over-insure and collect premium (and commission) on a policy that cauxiot be pald in f ull In the event of a total loss! That every palicybolder la entltled ta know the whole truth in regard ta the Company's and bis liabilities and re- sponsibillties ln the event of a loas! That every policyholder la entitled ta know the whole truth as ta how hla rates are fîgured! That we have a name worth protectlng and a reputatian worth sustalning! That we would have no right ta ask or expect business f rom the public if we were ta, deviate f rom these principles! J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers KING STREET PRONE 50 BOVV>ANVIIJZ aqk BOVRIL IS THE STRIW4GTH ÀN CONCENTRÂTED GOODNDWeSSocwBEST 155F Walker's Three Big Days of Selling LINEN HAND TOWELS 6 for $1.00 Great Value ! Pure Irish Linen Crash Hand Towels, 16 x 28 inchea, ayster Linen abade. with colored hem- stltcbed ends, pastel shades of Pink, blue, gold or green; regular 25c value. Note this aut-of-the- ordinary price DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, each 18 6 for $1.00 DOUBLE FABRIC GLOVEýS 59c Pair Your choice of Pullon Gloves. either plain or with applique and inset designs; grey, mode, rose- wood. toast, and black; sizes 6 to 8. These regular 75c ta 98c quai- ities DURING 7759e BIG DAYS, per pair. .59 MEN'S 'KERCHIEFS 10c Irish Linen Pure Irish Linen Handker- chiefs about 161/2 x 16Y2 Inches, narrow hemstltcbed edges. Ideal for everyday use, and offered you at lower price than ever befare. DURING THREE l BIG DAYS, eacb .loc FLEECED UNDERWEAR Glving Better Service and Greater Value ! PURE WRITE WAISTS for cbildren 1 ta 8 years of age; f ine knit clotb. fleeced back; reinf arc- ed wth stay-tape; buttaned front, and buttons for bloomers. DURING THREE BIG DAYS. each3c FLEECED BLOOMERS- Fine ribbed cottan wtb tblck fleecing on inside. extra warm and cosy-, elastic at waist and knees; crea. navy, Pinkc, sand; for ages 2 ta 14 years. DURINO HE BIG DAYS. pair .HREE 29c FLEECED SLEEPERS - Fine knit, pink blue or white clath, witb saf t ffeeced llning; button- ed back. wth drap seat; ahl seama outsewn; sizes for children from 1 ta 6 years; a great saving for you at aur price. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, 69 per suit69 WOMEN'S SMART PULLOVERS $1.39 The lght Autuma Colora The "Last Word" in Pullover Sweaters, long sleeves; new f ancy combination knit; and in cam- bination colors: wine-sand. wine- white, brown-sand, brown-yellow, navy-red, light green-dark green, and black with white; ies 36, 38 and 40; Special DURINO THREE BIG $'l.39 DAYS, each " SWISS NET CURTAINS $1.59 Pair Exceptionaily Dainty and Very Low ?rlced You wlll f lud these new Swiss Curtains very attractive, because they are made of fine mesb and there are several selected designs f rom which ta choose, Ecru abade, scalloped edges; aise 36 inches x 2 V yards. You would consider these exceptional value aI $2.00. We invite your careful inspection DURING THREE BIG DAYS. 15 per pair .......5.. FLANNELETTE NIGHTIES 79c Each Flaninelette Gowns in outsizes and regular women'a sizes; ser- viceable quality white flannelette slipover styles wth medallion trimminga, in y, round and square neck; long sleeve styles with V and hlgb neck; outsizes wllb long leeves, V and high neck. DURING THREE BIG DAYS. each . 79c SCOTCH FINGERING YARN 95c Pound Secure a Good Supply Here is your apportunily ta make a worthwbile saving on de- pendable quallty yarn; brlght finish Scotch four-ply Fingerlng Yarn, f ull welgbt, saf , long fibre yarn suitable for alI general pur- poses; put up lu V4 lb. akeins; in colors of grey, buf, brown bealh- ert cardinal. brown, white and black. Take advanlage of Ibis unusual opporlunlty and secure a goad supply. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS.95 per lb. . . . . . ý 5 BOYS' GOLF HOSE Boys' aUl wool Golf Hase, heavy nib witb fancy pattern on turned top; in shades o! lovaI, heather and oxford grey; sizes 7!,½tao . DIN THE BIG 35 LINEN TOWELS 45c Pure Irish Linen Huckahack Towels. ise 18 x 33 luches, hem, atltcbed ends, wilh attractive woven colored damask designs lu gold, pink, bine and green; usual 75c value. DURING 3 BIG DAYS, eacb 45c COCOA MATS 39c A well-made Cocoa Mat, aise 13 x 22 luches, bound on edges. This qluality usually sellsata 60c. We advlae you to came early. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each ..... 39c WOOL RUGS $3.29 An extra bégvy utitity aug, measuring 58 x 60 S hOh; Mde of pure wool with heavlly f ringed ends; welghs about 33/ pounds. ParticularlY suitable for use mn auto or for bed cavera. In plaid designs of blue, grey, fawn and black. Usually sald at $4.50. DURING THREE '329~f BIG DAYS, each ... SPECIAL GORDON NECKWEAR Secure Now for Gifts By a large ca-operative pur- chase, we secured an extra fine range of Swiss. Barathea, and Satin neckwear SUlks. and now offer this usual 75e value as an introduction ta you of aur "Gar- don" Ties during Three Big Days. Pull four-in-band style, wool lin- ed and reinforced taping, in stripes, fancy patterns and swivel designs, in colors of blue, maroan, grey, brown and green effects. DURING THIREE BIG DAYS, each .... 9 or 2 for 95e ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS $1.98 What a Value! Sme Tbee! A remarkable offering of Men's winter-weight Sweater Coats, in Varsity or pineapple stitcb; dou- ble rack-stitched oollars. Stole, pockets and collai trimmed with contrasting block pattern; comn- bination colora of camel-brown, black-cardinal, black-green, roy- al-white, cardinal-blue, or plain black, in aizes 36 ta 44; you would consider these good value at $3.00. An unheard of price! DURIG THEE 1.98 BIG DAYS, each. COSY BLANKETS $1.95 WooI and Cotton; Rayon Bound Ends; An Extra Value 66 x 80. inch Blankets made f romn selected Wool and Cotton- cottan for strength and wear; wool for added warmtb. Rayon bound enda; strlped ends or large check pattern in rose, blue, gold or mauve. Extra value DURINO TH[REE BIG DAYS, 1 1.95 each . ... PURE WOOL HAL HOSE 22ç Corne éarly for theu! Pure virgin waol Haltiôe c 311 rlbbed, made on E3nglish SPire's Machine; good fnLM and winter welght; with ili rlbbed top; seamleas; grey, fawn. bIne and brown heather: sizes 10, 101/ 11, 11Y2; usually 35C. DURINO 'IIREE BIG 2 DAYS, per pair......2c 5 pain $1.00 CRIB BLANKLETS 49c Heavy Welght, Goo" Quality Heavy fleeey-cotton elderdown Blankets, size 30 x 40 inches, whipped edges. In colora o! pink or bIne; two patterns f rom which ta choose, bowknot or block pat- tern. Would be great value at 75c. Note our price DtJRINO THEE BIG DAYS, each.......49 PILLOW CASES 89C Pr. Scalloped and Hernstthed Ends "'Laver's Dream" Irish Em- broldered Plllow Cases, size 21 x 33 mobhes, fine quality cottan, linen f lnished, embroidered in a variety o! dainty Patterns lu pink, blue or gold. bath scalloPed and hemslitched ends. Each pair boxed and tied with ribbon. Goad value at $1.25. DURINO THRIE BIG DAYS, per pair...89 WHEELING YARN 69c a Pound Here'. Value Suprene! An all-purpose Wheellng Yarn, in bath two and three-ply, made f rom long, strong staple woal, lu colora of white, black, llght grey, mid grey, grey and white mlx, scarlet, buf and heather;* par- licularly sultable for knltting sweaters, socks. mitts, and heavy ouldoar garments; put up in 1V4 lb. skeins; secure. your supply early and save! DURINO TEM BIG DAYS, per lb ................. 69c YOUR FAVOITE SROPPING CENTRE Phone: 164, WALI<ER 4ST04E4 1.1 M FTEI ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE TOU Bowmaaville 1' il I 1 PAGE TMUZ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMR. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1932 lys

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