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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1932, p. 4

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*AWWlTRTECAAINSTTSAN OMNVL.TURDY NV(E 1,13 Hiospital for Sick Children 67 COITI.E ST.. TORON4TO 2 (Country Branch, Thltletnwn) December. 1932. Dear Mr. Editor; The prolonged period of bard times bas created a most difficut problemn for Ontarios wrld-famous Hosptal for Sicit Chldren. wblch only the benevolent public can slve. Here it la, in a nutsbell: The Hospital bas nurse ln0lits cots this year 7694 smali sufferers. an Increase ot 687 aver the total of the previous year. In addition 84,202 treatments were given ln the great Out-Patient Department. an Increase of 16,092. On one day 520 treatments were recorded In tbe previaus year there wua a sumilar growtb In the demand for tbe merciful ministra- tions of the Hfospital. WhfUe al this has been going on the amounts of the donations from the kind-bearted bave decreased by many tbousands of dollars, creating the situation of fer more ta be done and far less to do it witb. Tbe tatutary grants obtained by the Hospital fali much short of belng sufficient ta pay for the actuai cost of maintenance of the littie patients and each additions,! patient means an added deficit. The tasit o!bridging the gap between tbe cot of opera- tion and operating incame bas usuaiiy been accomplisheci by contri- butions from the benevolent. Whlle the Hospital bas retained tbe major- ity of Its friends wbo kIcndly donate to its wrk yearly.- and 15 continually adding new anes, donations dimin- lshed ta a somewbat alarniing extent ln the response ta mast year's appas! for funds and tbere bas been little Improvement ln that respect tbraugb- out the year. It le unthinicable tbat any cbild needing the bumane ser- vice provided by the Hospital sbauld ba refused. The Trustees are anxious and canoaniy hope that the kind- bearted people of the province will ses them tbrougb the difficulty by a most generous response ta the present appeal. Public benevalence fias uilt tbe Hospital for Siclc Ciidren ta the praud eminence of being the finest institution of its kind ln the world. Its country brancb t Tistletawn la a recognized model and persans ln- terested in cbld welfare came fram ail parts ai the globe ta Inspect it. Any child ln the Province of Ontario, deformed or dlseased, is eligible for admittance ta tbis wonderful Insti- tution, wbere the very finet treat- ment lcnown ta medical and surgical science is at once available. There is no class or crecd distinction. The very best tbat anv Hospital can give is placed withln easy reacb of the pooret child. Now. more urgentiy tban ever beora, la tbe Hospital ln need af contributions and no amaunt would b. considered too small. Please ask the benevolent ln your community to help. Tell tbem tbat tbe story ai the Hospital, covering 57 years, Is flot tbat of merely adding cot ta cot and ward ta ward hIs the stary of a battle canstantiy waged against disease and deformity, witb ah tbhe advancing resources of tbe medical and surgical sciencos. It is a stary of demanda whicb bave ever exceeded the financlal resources. but wicb have s.lways been mer by generous response ta appeals for aid. But for this generosity the Hospital wouid rnany times bave oeen banlrupt. hAk your readers, please. ta prevent it trom becaming 50 00w. Patnfully yours, D)OUGLAS S. ROBERtTSON, Trustes.. Catarrhal Deafnes And Head No)ise. If you have catarrhal deafness, c head noises, ca.used by catarrh. If phlegm drops in yaur thraat, sE cure proper treatment at anc, Sprays, salves and inhalers ma brlng you a temporary relief, b' permanent resuits can only con ram a consitutional treatment th: will expel the catarrhal poison fr0i you system. Get f rom your druggist i oz.c Parmint (Double Strength>. Tak this home and add 1¼ pint hot watE and a littie sugar. Take a tablE spoanful four Urnes a day: clagge nostrils should open, breathir become easy. mucaus stop drappinl Ail sufferers from catarrhal dea. ness or head noises need the simpli pleasant. inexpensive Parmint treat ment, t You want power ... you want mieage ... then use QILS- We can supply you with the following high-grade motor is. Castrol Shel Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroil, 100% Penn. À 4R-TLErrS0 piIONE 110 KING 5T. EAÀTI ohBOWMANVILLE5rM LESS TRAN HALF 0F MEALS SERVEI) FOR Church, Bowmanvllle, was amang OBJECTIVE 18 GIVEN LESS TRAIY THREE CENTS the supper guests and remamned for FOR RELIEF some of the program but had lef t ______Famliy of 7 Gets $4.00 a Week to bef are lie was called on for a short *(Cntnud ro pge1)Serve 147 Meals address. Mr. Todd preached aton te anlisthnedfme paigte P1) icof the anniversary services an the telriise sm hn, h ulcprecedlng Sunday. WefaeBoard wauld not have ta Haw wauld you like ta be told to The Newtanville congregation are spend trymng hours endeavourlflg ta go aut and buy an meal for your- looking farward ta welcaming their do right by bath unemployed and self and be given the magnificent pastor and wif e home the f irst of citizens alike. sum oif two and two-thirds cents ta this week. Belaw we publish the remainder do it with. The first word that& of the subseriptians received up ta wauld came frarn yaur lips would be Truesday night. If your name has "impassible.' Apparently it is not WHEN DEPRESSION not already appeared and is nat in for that is what one Bowmanville HITS THE FARMER this list, what about it? Dan't yau family is doing. ___ think it's time you felt the urge ta This man is receiving two days' Readers who enjoyed the article, do your share? Just think it over work per week and receives for that "I Like the Depressin-No More and then give as generausly as you work relief vouchers ta the value of Prasperity for Me," will be interest- know how. A gif t 13 flot worth gi*v- $400 On this sum lie las ta feed ed ta read this further article by ing unless some sacrifice is made ta himself. bis wife and f ive kidcties. the author, Henry Ansley, of Texas, give it. Seven souls, three meals a day. whose articles have been compiled Dr. W. H. Birks ... 5.00 means 21 meals and 7 days a week in book form. Mr. Ansley was a J. H. Werry .. ... 5.00 means 147 meals with 400 cents ta victim of a recent motor accident ini E. C. C. Southey. - 10.00 purchase them, which amounts ta which he was killed, but his writings J. R. Stutt ýýý...... 5.00 two and two-third cents per persan. will live on. The following is taken Fred Crydermnan 5.'00 per meal. f rom a Texas paper: W. W. Allin .... . 2.00 That is an actual fact, but you If yOU Warit an insighit into the A Friend .. -..-.. 1.00 know as well as we do that that nature of the man who told the M. H. Minore ............. 10.00 family is not receiving the proper world-and whose book is stili tell- Mrs. and Miss Trebilcock. 5.00 food. Sooner or later sickness is ing the world-that he liked the De- F. A. Haddy ....... 1.00 going ta strike that home and weak- pression, you will read this chapter Boys' Mornmng Hauir of ened littie bodies will flot be able 5 from Ansley's new book: Trinity Churcli 1.00 ta stand the strain. Ton what9 "It's funny how we got to where A. Mitchell _. ..... . 2.0é Are you, Mr. Citizen, going ta we thought we just had ta have ev- Miss M. Boyian ...... 1.00 stand by and see this sort of thing erything we wanted, or could get, Mrs. J. C. Samis ... .. 2.00 happening right undor your own regardless of the cost. F. W. Bottrel . .. 3.00 eyes, or are you gaing ta do what is "I bought a farm in 1929. Like Mrs. H. M. Bell .. ... . 1.00 expected of you and see that this every feliow born on a farm, I al- Mrs. H. A .Farrow 2.00 famiiy has more than two and ways thaught I cauld run one and Mrs. Thas. Tod. 5.00 two third cents ta spend on each mako a barrel of monoy out of it, Miss Jossie Montie 2.00 member at each meal? The very by applying modemn scientific me- kMiss Randal . 1.00 thought of trying ta live on this thods and operating it on an effic- C. W. Searle .. 5.00 paitry suin must disgust you, as it iency basis, with noa bat motion and W .G. Nelles 2.00 wauld any decent Christian think- by cutting out a lot of f rivalaus de- Mrs. W. B. Pollard .. 6.00 ing persan. Perhaps you have the tails. which only made the farm Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cotton 10.00 means ta end this type of living, ta work harder and more tedious. Ev-1 Mrs. H. Argue 1.00 holp this family live as respectable eybody but the fammer thinks it is Owen Fagan Euchre Party 31.03 pieople should live. If you are a a lead-pipe cinch ta miake money Misses H. and M. Carruthers. 5.00) housewifo, just imagine trying ta farming. Fammers dont think. they John Read & Son 2.00 feed youm family on this misemable1 know. Anonymous 1 . 13.00 pittance. A family of seven, with al "Hamp Bennett sold me his farm. G. A. Edmandstone, total of 19 cents ta spend for ecd He had lived on it 30 years, had al- (Additional) 1.00o meal. Jtîst imagine youself with a ways made a goad living and had Home and School Club 50.00 family of this size and having but saved a little money. His wif e and Mrs. F. Smyth 10).00 19 cents ta feed them. What would the kids wanted ta mave ta tawn. Mrs. Vivian Wheeler 2.00 you cxpect? Yau'd want someone ta She wanted ta play society. The Boakdale Nurseries 25.00 step into the breach and give you kids wanted ta dance and go ta the M. G. V. Gould 10.0() a helping hand and that is what taikies and ta play football. Hamp G. L. Wagar.. 5.()()f amulies of this size are asking you sort of thaught he would be happy Miss Nllie Montgomery 2.00o ta do taday. Give generously, even playing around thc Hîks Club and R. E. Logan... 1.00 if it humts. Tic pain af giving ta doing nathing but calloct interest. A Fiend 10).00 charity is flot a pain but a pleasume. "I paid $50 an acre for 1,280 acres. Walter Woolloy 6.50 Tie land cost hlm $10. I paid $20,- Mrs. Oea. Faster ..... 5.00 E T iIEUTE C UH 000 down and pomnised ta pay tie Dr. C. W. Sîemon ... 5.00 NETNIL NTD.UC balance in one, twa and three years Miss A. Lyle . ._., 2.00 Roast Goose and good things Galore $20.000. ntewsjuIt anather case R. J. Rovan 1... 5.00 $2,00____ ut ntercs H. M. Cle ...5.00 Some bah aiudedNwcsleo everybody paying everybody else Sheppard & Gui Ltd. .. 25.00 ca hundrten ed h Ngoewcaste twice what their pmapety was wath. D. Hodgson . 2.00 citizensetin attnd the gooew dine 'Hamp had neyer cultivated more E. V. Hoar . .. . . 2.00 and Centem tnewnt t ic ew Un i- than 320 acres. used the rest for C. A. Bartiett ...11ý 5.00 tdCuc tNwovlels n pastume. I aPplied modemn metiods A. H. Moore . ...... 1.00 day evening and came home singîng and plowed it. I applied efficiency Mrs. H. Ashlee 5.00 the praises of the prime hospitality and cut out useless details by elim- Mrs. E. M. Strike 5.00 of tho Newtanville congregation and inating ail the mules and caws and B. F. Caley. 5.00 af the generous dimensions, superb pigs and ciickens. I could buy A Friend 4.00 quality and varlety of nunibers of meat and milk cheaper than I could Mrs .i. E Mcrea~ 500the progmam in the church. There produce it. I tare dawn the f ence Wr . H.Bettie 1 500 were some four hundred and twenty aound the garden. I hired a farin C. T. Ross 300(o0uo uperw ofaroa ithoe aumd manager, bought four big tractors A. J Lyl ý '()()0tueossupe frad o and te and plowed 400 acres a day by run- A.ssJ. LMo1.0rhroeiudedas n ohrning them 24 hours a day. That's Mis . oris4.00 items on the menu and everyone the modemn way of farming in the Mms. W. C. Washington 5.00 ate as long as andI as mucli as liewhabot Mrs. B. M. Warnica, 5.00 or she dosimed. There were no limlit - 'I as oig o etmih ui A. Re. tr..n.. 1.00 ations, restrictions or restraints by raising wheat. I gat pon sudden. . . Wight l .... 2..06.0 anyon'e in regard to anything. Hail ruined my first crop in 1930 iS J. . 0mal 650erear was abundanty in and the Farm Board did worse than eev. W P. Bnner.00 eec n d it aa osin that in 1931, my last crop. Mrs. M. Symons1.0we everyone cauld fuliy gratif y "h akclIm a.Hm SMrs. Eli Wilson 1.00) his fandness for this f ine country waThed bis nt leest. The ifeand Mrs J.T.(ee000 delicaCY. There was whipped cream kids had spent ail he had saved andI Mrs. J. T. Bragg 1.00 on thie'pumpkin and otier pies, thon some. His healti was bad. His or Miss Allie Bragg 1.00() whippod ceam on the tarts and stomach was ail upset. He whippod or Miss Carnie Powerm5( whipped cmam fioating deep on the a brother Elk for trumping bis ace. e- Miss G. Wickett .. 3.00 lellios. Two stalwart gentlemen, 'We gat together. I paid the in- c. Mrs. J. A. Gunn 6.50 William Laing and Laurie Cale, torest andI Hamp took the farm. ai- ay P. Mitchell.. ....... 2.50 guarded the approach ta the suppen ten I agmeed ta haul off the tractors. iut Spencer Wood 1.00 room below the churcli auditorium "My farm manager came ta town ne I. O.O. F 10.00 and admitted tie patrons in order every day to get f resb milk and ice at F. H. Mason 10.00 by numbered tickets. No favoritism and green vegotables and gasaline ým Miss H. Argue 1.00 Was shown ta anybody. Anyone s00- and the daily paper and spare parts Miss Aima Richards 2.70 ing tiese two impasing members af for the tractor. He was a white- of Mrs. Bertha Baiiey 3.00 the Nowtanvilie chumch directing the coliared boy. Ho bad read ail there le S. R. MacDonald 1.00 fl1ow ta the feast and nating their was ta road about growing wheat. , Mrs. Spencer. .25 bearty, well f cd and jovial appear- '"Hamp baugit some gaod milci e-Cal. L. T. McLaugblln 20.00 ance could the mare oasily under- cows andI horses and mules and edR. H. Warden 5.00 stand the significance af the words chickens antI hags. Ho piantod a ig N. Wiicax .50 of tic Hobrew poot, -I wouid ather gardon. Ho bougit an incubator ig. Mrs. A. Wronn 1.00()bo a doar keepor in the bouse af my and some brooder bouses. Ho turn- .fMrs. H. Moses -75 Lord than." cd balf tic land I had plawed Up lH. C. Osborne 2.00 eDavid Kith 12.00 The program was anything but back int pasturo. Ho basn't been MistI.K. mit . 0. or attenuatod. Thore was ta town i a manth. The only ice tf. Mss I K. mith30.0 talent fmam Oshawa, talent from they sec is in tic wintor time. A Fiend ......-1.00 Bwavilfom Newcastlo, f nom -Hamp doesn't even know Con- - ~ ~ ~ ~ Pr T.Etnoap000~ ~e f nom Orona and f rom gross s in session. Ho isn't making A. Friond . 5- .00 Cleveland, Ohio. In the absence af any money, but ho la living an tic A. H. ieii . ...2 .00 the pastor, Rev. Thos. Wallace, wba producta ai bis farm in spite 0f al elan. 1 .00 wth Mrs. Wallace was at this very the govermnment bas done ta elieve I. G. Hn efkey 10.00 jtie homeward baund on tic briny him. . C. Vanstono 25.00 deep, Mr. J. J. Meliar Prosided as "Ho bas gone back to tic oid way John Lane . 10.001 chairmani af doing things. Ho is living and W. L. Ellitt 10.00 Tic following list wiii give read- acting just like ho ditI 30 years aga. Percy Cowling . 5.00 ors some idea of tic variety andI Ho bas regained bis health andI Is Anonymous 5.00j proportions of the entertainment, happy now that ho bas ta get Up W. J. F. . 1.00 ospeclaliy when it can be stated that at f ive a. m. and milk tic cows and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin 25.00 everY artist or gnoup af artiats. nat slop tic hags and feed tic borses Mr. nd rs.M. . Unerhll .00only once, but sametimes a second antI turn out tic chickens. Ho says Robt. Fenton 1.00 timo espanded with encomes in es- hani edn i osbte tf Wm. Lonsberry 1.00 panse to insistent demands f rom thn eevor gat ta cat in town. Ho A. & P. Tea Ca. . 10.00 teadec:TeTuemk Orchestra " amp'gne ac ta cssngti Mrs. Kate Wght . 2.00 af Bawmanvilie, lnciudlng the vet- "apsgn akt usn h Wm. Tewln .00 ran violinlst Mm. David Morrison govenmont andtheti city f olk for St.. Paul's United Churci on, mistreating tic farmons. He's living Lr. W. Dippeil 50.00 mh' uatt yrm Bam nleonis farm and not off ut. H-em many aid frlends in Bowman- pression and bon Imitatuve abuities, provod powden, spinkied on your vile and especialiy in St. Pauls .in ber vemy fimt numbor, At Tic plates wlll boitI them îuirm andI Cburcb, wiii be ploased ta see tiat Bail Game. Other selectuons f 1mcomifortabie. Na gummy, gooey MsJ.H. Turnbull, Toronto, bas hem varled nepertoime womo: sGivomta tseo eln.Gm n ot been honored by being eioctod Pros- tic World yaum Beat and Takung will not get sane. Avoudi embarrass- ident ai tic Mnsters' Wlves Assoc- tic Elevatar. ment. Got Fasteeth fmom any goad lation of Toronto Pmsbytery af tic Rev. W. J. TatItIoaiSt. Andrew's drugglst. lUnlted Church. WILL CHECK UP ON PEDDLERS NOT HAVING ICENSES (Continued f rom page 1) provusions juat tic samne as an out- sider. A byiaw govcmning tic icenising ai hawkers and peddlers was passed un 1903 wiich us stuli in force and pmo- vides tiat a persan selling whalo- sale, or soiling hua own products af tic fanm, bis own manufactumedý products, an is agent for a manu- facturer in Ontario, us not requirod to bave a licenso Tic type that must have a lucense are those wia purciaso gaads fan m-sale and pod- dle them f om doar ta doar. Cauncilior Stnike points out that a man in Bowmanviloe who is a tax payer and wba la penhapa paying a busuness tax on one lineofa business. cannat go out into tie country, pur- chase eggs on farn praduce, andI mc- soul it in Bowmanviile f rom door ta door witi a liconso. Ho wauld be ciassified as a iawker under tic act and us lhable for taxation as suci. The local bylaw pravidos tic fol- lowing fees for hawkers un Bow- manvilie: For two-horse wagon, $30; anc-hamac wagon, $20: for puai cat, carying pack, basket or any other metiod, $20. As a safe guard citizens siould in- sist on poddlcms vbo caîl at thein bouses shawing their license beforo making a punchase. If you tink they are violating tic iawu phono Ciief Vonton immýediately s0 tiat tic case may came beforo the pro- per authorities. Il FLOUR Mvon0areh Paistr.v 7-LB. BAG 20e 4LB BUTTER Our Very Finest SILVERBROOK SUNNyFIL» Pasteurized Creamery Pasteu.rized Creamery lb. 23o lb-.22 Youowe it to yourself! You owe it to yourself and your family to get the most you can for what you siyend. Watch for the A & P advertised ipecia1s. Make Your Food Dollars Mean More by Buying Morepwat A &P MAPLE LEAP Lard B "2 L-1 ru« 210 AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY t. NO. Pe sNO. 4 SIEVE3 SQUAT LIS9 E.NOWN IN ALL HOUSEHOLDS PêS Soap 1ODarsm31 Quaker Oats BRFORt2 Muk VAPORATEDORESTCHRLES dON4 TNS19't A" Exceptiosial Value--Our O0" M"ke-Fuhi of Frmit IVALENCIA CAKE mu. I17c Se sure are we that you will Uke It that we gtee you satisfaction or refumd your mon"y ONTARIO-GROWN-NO. 1 GRADE UOns 10 lbn. 15, FRESII YOUNG ROAST]ING PORK 'PORftK CHOICE TENDER ROASTS 0F A & IBEEF RED nEMP-FANCY QUALITY cGrapes 2 ib.1 *Shouldera lb. Butta * * M-l. X.TED BEEF >houlder - BMade - i b. PRIME RIB lM.]1 BONELES AND ROLUID, LB. 19e '. 9 10 b. a EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ON SMOKED AND PEAIEAI» BACON BekatStyle e PEAMEALED 1the pie lb.U 21/2-b. Paok age 7 SUCED, LX& 17oc 15e SMOKED FINNAN HADDIES BAKING OR DWLfMGNG lb. 10Oc SMOKED FILLETS N WAS4 l.140 FRESH FILLETS i b. 14e 1 ' 'U,.-.%D TO PRODUCERS FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MIANAGER. Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. W illiams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83. Bowmanville. Furniture Novelties lu Gabbard Soli Walnul Tea Wagons - Gate Leg Tables - Smokers Sewing Cabinets - Coffee Tables - End Tables Gibbard Solid Walnut is a Gift Worth While. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. NORTIICUTT & SMITII Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Amnbulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 1 I. THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1932 PAGE FOUR '1 't .4, t

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