-i7-ý r _ moim TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1932 Women's Institute was held last ENFIELD Thursday aI ternoon in the S. S. 8lroom wth the President, Mrs. Me- 1 atrpeiig Af ter the business, Mr.J Hepburn is visiting ini To- Mrs. Harvey Hardy, convenor of ront. grup 1tookcharge. Roll Caîl was Miss Ella Tamblyn has been visit- answered with suggestions on how ing in Toronto. to raise money for the Institute. Mr. Edwin Ormiston has rented Piano duet, Misses Margaret Mc- Mr. A. Ormistons farm. Kessock and Helen Baker. Readings Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Newburg, were given by Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees preached here last Sunday. and Mrs. J. Milîs. Miss Ida McCul- Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormîston, Bow- lough. Enfield, favored with a piano manville, visited at Mr. W. J. Or- solo. Miss Aura Rundle, ass't supt. mIston's. of Bowmanville Hospital, gave an Miss Evelyn Stinson and Miss interesting talk on First Aid afld Johnston. Toronto, visited at Mrs. Child Welfare. Little Miss Muriel H. Stinson's. Smith sang a solo. A very daintY Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Misses lunch was served by the group and Helen and E. J. Pascoe have been a social time enjoyed. visiting in Brussels._________ ___ Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, and ' Mrs. F. McRoberts. Tyrone. visited DEVITT'S CORNERS at Mr. J. Hepburn's. Some 0f the farmers are taking r.M wod ce aseov advantage of the mild weather to rs. arwodhemcKe asreov Mar. L. Cherane s rne h Mrs. J. McKee visited at Mr. Al- Mr.L. ochanebasrietedthefred Henry's on Sunday. farm of Mr. C. Dean, one and a half Miss Mabel Argue was weekend miles north of Enfield. guest of Miss Helen Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray and fam- Miss Della Lathangue is visiting ily, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith her grandmother at Pontypool. and family, Bobcaygeon, have been Many from here attended the visiting at Mr. Arthur Ormiston's. play given at Cadmus, Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy COURTCE Ivisited friends at Nestleton on Sun- COURTIE dayMr. Lorne Strong and Miss Mur- Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto ,was iel McKee attended the play given home for the holiday. in Cacimus church. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sanderson and Misses Annie and Elva White have Mr. Ronald Courtice, ,Toronto, were procured a new driver., hich they weekend visitors at W. R. Courtice's. will drive to school. Several f rom here are attend.ing Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parr spent the Teacher Training School in Saturday in Toronto and attended Trinity Church, Bowmanville,' this the funeral of Mr. Robert Latimer. week. Service was held Sunday morn- MissSaieMur etrnd o meir1,oing hv te t or. R,,. V_,,. lk-pr- ENNISKILLEN ' Mrs. W. Lamb spent Sunday with i f riends at Port Perry. Mrs. E. C. Ashton unloaded an- lother carload of coal this week. Miss Aima Page, Toronto, visited her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Page. Mr. Arthur Read has purchased a Massey-Harrjs Grinder. It is situ- ated at Blackstock. Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill. Mr. Norman Carrington recently visited his brother George at Barrie 'and also his brother in Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton and Roy, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tamblyn, Woodbridge, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton and other Irelatives. We extend our sympathy to, Mrs. E. A. Werry in the death of her sîster-in-law, Mrs. Douglas Cole, who died in Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. Rev. T. H. P. Anderson took the service here Sunday evenjng and preached a good sermon. He was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Little Bernice Moorey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moorey was operated on for appendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday night. We hope for a speedy recov- ery. MAPLE GROVE j k t.- nouth. Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth's. Sunday services of our Anniver- sary were splendidly attended. Rev. Andrew Robb, Oshawa. gave a very splendid and helpful discourse in the afternoon and our pastor, Rev. W. Rackham, preached an excellent sermon at the evening service. Special music by the choir was much enjoyed. Solo work was very ably taken by Mrs. K. Caverly, and Mr. Alan Knight of Bowmanville rendered a beautiful vocal solo at the evening service. The Young People's meeting on Friday evening was in charge of the Missionary Dept. with Miss Florence Burns in the chair. Bible lesson was read by Mr. John virtue, and a devotional talk was given by Lottie IHorn; the 2nd chapter of the study book "'His Dominion of Canada" was splendidly given by Miss Edna Rey- nolds; a reading by Miss, Ruth Johns and a vocal solo by Miss Hel- en Knox completed the program. Lantern slides will be shown at the next meeting on Friday evening. Everyone welcome. Monthly meeting of Hampton W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. W .W. Horn on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, with the President, Miss Kater- son presiding. Devotional exercises were in charge of Mrs. A. Peters. It was decided to send $10 to the Bud- get Fund. Mrs. A. Peters and Mrs. W. W. Horn were appointed to see about securing a play to be put on towards the end of November. A short program followed by Miss Pascoe's group. Mrs. K. Caverly sang a solo in her usual pleasing manner, accompanied on the piano by Miss Mary Niddery. Readings were given by Miss L. Reynolds, Mrs. NOVEL IDEA FOR D RAISING FUND IS SUGGESTED Toronto Firm Offers Good Price on Old Gold and Jewellery The following letter lias been turned over to the Public Welf are Board by the editor of The States- man for their approval. Its con- tents is self explanatory. The idea embodied is certainly novel and the. Public Welfare Board, acting on thef suggestion, will gladly receive old and discarded jewellery with gold and silver content. The letter reads: Dear Sir: in reference to the above we would like to make a suggestion for your consideration for raising funds. In s0 many cases people who can- not subscribe cash toward relief may have some old and discarded jewelry for which they have no further use and would be willing to donate same for the cause. Varlous organizations have done this in other parts with great suc- cess and we thlnk a "drive" put on by your paper for this purpose would bring in additional funds f romn the surrounding country as f rom the Townýhip. We would suggest your own office or some such suitable place be the depository for aIl gif ts of Jewelry, watch cases. etc; that the drive be maintained for at least one month. The writer, being a resident of Bowmanville, has obtained the con-i sent of the f irm to give the full~ price of the gold and silver content' of any lot submitted without any charge for refining. Should the above suggestio p peal to you and there should be any other information you desire we shahl be glad to hear from you at any time. Very truly yours, Frank H. Bevan Lees& Sanders Ltd TOYS WANTED Ahl kinds of toys in good shape or in need of repair are needed at once by the Trail Rangers of St. John's Church for distribution among the poor children of aIl creeds at Christ- mas time. Broken toys will be re- paired by the boys who will also take care of the distribution on Christmas Eve. Any citizens having toys they wish to donate to this cause please phone Mr. B. H. Mort- lock at 147 or Tommy Dustan Jr., at 74. Arrangements will be made to caîl for the toys or they may be lef t at the Parish Hall. Repairs to aIl kinds of radios in s'our own home or in our shop. Radios called for and delivered. Prices moderate. Phone GeorgeI Brown, 281. 33-tf W. A. MEADOWS, President GOD SAVE THE KING L. C. MASON, Secretary Madame Housewi*fe! ,w 1119 UY L. P SH.rRundle andwaMrs. -J. Curtis- -n- after spending about two weeks taking for his text, "Lest We Fo MsrL-wsti istn her son facou yth ebr.Nx with her sister, Mrs. Empringa get. Lest We Forget." Fred in Toronto. meeting will be at Mrs. A. Peters'. in S. Cthaine. 1. M. ad Ms. reihto Deitt Mrs. H. A. Farrow, Town, visitedI A goodly number of ladies were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses and family, and Mrs. J. McKee were Ms .D Seonad te renspeet Patty and Dora, Toronto, spent the guests to dinner at Mr. George Cntuations_______Mr.__and_________y holiday and weekend with Mr. and Fowler's on Saturday night. Ross Stenso th riaofaT R N Mrs. Frank RundIe. A Play entitled "Tompkin's Hired Yugd eso h riaI0 _______________ Rev. H. C. Wolfraim and Mr. adMn" iyoung daughter.ntd b Mrs. . R.Courtce ae nd eMaeYngine3plctof was Presnte by Pleased to learn that Mr. David Miss Dorothy Walker. Toronto, Mrs.W. . Curtce ttededthe th yong eope 0 th Prsbyer-Bothwell has returned home f romn spent the weekend with Mrs. James memorial service for the late Rev. ian Church at Nestleton Sta. This the hospital and is improving nicely. Storie. A. M. McLellan at Claremont on pa so h eyhgettp n ply s0fte ey iget ye n Miss Kathleen Tink spent a few Mrs. R. Hatherly is spending a Frda.was a decided success, iach charac- days last week with her grandpar- few days at Mr. H. Hooey's. Bow- Sunday, our pulpit was occupied ter doing his or hier part exception- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, So- manville. morning and evening by Mr. Hugh ally well. Much credit is due to aIl lina iCnrtltos oM.adMs McKenzie, returned lay Missidnary'tos in charge. Mr. Marshall Mal-Cogautin M.nd rs wor thseQuite a nuniber from here are at- Herbert Burgess on the arrival ofa splcndid addresses on the w j kacts. Mr Wallace Pascoe, .Enfield, Trinity United Church, Town, ttsrohHna, hiawhsdsveedcom avurd it aslobewen eninTterranigncooohdinfie abnby there. Our pastor, Rev. H. c. Wol- played the violin, Mr. Arthur Stap- week f the weekend with lier parents, Mr. fraim was with us also and took leton also rendered two excellent Mrs. E. Bellman, Town, Miss Dor-I and Mrs. Herbert Cameron. part in the services. Solos in his most capable manner. othy Belîman, Consecon, visited the Misses Irene and Edna Cameron Thursday evening our play "The___ former's mother, Mrs. J. B3. Worden, entertained a numbeîr of the Young Mrnister's Birthday." was presentedSL Mo udy epeo audyeeig in King St.. Church, Oshawa, to adAElnudy epl nStra vnn most appreciative audience, under __ Mrs. John Wilkins, London, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser. Beth- Mrs. Harry Vickery, Town, visited esdia. Mr. and Mrs. Kenriieth Fraser, the auspices of the Mission Circle I Mr. Albert Cator and family have the formers niece, Mrs. R. L. Wor- Toronto, were Sunday visitors at At the close of the entertainment returned to Toronto, where he has den, on Monday.. Mrs. Wm. Little's. the girsservd rloetrehits to aIl secured his old position. Misses Vera Trimble, Lifford, Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- ejgubests anagete. twsa Reserve Dec. 5th for Salem lie Snowden. Young's Point, Susie dence. Mrs. R. S. Wade and Miss enjyaleevnig.Public School Concert and Christ- Laird, Port Perry, spent the week- Ethel Eastman, Toronto, spent Sun- Friday evening the Young People's nias Tree. Particulars later. end at their respective homes. day with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore. meeting was in charge of Miss Xel- Pastor Rev. A. M. Wootton's ser- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and Mr. James Dudley, accompanied ma Gay's group. Community sing- mon at the Sunday afternoon ser- daughters Doris and Mary, Toronto, by Mr. Wilbert Dudley, Bowman- ing was led by Mrs. Archie Muir. vice was a very comforting message Mrs. S. E. Werry, Solina, visited ville. attended the funeral of the Mr. Clarence Penfound gave the to Sad and lonely ones, and was Mrs. L. C. Snowden last Saturday. late Mr. Rutherford at Coîborne on topic on "Peace." Mrs. R. C. Pearce taken f rom the text, *Jesus was_________________ Tuesday. contributed a reading and Miss El- alone.' r ndMs onl cotIr sie Oke sang a solo. Mr. Symons, a Teachers, Miss Cann and Mr. E.! HAMPTONM and Mrs. Stwr nd iscot.Mr miand Mrs. W. Stewart and MissvC. misioar fro te eae irPollard. Toronto, and Mr. Ken.1 Mackenzie attended the funeral of district, Alberta, gave a very fine Wer'y, Antioch, spent the holidayi Mrs. Jno. Pascoe spent Sunday the late Mr. Rutherford at Coîborne address on the conditions In that and weekend at their respciewihM.ad1r.Sls ihas onTedy disrit.homes and were all am' ig the1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil and family The Miission Band held its annual Saturday afternoon the C.G.I.T. guests at the Henderson wedding visited friends in Toronto recently. concert on Friday evening ini the held their meeting in the home Of anniversary celebration on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock, church. A splendid program 0of re- Miss Ada Annis. A good program1 day evening. Solina, visited with Mr. and Mrs T. citations, a playette and a small wanni. Mis erdnce Gyan Mis s 0fTMr. arts of the Salem friends Salter. pilayi and choruses were given by the Hen W issl ins passages 0f sip- r. ouglas Cole, Bethesda, go1 Mrs. Geo. Barron is in Toronto children which was much enjoyed. Hele Wikin; pssags o scip-out in sympathy to him in his greatj with her brother, Mr. Joy, who i(s Monthly Missionary program of ture were read by Miss Jean VînsonI loss of his Young wif e, a bride of 1 very ill. the Sunday School was in charge of and Miss Doris Wilkins; Mrs. G. F. scarcely a year ago, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mutton, Mrs. the Helping Hand class. Scripture Annis and Miss Ada sang a pretty so suddenly called away. Much sym- H. His, Tyrone, visited with Mrs. J. reading was given by Miss Alice ade: onv.PH C. Wolftrai ave ane pathy is also extended to the be- Curtis. Thompson; Readilng by Miss Annie adresms on "eace." ead sore- reaved families who share hîs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and1 Gardiner; Chorus by the class, '1'1 frehnens wreseve an asoia mourning i Miss Marjorie Pascoe spent Thurs-iG WhrYuWatM to o" tiam denjers. nnimst and Mis The svrnpathy of the community day in Toronto. Readings by Misses Irene Cameron Ada me eeron oswlome oOut to Mrs. C. M. Carruther ise Laura and Sadie Vîrtue, and Helen Trimm; The teacher, in the death of her father, Mr. Mr. Harry Cowling, Toronto, visiteci Mrs. S. T. Hoar, closed with prayer. tRutherford at Coîborne, sympathy at Mr. Jno. Cowling's. . League programn Thursday even- iSOLINA is also extended to Mrs. Rutherfordj Messrs. Ross Trenouth, Toronto, ing was in charge of the Missionary intherforc1ave lspenr.andps anid Frak Trenouth, Oshawa, spent Vice .President. Miss Alice Thomp- Ruthrfod hve pen thepas tw SudaYat teirhom hee. on.Bible study was taken by Miss Miss Margaret Pascoe, Hampton, winters with their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dunlop, Irene Cameron; topic, "A New In- visited her sister, Mrs. R. J. Mc- many of our'iieshv ere orClwtr iie ihM.adMs terest in Jesus Christ among all Na- r ctizns aveleanedto Codwter viite wih M. ad Ms.tions" was well given by Miss Helen Kessock. appreciate their friend.ship, meetingi H. T. Peters and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs spent with them from time to time on Miss N. L. Johns, Toronto, Mr. Trimm; reading by Mr. Wearings; the weekend with her parents in social occasions in the neighbor- 'and Mr.5. Milton Slemon and fam- solo by Miss Annie Gardiner; read- Lindsay.o. ilY, Haydon, visited with Mrs. Cephfing by Miss Ivy Park; reading by Several from here attended the Mrs. H. Goodwin, Tennessee, U.. Johns.MrLneAns Annlversary services at Hampton hsbe spnigam t wh Mrad Mrs. W. Cryderman, Mr. The - C.G.I.T. program was in and visited with friends. ,hrbrtes n ises Mr.WMc-I s. C. Smith and family, En- charge of Miss Helen Trimm. Bible Misss Mrie Baer nd veln Fetes, akvlle Mr J.A. 1 niskillen. were Sunday visitors with1 reading was given by Miss Edna Milison, Peterboro, spent the week-i avle c.J .M- M.F .Got aeo:Avclsl yMs lc end at their homes here. Feeters, Toronto, Mrs. W. Hender- Mr~ F . G rsoa Ca Eni- hmeron Avoal solo byMiss Alic soProvidence, and Mrs. A. W. M.adMs o cil ni-Topo a uh ejyd MissRuthMeKesoc is pendng ý' 1kîllen. Miss Reva McGill. Toronto, Reading by Miss Irene Cameron. afew days with her aunt, Miss Aimbe r foter ired and alo it d iteti at the home of Mr. J. L. 'Then LaLigh"; Piano solo, Miss Margaret 'Pascoe, Hampton 'rltvsi ootTrnBw Johns on Sunday. j Mytie Brooks; Chapter of Campfire Messrs Chas. Reynolds and War- reatvivlena rntoaem.r o ow- Mr. Wallace Horn and Mr. Jimbook was read by Miss Annie Gar- ren Saker, Toronto, spent the week- maenviller iand ddsi Salem odî Silver, Kingston, spent the weekendi diner; Mouth Organ Solo by Miss end with Mr. Wesley Yellowlees. ai sn e gir h ayi Salem1 with the former's parents. Mr. and Susie Thompson; Reading by Miss Mrndais one.amarolthe many aadem I . W. W. Horn. lVelma Bradley, -The Rural Minis- RoMr. and Mrs. hlascoeit and old girls andi boys, whose visits backj e"Porn isdwt ots Roy.kMr. nd Mhrs.Cas.inTomitoan home to the old burg. we ail enjoy. Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. Werry and tr;Porn lsdwt ots Jack spet Thrsdy inToroto.baoe, Enniskillen, Mr. A. Blancad and ail the girls joined in singing Mr. George Pascoe of Saskatoon, A few Salem frieiid.,i and relatives Soia1eevstr ihMse songs. Sask., is visiting Uis father, Mr. H. were among the large gatheriîg Maoi e and Edith Pscoe. isses_________0_ G. Pascoe, who continues in poor 1 that met at the home of Mr. and Mroi n dt ace health. Mrs. W. W. Henderson to celebrate Mr. Tom Sykes, Toronto, Mr. Want a cook? The second clinic for the gîvîng with th em the fortieth wedding an- Fred Billett, Toronto, Miss Jessie Want a clerk? of Diptheria Toxoid will be held on niversary on Saturday evening, Knox, Peterboro, spent the weekend Want a partner? Saturday morning, Nov. 19th., at wshen the bride and groom of forty at the home of their parents. Want a situation? ten o'clock. Years ago were presented with gifts Special offerings at Horn's Store Want to seli a farm? The regular meeting of the Divis- lof furniture and silver aîîd a very include: Men's work sox at 25e and Want to seil livestock? Ion was helti last Thursday evening happy evening was spent in renew- 35c, or 3 pairs for $1,00; also stock- Want to borrow money? in the S. S. room wth a good atten- ing of f riendships among mnany ed well with rubber footwear at Want to find customers? dance. Ater the business an inter- f roin far andi near in the home reasonable prices. Want t0 rent any rooms? esting program was given. Pianoj where sincere words of welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werr-y and Want to recl oer lost rtce? trio, Misses Helen and Muriel Baker were extended to ail by the host and Alan, Enniski11len, Mr. and Mrs. Want to rent a house or farm? and Evelyn Tink. Temperance talk hostess. Elmer Wilbur, Taunton, Mr., Ar- Want to seli second-hand furniture? by Mr. Alan McKessock. Vocal duet Despite the downpour of ramn on thur Blanchard, Solina, at Misses Ativertise in T he St at e s ma n Misses Gladys and Norma Yellow- Wednesday evening of last week the Marjorie and Edith Pascoe's. Advertising keeps olti customners lees; reading, Mr. B. G. Stevens; Y. P. L. meeting was successfuily Mr. and Mrs. L. Robbins and dau- Advertising will gain customers' community slnging was then en- carried on. Mr. F. Blackburn, 2nd ghter Pauline. and Mr. Ross Rob- Advertising make success easy! joyeti. Vice, presided over the meeting after bins, Leskard, Miss Margaret Ran- Advertising begets confidence! Mrs. W. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Wîll dent and last meetings report by ton, Trenton, Mr. Allan Knlght, Advertising brings business! Quick, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. dent and last meetings report by the Bowmanville, visited Mrs. W. J. Vir- Advertlslng shows energy! Harry Grooms and family. Mrs. S. secretary. Program as follows: Bible tue, on Sunday. Advertise and succeed! Thompson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. îeading and topic, Mr. Blackburn; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ward, Dr. E. Ativertise conslstentîy! Sam Brooks and family, Mr. and violîn solos, Mr. Taylor, accompan- G. Kerslake, Mr. T. L. Salter, Mr. Ativertise iudiclously! Mrs. Jack Brooks and Arley, Osh- ied by Miss Betty Knox; Piano solo, andi Mrs, E.* Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Advertlse or bust 1 awa, Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Brooks, Miss Marion Honey; address on the H. Price. Mr. Oscar Ward, Mr. andi Advertise 0f ten Maple Grove, vlslted at Mr. S. E.I topic, Mrs. F. L. Squair; readings, Mrs. T. Reitt, al of Toronto, have Advertlse now 1 Werry's. Thursday evenlng and cele-I Mr. L. Welsh and Mr. E. Doldge; been recently wlth Mrs. F. G. Ker- Ativertise! brated Mr. and Mrs. Werry's and Missionary collection was taken up, siake who is crtîcaîy il. HERE Mr. and Mrs. H. Grooms' weddlng after which the leader put on two Sna iiosa isMrae annîversary. fvery interesting contests making a SPascoe's Mr A L.isscoMrs. Cus ! ha.N oeca a We extend congratulations to fineclcimax to the splendid meeting. abce ;Mr.esA.ck . Mise MretwhCauerofant eactlyowhatcau ses Miss Jean Scott of Southampton, The President closed th-meig blMKsok issMrae wt etit xcl htcue daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. %ith Mizpah. Attendance 24. 1 and Ruth McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. the establishing of asthmatic condi- Scott on belng the winner of the . _______ H. E. Ti nk and Miss Evelyn, Solina, tions. Dust f rom the street, fromn Bruce County Oratorical Contest out Mr. Everett Elliott, Oshawa, Mr. flowers, fromn grain anti varlous oth- of a Zield of 15 contestants. She was NOTICE George Pascoe, Saskatoon, Sask., er irritants may set up a trouble lm- presentet i wth arn Elgin wrlst- and Misses Elva and Irene Pascoe, possible to irradîcate except through watch. She now goes to Guelph to Take notice I have been appoint-1 Zion. a sure preparation such as Dr. J. D. compete wth the winners f rom the 2~d Radio Lcense Inspector and 1 Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, Bowmanviile, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Uncer- other counties. We wsh her every i'endor for the Township of Dar- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Matie- tainty May exist as to cause, but success. Jean la well known here as lington, and I will be calling on you uine, Glen and Ross, Maple Grove, there can be no uncertaînty regard- she spentis the vacation wth her In the near future and if you have Mr. Frank Trenouth, Miss Helen ing a remedy whlch has freeti a gen- grantiparents, Mr. anti, mrs. R. c. not a license I can suPPIY You with Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thlck- eration of asthmatic vfctims fromn Scott. Nome one. son and Miss Eleanor, Mrs. Geo. this scourge of the bronchial tubes.j The Nvme meeting o! the Elmer H. Beevh Stephenson. Oshawa, Mr. Ross Tre- It is solti everywhere. Keep informed about Local Happenings and Store News by. reading The Statesman each week ticular moment 10 you, Madame Housewife. The stores in Bowman- ville offer reai service, goods are dis- playeti for the seasons, in the sea- son's newest creations, before the season opens, giving you opportun- ity to select and be ready in plenty of time. And the first place the goods are displayed is in The States- mnan's columns, with illustrations anti full descriptions and prices. You can save dollars by "shopping" through The Statesman f irst and .iotting down your items and prices. The Statesman is a good paper to have in your home. There is something of interest to every member of the family. It is a "home" pal)er. No obscenities are allowed under the guise of news. Its columns are rigidly edited to that end. It is a safe paper as well as an informative paper for your children to read at home. Madame Housewif e, you should- read The Statesman thoroughly-not half-heartedly-every week. It will repay many times its cost of 4 cents and the time spent. Do you? And if not-wifl you? If you are not already a subscriber take advantage of the Trial offer coupon below. Clip and mail or bring this coupon to The Statesman office with $2.00 and you will receive The Statesman to end of 1933. CLIP THE COUPON NOW! THE STATESMAN, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. Enclosed please find $2.00 as subscrîjStion to The Statesmnan to end of 193g on your Speclal Offer. At the end of that time I will notif y you if ý wish it dis- continued. NAME St., P. O. Box or R. R. No. P. O. PAGE SIX Women's activities, particularly in this district and county, are told about. Especialiy do we endeavor to cov- er thoroughly the news events of our own particular district. The newsy. gossipy. friendly littie items, about what our friends, your friends and their friends are doing-in the societies, in the homes, in the chur- ches. in public positions of trust. in sport, industrially, academically and socially. The store news shoulti be of par- -UMM" Overdue Subseriptions We hate to keep harping away about overdue subscriptions but when people neglect their duty and the publishers need every dollar they can get together these days there's nothing else to do but look to those subscribers who are in arrears to pay up. A newspaper depends upon its reacers just as much as it does upon its advertisers to furnish the necessary financial support to enable its publica- tion. These are difficut times and extremely so for the average newspaper, because it finds it hard to reduce overhead expenses sufficiently to carry on. Individually the amounts of these overdue sub- scriptions may seem small, but in the aggregate they formn a considerable volume of money. The Statesman would appreciate it if each and every subscriber would look at the label of his or her paper and if in arrears, remit the amount due. Te date on label designates when subscription expired. Liberal Convention The annual meeting of the Durham County Liberal Association for the purpose of electing officers, selecting candidates for the Federal and Provincial Houses. and the transaction of other business, will be helci in the Town, Hall, Orono at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, Nov. 30 SPEAKERS: W. A. FRASER, M. P., Trenton J. J. DUFFUS, Peterboro President Central Ontario Liberal Association WT. J. BRAGG, M. P. P. for Durham andi other outstanding Liberals will be present. Ail citizens in accord with Liberal policies are cordially invited to this important meeting. On behaîf 0f the Executive Committee of the Association. P. 0.