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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1932, p. 1

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Ail r ~""'r ~ibian With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vl79BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER lst, 1932. No.8 ST. ANDREW'S NIGHT S MARKED BY FINE SCOTCH CONCERT St. Andrew's Church was scene of Interesting Event Wîhen Toronto, Oshawa and Local Talent Took Part i Prograin Pr aiosmen anti their frientis gath- hrdi St. Antirew's Kirk on Tues- Sait o Sctlad--t.Andrcw. This jannri eerain duntier the ausice oftheSunaySchaol was I., voteti by nîl present an unusuaily fine anti varieti prograni a! Scottishi sang anti story. Mr. W. L. Pater- son, the Superintentient, occupieti Mo thechcair. ern The program openeti with ail wt joiing in île slnging a! the St. mE Andrew's hynin "Jesus calls us o'er pn the tumuit." anti !olowing this wi, Bowmanvil's well known tenor cr( soloisi, Mr. C. S . Hallman, tdight- a e d ail witb "Mary a! Argyle." mi Out o! town artists were Miss dai Jessie MacDaugall o! Toronto, anti sig the Misses McNab o! Oshawa. Miss th, MacDougall's group o! sangs incluti- C], ed "Jock o' Hazeldean", "Glen La- an gie," "Ae Fond K-riss." "Bmaw Bmw er Lads o! Gala Water" anti "The Hills Sa o! Athal." Miss McDaugall was nev- er heard ta better ativantage. i zei was ber abiliiy ta f cel anti enter i- t ta the spirit a! these Love sangs anti to interpret them arighi, whicl en-se, ticars hem ta lier audience. While it th is difficuhita oselect any anc o!flier wc numbers for special mention, ber t renditian a! "Bmaw Bmaw Lads" ev brougît home toanll e beauty O! br this sang. Mr. Whiteway a! Toronto YO accampanieti ber. The Misses McNab cicelledt iem- selves in "on Yontiem Lea." "My Aiou Wec Hoase," "Ye Banks anti Braes" YO anti "Comning tîru île Rye. leo No Scotch concert woulti be camn- e plete withaut île bagpipes anti Pip - ti rer A. J. Stewart, a newcomcr ta aur w town, in a group o! selectians which i includeti "The Marcli o! île Forty- Second" anti "Lard Lavat's La- mnent" sliowcd jusi what coulti be z< donc wiih Scotland's national in- wl strument. a: The Chairman, in intmoduciiig île W4 speaker, Rev. Norman McEachern, di M. A., o! Toronto, matie reference ol ta île flact ilat le wns nat only ce anc o! the f oremasi ministers o! île Frcsbyteian Church, but wns alsa Y( a mosi successful business man, inbc thnt he lad succeetieti in puiting 01 the Churci Publishing House onannOt -. paying k-asis. Pl Mr. hW.Bacbern, whilc mentloning 01 tbe faci ibai he was o! the thirti c generatian removeti f ram the olti w Land,. spoke witl the assurance of bi onc wbo kncw bis subi cci masi in- tlmately. He extolled. the glanies o! C Scotland's past, île prouti anti var- ki icti achievemenis a! 1er sons andti l Jtiaughters, iheir love o! lomelaiid, P: their hospitality, île absence o! the gi braggart spirit, but a modesi deal- ti ing witl establisheti lacts. The pro- I lor.geti applause ai île finish o! bis ti aticresa paiti tribute ta île master- liway In whlcli le atidresseti lis audience. Rev. W. J. Toddt movedth îe voie o! tlanks ta île visitors, expressing y.' also lis own personal tlanks ta île speaker. Afier the National Antlemn, anti Aulti Lang Syne, Piper Stewart led i those present ta îlhe Sunday scooal room wiere ai enjoyeti light re- fresiments a! coffee, onicakes anti sconies. Appeal to Ail Who Have Not Given is Made Welfare Board Urges Every Citizen Who Has Not Yet ' Contributed to Fund to Subscribe Now - Only Half of Objective Reac- ed i~f The Public Wllnre Board alter scannxng the lists a! donations ta the Welf are V'und regreilully noie tînt many citizens anti merchants bave nai yci donateti. As everyonc 18 aware, an appeal was madc for $5000 anti esthan hall a! ibis sunilas been donateti or pietigeti. itlooks ns though île Board is goig ta lave a masi difficult task providing necessities for île uneni- ployet unless more citizens mens- uire up ta their obligation by giving. htis1 undcrstaodt tît some have not given because they lave nat been canvasseti. hn' these cases tbe canvasser probnbly calleti but tle citizens-w -feTtui. hifs nt away 1 DISTICT PRESIBENT 1 Mvusical Comedy 'Belle of Bagdad' Feature of B.H.S Commencement Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Chairman of the High School Board, Presided for the Presentation of Prizes - Principal Speaks on Home Work Weil over anc thousand citizens Murray, Gladys Connors, Thelma witnessed the Commencement Ex- Little, Thelmna Schuievert; Officers ercises ai the Bowmanville Higli -Marjorie Jones, Helen Rickard, School on Tliursday and Friday ev- Audrey Elliott, Mary Mutton, Mary enings. and each and every one went Birks, Jean Stevens; Swetharts- away feeling well rcpaid for their Ada Clarke, Evelyn Pickard, Doris attendance. It would be difficult ta Wright, Kathleen Laphen, Ruth name a year when studexits ln gen- Honey. Dorathy Richards; Captain eral better cxhibiied their dramatlc -Orace Rundie. ability. The presentation o! "The Principal L. W. Dippdl i pre- Belle o! Bagdad," a two-act musical senting the diplomas on Friday ev- comcdy, was not only a new depart- ening spoke briefly on the topic ure f or the school but a most crcd- "Homewark" in which lie urgecl itable venture. The play was pre- parents to sec that their studeni sented on bath niglits anti before an childrcn have at lcast one reg- audience o! about 350 children f rom ular or stated hour to tliem- the Public schools on Friday a! ter- selves for study eacli school noon. evening. There 18 usu.afly some- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, chairman thing on all evcnings. some special af thc Higli School Board, presideti radio program, a bridge game ar ai the gatherings. He expresseti thc something, Mr. Dippelh said, and the appreciation a! the Board ta citizens consequent result was that the stu- for théir continucd interest in schol- dent was constantly intcrrupted. astic affairs, and spoke brie! ly on The Belle of Bagdad gencral topics ln connection with It is rather a difficult task to thc school life. The school bath even commence writing about the reachcd that stage. he saiti, whcn it musical comcdy production. There is entitîcdt t take the name Baw- is really s0 mucli ane coulti say, manvihle Collegiate Institute, and 50 many descrving o! bighcst corn the change would be discusseti in mendation, and Sa many that shauld the Board meetings. be mentioneci scparately that anc is The adtiress was followed by a just in a quandary as ta where to piano solo by Charlie Cawkcr, anti start. in turn by the presentatian o! prizes Perhaps tbe orchestra under Mr. whie.h are given at the end o! this Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., should stol ,. receive flirst mention, as the play A titbit of the program was the opencti with music. This aggrega- dance "B. H. S. Llmited"l in whlcli tion o! young musicians madea about 18 girls took part, smartly and splendid addition ta the evcning's nattily attired in bright red sold- cntertainment. The wholc play 1cms' uniforms, white sailors' uni- hingeti on a gooti musical accomp- forras, and maidens in green. Grace animent andi the orchestra certain- Runtile was the eading character i ly did Iits part. Miss Phyllis Clialli this dance whMcl was cxceptionahly presideti at the piano tbrougboi wll put on anti whicli reflecteti the play whlch 18 remarkable. It i great credit on Miss H. Baîl, who quite unusual for a girl a! PhyhUis bath charge o! the dancing tbrougli- age to be ableto phay for a two-how oui thé evening. musical comcdy, and wbat 18 mort Those taking part ln the "B. H. S. keep the play moving riglit along Limiteti' werc: Gobs-Hehen Pritch- Mr. Sutton led the orchestra witr ard. Sybil Mutton, Grace Chilis, violi. and was also responaible foi Matige Moses, Bessie Simpson, Thel- the training o! the entire musica ma Preeman, Doroihy Goo(i Ele (Continuet on pate 8) VUI. uggest Banquet For Unemployed on Christmas Day Orominent Citizen Would Sponsor Event - Appeal Made to Citizens and Farmers to Aid in Pro- viding Produce A huge banquet, ai wbich Bow- lanviile's twa hundreti or more un- mployeti men anti their families, ,oîti be guesis of banor, an Christ- ias Day, is tic suggestion o! a vcry rominent Bowmanviile citizen who shes lia identity ta remain a se- ret for île present. His idea is tînt suitable place. sudh as tic Badi- intan Club couiti be hineti for île ,aY andti'tît a bountiful feasi, flly inificant a! tle day, be given ta hose un! artunate citizens wiose riristmas outlook is not 50 brxght id wlase cliltiren migît nat ail- rwise know the meaning a! île ;aia Claus this year. We have no doubitînht this ciii- n woulti limself give gcnerously osudh a projeci, but wc suggested ohim tînt probably ilere would be ores o! citizens, anti farmers Irain he surrounding country, wbo aulti be willing ta tionate some- hing ta this splendid suggested rent, andti uus do tîcir part in ringlng lappincss anti jay ta bath rung anti aid. Sa wc pass on ibis suggestion ta ir readers for their approval. Il ou woulti like ta hehp jusi write o Tie Satesman anti mark your etier "Christmas Banquet ta enable ita kecp tmack o! thc contribu- aons. Let us knaw what you wilh lie illing ta give ta this big dinner for xc town's unemployeti. Wc are positive thai local citi- :s, prabably île bakers would be villing ta do tiecocoking, and we tre confitient tînt scores aI citizens voulti be ready wiil Christmas puti- lings. mince pies, cookies, ant ilh liher viands so necessary ta a suc- xss!ul Christmas dinner. May we suggest a few things tint ïu couiti danate ta tic festive aarti: n turkcy, a duck, a goose )r a fawl; roasi a! beef, potatoca, )tier vegetables, breati, Christmas ýudtiings, cakes, butter, cnndy, nuts, )ranges, apples cranberrles, anti the 3xore anti anc ather tings thgt would came i handy for sucb a anquet. Wc know you wiih enjay your Christmas dinner much mare il you know tînt ail île poor anti needy in the communiiy are being careti for properiy, if yau know tînt tic gooti gati things witi whici your awn lhings witl whicl your own table is lodeti will also oadth îe table ai lhe unemployeti' banquet. Thi tia IS a greai onc anti cvcryonc ricl anti aamr siaulti lelp ta make possible its succcss. If You cannat i f d rne ta write andi tell us wlat you shaulti be will- ing ta give plane 53 anti we wiih )Durham Ru66er Old Guard are Banquetted Here Employees of Old Durham Rubber Co. Were Guests of Honor at Banquet at Goodyear Plant Tucsday evening, November 29th, the Durham Olti Guards hati an- oiher get-together i the way of an ilti time banquet. Mr. W. A. Etiger was in charge o! the meal anti le certainly titi Justice ieverY res- pect[ Roasi goose, dresssig, point- es, turnip, celery, breati and but- ter, cake, apple pie anti Devonshire Cream, tea anti calIce, matie Up the menu. The Company was composeti o! the men, witb their wives, who bath worked for tbe Durham Rubber Ca., prior ta, it being taken over by Goodyear Company i 1910, 22 years ago. They bath as their guests the men wbo were on pension or hati been superannuateti anti were not now connected. with the. lactary anti who may now be termeti ns gentle- men o! leisure. They include Harry Smith, Wm. Richards, Richard Hobbs, Robert Greenlield, John Doncaster, Thomas Hamlyn, Davidi Morrison, Fred A. Haddy anti Wm. Painton. The last Olti Guards' Banquet was heli i Decemiber 1923. At that time there wcre 52 eniployees who hati worketi for the Durham Company, still workig for Goodyear. Thre i the Sales Dept.. New Toronto, 3 at New Toronto Factory. 1 in Mont- real. anti 45 here. Durlng the last 9 years the nuniber hati been re- duceti from 52 to 35. 5 have tiieti, 3 were laid off, 5 le!t a! their own ac- cord anti 4' were pensioneti. This lcaves 35 employees who were con- nectd with the Goodyear. At tis banquet 3 were absent. f ran New Torono, h lrom Montreal andi 1 !rom Bowmanville. Mr. A. M. Hardy, wli 1 in charge o! the local plant, acteti as chair- man andi extentiet a welcomc ta cev- cryone, especially the guesis, anti then calleti upon Mr. G. L. McCrea, Sales Manager o! Mechanical Goods, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. o! Canada. Ltti. hn a Iew verY !itting remarks Mr. McCrea conneoteti up the Sales Depnrtielitri association witb the !actory, re!erring th service andi support whichedtiah- ways been given hlm a the i- terest that le ant ibis tafI were taking i the wclfare q the employ- ces by cntieavoringt, boost sales to make the Bo mlville employeeS happy. Mr. Alan Ballagh, Salesmail o! Toronto Branch, also spoke. The assembly was honoreti by the presence o! Mr. W. L. Hain, Inter- plant Relation Division Manager af (Continueti on page 10) YEAR REVIEWED IN VALEDICTORY AT B H. S. EXERCISES Stanley lckard Dcllvcred Impres- sive Valedictory AiddIOss at Commencement Exercises on Thursday and flday The honor o! dclivering the Vale- dictory Address for the 1932 Grad- uating Class fell ta the lot o! Stan- ley Rickard, son o! Mr. anti Mr W. J. S. Richard o! Shaws, antianf o! the mosi popular o! Bowmanvih Higli School stutients, who 18 nov attending Peterboro Normal School The address dehivereti at the Com. smencement Exercises was agreedti(t [be anc o! the fincst valedictary ad. ydresses licard at the school. Thi - address in f ull as tdlivereti by Stai S!ohlows: t, Mr. Chairman, Ladies anti Gen ailemen, members a! B H. S.: "The aid order changeth, yield- * ing place ta new. * Anti Gotifulfills bimsell in e .many ways." d Commencement marks the exodu Lo! anotbcr graduating class, andti t night for the last time wc are tali ing part i the activif!ies of! B. H. E )lA multitude o! memories* cornes t ,-one's mmnd as lie thlnks o! bis 'hig] Il school associations. Oui o! ti >r kaleidoscopic image aur teacîci Lfimit emerge as a distinct recolleci tion. Education lsafa ter aIl a per sonal work-its quallty will be re hative ta the virtue, wlsdom anti ca ,0 pacity o! the educator. hn tbese re Le specis aur icacbers have alway re been pre-eminent. V_ Under Mr. Dippell's able admiri That the people of Ontario con-i sume only one hall o! the amountc of milk that they should consume,e was the amazing statement of Dr. W. J. Bell, Toronto, Deputy Minister of Health for the Province, in his address on "Sale Milk' bef are the Bowmanvillie Rotary Club on Fri- day. Ouests at the Club Included Drs. W. H. Birks. M.O.H., V. H. Storey,g J. C. Bell and R. W. Clarke, who witn Hotarian C W. Slemon make ap the complete medical f raternity1 )f Bowmanville. Other guests in- -ludecl Jack Ferguson of Oshawa, Rev. John Bunner o! the Public Health Board, and Ross Stevens, son of Rotarian R. R. Stevens, through whose efforts Dr. Bell was brought to, Bowmanville ta, speak. Previous to the gddress, a letter was read from the Dunlop family, expressing appreciation of help re- ceived f rom the Club due to a very serious accident. Rotarian Oeo. E. Chase announced Rotary Ladies' Night for Friday next, December 2, at 7.30 when Owen D. Herity of* Belleville wili be the speaker and a splendid mnusical program will be given. The evening will close with a dance at the Badminton Club. Sa! e milk. Dr. Bell said, had a direct relationship to present econ- omic conditions. We were passing through a perlod of re-adjustmeflt. which will not be a curse il it is only the means o! bringing us ail baok to earth. Ini the days o! pros- perity our attitude was wrong. Ev- eryone wanted something and be- cause they did not pay for it dir- ectly they cared not for the expense, and s0 the Provincial General Fund was drawn upon until taxes mount- ed ta new high leveis. Today that attitude had changed. 1People had learned a lesson, that when they asked for thMngs they themselves had ta pay thé piper. b The question was how are we go- ing ta get out o! the mess we are in. Improvement will first have to, corne f rom the agricultural interestSd and prices for farm products will1 have ta show a substantial improve-E ment bef ore better times return. Dairying is an important part o!f farming, the part that supplies the milk. and yet that bWiness is so poorly advertised that the per cap- ita daily consumption o! milk ini Ontario was only hall a pint. ThisC was not near what it should be andr the speaker urged that the veryf least should be a pint.,C Farmers today were so prone ta look to the foreign markets andf neglect their home markets. Il ev-t eryone in Ontario averaged a pint o! milk each day the consumption would be doubled and the farmer9 woulcL get better returns for his lab-1 or.4 Farmers must make people see1 that milk is necessary. It la up to1 the farmer and the dairymafi to, make their product attractive. 1 Perhaps you will ask, lie contin-i ued, why the Public Health Dept. at Toronto does flot give the necessary push to the campaign. The reasoni is that the department is flot satis- fied wlth the product yet. They want an absalutely pure product. Milk, lie added. was the most eas- ily contaminated food product, and yet it was the moat valuable o! f oads. especially for the young, and for the old and the sick. People should make the moat use of it. It bas everything that Is needed for an ahl round food product includlng protein, fat, minerai saîts, water, vitamins and carbo, hydrates, andi these attributes are present Ini the riglit proportion ta sustain lite. Milk must be protected, however. One of ten hemr that milk from T. B. tested cows is as gooti as pasteur- ized milk. This 18 flot so. It is even possible for milkflrom a T. B. testeti lierd ta contain the T. B. organlsm. IDr. Bell explaineti the pasteuriz- (Continued on page 2) ('Ek i 1 le le ,n o rh as vs 1- a- vs r. er iy e- y- c- LY. ry 'id Ir- le ________________ W .J. Bragg Again m Liberal Standard Bearer in Durh'am Re-elected to Carry Liberal Banner at Next Provincial h Election at Convention in si Orono on Wednesday M Once again Durham County Lib- il crals have thrown their bats inta pi the political ring anti once again W. lo J. Bragg, M.P.P., was chosen ta car- M ry the standard o! the Liberal pary tl through the next Provincial cam- S jpaigu. which is expecteti within the i next year. The unanimous selection a! Mr. Bragg, a mark o! apprecia- tian o! Durhiam Liberals for pasta services, was made at Orona onh _____________________ IWcdnesday alternoon wbcn the c W. J.BraggDurhiam County Liberal Association t W. . rag imet i annual convention at a B Present member o! the Ontario Leg- largcly attendeti meeting.d islature for Durham County, wbo Mr. Wm. Meadaws o! Part Hope, was again chosen ta carry the Lib- president of the Association. presi-F cral banner i the ncxt Provincial dcd over the gathering. The electionV election ai the annual meeting o! a! oflicers resulteti as lollows: P the Durham Liberal Association at Presidelt-S9. B. Hathaway, Port t Orono on Wednesday. Hope. f ____ - ________IVice-President-Reeve w. F.b 1 Rickard. Newcasthe. MORE CLOTHING NEEDED See'y-Treas--Lawrence c. Mason,V We ishto han thse ho aveBowmanville. Wc is t tan thsewh hve Executive Commxnttee-The 0111- l been, and are, knitting for us. Wc cers, T. S. Halgate, Bowmanville;i are also going ta, ask for more un- !Harry Elson, Midlbrook anti R. W.3 derwear. boots anti sweaters or Philp, Nestîcton.c wintibreakers for men. The neet is1 District Vice-Presidents: Bow- very great. Please do not senti in manville, Hubert Foster anti Mrs. F. articles too badly worn ta be usable; Jackman; Port Hope, G. W. Gar- wc simply have ta get rid o! tbem. neit and Mrs. H. Sculthorpe; New- This takes aur time anti spoils aur castle, Harry R. Pearce anti Mrs. O.s dispositions. We are glad ta say Gibson; Miilbrook, M. McD)owehs that almost evcrytbing sent has been and Miss Ella Elson; Darlington., in excellent condition. No use senti- Sila.s Williams, Mms. w. J. S. Rick- ing boots without any sole, or rub- ard; Clarke, W. Laing, Mrs. J. R. bers tom ta pieces that no' anc can Cooper; Hope, Cli!! Staphes, Mrs. S.c use. B. Dickinson; Cartwright, Luther 1 Wllarc Rooms over J. J. Masan Mountloy, Mrs. Thos. Smith; Cavan, t 1& Son's office, open Mondays f rom Vernon Hunter, Mms. Wm. Kennedy;1 h0 ta 12 a. m. and Thursays and ManvemS. Wm. Morton, Mrs. B. Mc- Friday lrom 2 ta 5 p. m. Gini. Women's Welfare CommIttee. L. C. Mason presented the f inan- cial report showing $5.80 on hanti. Only obligations werc for hall anti TRINITY UNITED Y. W. A. advertising which would amount to HELD SUPPER MEETING about $30. i was agrecti that 500 memibers at 50e was better than 250 The supper meeting o! Trinity (members at $1, sa the membemshlp 1 Unitedi Churcli Y. W. A. i the feIe in the association was rethucedt t ' schooh room on Tucsday evening was 5Oc. ' a very enJoyable and weil attcnded i hn the selection af a candidate for >atberg.Alter partakn ! t.h he next Provincial election W. J. . ni-ely prepared supper rvdeib Bragg, M.L.A.. was the. unanimous .Mrs. Muriel Symons' group. the reg- choie on motion o! O. A. Gamsby, ular meeting !olhowcd. presideti over Orono, secondeti by H. J. Knight. .by Mms. E. A. Werry, President. The Bowmanvilhe. Mr. Bragg was the theme for the evcning was "Pence."1 only nominee. In his speech o! as- SThe womship service was taken by ceptance Mr. Bragg stateti that lie lMms. Fred Spry, Mrs. C. A. Wight would wiilingly have given al that anti Mrs. W. C. hves. Mms. Symons was in lita, aid a youngcr man egave a very interesting atidress on bath one been appointeti. He urgeti -the theme, which was foiloweti by a the association ta organise anti lay fdiscussion by the memnbers. Mrs. now the loundation for victary. We Ross Grant contributeti a solo that arc on the vprge o! a political cveryone enjoyeti. Durlng the busi- change. he addeti, anti when the ness perioti a nominating committee Dominion elections are lielti there was appointeti o! Mm. Wight, Mms. will be two more Hoover's tiefeateti HefkeY and Miss Florence Wcrry. by huge majorities. The slogan a! Next meeting on December 2Oib.i the campaign shoulti be "Time for ,charge o! Mms. H. M. Foster's group. (Continueti on page 10) ;-_z J. J. Duffus a! Peterboro, Presideni a! île Cen- tral Ontario Liberal Association, wha ticlivereti anc o! île atdresses ai tic Durham Libemal convention1 ai Orana on Wednestiay. NEW FICTION ARRIVES AT PUBLIC LIBRARY hnteresting books o! fiction an- iving in île Public Library this week: Forgive Us Our Trespasses, by Douglas; Smith, by Deeping; Mut- iny an tic Baunty, by Nortihuff & Hall; The Piccadilly, by Berkeley; The Second Shat, by Berkeley; The Drum a! Lanaraye, by Fraser; Whiie Rivers Run, by Walsh. Juvenile Fiction: Garry Grayson's Winning Toucldown, by Dawson; Garry Grayson's Speeti, by Dawson; anti five mare Bobbsey Twln books for ilase knowing ihese original girls. Non-Fiction: Guide Tîmougi Worlti Chaos, by Cale; Our Genial Enemy France, by Schoonmakem; Twiight a! Royalty, by Alexander o! Russia; Unseen Assassins, by Angel; Art o! Learning, by Piikin; Soviet Scene, by Griffin. PRIVE LOWERED FOR EARLY PATRONS AT ROYAL THEATRE As an inducement ta get people ta attend thle shows earlien, Manager C. T. Rosa o! thc Royal Theatre announces thai starting Pridny, Dec. 2nd, île admission f ce for adulis attenthing the show befare 7.30 p. m. wihl be 25c. Al ter thnt haur tbe regular price o! 35c will prevail. Sec special announcement a! île nexi week's programn on page 7. keep iack o! cvenyting. Remem- ber, it inkes a lot o! foodti t feed over two lundreti mouls, 50 give generousiy. Wc know tic unem- ployed would be wiUling ta meet on Christmas eve anti peel potntoes. anti do tle ailer necessary clones prepnaary ta tic big eveni. How- ever, tle time is short anti so tînt arrangements for île event may go !orwanti picase let us know right away wiat you are wiling ta do. IOMEN'S INSTITUTE -IEARD ADDRESS ON EDUCATION FRIDAY gular Meeting Was Held at Home f mms J. G. Richard - mm. B. M. Warnica Was Principai Speaker 'lie Women's Institute met at the mie af Mrs. J. 0I. Rickard, Centre .on Nov. 25th, with an atten- ice o! 43 and with the president, s. F C. Colmer. presiding. After the opening exercises and ereading o! the minutes, the esident spoke very leligly o! the ýta the Institute in the death o! s. Ruby Daniels, who bah been elaithfuI and efficient, pianist for veral years. The sccrctary was in- nicted ta convey the sympathy of mnbers ta her bereavcd parents. Mrs. W. B. Pollard reporteci that bale af clothing vahued, at $35.00 td been lorwarded ta, necdy school Lidren ini the northi It was decideti donate $20.00 ta the local Wclfare :ard to purchase miiik for local un- ,rourished school chidren. The next meeting will be hehd. on Lday, Dec. 16, at the home af Mrs. 1B. Poflard and the members are iuested ta bring a donation to fs meeting in order ta, adequathy nance the relie! work undertaken ïthe Institute. N(rs. D. F. Henry presided, for the rgram when two splendid solos, rhe Kerry Dance" and 'There's a tle green cabin,' were sung by Mrs. 1E. A.nderson. accampanieti by ss Dorothy Plunimer. Mrs. Hugli ameron contributed a reading. Bushel for Bushel:" Mrs. J. C. .irns gave a tahk on "'Keepng. out ERuts." wvhich was intercsting andi ilul ta' ail. Among other things 'e caMmendeti the movies, addrcs- is by gooti speakers, music and hautauqua programs. Mrs. B. M. Warnica spoke ork, Education" and showed that edu- tion is not entrehy book learning ut is also "the art o! living ta, get e most out of our own hile andti t iu the most inta othe lives wlth rhich we come in contact." Contin- ing, the speaker urgeti the necess- by o! educating -aur thouglits ta hdnk along the finer things o! lUfe, ir eycs ta ace the beautifu, our ars ta hear the gooti, and aur souls o be truc ta God'I The roll cail was answereti by iaming and describlng a Canadian àrd. Afternoon ta was serveti by group and Mrs. J. W. Buinner, secondeti )Y Mms. I. Tabb. moveti a vote of hanks ta Mrs. Richard for opening ier home. First Returns of Church Censua Are Published Census Not Yet Complete But Approximate Figures Available - Re'port Will Enable Pastors to Contact With Ail Adherents Whihc figures for the recent hurch or religious census are not yet camplete a, portion a! the town havlng flot been canvassed, it 15 possible, through the courtesY of Rev. c. R. Spencer, secretary o! the Bowmanville Ministeriai Association, o give approximate figures as shown In the canvass. The f olhowlng figures cannot be given as absolutcly correct but they are as nearly correct as it 18 possible to get them at this stage o! the census. The church attendance Is divided as follows: rrinity Unitedi Church ....... 2100 St. Jahn's Anglican Church ... 810 st. Andrew's Presbyter'i Churcli 230 St. Paul's Unitedi Church .... 208 Roman Catbhlc ........105 3alvation Army .......60 Religions nat included above ..45 The local ministers wIil ardlY credit these figures for perbaPa none of them have ever known be- fore Just haw many I the town dlaim membership in their respect- ive churches. Nevcrtheless these figures include chiltiren. Borne of those who prof esseti membcrship I some church, or have at some tine been members in a church do not attend now but they stll retain the name o! the cburch o! their prefer- ence. Looking over the f igures it may easly be seen thst If every member claiming allegiance toaa church attcnded their own cliurch at any ane service there 18 not a churcli building lin Bowmanvlle could hold its awn congregation. It 18~ ~ ~ ~ ýu4 rahe4egetal4.4-mnstr Deputy Healtli Minister Spolce on Safe Millc at Rotary Club Lunckeon Proper Consumption of Milk Would Use Entire Surplus Dr. W. J. Bell Says - Urges Complete Protection by Pasteurization

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