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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1932, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATISMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMER lat, 1932 PAGE THREE HOW TO BE HAPPY By Grenville Kleiser Happineas is a habit. A bright, hopeful, optimistie mental attitude la essential to your well-being. Peace, poise, confidence, and con- tentmel. are* the natural products of a hafMy disposition. A spirit o. kmndness and appreciation promotes contentment To be happy la flot1 only your privilege, but it la your duty. The power you have to give happiness to others implies an ob- ligation to do so. Happmness does flot depend so much upon great ma-t terial possessions as upon right 1 mental attitude. To make your daily life harnion-t ious think only harmonious thioughts Resolutely shut your mental door against contrary ideas, such as dis- cord and depression. Make your'( 1f c beautiful by looklng only at fers. Say tie kind and encouraging testig and readjustmcnt, make it beautiful things. Tic world about word. Scnd a brigit letter to an Your supreme purpose to do ticewlll you is wonderfully attractive, and absent f riend. Give a few copies of o! Gad. Tierc la nothing greater you can deliberately choose sub- a helpf ul book. Render a special in life tian tis. It transcends al jccts that will brigiten your outlook service to one less fortunate than other considerations. Men are and broaden your horizon. yourself. Many suggestions will haunted by the possibilities of the 1To be happy cultivate flexibility came ta you whereby you can rad- ideal life. tie life o! service ta oti- o! mind. Reslst tic commnon tend- iate sunahine along the daily pati- ers, tic 11f e o! truc happiness, the ency to want thinga precisely your way. l! e o! spiritual understanding. Ev- own way, and ta have people con-l To be really happy keep your 1f e ery thinking man turnas at last ta form ticir lives ta your ideas. WiU sml.Beo ur aantsbtle Qed for comfort and guidance. 'You ta do rigit yourself, but do not use on ad agaiaty5 may aearch tic wide world over for your wll ta dominate or coerce oti- uey fo thsipele.Te happmness, amass great wealth, ac- er.Tehabit a! generous acqui- sj lure y f r eeticsmlf111e Truc eve power and fame, but you willl esene gvesright balance to a aslctyis ree fr sows selfsiknga not find real happiness until you strong-willlcd nature. You may have sne atitude taward others. Tichv ae h ra el-urne the wil-power o! a giant, but al- sincere thiso! tie world o! ten 10 God. way ue I fr wortiy purposes. csimple the ngs __The__noble__men Daily service to others is one o!fon oun tic whae. Tic noble mon the best ways ta insure your < o!atiehv bennownfo Douglas' Egyptian Liniment re- happineas. Serve generously and 1 their simpliclty o! 11f c and sincerlty lieves totiacie andi neuralgia. In- wihu xett fgaiue o!o purpose. valuable in cases o! croup, sore reward. Do nat wait for speclal c- Above al cIsc. if yau would be. tiroat and quinsy. Keep a bottle casions, but serve as opportunity o!-, happy in tiese days of character-1 handy. THE WEEKILY NEWSPAPER (McComb, Miss., Journal) Since lie days o! Benjamin Franklin no bit of literature has vis- ited s0 many rural homes as tic weekly or home newspaper. For generatians il was regarded by its avid readers as tic symposium o! al tic wortiwiile news, and its editor- il page expressed vicws on current topica tiat werc gcnerally accepteti as crystailizeti public opinion. Editors o! tic publications have, witi f ew exceptions, been men and women o! higi moral character and sharp intellect. Above ail, they pas- sessed uncanny knowlcdge of hum- an nature. Thcy correctly opine tiat an occasional paucity o! cdi- tonial thougit la easily compensated by a plentitude of comment on per- sonal happenings among themr cli- entele. Te sec It chronlcled hi the local paper tint Mary Joncs was a visitor in Sinitiville on a certain day arouses more personal interest hi tic Joncs family than did tic recent assassinatian of tic Presîdent o! France. Country editors know tiat in satisfled personal pride and van- ity residea muci o! tic papularlty of tic weekly press. But tic weekly newapapcr lias and performs a higier mission. Its editor lives in close social and i- tellectual communion witi tic pea- ple lie serves. TisIntimate con- tact enables iim correctly te antic- ipate and appraise public senti- ment and ta, direct and mould tiat sentiment i its incipiency in tic rigit direction. Tuis la an apportunity and re- sponsibility wici. only gooti men and good women shoulti have. Wil rural mail delivery has given wlder circulation to daily ncwspapcrs and tic radio carnies intelligence to tic uttermost parts o! tic globe, tic home paper, wheticr weekly, semi- weekly, or bl-wcekly, still ha& a wel- come andi an influence itic aver- age home. It typifles and repre- sents that aincere personal intereat anc f eels In people and things around iim, a moral and mental attitude upon whici Chistianity and civilization are founded. For Burns and Scalds.-Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 will take the f ire eut o! a burn or scald. Il should be on iand in every kitchen s0 tint it may be available at any trne. There la ne preparation requireti. Just apply tic oil te tic burn or scald and tic pain wi]1 abate and in a short time cease altogether. 3G 3 BeE ored, 3 der s ble g PANI 3Whiti large. BIG 3 Dai qualit Iand Whit iumE Ibox. BIG Each 3 Hez Pyjai sleeve plece 3black In gil IBIG IJ WII PurP 3or De clore Ipor B colo ~ 3 Me' 3made assort variot SPEC 3MA 336 lr w cde hlc this v 3priced ta thi XMA. Ü) ALE TR 5,£I I E XLOVE-SILK UNDIES Christmas Gi! t Special Bautiful glove-silk VESTS, tail- ýwith shaped top, ribbon shoul- straps. BLOOMER.S, with dou- gusset, elastic waist and knees. ='IS, yoked front, elastic back. te, flesh, peach; small. medium, e. DURING THREE DAYS, each89 NIGHT GOWNS of Fine QuaUlty Rayon inty Night Gowns of heavy ty Rayon, with fine lace yoke lace medallians, ribbon ties. te, flesh and peach; small, med- and large. In dainty Christmas See these. DURINO THREE DAYS, *1.49 RAYON PYJAMAS In Attractive Styles eavy weight, f ine-knit, Rayon nas, one-piece style with cap 7s, corn-blue, peach-green. Two astyle in corn-maroon, coral- k.Small, medium and large. ift boxes. DURINO3 $1.0 DAYS, suit 0 ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU "GORDON" SHIRTS 98c Genuine "Gordon"' quality Shirts, some collar-attached, others two separate collars, selected Braadcloth materials, aIl colors guaranteed. Plain white, grey, blue or new stripes: sizes 14 to 17. For a man's- gif t we can think of nothing more desirable. 98 BRACES 47c Here are Men's good quality Braces that would make a very acceptable gif t, they are well made of smartly patterned artsilk and lisle webbing, crossback style, and f itted with kid ends. Each in Christmas box. DURING THEE BIG DAYS .ýý.ý - 7 SMART HALF HOSE Socks of high quality cashmere and artsilk, in new diamond checks, bars, and dlock patterns. Black, brown, fawn, grey, navy; sizes 10 to 111/; regular 50c.39 per pair 1 ý .... 9 These (S peaisN 3 fIG DATS THMR-FRI.SATr. DE.C. 1-2-3 r, lei WIU Seule many a Gut prolenh Satisfactoffly aund- rn y0Ul SHOPI GIVE HER THIS HOSIERY "LUCKY SEVENS" HOSIERY In Chiffon or Service Weight She will be pleased with the sheer- ness and delicacy o! these stockinga, yet she'll know that they wear re- markably well. "Lucky Sevens'" full fashioned. Select either chiffon with picot top, or service-weight with blue-stripe top. In ail the sea- son's wanted colors; sizes 81/2 - 101/2. "Lucky Sevens" have the quality that ensures your gif t being doubly welcome. Examine these stockings at our store. DURLING 3 1.0 BIG DAYS, pair i.J LINED CAPE GLOVES Plain Wrist Style or Wlth Fur Trimming at Top Here's the warm Glove so many women favor for winter wear. The"e are well made, of excellent mater- lais, and specially priced for Xmas. Women's Nappa and Cape Gloves, one and two-dome styles, with plain or f ur tops. Colors, tan and brown, with heavy sof t f leece lining. Sizes 6 to 71/2. Secure these f or Xmas gif ts. DURING THREE 'l.39 BIG DAYS, per pair GIFT NECKLETS In Satin-Lined Boxes, 39c Each Exceptlonally attractive Necklets, popular colors, many styles, Glass, Chain, Medallions, etc., all with pat- ent f asteners. Each Necklet i pad- ded satin-lined box. See these! Us- uallv about twice aur price. Make D A 1NT Y HANDKERCHIEF CREATIONS Smartly Boxed for Christmas Gi! ts Fancy, White Swiss Embroidered Handkerchief s, fine lawn and opal cloth. Many dainty embroidered patterns and colorings. Three pat- terns in each box. Usually 65c to 75c. Exceptional opportunity. DUR- I3 BIG DAYS,35 3 Handkerchiefs.35 3 Boxes 11.00l (9 Handkerchiefs) BATH TOWELS Attractive new Bath Towela, 22 x 44 inches, specially selected for gift Purposes. Smart conventional and large floral designs; rose, blue, gold, green, and combination colorings. An unusual value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each .5C TABLE CLOTHS Gifts That Last Pure Linen Double-Damask Table Clotha, size 54 x 54 inches. An ex- ceptionally good quality, woven of fine yarns with lustrous finish. Pure white with wide colored borders in 901d, green, pink, etc. DURINO THREE BIG 1 8 DAYS, each CHRISTMAS GLOVES An Inexpensve Quality Gift Fine quality skin Gloves in pullon, one-dome, and six-button length Mousquetaire styles, plain black or black with white insets and trim- mings; sizes 6 to 71/. DTJRIN< ne eIG 3 BIG DAYS, caci J- per pair A&nnouncing Christmas NEW NECKW New four-mn-hand, Ties, good f ull style, ing. contrasting coloi ends. An attractive Swiss imported mater. browns, etc., smart st vel effects. Each Tie Christmas Box 3 PAIRS$ RESILIENT7 These hand-tailored fine imported silk ai shrinkable materials, signs and fancy strlpE patented resilient woo ery Tie a select pattE ious dressers. THREI DAYS' SPECIAL, RADIO ?M Fine forG These Rayon Tapet ers, size about 18 x Il i a variety of smartc tions imodernistlc plush with frlnged e cut velvet floral desig blue, rose, gold, greE These popular mats a value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS,E Li Econoany Priced by Local Heaiquarters for ""Rose of Shar PURE LINEN GLASS TOWEL a token of aur appreciation for confidence and cantinuedl sup- we wiil, during our Xmas Lin- Presentation (the entire month eceniber, 1932) give ABSOLUTE- FREE one Pure Linen Hemmed sTowel size 16 x 28 inehes, 'H EACH ONE DOLLAR'S LTH 0F LINENS PURCHASED ]MIS STORE. LUNCHEON SETS 0F IRISH LINEN re Irish Linen Crash Luncheon reakfast Set. woven attractive rd barders i blue, gold or n Eaci set neatly boxed. 52 x ches, and 4 Napkins. $1 o US SPECIAL, per set J.0, x70 incies, and 6 Napkins. VSPECIAL, $2 59 -n'a HANDKERCHIEFS en'a Fine Hemstitcied Colored en Bordered Handkerchlef s, eo! fine Egyptian yarns. A widc rtment a! striped patterns in )us colors. ]MAS P CIALeach. ... 17 6 FOR $1.00 DEIRA TEA CLOTHS re Linen Hand-Embroidered cira Tea Cloths, size about 36 x ncies, a lavely quality and a varlety o! dalnty patterns f rom i you may choose. Do nat misa value. Hcre's a gif t reasanably id yet sure to be very acceptable ,e recipient. Af IS SPECIAL, each -re NTED TABLE CLOTH ure Irli Florentine Pritcd kfast or Luncican Clatis. ;are printed in a variety o! jination colors-a unique de- ure in linen printing. 54 incies, $1.9 LS SPECIAL18 :68 inches, $2 59 MADEIRA TEA NAPKINS Pure Linen Madeira Tea Napkins, daintily embroidered in a large var- iety of patternis and assorted scaîl- oped edges. XMAS Si100 SPECIAL 6 Napkins . ' NEW BRIDGE SET Pure Irish Florentine Linen Bridge or Tea Sets, one 36 x 36 inch Cloth and 4 Napkils ta match. Each daintily embroidered in harmonizing colors and boxed in new holdfast f ancy Christmas boxes. This la de- cidedly one o! the most attractive offerings o! this sale. '2.98 XMAS SPECIAL, per set Irish Linen Double Daniask TABLE CLOTHS 70 x 90 inch Pure Irish Linen Double Damask Table Clti, fully bleached, lustrous finish. These are in a wide varlety of floral and con- ventional patterns. '4.98 XMAS SPECIAL, each. Attractive Damask Check TABLE CLOTH, 54 x 54 Inch Pure Linen Hem- stitched Damask Table Cloti, woven with wlde calorcd borders and check designs in blue-gold, gold-blue. XMAS SPECIAL, '2.59 each .1 . . . . OYSTER UNEN TEA CLOTH SPECIAL 52 x 52 inch Pure Irish Qyster Linen Embroldered Tea Cltis. These clths are dalntlly embrolder- cd in Pastel colorings wlth colored applique and colored scalloped edges and come ln a varlety o! patterns. XMAS SPECIAL $ 2 each ~ 2 GIFT PILLOW CASES Angel's Rest-Here's a special val- ue that will ielp stretci your Xmas dollars-21 x 33 inch Daintily Ein- broidered Irish Pillow Cases. We can show you these in a wide var- iety o! patterns either scalloped or hemstitched and eaci pair neatly boxed for gif t purposes. 89 XMAS SPECIAL, per pair,89 FINE LUNCH CLOTHS Ultra-fine Irish Breakfast or Lun- cheon Cloti, woven with bright rainbow colored bordera. This Is de- cldedly the moat attractive border in tis class o! table cloti. 54 x 54 inches,98 XMAS SPECIAL, caci 8 54 x 72 Inenes, 'l3 XMAS SPECIAL, each i3 NEW DAMASK TOWELS 14 x 21 inci Pure Linen Hucka- back Hemstitchcd Damask-Barder- cd Guest Towels, weven wlth narrow iems i peaci, gold, blue, green, beautiful luatrous finish. 9 XMAS SPECIAL, each. ,29 As abave only 17 x 33 iches.Af. XMAS SPECIAL, each ... 9 LINEN DAMASK TOWEL 18 x 33 inch Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched Huckaback Face Tow- cia, fully bleached wti lustraus fi- lis and wovcn wlth assorted floral damask designs. Decldedly beauti- f ul Towels. Be sure to sec them. XMAS SPECIAL, each WALI<ER PHONE 164 OYSTER LINEN TOWEL 16 x 30 inch Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched Oyster Linen Face Tawel. Tiese are woven o! an ultra fine quality linen with colorcd hems witi damask designs woven in gold, blue, rose, green. h 25 ]MAS SPECIAL, each 5 LINEN PILLOW CASES 21 x 33 inch Pure Irish Hemstitch- cd Linen Pillow Cases, good durable quality. Do not misa this opportun- ity ta secure for your houschold or for gifts, Linen Pillow Cases at tis new 10w price. X 98e SPECIAL, per pair98 CARD TABLE COVERS An Ideal Glft at a Reasonable Price 32 x 32 inch Black Sateen Card Covers. with elastic loops for hold- ing fast to table, attractive embroid- ered card designs on each corner. XMAS SPECIAL, 9 each89 Men's and Women's HANDKERCHIEFS Men's 17 x 17 inch Pure Irish Lin- en Hemstitcicd Handkerchlef, f ui- ly bleached. fine even weave. Thc ideal "MAN" glft. c 5 ]MAS SPECIAL, ec 5 Womcn's il x 11inci Pure Irish Linen Hemstitchcd Hantikerciief wti V-inch hemtitai. This la a good even quality andi represents tic lowest pnice at wiici, we have ever offeredti s class of hantikercief. XMAS SPECIAL caci 7 STORES BOWMANVILLE uhITED FINE QUA LUNCHEO IN TWO1 Pure IrlishLinen U f ast or Luncicon S f ine quality and wc rainbow colored bo: cord centre design. ( 45x45 inch, and 4 Ni MAS SPECIAL, per set 54x54 inch, and 6 Ni XMAS SPECIAL, per set HANDKEIR 0F FIE1 A great varlety Floral Di Women's ultra-fit Handkerchiefs witl hemstitched edge ii We have these har wide variety of pri signa. IWAS SPECIAL, each SHEER L FINGER TI Fine Sheer Linen ered Finger Towels, inches. These beaut are in popular pas rose, blue. gald, greq ary, etc. Daintlly Swiss designs. XMLAS SPECIAL, ea IRISH ]I BRIDGE Pure Irish Linen Set, conslsting of! c Cloth and 4 Nap] Hand-embroidered ii ty colored applique set neatly boxed1 This makes an Ideal XMAS SPECIAL, pe p \,Te HITAS SeR 6m ite.t Be sure ta sec It. XMAS SPECIAL, per set .. PAGE TERM - ~ ~ ~ ~ w wwpw -W l *Sf*ÇS., uf*fwSfS * B~ FAVORITE PING CENTRE LINEN TOWELS A Gift Sure to Please Fine Birds-eye Huckaback Towels, pure linen, in beautiful lustrons fin- VEAR 49c ish;. size 18 x 34 inches, wlth hem- stitched ends. Woven Damask floral Derby-shaped patterns, some with space for Initial. pure woal lin- "She will surely like these." Reg. $1 red slk-tipped DURING THREE69 ý .assrtientof BIG DAYS, each69 rials, blues and ________________ tripes and swi- e. i 49c GIFT FACE CLOTHS You Wi Like Iis New Xmas Suggestion A Smart Package-6 Cloths for 69e TIES 95c Here ia a practical gif t package contaiing 6 Face Cloths, 12 x 12 ýd Ties made of inches. Several different colorei and w0ol un- each package, daintlly tied at cor- ,in small de- ners with colored ribbon bows, and )es. Made with wrapped in cellophane DURING 3 aIl linings. Ev- BIG DAYS,- ern for f astid- package of 6 Clotits69JC E BIG 95C BABY DOLLS - 97c 4ATS Here's the DoU Value for which you've been 10okint GitsChildren wlll love this nature- try Radio Cov- forxned style Baby Doll, measuring 21/2 inches, are about 16 inchea, wlth sleeping eyes, color combina- crying voice, mavable arma and legs. desiRns; some Dressed i dainty organdy dresa ends, others Of with lace and ribbon trimmigs, and igns. Colore o! bonnet to match; has stockings and 3en, black, etc.. rlbbon-tied moccasmas, rubber pan- are a usual 75e ties. Here is an outstanding value, but came early! DURING a each, 50e THREE BIG DAYS. each _ 97c nens ron"--LINENS3 ALITY DICE DAMASK N SETS TABLE CLOTH3 SIZES Bra WITH COLORED BORDER 3 et, exceptianally 52 x 52 inch Bleached Dice Dam- oven with bright ask Table Cloth, woven with fancy rders and check check borders i gold-green, rose- Comes i 2 size blue, etc. 2tMAS apkins 139 SPECIAL, each 98c apkins ta match. DAMASK TABLE CLOTH3 11.98 72 x 72 inch Pure Linen Hem- stitched Damask Table Cloth, heavy weave and cornes i a good varlety £HIFSo! floral patterns. XMAS '2.98 tCHIEFS ~SPECIAL, each...... LAWN yof printed esigns 4 FOR 25o ne Prited ILawn LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 3 hi fine narrow In pastel shades. IRISH LINEN-~LOW PRICED I ndkerchiefs i a Pure Irish Linen Hemmed Colored rinted floral de- Bordered Crash Breakfast or Lunch- 5 econ Clot1is, good wearig quallty of gold-green, green-gold, etc. 50 x 50 Inch. XMAS89 JINEN SPECIAL, each ,8-- .o.. 70WELS 50 x70 ich. XMAS $11 iSwiss-Embrold- ssize 8 4 x 17 -- tiful Gi! t Towels PILLOW CASES ;stel color igs of t l y E br l e e een, orchld, can- ettulEmrire embroldered in 21 x 33 Indh Irish Fancy Embrold- o 9C ered PilUow Cases, fine quality cot- sch .... ton. embroidered i pastel colorings wlth colored applique designs and scalloped edges Each pair daitilY UNEN boxcd. A very attractive plllow case E SET S CALper pair.' 4 aBridge or Tea PURE LINEN ne 36 x 36 Inch pkins ta match.£ in China in dain- DAMASK e designs. Each L N H O ST for Xmas Glft. L N H O E~ tl g 2f 98 AttractivelY Doxed for X-a and 6 a2pk8ngr tao atch. Mdeo

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