Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1933, p. 9

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- w nnx-m r* wâ Ae gMrATV-«;MAN. BOWM~ANVI=, .THURSDAy. jANJARY 5th, 1933 THE C..ftN2iLIAf~N *J u * m..'.'-, .. --- 'a Can you imagine a Town without a Store ? Are youworking in that sort of a Community ? Wouldn't it be an unliveable sort of a place ? lndeed, it would be impossible! Without Conven- iences and Comforts and necessarily with taxes s0 high on the ordinary resident that he would be forced to desert it! Yet that is the sort of town that some people are really trying to create by patronizing the pedier and the out-of -town store. If we patronizç the pedier and the out-of-town stores, the stores of Bowmanvile' and district would all automatically have to close. Just use your imagin- ation and figure out what kind of a town it would be. Or rather the kind of a town it wouldn't be! The Merchants of Bowmanville are flot asking any favors along this line. The stores and bus- iness places listed on this page simply ask this of you :--That you give them a chance to.prove that it will pay you in every way to buy at home Investigate! Compare prices and values! You will find that value for value, and comparing service and convenience it will HARRY ALLIN Groceries and Provisions W. J. BERRY Stationery and Bookstore BOWMANVILLE BAKERY Bread - Cake - Pastry W. C. CAVERLY Red and White Grocery Store C. M. CAWKER & SON Butchers and Purveyors S. G. CHARTRAN, Men's Furnishings CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Gasoline and Service Station CORBETT'S BAKERY Baker and Confectioner COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Hardware and Supplies G. A. EDMONDSTONE Meats and Provisions LEN. ELLIOTT Plum~bing and Heating EVLYN LADIES SPECIALTY SHOP Specializing in Ladies' Wear GARTON'S SERVICE GARAGE Service Station and Car Storage GLEN RAE DAIRY Pure Milk and Coeam J. A. HOLGATE & SON Coal and Builders' Supplies THE HYDRO SHOP Electrical Goods W. CLAUDE IVES Home of Good Shoes D. H. JAMIESON Tire Repairing - Willard Batteries JURY & LOVELL Druggists and Opticians Sponsored by Rotary Club Canadian Legion Business Men's Association Have Faith la Your Local Merchauts % bou Every'Way to Buy in BowmanviBle and District Remember also the more people who buy at home the better values and service the local Stores can gîve. The effect is cum- ulative. Buying at home is loyalty to your town. It is loyalty to the stores that ser- ved you and are serving you. It is loyalty to yourself . OWI J. W. JEWELL. Books - Paints - Wallpaper - China F. R. KERSLAKE The Dependable Druggist KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Flowers, Plants - Member F. T. D. FRED KNOX Boots & Shoes R. E. LOGAN Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing MASON & DALE Hardware and Spoiting Goods J. R. MOORE Jewelry and Watch Repairing F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture - Funeral Directors FRED W. NELLES Independent Grocery Store NELSON'S STORES General Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear RICE & CO. Hardware, Pluinbing, etc. ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Boots, Shoes, Men's Wear ROYAL THEATRE High Class Entertaininent MRS. E. V. SCOBELL Insurance and Real Estate Cleaners & Dyers SHEPPARD & GILL LIMITED Fuel and Lumber Depot THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Advertising and Job Piinting F. C. VANSTONE Flour, Feed and Chopping WALKER STORES Gene)nal Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear Sponsored by Legion Auxiliary Women's Institute Home and School Club Women's Canadian Club Women's Hospital Auxiliary Women's WeIf are Committee Keep Prices Down amd Prosperity Up. I n v~~estgt Compare Prices and Servc __ -rchnts nc1IndStries Ltroeu-zeYour& BorneMerêmsadId PAGE NIINE HowWmolyullka Wvithout a Store? 't' &L4 k C I i o, Pay m Pa

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