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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1933, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN SATESMAN. BOWMAVTTT 'Y'T71933 *past few weeks supplied flowers for (î songs by the Young men's quartette SALEM the Sunday services, these being SOLINA of St. Paul's, Bowmanville, Messrs Slater sent ta the sick. This is one Alex McGregor. Donald Williamns, 1 1 , Little part t.hey are taking through Ms lc hmsn yoe Wilfrid Carruthers and Eric Caom-DE T a BM. W. Moffat and two son.s, Or- being a member of the Horticultural Ms lc hmsn Iyoe bes. who favored with several selec- 19 1 G E f T ana. spent the weekend with ber Society, and having bad a number visited with Miss Gladys Yellowlees. tiens hh.wrtooulyeo- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. S<uair. off bulbs, being cared for by the Miss Aura Rundie. R. N., Bow- which th erdencethorougl-iiy eninaay- ofFoow Much sympathy 15 extended ta eiort eattercipsîa manville. visited at Mr. J. T. Run- edb h uine isses LouiseIcraeinPic fFote mebr-ob tterdsoa tOsborne, Bowmanvilîe, and Miss Tx -Bte u o e Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann in the such tumes as needeci in this way. des on Sunday. Hazel-Runie aiso payed pian death af the former's sister. Mrs. J.n aebengety prcae Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson and duesTh un g ladies seved pie- Colwill of Hampton. aTdhae Mrbmeegetng 0f iaed family visited at Mr. Ernest Lar- dm abTh Y unlde. amangr Pastor Rev. A. M. Woottan's W T.U. as b meat th ofHmetonfmer's. Blackstock. ftehmesin c am and ake Udâ splendid discourse on Sunday last Mrs. . ates. it the preden Miss Nora Werry and Mr-. George the en c ra n ae 3 y ,S h o o t was based an "The Three Crasses." Miss Katerson. presiding. Mrs. C. Werry spent the weekend with re-whweeivtdgssb- an ruh otvr - ryteiaie nMcntreal. sides the Young men were: Rev. H. an boub ot er lerl teJ. Kerslake had charge off the de- atts nC.andMs ofamMrCei simulaa-ty te the present day crasses votional exercises. The usual busi- Several f ram here attended an- . dMs ofan r euCaîf and Kip leathers, on roomy lasts. which everyone bas ta bear. Miss ness was transacted and the fallow- niversary services at Hampton on Fud Peitndent. and Mrs. leather or rub ber composition soles, Wootton favoured with a fine soloinprrmwasrenelbyMs Sunday and visited friends. Found, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dawn ing rogain as resntedby issAssistan Superintendent and wife. whcb was vr much in accord witb Margaret Pascae: A taîk by Miss L, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and At1 9 o $ 2 the sermon. Mr. Wootton acting as Reynoldis on Sunday Observance family a.nd Miss Evelyn Tink visited **rýsAl G te acher of Young 1ii to $ ,2 Y. opa. edavr neetn followed by a discussion by thý erb.,f rienis on Saturclay. mescas and Mrs. Gay, Mr. and Y. . L hld vey nteestngmembers; a reading on 'Enemies off Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and tecrs o ni.Ms ni e meeting on Wednesday evening, Peace" by Miss Katerson; Miss famiuy have moved onto Mr. Fred offeý Sunshine Class. The Marcn lSth, when the president pre- Mary NidderY favored witb a piano Clemens' farmn. nortb off Oshawa. thnks of the yaung men were ten- This is the time of year you need good f ootwear for sided, and alfter the openiiug exer- solo; Mrs. W. .Hr ocue h otalby d. another de red ta the young ladies for the farmn use. We can supply Yau. cises. presented the following pro- the pragram by the second part of I dance in the hall last Tuesday even- splendid evening's entertainmnent gramn for whicb aIl mernbers off the the readjng "Enemies off Peace' îng with about one hundred ptesent and someseehsfollowed. Sturdy everyday footwear, solid calf leathers, black execut.ive were jointly responsible Next meeting at the home off Miss when ail had a jolly time. ________________ rwprpi for the numbers rendered. and Margaret Pascoe on April llth. Af Our Young People presented their M P EG O Eo rwrprpi 2 9 which were as fallows: Bible read- ter the meeting clased dainty re- popular play "The Red Headed StepMA L GR V 2 S ing. by the leader; an address on the ffreshments were served by Miss Kat- Child" at Hampton last Friday ev- English Language, one off a series off erson and a social hall hour spent. ening and at Maple Grave Monday Miss Nellie Ridehalgh. Toronto, is Black grain blucher, Speelal$1 9 talks on thi subject. byMr. F. L. ening. Tey hv also received spending a few days with Miss Enid _______________________ Squair; vocal solo. Miss E. Sykeýs, .ivttosaOhaandTrta ws. accampanied by Miss B. Knox;, HAYDON to present it. Mrs. Harry Steeves, Taronto, re- mouth orgn solo, r. R. Coobes; <Î) Our chur-ch services last Sunclay cently visited at her father's, Mr.Heisn hosfrhlrnn short reading. Mr. K. Squair; violin wvere «well attended. Our pasto:-. Rev. John Aldworth. patent 1-straps, caif leather 1- salas, Mr. Taylor, with Miss Knox Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto. spent W Rackham. preached an excellent Miss Phyllis Blair, Bowrnanville, straps, or caif oxfords. at the piano; recitation, Mr. C.1 the weekend at home. sermon. Our ladies' choir gave a visited Miss Jean Coyne and at-jS -13 Coombes; piano and banjo duet byl Miss Verna Trewin has returned in iiber and Mrs. Will Leask sang tended the play on Monday eveming. Szs1t 13 Miss M. Honey and. Miss D. Coll home f rom visiting at Mr. H. Scott's -O(pen~ the Gates off the Temple.' Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Bowman- Sizes 8 ta 10' $1.65 to $1.98 cott; Irish jokes read by Mr. R. Orono. which was înuch enjoyed. At the ville. visited Miss May Freeman and Szs1 o2$.5t 24 Coombes; a two act play *Nat ai Mrs. A. Grant and sons. Messrs. church service next Sunday alfter- also attended the play an MondaySieIla2-$1.5t$.4 Man in the House" by Hampton; Bill and Jirn Grant. and Mr. Jack rloon the chîldren off Solina scruool. evening. Young ladies' class, and a St. Pat- Sparrow. Toronto. sperit the iveek- under the leadership off Mrs. Robb. Next Sunday a Father and Son rick contest directed by Mr. Black- I end at Mr. A. McNels. J wîl occupy the choir loft. service will be helci. Rev. H. C. Wol- Sec our ncw Shoc Racks for house use. Eael. buru. alfter which light refresbments! A large number were entertained ' On Thursday evening the mem- fraim will delîver a special message hold 6 ta 8 pairs of shoes and you dan't have1 were served wvhich brought the meet- at the home off Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- bers off Sauina Womeni Instîtute ta the men and boys. igaloe h os o orsoswe ing toa aclose. A hearty vote off 1 Neil last Friday night in honor off onetaind thir hsbanhe aci gn- fospie of theweater qite tbanks was tendered the Young lad- Miss Ursul McNeil'.s birthday. tleman fruencis in the Sunday school goodly number greeted aur Solina te.Sl rc ies far presenting their fine play and A concert under the auspices off roam ;vhen an enjoyable time was friends on Monday evening when te.Sl rc toalal thase who had so ably assist- the League will be beld on Wedues- spent. Mrs. J. W. MeMaster. the they presented their Play "The Red SE U0R SHOES AND BE CONVINCED ed on the program. Attendance! cay, March 29tb. Programn will con- president. presided. Meeting open- Headed Stepehili' tin the hall. Any- over 50.i sist off orchestral music. short pisys. ed with sînging O Canada andi re- one who bas-n't already seen the numbers. alter which a Pie social Ater a short business session came worthwbile entertai.nment seeing it. i HAMPTON wîll be helci. Ladies are invited ta the program. Mr. Alan Wilbur sang We heartily congratulate the play-W .C a d Iv s bring pies. a solo. accampanied by Miss Mary ers for the splendid way in wbich A goadly number were out ta the Mîlîson at the piano. Miss Jean they taak their parts. MrrE. E. Wlli.nsnWilunerahespe als riceSunay thtrnon tpMiiso. gita.eaviM.cRlphWild__________________________ -_______________________and___Mr.__________________ doctor's care. hear Mrs. Whittaker off Blackstock bur, violin. Readings were given by - Mr. Levi Niddrie, Toronto, visited speak on her work among thle Es- Miss Ecina Reynolds and Rev. W. CADMUSi virtue; reaciing. "Columnbus" by Miss at the borneoff Mrs. S. G. Niddrie. kimaes. Evervones attention waS Rackham. The main feature off the- e Mildred Bradley; reading. ]Dr LACKS.TDOC Mr. Pirrie, Taronto, visited at the held during thîs interesting and ed- programn was a debate -Resolved M.Gro rw pn au-Gren.r. by Miss Jean Pollock: home off W. Craig aver the weekend.I ucational talk. A number was sung that it would be better if we return Mrday orveni Broi n shawa. aur piano duet, by Mrs. H. Brent and: Mrs. John Willis, Toronto. s vîsît- iby the choir and a vocal duet sweet- e t Rskn' iea ffhad abr iss l Odshbadwas. t u-MisMeBrn;redn,'ate Mrs. Henry Webber a ingi th b r ft e, Mr o n C ll r n ee y M sss G a e Te1 rather than machine abor.- The day at M r. W . D. Fergusons. Builders.'* M iss Ivy Tabb. An Irish ha M avedC. a r Will.~~~ and Ada Beecb. affirmative wvas taken by Messrs. B., usCclFruonvstdfini contes t was then enjo3-ed by aIl. M.adMs oChnan a League programn last w'eek çvas in1 G Stevens and A. P.McKessock. M.CclFruo itefind Mrs. Rupert Werry receni ily visited Toronto friencis over the ý charge of 2nd vice president. Mu-. wieMs . rsitad isEl n Montreal over the weekend.- s Mrs. Leith Byrn spent1 weekend. Stveso Bbl raen Mr. jTabln .of nfeîd uphand Ms-El Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson visit- BLACKSTOCK CIRCUIT with Mr. and Mrs. James Miso Bn eto uedy arl Seesn il I ig r aby o nil pedthe neg- ed at Mr C. H. Fallus' on Manday. *rsR.anigTra MrcoBa1h ndeten beadu-ship Roland Tbomp-son; piano solo. Miss!1 ative. Many good points were a .adMs Jms ceevs-he-prns. r. and Mu-s.or Mac 4h ne h edrhpo!Mabel Beech: reading. Miss Muriel vanceci by bath sîdes. but, the juciges. eci at Mr. Lorne McKee's on Mon- United Church of Canada M.M .Sih r Miss Grace Cawker. ecl a vocal solo, -When Iuish Messrs. W. R. Westlake and Jack da.MyrF..Nwel .,BD.PatradM. L. Mu-. and Mu-s. Burke. Sandwich.; McNeiFlW:eeH ..,.. aso ndM.L.Bes eei ;Ees Are Smiling" was nicely sung Baker and Miss Nora Weury gave Miss Dela Lethangue visited w,;ith o rdy are wlth the latteu-s sister,. Ùy Miss Woott:on; Mr. Eau-I Stoven-; the decision in favor off the afflin- Misi Helen Fowler aveu- the week- Weekly Sermonette: - It is always Mr. ut lato.son thn gave a spleni dacdress on ati'e by rather a close margin. Mrs. end. sunshine somiewere. The sun mav Mr. Oliver Smith att Mu- Wm Cwlig as ened is the topic. "The Country. the Peo- Roy Langmaid acted as tume keeper. Mrs. Percy McGili and son, Janet- bnidn u t snvu b:esdayjud:ngin elleîll residence to Mr. McEwan, Whitby. Pie. the Task.' A debate. Avday andtewa wllgve Thuu-sdayut.ti nve lote who Reolvd vA ocainartttewaswel gvenbyville, are visiting Mr. and Mr-S. ut. ,1Cnrtltost %r Mr. mand nreceJonby. sM" tvat Motor Cars do more good than 1 Mrs. J. Baker. Miss Helen Baker. Clarence Par-r. BlcsokY . egehli an ongseurui, frsanMrf Mu- a d M s. Ja n C ah , iss hiarm." was th on given. the affirmn a- 1 M essrs. George W eu-ry and Bill Nic- r e l F r u o n o i- v enjoyable skating Partv ast Ia on ecu ng f -; a d atMbe. H ahils onBawm anvll, is t ; ve being up eld by Misses Ada ja. aller w ich an Irish contes, ardn ey b ttdl y wih t efom rs week. Refresments were served at o cvr s eeci . at ellevuai B ech and VneayBr dlenttheSundaysene rtsh the wffoenmerd. Thethe close ta about fifty-five. League M s h s at r o atMu. H.Wlrcs on S undy. eVoaB-de. h ea oe1rs oe er noe.Temother at Lotus. sn.Mr. L. Allmn. Orono. s Rev Wlte- aim occt.Uied1 tive by 'Misses Rema Bradley andi ladies served an abundant lunch oif Ms um rce h a nthîs week is in charge off Mu- Her- ~n he p pt at S c e St Untd Lau-na Thompson. the juciges g:vng sandwiches. cake. ice cream and iii g h r s te ,M .Ro s C ts b t w n a d t e C tz n hî D - Church, Osbawa, Sunday evenmng. their decision in lavoir off the affirmn- coffee. iîigbrsse.Ms aCri. br SeCtîoshprayith M- n us Mr. and Mrs. S. Warren and da.u- atv. Th rsdn te oc Baltimore. has returned home. prmn.M.adMs alc Sghter Ethel. Mrs. Bulied. Osbaa tîve.h he pesidntFthnWtoo ____ __________________ Ra reenlyviitd t r.JonCol_ charge. - 4 ongratulations ta Miss Birdie - F. W.ofesermns l ri pueacohi e a .ayseSnd rs allace J Strviie t r onCOURTICE * C'bson on winning secand prize un serues ffserionsprite tnaytheamlspnSudyih w!iI's Su-r*.___________ _______the county on heu- essay. 'Why \Ve sLetnssn."LasttSunday beilate." His Mu. and Mu-s. F. Pascoe and babe ENNISKILLEN j~Sbould Buy in Bawm-ranville.' pk nCrs efoePlt. î andi Misses Irene and Elva Pascoe, Miss Amelia Lear. Principal West- Mu-. James Brown, Mu-. andi Mus. subenet hsSndy1"îo f Zion. visited Mu-. and Mrs. A. Peters mount public achool. Oshawa. was Frank Hylanci, Mu-. and Mrs. WM.Cyne an Sunday. Miss G. Werry, Bowmanville, Sunday guest off Mu-s. A. J. Gay. Mitchell and Mu-. Ernest Burton, Nestleton W. A. and M. S. held a F R S Syxnpathy 15 extended to Mrs. S Sundayed at home.1 Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanvulle, spent Thuu-sday at Mu-. Larmen Hy- quilting boe in the basement off the T. Mountjoy in the death of heu- Mu-. Alvin Boyd undeu-went an op- and Miss Elsie Allin, Ontario Lad- land's. church on Tuesday affteunoon. F R S mother, Mu-s. Thos. Brimacombe, eration un Toronto. We wsh hum tes' Coîbege. Whîtby, weu-e weekend Mu-. and Mu-s. C. G. Venning and For the next Ihu-ce months the Hi HmissonBeta ent, M-s.BeseeDr ad u-.ergusn.Ajln nd isitou-s at Mu-. G. F. Annls. family, Mu-s. Meredith Fallis and teche il rs off Blackstk Sunday HMisBto a Segent. Be s e .d j Frusn ll ad1Thursday evenîng the Young pec- Jim, Jean and Marion Sanderson osool wilofpu-ee interestg aersu Rabbins and Miss Greta Wickett, jDonald, visted friends aI Uxbridge ples meeting was in charge off Miss spent Fuiday evening at. Mr. W. D. oundsubjeta a itey int r. LastC R Bowmanville, weu-e Suriayvsitors1 and Zephor on Sunday.1 en Wilkins. Meeting openeci with Ferguson's. Cnrso ta at Mu-. John Cowling's. lM r. and Mu-s. Frank McGill, Ta- i carnmunity singing. Devational topuc League was beld Thursday night Dorreli. spoke an "Reverence for Mu-. Everett John Rabbins. Ot- j ronto, spent the week end wýith hieu- wvas taken by Mu-. W. R. Courtîce. with a good attendance. Mu..B God." The subject noxt Sunday is Car'amels. Boî ci tawa, visited Mu-. Ed. Haggith and! parents. Mu-. and Mu-s. Levi BuunI. jMu-s. Ross Peau-ce gave twa read- Ferguson took the bible study; Mu-,Cms teaBibe."v cal attended the f uneu-al Off bis aunt. Glad to report Mu-. J. E. Griffin ings; Mu-. Cedrie Parsons dealt with Cecil Ferguson took the topic; andci Cad tNsto Y. P. Leaue bae ehal-,ael tte c Mu-s. Haggith, on Monday.l able ta be home f romn BowmnanvilleI the Missionau-y taPic and music was Miss G. Cobbledick sang a solo. engaeci te Nestleton Y.P. et age a- Saturda, Mu-. and Mrs. Au-ey Nouthcutt and hospital al ter being there 13 weeks. I guvon by Miss Flou-once Wilkins pia- A large numbeu- fram this vicini cpe:adteyepc oco famuly, Bowmanville, and Mu-. Au-- Mr. W. C. Stainton. Toronto, vis-noadM.JcWiksth uaratee heoilevighl n swords at Cadmus on Thuu-sday. SHot bCose thur Blanchard, Sobtna, vîsîted 'the, itoc i bs father, Mu-. Jas. Stainton, Thursday lasI was aur annual Dovitt's Hall on Friday evening. March 301h. hril Misses Pascoe an Sunday. at Mu-. W. H. Moores aveu- the week! quilting day at the church and ai- Af ter a short pu-agrani andi a con- Mu. and Mus. Autbur L. Pascoe, endac. 1 tbough the attendance was not as test, lunch was partaken off. and j- Misses Ruth andi Margaret McKes- Mu-. and Mu-s. J. Shackoleton and l lau-go as usual. quite a good number thon almnost. eveu-yoae danceci untul OBITUARY sock, Soina, weu-e Sunday i-sitars famuly have mioveci into Mu-. O. L.: of ladies assemble<. about noon and the wee smabl hours off the mou-n. ______________ i ii L withMis Ma-ga-etPasoo.Byeu-s' store. They are having a sale a delightffîil dinner was enjoyect. A lau-ge number off ladies jouu-ney- Mu. Ed. Haggth bas the sympathy on Mar. 28th. Thon the sewing began. There were d 10 the homofMu-. John McKee M.HnyWbe.Breo off bis many triencis in the passing M-. and Mu-s. J. T. J. Colo, Bethes-. thu-e Žewing machines andifo-y asI Wenesday to quilt and piece a off lus wufe whose death occtu-ued d ca. Miss W. Colo and Mu-. Gilbert, I yards off white shakeu- flannel was quilt. The bouse was beautifuîby On Sunday, February 26tb. an- atlieou home on Thuusday. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mu-. andi made up int babies' layettes. ALo decorateci in bonour off St. Patuicks aother off Cartwrig'hts highly re-J Sympat.hy us extendec Mu-s. John iMus. E. A. \Veury.. tivo qults weu-e qulted and i t pu-ovoci andi alter wau-kîng and chatîing fou- pected cîtizens passed away in thej Jr., in the death off ber bus-,' On Wednesday night, Zian Young ta be a mast pleasant afteu-non several bours the ladies were callec pouson off Mu-. Henry Webbeu-. Bur-ke- band wich occuured on Monday. People's League visited our League. Mu-s. A. F. Rundle roturneci homo ta the dining room ta enjoy a surnp- ton, at the eau-by age off 46 fu-orn follow±ng an ilness off sevoral r Meeting wa-. openoci by the Pu-si-: froi Cleveland afteu- spend;ng a few tuous suppor off pancakes andi maplo, Plural pnoumonîia. Decoaseci was xnonths; also ta Mu-. John Colwill dent afler wbich Rev. J. M. Xhyto I weeks thero. The sincere sympathy 1 syrup andi ather delicacies toi nui-bau- in Manvers on Januau-y 29th. Su-. in the death off a beloveci part- led un pu-ayeu-. The Pros, off Zion off Ibis community is extended tao rous ta mention. Eveu-yane jour- 1887, a son of Mu-. and Mu-s. John ner.. League thon Ioak charge. Devolional î Mu-s. Rundle in the death'off heu- sus- noyeci home feeling they had onjoy- Webber. With b:s kundly manaeu-. bloi The play "The Reaci Headeci Stop-. wvas takon by Mr. Gibbs alter which ' ter andi buotbeu-in-law. Mu-s. andi ec the afteu-noon. hîs quiet and una.ssuming disposi- Cb.ld'. guven by Solmna pei e. n- a double male quartette sang -JusI. Mr. Housbuu-gh. who passeci away b______lon, ho baci won for binselff îuany der auspices off the Hampton Wo- i out.side the door.' A gu-aup off girls about three days apau-t. They have friends andi neighbours. men's Institute, un the Sunday ialso gave a soag. Sevoral violunIquito ffreuently visiteci heu-e anci I iRONE Tefnrlsnc a eda i scolr ftecbuu-cb on Fr1- nmeswr ie yMu-. A. M-wr ihytogto ytoew lTehe uneral ser as he a hi ach ol -oo of th A umbrs eu- giea >3 Mc voe-e igh3 t oug î a 1> th se vho28t. conducteci by is pastor. Rev. S P R I N day night was well patu-onize<l.A Masteu-, accampanuoci by Miss AnnieJ knew thoin. Mu-. and Mu-s. Geo. Mu-. and Mu-s. N. J. Woodley visit - J M. Why.e anci the romnains la.d ta number off SaUina iu-eîîc., weu-e pros- MeMasteu-: Misses Audr-ey Ayre and i Gardiner, Clevelandi, accompanieci eciaI Mu-. W. A. VanCamp's. Bback - uvîiiHmtnCmtu h e ent, aise some ffromn Saleuni. ML.-ïes. Beryl Glaspeîl rendereci a piano Mu-s. Ruade homo and spent a day soc, nSuda. eaieario tamune los of a Theio de- N. Hom and Mary Niddeu-y playeci duel: Miss A. MeMaster gave a ou- lwo with heu- bore. M-.anasu-. . . odso ad eatc oun h s o anci agim piano duets between acta, andi Miss: pîaro solo: Mu-. A. McMasteu- gavi At our mnorning service an Sunday Glenn. Bowmanvilieuecotly vusted kinci and lav;in'g fatheu-. a soru-o'.vng nx-lf n G. C3,wkeu- favoreci with a ffow un-! a veu-y atouesting travelogue off a; aour Pastor. Rev. H. C. Wolfu-aiu Mu-s. James Storie. S ne lie ad f troctor Irish airs whîch wth the tu-up fram Enniakillen in Ontluarioto. pracheci an inteuesting sermon n M- n us rdTopo ni- omr3 isMr aei h banner Thores . ntniagtagoc nnsie i rla-.Ro.W ho-ainf;Letn ofuin o.;_aa ueell lldM--Wlo.a--fvecidue. yr_.ths These are nationally advertised by radio and magazine- Every pair is made for service. ,rack wiII to be look- iyou want 0UR PRICES ARE RIGHT Shoe Store 10,x' parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Heas- CK lip. Janet%-ille. -~ Mr.and Mrs. Norman Green and md fmîlyson Jack spent Sunday with Mrs. andfarilyGreens Parents, Mr. and Mms. Isaac 1. Whitfie1d. Cadinus. >d Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Galbraith anid tly. daghter Marore. and Miss Violet Wednesciy Dever were guests of Mr. and Mrs. sByers. J. English, Sat.urday evening. to. TIe ..urprise luncheon held at the G. H1o oet" home 0ofNlrs. F. W. Newell, by two Js. Farder 'oof the w. m. S. of the Unit- Port Hope ~ Church, was greatly enjoyed by tended the VcoanWomen's Institute held eon Wec:- a Pot Luck Supper and the Young Fe i Pec0pl&s League a skating party on Frd\i-Wedh:ecdaY-evening. March l5th. ffl*,Il przes Everyone reports a splendid ime. pnt Sun- No tenders were received for Gen- H. A. Ga- osha Hlotel. Oshawa. Efforts ta or- aro adIganlze a group off business men to, vialo an 1purchase and aperate the hotel have Mrs. mar- me, with no success. \TURDAY ONLY lgh Class Assorted OCOLATES iwbrrv- Rusks, Cinnamon Sticks, [Dau, Chipss, Black Currants, Non 'tch. Apricot Jelly, regular 40Oc lb. ty OnIy, in Lb. Lots, 27c Bunls ............ 20c doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 c e a c h 'TT'S BAKERy ]PHONE 1 mes Need aM IG TONIC uiyuglde netndtho puesident. Mu-. Go nBu-ont. I more app oprate th clsin nu -N;Zr-ý " 1 ;ýI, 1CAR OF THANKS ber being "The Man off G-allee' . jj( o e n istumntlduel:1t h omwsprtiYdcrt m: slnGc opi yns 1e The cburch was beautified. by the 1roi .Mu-. Whyte mnade a gooci chair- oci ii-th long Streamers andi littho Floyd Dudley on "Piays and Pag- w-ish t hank their many friencis, pr~ece ff nuberoff yacath, mn M-s Hrve MeIîl Puosîdnt ree ani wite Per hats weu-e Ieats thal young feoie shouic pro- 1neigbbouu-s and relatives fou- the tulips and primulas, somne of Ibese off the Association, on behal.! of the warn by ail. Com.munity singing was imte'; iocaIl duel, Mu-s. H. Brent flowers, aiso the kindness andi synu Phone 10 juen's institute who have fou- the who assisted in the puoguam. wou-e put on and inteuspersed wth ing, 'Wits' End Corner," Miss R.uby recont sad bereavemnent. ____________ ~A1LY PURSE .r Due to Additional Sales fore Prices Advance Men's Work Boots 1 . --,jejdftý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVr[ýTr.- inTTP-cn-tÀ&v iLAràiDýý -- --

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