TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURJSDAY, MARCH 23rd. 1933 LOCAL & PERSONAL Jack O'Hara is visiting f rends in Ottawa and Renfrew. Miss T. Maude Penfound spent Thursday witbh Mr. and Mms. W. E. Filnlay, Port Hope. Congratulations te Mr. and Mss. Frank Oke. King Street, wbo cele- brated the 28th annivensary o! their wedding day on Wednesday, March 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Neal. bis mother. Mrs. W. J. Neal. and sister. Miss Vina Neal, R. N., ail of Victoria Road, visited Mr. and Mrs. Seward Dowson on Sunday. Messrs. Roland Bate and Selby Spencer were in Cobourg on Thurs- day at tbe Deanery Local Council of the A. Y. P. A. to make arrange- ments for the debating finals, wbich the local A. Y. P. A. will take part in, in opposition to eitber St. Mark's at Port Hope or St. Peter's at Co- bourg. Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Ciemence and1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clenience wene guests necently of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Alan, Cobourg. Lieut.-Coi. C. H. Anderson andi Mrs. Anderson, Mn. and Mrs. W. I. MacTavish and son Ian, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbel. Wb.ttewood, Man., have neturned to Ontario and are visting Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg and other relatives prevîous te finding a home suitable to locate hereabouts. Mn. Arthur Begin, formerly of the Bank o! Montreal staff here, who was later moved te Tweed, was moved to Bowmanviile on Tuesday. Mn. Begin spent last weekend with bis parents in tov6n.-Trenton Cour- ier. Mss. Albert McMurtr3'. Mrs. Eni- ulne Gilison and daughter Lois. Mn. and Mrs. Elmno Maunder, Toronto, Mrs. Wiil Moff at, Onono, and Mr. Kyle Squair. Salem. were Sunday guests o! Miss Ida Stpehens, Odeil Street. Congratulations to Mr. SelbY Spenceèr, so'n-0f Re,.'and Mrs. C. R. iSpencer. wbo bas received f rom the Sprin Time Governor General bis commission as a Lieutenant, on successfully com- W a.. a er& P ifý racks, Toronto. iIn our new lines of Wallpaper Miss PhyUlis Challis. Chunch St., we bave attractive designs for has recentiy passed The Toronto every room at verY moderate Conservatory of Music Examination prices f rom1 in Intermediate Harmony and 10c iRollupwrd Counterpoint. She is prepared to Special bargains in RemnnantsJ take pupis in eitber Tbeory or and Roomn Lots. Piano. Speciai individu3l attention IOld Colony Paints andi Enamnels and attractive kindergarten methods only 80c and SI.00 per quart, for Young beginners. Very moder- ate pnîce. Phone 290W. 12-1 - Cleanliness. safety and highest nutrition are the keywords of the Glen Rae Dairy. wbo open their spring advertising campaign in this ~4AM~Lissue. Only T. B. Tested cows con- ENAMELtribute tbe milk for Glen Rae Dairy. and to make doubly sure of purity every quart is pasteunized. You are ,~b'sure of getting nothing but good pure wholesome milk !rom Glen Rae owned and operated by R. R. Stev- Flo-Glaze ens & Son Paint- Enamel - Varnish Durham Chapter. Order of East- and Stains ern Star, held a Vjny successful s superior product at a Five Hundred and Dance in the I. moderate price. 0. 0. F. Hall on Thursday wben Floon IWax and Lernon 011 nearly one hundred enioyed the sial evening. Prise winners wene: J* W IU1~Rh! ladies. Mrs. Roy Nichols and Miss Lillian Holinan: gents, Mr. J. E. BOOKS & STATIONERY Hobabs and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield. PAINTS & WALLPAPER Lunch was served and dancing was CHINA & RADIOS indulged in for the remainder of tbe evening. The hall was prettily «Big 20" Bowmanvllle decorated witb St. Patrick's Day I embleis as the central theme. ]Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THURS.' - FR1. - SAT. MARCH 23 -' 24 - 25 ~ZANE GRMY greatest Western .thriller 'HER ITAGE 0F THE DE% i'R I RANDOLPH SCOTT Paramount's shootîng star SALLY BLANE J.FPRELL MAcDlOpNALD a çâmmoni mI ùzo Warren Willam in «The Match King» Bosco Cartoon MON. - TUES. - WED. MARCH 27 - 28 - 29 What would you do le you bad a million? SIEi «IFI1 kada Million» with Gary Cooper, George Raf t, Wynne Gibson. Charles Laughton, Jack Oakie, Frances Dee. Charles Rug- gles, Alison Sklpworth, W. C. Fields, Mary Boland, Itoseoe Karns, May Robson, Gene Ray- mond, Lucien Littlefield and Richard Bennett. Revue - News - Novelty WATCH YOUR STEP Traffic Offcer Ed. Purves has received notification f rom the Department of Highways j that there will be no further extension of time to permit citizens to secure motor lic- enses. He bas also received instructions to prosecute al motorists driving with other than 1933 license plates. As there is a stiff fine under the H-ighways Trafflc Act for any one violating this section, it is strongly advlsable to get new plates now, or leave the car in the garage. Mrs. John Palmer, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends here. Mrs. Minnie Fissette. Brantford, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. P. C. Treb- ilcock. Mrs. H. Eckerman, Cleveland, 0hio. is visiting her sister, Miss I. K. Smith, B. A. Mr. R. Lillico, oldest North Mon- aghan resident. celebrated ber 86th birthday on March l7th. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Paisley and family, Cooksville, spent Sunday with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bickeli. and other relatives here. Miss Mari orie Robins and Miss Marion G. B. Warder of the Uni- versity of Toronto. spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ward- er. Mr. Geo. W. James lef t today for Ottawa to attend a meeting on Fni- day of the Directors of the Cana- dian Weekly Newspapers Association at the Cbateau Laurier. Mr. J. Fletcher Staples. Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs. W. H. Spargo's. Mrs. Sta pies. who bas been here on account of the iliness of ber sister. Miss Spargo. returned h~ome with him. Little Misses June and Shirleyl Challis sang a very pretty duet at Tinity Sunday School Sunday af- ternoon. They were accompne on the piano by their cousi.Ms Phyllis Chals. Trinity United Church congrega- tion were pleased to hear that oid favorite solo. "The Old Rugged Cross." splendidly sung by Mr. C. J. Scott. B. A.. at the evening service on Sunday. A minute of silence was beld in Police Court on Tbursday at tbe re- cuest of Magistrate R. M. Cotton in memory o! Ex-Chie! Richard Jarvis. Four Oshawa youths who pieaded guilty to thef t f rom R. H. Collacott were placed on suspended sentence for two years. Bowmnanvilie Public School pupils had their annual illustrated lecture on "Sa! ety' on Monday morning when Mn. C. T. Ross kindly loaned the Royal Tbeatre for the occasion. Mr. Latrobe of the Ontario Safety League delivered a very fine taik, to the children on the value of safety habits. The Dominion Budget as announc- ed on Wecinesday raises the sales tax on footwear from 3 to 6% which means that boots, shoes and rubbers are going to be more expensive. Prices at Ives' Shoe Store remain the sasse for the present and it would be wise te get your sprlng footwear f rom bis offerings this week, before ail prices take a nise. Marjonam's Laundry, King Street East. which bas been serving some of the best homes in Bowýmanville for the past ten years, makes an in- teresting announicement in The Statesman this week. They not only announce a more modern and en- iarged laundry service but aiso a re- duction in pnices that wil make the sending of laundry out of town ab- solutely unnecessary. Compare prices and resuits and be convinced for yoursel.f. If you bave not ai- ready tried tbis laundry, do so. You wiil be belping a local industry, give employment to local labor, and you will flnd the work eqjual to anything you have had done out of town. 'You will aiso find it cheaper and far less bothen than doing it yourself. See advt on page 7. Phone 478. FORMER BOWMANVILLE COUPLE MARK GOLDEN WEDDNG IN OSH[AWA (Continued frùm page 1) well. Perrytown; Mr. J. W. Caldwell, Oshawa. anid tbeir wives; an.d Mrs. Mary Caldwell, Peterboro. It is rather an interesting fact that tbe linen and several pieces of silver and cbina were used by the bride at ber marriage fif ty years ago. The bride's cake was made and dec- orated by two nieces of t.be bride. Mrs. Walter Haney and Miss Mc- Cutcheon. Rev . S.- C . Moore,. an old fniend tion, "Wben Zene was a Lassie," Miss Mary Dunbar; vocal solo, 'Needies and Pins", Helen Jean Fosten.w The Party broke Up with anl aing- lng "Auld Lang Syne" and wishlng the happy couple many years of health to enJoy their Diamond jub- ilee. G en eral Currie Speaker Here on Wednesday (Contmnued f nom page 1) rades of the great war at a very in- formai gathering. Every man rose f rom bis seat as Sir Arthur entered the room and his kindly "Won"t you sit down, please" soon made everyone at home. He discussed tbe old days in the trenches and humor- ously recalled incidents remembered by those present. Here again he cailed for courage and devotion as displayed in tbe war te bring about better conditions in the present day. Speaking of Pensions Sir Artbur stated that be had beard disturbing news regarding the government's desire to Cut down the pensions' payxnents. "I have been asked to suggest this to my former comrades, but I wil not do so until govern- ments, civic, provincial and Domin- ion, show an earnest desire and ef- fort to effect economy in govern- mental administration. Some migbt be able to af fond losing pensions wben they bad good governmnent jobs, but he saw no reason whyj those who bad te struggle te livej should be cut. Gen. Curnie was intro>ducedj by President Cotton and Rev. C. R.: Spencer and Councillor W. F. Wandý expressed appreciation o! Gen. Cur- j ries visit with the ex-service men. Sir Arthur's principal address was delivered before the Men'sCa- dian Club in the eveningwe Ladies' Night was observed and tbe hall was packed te bear hun deliveer' one o! the most billiant. and yeti simple and effective addresses heard in BoWmanville for many montbs. His address expressed magnificent thoughts, fan too impressive to corne under the regulan editorial clipping and rather than deprive our readers o! any part o! it, we are bold it oven te publish it in full in next week's issue. Col. L. T. McLaughlin presidedt at this gathenîng, and perbaps neyer before have citizens reaLiized the general respect that Col. McLaugh- lin is held in his billiant war re- cord until they heard Gen. Currie's eulogistic remarks concerning hlm.ý Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle and Principal L. W. DîppelI expnessed sincere ap- preciation o! the masterly addness and Prolonged and enthusiastic ap- plause expres.sed the audience's feel- ings in this matter. In the afternoon Gen. Curnie was entertained at tea at the Highi School togethen with the teachens., high school board, and special guests. Mrs. L. W. Dippeil and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle were joint host- esses and Miss Dorothy Bonnycastie and Miss Rena Cavenly assisted. The next meeting of the Canadian Club is te be held on April 28tb. when anothen billiant speaker and another president o! a University, Rev. Canon H. J.,Cociy, President of Toronto University, will be the guest speaker. TRINITY Y. W. A. The Y. W. Auxiliary meeting o! Trinity W. M. S. was held in the schooi room on Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. W. Dippel.president, pre- sided, the meeting opening with a hynin, led by Mns. D. R. Mornison at the piano. Af ter the rail cail and letters read f nom the sick and shut- ins, an invitation was read from the Women's Institute inviting ail mem- bers te hear Dr. McCuilough, Chie! Health Inspecter of Ontario, who wiil give an address at the Royal Theatre on Friday, April 7th, at 2.30 p. m. on "Cancer and its Preven- tion." An invitation was also ne- ceived from the Mission Band te their concert on Apnil 4th. Mrs. Muriel Symons gave a brie! but practical address on the "Peace Situation," emphasizing the foIly o! our investuients in armaments and munitions wie we are asiting for peace. Anotber bymn. and prayer by Mss. W. A. Shane who was in charge of the prograni, was foflowed by a neading on "Hagar" by Mrs. D. J. Chambers. Misses Dorotby Edger and Evlyn Oke rendered a fine piano duet. Mss. C. A. Bartlett gave a short talk on St. Patrick. Owing to bereavement in the f ar- Uly Mss. C. A. Wight was unable to be present to take the study book, and Mrs. J. C. Cairns klndly took ber place and gave the fourth chap- ter o! 'His Domiflions", being a study of the early missions in Can- ada. paylng panticular tnibute te the women and mînisters of pioneer days. Mss. Cairns gave a very fine review and ail were gneatly pleased to hear ber. Next meeting on April 18th willl be in chargAe o! Mrs. W. .Foundl'sq meýnu _was served f ro mta-bles- pret- tiiy deconated with ffowers and St. Patrick's day colora. Mms. C. H. Dudley wlth piano solos, and the S. S. Orchestra furnlshed abundance of mnusic dunlng the supper hour. foV Daq Pep~ Drink S e A QUART IGLEN RAE DAIRYI 1Phone 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON I IB. H. S. News tBy Y. Duzzy Wright) . Duning our ed.itonial supervision o! this colunin we have endeavoured te report the interesting events that bave transpired at "Ye Auld School- bouse" !nom time to tume. We fear these epistles have contained in the main, basket-ball games, rugby en- counters dance and other occasions that speak of nevelry and good times with but little serious scholastlc comment. Our parents. hoprever. on whose patience and pocketbooks we o! ten overdraw, wonder some- tines if! parties and games make Up the education o! their dean children, and we offer the feilowing for their enlightenrnent. Already students have begun the panade o! books carrying to thein homes. We have beard f nom reli- able sources that some o! the most ambitious and aspiring scbolars transport as many as thirty and forty pounds of books to their homes each night. whene they spent f nom. one to five bouns an evening poring into these knowledge containing texts in an endeavour to forti! y their mentalities with facts and data sufficient to compiy Nwith the demands that on the morrow wijl bc made by zealously effcient' non- lorgiving and minutely acurate teachers. Homework. even for lax and somewhat indiffenent tume- wastess, has become such a burden. and calls fon sucb an inunensity o! effort andi concentration. that there is less noise in classes, more rigidity o! discipline, and altegether a more seniously sensible atniospbere per- vading tbe desk-lined rooms. Examination nesults recently ap- peareti. bringing Joy te, the heants o! some. deep disappointment to others, grini satisfaction te an un- deserving !ew, who had, contrany te their instructons' opinions. squeezed through with a fi! ty or fi!ty-one percent. andti t others merely a re- gret that the day o! miracles is over. But let us hope tbe resuits, whetben success or fallure, brought to ail a realization that it won't be long un- til the finals and a determination te benti all efforts te the wonk abead so, that at June wben the guillotine drops, tbough their necks be unden the blade on free, they have done their best. In our com!ng events there is a basketball gaine in view for Fniday with St. Ciements o! Toronto. This shoulti be a bard fought game well worth seeing and unwise te miss. Several queriez have neacheti our ears as te the date o! that eagerly awaited occasion when long suffer- ing grads re-unite and patnonizing- ly offer heant!elt sympathy and ad- vice te the embryonic masterminds who at present inhabit the so-calieti "Ijailhouse." We refer to the "At Home" andi regret that at present we are unable te volunteer any n- formation, except an itile nilmon that it will probably take place some time in Apnil. But don't take our word for it. Next Monday afternoon Second Form wlll be responsible for the lit- erary program. Se fan tItis yean these prograins have been veny in- teresting and clevenly presented. We expect great things f nom, these second year atudents. Wednesday alternoon the schol- ara, with several visitera, were prlv- ileged te hear Sir Arthur Cunnie Three Piece Suits Faskion's Decree for Spring Sizes 14 to 20 . . . in the new flecked tweeds . . . in every wanted shade . . . ski&t, coat and silk crepe blouse. Some have capes in- stead of coats. Every one a real smiart tail- ored suit. Priced in keeping with the times, $10.75_each Miss Lawson of the Canadian Corset Co., experienced corsetiere, will be at the Evlyn Shop on Tuesday next, March 28th. Please phone 594 for appointments. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop Mu T. Murphy Mmra Frank Ok. Ready-to-Wear PHONIE 594 Dressmualn Phone 130 phone 352 On the Upswing Prices are swinging upwards . . . New taxes in the budget are going to mean highexi food pricee. Get yours this week-end before the general riBe cornes into effect. Lipton's, Red Rose and Hyla Tea ... . 45c lb. Fry's Cocoa, ','-lb fin............... 21c Rolled Oats............. 6 lbs. for 25c Sliced Pineapple ....... 2 medium tins 23e Canned Tomatoes, choice quality. .3 for 29c Good Quality Bulk Tea........... 29c IL M'arshall's Filleted Fried Herring... .25c tini Skipper Kippered Herring ........ lc tini Old Hickory Sait, 10 lb. tin ......... $1.25 Kellogg's Corn Flakes ........ 3 pkrgs. 25c Orono Brand Pork Sausage ...... 2 lbs. 25c Velva Tissue Toilet Paper ...... 2 rol& 25c Pea and Vegetable Soup, 28 oz. tin... l0c Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash ....... 100 lbs. $2.25 AIl Kinds of Fresh and Cured Fish for Lent D-. DODO> -C HA RR Y ALUIN The Old Reliable Grocer Phone 186 King St. Est Bownianvil6 *1~ PAGE FmV -V ---%-- -VICTOR RADIOS- At Greatly Reduced Prices We have three only of these super-heterodyne radios to clear at prices shown below: Regular Regular Regular $8900 $2 19.50 $69.50 Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price $59.50 $149.00 $45OOý NORTIICUTT & SMITH Furniture Dealers - Funeral -Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 1 - ýA Glen Rae MI.LK Follow the advice of doctors, drink rnilk for new energy and robust health! It is nature's finesst and most coxnplete food, and a quart a day gives you more than one-third of the necessary nutri- tion for healtb building. So invest a few cents a day in this fine food. Economize and at the same time gain new vitality. Drink up and pep up with Glen Rae milk that cornes fresh every day from the best T. B. Tested herds. Fresh to you with nothing add- ed and nothing taken away. Our prioe delivered is now only