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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1933, p. 6

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PAGE mx THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd. i933 For Health MILK It's the. finest f ood for growng eidren because milk supplies the necessary minerai elements and nutrition te bulid strong boum. teeth and sturdy mius- cles. Our rmllk 15 whole MI from healthy eows living on clea tarins Try oar hlgh grade Creamnery Butter - A--& our drivers for a Pound. Dowunanville Daary MELK - CREAM - BUTTER Phone 446 or 103 The Many-PurpoSe Oi.-Both in the bouse and stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011. Use* it for cuts, bruises. burns, scalda. the pains of rheumatism and aciatica, sore throat and chest. Horses are liabie very largely to similar aliments and mishaps ma a- flilt mankind, and are equaiiy amenable to the heaiing infuence of this fine old remedy which has made thousands of flrm friends during the past fty years. Our Example pe Can Jesus really be Our exampe He ived in an orientai land nine- 'teen hundred years ago. He neyer married, and his 1f e ended in bis eariy thirties. He' lived before the days of modern newspapers, machin- ery, transportation and science. He iived before the discovery of North and South. America and he worked among people who thougbt that the eartb was fat. He owned no real estate. carried no iife insurance, and le! t no iegacy except his garments. in externais his life is far different f rom ours, but in eternai things be is aur bighest exampie. His use of lime, bis faith in God, bis love for men, bis utter devotion even tbough it meant a cross - Ibese are the ways in whicb bis exampie beipa us most. Jesus went about doing good: bis example of service is tbe bigbest we know. Jesus Was Sensational The gospel is gooct news and also lb is news. There was no self-ad- SBIJRG NN BRA&ND (ORN SYRUP QIpure, wholesome, ad economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. You'11 Have More CONFIDENCE One never' 1nows when an accident xiii occur - or' who xiii be the victim. It is not a i)arl'culalY joyous reminder, but you may, be next. Take the p)lecautiofl of providing fu oy(ursl'if and youî- fam- ily~~~ byaeu;yInsuî'ing youî' car. Ve have a paicy of the type yoîî xant at a pneie you Wl in to pay. Take out that poliiiow >x~andi\ou xiiistaî't the driving season with more confiden2ice ini yourself. WE INSURE FEVERYTHING J, J. MASON & SON Jnsraflce in ail its branches. g=No STREET PHONE 50 BOWNIANVILLE Sunday Sehool Lesson Suftday, March 26th JESUS OUR EXAMPLE IN SERViCE Golden Text: "Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good."-Acts 10:38. Devotioflal Reading: Isaiah 42:1-7. "Hwwould my Master have waiked to-day. Had he travelled where 1 have waiked? And had he been in my words to- day. HOW would my Master have talk- ed? --In ail that I think. and speak and do. Be mnodel, O Saviour. to me; As tbou art my Saviour. so heip me In gladness to pattern f rom thee." WANTED - A MAN What we lack and sorely need, For want of wbicb we bleed, and bleed. Is men of a more Godly breed- Honest men in highest places; Men w7ith single aims and faces; Men whose nabler thougbt outpaces Tbougbt of self, or power, or pelf; Men whose axes need no grinding; Men who are not aiways minding Their saut's eyes to larger things, Flrst tbeir own concerns, and binding Men of wide and godly vision: Men of quick and wise decision; Men wba sbrink not at derision: Men whase souis have wings. oh. for one such man arnong us- one among the mobs that throng us. And for sefadvancemeflt wrong us! Him we would acclaim- Hold in bighest estimation. Reverence with consecration, As the saviour o! the nation, Dower hlm with f ame. Lard. now raise us such a man- Patriot, not partisan- And complete Tby mighty plan! -John Oxenbam. vertising about the public ministry an cLUgUdUer L~ vym. e. u . lu - of Jesus but bis ministry was sen- Bowmanviile, visited at Mr. Thos. friends in the city. sational. In the past three months Tabb's on Suriday. A very instructive and tuneiy the Sunday Scboal Lesson.s have foi- Mrs. J. Bail and Mrs. W. Coch- lecture was given by Mr. W. E. iowed the story o! the life o! Jesus rafle, Leskard, Mrs. H. Mercer and Graves, Bon-manville. a tth ie mc- as given in the first six Chapters of family, Orono, recently visited their irng o! Orona Horticuitural Sýxity Marks Gospel. John the Baptist parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Virtue. Marcb l4th. proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. Miss Florence Gardiner, Oshawa, Social evening uncler auspice-s of The worshippers' in the synagogue recently visited ber parents. Mr. and Waman's Association of Park ZStrt at Capernaum were astonisbed at Mrs. B. F. Gardiner. Church. Friday. was a very grat.fy- the teacbing of Jesus. Because o! C. G,. I. T. concert which was heid ing success. bis deeds o! heaiing bis fame ofl Friday evening in the commun- spread abraad t.roughaut ail the ity hall was a decided success. The Meeting of the Young Pe>Pies region round about.Gaiilee. In Ca- pragram, which was presented by League on Monday wa. r u-cced bv pernaum 'ail the city was gathered the girls. under the able direction of Neil Rainey. It was dec:cied ,o _gtve together at tbe door.-' Crowds fol- Mrs. Floyd Dudley, was enjoyed by $10 thankLoffermg totathe church on lawe hl whe hewentawa taeveryone. The pragram consisbed of Sunciay. Gien TaznblYn gave a pian.o twed hiside for soli aytud. e ttopl te."The Scheming Six" solo, anld responded te an en.'ore: became knawn that he had returned and "Who Kissed Barbara." A spec- Miss M. cherndeaî capalywLh ta Capernaum. crowds tbronged the il featiire of the programi was aAlecorbudaretain an bouse wbere be was. A sick man rose drill wblcb was wel presented. Allen W. H.Ribeg a readmg an was let down througb the roof be- Recitatiofis by Misses Helen Trimm Mr.W .5w gv edrg cause entrance was impossible and Edna Cameron; piano music. Sam Hodge. whose deatb took tbrough tbe door. Sa great 'was the Miss Laura Davey. At the close an 1Place at Mitchell. Or,,.. spent lus crawd alang the lakeshore that he autograpb quilt was auctioned off. eariy days n e adbmet had ta teaeh f rom a boat. Wben he Proceeds $17.40.fam bLie went away with bis disciples fori_________________________________ rest and quiet. thousands foilowed' hlm. People would not leave hlm alone. Tbey were interested in the trutbs be taught; tbey were surpris- - . ed at the note of autbority in bis , ___ words; bis deeds le! t them amazed and the kindness of Jesus was alto- gether novel. His sense of God's>- presence and bis obedience ta God's a wili made him taiked about. Jesus Was Companionable I . There were limes wben Jesus wish- ed ta be alone. He experienced a THE PEREMNIAL BORDER deep salitariness of spirit. He badý purposes about which be could bake yWE.GoeBwavU counisel only wth God. Yel he B .E rvs omnil could neot do bis work alone. He The alte~ntion of readers is speciaiiy directed la the plan sub- calied disciples ta be with hlm and mibted here, because il is probably the most effective of ail the simple bis reiationship with bis disicples perennial border designs. Il is net suggested that there is anylhing gives us an exampie of campanian- incorrect in a straight l'ne. A garden o! sucb lines however becomes abieness. He taiked ta tbem f reely; monatanaus and for that reason ail garder. planners f avor bold sweeping he answered their questions; he curves such as are show'far the front ofthie border below. The in- made them feel that he was persan- formai trealment can be easly extencied te the point of having the aily inlerested in each one of them. actual curves unevenly distributed. To illustrate: The point with the His enthusiasm was contagiaurs and key number 30 could extend rnuch farther forward than the point witb his friend.ship became tbe greatest key number 9. , Variations a! this character will of course be governed experience of their lives. The Apos- by the preference o! the planter. AIl boa frequently we miss the frag- ties carried on this fine fellowship. rances in aur modemn gardens. There are fane too many sweet smeliing Followers of Christ seek ta carry out ffowers and it is a piby not ta use what there are when Possible. With hJs spirit in their personal relation- this in mnd iftee use is made of bhe hardy liles. They are not anly very shps. The Christian Church bas fragrant but they add a note of digniby ta any garder.. been a great agency a! friendshlp. Jesus said ta bis disciples that he 60W.. had cailed tbem friends: il is still \,. . .,. ' - priviiege o! foliowers af Christ ta o K ~ 6 ~ A\.J ~. ~ 3~3 ' feel that they are bis friends and w ~ ~ - - - n..~>.' ather. "...- .1 --,-esofone---- anther.te--co--re-s-fon----* - .. a Jesus Was Helpful Key Number Bobanical Name Common Name Ib is interesting ta go tbraugh the Gospels listing the people whom Jesus belped. Daubtiess there were many more than thase mentianed in the four Gospeis, but even tbese to- tal a large number. In the flrst six chapters o! Mark we read o! Jesus helping John the Baptist, bis own disciples, an irrationai man in the synagogue at Capernaum, the mabh- er o! Siman's wife, a ieper, the man wibb the palsy, a crawd by the lake- shore, the man witb the withered hand. his disciples in the storm at sea, the demanîac who lived among bhe tombs, the daughter a! Jairus, bhe waman wha touched the hem o! hi!? garment, the five thousand wbo were fed in a desert place, the count- iess number who beard hlmn around theý villages o! Galilee. Jesus found joy in heiping people. Varied cases a! need came ta him. the sick, the mentally deranged, the hungry, the fearful and Jesus was able te belp them ail. The difference in aur out- ward standards a! ie matters little if we learn bis spirit o! beip!ulness. Jesus Was Active The supreme miracle o! the life of Jesus was that in less than three years be was able to accomplisb what he did. The Golden Text gives us a dlue: "Jesus o! Nazareth went about doing good." He lived wthout baste. yet eacb moment was conserved and used to tbe utmast. His 1f e bad poise and caim. yet be worked steadily ta a purpose. He knew for what he lived and be lived for it. Carlyle said. 'The end o! Man is Action, flot a Thougbt, even thougb it were the nolest.' Jesus combined bath tbougbt and action. He was a practicai idealist. He could think the bigbest thoughts about God and he could alsa belp a sick chiid. He could set forth a giowing idea a! the kingdom o! God on earbh and he could be kind toaa poor maniac raving amid the tombs. Jesus cauld act, promptly and at the right time. Religion is often crilicized as being other-worldly, but bbe religion o! Jesus was not other- warldly. Jesus belped people where they were. Such mundane matters as food. healtlb, friendsbip concern- ecl hiin. It is flot irreverent ta bry bo live like Jestis. In bis life we see ýhe ideal a! what aur lives may be. Ch.t is aur example in service. Questioaa for Discussion i. Stale ways in whicb the Chris- hian icteal'. o! service have permeat- 'd modern life. 2. How may busines.s and politics be Christîanized? 3. In how far is tbe Church serv- ing hîîînanity? 4. In what aspects o! life was Jesuis most interested? 5. Hawv far are Service Clubs re- alizing Cbrist's example a! service? 6. Are we consciously making Jesus aur example in service? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Helianthus Multiflorus Digilalis gloxinaides Campanula persicifolia Viola Carnuta (white) Aquilegia Holly.hock (pink) Lilium Canddicum TroIlius Europeus Dianthus Caesius Achillea The Pearl Delphinium (clark blue) Lychnis Chalcedonica Anthemis Tinctaria Dianthus Plumurius (white) Geum Atrasanzuineum Chrysanthemum Maximum Liatris Spicata Lupinus Polyphyllus Penstemon Barbatus Rudbeckia Speciosa Thymus Serpylluni Lilium Henryi Aconituso Au lumnale Monarda Didyma Artemisia Abrotanuni Heuchera Sanguinea Physostegia Virginiana Ciftucifuga Racemosa Pyretbrum Roseum Dienthus Deltoides Statice Latifolla Lilium Regale Delphinium (llght blue) Botan ia Asteroiedes Peony (plnk) Phlox Decussata (white) Viola Cornuta (yellow) Coreapsis Lanceolata Helenluni Strlatum Su nflower Foxgiove Bellrower Tuited Pansy Calunibine Madonna Lily Globe Fiower Cheddar Pink Mil! ail Larkspur Maltese Cross Camomile Hardy Pink Avens Shasta Daisy Blazing Star Lupin Beard Tangue Cone!iower Thyme Hardy Lily Manskhood Bergamot. Southernwood Coral Belîs False Dregons Head Snakeroot Pet-alan Daisy Maider i Pnk Sea Lavender Regal Lily Larkspîir Starwort Fiame Flower Tufted Pansy TIckseed Sneezeweed if it's that important" For 30 cents you can telephone about 100 miles by Calling "sation- to-station" after 8.30 p.m. See list of rates mn front of directory. (Evening rates' begin at 7 -p.m.) ï,x D9ic in st&rprisi2Ély uep.siv L4ýeU M B E R LSHI NGLES oo v v c $ 0 CEMENT" Gillett's Lye dissolves clogging grease ..l.aA TUTsprinkle Gillett's Pure Flake Lye a quart of cold * water makes short work of U Jdown your drains and tailet bowls each greasy pans, tracked-up fonr and other tire- week. Use it full strength-this powerful same cleaning tasks.U cleanser cannot harm enamel or plumbing. Use GileWta Pure Flake Lye for ail your Grease and dist dissolve like magic ... germs bousehold cleaning. It saves hours of hard are killed .... adors banished. Yaur drains x-um work. Asic for it by name. your grocer's. free and clear. And Gillett's Lye in solution has rnany uses in your kcitchen. One teaspoonful dissolved i GI LL ETT'9S LYE Time was when Dave Ciendenning neyer missed a lodge meeting. But after going through the chairs be had sort of eased off. Besides, he didn't like night 'driving. So, although he had received bis no- tice for the coming meeting, he had comfortably forgorten it tilt Pete Ros'well's telephone cail impressed on hlm the important nature of the business ta be transacted. '*Ail right, Pete, l'Il be there," he answered . . . and returned home from the meeting with a feeling of dut>' weii done. A Long Distance cati often speils the difference between regret and peace of mmnd. Long Distance is quick, clear, easy ta use, and surprisingi>' inexpensive. AO W DEWA RE! el the Emnpty Coal Bmn Old Man Wîniter and his co-worker, Jack Frost, have lofle their best to empty your coal bin and the latest reports from the Weather Bun-au say there's plenty of cold days ahead. So bettet' (0 the inevitable, get in a couple tons of Lehigh Valley Anthracite to tide you over tili the balmy weather of the good old summer time is here. J. A. Holgate &~ Son BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE "i 1 TYRONE î~ORONO Received too late for last week) (Fromn The NewS. 1Marvh 1fh Young Peopie's League met on Jiis -Hildia GCilbY 113s xturncci Thursday evening as usuai. Meet- fromTo'011to ing opened with the president. Mr. M~H~ 'xul: oi rn Wili Phillips, in the chair. Af ter eeelatbrfibrsM.W.. the business and devotional exer- aeilatirfthS.'.W.J cises the 2nd vice president, Miss CNV11 Veima Bradley, took charge of tbe Mr,. Cîtorgzc Mitcrlli b spending following program: Bible reading. a week wtb bler sistcr. Mr,. Doxator Miss Mae Brent; reading. Mr. Jack at Belleville. Trimm; piano solo. Miss Helen Mrs. 1. R. Bragg and son W. J.. Trimm: a spiendid topi eon "The vLsitedç over tt weekend with ber Country, the People and the Task' parent,-. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen. was weii given by Miss Lola Rich- Congnitulations ta Master Glen ards; reading, Miss Annie Gardiner: Tamblyn on passî,nsg his Introdttct- vocal duet, Mrs. Theodore Down and Om- Piano e\xamninations with bon- Mr. Gordyn Brent; reading, Miss o rs. Glen is a pupil of Mrs. N. Coi- Alice Thompson. ville. Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, Mr. Aflan Haw. wbo bas been in spent the wýeekend with ber parents. charge at the F. F. Morris furniture Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron. show rooms during the illness of his Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. uncie. Mr. Frank Penite, bas return- Harold Burgess and Muriel, visited ed to bis home at Kendal. the former's brother, Mr. Howard Mss. J. F. Lorriman spent the Stevens, Enniskillen. weekend writh ber son. Mr. Fred Lor- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiicox, riman, in Toronto, attending a pro- Norma and Donald, Mr. Geo. Pearce fessional hockey match at the Gar- *ntiriqlelipr Tv- r. Go. orey dns .iand rlling on a mnmber of t 67 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd. 1933 PAGE OLX

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