THtIRSDAY, MARCU 3th. 1933 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILE, 'ÂGB TEN I I Warden's BanquetI B. H. S;' NewsI I The Newcastle Independent IB .Dzz rgt I ~~~~ho ~~ Conttnued f rom page 1) (YY uZ rgt capet- wever. that they may be run more Second Fom had charge of theW THURSDAY, MARCH 3th, 1933 mrs s. R. Bonathan hm ar.3 t economically, anti could be conduct- Lxýterary Society pogram in t.he_______________ ers at work convertiflg the old Dun- ed bY less men. but if this happene<l school on Friday. when the auditor- can Arnott, later the Chapple house. 1e did flot believe the Counties ium was packed with students and Miss Bessie Clark coplUd t oul wlin n îlCouncil whould then be repeseilt9- parents. Ian Bell made a hapPY hem cousins, Mm. and Mrs. Ketche- ectuiP it with modemn convefliences. tiveog te people. He believed that master of ceemoflies, and on the pWto Belleville last WedfedYMm. McKellam is in charge of the tecuclwsmkn nhns rga 5 nldd in ut and returned the flrst of tItis week.mmdil ok. effort to curtail expenses. Misses Mutton; a skit. The Radio BIRTHS Miss Doothy Rickard, accompafl Book Thes- Dates-The Newcastle pod9s;paosoo i al le b mindcame home f!rom Pa 1rswilpresent the famous Wardefl W. F. Rickard Form aperpiack Aolon; a ll; TYO -A yrnonT sire Geiph fr theweeendand e- Breach o! Promise Trial from 'Pick- Warden Rickard, in his repîy, corus bap number o! studen AYOR-tts*'"oleonTi-sa malned until a! ter the Wamden's wick Papers' at St. George's Paish spoke of his appreciation of the meiainb em atetvoi e .Tyo.aduhter EhlMîi1i baqe.Hall on Wetlnesday and Tltursday, honor accorded him. On the fist rcstolo by re Wooc lettpmoram ,-yHBRaylt o.miaii Oit, on satir- Mrs. Rex Wynn ad citrn pi 6andnd 2t. W th fr day that 1e was elected to a muni-coe w t heF rIsn.Fany, M ra ne ary H. B 9.3.toN r oai r e pO Brantfomd, and Mrs. A. D. Wheeier f urthem announicements. cipal body, he explained, he met the oaf.Marcar t E 193. t Mramion,r.i and children, Bowmianville, visiteti Ladies who accompaflied their late J. J. Uglow on the street and On Friday night B. H. S. basket- (FrakElin)îl.nerEifli.asni their parents, M. and Mms. D. J. husbantis to Bowmanville last Wed- that gentleman 'had advised him if bail team defeated St. Clements o!fgih Galbraith. nesday eveniflg to hear General Sir he wished to make a success of Toronto 24-19. The red clad hosts M. and Mrs. E. M. H. Wamd spemt Arthur Currie at the Mens Canad- municipal life to 'go straight." That gave f uli value for their win in one DEATHS weeknd i TorntOwith her ian Club were: Mesdames C. T. Bat- Wamden Rickard said had been the of the best games of the season. . ---' th h rIhlfwstheher lowwît GOEENnt ortrop.ntroi27, Lxxi father, M. McNat1ghtofl. and sis- ty, J. A. Butler, E. M. H. Ward. and guiding principle thmough his muni- bTh rtas payingatefenowsiVe 933, Margrt PoatlîaHoe, in br L ter, Miss MNaughton, the former H. R. Pearce. M. and Mrs. Russel cipal career. In his 20 yeas o! ser- gm adatrtnmntshdSt er o! whom has been quite poorly for Osbornle and Mms. F. W. Bowen were vice he pointed out that he had only gae adalrle intshdSt eRy_ some ime.also peetfom No. 9 Section. been in 3 elections. and had e- elapsed, only 1 Point had been McM U RTrY.At Prrytowm,' on Stin- E preseadnt ceha asu-scored. Hick o! the visitors, sinking îIp- '%Mareli 26tii. I 933 Sainiel Francis E Mr.PryHrDrcoadcived acclamtinsatotherth aî otteony oueho o.teini bis SIril csme timd e. atTusa hnDrn httm ehdawy e LEASK-At lanîl Farni, Taunton. Mm. H wamd Peare hahasc- M s. Pe "NanyYAHare, Dî eco. a d mn g h t i e e hathw y e b i n t eo l u h to h ceigosfwod beeoss t usdRY hen hatofNnYAnaBoI' ceived the very best of co-opemation game. Prom then unlil the end o! ont., on Saturiay. Marrch 2ath, 1933, eighbutsawithrofoss clgsws elp-Folks" includirlg the humorist. Hu- rnshecuiladtevlagof the hall, play speeded up, the lead Jarnmis Leisk. agii 84 years. ed c t um e ! a l g fr m bert O sborne, w hose nam e w as ac- , rK R off and around Indian Point întoidentally omtted f rom the wite-fiials.aleat ErchLAKEh-Im 9:3,lathmon. on Sul'-yi stove wood. ~~ ~~up of the play as presented in New - S e k n f t tm e w hen e t, t e odie A dam s for B .H .S. on lo e wi!e 'o M r. F n(Il ( i,'sa .~ M.ArhrA isnadfml first became a member of the vil a nice combination play and Honey- b-r 66th year. h av iu .Gboiad ml ate e given a gopdsmecepionofteor lage counicil. he stated that the rate man scomed two quick baskets, the MCAUH I t,-red lotorstiii maegi.N up posessirmon 0fthe 4for- ing nw tthle lasIWeni a ll, ev as 47 milîs. and despite the doub- second on a long shot that put the 1933, E-leanor McLaugblii. wio'wo! the AI line o! Clarke and moved south to Canton, on Friday evening. eaingof the county ate and the gen- home team in the ead, which was lt, hioivrt '\catigiiiii, aged 93 years. th omrHugh Gibson f armI on Mr. Fred Tmeleaven, Toronto, 15 tres increase in municipal expendi- short lived as Field netted two __________ the fommlie hc ercnl u-hvn i onr os tNw ue thoughout the country. the against one by Adams that gave the thae 3due hc eetypr havie-ng h count rhe at H. S miii ate in th1e village had only in- Toronto club a 9-8 lead at hall f cnied s.creased one miii in 1932. time. AUCTION SALES ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, April 2: rto ti ekadM1.Te believe. Warden Rickard added, In the last period St. Clements c - J. il a. m.-Morning Worship andleenistigdondrn te that I epresent two of the flnest broke f ast, Brickell scoring 6 points Thurdy, March 30th-A sale ofI - Quartemly Commlunion Service; 2.30 process. Fred who lis a printer on counties in Ontario, and I feel that and Stevenson 2 whiie B.H.S. were fammn stock and impiements will beI p. m.-Sunday Schooi; 7 p. m.-Ev- the Toronto Globe also runs down in- responsibility that is mine. It is up marking lime, but f rom theni on th1e held on the f arm o! Mm. SafSn - ening Service; both momfing and dasoMro!hs. dtytier drng 11ee everyone o! us to join in to do home Iwo stalwarts had much the den, 112 miles west of BoWmanvi>e, evening services in the church audi-da.M.Cs.Rgrnader our best to elieve the present situ- better o! the play which was getting onte iha' ae tiP. M..1 torium.from releiaveon. isansforbtheOm ation. The warden cannot do it, nom rather rough as each team battled Temmns cash. Elmer Wîlbur, auc-- tMissMrm thaisndatethm e ubueauiiaio.ln frt can the counicil. unlesthey receive for al they were worth. Tex Rick- tioneer. M ssatry fCmhl i amedhesumierth1e hearty co-operation o! ail. ard brought loy to 1the crowd when I vist with hem aunt, Mrs. Mebourne He referred brie! ly to the differ- he scometi two nice shots interspers- o! Chester, Penn. She appears to be UIYCASSRE E ence o! opinion at 1the lime o! the ed with one by Hooper. Dunc Wil- dy pi -m yi vr cmltl etrdi elhand NIY LASER STA election of th1e Warden, but pointed liams then gave B.H.S. th1e lead seMon Lot 28, Con. 10. arilg-er cometelandmeoedlein he athe- out that afler 1the election was over which they neyer relinquished with ton Bureton)ot ail, o!10 Dingfa- parength and aelessa he m Te GrlsgUntyCias anthdU- every member got together and gave 4 points ciosely foilowed with scores sokicu ihorses, cattie. sheep. parentchs dail hereihbomlesead ited Çhurch S. S., Newcastle, were hm asolut co-opeation in 1the by Honey and Adams. St. Clemen toccldn scholchave ar mretharpeaeomhotesenata haiin la neat-tak efoea he.t e. ik 11e re- ad IhirlaI bd ora inaBrckdog, SadlSae I .3 midst againh.lss rors1em teprv ad herlstbd o pxn B o k m. Terms cash. Elmer W ilbur. 10 s h a v e h m h m n d i h iard Y a t mon . T e c a s o m s i u p a k e r, w a s o !1th e o p in io n th a t sc o r i ig b u t i l w a s a Il in v a in a s aP . i n e r were verpettily decorated whCouity oucils cannot be abolish- Honeyrtnhco e elast basket o! actoner Sto, . eom e'sch.urch-Rev. F. H masses o! flowems; windows and ed, and that they play an import- 1the game 10 give B.H.S. the decision, Mand, FfhMiýa., in Rec:tor. m.ight fixtumes having shades of pink ant part in the affairs o!f111e prov- 24-19, Ihus revemsing last years trdApiSh- efo1W 2MndFilthSFrayr ndLet: l aniystt white crpepa er, 11ePtble ince, a dloser and more intimate oulcome, which was won by 1the ing articles will be sold on the farmn mning 2 rayer and HySChom-ditiYst ihwht isn m part. than 1the Provincial govern- Toonto club 31-27. o! Mm. W. T. Symons, Lot 13, Con. 4, 7 P.streigPryr Cid eamems and silver table appoint- ment could ever Play. He knew the Honeyman anti Field were 1the D.triingtofl Corn scuffler (team), p. m-servierIngtherayr. hld- ments. Mrs. N. L. Rickamd. teacher Counlies sPent a lot o! money, but high scorers o! iheir respective wagon. mowem (McCormick), steel 4en's seviesdayn te prl hadaIf1the class, and Miss Dunreath 11e beiievd that good value was e- teams each ganering 8 points.rie.dsdil(go)diiic week-night lenten service aI 7.30 uet. rcosdenttweicoe d 11 ceiveti for this money. We have 110 Adams and Bickeil were the run- harrow. Renlrew scales. wagon box, Fiday evening. gussgaiul I11 o n iles o!fProvincial highway, for ners-up with 6 points. emery whel eeln arw.du Miss Helen Lycet.t, treasumer, offic- which the Counispi 0 !11 ieup omnieFradbe hes, lsearg ator an d u- appaing ii' Wifthed Re is111eiated as cashier. Miss Vera Ruther- cost, and we have 61 miles o! County CLmner and BanlCeFr Ric-s, oher ,sarticles. aed.30p.m. cppedyaalitleo!1the thme acford and Mms. Austin Turner provid- pavement for which the Provincial ard; Guands, Inram an Mckeen Ther ah.icle Waleu1.30aucm.- comdYdxmao! heSunYSouth ed music aI 11e piano, while 11e e- govemnrnent conîributen50%. Il AltemnatescWiliams, Honeyman, loneer to be presented in 11e commumity mainder o!f11e girls served 1the gtakresmnet conhavegod roa111, but Atras,llvile, Hopera, ine13-2w hall on Fmlday evening, April 7th, dit uceo !jlywihwi-i as 11eypophae orasedbforAdamon. under the auspices o!11e W. A. o! anylnho fjlywt hp twstepopewoakdfrSeo.Aln ovle op the United Chuch. Curtain xrises aI ped cream, bread aùàd butter, cake them. Il wouid be a mistake. 1e said, St CmelFo ars Hck 8.15. Admission 35c and 25c, Dir- and coffee. As the objet o! 11e ea te let 1the oas become impassable nt. C en le-r rcwGards, ik ector, Mrs. Perey Brown. Interlude was mainly 10 aise funds for char- again, and that is 1the reason that Fievedson;emntees, Ciemî, Public specaltesmusic, elocution anti1 itable purposes' the girls wee nat- $92000 had been spent on oas lastBi kelFid;AtrP b cM e in scatie dnig Ti il eteually gaified ai11e excellent aI- year, but Ibis was reduced by Ingram and Euls. o en ea ic n in g. This wiltbe 1e tendance and interest taken in the $50000 this yeam in an honest at- o Don't miss i. affar temýPt to economize. A total o!f IA>wer Livestock Freight Bowmnanville Despte cod, itin eat wnd,$575000 hati been spent by the renet nt f t evilg tat 11e eon. ff airrovin ialIH orticultural Society 11eHME AND) SCHOOL CLUB'S United Counle n rvn iHigh- Effective from Mamch 20, the Can- wi ehl meentso!lk, 1enviagme, tormieat R T EPATYways, 1e said. adian Pacific and Canadian Nation- wl ehl men olkund f ammou i e formlsHR TM AT Wamden Rickamd expiained the ai Railways permit ouîbound ship- TH RD Y AP L6 aroud tunedouI n geat uin controllbie and ncontronable e ments o! llVeStock f rom Toronto 1 CUCI RO baeaters fo Mm.W.A.eid's"auctin tagereut weme oernonags nsoe penditures o!f1the Counties Coun- travel at 1the lower rates, and Imini- CUCLR sleark 1eFrrwfr. ie, on îagstbut teme wee nonein ve. cil, showing that there hadti 1 mum canlot quantities. which now 8 o'ciock sharp. lre, on SurDaY ltemon. asMa . vet gowns aI 1the No. 9 Home and be co-operation between 1the Cotia- appiy on inbourîd shlpments. This Address by W. E. Grovefi Elmner, WiptutheDaringln asauc Schooi Club's Mach party at 11e cil and th1e Govermnent if any is 11e announcement o!f111e United tioeeandkeptdthe crowks n.good home o!f1the secreîary, Mms. F. W. economies weme to be elfected. Farmers' Co-operative Company. prn ointeGrd" ReirnB di ng), was kreen. Mm. e Bowen. This was a trulY hard limes We aillhave a part 10 play, 11e Ail shipments ip theaGaweeny theid. RBiLoinformfrly omed ucin h ui onretdo saiti in conclusion, andi if we ail do- cents per cwt. rate are affected. Demnonstration of Pruning 11e CR . Lo gvinu f armin for aom t11e depression, t1e cards were worn operate we will have a belter doufl- The eduction means acnsdabeAH.Fehr-Ros yers I lvngu fari~ oraand soiled. 111e eats substantial but tyi hc olv.Ihv noeisvn 0fres cryngstoc A S Bke -Shub more profitable pursuit. plain. The party itsell was a con- 111e nwicipal ie nIan njound-ackong trfomrsfinising sokA .Fece oe Mr. and Mms. J. H. Jose celebrat- temncpllfadi non-bc onr o iihn.A .Bkr-Srb ed t1e tenth annivers9.ry o! their cession 10 11e ladies o! No. 9, who ing that I amn dropping out, I wanl The Farmers' Co-operative. and Chaimman: CapI. C. W. E. Meath hdserveti on committees aItebgyut nwtat Ife the lie11 nal ameig Bad Eeynecrilyivtd wedding on Tuesday, March 2lst, by dance and party in Orono and who has benowell spI entin evie theOn tarioged areutin eard in J. H. Jobnstol ivSemt. a chicken dinner in the evening to had thus very litle opportunit Yo Iha n yo efolyor n idervce. ant 111eyare eutineryi which they invited a few o! their dancing or playing themselves. Bthîassum you ior wili cnfibenetraye the.J H ontnScea neighbors who in turn heamtily con- at this UitIle party conflnedt 1t1heIasuey iwl ntbbtred gatulateti themo on the atlainiment residents o!f11e section 1the fun was The Toast List_______________________________ o! their lin wedding day. The oi ail Iheirs. In addition 10 11e prizes Tetatls a ut egh houe o 11e hlIwlt il inerel-for the games there were prizes for and while many o!f111e speakers ing collection o! elics o!f1the pion- the best, or womse, hard lime cost- saiti much that was well worth e- eer days carefully presemved in one umes. The judges were W. H. Gib- peatillg, space forbitis us giving any Izetiing wit ar rton with letils awarded fimt and second honors for The Toast 10 1the Parliaments o! runnling ader on taPqils edtrath mens oulfits 10 Russel Osborne and Canada was very abiy and humor- BOWMANVILLE 1lo.gIganiisfuyeuppdbt Bert Moore, and first and second ousiy proposed by Harry R. Pearce, MN UE.-WD for ladies frocks 10 Mm. Eti. Dean Scretaryo!f1the Board o! Education, TUS R.-ST Lie 11 Ofod mopMr. .and Mrs. Barchamd. an epnded 10 by Fred J. McAr- MA H30 3-ARL APL3-4-5 Bown believes in and practises hr P.P. for Northumuberand, MRH3 3 PI sharig. A er 1e recent horticult- tFred WM Bow n, M >. f r3Du ha5 ural flower show she first on Satur-1 TWELV TOUHT ad W. J.B agg. MP. for Dur- day arranged a lovey basket of hem FOR OU N!) ME amd .J.Bag . frD -a prize winning ffowers .on the mem- hm oial table. piaced for the purpose. In a !ew weli choseni words, Ex- in 1the public library. Then wilh 1. A good citizen is 11e who un- Reeve Joseph Coulson propoged t11e more o! hem flowers she decorated selflshiy serves the commullity in toast 10 1the Counlies Council, anti 111 aiar ! S. eome'sChuch orwhich 11e lives; who keeps ils laws Reeve Perey Stinson o! Miilbmook, the udayofSteore'sThunrlyfo and obeys ils regulations. Reeve Geo. F. Annis o! Darlingtn. Monday momnillg she sent several 2. A gooti citizen is 11e who makes anti Reeve C. H. Curtis o! Percy bouquets 10 1the school 10 bighten bis contributions as best 1e can 10 Township respondeti. up 11e ias roms ntidelght th e progress o!f111e communiîy in Ex-Reeve H. S. Britton proposedl eye o techrs nt puil. Ale which 1e seeks happiness for him- the toast to "Municipal Allairs" ail this she silil had one nice litîle self and family. andti his was responded 10. on be- bioom to1 adomn hem own cottage. 3. A gooti citizen is 1e who seeks haif o! the village counicil by Coun- Mr, Burton KetchepOanti.brde. 1 keep abreast o!f1the limeS, by sup- cliors J. Cibson, O. A. Parker, antid fommmlyMis Majome Boat o!portlng such rmaonabie expenditures F. Branton; on behall of 111e Board Beilvile, alld o he reativs, ! mneYas illbenfite whole o! Education by I. S. Thoms, ils andhro!th eiMr. !Mm O-evtenceo 11ef.nmquliis ha ar- Dtie. haranre Hr-brn nt m.Boe panet rewotwîîue -- bon hnr Te l.Agodritznish r h hiP admssHtieMsnM.antid brthday party in their hnrhhy 1. ot ien 15 11te o he Pil. and M ls.H.S haîlie Mas- n. S alMm.r adplh el took Howamd anti wife along !om Who really wLitzen from thehea. a Bn'iM.-,H. S. Gho. Mrs. H. SU4llr n alhBUm thi eiec ntefr fhsta vr te .RgrM.H .Bnta.ln T c4 blrth anti vislted 'Frank on his famm prosperous New Yeam. P. Rers, M. H.C. Boath an. SEOD A IF in the- Providence section, anti spenî 12. A gooti citizen is 11e or she ied oReeo ComX1cilttr dd a SCN ADWF'T a lesfl evening wilh carda, music Who makes an honest contribution comnpr isao!nd1 CounelîlFox Neds antirfeasien h ltepryo! unselfisti andi loyal sacrifice te their wvsath1e village clerk, oid FxNw ati efa esrfect scre 111 Pr te townVs ativancemnent anti uplift. M. H. c. Bonathan andi wile. usiness ietr IB DnetoY LEGAL .G.V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Money to joan on Farm and Town Wanted prpry oa Bank Building, POSITION WANTED)-îOong girl de--_______ rs position as mnotler'S helper or llghtW.E.SR E îseaork, in or near P>owvmanvile. W .SRK risN . DrW.rB.Bowmanville. Barrister, Solicitor, Not.arY 13-1W* solicitor for Bank of Montreai 'osi-rioN WANrED.,Nt-at appearlflg Money to, Loan. Phone 91 >k-waitr.55 accuStomed to tourlst and Bowmaflville, Ontario. veistrai.. , woulid like position ith localI or country hotel. Write D.1V, trawer B, B3owmrafviIie. 12-2 W. F. WABD, B.A. Artices Fo SaleBarrister, Solicitor, NotarY ArtilesFor aleMoney to Loan. Bonds for Sale. ~ORSAL-GO'I ixe hy a ~SOO ffies Bleakley Blockt, King Street-. a diîerd.S.Chas. Allun, R. R. 4,1 Bowanvfle ntro.s wmnil.Pline 136r12. 13-t Phone Office 0Hue 409. BABY BUGGY FOR SALE - Baby's îgiish pramn, good condition, reason- L. C. MASON, B. A. 1,, ,,))ig19Ontario strect, Mrs.-Soitr laile 13-1 Barrnster-Soitr Ngotary Public - Etc. Go.cART FOR SALE-A cream, wicker Law in ail its branches. ocart, in goodocofl(iti0fl. Apply to ofc meitl ato O& rs . M WieO, Libertv St, Bow- Ofc meitl ato oa a n v in ,l e - : ,21 .-1w T h e a tre . SEEDDRIL FR SAE -Masey- Phones: Office 688; Home 553. arris, eieven-hoe dise drill, usedi one ason, good as new. wiII sdlI cheap. ;xî,1y tu T. W ý. Cawker, BowmanvilIc > DENTAL Live Stock For Sale DR. J. C. DEVITT FOR SALE - GoodGiferal Purposi' Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Iors,, r1uit, work single or douhdi W. rReynolds, R. I 1, liampton.Phn Graduate of RoyalDetlCl96 67r12 11-1w' Toronto' office: jury Jubilee Bldg- - - BowITanville. office hours 9 a. m. Seed For Sale to 6 p. m. daily except Sunda. Phonle 90. *House phone 283. FOR SALE-ReC(llover Seed(. APply X-Ray Eciuipment in Office. . L.Metealfe. R. R. 2. Bowmanville. ______________________ 1,hon, Ir5. 1.3-1i- POTATOES - (',rtified se,1)ool.ýY, AUCTIONEER Ir' Il ('obher and Early Ohio. Arthur ____________________________ \%alkïir, R. RL. 3, Port Ilope. 13-1- l e W l u SEED GRAIN - Quantity of LEngllshEl rWTbu two-rowed Seed Barley, also quantity of Auctioneer iirvlBann,r Seed GaLa. Sidney J. Oshawa Trewin, EnnisliIien. Pione 239r5. 12-1' Farm, Sales a SPecialty, also FOR SA LE-Hlome growa Go%*ernment Furniture trrad., No. 1 1932 Sw,ýeet ('lover Seed, ger- 'rernis moderate. 5-«l ininationi 97%.sed deIivered; also Vic- tory Oats, germination 98%. 1avesc-_ urcîl cuantity of Timnothy, AiUafaand Rel Clover, Governiflent Grade No. 1, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ..hjeh 1 can seil at reasonable lirices. NV. J1. Leask. phone 163rl3 Oshawa' 1.-4w- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, anY d"Y Poultry and Eggs F. F. MORRIS CO. PEKIN DUcKS (Pardee Strain) Set- Amodaem Motor EqupmCar ting Eggs. 50c doz. Ring Newcastle Amuac an InaiCr (C'larke) 2511A. 11-3' Call Phone 10 or 34. Assistant, 573 FOR SALE-Hatching eggs from blooci BOWMANVILLE tested bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. S.___________________ Ilockaîiay, Hlamp)ton. Phone 2-3gr3. il & 13, Repairs ilozen. Price $3.50 per 100. A. J. Tam- blyn, Onono, on e o! Ontario's Breeding Stations for Barreul Rocks. 1-3 To Let FOR RENT--40 acre fari on Scugog Road, one mile north of HamTpton. AP- piy to Phione 305r4. 13-1 HOUSE TO RIENT - On corner Kding and Ontario Sts., elictric hight and wat- er. Apply to A. A. Colwill, Newcastle. HiOUSE TO RENT - 6-roond brick. newly deomted;- Liberty Street; low rent; possession at once. Phone 889. 9-tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Carlisle Ave., moiiern comvemiencos, possession St r,iice. Nis. 1) Browni. 13 Carlisle Ave.. I i Oi~ îîa x Ili..13-2' FOR RENT-Sev'm noomed apartment, centrally locatced,'bot water heated, el- ectric stove, fireplace, bath, hamdwoad floors, garage, garden. Apply ta Mrs. A. Tait, Box 159, Bowmauiville. Phone 388. 12-tf FARM FOR RENT-140 acres. Lot 16, ('on. 3, Township of Darlingtan. about 100 workable; good buildings; lots of water; about 40 acres seedexi; about 30 acres ploughed: iminediate possession. Apiuiy ho W. L .Law, 71 Albeirt St., Osh- awa, Ontario, or Ivan M. Lzaw, R. R. 2. Whitby. 12-3' For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - M.%cArtiur 111)05" on Concession St., solld brick, 12 roomns. t acre, ilovers, shrubs, trees. ani fruits:; also soliî brick 6 room hbouse on ('iiirch street, ½h-acre garuien. Ap- 1Ii', tuo owner. A.Il. Moori, Box 92, lln\ nin~ lii'13-1' Seed Cleaning The Boys' 'l'ralning School are agair prepared La do Seed Cleaning for the farmers of the comtnunity. Bring ln your seed grain at an early date. Grain 5ic per bushel; Claver and Grass Seeds, l5Ic per bushel. 8-6w NOTICE NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERe -W. Middleton, harness maker hlas la cated behlnd Alldreads Blacksmlt1 Sbo where he ts prepared ta do al km Liso! harnesa making and rpia Custom Hatching î:ustom hatcblmg by eiectric equip i I.VWe can assure you as gooi re sui1ts as , îone. Strong iieaithy chick frnm aIl eggs iiatciiahie. Personai ser vice. Brimg your eggs and let us hate tiiem fornyou. (a1iacity 700 per wee lir. le. W. Sisson, Liberty Street, Bow iuanville Phone 399. 11-1 .9eatieii tetîxers will be receivedi by the unilersigneil up to ,îoonî o! Aprii 2nd, 1933, for the !oilowlmg vacanît landa8 to rent owned by the mliiaillty: i1) the las4tu re landi aîjoinîng the t)isiosxîl 11antm; (2) approximittely 2%4 acres iîe- lv, e-n I uk o and L iberty SLs. * descrihuil as Iliock 26, lots 3 4 5. 6. 7, 8, and iook 29. hlts 12,'Z' î4.) Lo6c' tor any Liienot nii'easariiy acc.nîtedi. A. J. LYLE, Clark and Troamurer. %%rit Poat Omfce 1Box 12, or caîl Mm., w.' Mro ram, King Street F'ast. 130w- nmanilile. Phone 478. RADIOTRON TUBES 25% OFF 201 A B C - .75 171- .90 224 - $1.50 227- .95 235 - $1.50 280 $ 1.00 245 - $1.05 0111cr tubes at same dfiscount. Order from T. BARTON Phone 517 - Bownmfvllle Good workmanship and material. Reasonable prices. Sîlver Street, Bowm*nflI 46-4 Upholstering UPHOLsTrERING - On ail kiixdmOf furniture. Ail work guarante& Ba- pies. Estimates free. J. A Fry S0u- gog Street, Bowmanville. Phofle &LÀ: S-Uf-1 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTrATE 0F MARY MULLIGAN, OECEASEO Ail persons having claimai against 016 Estate Of Mary Muiligan, late Of the Township of Clarke, in the County of 1)urham., Widow, deceissed, who died orn or about the 4th day of Decemnber, 1933, are hereby notified to send in te the undersigfled, Solicîtors for the ExeCU- tors, on or before the lst day of M&Y, 193, full particulars of their ciaizus. Immýediateiy after the said first day 0f May, 1933, the assets of the sald de- ceased wilI be distribUted amorngft the parties entitledothereto, having regard only to claims of which the Execut<U shall then have notice. DATED at Pe terhorough thi.s 2ilth day of March. A. D. 1931. HALL, HALL & STEVENSON4, 116 Humter Street, Peterborough, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 1- rl- SPIECIAL LOW PARES for nLASTER "Return f ares between a"y two points in Canada at regular one-way f are and a ,s quarte. h Golug Dates ýi from April 13th to l6th jf Return Limit midxiight, Tuesday. April lBth, 1983. Information and fares f rom yen local agent. ks Canadian Pacilic RATES FOR Classified A dvertisements 1 Cent A Word CASH EACH INSERTION (Minimum Charge 25c) 25e extra if not pald by Saturday following the firat insertion: also 10e extra when replies are ad- dressed to The Statesman Office. ix -e- ÎÎI