With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 79 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 3Oth, 1933 NUMBER 1 Durham Liberals ta Organize for Coming Election J. J. Duffus, Peterboro, Pre- sided at WeII Attended Meeting Here Friday - Hon. Nelson Parliament, Liberal Organizer, Prin- cipal Speaker The Cauncil RoJn in the Town Hall was well filled wlLh Durham County Liberals on Frldiay after- noan, March 24tb, wben the Central Ontario Liberal Association held its monthly meeting there. J. J. Dufi us, President., o! Peterboro, presided and discussed organization plans for coming electians. Mr. Duffus not only expressed the same thought as others, that a Pro- vincial election was in the off ing and would probablY be held in the fal. but also SUggested that a Fed- eral electian this year was not un- ikely. Mr. Mackenzie King bas urged every constituency ta appoint their candidate naw and bu prepar- ed for whatever may bappen. Hon. Nelson Parliament, Provin- cial Liberal Organizer, was anc o! ,the main speakers, and in bis ad- idress he stated that radical speakers were travelling up and down this province elling how tbe depressian came about but offering nothlng as a means o! avercoming the situa- tion. He flt sure that the Liberal party, if given the cbance, could salve the problems con! ronting the province at this time, ta the benefit a! the whole country and not for their party or the few. Just as Pros- perlty followed the Liberal vlctarles o! 1921, ha fet sure that prospcrity would follow a Liberal vlctory at this time. Mr. Parliament sympath- ized wth Premier Bennett in bis task, but castlgated hlm for bis fail- ure to keep electian promises. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., re!errcd ta the budget brougbt dawn during the week and stated tbat unless an ec- onomy government soan came inta power the wbale province wouid bu In a financial mess. MEr. Colin Campbell. candidate i Addlngton County at next Provin- cial election, spoke brlefly and fore- saw a battle In a very short time. After the budget we bave had brought down tbis week, be said, the Llberals stand a very good chance ta win. Mitcbell Hepburn bas been labellcd a Terrible Liar by bis Tory opponents because o! the statement that tbe provincial dcbt stood at 550 millions a! dollars, wblle the budget showed this noV only ta bu (Cantlnued an page 9> CARD 0F THANKS Mr. John Stacey publlcly wlsbes ta, tender his sîncere thanks ta Mrs. Smyth andthe nurses o! the Bow- manville Hospital for their many klndnesscs, also ta others for the beautiful flawers, etc., whlch were appreclated very mucb. Durham County Musical Festival Officers Announce Lower Rating for Caà Ontario Shore Gas Comp- any Issues Welcome Newe to Cas Consuiners in Bow. manville - Substantial *Savings Will Be Effected Annauncement is made on pagt four o! reduced rates for gas, by tbo Ontario Shore Gas .Company whicl means an average savmng t.o Baw- manville users o! over 9 %. 'mis re- ductian does not came as the resu]t a! tbe promise made by the comp- any for reduced rates when con- sumption reached a certain paint, but rather as a measure in keep.ng wlth the times. The neW rates be- corne effective an April lst, and Lbe first and perhaps the most import- ant stipulation is that there wýill be no Service Charge. 'me new rates are given as 75c far 300 cubic feet; $1.50 per t.hous- and for 1700 cubic feet; and any used iexcess o! 2000 cubic !eet will be cbarged at $1.05 per thous- and. The minimum bill will bu 75c. Anather important item is that of bouse heating rates, for. which the charge has been reduced ta 60c per thousand cublc feet. mhe minimum bill foar the hcat'lng season would be $125-00 wbich would mean qulte a llgbt expense If that sum taok care O! the entire beating o! a home. The announcenuent states that bills will bu rendered at one cent per lrundred câblc feet in excess of these rates, but tbis amount wiU be deducted if payxnent la made within ten days. 'me Ontario Shore Gas Company 'n this offer make a woràjxwhlle bl< for business in Bowmanvllle, anc their record of the past, and the money they have spent in Bowman- ville in the laylng o! mains makes theni worthy o! far more support !rom the Public than they have re- celved in the past. Citizens con- templating making use a! gas for heatlng or cooklng sbould cail and sce the Company officiaIs-and learr just how ecozomically and efficient. lY this fuel may bu. Si ncere Simple Faith oF OxFord Group Outlined at Final Meeting oF Forum Members of T. P. Loblaw'sà Toronto Oxford Croup Tell Wonderful Story of Spiritual Changes Effect- ed Through Croup Con- tact& The auditorium o! Trlnity Uni- Lad Church radiated wth a new seliglous atmosphere at thc final meeting o! the Men's Forum on Sunday afternoon, when memîbems of the Toronto Oxford Group Mave- ment autllned tie experiences wbich bad brought joy inta their lives vlth the knowlcdge that their every action vas accompllsbed vitb the gudance o! the Alnulghty. 'me speakers were nilmbers of T. P. Loblaw's Toronto group, and not a! the original Oxford Group !rom England whlch vlslted Toronto rec- ently and whlcb craated such a wonderful impression in that clLy. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastar a! Triity Churcb, gava a brie! blatary o! the mavement vbich bas sa pro- foundly af<ected Lbousands of people thsougbout the warld. li- cludlng aniong iLs numbers manyl millionalses. Mr. Armstrong, itro- ducing Mr. Fred Moore, Presîdant a! the Benjamin Moore Paint Com- pany, whose beart vas touched with Uic message o! the Oxford Group and wha la now one o! its greatest enthusiasts. In an outline o! bis life. ha told o! bis cburch connec- tions and thc lack o! deptb that had prevallcd pravious Vo bis meeting vltih the Oxford Group. He thought that there vas toa much lnsincerlty In the churcb, and that too much stress vas laid on the form o! wor- ship, sather than an the personal hahaviour o! the members. "Toc ofLan," ha sald, "We are critical o! the singlng, the sermon, or soma- thlng cisc Ithe cburch, wbll Uic reah trouble la wlth ourselves."1 The belle! o! the Oxfford Group, WARDEN HONORED Reeve W. F. Rlckard o! Newcastle. Wardan o! the Unted Counties o! Northumberland and Durham, who vas accarded a mast enthusiastlc receptian at the ban- queL in bis honor at Newcastle Corn- munlty Hall on Tuesday night. ha axplainad, was that people wbilc tbay prayed slncerely did nat spend a faw minutes in an andea- vous ta hear what message God had for ham, to guide theqn on their vay. Four outstanding principles comprised the Oxford Group. halle! comprisad the Oxford Giroup belle!, namaly, absolute honesty, absolute purlty, absolute unselflshnaac and absolute love. Clasely ablding hy these principles wthout a doubt would brlng a bttermnent of con- ditions. (Continucd on Mae 4) S j- he ch lit it, g1 e- be CII AV-Imm" M PREPARING FOR THE 1933 FESTIVAL AT PORT HOPE Above are shown the officiais o! the Durham County Music Festival Association who are now busily planning for the 1933 Festival to be held in Port Hope about the second week in May. The pictures show: Top row, left to right-E. P. Bradt, Bowmanvllle, Vice Ptesident; M. H. Staples o! Orono, President; E. A. Summers. County Agricultural Re- presentative and Secretary-Treasurer o! the Festival; D. L. Somerville, Principal o! Port Hope Public Schools, Chairman o! the Halls and Tic- kets Coninttee. Below, Ieft---J. T. George. Port Hope, Chairman o! the Syllabus Committee; rght-Donald H. Wilson, Editor o! the Port Hope Guide, Chairman o! the Publicity Committee. W.P. Corbett Elected President a If le Enthmusiastic Meel a DURHAM REGIMENT re OFFICERS HELD it ANNUAL DINNER Df )e Han. Vincent Massey Gave Ilnterest- iIngin Aildress an the Stua-Japanese Situation- Officers Attend Ly !rom Bewmanvllle Id_____ Id Le mTh officers o! the Durham Regi. i-ment beld their annual dinner ai ýsCraigieburn Inn, Port Hope, on Sat- rt urday evening, March 25th, wlth about thirty-!ivc in attendance. t-Brigadier W. B. Anderson, CMd.G., >r.S.O., Off icer Cammanding Mili. Id tary District Na. 3, Kingston, was n present for the occasion. Hon. Vin. >cent Massey, Honorary Colonel of the rcgiment, was the speaker of the evenlng and gave an interesting address on the League o! Nations and the Sino-Japanese situatian. An'.ong the guests for the cvening were Col. R. J. 0111, officer com- manding the Hastings and Prince Edward Reginient, Major Frits, sec- ond in command o! the Northum- berland Regiment andi Caipt. Ai- strong o! the Frontenac Regiment. 'mose attending f rom Bowman- ville were Lieut. Col. W. J. Hoar V-D., Major Rav. C. R. Spencer, V.D., Major G. C. Bonnycastle. V.D., Major E. S. Fýerguson, Major A. H. Bounsail, Lieut Selby Spencer. CAPT. C. W. E. MEATH ELECTED PRESIEDENT 0F BOWLING CLUB Secretary I. G. Hefkey Reports Succeseful Year In 1932 Capt. C. W. E. Meath was clccted Presidant o! the Bowmanvllc Lawn Bowling Club at iLs annual meeting Friday, March 24th. Ratlrlng Pres- ident M. G. V. Gould prealdad for the meeting and Sec.-TrYeas. I. G. Hefkey presenteci the -annual re- Ports showing a verY successful year in 1932. Durlng the year flve tour- naments, 4 bal! day and anc full day, were held with large attend- ances from autside clubs. 'me fin- ances o! the club were also reportad in goad condition. Other officers ei- ected were Vice-President, D. A. Mc- Cullougb; Sec.-Treas., I. G. Hafkey. The Club la vcry anxlousLa i- crease Its mcmbership in 1933 andi cordially invites anyone who wouîd care ta Join Vhcm. Lawn bowling la becomlng lncreaslngly popular, and wbile In the past iV bas often been consldcred a game for middle aged and eldcrly men IL bas become vcry noticeable that In many o! the clubs a large percentage o! the member- ship la COMPOscd o! Young men. In facL li Newcastle the ladies bave a club wblcb bas been very succesaful. The privilegea extended La members a! the club arc many and varicd and Mar outweigh the simail annual subscriPtion ta the club. Mr. Ne!- key wlll bu glad ta answer any en- quiries o! persans desiring ta ba- came members. Ives' Shoe Store off crs ladies' pumnps and tic shoes as 10w as $1.98. WIY send Out Of VoWn for footwcar? ting of Business Men Make Survey. fsjr Farmers' Market - B.B.M.A. to R C on ti n ue Sponsoring Sport and Will Again Be Hosts at Community Pic- nic At a well attendcd. meeting a! Uic Bawmanville Business Mcn's Assoc- Liation in the Balmoral Hotel on Manday night, W. P. Corbett was helected president a! the organisation efor the ensuing year. A strong body o! supportlng afficers werc el- ected as follows: Vice Presldent-C. ýT. Ross; Secretary-L. C. Mason; ITreasurer-M. S. Dale; Directors- .Past President T. A. Dustan, T. W. « Cawker, Harry Aluin. W. E. Groves, gW. J. Bagnell, Frank Williams and 1. The above officers were suggested gin the report a! Uic Nominating -Comnuittee appointed the wack prev- l ous and the report was unanimous- -ly adopted. Healthy Discussion 'mare was a bealtby discussion on subJacts o! vital intereat ta Uic busl- nese men, and the members, by act- iva participation in thasa discussions sbawed that despite the theary o! some that the Association was f ast losing gsound, the organization was very much alive and that the com- ing year would sac aven more ac- campllshed than in the past. Gwin.g Vo the difficulty o! getting a nlght on wbich the majarlty o! members could attend the meetings, a general rcview o! probable nigbts vas made with the result that the 2nd Tuesday a! each month was sel- ected as the ragular meeting nlgbt jin the future. Wednesday Closlng Considerle tdiscussion suirround- ed he ubjcto! Wednesday a!tr noan Halt Holiday and numarous menibers spoke on tha subject. 'me Pros and cons were very !ulîy gone Into and at the close o! Uic discus- sion a vote was taken and the de- cision ta remain cîased on Wednes- day aftcrnoons witb exception a! Dacember was carried. This wlll nat affect those wbo already kacp open Wcdnesday a! ternoons. The subjeet a! the annual fac vas also brought befare the meeting and IL vas decided ta let IL remain at $1.00 par year. Organlaed Sport In an andeavaur Vo furthar pro- mate spart In the town a suggestion1 was put !orward that an arganiza- ion ha started La operate athletlcs in the ta-wn, lncluding sof thaîl, bard ball, girls' softball, football and hockey. Frank Williams, wbo bas always bean actlvaly coninected wlth sport, suggestad that thara ware now toc many organizations and that an organization ta disorganise some o! thcm might ha wortbwblle. Ha be- lleved bawaver that It was o! ut- most importance that spart bu en- couragad and polnted to Uic adver- tlslng that Newmarket la nov geL- Vlng througb ILs champion hockey teanu. Lots o! sport bringa country (Continued on page '7) Donations Made at Hospital Tea Hospital Greatly Benefits by Generous Donations in Produce, Merchandise, and Money Contributed at 2Othi Birthday Party 'me Twentlcth Anniversary of the opening o! Bowmanville Hospi- tal was the occasion for a blrthday party being held li thc Nurses Resi- dence on March 23rd. 'me party was a great success and thc Hospital benefltted by the generous dona- tions o! money, provisions, linen, subscriptions ta, magazines, wheel chair, etc., given by friends o! the Hospital, who year by year show their interest in this way. 'me rooms were beautifully decorated with sprlng flowers sent from Kings- way Nurseries, and afternoon Les, was served hy the members o! the Women's Auxiliary. Among thc guests were: Miss Hutchinson. Mrs. W. Caverly, Mrs. Flaxman, Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Mrs. Crompton, Mrs. G. K. Brown, Miss E. Weckes, Mrs. F. WiUijains, mrs. Ross Strike, Mr. and Mrm. G. W. James, Mrs. J. H. HM Jury, Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs. Werry, Mrs. Wrenn, Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. E. Hoar, Mrs F. Pattinson, Mrs. C. Murdoif . Mrs. Crawford, Mms. Harry Faster, Mrs. H. D. Wightman, Mrs. R. SVutt, mrs. Jabez Bragg, Mrs. H. W. Burk, Rev. Geo MaonMrs. E. M. Strike, Mrs. W.H. Blrks, Mrs. Graves, Mrm. C. W. Sicinon. Mrs. A. S. Kerr, Mrs. Waddington. Miss Bragg, Mrs. Gco. E. Chase, Mrs. W. Dudley, Mrs, H. Cole. Mrs. W. C. Washington, Mms. F. W. Goddard. Mm. V. H. Starey, Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mrs. D. Davis, Mrs. L. W. Dippell, Mrs. D. Marrison, Mrs. M. H. Minore, Mrs. W. J. Found, Mss. J. O'Neill, Mrs. Jno. Spencer, Miss Eva Hdllyar, Mrs. A. R. Virgin. Mrs. F. O. Mcflvcen, Mrs. W. A. Shane, Mms. M. Fisette, Mrs. E. S. Senkler, Mrs. F. J. Manning, Mm. C. D. Searle, Mrs. E. R. Boun- sall, Mrs. A. J. Wbalcn, Mrs. A. WiI- lanus, Mms. Oco. Weekes, Miss Treb- llcock, Mm. J. C. Hancock, Miss Raynes, Mms. C. A. Cawker, Mm. E. S. Fargusan, Mms. F. Knax, Miss Bleakley, Mrs. W. F. Ward, Miss Fia Rlckard, Mm. F. A. Butler. The president and members of Uic Auxllasy extend ta the donors their gratitude for glfts recelved and for the intarest taken In this wark for the HospiVal. MAYOR 0F ST. LOUIS SAYS IT WITH FLOWERS Mayor James Recelves Handeome Bas;ket of Flowers From Flower Show City Mayor Ueo. W. James was pre- sented witb a bandsome basket o! flowers on the steps o! thc Town Hall'on Tuesday a!ternoon, by Mr. W. E. Grave, local meniber o! uic Florist Telcgraph Dcllvery Associa- tion. The flowers were the glft o! Victor J. Miller, Mayor o! St. Louis, Mo.. where the International Flower Show is now in progress, whlci. demonstrsted "~The Spirit o! St. Louis"~ for whicb that clty bas ba- came famous. To mayors i pract- ically ahl towns and cities whcre there are F. T. D. representatives Is presented these bouquets annually durlng ffowcr show week. Last year Mayor J!ames recelved a bouquet f rom the Mayor of Hart!ford, Conn., wherc Uic show was bcld. ALVacb- ed ta the basket o! flowers was the fallowing card: "Upon thîs occasion, the openlng in aur city o! the 14th International Flower Show, It is wltb pleasure that I cxtend the goadwlll o! tbe people of St. Louis to your clty by saying iL with flowems by wlre the P". T. D. Mcrcury way. 'mis flower token la made possible Lhrough the world wlde organisation o! bonded inembers of the Florlats' Tclegrapb Dcllvery Association. Victor J. Mill- er, Mayor o! St. Louis." The F. T. D. Week la strikingly marked by a speclal dlaplay lI thc windows o! the Klngsway Plower The Statasman mailing lista have been corrected ta March 25th. Look at the yellow label and ac If your subscription la paid up. Do It nov if you're ln arrear. Newcastle Honors Warden Rickard at Largely Attended Banquet and Dance in Community Hall Tuesciay Newcastle Reeve Accorcled UNDE]EESTnIME Great Ovation by Citizen& It as been rawn ta our Throughout the Counties attention that we underestlm-- Warden Lauded for ated the axnount pald li sal- aries to Northumberlandoun-I Valuable Service to Com- ty appointees holding United' Counties offices in our article Munity concerning tis matter last week. We find that -the Il Rallying ta the invitation of a Northumberland officiais are special commlttee, Newcastle' citi- paid over $22,000 <flot $17,000 zens tu5fled- out in large numbers on as stated last week) in salaries Tuesday night to honor Its Reeve, as campared with the 5 Dur- and Warden of the United Countes ham appointees wbose total O! Northumbeland and Durham, salaries amount ta $3500. n W. Frank Rickard. Well represent, should, perhaps in fairness ta ed in the gathering, too, were -mem- the situation. be painted out bers o! the United Caunties council that aIl five o! the Durham including seVeral ex-wardens and appointees, the governor, mat- many Private citizens who came ta ran and turnkey o! the gaol. honor the man whose untlring et- and the superintendent and forts n behal! o! lus own munici- matron o! the house of refuge, pallty had been rewarded wlth thc in addition ta their salaries, highest honor lin the gift af the receive their board and food. 56000 people comprsing, these Un- 'mis hawever does not alter ited Counties. the fact that in whatever ang- The banquet hall in the basement le you consider this situation o! the Canununity Hall was taste- Durhamn County is certainly fully deCorated, the motif belng red flot getting a square deal. and white. The red flowers, the red candies, andi red apples contrasted sharPly with the snowy whiteness o! the table linexi. Even the pro- grmIs were red and white and INTERESTING MEETING OF were very artistically deslgned. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 80 large was the attendance that SCHEULEDFOR OND I several dld flot get seats at the tab- SCHEULEDFORMONDY Iles and many had to walt a consid- erable time w'blle their meal was W. E. Groves ta Deiver Address- belng prepared. When this necoe8_ A. H. Fletcher and A. S. Baker sary but delightful function wa. to Deonstrte Prning comrPleted, Dr. J. A. Butler, an ex- ta Dmontrae I>~uniig Reeve a! Newcastle, taok aver bis duties as Toastmaster, but flot be- 'me Horticultural Society is cer- fore ex-Mayor T. S. Holgatâe o! Bow- tainly making a rmal effort ta be of! manville had led the gatherjng in a service ta Its members and ta gar- few of the good aid time sangs. den owners in the community. Its Dr. Butler spake o! Warden pRlck- meeting held quite recently was f un ard's service ta the village of New- o! interest and practical value. An- castle and of the stepping Stones a« ather meeting advertlsed for mhurs- bis success. IL Was lcftt bwever ta day, April 6Lh, promises to bu even bis f riend and neilbar, a.nd bis more belpful for the subJect.set for Predecessor, Ex-Reeve A. A. ColwM discussion is "Sprng Work in the ta Propose the mOst imuportant toast Garden." a! the evenlng, "«To the Warden.", Now hat he brds re hre, It was 110 amall honor ta be War- Now that herybcrose ae ere, dyden O! the United Counties. 1Er. wping isonve r clos er Vlty eColwll POlnted out, for they couer- whlove saabugardenlng. veryto bed in area anl the countryscîe from wa h los a garde n la dv sdaybenear thc outakirts of Oshawa an the ait f oncil room n mursdoay wcst ta Trenton on the east and ntrfrt.h.E. re wlll bu much ta ~nearlY as far forth as Llndsoay 'ud trac. W E.Groes s V gie aPeterboro. Reeve Rlckard bas given short talk an the subject a! spring the best of bis life ta bis nat," work. A. H. Fletcher anld A. S. villageb otnes h hec. Baker are to demonstrate te fie n' e honr Mm? IV hyfla a as art of prunlng roses and sbrubs. task ta bc a reeve, and Mr. Rlck- There wi be ample apportunlty for ard's lengtibY service lI this respect asking questions anda a very Infor- had Provldcd hlm wlLh a tremcnd- mative meeting should resuit. ous amount of bard wark. speak- Capt. C. W. E. Meath wlll bu In ing o! County Caunicils, MEr. OoîWl charge o! the meeting which Is open sald that he dld flot bellceu they ta everyone wbether soclety mcm- should bu aballshcd. He a4knltted, bers or not. (Contlnued oni page 10) Return ta SpiFit of the Pioneer Days Aclvised by Gen. Sir Arthmur Currie J. J. Duffus o! Peterlboro, wbo as president o! uic Central Ontario Liberal Association, presided at a meeting ta discuss or- ganisation i the Town Hall in Boy- manville on Friday. LORD'S DAY ALIJANCE TO MARE CANVASS The Lord'a Day Alliance of Can- ada vil bu maklng a canvass of this community for funds Vo carry on ILs work wliin the next !cv days. The Alliance is !acing a sariaus situa- ion ab the present ima f rom a fln- anclal atandipaint. An appeal bas rccently been muade ta the !oundlng churches o! tha organisation. These churches reportedi back ta the Ex- ecutive o! the Alliance that for the protection o! the Lord's Day i Can- ada the Lord's Day Alliance must carry on andi an appeal . bas hean made tbrough the varlous denomý Inational organs requestlng Uic co- oparation o! ail churchas and Sab- bath lovers at this Ime. Conse- qucntly cach la urged ta do bis or bar hast andi make vhatever contri- bution possible. Rev. George Nicklc, one of thc Alliance's effIcient caxivasacrs, will cali an You sbortîy and the Alliance urgS pleaae do your hast." Complete Text of Sir Arthur Currie's Magnificent Ap- peal at Canadian Club to Return to Simple Life and Faith of Ancestors Rather than miss any part of Gencral Sir Arthur Currle'a brillilant addrcss at the Men's Canadian Club Ladies' Night on March 22nd, a ful report was beld over f romn last week and this report wbicb la worthy of careful Vbaught and study, la prInt- cd below. Mr. Chairman. OId Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen- IL lsaIaways a pleasure ta me Vo apeak ta a Canadian Club, and It la a particular pleasure to flnd myseJf i Bowmanvllc, ihose Canadian Club la directed by sucb an cld frlcnd as Colonel McLaughln. I like Canadian Clubs, Sir Arthur sald. 'mey vase founded on solid. wortbwhilc principles and thcy bave reniaicd stead!ast In thair adher- caca to these principles. As the name imiplies, if IV means anytblng at all, qnd IL cloas, Canadian Clubs bcnd their efforts and their services to brlng about a greater understand- ing and harmony among the varlous parts a! Canada, a wlder knowledge a! wbat <oes on hi the worîd, and wbat Canada's relatlonshlp ta these warld probîcins must bu. You have no place base for party Politlcs. You are o! ail parties and o! ail creeds, You are descendants of many natIonalitles; the places of your blrth are far flung, your ac- cents differ, but you arealal Canad- lana by origin or by adoption, bound tagethar by a comxnon Ideal for the makig o! a greater, a better and a bappler Canada. Purpose Of Canadian Club IV la thc purpose and the functian o! clubs like youm ta ake fraquent stock o! circuma tances and condi- tions, aur pragress or aur retrogre. Sion, noV only I Canada but in thc Empire and in thc world. We «et here, or should geV hase, an ex- change of views and opinions, a llght on affairs and problems. But I arn noV golng ta Indulge li oui- (Cantinucd on page a