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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1933, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATMSA, BOWMANVILLE, 'ÈHURSDAY, MARCH 301h, 1933 Nurse Loses 7 lbs. 'II weighed 145 lbs." writes a nurse, "when I bought the botle of Kruschen Saits which I bave just flnlshed. I have taken a gùod hal! - teaspoonful i a glass o! hot water every morning. Now I weigh 138 lbs., a loss of 7 lbs. I arn very glad 10 have lost weigbt, especiaily with- out troubie."-M. HI. R. (Trained Nurse). Unlike most saîts, Kruscben isn't simply a laxative. When you take Kruschen Saîts you not only, stim- ulate your liver and kidneys 10 f un- ction naturally and perfectly, but you supply every internai organ, gland, nerve and fibre In the body witb Nature's own revilalizing and rejuvenating minerais. Get a botle of Kruschen SaIs 10- day, and take one-haif a teaspoon in a glass o! bel water every morn- ing before breakfast. Before the boltle is empty youIll feel years younger-eyes will bright- en--stop grow sprighllier - nerves sleadier-you'll sleep sound, enjoy your meals, and after a hard day's work you'Ul be ready for wholesome recreation-one million wornen ai- ready know ail tItis. OFF COLOUR ? HOW IS YOUR LIlVER ? Wake Up youf Iàver Bile -Without Calomel Yor ierea 'ymallorgan, butiter orçans out of kilter. by refuinç to pour out ita d,]y two pounde of iquid bile to your bowela o.u wstcopeel orc eea condition by takîng sair, o,elm'ineraI wter, laxtive cany or chcwing umor rou~hg.We byv moved yurboql hayrethrough-and you need a liver etimulant. r Crt'-r's Lttie Iàver Pille will aoon bring back the sunalune lto your life. They're purely e- table. Safe. Sure. Ask for themx by nua.mer. f substituiez. 25o et a&l druggste ta Sfimple Remedy SFor Bad Stomiach Gives Swift Reief No Ned of Strong Medicinea or Diet. Safe and Simple Recipe Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition If You are a victim o f stomach Trouble-Gas, Sourness, Pain or Bloatng-you rnay have qulck and certain relief by followlng this aim ple advlce. Don't take strong medicines, artl- ficial cigestants or pull down your sYstemn with starvatlo'n d1ets. For wlthlntreason most folks may ent what they like If they will keep their stomnach free from souring acids that hîndér or paralyze the work of digestion. And the best an d easiest va to do th]îi;l.e t follow .every meal with a teaspoonful of Bî1surated Magnegia -a pl,.,ant. harmîes. Inexpensive ~prescri tîon that promnptly neutral- .lze a acîd ty and keeps your stomnach ewet and lean. A week st rial of Bisurated Mfag- nesia whIch ary good drugglst can supply, should quickly convinre you that 90 per cen t. of ordînarv stomach distress le absolutely unnecessary. Be cure to get Bieurated Magnesîs. W EAKWO0MENf Take Lydia E. Pinkham'@ Vegetable Compound MBaFOU Voer fet ibat you w. etoc Wak te doaMYthng .. . tat You did §M have th etrenith to do your wok? WOmeu w 0 are weak and run-down ébould take a tonlç suds am Lydiae.e Vikha'a Veetable Compound. lHend- fthie and backahee that are te rasiS e a tired, run-down condition oft. Yield tu thla enarveloua medldune. 99 Out of everY 1H0 women who report te cuseMY thst theY are benefted by tIis medicine. Buy a bottle trom your drui- W«t tY. . . and watch the resuite. HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES Wrtten for The Statesman By Jessie Alen Bron Reading in Bed Having read in bed from the time I learned to read and from that time on, hearing people condemn it -wlth no affect, I rnay add-it is pleasant to at least have it sanct- ioned by authoritative opinions. Two or three tirnes lately I have noticed emmnent doctors recornrending read- ng in bed, partlcularly for those ini- clined to sleeplessness. rIt is easy t0 understand why it 1 was thought injurlous in the days of coal-oili amps, or even electrlcity f rom a light 1h the centre of the roorn. But with proper bedights which rnost everyone has these days, I can see nothing wrong wth it. As we look back over our childhood there are aiways thlngs whlch stand out wth grateful remembrance. I can stili hear my respected parenti saymng, 'if you wlll read hI bed and1 ruin your eyes you had btter have a decent light." $0 they bought a green shaded light that hung on the bed. It was no beauty but it was a treasure. As a matter o!f fact that sarne shade is stiil in use. It was a pioneer in bed lights.f Choosing bed-tlme reading 13 a matter of sorne moment. Exciting5 books or tales so interestmng that one1 must keep on reading to fInd dut what happens next, should be lef tE down stairs. Books of travel. biog-t raphy and essays are the type to be1 selected. Sorne of the old bookst which rnay be picked up again and1 acquaintance renewed as with an old frienc13 are to be recornrended.i Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, andi Anthony Trollope are well-worn with1 frequent reading. Emerson's Essays1 is another favorite. This year I dis- covered our own Peter McArthur. Yeas ago I used to read him occas- ionally i the Globe, but I had neyer road his books. I have enjoyed them very rnuch and would heartlly re- comxnend t4iat "Ini Pastures Green"1 be in every rural library. Reading fiction 13 a recreation i which we should ail Indulge, but our reading should not be confined to It.1 Reading in bed gives us a pleasant opportunity to pursue our non-fict- ion read.lng. Canned Tomatoes When this period of the year ar- rives we begin to get tired of the wmnter vegetables and long for a change. It is advlsabie to use more canned vegetables to give variety to the diet. Canned tomatoes are a very valuable food not only for the variety they give, but also for their high food value. By old-fashloned1 standards, whlcb, judged food value1 by the number of calories a f ood contained, tomatoes would rate low, but by modern standards wbere a f ood is valued for its minerals and vitamins as well as for calories, to- matoes are high. Tomatoes contai aIl three vitamins, A, B, and C. They are one of the few foods wbicb can relain the4r vitamin C wben cooked. There are many simple ways of using tomaloes and yet every woman does not use even the simplest ways. It is hard for me to realize it but i the last short while, 1 have served tomatoos in three of the comnionest ways to people who have neyer had them served in that manner beforet. One guest had neyer bad tomalo uice. Another had neyer had scai- oped tomaloes and the other had ovrhad them served cold just as .hey corne ouI o! the can except for easoning. This iast is a great f av- orite witb us. The chief secret is 10 have the tomaloes thorougbly cbill- ed. A No. 21,4- can (the large one) takes about ý,2 teaspoon saIt and a tablespoon o! sugar to season It and others may be added as desired. Somotirnes it requires more sait, de- pending on the tomatoes and the tastes of the f amly. If the tomat- oes are to be eaten chillid. I like to add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice, preferably the lemon, and a dash of popper of course.- If a cock- tail 13 bo be eaten for breakfast, I prof or 10 serve it seasoned oniy wlth the sait and sugar, but if il 13 f or dlnner lemon julce, or falling that, a drop or two o! vinogar 13 a wel- corne addition. To scailop tomatoes, add f rom 1/2 10 1 cup of dried crumbs, depending ,on the taste o! the famlly, using the larger amount if tbey like a tbick mixture. Part o! the cruinbs may be reserved, and mixed witb moited 20 'YEARS' SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY Bowinanvilie Hospital Whlch last week marked its 201h birthday, as home for the care of the slck. For two decades tbis popular institution has servedi the communily well and it was the gif t of Mr. J. W. Alexander to the town. The story of the birthd-ay celebriation wIli be f ound elsewbere in this issue. butter and sprinkled on top. Bake for a hall hour in a modrate nven. I"ira AeLemeÀêI%%Iisse Tomatoos corne lu cans o! several sizes from the No. 1 can, whicb holds Just a cup, bo the large one cotaniga quart. Tbe small ones Pro vide M eans 1 are very convenieut wben you wls 10 use just a 11111e tornato. The1 ~ T syD set large one is my favorite as I use th olbtyD set tomalces iu 80 many ways. I may liftI out the more solid parts 10 be As an addition 10 Jessie Allen scalloped or eaten cold, and use thHisfoeooodesw remaiing juice as a cocktail or t rw' it o oeoisw add 10 soup. Somo o! il msy go in- publlsh a few suggestions on serv- 10 a slew or arouud a pot roast, or ing baked apples whicb we cllpped possibly added to spaghetti and from Aun Adams, column ihie cheese. Albhough we mucb prof or Mail & Empire a few weeks ago. Iu canned tomiato soup 10 plain tonqa- reading over Ibis list o! recipes wo toos when usod wtb spagh,,etti or think Miss Adams bas made a very macaroni. grave overslght i not suggesling Babies should bave tomato Juice that Devonshire creani, or what or orange juice eacb day from the some cail scald cream, be liberally lime they are tbree weeks until the spread over the baked apples. We à.ge o! lwo aI loast and pre!orably know f rom experieuce Ibis adds very longer. As tbey gel older îî is not mucb te the enioymenl o! Ibis de- quite se Important as tbey gel a lectable dessert whetber il be wltb greater variety o! foods whicb will baked apples, apple sauce or apple supply vilamin C. Tomatoos are a pie. valuable and sultable food for child- The immeasurable value of our ren and adults, so see tbat your Canadian apples, particularly Dur- famiY ge plety o then.bam County growu apples, J3e1o! of Corlygl ln t !tem.ton overlookod. For the most part, Coru FttOrSwe do not really pause t0o sîluxale To 1 pint o! cern add 1 beaten IL We take Ibis Incomparable fruit egg and enough roiled biscuit of ours for grantod-until we bap- crumbs te bold the mixture togetber. Peu 10 visit Great Britai, for in- Slir in %h leaspoon baking powder stance, and see the bigb regard i and season witb sait and pepPer. whicb Canadian apples are held-or Fry by spoonfulis. These may be we have some other experieuce Ibat cooked in deep fat or i the frying brings borne 10 us sornetbing o! tbe pan. These spring days, tbey give arnazing resources we have in Ibis a needed f illip 10 the meat course. single aimost year-rouud fruit. Take baked apples, alono. Wben you serve tbem, la the result a per- fect one? and de you seud more jýM ç than one type of baked apples to your table? Perbapa il wifl surprise you 10 note ai these variations du Ibis oe excellent dessert-snd the group we offer our Table Talkors Ibis moru- NEATN ERVCE F~ing cud net be sald 10 exhaust THE CANADIAN MEDICAL bkdape osbîtoa ASSOCIATION AND LSFE -.- - * INSURANCE COMPANIESJ Baked ApplesIl IN CANADA Wîpo, core sud score sour Cana- HEALTH IN THE COUNTRY 'dian-growu apples; place tbem I an agate baking disb sud i each "Gel eut intoIbe countrY" is ad- centre witb sugar and 1 leaspoon vice that is I requently given to, city lemon juice or sugar and cinuamon dwellers wbo are not enJoying good (use 1 teaspoon cinuamon 10 1 cup bealtb. There is a popular idea that sugar); ailow 1/2 cup o! water for 6 bealtb is 10 be found in country air apples anid pour Il around, not over and country f ood. them. Bake until the apples are Those who live in the country are so! t, from 20 10 40 minutes, basting geneallyo! Ie opnio thlby every 10 minutes; place tbem lu a are living uuder heaithier conditions dihnsuod tpour Ibele ove tem than those who makes Ibeir homes orWbeutld in or may bedrve wi in the larger centres o! population,.rwlotpan rwipdcem The facts o! the case are found to Baked Apples IL. be the reverse o! Ibe popular idea. Pare sud core good uniforni Can- The, explanation for Ibis 18 10 ho adian-grown apples. - Put into a feund i the measures the cities and bakiug pan, fIll the centre o! each towus have laken to protect Ibeir apple wilh sugar sud add a bit o! residouls against disease. They bave butter ou the top. Add euough wat- taken advantage o! each new dis- or 10 cover the bottom o! the pan. covery, sud they bave secured for Cinuamon or uutmeg may be tbemselves, amoug other lbings, sprlnk.ied ou the top if deslred. saf e water sud sale milk supplies. Bake i a bot oven until sof t; baste Milk or wator may become cou- very o! len with tbe julce in the pan. tamiatod with disease germe and <' Bae Apples MI. spread disoase. Il makes no diff er- Pae ndcr rtCndi- once whetber such centamlnatod gonapeM aiiswt as milk or water is used ln the cîîy orgrw apesf1cvteswbri- in tbe country; il will cause dis- mns, citron, sugar sud lemon pool. ease Juat as readly lu one place as Place in a baking dlsb sud pour lu heothr.over tbem 1/2 cup o! water. DusI inuheoder.1 rvu isae ilswith grauulated sugar. Bako in a do de as mereuienthda te, ir ilkslow oven until tender. Sprinkle woicbscamos rom ar a h l hewltb sof t bread crurnbs sud sugar. country, ho pasteurlzed te make it wBakeatnin uesngsucev. o safe. If the unpasleurized rnilk is wl ra rpdigsue not saie for use lu the clty, il is Baked Apples wth Oatmeal Jequaily daugerous te, use unpasleur- Core Canadian-grewn appies; fil lzed mllk lu the country. the space f rom wbich the coro was Wator supplies lu the cilles are laken witb cold cooked osîmeal. usually filtered or chlorinated, or Stand the appls i a baklng disb, bolh, lu order le mako Ihem sale. sprikle wlth sugar and add one- The wator from the well I the bal! cup water. Bake i a moderato country 13 seldom oxamied to see oven unlil sof t. Serve witb crearn if it la safe. Too often il is sald or usiug a 11111e more osîmeai for gar- thought that il must ho ail rigbl ulsb. because itle1 clear sud cold sud ho- Pa.ned Baked Apples cause il bas beeu used for sucb a Core sud cul Canadisu-grewn ap- long lime wilbouî 111 effecîs. lsiteghs.Ptaayrna The reports o! cases sud deaths bkp ies hib ,lgs. Pue it taae- !rorn those diseases Ihat are coni-baugdsprnewibwotb- mouly spread by waler sud nil spoons o! sugar, add another layer now show a bigher rate for the o plsadcniu ni h country Iban for tbo clby. This dish ls f ull. Add to eacb quart of condition willi continue until Ibose applos 1 cup o! water; cover the who live ithe country corne te re- disb sud bako lu a qulck oven until alize tbal Il 13 uecessary for thelr so! t. The ski, whicb 13 leIt ou, own protection te secure safe water gives a fiue fiaver. Serve bot in the sud ure mc.dlsh inwbch tbey were baked. This anrpsud llk soud sedIsvery fiee wben served wilh the !reely by everyeue, but iu glvlng moal course aI dinuer. sucb advice, Il is presumed thal the Baked Sweet Apple@ waler sud milk are sale. Obviously Wlpe sud core elgbb sweet Cana- no eue would recommeud their use dian-grown apples. Put lu baking unloss sure o! thoîr purity. Because dish sud fil cavilles wibb sugar, al- tbey sbouîd ho used, itlei essontiai iowing 1-3 cup. Add 2-3 cup o! boll- that a sale supply be always avaîl- ig water sud cover; bake for tbree able. There ls ne reason wby every heurs lu a slow aven, basting fre- country home sbeuld net bave sale queubly, and adding more wator If water and sale mllk. ueeessary. Questions couceruig HeaIbb, ad- Appls 9ked with Almondu dressod t thie Canadian Medîcal Core sud pare six or eighî tari Association, 184 College Street, T or- Canadiau-growu appies: lot iuim r onto, willi ho answered personaily by 1111 bonder i a syrup made by bel. leIter.____________Ing .i1cup of sugar sud i cup of S - wator for tbree minutes. Turu Sp. Doiug auy lujury puts you below ples olten le avoid breaking, If de- yens enemy; revengig eue makos sired, a litle lemen juice may be van but even with hlm: lorgiving It added te the syrup. Set the appa sesyou above hlm.-Franklln. - l uaaepnaapesii e LIF'S STEWARDSHIP If I have strengtb, I owe the service o! the strong; If melody I have, I owe the worid a song. If I can stand when an around my post are f alllng, If I can run wilh speed wben needy hearts are calling, And if my torch can llgbt the dark o! any night, Then, I must pay the deb' I owe witb living light. If beaven's grace has dowored me *itb some rare gif t: If I can 1iftI some ioad no other's strength can lift: If I. can beal some wound no other band can heal; if some great truth the speaking skies 10 me revoal, Then, I must go, a broken and a wounded tbing, If to a wounded world my gifts no bealig bring. For any gift God gives 10 me I can- not pay; Gifts are most mine when I most give tbem anl away. God's gifts are like his fiowers, wbich show their rigbt to stay By giving ail their fragrance and their bloom away; Riches are not hi gold or land, es- tates or marts, The only wealth wortb having is found in human bearts. -Author Unknown. BLIND INSTITUTE CARRIES FORWARD SPLENDID WORK Institute Seeks Where Possible t. Obviate Biudness by Detection and Correction Burden of Idleness In the words o! Helen KCeller "The heaviest burden of the blid is not blindness, but ldleness." Mr. M's eyoslght was failig from cataract. He was lu dospair, as bis farm was bis living, and be had been well fit- ted f or that kind o! 11f e, but could not beave bis f arm and afford treat- ment required. Tbrough the Can- adian National Institute for the Blind, he was brougbt into town, and arrangements were made wilh the oculist and bospital for opera- lion and after care. Some eye com- plication arose af ter the oporation, and a special nurse had to be pro- vidod over a long period. Altogetb- or there were many bundreds o! dol- lars expended. The operation bow- ever proved a declded success, and bssgtwas reslored in a large measure. He is now back on the farm, Joyfully carrylng on bis work as formerly, and writiug enthusiast- icaily that be bas been pitching ay as be used 10, do, and growig every- tbing that a garden cau grow, lu addition 10 expressing bis grateful thanks to tbe doctor and the Insti- tute for having been tbe means o! bis rogaiued slgbt. The prevenlion work of tbe Canadian National In- stitute la oflen expensive, but what aller ail are a few well spent dol- lars as against flfty years or more o! blidness and tbe consequeut de- pression of spirit? The Institute seeks wberever pos- sible 10 obviate blindness by urgiug tbat oye trouble be detected aud corrected ln lime. Iilustrated lect- ures are given aI normal sehools, summer achools, and 10 borne and scbool clubs and other womeu's or- ganizations on the care o! the eyes, sbowig tbe type of play accidents whlcb are accountabie for so many eye tragedies, bow to be on the look- out for signs suggestive o! eye- sîrain, and proper lighting for eye protection. almouds which bave been blancbed and spiI In balves. Dredge wlth powdered sugar and brown lu tbe oven. Serve hot witb Jelly or wbip- ped cream and the cold syrup lu wbicb the apples were cooked. Daked Apples, Creole Style Cook cored Canadian-grown aP- ples i a litIle water and lemon juice. Place i a dish and MI1 cen- Ires wltb JeUy or marmalade. Add 1/ cup o! sugar 10 tbe liquld, boil and pour over the apples. On tbe top of eacb apple place a meringue. Put the apples lu a moderato oven for 8 or 10 minutes. Serve cold. àrlmw o Enjoy This Fine, Qualuty "Fresh from the Gardon._______ I EDWARDSBURS ERDWYN DRANO. ~7~lRSa U LMTD MNRA DOT GETO RUoNDOWNl TAKEhig] v yvr 1a7 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN -we amp «ing, for a imiSd tifm oni,the offer of aBrisishmade, 13"alumlnum cooking spooafiorhberetuc of oaly 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter StresMonuss -I PAM IVE 0 > ÏÎ Straws with an April Air ,A whole group of smnart new straws has arrived-- dashlng models that are made to go wlth frocks and coats. YouIU find them awfully chic t. wear now and on through the Summer. Some are amail - some are wide-brlmmed - smre bave pert feathers or bits of flowers - and othmr are manulshly plain. And aU. are marvelous values ait $2.95. Walker Stores MILLINERY BEWARE!O OR the Eunpty Coal Dia Old Man Winter and his co-worker, Jack Frost, have done their best to empty your coal bin and the latest reports from the Weather Bureau say there's plenty of cold days ahead. So better do the inevitable, get in a couple tons of Lehigb Valley Anthracite to tide you over tili the balmy weather of the good old summer time is h ere. J. A. Rolgate & Soi »Un»LDERS' SUPPLMS PHONE 153 BOWMANV IE 0I L

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