FAU POUR'R !NDTNSAEMN OWAVLE HPDA'MV4. ~ I ENFIELD Mr. P. Mason, Oshawa, visited Mr. Geo. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Master Ewart Leaslc, Taunton, were recent guests of Mr. Frank Gilbert, Seeding is backward in this local- ity this spring. A very few are through. The mai ority have only got nicely started. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scully and child- ren, Jack and Edith Scully, Mount Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Or- miston and Mary Julia, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mis. G. Bray, Mis. W. Avery, and Miss Allie Avery, Rag- lan, visted at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. SALEM Miss Ella Collacott Toronto, was a weekend visitor at home. Mrs. Element, Taunton, is visit- ing her brother and attended ser- vice on Sunday. Pastor Rev. A. M. Wootton's fine sermon at the Sunday service was based on the text relative Vo God's peculiai people. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle and familY, Toronto, and Mis. W. Peters, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mis. Ed. Doidge. Mr. and Mis. Perey Cann were Sunday vistors with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. H. E. Rundle who also entertained Mr. Rundle's sister and husband, Mi. and Mis. Pickle of Courtice. Her Salem fîiends were sorry te leain o! the misfoîtune of Miss S. Symens. a former Salem resident, who sustained a bad fail whch ne- cessitated the docto's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. On Friday evening, April 28th Tyrone Young Pepple, under the direction of Rev. A. M. Wootton. presented their three act comedy play, "Cyclone Sally," was very humorous throughout and brought loud applause f rom the audience. Each character was ably portrayed by the respective members of the cast and provided an evenmng of much merriment. Miss M. Honey gave fine piano instrumentais be- tween acts. Refîreshments were served and a social hall hour en- jeyed at the close. Y.P.L. meeting Wednesday even- ing. April 26th, o>pened with the President in the chair and conduc- ting the opening exercises, after which the Social Vice, Mr. R. Coombes. took charge o! the pro- gram. A number o! Bible questions, dealing with the topic were asked by the leader and, Bible quetations were îead by ciiffeent members o! the audience, a topical îeading was aise given by the leader, followed by the special feature o! the pro- giam, namely, a very fine address on the subject of Wars by the Rev. J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen. Mr. Whyte aiso delighted his hearers with a couple of solos, playing his own accompaniment on the guitar. Messis L. Coombes and C. Collacott also favoured with a fine violin duet with Miss M. Collacott as accom- panist. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benedictien, a! ter a hearty vote o! thanks had been tendered to Mr. Whyte. Attendance 31. I COURTICE Mi. and Mis. Jack Hicks. Toron- te, are visiting at Mr. L. J. Short's. Mr. Jas. Knight, Brooklin. visited Mr. and Mis. W. R. Courtice last week. Mi. Marshall Seules, Toronto, spent a day f ishing down this way, recently. Mis. Otis Worden Toronto, was a week-end visiter of Mi. and Mis. F. W. Rundle. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Hicks, To- rento, weîe recent visiters of Mis. L. J. Short. Mis. Loine McNamaîa, Bu!!faie, is with her mother, Mis. L. J. Short, whe is quite ill. Miss Maude Squires Toronto, was guest of Mi. and Mis. W. R. Cour- ice on Saturday. Mi. and Mis. Jesse Arnot, Miss Beinice and Master Jack, Maxwell's, visited Mis. Ainet's mether, Mis. Jane Osborne. on Sunday. The services on Sunday were very well attended. Sunday School ses- sion in the afteinoon was in charge o! the assistant Superintendent, Mi. Neinian Dewn. The play," Nancy Anna Brewns Folks,' given in oui chuîch en Tuesday evening of last week by Newcastle Young People under the direction of Mis. Percy Haie, was well îeceived. Proceeds $25. The musical entertain.meffi put on in oui Chuîch Fiiday evening by Miss Orchard and No. 3, No. 4, Maple Grove and Ceurtice Schools, ..Fresh. . Pure.. MILK Fiîst on the list e! essential health -building foods for growing youngsteis should be M IL K! Let them have plenty o! it with their cci- cals aV biakfast time. And drink as much as they want at meal time and between meals ! - Make sure theugh, that kt la Bowmanvilllc Dairy Mllk from a herd fully accredlted. We'il deliver that klnd te your door B3owmanvllle Daiory CRNC- EEM - BUTTER pâonom or 703 was a decided success. IV weuld ake oo long Vo mention the different selections given only Vo say that the whole entertainmnent was wonder- fui and everyone who heard it was delighted. Much praise is due Miss Orchard for the splendid training she has gîven the schools. The regular monthly meeting of the Sunbeam's Mission Band was held Fiiday a! ternoon at No 8 school, with the President, Miss Frances Reynolds in the chair. Meeting opened with the hymn, "I arn s0 glad," af ter which the Lord's Frayer was repeated in unison. Doris Wilkins read the scripture 1essn and a! ter the business, 'Jesus Loves Me" was sung. The Watc ee heralcls whe responded weeEet Gearing-Japan: Margaret Gra- vele-Afridýa: Eloist Pickering- Korea; Lawrence Coutice-India. A reading was given by Catherine Lowe. Tom Barber gave a îeading on Temperance and Rex Tooley favored with a îeading. Mis. (Rev) Wol!raim teld an interesting story and the meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. TYRONE Miss Marion Roach, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mi. R. Hatherly's. Mr'. and Mis. James Souch, Town, spent Sunday at Mr. Albert Hawk- cy's. Miss Reta Cari, Bewmanville, spent Sunday at Mn. James Ail- dread's. Mi. and Mis. N. J. Weodley visit- ed Mis. Tues. Woodiey, Peteiboro, Iast week. Miss Susie VanCamp, Blackstock, visited Mi. and Mis. N. J. Woodley on Sunday. Mr'. Eaul Goodman and !niend, Toronto, spent Sunday with his f a- ther, Mi. L. J. Goodnman. Mi. and Mis. F. L. Byam. Doreen and Yvonne, and Mis. J. Lillicîapp, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Robinson. Peterbore. Mn. and Mis. Luther Hooper and Miss Laina lIceper, Mis. James Storie. spent Sunday with Mn. and Mis. David Hooper, Oreno. Mi. and Mis. T. Findiey, Ola and Bert, Tueinhill. Mi. and Mis. Nor- man Byers and family, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Otto Virtue weîe Sunday visitons at Mi. Edward Virtue's. Sonry te report Mi. John Pooley in a very weak condition. having su!- !ered twe stiokes in the last few days. His sister. Mis. W. Close. Tor- ente, is with him, alse Mis. Richard Pooley. Quarterly tea o! the W. M. S. will be held at the home e! Mis. A. W. Annis on Wedncsday, May l0Vh, at 2.30. p. m. Program in charge o! Mis. J. Dudley's group. Kindiy note change o! date. Mi. and Mis. Willis Stewart. Mn. and Mis. Ronald Scott, spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mis. W. MacDon- ald, Cobourg. Miss Catherine Mac- Donald îeturned a! Ver spending a couple e! weeks with hier grandpaî- ents, Mi. and Mis. W. Stewart. à Young Peeples League programme Tuursday evening was in change o! the 4Vh Vice President, Miss Ruby Virtue, which was a "Seth Parker" pregram. Bible reading. Miss Irene Cameron; piano and mouth organ selection. Mr. Lloyd Hoan; reading, 'Criticizing", Mi. Laine Annis; read- ing, Miss Laina Heeper, 'Tuere's Four in Oui Family," aýter which Mi. Geidyn Brent sang the sang. The life o! Seth Parker was given by Miss Lola Richards; reading, Miss Annie Gardiner, "Jesus Is My Neigh- bour," a!ter which Mis. J. Dudley and Mis. Floyd Dud.ley sang the sel- ectien: .Rev. A. M. Weetton led in singing "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"; Mi. Wootton gave an ap- piepriate talk which was much en- joyed. "If You're Happy the Lard is Happy Tee"; vocal duet, Mrs. T. Dewn and Rev. A. M. Wootten. A social ime was enjoyed, a! ter which the meeting closcd by alI singing "Ged be with you tilI we meet again." Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid met in the Sunday schooî ioom on April 19th. A very interesting de- bate was piesented, "Resolved that single bliss is better than maîîied life." Affirmative was taken by Miss Mac Brent and Mis. R. Wight; neg- ative by Mrs. A. W. Clemens and Mrs. Floyd Dudley. The judges, Miss Edythe Clemens, Mis. Theo Down and Mus. A. W. Annis. decided in faver o! the affirmative. Mis. A. M. Wootton favoued with a sole. Elec- tien o! officeis !ollewed.: Piesident- Mus. A. W. Annis; lst Vice Pies.- Mis. L. Thompson: 2nd Vice Pues.- Mis. R. Davey: Secietary-Ticasuier -Mis. R. Virtue; Press Correspond- ent-Miss Ruby Virtue; Pianist- Miss Annie Gardiner; Asst. Pianst- Miss Lola Richards, Group Leaders -Mis. Tuos. Richards, Mis. A. Hawkey, Mis. R. B. Scott, Mis. L. Bradley; Park Cem-mittee-Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Mis. L. Hooper, Mis. N. J. Wodfley; Com!ert Cemmittec- Mis. H. Skinner and Mis. R. Davey; District Representative - Mus. L. Hooper; Branch Repiesentative-- Mis. A. W. Annis. Mrs. L. Hooper, Mis. S. T. Hoar and Miss Veina Mc- Coy; Branch Directors-Mrs. R. Wright, Mis. R. J. Hodgson. Mus. Theo Down and Mis. R. B. Scot. A social haîf hour was spent at the close. Truck Driver Fined Cccii N. Roberts, Trenton truck eperator, who was found guilty o! convcying animnais in such a man- ner as te, cause unneccssary sufer- ing and injury o same. was flned $10 and costs In police court here Thursday a!ternoon by Magistrate R. M. Cotton. Frank Whitton, dro- ver o! Brighton, who was summon- ed as owner o! the cattlc on a sim- ilar charge, was dismissed. O. A. C. STUDENTS Congratulations o the !ollowing students o! Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on passing their examinations: Third Ycaî Degree Course - Mn. Ralph H. Wood. Bowmanvillc, fourth in his class, 75.94; Elgin R. Munday. Bowmanvillc, 62.25. Second Year, Associate-Jas. A. Hancock, Courtice, 2307. Second Yeaî, Dcgree-J. I. Buck- lcy, Orono, 2160. First Year, Degee-W. S. Cobble- dick, Orono, 2006. HAMPTON Mis. C. John visited f riends in Toronto last week. Miss Hazel Wood, Orono, visited her grand.!athei, Mr. J. L. Johns, on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. F. Wilson, Miss Pearl Wilbur and Mis. Bond, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at S. Kersey's. Glad Vo welcome Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Staples, Enniskillen, Vo oui village, having îented the late Mis. W. J. Virtue's house. Following a recent serieus iliness, Master Jimmie Woodley, Tyrone, is being cared for at the home of Mi. and Mis. W. Chapman. Call and see the special in ladies' print house dresses at 69e each at Horn's Store. AIse the bioom spec- iais at 25c and 49c continued for this week. Mr. Wil!îed Smale, Coîboine, vis- ited his mother, Mis. Ida Smale, on Sunday. Mi. Howard Sewell, Toi- ente, is spending a f ew weeks at their home also. Mis. W. Cunninghamn and daugh- ters, Giace and Hazel, have ietumn- ed te, Cameron f ollowing a pleasant visit with her mother, Mis. Grace Clatwoîthy, and Ruby. Mi. and Mis. C. J. Rundie, Ber- nice and Sydney, Mi. and Mis. El- mer Woods and Mi. Alun Spencer, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mis. Hairy Holwell on Sunday. The bain and heuse on the faimn îecently vacated by Mi. Norwick and family, who have taken up residence near Pontypool, was buineci te the ground on Wednesday night, cause o! fire unknown. The f arm was un- occupied at the time. The text that Rev. Walter Rack- ham pieached f rom on Sunday night was found in Revelations 21:13-21. The choir music was much appîec- iated, with Miss Helen Knox taking a prominent paît in the renditien cf the anthem, "Corne unte Me." The annual "At'Home" of Hamp- ten Aduit Bible Class was held on Wednesday evening, April 26th. As this was the closing up o! the con- test, the winning side f urnlshed a splendid program and the losing side provided the lunch, when about one hundied spent a veiy enjoyable ev- ening. The large white bows woin by the winning side and the dainty caps by the losers, added a touch o! cler te the occasion. SOLINA Mu. and Mis. Cecil Bush, Colum- bus. visited at Mu. Sam Bush's. Mr. and Mis. H. E. Tink visited aI their sen's. Mi. Hilton Tink, near Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Jas. Hogarth and !amiily. Hampton. visited at Mi. Thos. Baker's. Miss Evelyn Silver, Kingston, spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Marion Silver. Mrs. Sam Rundie and Miss Marie, and Mi. A. Found, Ebenezer, weîc Sunday guests at Mi. J. T. Rundle's. Remember the Division meeting in the S.S. ioom Tuursday cvening, May llth. Ail members please at- tend. Mi. and Mis. Will Medland and son, Mu. and Mis. Athur Brummell, Columbus, visited at Mu. Walter Parrender's. Plans are being made o! oui Mothci's Day service on Sunday, May 14th, aIse fer the baptismal service on the saine day. Mi. and Mis. A. Whitnell, June and Larraine, Mr. and Mus. Jim Reynolds, Toronto, were Sunday guests at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. Miss Margaret McKessock at- endcd a mîscellaneous shower for Miss Hilda McCutchcon, a bride o! this month, given by Miss Hazel Weriy, Oshawa, last Thuîsday ev- ening. A goodly crowd gîeeted the Noth- minster young people from Oshawa last Thuisday evcning, when thcy presented their play, "My Wild Irish Rose." This is an exceptionally geod play and was excllently given. Music betwccn the acts was givenj by Miss Helen Baker and Mr. George Werry. Tue regular institute meeting will be held on Tuursday afteinoon. May llth. in the S.S. room. Program will1 be in charge o! group one. Tule rol call "If you had $5.00 te spend, what anc labor saving device wouldi you geV?" Mis. Foster Feiguson o! Blackstock. the Dist. President will be present. Ail ladies welcome. Tue League meeting on Menday evening was in charge o! Miss Ileen Baison. Bible Lessen was read by Miss Helen Baker and the Devotien- ai was aken by Mis. E. R. Taylor. Miss Marlon Silver gave a very in- teresting toplo. Miss Margaret Me- Kesseck gave a piano solo and îead- ings were given by Misses Audrey Cowing and Mac Westlake. Con-1 tests were enjoyed and meeting1 closed with the League Benedic- 1 ian.1 BLACKSTOCK Miss Mabel VanCamp spent Sun- day with Mi. and Mis. T. Smith. Mi. and Mis. Campbell and son Ronald spent Satuiday in Teronte. Mi. Alvin Bell. Ottawa, visited his parents, Mi. and Mis. Robert Bell, recently. Miss Olive Beacock, Lindsay, spent the weekend with her parents. Mi. and Mis. Wesley Beacock. Mi. and Mis. Norton VanCamp and littie daughter spent the week- end with his parents, Mi. and Mis. W. A. VanCamp. Mi. Heiman Hooey is visiting his parents, Mi. and Mis. George Hooey, while Mis. Heiman Hooey is visiting relatives in Beaveiton. Mis. Wallace Marlow and littie daughteî Clara., are visiting Mis. MarIow's brother and sister-ln-law, Mi. and Mis. Rudd Heaslip. Toronto. Mis. S. Swain and daughter, Mis. C. Marlow, have ieturned home a!- ter spending a week with the form- crs son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mis. Milton Sanderson, Toronto. Excitement was great for a while on Monday when Mi. S. Swain's fine white brick house caught flue. Help soon arrived and everyone is veîy thank!ul that the house was saved although a hole was buined through the roof o! the summer kitchen. League meeting on Wednesday ev- ening was in charge o! Mi. Herbert Swain. The tepie "Citizenship" was CHECK IlOOKS CA RBON~LEAf CA rZBOP1BACK ORDERS TAKEN ffi THIS O-P-F iUC-E M. A. James & Son& taken by Miss G. Newell. An in- strumental, "Home on the Range" was given by Messrs. Harold Swain a.nd Oliver Smith, with Mis. C. Mar- 10w at the piano. A reading was given by Miss Lela Mountioy. A contest completed the pregram. The illustrated lecture given by Rev. Ridout, Toronto, on Friday ev- ening in the Community Hall under the auspices of the W. M. S. o! the Unitedi Chuîch was gîeatly enjoyed by al piesent. The lecture was on Mi. Rideut's trip f rom. Vancouver te, Prince Rupert along the Pacific Coast, and was illustiated with ex- ceptienally fine pictures which were Vaken by the lectuier. Mi. Ridout is a veiy fluent and interesting speak- er. A vote o! thanks, moved by Rev. F. W. Newell and seconded by Rev. Dr. Whittaker, was tendered the jMAPLE GROVE Miss Dorothy Stevens visited her sister, Mis. Ray Snowden, Toronto, ever the weekend. Mi. and Mis. J. Tunnidiffe have moved te, Oshawa. Sorry Vo lese Vhem f rom. Oui neighboihood. Mr. Fred Twist, TorontVo. visited with his mother, Mis. L. Twist, and little daughteî, Eleen Twist, on Sunday. Rev. and Mis. H. W. Foley, Selby, Mi. Will Webster, Cannington. were visiters with the former's sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, last week. Service on Sunclay was in charge o! W. M. S. with a goo>d tuin out. Ladies fllled the choir le!ft and rend- eîed two anthems te the delight o! ail present. Miss Mary Haig, Japan, home on fuîîough, gave a very in- teresting acceunt o! the work done there. JSCHOOL REPORTS RTs- PURPLE HILL Easter report o! S. S. No. 4, Cart- wright: Si. IV-Reta Swain 68, Henry Demille 68, Bruce Gibson 66, Ruby Thomas 62. Si. III-Harold Demille 71, Nor- man Mahoffy 70. Jr. Im-Effe Henry 78. Helen Watton 72, Cecii Gibson 66, Mary Mahoffy 65, Rosy Sibluack 60, Peîcy Swain 60, Freddie Cowling 55. II-Stanley Taylor 68, Ernest Swain 66. I--Janet Swain 89, Billy Mahoffy 78, Veina Gibson 77, Henry Watton 70. Si. Pr.-Doîis Maheffy. Jr. Pr-Jean Toms, Ross Steele. Lulu R. Samons, teacher. DARLINGTON Report o! S. S. 3, Daîlingten, for April: Si. 1V--James Sexmith 70. Jr. IV *Hazel Truli 81, *Marg.. aret Henry 78, *Louise Feley 76, Maurice Moiphy 69, Sammy Van- Camp 68, Clarence Peacock 66. Si. fII*Arthui Fersythe 76, Ed- die Fersythe 64, tVera, Gibsen 59. Jr. III-*Jean Metcalf 79, Peggy Finnigan 73, Norma Sexmith 72, BiIly Henry 72, Betty Henry 63, tJoe Wojnakoski 55, tHaiiy Feath- er 54. Sr. II-*Glenn Metcalf 86, *Mad- eline MeVcal! 85, *Kathleen Camp- bell 81, *Eveline Gibson 81, *Gordon Metcal! 81, *Phyllis Campbell 75, Gordon Truli 72, Louise Forsythe 62, tMilton Steims 48. Jr. I-*Kenneth Power and *AI- vin Metcal! (equal), *Do<nald Met- caif, *Mike Bonk and *Sammy Bonk (equal). Pi.-Wesley Butt. *Daisy Gib- son, Alfred Feather, Bertha Wejna- koski (abs>. *-.Honours; t-Failure: Figures indicate per cent. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. I ENNISKILLEN Mis. R. Ashton, Toronto, visited hier brother, Mi. Thbs. McGill. Mi. and Mis. G. Reid spent Sun- day with !riends in Cartwright. Jean Weiiy visited hier grand- mother, Mis. J. A. Werry on Mon- day. Master Roy Werry spent a week with his giandpaients. Mi. and Mis. VanCamp, Blacksteck. Miss Olga Sanderson spent Easter helidays with hier grandinother. Mis. J. Pye and other !iiends. Mi. and Mis. Frank Butzer and son, Ian. Toronto, weîe Sunday guests o! Dr. and Mis. H. Ferguson. Mi. and Mis. Milton Stainton spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents. Mi. and Mis. Frank Orchard. Mi. and Mis. G. Glenney, Mi. and Mis. N. VanCamp, Elmira, Mis. W. VanCamp, Miss olive VanCamp. Blackstock. weîe Sunday callers at TOWN PLANTS 8800 TREES IN ROTARY PARK FLATS Aise Plant 230 Hard Maples on the Streets - Work Donc Under Direction of Col. L. T. McLaughlifl Work was completed last week on1 the planting o! 8800 trees on the fiats o! Rotary Park, completing the town's piogram o! reforestation. The work, which was caînied eut by unemployed labor, was under the direction o! Col. L. T. McLaughîin, Chairman o! the Public Piepeity Committee o! the Town Council. The Vices were planted after it wasi Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. May 4th, 5th, 6th "lTonight Is Ours" with CLAUDETE COLBERT and FREDERIC MARCH From the story by Neel Coward. authon o! Cavalcade. ALSO GEORGE O'BRIEN in Zane Grey's SMOKE LIGHTNING Cartoon Coming Soon CAVALCADE COMING SOON EVENINGS '.30 - 9.30 (Dayllght Savlng Time) I p decided that anY improvements in tiiat section of the Park could flot be undertaken at the present time. Should the property be wanted for improvement as a Park in the fut- ure the trees may easily be moved. The type of tree planted in the Park were Scotch Pine, Red Pine, Norway Spruce, and Jack Pine. Ail trees were secured at the Orono Re- forestry Station. In addition to the work' In the park a street tree planting campaign has been carried out and 230 Hard M4aples have been planted. This work redeems the pledge made by the council that trees cut down dur- ing the past winteî would be re- placed in the spring. ;'w- will reside on the faim foimerîy oc- cupied by Mi. Dave Brunt. Mi. and Mis. C. Shaw and George o! Bowmanville, Mi. and Mis. Walt- ci Oke and John, Misl Frank Spry. Harold and Ray, Mi. and Misi D. B. Kay, and Mi. John Byers, Toron- to, Mis' W. E. Sanderson, Mi. Will Bycîs. Buiketen, recently visiVed Mi. and Mis. W. E. Sanderson. CAESAREA MAN FINED FOR ILLEGAL POSSESSION 0F FISH Frederick Harran Pleads Guilty and Pays $75,00 Fine i Local Court Fîederick Harian, proprietor o! the Qenosha House, at Caesarea, pleaded guilty in police court here Fiiday moining, befere Magistrate R. M. Cotton, Vo a charge o! having maskinonge in his possession dur- ing a period o! closed season. Har- ian, who made ne defence in Vhe case, was flned $75.00 and costs, a total o! $78.00, and was given a sev- cie lecture by Magistrate Cotton. Tue evidence which was adduced by the court showed that on Thurs- day the piemises o! Mr. Harran had been searched by Provincial Officer Neil MacNaughton, o! Pairy Sound, and Inspector Robert Hilis, o! the Game and Fisheries Department, Port Hope. In his ice house hey found four filleted maskinonge and portions o! a fi.!th flsh. In pleading guilty to the charge o! having the fish in his possession, Mi. Harian said he had noV killed the fish himself. lHe îe!used, how- ever. te give any information as te how they came inVo his possession. Magistrate Cotton, in passing sen- tence, old the accused that he ought Vo realize that, in his position, it was expected that he would assist tegoveinment efficials in protect- ing the flsh. net alene o uphold the law, but aise for the sake o! induc- ing patrons te stay at his hotel dur- ing the fishing season. By allewing the wanton destruction o!fish eut o! season he was de!eatihg his ewn ends. Under the Ontario Special Fish Act, he pointed eut, the penalty provided was a fine o!f from $10 Vo $100 for each fish he had in Uis possession. The magistrate fixed the fine at $15,00 for each ish, plus costs o! $3.00, making a total e! $7800. RAILWAY TIME TABLE[ Corrected to date Canadian National Railways Eastbound 9.58 a. m. Daily 3.43 p. m. Daily except Sunday 10.24 p. m. Daïly ex. Sunday. FIag. 11.02 p. m. Sunday only. FIag. Westbound 4.52 a. m. Daily 4.02 p. m. Daiîy. Flag. 7.37 P. m. Daily except Sunday. Canadian Pacifie Railways Eastbound 9.57 a. m. Daily 12.07 a. m. Daily. Flag. 11.40 a. m. Mixed. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Westbound 5.50 a. m. Daily. Flag. 3.00 p. m. Daily 4.20 p. m. Mixed. Mon. Wed. Fil. Standard Time Reserve May 8th for St. Andiew's Anniversaiy Supper. Aduits 40c; childien 25c. Q> The man who aims at the poss'es- sion o! diamonds seldem appieciates the spaîkle o! the morning sun in a drop o! dew. Royal Theatre 1 ~BOWMANVILLE1 MON. - TUES. - WED. - MAY 8 - 9- 10 Matinee Monday 4 p. m., Tues. and Wed. 3 p. m. Matinee Prices: Aduits 20c; Children loc. Evenings, 25c to ail. M ~ Durham County Music Festival UNITED CHURCH, PORT HOPE May i 7th, i 8th, i 9th, 1933 A real festival of music featuring the finest musicians i Durham County inx a three-day event outstandinin x the history of music circles within the county. Competitions will be held i the foilowing classes: Bands, Orchestras, (>hoirs, Chorus', Solos, Duets, Quartettes, Recitations and Folk Dancing. Closing wlth a final concert given by the Gold Medalists and first prize win- ners on Friday Evening, May 19th, at 8 p. m. Ail programmes on standard time. Ail sessions open to the publie on the paymnent of a small admission fee. Aduits morning and ai ternoon 10c, Evenings 25c. Childien morning and afternoon free, Evenings 10e. Except the final concert 25e te ail. Programmes wlll be forwarded to ail those taking part. Others may have a copy by applying to the Seeretary. M. H. STAPLES, E. A. SU1MMWRS, President. Secretary-Treasurer. 18-2w Ladies! Here's the newest dresses, in both regulati and haif sizes. It's easy to dress smartly on a limited budget if you shop at the "Evlyn.' Either 2-piece or 1-piece dresses ranging in l)lices from ..........$8.95 up KNITTED SUITS Made by R. M. Ballantyne Ltd. We are ex- clusive agents in Bowmanville for these smart, suits. New styles, new shades, new materials, Prices l'ange from $10.95 to $15.00 The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop (OPERATED BY LADIES FOR LADIES) Miss T. Murphy Mrs. Frank 0k. Ready-to-Wear PHONE 594 Dressmaklng Phone 180 Phone 352 THz cANADIAN STATFaIMN, BOWMANVnj£, TRURSDAY, MAY 4th. 1933 PAME imvrm