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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1933, p. 6

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- - t,' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1933 Freed From Pain 1SET ECEINS at 95 IN BOWMANVILLE Xhat a great thizi,, it must be for this waman. aifrer suffering from rheumatisiin for many years, ta be free from pain again at her age. She writes :- -I should like ta tell you that since I commenceti taking Kruschen Salts two years ago, I am completely relieveti of rheumatism. f rom which I hati been a great suf- ferer for many Years. I amn now in my 951h year, and much appreciate being f ree from pain. which I attri- bute ta the regular dose af Krusch- en.-rýMrs.> A. E. S. If only everyone would realize that the -little datly dose of Krus- chen" is jusi as important ta inter- nal cleanliness as soap andi water are ta external cleanlines-s. there woulti soon be no more constipation. no more sluggish livers. no more rheumatism. gout or lumbago. Kruschen is a combination of six salts--each one is neces.sary ta some particular organ of the body. Just what you r.eed ta persuade your system back into a healthy condi- tion: very gently. but very. very1 Approximately 940 OId Age Pension- ers in Unitedi Counties Receive Average of $14 ,#onthly Old age pensioners in Northum- berlandi anti Durham number ap- proximately 940 of the average age of 74 years, receiving an average pen- sion of $14.40 per month. according ta the committee's report ta the counties* counicil reati by the chair- man. Reeve W. J. Duncan of Sey- mour township. This exceptionally inf ormative statement covers the perioti of this year f rom January lst ta June 101h. The members 0f the counties Olti Age Pensions committee are: Reeve Duncan: Reeve P. Stinson, Mill- brook. secretary; Reeve C. H. Curtis, Percy township; Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe. Darlîngton. and Reeve W. Davey o! Hamilton township. Their report. which was adopted. f ollows: Mî,Illbrook. June 10. 1933. Your Olti Age Pension Committee beg leave to report as f ollows: No. o! meetings helti aince Jan. 1, surly!h' No. of pensions granteti. 75. ______________________ o f aplcais refuseti, 11. N o! applications under investi- 'RAILWAY TIME TABLE t ozion. 20. ~ 4Average age of each per.sioner. S-andard TMme74. Canadian National Railways No.p:t:ncsove- 80 years of Ea.0:bur.tâge.13. 9.58 a.u' DA'; . ra..e oc:: f pen.sion grant- 3.43p. m Da y exep- d. S14.40. 3.43p. D~'vextp ~ N -Xcof deaths reporteti. 30. 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N of * C e g. X Jtansfes îr.-o the cotîn- c. o. f transffers out o! the cotîn- 4, 18. - No. of decrea-ses ir. pensions. 40. No. of :r.crease in pensions. 16. Can-udian Pacx.fic Raîlways Hi-,,.e o! Refuge. Dec. 31. 1932. E a - b- ";. nensior.e-5. 27. * ' ~YGcur: Board, receiveti five applica- 12.0 ~ .ons f. onnir.ates Couinties House 11.4 a. M \~ T a:.of Refuge. Two were passeti by the Co.-n:mîson. two refuseti on accounit 5.50 a. m.Da"ty. F:az. tesîdence U.S.A. 1 uinder investîga- 3.00 P. m. Dai y ion.. 4.20 p. . Mi.ei on. Vied...F. Approxi.-ate number pensioners on list. 940. Each pad swil1 kll fliles ail day enz' every day for threc teeks. 3 pads in each parket. 10 CENTS PER PACKET at Druggisis, Grocers, Generol Stores. WHY PAY MO0RE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO.. Hamnton, Ont. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOD FEEL OUT 0F SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel needed Wben you ted bue, dp ee.sour o..ts world, thtaor erhchtn oigil duly ;'o Pounda f ut bqwile into your bowels. Diestion and elimnination are bcbng slowed UP, fo ta aceumulaung and decaytng uunds you and ra kng you feel %ireched. Nfere bowel-mnovera hke sala,, ofi.minerai water, laxative cardy or chev.rng gum, or rougiraie. dnt go fur enough. Yeu need a !iier et 'roulant. Carteras Little Liver lilis the beet one. Suie. Purely vege- tabie, Sure .k MLk rthern hy name. Refuse substt uiea. 25. ct all drugan&ta 52 TLRED AND IRRITAIBLE? Taie Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cormpound It ateadies the nerves and helps to bulld you up. You will eat bet- ter . . . leep better . .. look bet- ter. Life will seemn worth Ilving again. Remember that 98 out of 100 wamen say, "It helps me." Let It help you too. Llquld or tab- let form, as you prefer. Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Swift Relief No Need of Strortg Medicines or Diet. Sale and Simple Recipe Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition if Y o. a'i'l-t ôi f 5tomnach ru iipfa "s Pirrw's,, t or Blûtlr-vu'ni v,ve qir(k and cert ht rîlofi: flwir.g thls r l .str(,r.n d'n.e r ev'..~rn 'h t-tr i,,,if ..For ]Il r ' a.l 'the sŽt tand , A W11, ," ' 'n' f r:-,r:'.'1 \1d 11141a wililh o 1'r'zî dit taf5Oh,:t "." .ý- Be sure to gen P.f9iit, ,d MavlestaL When You Feel A CoId Coming On!t Stop it at once ,î k 7i ZUTOO TABLETS. Reern'. ' înîj;);e antd Pneumonia begin usth. .,, These tablets stop the Iý 1 immediately, and assist naI' i e ,n g ofrf ihne colld. Ta k e i .'...;n inthe cold îs oft , e V i . e, I LOCAL HOSPITAL GETS COUNTIES GRANT 0F $500 Old Age Pensions Cost Counties S6526 Since January Finance Report Showvs The report af the Finance Coin- mittee of the United Counties Coun- cil, reati by Reeve Annis at its re- cent meeting, includeti the following items: Confirmation af payment af ac- counts since January: Administration of Justice $ 4,845.80 Children's Aid Society. 1,775.00 Municipal expenditure.. 1,198.30 School library grants. . 285.31 Registry offices .. ...1,216.91 Mothers' alloivances , -- 3.527.50 Old age pensions ... . 6.526.41 Counties jail 1,474.44 Printing and advertising 538.47 County roads 14,932.30 Interest 4,600.92 Loans repair ... 53,000.00 Light. heat, etc. 438.84 Miscellaneous 102.34 House of Refuge 3.655.86 Provincial Highways Dep. 21.315.27 Indigent patients .. 7,884.65 Meînbers' allowvances 1,010.20 The foliowing accounts were pass- eci among others: Cobourg Hospital $ 500.00 Bowmianville Hospital 500.00 Th'e committee rejecteti the ac- coutit f J. F. McMillan for $200 for use of silo filling- outfit at House of Refuge for 8 years. An account from Peterboro for S93.45 for an inquest costs xvas re- turneti with a request for detailed statement of the account of $25.50 covering charges of stenographer. The roati commission was author- izeci to buy a power grader. <e REPORT 0F COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE AT JUNE SESSION Counties Councils Since 1926 Have Incurred Deficits Totalling Aver age ainounit 0f pensions S69,2 granteti. $17.00.j Mionthly pavmnerta tvhich are 10 The report of the annual county per cent of the total amount o! pen- roads expenditure o! the United 'sior.s pai: December. S.625.62: Counties o! Northumberlandi anti $1.639.17: February. $1,- Durham contains some interesting 695.52: March. $1.625.62: April. Si,- comparisons. 645.45. The report covers a period f roin Theze paynients are approximate- 1926 to 1932. Every year actual net ly the sanie as last year covering the expendîture on roads exceedeti the s a nie enot. amounit provideti for in the bylaw. Whcrc Pensioners Live in some cases by mnany thousantis o! Number of pensîoners in each dollars. In 1929, for inst.ance, the rnunicipalf:y: aînounit proviciet for in the bylaw Alnw.ick 7 was $148,000.00. The amount spent Brighton Towýnsh.p 46 in exces.0 o! the bylaw was S494.- Brighton, Vil:arce 58 838.73, an actual net expenditure o! Bowmanvîlle70 $6 Cobourg 83 $62,838.73. In 1930 the amnounit House o! Refuge 27 provitieti for in the bylaw was $156,- Coîborne 29 200.00 anti the actual ner amnounit Clarke 32 spen, was 1422,659,25, or 1271,451,25 Cavan 32 in excess of the bylaw. By 1932 the Campbellford 74 counties counceil began to put the 1 Cartwright 10 brake on but still the roati expendi- Cramahe 56 ture was far in e.xcess o! the amount - Darlington 25 proviieti for. $92.500.00 was proviti- Hope 23 Ieti for anti $97,656.98 actually spent. Haldimanti 41 an excess of $5.156.98. This year Hastings 14 the amount provideti for is $40,000: Hamilton 14 $15.000 has aiready been spent anti Murray 38 it will be interesting ta see if the 1 Millbrook 18 present counicil will keep within the Mnvers 33 limits o! the bylaw. Necste9 Accortiing ta the report, the coun- Percy 63 ty roati ceflit incurreti each year Port Hope 105 since 1926 was as follows: 1926, South Monaghan il $2.262.37; 1927, $16617-07; 1928, Seymour 14 S116.354.26; 1929, $240.335; 1930, In checking over the pay sheet re- $140552; 1931, $111.571; 1932, $31.- ceiveti from the Provincial Commis- 628, making a ttldfc f$5, sion we finti that there are a consiti- 'ttldc !$5, erable number o! pensioners who 326. Thie amounit o! county roati are living outside the Unitedi Coun- deficit carrieti forward ta 1933 is ties for a longer perioti than one $46,637.93. year, anti they are sti11 being chairg- .0 edt 1 us. We have already received. R N rebate for $30 on one Toronto trans- ______________________ fer, anti there are 14 cases under in-# ve.tigazin oeo hc r u Froni The News, June 221 of the Counties neariy three years. Orono has purchased a new fire There are two cases in the House of truck costing about $3000. Providence, Peter-boro. anti two in Mrs. O. W. Rolph anti daughter. j heý Home for the Ageti in Toronto, Barbara Ann, are visiting ai Linti- and we are o! the opinion that these say. pensioners shoulcî use our House of Dr. anti Mis. John Chester anti Refuge in theze Cointies. as the !amily. Toronto, visîteti ai Mr. T. Commission rrile, that when a pen- Smith's. ioner moves from one municipality Mr*. anti Mrs. H. Lamb. Miss Jessie to a p)uble institution in anotherI Lamb anti Mrs. C. Ivory visiteti at municipality the charge continues 10to A . rmods , the olti runicîpalîty so long. as the Mr ebWbboBakfCn- pensioner .Csidsi apbi isiu merce. Coîborne. spent the weekend tien. Apparently these pensioners with frientis here. mnoveti direct to the public in.-titu- tions when leaving the counies. Miss Gladys Jones, Toronto, is Cornnittee's Recommendations vîsting her cousins, Mr. anti Mrs. Vie recommenti that a list of the Gitidus Joncs. Olti Age Pensioners for each muni- Mrs. W. Maguire is retur-ning ta, cpality be keptin the clerks office. Bowmanville, following a residence and open to inspection at any time here o! some three months. by any ratepayer in the Unitedi Mr. Elmo Ard. Toronto, visiteti at Counties. ïMr. William Robinison's. We recommenti that if any mnm- M r. A. W. Maguire, Calgary, Alla.. ber of this counicil or any municipal is visiting with his uncle anti aunt, courncil having reliable information '.\r. anti Mrs. Oscar Scott. that there i.e any person in the Un- Mr. anti Mis. Fred Cowan are in iteti Counities receivîng- the peýnsion the north country, camping anti ai the presentlimre, anti in their op- flshing. in4on they are not entitleti to thel Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visit- amie, yoiîr committee will be pleas- 1 eti in. Lakefielti anti also sith Rev. cd to have this information in writ- .John W. Wilkinson at Warsaw. ing, anti samne will be confidentially Mrs.Bertha M. Bell. Rochester, iinvîstigateci bîy the Boardi anti the, N. y.. is visiting her sister. Mrs. inpector. John Miller, anti other frientis here Vie recomnenti that no increase anti ai Kirby. be acein nv enson y te cm- Mr. Joe Cornforth spent a few mîŽýsion untîl tne samne has been ap- tiays with his son, Mr. R. S. Corn- proveti by the local Board. forth. Vie recommenti that no settîcînent Miss Sadie Brown o! Peekskill, 1,e matie with the estate o! any pen- N. . n Ms dm adduh sioner until samne has been approveiter, anthi Ms dams anti daugis- by the local Boardi.terowniare hiday ngr e. a Miss We are o! the opinion that there Brhowni esdn urei ltr are many sons who should b1e pro-scol vitiing for their parents. insteati o! Mr. T. J. Carscadden o! Edmon- them receiving the pension. Under ton, Alta., is visiting his sister, Mrs. the provisionLs o! the Parents Main- Thos. Pattersan. Mr. Carscatiten tenance Act the Boarti have the au- left for the West about thirty years thority 10 bring such parties before ago. themn. andti 1 prove ta the Board Persian Balm-the peerless aid ta why they shoulti not kcep their par- loveliness. Delightfully fragrant. ent.s. There has been a decitied im- Dainty ta use. Leaves no sticklness. Provement in this respect, we feel A 11111e gentle î'ubbing ant iIt Is that we w:ll 1e compelledti t make swiftly absorbeti by the tissues. an example o! some who are quite Tonic in effect. Soothes anti dispels a ble- to make ample provisions for roughness and chafing. Keeps skmn hleir parents, sfI anti velvet-textureti. Unrivalleti We wish to express aur apprecia- frcam itnto n eie .'în for the co-operation we have forncharmdistinctiy oan efie- i".çlf rom the members anti of-metUsdylveyw envr- iI'io! the Provincial Commission. wbere ta preserve and enhance their wish ta express ouîr apprecia- natural beauty. "the members o! counicil for Mr. Frank Campbel a! Okatoks, n,,c anti co-operation. Alta., motareti here f rani Cannlngton to renew f riendships of happy early CLARKE TOWNSHIP days. Frank is a son of the late Joseph Campbell who carried on the~ REVISION COURT tinsmithmng business here. Other, ( former well-known Oronoites, flow Tweive Cases Heard at Court of Re- 5residents of Okotoks. are Mr. and vision - Council Not Responsible Mrs. John L. ot ofFr Fihngn Mrs. John Akister, Tuberose, Sask. o CssofFeFihng n visiteti Mrs. C. J. Thornton. TOn4nship Without Order from - Monday on a holiday trip to Moos- onee, James Bay. Ieew Ontario. J. G. Chater svas heard in refer- Rev. Lorne Thomas, Newcastle. ence to Thonipson andi Chater pro- had charge of the service at St. pe:,ty in Leskard regarding line fen- Saviour's Church on Sunday after- ces. and no change in their former noon. advic2 svas made by the Council. ~S C. J. Hughson celebrateti his 86th P. S. Ferguson addressed Council FROMu birthday on June 12th. He has been in reference to provisions of drain- a resident af this district for the age act. No action taken. H AT S past 82 years. Clerk wvas advised ta procure Sweet and palatable, Mother amusement tax license for Town Graves, Worm Exterminator is ac- Hall. ceptable ta chiltiren, and it does its Public Liability Insurance %vas work surely and promptly. taken out sith the Globe Indemnity Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Johnston of Company, which expires June 2nd, Parry Sound, and Mrs. Clifford 1934.»Ph n Jahnston andi son Donald of Ottawa, W. Ferguson, Port Hope, wroteP on visiteti at Mr. Thos. Patterson's. Council in ref erence ta a land sur- Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment; vey on Con. 8. opposite Lots 4 andi 5, handy. A sure, speedy remedy for Clarke Township. Laid on table. 5 9 9 burns. sprains, felons. blood poison- Counties' Clerk notifled Council of ing, sof t corns, Nvarts. scalci feet1 the admittance of Mvrs. Win. Harris Invaluable for inflammation and Ita Bow3,manville Hospital on May 28. muscular rheumatism. Couincil f ormed itself into a co=-Fo Newly mnstalled officers of Orono mittee for the Revision of the As- Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. No. 325, are: sessment Roll for 1933, when the W.M.-E. E. Patterson; I.P.M.-O.!following cases were disposed of: W. Rolph; S.W.-Carl Billings; J.W. Canadian National Railways, for- E e y h n -F. Cuttell; Chap.-H. Milîson; mer Grand Trunk Line. and the S.D.-J. C. Gamey; J.D.-C. Hamm; the former at S44.00 per acre and' F oj D. of C.-E. J. Hammi; S.S.-P. B. the latter at $32.00 per acre is con-Fr n Whyte; J.S.-M. J. Tamblyn; I.G.- firmed. N. Winter; Tyler-L. Allen; Auditors, John Hendry, Lot 19, Con. B.F.. -J. J. Gilfillan andi J. C. Gainey. assessmnent land value reduced S100. Competition held on the spacious Cor4, exemption on Forestry plot R a t s stock farm of Col. F. H. Deacon. o! ten acres valued at $350.00. Unionville, great interest was takenj Howard Glenny. Lot 29, Con. 3. in the .iudging contests of which assessment landivalue reduceci $100. to there were two classes: stockmnen of George Skelding, Lot 28. Con. 5. thirty years and over; and under asses.sment land value reduced $100. thirty years. In the former class. Samuel Thomas, Lot 14, Con. 5, Rni the honors went to S. S. No. 9, assessinent buildings value reduced Clarke, Mr. Russell Osborne being $400. adjudged the winner in an except- F. J. Hall. Lot 5, Con. 4, assess- ionally clever class of stockmen mient exemption on Forestry Plot o! f rom various parts of the province. 10 acres valueti at $75.00. Mir. and Mrs. W. H. May, St. A.* J. S. Ballagh. Lot 8. Con. 5, as- Thomas. were Saturday guests at sessment landi value uPheld at $400. S h o e s Mr. T. Smith's. Mr'. May. over haîf1 Warren Carson, Lot 6, Con. 4, as- a century ago, carried on the harn-1 sessment landi value uphelti at $900. ess business here. Two well-knownî Chris. and Geo. Law, Lot 19, Con. skilled saddlers of those days were 2, assessment landi value uphelti at his employees, J. L, Rove andi Isaac $3.800. Cobbledick. Mrs. Mary Stapleton. Lot 30. Con. Orono Womenis Irsitute helti its 6. assessment land value upheld aI N E L S O S meeting on Friday, Jîîre l6th. Mu-i $5.800. sical numbers were supplied by Mri Mrs. Mabel Gray, Lot 31, Con. 2, J. Cooper andti.\r. V. Phi7sey. M"' assessment landi value uphelti aI Maîgaret Dickson Lave a tvel!-pre- $ 6900.00.- pareti paper entitied Is a College Rezolution was passeti that in the Chapter 233 R.S.O. 1927,. ta the Ml Education Worthwvhile?'* The toic evEnt. of an outbreak of fire taking Tru.stees of the Police Village of Or- in -To andi Fr0 in Ontario- was taken place within this ininicipality and ono purchasing fire engines andi ap- arv by Mrs. O. W. RoIph. Living much: outside help apparently being neeti- plances for~ fire protecti'on at a cost snma information about, jui-povnce b ed, this resoluzion will caîl attention not exceeding $3.000. and paying e cream andi cake were serýveti by the to tthe fact that no outsicle fire therefor in installme.ts sithin ten be f cornmittee. Orono branch has re- coînpany with their fire fighting ap- years. fo ceived an invitation from Bow,ýman- pliances shahl be called in except on . eICit ville tu be their guests on Friday,th reofheRv adDpyai July 28th. Reeve, and that we will not be re- Mrs. Frank Roberts. Whitbîy. has thcy sporisible foir any payment for ser- been elected President o! Ontario reni vices rendered unless calleti by the Caunty District Womnen*s In.stitute. ien. We don't exactly disagree with above officiais. I____________________ vegetarians, but we do think that Resolution was passed that this the taste of an onion is improved Council hereby gives its consent pur- greatly by adding a pound o! steak suant ta Section 529. Sub-Section ta it. 1l) of the Municipal Act being GIVE YOUR HOME . IN THE DIM and ,DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, July ist, 1908 From The Statesman, June 29, 1883 A pretty weddîng taok place at Gea. S. Shaw brought us some the resitience o! Mr. Frank Tomlin- stalks o! barley f rom a field belong- son on June l7th. when Margaret D. ing ta VWellington Bowen, Clarke, Seymour, daughter o! Mr. anti Mrs. Friday that measureti nearly four Samuel Seymour, Newvcastle. aI feet in height. uniteti in marriage 10 A. B. Stewart* On Suntiay morning about 4.30 o! Toronto, with Rev. John Garbutt the fire brigade was calleti out by conducting. the furiaus tolling o! the bell. Some A very pretty wedding was cele- persan hati set fire ta an olti frame brateti on June 23rd. ai the home Of structure belonging to A. Buckler. the bnitie's parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Es. anti standing ar the south endi Melvin Powers, when their only lo! his lot on Queen Street. The bs tiaughter. Miss Lina Mauti. anti Mr. lis ftily $250 anti there is no insur- W. J. S. Cobbledick. only son o! Ed-ace nmondi Cobbledick, bath o! Clarke, Oeo h otriiuostmg were unîted in marriage. ithatof hae coeta aiu ostifo The marriage o! Iva, only daugh- iome tuhae cwas totiginotiac o- t er o! Mr. antiMis. S. M. Billings, ýi11lainie wh the Polieg trateoin ta Mr Willam J.Inch.Phm. . aainst one o! oui oldesi physicians Xeston, took place on Xetnestiay a for furious tiriving. Vie neyer hearti he home o! the bride's parents, Asv- o! such a thing before. Indeeti es- enue Farm. Leakard. 0 bi iia y An t e1- 1ciery encouragement shoulti be given an~ it ua y -Ano th r h i ta physicians ta drive fast. Vie adwon Junite2stn Sst person ! ould think il woulti be creditable Mi. Joh JnBeacock. inhe tiei in hista the physicians o! this town if Mr. hnear.Dceasetihatdi ein sthey hati horses that coulti travel 8Gthyea. Dceaed hd lvedin aster than the iaw allows. It is ICartwright most o! his life anti on retiring f romn his faim came 10 lise I ery doubiful if there is a tioctor's in hîstow whre e hs rsitetihor-se in the town that can go at a for a number o! her years. il eidersfuious rate an>way. fora nmbe ofyeas. allbeaers At the close a! the termi o! the were his two sons. S. J. Beacock o! OnL ario Ladies' College aI Whitby, Toronto. anti J. E. Beacock. Myrtle Mis Alice McClung, tiaughter o! Station, anti four sons-in-law. An- Thos. McClung, Bowman%,ille, was tirew Brown, Victoria Harbor. W. C. assardeci first prize for oul painting Ferguson, Blackstack, W. T. Werry. in competition with 19 other entries. Duntialk. anti A. W. Piekarti, Bov- Vie are pleasedti t learn that or~- manville. tiers aie pouring in rapidly for Do- Lightning struck W, J. Braggs minion organs anti pianos. Every house noriheasi o! the town, June mail brings orders anti on Montiay 22nti. coming through the ceiling. or-ders severe rereiv'eti for 12 pianos singeing the paper anti breaking the andI 14 or-gans. plaster but passing out withot.t Thos. Brodie. proprietor o! the causing any further daînage. Vies- Easterni House, hati a stoke o! par- ley D. Bragg hati a valualbe cosv alysis on Wednesday night anti in kilîcti the samne night. spîte o! the best iedical aid hie dieti Bowmanville Viomen's Institute the next m'orning. He was burieti helti ils monthly meeting at Mrs. to-ýay wth Masonic honors. W. J. Sparling's Saturtiay afternoon. Mr. anti Mrs. John D. Keachie ar- The meeting took the forîn o! a pic- riveci home on Tuesday night from nic. their hancymoon tour after a two Accortiing ta the Canada Gazette weeks' absence. They have taken up a! June 6th. Oea. W. James o! The their residence in the rough cast Statesman has been pramoteti !rom house recently accupieti by Mr. W. Corporal ta Lieutenant in the 3rti Henry at the heati o! Centre Street. Prince of Wales Dragoons. On Wednestiay a! lernoon a messen- An eperencd bnd, ed y Fankger was tiespatcheti from the Organ An oepe rotint, led by Frank factory requestlng Mr. Keachic's MceDwuhamOrdont s' iExacsopany presence. On arriving at the cary- thegaraham lls o uys' xcrsontaing moins lhe founti nearly 100 o! his Niagra alîson uly th.fellaw cmployees waitlng ta congrat- Providence: On Thursday evening ulate him. Arthur J. Hook calleti Providence Bagatelle Club met at the men to, order anti reati an adi- Milton WighI's ta enjoy their club tiress which was also signeti by John. dinner whlch was furnished by the B. Mitchell anti H. G. Vicekes. V.P. lasing sitie. At the proper lime J. B. Mitchell Prices an Bowmanville Market: anti D. Kilgour unveileti a hantisome Flour 100 lbs., $2.60; Viheat. $1.10; tixawing room dlock worth $25.00 Barley, 50c; Qats. 43e and 50c; anti presentet i t for Mr. IC's accepî- Claver Seeti, $10.00 ta $13,00; But- ance. Mr. Keachie Ihanketi his fel- ter, 18c; Eggs, 16c; Patatoes, ncw. 10w laborers in a few well timeti 35c bushel; Ray, $8,00 to $10.00 tan. wards for their handsome gif t. PAGE SIX Get Your oliday ,pplies AT klson's Big S.tore TO RUNNING SHOES STORESI Iiler' \Vorm Powders. being in nand e'.eryxhere, can be goi-at vchemist's or drug store. at very all cos,. They are a standard edy for worm troubles and can fully relied upon to-expel wormns in the system andi abate the suf- is that worms cause. There ,many mnothers that rejoice that ýfouni avaîlable so effective a ecy for the relief of their child- A "NEW DEAL" Miodernize- Reniodel Do It While Costs are Stili Low Now is the lime of limes to redecorate, repair or remodel your home. Prices have neyer been lower -andi are destined to risc shortly. If you want 10 niake your haine, store or barns over -here's vour grand opportunity. Estimates cheerfully given on aIl materials. For further information o! aur ser- vice, cail or phone 15. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. Limited FUEL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Are You Adequately INSURED? IF YOU HAD A FIRE? IF YOU HAD AN ACCIDENT? IF YOU DIED SUDDENLY ? Are you carrying sufficient insurance to meet youil losses and proteet your family? Cail and àiscuss your insurance problems with us. We insure everything. ________ Je Je MASON & SON Insurance in ail its branches. KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMANVnLL -M

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