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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1933, p. 8

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/.,.ýPrize Lists of SuccessFul West Durkamn ScIuool Fair NEWCASTLE FAIR Caif. Beef-Ross Allun. Stanley ce. Stewart Jarvie. a t(~(~Fe îwn rhrTopoRgrFasWte. 8 Diseases of Vegeabe-ad Brown. Ensilage Corn-Audrey Phair, Al- CastOff g1yiFat Lloyd Slenion. Cockerel, White Leghorn - Beryl Varnum, Marion Werryi uirCl SaudaSetmbrl6h Calf. Dairy Heifer-Jane Tkatch. ex Muir. Helen Metcalf, Gordon AI- ___ Rabbit in Mass-Donald Ferguson Thompson, Dorothy Moorey. Albert lacott. Harold Hepburn Saudy etme 6h Market Lamb-Betty Stapleton. lin. Yvonne Byam. Francis, Robert Arvay. Ground Hog Tails-are Bet roenExiited Cot. aIf wsekiersLyandrema. Stw- oma Loses 28 Ibs. inf 1 Baby Chick with Easter Egg-Roy Pullet. White Leghorn - Gladys lowlees, Gordon Fishr hri aiDee spie ed ske anchillv or Lamb-Stanley Brown, Ross AI- art Jarvie. Bob Snowden, Bernice 3 oth Prescott, Mary C. McCulloch. Win- Thompson, Hilda Thompson, Ber- Rundle. atheretethwan acho tenancefat lin, Bernice Andress, Betty Staple- Gower. . VOlU nie Brooks, Aileen Bradley. nice Moorey. Dorothy HoIwell. Rabbit in Mass-'lorneRude thetwntet anul cholfar orton Mangels - Ronald Crago, Donald 'Three months ago." a woman Hoe and Rake-Dora Shantz. Hel- Caîf. Bee-A. John Baker, James Muriel Smith, Dorothy oryJa South Clarke held at Newcastle on Spy Appes-Dorothy Gibson. Dor- Meteaif. Sim Penfound. Eileen PiC- writes, -I was persuaded to try Kru- en Ashton, Olga Sanderson. Grace Collacott. Eber Milîson, Jerry Mill- Cowlmng. Saturday afternoon. Sept. 16th. The othy Simpson, Wylma Farrow. Jean keli. schen Saîts to reduce my weight. hcwi E Comnt akwas the scene of Robinson. Turnips-John Walters, Douglas which was 222 lbs. I had tried other A Twig of Maple Leaves-Norman son. DBaby Chick wld elith Whattr Egg-Ed- the sports program in the forenoon Snow Apples - Dorot.hy Gibson, Wight, Audrey Phair, Jack Crago. things, but ail to no avail. Now I Thompson. Murray Tabb. Ivy Tabb, lowlees, James Smaîes, Ronald Hall, Holwell. Everett Ailin. and of the school parades, singing Wyîma Farrow. Betty Stapleton. Beets-Helen Luxton, Herman AI- know that Kruschen Saîts are dif- Doreen Byam. Harvey Yeîlowlees. Hoe and Rake-James ilsFrd ndmuogncontests. ule pa inrcteai- Jean Robinson. lin. Kenneth Power, Helen Ruiter. ferent. In three weeks I 105t 5 lbs.. A White Tent Pitched by a Glassy Market Lamb-Lîoyd Ayre. Fran- die Payne, Doris niceEile ry an o th e rga coestocknethebits Mclntosh Apples - Reita Cooke. Carrots - Jean Jarvie, Douglas and I f elt five years younger. I Lake-Muriel Gilroy. Murray Me- cis Wotten, Boyd Ayre. Eber Milîson. A Twig of Maple L1 vsHre ternoon, alsoth vesokxibs Annie Tkatch, Dorothy Gibson, Wyl- Brock, Grace Hall, John Rizneck. realîy must say I feel a different Culloch, Irene Sharpe, John Oke. Best broken and exhibited Colt, Yellowlees. Margaret Iwn id and judging. nia Farrow. Onions-Bill Varcoe, Carl Adams, woman. I have now Iost 28 îbs. to Hush-a-Bye--Lawýrence Tabb, AI- Caîf or Lamb-Boyd Ayre, Lloyd Richards, Ella Millson. In addition to the poultry, there Tomatoes-Harold Hockin. Reita Dentzel Anderson, Viola Ruiten. date."-(Mrs.) S. G. B. Ian Brown. Ayre, Francis Wotten, Harvey Yeî- A White Tent Pitchedb Gas were four colts, two beef caîves, onie Cooke, Margaret Pearce. Dorothy Pie Pumpkins - Andrew Phair. If you are overweight take one It Was Only a Sunny Smile-Mary lowlees. Lake-Isob-el Yellowîees( en ii dairy heifer and one 'market lam Holingsworth. Louise Pearce, Ethel Wilkins, Mar- haîf-teaspoonful of Kruschen Saîts McCulloch. Nelson Cochrane, Aileen Spy Apples - Keith Peters. Lily son, Marie White, Maro Wry on exhibition. The Ieadrng exhibi-- Plate of Plums-Dorothy Gibson. ion Foîey. in a glass of hot waten before break- Bradley. Winnie Brooks. Cowling, Margaret Irwin, Kathleen Pencil Drawing aiTrefoos tors and prise winners oi these were Grace Powell, Jean Hoîmes. Jean Asters-Billie Varcoe, Marion Fol- fast every morning. There wilî be The Land of Nod-Grace Stark, Baker. Wanda Varnum, MargitMain Ross Allin, Stanley Brown, Bernice Robinson. ey, Wesley Sweet, Edward Shemiît. no rapid or alarming loss oi weight, Dora Shantz, Helen Ashton, Ferne Snow Apples - Margaret Irwin, Eva Johns. And.rus. Floyd Powell and Jane Plate of Assorted Fruit - Helen Phlox - Margaret Henry, Billy but just a steady decrease of that Gilroy. Keith Peters, Nina Darch, Kathleen Hush-a-Bye-JeanLaerFln Tkatch. Robinson, Donald Jose, Jean Halm- Henry, John Gravelle. Bob Rundie. flabby fat which is as unheaîthy as The Brook-Eva Yarke, Norman Baker. ence Rundle. DouglasPoarHn Agricultural Representative E. A. es, Lloyd Hancock. Zinnia - Jack Varcoe, Douglas it is unsightîy. Kruschen is a scien- Thompson, BilIy Savage, Myrtle Mclntosh Appes-Kathleen Bak- ry Martyn. summners judged the live stock, Oatmeal Cookies-Jean Robinson, Wight, Mabel Clemence, Peggy Fin- tific bîend of six minerai saîts found Page. er, Keith Peters, Byron Foster, Mar- It Was Only a Sunny ml-d: demonstrated the points of good Jean Hale, Lois Turner. Dolly Purdy. nigan. in the waters of those European Untrodden Ways - Eva Irene garet Foster. White, Alvin Warren, DrtyHl animais and gave the boys and girls Bran Muffins-Evelyn Barrabal. African Marigold-Doreen Phair, spas that have been usecl by gener- Sharpe, John Wesley Oke, Muriel Tomatoes-Wanda Varnum, Mur- well, Robt. Arvay. much practical advice on the hand- Lillian Hale. Wyîma Farrow. Betty Wilnia Scorgie. Jack Craga. Bernice ations of overstout people to reduce Morton. Susie Thompson. ilSih ahwMls oad TeLn fNd 0ig f their exhibits. Stapleton. Gower. weight. Weed Naming Contest - Gladys ieHa ihlthw Mis.Rnld eiL arn , o-DriBree Other judges of the afternoon Apple Pie - Reta Powell, Reita Calendula-Madeline Crago, Ken -_Brdle,_Aice Steensn,_____Pateof_______________, A Hrn were Mr. Donald Gibson o u-Coe Helen Robinson. Lena Kim- neth Powers, Ewart Bragg, Lorraine hmsnMaleO ito.Et W tDre Bsn Kh-Terok dt R hries-Brgsarr Rck d RLegahors; 4 a ysSevngTmaos-oIy Slpgosi-Bty ery ea ENNISKILLEN FAIR Seed Judging Contest - Muriel leen Baker. da Clarke, Margaret Iwn id erie-BaredRocs ad Lghoris 4 aysSeringTGilro-DoI. aPlatesisBo!y Asry orrledlryFruit-Marssrte onuiRichards.hrds col. Lamne McLaughlin, Bowman- Purdy, Patricia Quantnill. Emma Shemilt, Ross Bragg, Sammy Van Tuesdy, SeCeobeus2th S.S. 21;S. S. 18;S5;: .S.1.Edith White.,Lwi rul UtrdenWys- ville-School Parade and Physical Harris, Wylma Farrow. Camp. Te y etme 2h S .;Sc.lChrS. 8;S.S.ingS. S. 15;.wErryi Gady TuhitewisTnl UnBtraden Wy-IoelYll culture Exercises; Mr. T. W. Stan- Pot Hlder-Donothy Scott, Kath- French Marigod-Stewart Jarvie, School Parade-S. S. 17; S. S. 2 1; Oatmeal Cookies-Acy Horn, Eil- Miees B eVnum Voa rncs ley, Port Hope-Singiflg;Mn. Clar- leen Simpson, Alice Palechuk, Rosie, Gordon Allin. Helen Ruiter, Eileen Faîl Wheat, 1 qt. - Laura Philp, S. S. 18; S. S. 16; S. S. 15; S. S. 7. een Wray, Muriel Smith, Ruby Hall. Solitary Reaper-WanaVruu ence Alun, Newcastle-fr'uit. vege- Palechuk.! Pickelî. Edith Cochrane, Roy Trewin, Fred Impromptu Speaking - Myrtle Bran Muffins-Isobel Rogers, Ed- Marguerite Martin. EvaJhs tables and grain. Handkechief-Jane Tkatch. Don- Coreopsis - Sim Peniound, Non- Trewin. Page. Ivy Tabb, Blanche Beech. ith Rackham, Grace Yellawlees, Eul- Weed Naming Contr Ioe The prises for the panade were, othy Gibson. Patricia Quantnili. man Gower, Viola Ruiten. Faîl Wheat. Sheaf-Arthur Thomp- Recitation - Fenne Gilnoy, Alan een Couch. Yellowlees. Velmna lerCJae awarded. lst to Newcastle. 2nd ta iAudrey Jaynes. Cockenel, Banned Plymouth Rock- son. Laura Philp. Susie Thompson, Ferguson. EMainle Ormiston. Hanold Apple Pie - Marie White, Velma Smales. Marguerite Mai. Newtonviile. 3rd ta Port Granby: Spoan Case-Jean Holmes, Dora- Billie Turner. Alex Muir, R. Balsan. Maude Simpson. Avery. Gilbert, Marion Werry, Ama Run- Seed Judging Contes-en il and for the singing. lst ta, Newcas- thy Simpson. !Marie SaIt. 1at,1 qt.-Roy Tnewin, Elaine Mouth Organ-Neil McCulîough. die. . son, James Smales, Ioe elw tle, Miss Hattie Masan, instructor; 3 Buttonholes - Alice Palechuk.' Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock- Orm.itston, May Gibbs, Norman Ivy Tabb. Eileen Cawling. 4 Ways Serving Tamatoes-Marie lees, Freddie Martin. 2nd ta Cawanville. Mns. D. Robb. Jiane Tkatch. Mabel Wallace. Pat- Norman Gower, Marie Salt, Bob Thompson. White, AIma Rundie, Edith Rack- Live Stock Judging CnetVn instructor: 3rd ta Lake Shore. Mns. 1icia Quantrill. : Snawden. Jack Vancoe. Qats, Sheai-Normnan Thompson.i a.atleBkr.n MlsoFdU Campbell. instructor; wth 81. 80 Bunch ai Grapes. Plasticine-Ail- Cockerel. White Leghorn - Fred lBill Giîroy. Raderick Simpsan. 1ham. KaO L AI P t hleenBer. naWrrn. Mi y les. red Marin. onal and 75 points respectiveîy. een Ogden, Frances Hale, Lloyd Bur- Adamns. Frances Reynolds. Jean Jar- Barley. 1 qt. - Keith Ferguson. A PONSH OLF I otHolder-BeDrice W anDon- Ye lîohees sNei eloles Asbeam achip of the second îey. Lois Turner. vie. Lawrence Caurtice. Nelson Cochrane, May Gibbs, Fred othy Hce oweî ooh dmso, Sha hrs ign .S o genenation off the old block, Master Model. Saw Hans-Aîfi*ed Red- IPullet. White Leghorn-Bob Run- Tnewin. HaThurdarheptembr l4t Bernie Moeyl-0S S Nos. 1 - Sr. S a 2 Jimmie Lovekin. assistant and un-i knap. Ted Quantrill. Ronald Mc- 1 die. Lawrence Courtice. Fred Adams.i Potataes. Dooleys - Harold Mc-1 Faîl Wheat, 1 qt.-Murieî Smith. en BerMlrdHIarlGHl- 1S. o.1 lS. .S o.1 denstudy of lis gnandfiather, Jas. IGahey. Leanard Sanders. iFrances Reynolds. [Laughlin. Eunice Knapp. Roy Tre-! WblYlowes ahe ae,' erry, ildrd HiI. Paaraidei-Jr Coulson. Newcastle's fluent oratar,j Naîl Box-George Pethick, Haroldý Cali. Beei-Biîly Henry, Brenton[rwin. Eileen Cowling. Ioe elwes ahenBkr et coîPrd-.S 0 .~ 1 won the highest award ion extem- 1Biirley. Genald Hennings, Philip Rickand. Patatoes, Irish Cabbîers - FredHavy elwes.ponC e-aeWht.Ibl ,S912S..19S..10S..14 1Faîl Wheat. Sheaf-Velma Gilbert, Yellowlees. Venna Milîsan. Grace Impromptu Speakin - Mai pare public speaking. Audrey Jay-1 Sanders. Cal!. Dairy Heifer - Helen Met- Trewin. May Gibbs, Donald Fergu-Ven Misn.EeMisn.D al Yellowlees. White, Isabel YellowleeJckNd nes, Lake Shone. was second. and Madel. Step Ladder - Douglas1 cal!. Robent Snowden. Jean Jarvie. son. Douglas Shackleton. Yellowls. 3 Buttonholes -DVeama Gilbert, dr.Mrurt atn VivanDuk.Necasle tîr. m-Wallace. 'Louise Foley. Ensilage Corn-Roderick Simpson, Qats. 1 qt.-Norma Yellowlees, Bernice Moorey, Marion Wenry. Recitatin-Jean Balo.Gay ma Jean Harris. Newcastle. was Feed Happer-Gardon Barnabaîl. Market Lamb-Robert Siiowden. Mildred Bradley. Kathleen Baker, Isabel YelIowlees, Marguerite Martin. Thompsan, Madîyn Wicx Per awarded finst in the mauth organ Ground Hog Tails-WYlma Fan-iWilma Scorgie. Sweet Carn-Lloyd Slemon. Har-,Maioin Baîson. Bunch ai Grapes, Plasticine - Gilbert. solo cantest; Burley, Newtonville. raw, Ross Allîn, Donald Jase. Best Braken and Exhibited Colt. old Wilson, Jean Davey, Susie' Oas Sheai-Velma Gilbert, Mar- Muriel Smith, Jerry Milîson. Dora- Mouth Organ-Isobe Yeowes second. and Jane Tkatch. Brawnýms. Rabbît in Mass-June Wane, Viol- Cal! or Lamb-Myrtle Scorgie. Wil- Thompson. garet Hepburn. Junior Collacott, Eb- thy Maorey, Hellen Langmaid. Ella Miilsan. JuniorCoactVr third. et Hollingswanth, John Mineely.! ma Scongie, Brentan Rickard. Lou- Mangels - Blanche Beech, Grace er Milîson. Model, Saw Horse-Elgin J. Han- na Millsan. The grain. f lowers. fruit, cooking. Jaînnie Morris. ise Foley. Trewin, Helen Ashton, Ruth McNeil. Barley, 1 qt.-Freddie Payne, A. ris, James MilIs, Teddie Kersey, Neil sewing, farmn and home mechanîcs. Baby Chick with Easten Egg- Spy Apples - Arthur Clemence, Turnips-Ray McLaughlîn. Arthur John Baker. Gladys Thompson. Jen- Johnston. Douglas' Egyptian Linmn ae nature collections. dnawîng and Launna Peance. Marian Bruce. Eric Calvin Crago, Tam Barber, Helen Thampson. Ursul McNeil, Marion ny Millson. Nail Box - Harvey Yellawlees, the finest blister knawn.Ivlal writing exhîbits wene staged in the Burley. Grace Morris. Luxton. Partner. Barley. Sheaf-Venna Milîson. Chanlie Rundle, Junior Collacott. for stock. Leaves thehanrtsi Cammunîty Hall whene thene was Hoe and Rake - Alice Palechuk. Snow Apples-Lawrence Cauntice, Beets - Gordan Slemon. Wiîma Potatoes. Dooleys-Gladys Thomp- Model Step Ladder-Eber Millsan. natural and healthy ample room ta display all classes Rosie Palechuk. Helen Couch. S. Jean Hanna, Douglas Wight. Bren- Wctten. William Savage, Harold -son. Douglas Pailard. Velmna Gilbert. Feed Hopper-Matthew Mills. cames back. No scar rmis without crowding and where the Donald Powell. ton Rickard. Avery. Lewis TruIl. many visitons present cauld view A Twîg oi Maple Leaves-Dorothy Mclntosh Apples-Helen Luxtan. Carrots-Aileen Brad.ley. Gardon Potataes, Irish Cobbers-jamies ________________________________ everything in comfant and at leisure. Hallingswarth. Jane Tkatch, Mabel Jean Hanna. Douglas Wight, Denek Brunt, Douglas Shackleton, Bruce MilIs. Margaret Irwin, Ruth Colwill, regardiess ai the weather. The dis- Wallace, Patricia Quantnill. Barnett. Garnard. Ronald Hall. play ai apples was exceedingly fine, A White Tent Pitched by a Glassy Tamatoes-Marion Foley, Brenton Onions-Billie Savage. May Gibbs. Ensilage Corn-Harvey Yellowlees, indicating that the cnop in this sec- Lake - Dorothy Ogden, Danathy Rickard, Madeline Metcali, Jean Jean Smith. Fred Trewin.FrdePanNiJhstn A- Plate o Punis-Eddie qaRîtett, Jeanar, , Feeye , Cm-et h Arou, Ro- Jl t ~r ~e tin s i penidquliyths ea.Simpson. Shirley stninger, Alden J e Pie Pumpkins-Ross Page. Harold bert Martyn. fruit dlean. large and hîghly colar-i Pollard. Jatve.o lm-dieRvtJa McLaughlîn, Roy Prescott, Roy Tre-- s trrg ed.Th ehiitsinth cokig nd Pnci DawngaI hne oas-Hanna. Bob Rundle, Dentsel Ander- wîn. bent Anvay, Jean Johns, Junior Col- sewing classes and farm and home Gladys Ogden. Viola Hollingsworth.~ son. Asters-Roy Trewin. May Trewin.latt mencehacthafodedandanrs ft ev- IHush-a-Bye-Brtice Denault. Via- Plate ai Assarted Fruit - Velma Yvonîne Byam. Pearl Smith. Mangels - Mathew Milîs, Marie ALBERTA COAL, Stove and Furnace sz dene hatth bys ndgils i a-let Hollingsworth. Johnnie Morris, Pearce. Jean Hanna. Brenton Rick- Phlox-Douglas Shackeltan. Laura White. Jack Cawling, Thelma Rob- day were qualifyîng themseîves ta Jean Brown. ard. Dentzel Anderson. Philp. Winnifred Tnewin. James bi ns -ey hmsnDn ste be the hausewîves aîîd handy men It Was Only a Sunny Smile-Ruby Oatineal Caakies-Margaret. Han- Graham. TurisBnlTop ,Dn classified under goVernment classfcto ai tomanrow and as sudh would take Gibson. Jean Robinson, Dolly Pur-. ris. Madelîne Crago. Audrey Gneeî- Znnia-Wilma Wotten, Hawardlald Yellow-lees. Elgin Cowling, A. no second place to any genenation Idv. Olive Brown. ham. Jean an.BdlySuiThms.Goo;Jhn akr ai their ancestors. 1'The Land ai Nad-Alice Palechuk. BranM Hafins-aryWikiBM rdleyio. iseTaîpa.Gro Jh No. 1 Coal. The litt'e red sclool house. DorotIy Cotte, Helen Caucli. Ma,- lel Fouiid. Violet Craga. Helen Lux- Afnicaiî M.îigld-Roy Graham. Blsn. Haald epbutrn. NelA Browr.'s S. S. No. 5. which lad only gaiet Nesbtt. ton. Lamna Rahîîî. Elaine Ormistaxi. mu six pupils taking part. though the Thle Brook - Patricia Qîîaitnill. Apple Pie - Hazel Trull. Louise Bruce Ganrard. ! Cannts-Elgin Harris, Velma Gil..D .&W m rc' ihGaeA trct r ~ he ~,~catc~ade.Bety Sapltaî. AîîieEthl Wlte. ICalii.îa-Forece a sm-es bert. Albert Francis, Margaret Hep- Chestnut and Range size Coke stoad fifth in inarching and iourthi Untrodden Ways-Maunice Powell. zel Anderson,. Velma Pearce. Hazel Partiier. Oin ae iî,Gnl in sirgiîug witl 75 mark.ý. The Jean Hal mes. Douglas Wallace. Lena Tul uilFud apgassFe nwn oadBak ry on.AneLsn NOW IS THE TIME TO FILL YOURBI prîzes in exhibits was aiso very Ktnîball. Pot Hlder-Thelma Gostixi. Es-Mauntjoy. Doirtii Byam. Arthurî Pie Pumnpkins-Marguerite Martin creditable. Weed Narning contest-Jean Hal- tlier Barnett. Joyce SaIt, Madeline Thampson. Shirley Martin. Elgin Harnis, Edîth The Pnize Winners mes. Audrey Jaynes, Anînie Tkatclî, Craga. French Marigold - Jean Knapp. Wý%hite. FalWet t-rne ae Lillian Hale. Handkerchiei - Mary Wilkins. Harvey Partner. James McLaughlin, Asters-Velma Gilbert. Eber Mill- HOW ABOUT A HARDWOOD FL(O Faî What.i Q.-Fancs Hle. Seed Judgîng Contest-Jeaî: Hol- Pearl Shemilt. Violet Craga, Bernice Donald Ferguson. son, Jean Cowling. Velma Balson. o'Inyrgtahrw o ora ha Evelyn Brown, Wylma Farrow. Aud- ýmes. Audrey Jaynles, Jane Tkatch. Gawer. Caneopsis - Bill Gilroy, Eileen I Phlox - Marie White, Camneron o'1nvrgtah dw dflo sc ney Jaynes. Patnîciîa Quantrîll. SonCs-ae rl.Mna Cowlîng. Gladys Bradley. Helen Sano. Rse ad. Mne Fal heaf, Sheaf--Jean Hale. po ae-ae rl.MionSitn Rse Hdy Oats. 1 qt.-Wylma Farrow, John i Schoal Chorus Sînging-s. S. 3: Crago. Lyra Freeman. Ashton. Langmaid. a o a o . StnFns ad Thampson. Lillian Hale. Ada 'Hol iS. S. 16: S. S. 2: S. S. 5: S. S. 7;; 3 Buttonholes-Hasel Trull. Mary Cockerel. Barred Plymouth Rock-, Zinnia-Isobel Yellowlees, Wandaasyucn o. Sti Fnsh Hrw d lingswarth. -I S. S. 4. Wilkins. Ethel Wilkins, Ethel WVal- 'Howard Ornîîstoîî. Elaine Ormiston. Varnum. Teddie Kersey. Pearl Gîl- Flooring is the better kind. The namnede Oas.ShaiJenHae.Jon l School Parade-S. S. 3: S. S. 4: ter. Bruce Gannard. Launa Philp. bert. lin. 1: S. S. 5..2: S . 5:5 S. S. 16. Bunch ai Grapes, Plasticine-Dan- Pullet. Barred Plymouth Rock - Ainican Marigold-Edith White. srbstegae Barley 1 qt.Jean HlLnesDoro- mprompu Lave-nga-d Metcali, Jack Pearceck . EddieEddieRiv-'- oaHdward stOrmîston.OrmElaineNeNeil llYellowl eanes.eiJe îî sLrieseehegrady Baly. 1 qt Jean Hle. sDoa-km. Audrey Jaynes. Vîvian Duck. ett. Annie Kicîko. Laura Phîlp. Bruce Garrard. : Horn. Barley. Sheai-Frances Hale. Palricia Quantnîll. Model. Saw Hase-Donald Jack- Cocker-el. White Leghan-Harold Calendula - James MîllîsDonald Ptte.DoesBtySa Recitation - Katîleexi Simpson. son. Bîlly Polley. Jamies Snuddi&n. Ashton. Edna Bradley. Roy Graham, Yellowlees. Jerry MillaJî.Fs We stock those good Combination Doo. Poaee oîesBît tae wîaFarrow,. Velîna Cawan. Merle Nail Box-John Riznek. Douglas Fred Trewîn. ter. Isl' 0 tan. Jean Holmes. Edîlli Henclry. Henry. Bnack, Dentzel Andersonî. Marshall' Pullet. White Leghorn-Ray Gra- SapgassEle Wa.Vm: C afl(ndsec thcrn. Florence Burley.Mouth 0:rcaîî Emnu Harris.; Syd- Vetzal. hanm. Jiînmie Grahanm. Edna Brad- Milîson. Marion Werny, Norma Yel--________________ Pottats. Irt'sh Cobblers-Dorothy :ne%- Burley. Jar.e Tkatch. Ada Hol- Mdl tpLde-erePd e.Fe rwn ole.I Rob:ingso. LoireyTJrne. JaE'ný oel.Steninr. Shae id-Ie. r.e ley il Go ilI. weso.GreYlole.BtyRe f HobinsoAurtey L-.Tne. îd~.vct.(uck. John Walter, Henry henîit. Colt. Draft - Roy Tnewin. Imene French Mrgl Dr yAdam- S Ernsce Corale. d HTpperc- Brer.taîîRickand. Calf. Beeç! Har-old Ashton., Fred Dora Cowling.*Ii f SweCn-eý, Coe.N MAPLE GROVE FAIR Dent,-I'eî Anderson. Ross Cobbledick. Trewîni. Ait:'e Thompson. Coepi'Foec -.iiici«e. UIII Swee8t Corne o VezRtbi-Ra Caof DaryHeier-Alice 'ee- Crep.Fae nco RaîndîMil .Bt.ila Fppr d i LuniDer Peance. Wyllna Farro-x. Heýciî.Coud iiesso!\ee:be Rlh Cal, Da- ae r,v'n.Na ew îs. Man.gelw-Ross Alin. Leî:a Far- Friday. Septenîben lSth Found. soni, Gardon Hîlîs. Wesley HiIls. Varnum. [i'ie cw. Wn.Chris. LchrFi:l Wl.ea, t qt-Bob Rund*lt. DerrzeI Andersat..Marke! Lanmb -Lloyd Sîemon. osCyir.îî eî: Ilo-ti iFE A i) i[tILdI~SPLE Turn-zoipglen :ail li. C. n e.ç k. aod Rbi ih. Hwr Baly Exhibited Colt. James Harri, Ronald Hall. Poe1 Bara~l ad-.Wh:tw J;~k F,11'. he~-a:hFounc.. Cal! or Lama---Roy Trewvin. GardonR iilSil.BttBo m n ll arr' -VoetHlîn .orh .v. e e.:Mt: k:Bb CîkwihErtrEg akHills. Irene Sharp. Harvey PartUr.l aRber' Arvav. ______________________________________________ JohnAlln A:ee Ocen cht Fo.n a cA'\ Ralpil! ob Rutîd e d eivRett, Anniek:chko. pyAppl& ýRoz.s Ashton. Doreen ________ Beii Acla. ai OgdEn, J; Wikhr, Foî, H.;cori T:1-G iiota1 Ndiiailhmpoii -Cokerl.BamePlyno.ha' Scot. t',Yte. By.;m. Ray Gr.îhanî. Bruce Garrard On:.ons-Adat HoIlincs-vorzh.O.Pa-Andrson Hoe and Rake -S:eve Kîchko. Snow Applez-Ross Ashton. Bruce E;u;ia PGo a' Ee'. R.e;:Elfarci Louise Pe.îrce. Peter Kîdliko. Estiier Garrard. Doreen Bvam. Bîllie Sav- Tkatch. Ted Quattr. Raniclc.Hoc'- .' 'n é .; , 1~,rJ 1. .v Y Sekn Ft ~U . km anca unrli ' ~~~ Rsth M r.Sî' Ata M- N c isHorse-Jim Sm:-h dy Ted rcýaQuatil.PraQua nt--11'.. h .Y'd,~ :~i.t R S ', ACo: Elanr IL,:n wî:m Saae No- C s o ee Pule: W it LghrnD~.2 Pr- .~i ... ..e.j.t t ~ ,, .,~ : Ha' ITrill. NatýI Boix - Bîll:e Brooks. Haroldi Col:. d urai oa l lm Brme U'.S lt a.&Iv DOt Mo h Ora. nohane A- oîlroy. Susie Tmeon, ie NCow- ill. Hanod Hocin. st.riUeas.yand k asitto Hlj Phone 110 ' 'C u t o erC .. B OW M ANVIL Andress. Stanley Brown. Fod i ~pn1~ber, Bo:h-e&A .Dorns Wade, Fred , hng. Harold Ashton. OMNIL Powell. Adams. Ground Ho, Tails-Flred Gniffin. lm PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIA.NL STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1933

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